Day with the King, A

Freed at Last

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DWK

Program Code: DWK000063A

00:02 Hello there, happy Sabbath.
00:03 Come on in.
00:05 We're about to meet with the King.
00:39 Hello, I'm Uncle Daniel,
00:40 and we're so happy to have you join us
00:42 as we welcome the arrival of the Sabbath day.
00:45 Hello, Aunty Leah, and hello, boys and girls,
00:49 I know you'll enjoy their worship time today.
00:52 Hello, Uncle Daniel, it's so good to be able to stop
00:55 and spend time with Jesus as we do here.
00:58 I think Caleb has someone he wants to say hello too.
01:00 I like to say hello to Joshua and Julia
01:03 who live in Alberta, Canada.
01:06 Hello. Hello!
01:08 We'd love to hear from you.
01:10 Drop us a line and include a photo if you like.
01:13 Here's our email address on your screen.
01:16 Before we commence, Bethany,
01:18 would you please say a prayer for us?
01:22 Dear, Lord, please help us
01:24 to learn more about you this Sabbath.
01:26 Be with us as we worship you.
01:28 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:30 Amen. Thank you, Bethany.
01:32 Aunty, Leah, what's next in our prophecy treasure hunt?
01:35 Well, I have another Bible gem for us today.
01:37 But first,
01:39 do you remember the Bible prophecy
01:40 we studied last week,
01:42 who was that about?
01:43 Jesus. Jesus.
01:44 Fulfilled prophecy like that
01:46 gives us so much hope and trust
01:48 that Jesus is who the Bible says He is.
01:52 Bible prophecy has never been shown to be wrong.
01:55 Sometimes false prophets and false teachers twist
01:59 what the Bible says.
02:00 False teachers say the commandments of God
02:03 don't matter anymore.
02:04 Some say the seventh day is no longer the Sabbath,
02:07 and that Sunday is the new Sabbath.
02:10 But let's see what the Bible says about such people.
02:13 Tamia, would you like to get our gemstone
02:15 from the jewel box?
02:20 Wow, look at that one.
02:22 What is the Bible reference?
02:24 Isaiah 8:20.
02:25 Thank you.
02:27 Amber, could you read that?
02:28 Sure.
02:30 "To the law and to the testimony,
02:32 if they do not speak according to this word,
02:34 it is because there is no light in them."
02:37 Thanks, Amber.
02:38 This Bible gem tells us
02:40 that if anyone claims to speak for God
02:42 and says anything different from what the Bible says,
02:45 you know that they're not telling the truth.
02:48 Some people say the Bible can't be understood.
02:51 They say that Bible prophecy can mean many different things,
02:54 but we've been learning that true meaning
02:56 of some very important prophecies
02:58 that affect our lives.
03:00 Prophecy can be understood by anyone
03:03 who carefully and prayerfully studies the scriptures.
03:06 Isaiah 28:10 promises
03:09 we will understand the Bible including Bible prophecy
03:12 if we can pair one passage of scripture with another.
03:16 Here a little, there a little.
03:18 Messages through God's prophets are given to encourage us.
03:22 Later in our Bible study,
03:23 we'll learn about two prophets Haggai and Zachariah,
03:27 who were sent by God to the Jews
03:29 who returned to build Jerusalem and its temple.
03:33 Their prophecies encourage the people
03:35 and help them get on the job of rebuilding.
03:38 Let's see what the clue is
03:40 in our jewel box for the prophecy.
03:42 Tamia, can you have a look?
03:45 The true prophets always agree with the Bible.
03:48 Thanks, Tamia.
03:50 So remember, that's one very important way
03:53 you can tell the difference between true and false prophets
03:56 and false teachers.
03:57 In addition, fulfilled prophecy proves
04:00 that God's word is always true.
04:02 That means we can be certain about the prophecies
04:05 that tell us that Jesus is coming back soon
04:08 and that sin and sadness will be taken away forever.
04:11 Thanks, Aunty Leah,
04:13 I hope that I never get deceived.
04:15 Jesus promises us that we can know the truth,
04:18 He'll protect us from ever being deceived.
04:20 Uncle Daniel,
04:22 Braedan is here to sing with us.
04:24 That's great.
04:26 Welcome back, Braedan,
04:27 we appreciate you
04:29 sharing your musical talents with us.
04:31 Hello everyone.
04:32 Let's start our singing today with a scripture song
04:35 "By My Spirit."
04:41 Not by might, no, not by power
04:45 But by my spirit says the Lord to me
04:49 Not by might, no, not by power
04:53 But by my spirit you'll have victory
04:59 Not by might, no, not by power
05:03 But by my spirit says the Lord to me
05:08 Not by might, no, not by power
05:12 But by my spirit you'll have victory
05:18 Braedan,
05:19 can we sing the "Seventh day is Sabbath of the Lord?"
05:21 That's a great choice.
05:23 I really, really enjoy the Sabbath.
05:25 It's a time that we can remember
05:26 what Jesus has done for us.
05:28 Let's sing it together.
05:34 One, two, three, four, five, six days a week
05:39 God gave to us for work and play
05:43 One, two, three, four, five, six days He made
05:47 Then rested on the seventh day
05:51 God invites us all to join Him On the seventh day of rest
05:55 For he called that day the Sabbath
05:57 And He promised we'd be blessed
06:00 One, two, three, four, five, six days for us
06:04 The seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord.
06:06 Amen!
06:09 Braedan, can we sing "I am so happy?"
06:12 That is a fantastic song.
06:13 Let's sing it together.
06:22 I'm so happy and here's the reason why
06:26 Jesus took my burden away
06:30 Now I'm singing as the days go by
06:34 Jesus took my burden all away
06:39 Once my heart was heavy with a load of sin
06:43 Jesus took the load and gave me peace within
06:47 Now I'm singing as the days go by
06:51 Jesus took my burden all away
06:56 Thanks, Braedan.
06:57 I enjoy learning Bible verses and songs.
07:00 It's time for us to listen to another exciting story
07:03 of Dr. John.
07:05 Hello, boys and girls,
07:06 I'm so glad to be here with you again.
07:08 I'm Dr. John and hello to all the boys and girls
07:11 right around the world.
07:13 You know, I heard the story last Sabbath,
07:15 it was told by Pastor Dwight Nelson
07:18 and I was fascinated.
07:21 He told a story of a man
07:22 who didn't have very much money,
07:25 he didn't have a watch, and he went into a junk shop
07:29 and there was a box full of old watches dirty.
07:35 He finally saw one that didn't even have a watch band.
07:39 Picked it up and he looked at it and said,
07:41 how much?
07:43 599.
07:46 Okay, does it work?
07:48 Yeah.
07:50 He had to buy a watch band,
07:52 and he bought it and he walked out
07:53 and he looked at it and he said,
07:55 I've never seen that brand before.
07:58 It's called Jaeger-LeCoultre.
08:01 So he took it to a jeweler and he said,
08:05 can you tell me is this watch worth anything?
08:11 Jaeger-LeCoultre,
08:13 I'll buy from him.
08:15 How much?
08:17 He thought maybe $10 maybe 20, maybe $100.
08:21 He nearly fell over when the jeweler said
08:24 I will give you
08:25 $35,000 for your watch.
08:32 He went in a poor man and he came out a rich man
08:35 and when I heard that story, I thought I've got a box
08:40 and the top of my covered
08:42 and it's got a pile of old watches in it.
08:45 And I brought the box along.
08:48 And there are some smart looking watches
08:53 and there are some
08:55 rather un-smart looking watches and some old watches
09:01 and some work and some don't.
09:06 And there's such a pile of them
09:10 and then I saw one at the bottom,
09:13 I picked it up
09:16 and I looked at it,
09:18 let me tell you the brand
09:21 Jaeger-LeCoultre.
09:25 Well, I got on the internet and I start to look it up.
09:30 This is a very special watch,
09:32 because it used to belong to my father.
09:36 And it had a very special feature,
09:40 it has an alarm that rings
09:43 and so when you wind up the alarm
09:45 and you twist it around, it'll make a noise.
09:50 And then I thought just a little noise
09:53 because the watch is a bit old.
09:56 So I got on the internet.
09:58 I wanted to find out
09:59 how much my Jaeger-LeCoultre was worth.
10:04 It wasn't worth $35,000,
10:09 but it is worth $26,000.
10:15 Do you think I'm going to sell it?
10:17 Because it belonged to my daddy
10:20 and he's been dead for many years now,
10:23 I knew it was a Jaeger
10:25 and I knew it was quite valuable,
10:27 but I never thought it was as valuable as that.
10:32 And so we often have things that we just got,
10:37 and you are studying your Bibles
10:42 and you are studying the Book of Daniel.
10:44 Let me tell you something about the Book of Daniel.
10:47 The Book of Daniel,
10:49 people think of it and they say, ah, yes,
10:53 he was the guy that was in the lions' den
10:57 and the lion shut their mouths
11:00 and some to do with a big statue
11:02 and a fiery furnace,
11:04 but it's so difficult to understand.
11:06 In fact, a lot of church leaders said,
11:10 "Don't bother with the Book of Daniel.
11:14 It is so old
11:16 and so not relevant to what happens today."
11:21 But it is,
11:23 the Book of Daniel
11:25 is one of the greatest treasures
11:27 because it forecasts the future.
11:31 If you think I'm wearing a valuable watch,
11:34 it is nothing compared to the Book of Daniel
11:39 and you as boys and girls,
11:42 lot of people say you're not worth much,
11:44 you're just a kid, who're you,
11:47 but God knows how valuable you are.
11:50 He loves you. Thank you.
11:52 Welcome to our Bible study.
11:54 Do you have your Bibles ready?
11:56 Who would like to open up with prayer for us?
11:59 I will. Thank you, Bethany.
12:01 Dear, God, please help us to understand
12:03 what we read today.
12:05 And please bless the children at home
12:06 who have joined us in our Bible study.
12:08 In Jesus' name, amen.
12:10 Amen.
12:11 Do you remember
12:13 Jeremiah's prophecy about 70 years of captivity
12:15 because of Israelite's rebellion?
12:18 Daniel had been studying these prophecies and he knew
12:22 that the 70 years of captivity were nearly up.
12:26 Let's read Jeremiah 29:10-14,
12:30 and we'll start with Bethany.
12:33 "For thus says the Lord:
12:35 After seventy years are completed at Babylon,
12:37 I will visit you and perform My good word toward you,
12:40 and cause you to return to this place."
12:43 And verses 11 and 12, Caleb.
12:45 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
12:48 says the Lord,
12:49 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
12:52 and give you a future and a hope.
12:55 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me,
12:59 and I will listen to you."
13:01 And verse 13 is a beautiful verse,
13:04 a verse that we should all know by heart.
13:06 So let's say together as our memory verse.
13:09 "And you will seek Me and find Me,
13:13 when you search for Me with all your heart."
13:16 Amen.
13:18 And if the people seek God will He deliver them?
13:21 Well, let's take a look in verse 14.
13:23 Thanks, Jireh.
13:26 "I will be found by you, says the Lord,
13:28 and I will bring you back from your captivity,
13:31 I will gather you from all the nations
13:33 and from all the places where I have driven you,
13:36 says the Lord,
13:37 and I will bring you to the place
13:41 from which I cause you to be carried away captive."
13:46 This prophecy gave Daniel
13:48 and other faithful Israelites in captivity
13:51 great hope for a better future.
13:53 It also prompted Daniel to earnestly seek God in prayer
13:57 as we learned in Daniel Chapter 9.
14:00 The Prophet Isaiah also foretold
14:03 how God would free the captives.
14:05 Cyrus took over the throne after the death of King Darius.
14:10 Mrs. White says
14:11 that the deliverance of Daniel from the den of lions
14:14 had been used of God to create a favorable impression
14:17 upon the mind of Cyrus the Great.
14:20 Daniel showed King Cyrus Isaiah's prophecy
14:23 written more than 100 years before Cyrus was born.
14:27 Isaiah accurately foretold how Cyrus would conquer Babylon
14:31 right down to the detail about the gates being left open.
14:35 Cyrus was deeply impressed
14:37 and wanted to cooperate with God.
14:40 Let's read some of what Daniel said to Cyrus
14:44 in Isaiah 44:28,
14:47 can you read that for us, Chemiah?
14:49 "Who says of Cyrus,
14:50 'He is My shepherd,
14:52 and he shall perform all My pleasure,
14:55 Saying to Jerusalem,
14:56 'You shall be built and to the temple,
14:58 Your foundation shall be laid.'"
15:01 Thanks, Chemiah.
15:03 Ezra 1:2-4, tells us
15:05 King Cyrus made a decree to free all the Israelites
15:09 so they could voluntarily return to Jerusalem
15:12 and rebuild the temple.
15:14 He also decreed that everyone left behind
15:16 help with donations to aid those returning.
15:19 Jeremiah, can you please read verse 4?
15:24 "And whoever is left in any place where he dwells,
15:28 let the men of his place help him with silver and gold,
15:31 with goods and livestock,
15:33 besides the freewill offerings for the house of God
15:36 which is in Jerusalem."
15:37 What rejoicing there was
15:39 when the Jewish captives heard about this decree,
15:43 people offered the returning exiles
15:45 gold, silver, articles and livestock
15:48 and the king returned all the thousands of articles
15:51 that King Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple
15:54 in Jerusalem 70 years earlier.
15:57 About 50,000 people took the long journey
16:00 back to their homeland, led by Zerubbabel,
16:03 a man from Judas royal bloodline.
16:06 Joshua, the high priest, accompanied Zerubbabel,
16:10 together these men took charge of the physical
16:13 and spiritual needs of the people.
16:15 Aunty Leah, can you show us on the map
16:18 the journey that they took.
16:22 See, they had to take the long path
16:25 because it was close to water.
16:29 When they arrived, Jerusalem lay in ruins.
16:33 The seemingly impossible task of rebuilding the temple
16:37 and the broken city walls lay ahead,
16:39 but they made a start,
16:41 Satan stood up
16:42 lots of opposition from the people
16:45 in the surrounding district.
16:46 They tried to stop the rebuilding of the temple
16:49 for a time the work of rebuilding ground to a halt.
16:53 People spend time building their own houses instead,
16:57 but God was watching over everything.
17:00 He sent two prophets Haggai and Zachariah
17:03 to encourage Joshua, Zerubbabel and the people.
17:06 God promised He would help them,
17:08 He told them to keep working and not become discouraged
17:12 or give up because of all the difficulties.
17:15 God sent a special reminder that success would be achieved
17:19 only through God's power not by man strength alone.
17:23 Let's read Zechariah 4:6, the second part together.
17:30 "Not by might nor by power,
17:33 but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
17:37 We know this important verse from the song we sang earlier,
17:40 don't we?
17:42 God had more encouraging words for Zerubbabel.
17:45 Sai, could you please read that in Zechariah 4:7.
17:50 "Who are you, O Great Mountain?
17:52 Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain.
17:56 And he shall bring forth the capstone
18:00 with shouts of grace, grace to it."
18:03 The capstone was the most important stone in the building
18:07 signifying its completion.
18:10 God was promising Zerubbabel
18:12 that he would overcome the difficulties
18:14 and finish the building as he faithfully continued
18:17 to work on rebuilding the temple.
18:20 Just as God told Zerubbabel
18:22 that he would make the mountains
18:24 of difficulties disappear.
18:26 This promise is for us too
18:28 if we trust in God and faithfully do the work
18:31 He has given us to do day by day,
18:34 He promises us success.
18:36 God also encouraged Joshua, the high priest
18:39 through a vision given to Zechariah
18:41 God rebuke Satan's opposition to Joshua's work
18:44 of ministering to the people's spiritual needs
18:47 and teaching God's commandments
18:50 but God's blessing was conditional
18:52 on Joshua's obedience.
18:54 Aunty Leah, could you please read
18:56 the first part of Zechariah 3:7?
18:58 Sure.
19:00 "If you will walk in My ways
19:02 and if you will keep My command,
19:04 then you shall also judge My house."
19:06 The condition of success is always obedience, isn't it?
19:10 And God will always answer our sincere prayers
19:12 for the strength and courage to obey His commands.
19:16 God took care of the mountains of difficulties,
19:19 like the opposition to rebuilding the temple.
19:22 Leaders from the neighboring nations
19:24 sent a report back to King Darius,
19:26 Hystaspes the ruling king at the time.
19:29 They hoped he'd stop the work,
19:32 the king ordered a search for King Cyrus's decree.
19:35 When he read it, he made another decree
19:38 confirming King Cyrus's decree
19:40 and provided additional money
19:43 and resources to help finish the temple.
19:45 Isn't God generous and so encouraging?
19:48 The mountain became a plain just as God had said.
19:52 Now, Ezra 6:14, tells us how much these prophecies
19:57 encourage the people.
19:59 Can you please read that for us, Bethany?
20:02 "So the elders of the Jews built,
20:04 and they prospered through the prophesying
20:08 of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo.
20:11 And they built and finished it
20:12 according to the commandment of the God of Israel,
20:15 and according to the command of Cyrus,
20:17 Darius, and Artaxerxes, King of Persia."
20:20 They had a big celebration
20:22 to dedicate the newly rebuilt temple.
20:25 Many were joyful but some of the old people
20:28 who lived in Jerusalem before the captivity,
20:30 cried bitterly
20:32 because the new temple was nothing
20:34 compared to the glory of the temple
20:36 that King Solomon built,
20:38 nor could they understand Haggai's prophecy.
20:41 Caleb, could you please read what God told the people
20:44 in Haggai 2:9?
20:46 Sure.
20:47 "The glory of this latter
20:49 temple shall be greater than the former,'
20:52 says the Lord of the hosts,
20:53 'And in this place I will give peace,'
20:56 says the Lord of hosts.'"
20:58 And, Jireh, could you please read verse 7?
21:02 "And I will shake all nations, and they shall come
21:05 to the desire of all nations,
21:07 and I will fill this temple with glory,
21:09 'says the Lord of hosts.'"
21:11 The desire of all nations referred to Jesus.
21:15 Let's see what our torch light
21:16 Mrs. White's writings sheds on this.
21:18 Chemiah, could you please read that for us
21:21 in Prophets and Kings,
21:22 page 597?
21:28 "In being honored
21:29 with the personal presence of Christ
21:31 during His earthly ministry, and in this alone,
21:36 did the second temple exceed the first in glory.
21:40 The 'Desire of all nations' had indeed come to His temple,
21:45 when the Man of Nazareth taught
21:47 and healed in the sacred courts."
21:51 Thank you, Chemiah.
21:53 Pride and Solomon's glorious looking temple
21:56 block their minds to the more important spiritual meaning
21:59 of the temple and its services,
22:01 which pointed to Jesus our Savior
22:04 and hope of eternal life.
22:06 At the dedication of the rebuilt temple,
22:08 the people worshiped and offered sacrifices
22:11 for the forgiveness of sins
22:13 and thankfulness to God for all He had done for them.
22:16 Although they had achieved much,
22:18 there was still much to do.
22:20 In time, the work slowed down again,
22:23 the wall surrounding Jerusalem was still broken down,
22:26 and the huge timber gates to the city
22:28 that had been burned around 90 years before
22:31 had still not been replaced.
22:33 So the city was still not safe from its enemies.
22:36 God in His love and mercy sent additional help
22:39 to get things moving again.
22:41 Meanwhile, a very dangerous situation
22:43 was brewing back in Medo-Persia,
22:46 for those Jews who chose
22:47 not to return to their homeland,
22:49 as we'll discover next week.
22:52 But till then,
22:53 here's how you can access your copy of the devotional
22:55 that goes with today's study.
23:01 What do you want?
23:03 You bored? Yes.
23:05 Look what I got.
23:09 Whoa!
23:10 Look at that! Cool.
23:12 Where did you get this?
23:18 Thanks Matthew and Caleigh.
23:19 Uncle, Daniel,
23:21 what are we gonna learn next week?
23:22 Well, next week
23:24 we're going to learn about an inspiring story of courage
23:27 in the Bible about an orphan girl
23:30 who became queen.
23:31 Do you know who that might be?
23:33 Well, we'll find out how God saved her
23:36 from a wicked plot to destroy her people.
23:39 I think I know our memory verse already,
23:41 it's one of our scripture songs.
23:42 That's right.
23:44 But let's say once more together anyway,
23:45 ready everyone?
23:47 "And you will seek Me and find Me
23:50 when you search for Me with all your heart."
23:54 Jeremiah 29:13.
23:58 It is very reassuring
23:59 that Jesus will always be there for us
24:02 when we seek Him with all our heart.
24:04 Tamia, what did you learn about the King today?
24:07 Jesus is looking after me all the time,
24:09 even though I can't see Him.
24:11 Yes.
24:12 And He's actually given each and every one of us
24:14 a guardian angel
24:15 to look after us all the time too.
24:17 Uncle Daniel, is it time to sing our blessing song?
24:21 Yes, it is.
24:23 How about you sing along with us?
24:31 May God bless you and keep you
24:36 And fill your heart with love
24:41 May God guide and protect you
24:46 And watch you from above
24:51 And Sabbath after Sabbath
24:56 We greet the day of rest
25:02 The day the King of glory
25:07 Has sanctified and blessed
25:12 Goodbye my friend till we meet again
25:17 For another day with the King
25:22 Goodbye! Happy Sabbath!
25:35 I know Jesus loves me because He's blessed me
25:38 with amazing family and friends.
25:44 I know Jesus loves me
25:46 because He keeps me safe from day to day.
25:54 I know Jesus loves me because He gave me animals.


Revised 2019-03-21