Day with the King, A

The Ten Commandments

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret


Series Code: DWK

Program Code: DWK000019A

00:01 Hello there, Happy Sabbath.
00:03 Come on, we're about to meet with the King
00:05 ¤ ¤
00:51 Hello, I'm Auntie Cecily and it's so good that you could join
00:55 us to meet with the King. We're
00:57 about to open the Sabbath. Come
01:00 and join our worship time together. Hello Auntie Nat. It's
01:03 always good to see you here with us.
01:05 Thanks Auntie Cecily.
01:07 And hello boys and girls. We're glad that you're able to help
01:10 us as we meet with the King as well. And hello Teddy. You look
01:14 nice and all brushed up and ready for the Sabbath too.
01:19 Auntie Nat, could you please say a prayer for us to just ask
01:22 God to be with us.
01:25 Sure. Dearest heavenly Father, we thank you for the amazing
01:29 week You've given us this week. We ask that You be with the
01:33 children. Bless them Lord. Fill their hearts with your love
01:37 and we ask this in Jesus' name Amen.
01:40 Amen. Do you know it's a great time to reflect on our week and
01:46 just count the blessings that God has sent us. Dean
01:49 something happened during the week that you'd like to share
01:52 with us.
01:54 Um, I had a trampoline accident and my tooth got pushed up into
02:03 my gums, so I had to go to the specialist to see. And he said
02:07 that he would just wait six months for it to see if it will
02:11 come down by itself. And then we went back six months later
02:13 and then it had come down. And then I just want to thank God
02:15 for that.
02:17 Mmm. Oh that's good. I'm sure that you're happy that that's
02:20 happening too. That's good. Thank you for sharing that
02:23 with us.
02:24 Auntie Cecily you have a blessing to share with us too
02:27 about our wonderful God.
02:29 Yes. Remember how I've spoken about God's character over the
02:33 last several Sabbaths. We've discovered that God is our
02:37 deliverer, God is holy and He is the I Am. God is compassionate
02:42 and our provider. Today I want to share with you that God is
02:48 also love. Later on we'll be studying about the 10
02:52 commandments. We've studied before that the government of
02:57 God is based on love and the 10 commandments teach us how to
03:01 love. The first four commandments teach
03:04 us to love and respect God and the last six commandments teach
03:09 us to love and respect others. John 14 tells that if we love
03:14 God we'll keep his commandments. God wants us to be safe and
03:20 happy. God promises us in Proverbs 29 that we will be
03:25 happy if we keep God's law. John 3:16 is a powerful
03:30 testament to how much God loves us. God gave us his only Son as
03:36 a gift so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven.
03:41 Our heavenly Father wants his sons and daughters, you and me,
03:46 back home with Him so he can pour his love out on us. So you
03:51 remember that God is love.
03:53 Thank you Auntie Cecily for sharing that with us. Our God is
03:58 an awesome God. Yes. Do you know another way we can welcome the
04:03 Sabbath in and praise God is to sing and sing our praises to the
04:07 Lord and we have Pastor Rick here with us. Thanks Pastor Rick
04:12 Thanks Auntie Nat. Welcome
04:14 children. I'm wondering if we
04:16 could sing a song about the 10 commandments. There's a song
04:20 called The 10 Commandments Song. Let's try it.
05:19 Pastor Rick can we please sing Remember the Sabbath?
05:24 I think we can and I think it's such a good song we should
05:27 sing it through twice.
06:12 Let's sing it again.
06:55 Pastor Rick, can we please sing Whisper a Prayer?
06:59 We certainly can, what a great choice.
07:51 Thanks Pastor Rick. It's wonderful to praise God
07:55 in song. We've discovered another blessing this week
07:58 with Dr. John. Will we go and show the children what that's
08:02 all about? Yes.
08:04 Hello boys and girls. My name is Dr. John Hammond and welcome
08:10 to Sunnyside, the Australian home of Mrs. Ellen G. White.
08:16 I have some interesting stories for you. Just come inside with
08:22 me. You're going to like this. Boys and girls, welcome back to
08:27 story time. I'm going to share a secret with you. It's called
08:32 secret writing. If I open my knife and get a lemon and
08:37 carefully cut it in half. It's a nice drippy lemon that's just
08:44 what we want. And I squeeze the lemon juice into this. I have
08:52 secret ink. In fact, if I take a pen and I dip it in and I'm
09:00 going to do something and put it away. Now I'm going to try and
09:07 show you how the ink will suddenly appear. Can you read
09:14 that? No. But watch what happens when I get a hot iron and I put
09:26 it on. And the name is appearing Look what I have done. Who wrote
09:38 their secret name there when I wasn't watching. Elijah.
09:43 Wouldn't it be nice to have a Bible in secret ink. No because
09:49 God doesn't deal in secrets. He's not a secret God and Ellen
09:53 White when she was in a boat coming right across the ocean
09:58 she had a dream about a man called Mr. Forkhead who joined
10:02 the church but he belonged to a secret society and God gave her
10:08 a vision. She dreamed about this man and she wrote 50 pages.
10:13 You know when she got to Australia, Mr. Forkhead was
10:18 waiting and after a long time she had a meeting with him and
10:22 he belonged to a secret society. It was so secret nobody knew
10:27 anything about it. And one man said to Mr. Forkhead your secret
10:31 society's going to get you into trouble. Mrs. White wants to
10:35 talk to you. Ah-hah, Mrs. White will have to have a very good
10:40 thing to stop me talking about my secret society. And when she met
10:44 Mr. Forkhead she held out her hand and she shook his hand.
10:49 He jumped back like that. He said, you have a secret sign.
10:53 How did you know the secret handshake. I don't know she
10:58 said. An angel just asked me to shake your hand. And she said
11:04 I'll shake your hand again. And he jumped. He had the secret
11:10 handshake. And she said, I know a few things about you. I even
11:15 know that they call you worshipful master and nobody
11:20 should be worshipped except God. Oh, he was really shaking. He
11:26 was really shaking. And she said I know what happens when you go
11:31 to church. When you go to church I know that you have two
11:36 offering bags and in one offering bag when you're in
11:43 church you pull out the money and there's a handful of silver
11:49 coins. Well God can use your money but it's not worth very
11:54 much. But I know that when you go to your secret society you've
11:59 got another offering bag and when you have the offering time
12:04 there what sort of coins... Which do you think is worth the
12:10 most. You know he got such a fright he said I will never go
12:15 again and she said that's good and she moved her hand in a way
12:20 that was a secret sign and he said only six people in the
12:25 whole world know that sign. How did you know that? She said, I
12:30 don't know what you're talking about. An angel showed me and
12:34 you know what? He gave it all up and years later when Mrs.
12:39 White left, he wrote in her autograph book and I've got her
12:43 autograph book here. It was filled with wonderful pictures
12:48 and paintings and designs of all sorts of people who loved her
12:53 and I had a look and there was not only Mr. Forkhead's
13:00 autograph but all of his family had signed a little letter and
13:05 I will read it to you. Dear Sister White. May our dear God
13:09 bless and keep you as you journey across the Pacific Ocean
13:13 and if we do not meet again here on earth, we hope to greet you
13:19 when the Lord comes. Your friend in the blessed hope. And there
13:24 is Mr. Forkhead's beautiful signature. He never went back
13:29 to the secret meeting because God is not a secret God. He
13:33 wants us to be open and that's why our Bibles are written in
13:37 ink, not a secret ink that nobody can read. Thank you
13:41 boys and girls.
13:43 Hi boys and girls. Happy Sabbath Welcome to our Bible study.
13:46 If you haven't got your Bibles ready yet go get them so you can
13:48 follow along with us. Elijah, you're going to say prayer for
13:51 us today. Can you do that for us please.
13:54 Yes. Dear Father, thank you for our Bibles. Help us to learn
13:58 from them how much you love us. Please be with the children and
14:02 help them to understand what they are reading today.
14:04 In Jesus' name Amen.
14:06 Amen. Now Elijah can you remember what we studied about
14:09 last Sabbath?
14:11 We studied about how God can provide for us like He provided
14:15 for the children of Israel when they were in the desert.
14:19 And He provided water didn't he. And He made the bitter water
14:23 sweet and what else, what was the bread from heaven called?
14:27 It was called mana. Yeah.
14:28 So God did provide for them even though they winged and
14:31 complained a bit. But you know what, God still loved them and
14:35 He still provided for them. We just serve an amazing God. Now
14:38 Anna, you're going to start our reading off. Can you please read
14:41 for us Exodus 19:1 and 3-5.
14:45 In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out
14:50 of the land of Egypt, on the same day they came to the
14:55 wilderness of Sinai and Moses went up to God and the Lord
14:59 called to him from the mountain saying, Thus you shall say to
15:03 the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel, You have
15:08 seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore
15:11 you on eagles wings and brought you to Myself. Now, therefore,
15:16 if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, then you
15:22 will be a special treasure to me above all people for all the
15:27 earth is Mine.
15:29 Mmm. So three months after they left Egypt they arrived at Mount
15:33 Sinai and camped on the plain before the mountain. Moses went
15:37 up to the mountain to talk to God and God wanted Moses to tell
15:41 the children of Israel that if the people obeyed Him they would
15:45 be a special people, a treasure to God. So Moses went back down
15:49 to speak to the people. So the people agreed that they would
15:54 obey God. So Moses goes back up the mountain and tells him what
15:58 His people said. God then tells Moses that he is going to come
16:02 children of Israel and they have to prepare their hearts and
16:08 their minds and wash their clothes. In verse nine, the
16:12 Bible tells us that God wants to honour Moses by allowing the
16:15 children of Israel to hear God speaking to Moses so they will
16:19 be confident in Moses' leadership. Now Elijah, can you
16:22 please read for us Exodus 19:16-19.
16:26 And then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that
16:30 there were thunderings and lightening's and a thick cloud on
16:33 the mountain. And the sound of the trumpet was very loud so
16:37 that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses
16:41 brought the people out of the camp to meet with God and they
16:44 stood at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was
16:48 completely in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire.
16:52 It's smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole
16:56 mountain quaked greatly. And when the blast of the trumpet
16:59 sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke and God
17:03 answered him by voice.
17:06 Wow! It must have been a bit scary with all that noise and
17:09 lightening and smoke. I wonder what that was all about? Kate
17:12 can you please read our Torch Light and let's see what she
17:16 shines on those verses that we just read.
17:19 God purposed to make the
17:22 occasion of speaking His law a scene of awful grandeur in
17:27 keeping with its exalted character. The people were to be
17:32 impressed that everything connected with the service of
17:36 God that must be regarded with the greatest reverence.
17:41 Wow! So God wanted to impress on them that what He was going
17:45 to say was very important. He didn't want them to forget it.
17:48 And we just read about that last Sabbath haven't we about the
17:52 importance of the manna and how important the Sabbath was. So
17:55 God works in very practical ways to impress on them and impress
17:59 on their minds what he wants them to do. Okay, Ben, can you
18:02 please read Exodus 20:1-3.
18:05 And God spoke all these words saying, And I Am the Lord your
18:09 God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house
18:12 of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.
18:15 So God is reminding them he brought them out of slavery from
18:18 Egypt and there should be no other gods other than Himself.
18:22 Aunt Cecily, thank you very much for placing that first
18:25 commandment on there for us. And remember that the children of
18:29 Israel had come out of Egypt where there were so many idols
18:34 and gods. Sarah, you've got our next reading please.
18:37 Exodus 20:4-6.
18:39 Ye shall not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of
18:44 anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath
18:49 or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow
18:52 down to them nor serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous
18:56 God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the
19:01 third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing
19:05 mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments
19:10 Mmm. So Aunt Cecily has just placed our second commandment
19:12 up onto the tables of stone. God is saying that we are to make no
19:16 idols or images of our so-called gods and bow down to them. We
19:20 are also not to make an idol and pretend it's the true and living
19:24 God we are worshipping. In other words, we are not to make
19:27 something to represent God and worship it. Anna, you've got our
19:31 next reading please: Exodus 20:7
19:36 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for
19:39 the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name
19:43 in vain.
19:44 Mmm. So Aunt Cecily's got our third commandment there that
19:47 she's going to put up on our board. So God is saying that
19:50 we are not to take God's name or Jesus' name in vain, meaning not
19:54 to use their names in conversation when we're
19:57 angry, frustrated or in a careless way. Their names are
20:01 holy. This commandment even means God does not want us to
20:04 swear or curse. Okay, Dean, you've got our next reading:
20:08 Exodus 20:8-11. We've studied about this before but we're just
20:13 going to be reminded about it again. Thanks Dean.
20:16 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall
20:20 labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath
20:25 of the Lord your God. In it, you shall do no work, you, nor your
20:28 son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female
20:33 servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your
20:36 gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
20:40 the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day.
20:44 Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
20:49 Mmm. So this is telling us that we need to remember the Sabbath
20:53 day. Isn't it interesting that God starts it off with remember
20:57 because He knows that we can forget. So we are to work for
21:01 six days and keep the seventh day, a day of rest, which is the
21:04 Sabbath. Does it say a Sabbath day or the Sabbath day.
21:10 The Sabbath day.
21:11 The Sabbath day. So it means it's a particular day. And what
21:14 day is that? Saturday. Saturday. And we have studied before that
21:17 the Sabbath was given at creation. God is speaking it
21:20 audibly now because of their years of bondage in Egypt. God
21:25 wants to put the Sabbath law back into their hearts. Okay,
21:29 Elijah, you're going to read Exodus 20:12 please.
21:33 Honour your father and your mother that your days may be
21:37 long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
21:41 Mmm. Thanks Auntie Cecily. So we have the fifth commandment
21:45 up there now. So we are to love and respect and be obedient
21:49 to our parents. Okay, Kate, you've got the next one for us
21:52 in Exodus 20:13.
21:56 You shall not murder.
21:59 That's pretty self-explanatory isn't it. Yeah. Thanks Auntie
22:02 Cecily. She's just putting up the next, sixth, commandment
22:07 up there for us. Okay, Ben Exodus 20:14 please. Can you
22:12 read that?
22:14 You shall not commit adultery.
22:15 Mmm. Thanks, Auntie Cecily. That's the seventh commandment.
22:19 So this is for the adults that they remain faithful in their
22:22 marriage. Okay, Sarah, you've got our next reading:
22:27 Exodus 20:15.
22:29 You shall not steal.
22:32 Mmm. Thanks Auntie Cecily. So that's the eighth commandment.
22:34 This is something that we see an awful lot today in our
22:37 society. It's everywhere. We need to be honest and we need
22:41 not to take advantage of people. And above all we are not to
22:45 physically steal from others. We need to do this both at home
22:51 and at school and at work and play. Okay, Anna, Exodus 20:16.
22:57 Ye shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
23:01 Mmm. Thanks Auntie Cecily. So we've got there commandment
23:04 number nine. So bearing false witness also means lying. We are
23:10 not to lie. We have studied in past studies what a mess a lie
23:13 can do, didn't we. We studied about that. It also means that
23:17 we should not tell tales or gossip about people. And Dean,
23:20 you've got our next reading: Exodus 20:17.
23:24 You shall not covet your neighbor's house, you shall
23:29 not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his
23:34 female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey. Nor anything that
23:38 is your neighbor's.
23:40 Thanks Auntie Cecily. So she's just popped up the tenth
23:42 commandment. So we are not to want what other people have. God
23:46 does not want us to waste our time dreaming or coveting about
23:50 owning this or that that we see on TV or in a magazine or at
23:55 someone else's place. God wants us to be content with what we
23:59 have because we've just discovered that God does
24:01 cater for our needs doesn't He? Yeah. Do you know, the ten
24:06 commandments were not just for the children of Israel. God
24:09 honored them by making them guardians and the keepers of the
24:13 law. But they were for the whole world, for you and for me. If we
24:18 were to continue reading the Bible it tells us that God asked
24:22 Moses to build an altar and offer oxen on it to commemorate
24:27 this special promise or covenant that the children of Israel made
24:30 with God that they will keep the ten commandments. Let's read our
24:33 memory verse together and that is found in John 14:15. And
24:39 children at home, John is in the New Testament. Okay, so let's
24:45 read that together.
24:47 If you love me, keep my commandments.
24:51 Wow. So when we keep the ten commandments we are letting God
24:56 know how much we love him. Thank you boys and girls for reading
25:00 along with us. Remember that God loves you very much. God gives
25:04 us laws to follow and protect us and make us happy. Ask God today
25:08 to help you keep his commandments.
25:09 We have a seven day devotional available that goes into more
25:13 detail on what we studied today. Here's how you can get that.
25:17 Hey boys and girls, like Auntie Nat said, you can go onto our
25:21 website to access our daily devotionals at
25:24 and while you're there you can
25:28 also check out Teddy's blog. He's posted some really cool
25:32 photos of us making the show. He also talks about it as well.
25:36 He even posted about his visit to the vet. So hop on line today
25:40 When we keep the Sabbath we get to know God better and realize
25:45 how much he wants to build a relationship with us. One way to
25:49 strengthen our walk with the Lord is to read and study our
25:53 Bibles. We want to encourage you to read your Bibles, not only on
25:58 the Sabbath day but on every day. Auntie Nat, can you tell
26:02 us what we're going to study about next week.
26:06 Sure. Next Sabbath is going to be a very special Sabbath
26:09 because we are going to learn about some very special plans
26:12 that God gave to Moses. You must join us next week because we
26:16 have some amazing things to show you. Auntie Cecily could we go
26:19 we go over our memory verse that we learnt to day in our study.
26:23 Yes. Children are you ready to have a look at this?
26:28 John 14:15- If you love me keep my commandments.
26:33 Children are you going to sing with us our farewell song to the
26:37 children at home. Okay, let's turn around and sing our
26:40 blessing song.
26:42 ¤May God bless you and keep you and fill your heart with love¤
26:57 ¤May God guide and protect you and watch you from above¤
27:09 ¤As Sabbath after Sabbath we greet the day of rest¤
27:19 ¤The day the King of glory has sanctified and blessed¤
27:29 Good bye my friend till we meet again¤
27:34 ¤for another day with the King¤
27:38 Bye bye. See you next Sabbath.
27:43 ¤ ¤


Revised 2019-05-13