Eleventh Hour Evidence

Has God Spoken?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: EHE

Program Code: EHE000003

00:19 Welcome to Battle Creek, Michigan, where
00:21 we are getting ready for another presentation
00:23 that alert us to the fact that Jesus Christ is
00:27 alive. My friend, are you aware the fact that
00:29 Jesus Christ is alive? If you're not or if you
00:32 would like to know how to share that more
00:34 effectively with somebody else, please do
00:36 what we've told you before and get out your
00:38 paper, get out your pencils, put on your
00:40 thinking caps and get ready for an excursion
00:43 into the Bible that will change your life.
00:46 Friends, I want to begin by just sharing with
00:48 you a short experience. I met a friend when I
00:50 was young man name Tegan and he said to
00:52 me Jason, Jesus Christ is alive and those
00:56 words transformed my life never knew it,
00:58 but because of his courage in the plaza of
01:02 Humboldt State University in Northern
01:03 California, where he was handing out
01:05 literature my life became one with Jesus
01:08 Christ. I'm so excited about what happened
01:10 for me and I believe that miracles going to
01:12 happen for you because friends tonight we
01:15 are aware the fact that there is a savior and
01:19 that savior changes lives. With me in the
01:22 studio right now is Eric Umali, who is going
01:24 to be sharing with us the joy that comes
01:26 from knowing, there is a savior.
01:35 There is a Savior, What joys expressed, His
01:49 eyes of mercy, His word is rest, For each
02:03 tomorrow for yesterday, There is a Savior
02:20 who lights our way Are there burdens.
02:32 in your heart, Is the past a memory that
02:38 binds you, Is there something that you've
02:47 carried far too long, Oh there's strength in
02:59 your heart with His good news, There is a
03:09 Savior and He's forgiven you
03:20 There is a Savior, What joys expressed, His
03:34 eyes of mercy, His word is rest, For each
03:49 tomorrow for yesterday, There is a Savior
04:06 who lights our way There is a Savior,
04:19 What joys expressed, His eyes of mercy, His
04:34 word is rest, For each tomorrow for
04:48 yesterday, There is a Savior who lights our
05:05 way There is a Savior who lights our way.
05:39 Thank you Eric what a blessing to know
05:41 there is a savior friend tonight. Now I want
05:43 to go with you and ask you few questions.
05:46 I like asking questions, my background is
05:49 television news before God said Jason
05:51 Seiber I want you to be a pastor, my journey
05:54 was to the television station. Let's go out and
05:57 interview a few people would you in our
06:00 minds, let's go out there and visit with
06:02 perhaps Martin Luther King Junior in
06:05 Birmingham, Alabama, where the dogs and
06:07 the police are about ready to attack and ask
06:10 him Martin Luther King Junior why are you
06:12 doing this? Where did you get the idea for
06:15 nonviolent protest and this sort of peaceful
06:18 resistance? I think he would probably say
06:20 something like this, Jesus Christ showed me
06:23 the way. Maybe you could go with me to the
06:25 streets of Calcutta, where you see a lady
06:28 picking up young people and old people and
06:31 people of every class and bathing their
06:33 wounds and helping them to die with
06:35 dignity. And you will say Mother Teresa
06:37 why are you doing this, I suppose she would
06:40 probably say because I read in the gospels
06:42 that a man named Jesus came and changed
06:45 people's lives by attending to their hurts
06:48 into their needs and giving them new hopes.
06:52 Maybe you would go and talk to a person
06:53 like Mohandas Gandhi in Bombay.
06:57 Mr. Gandhi you might ask, why are you
07:00 offering your body to be beaten in the name
07:03 of freedom and Mr. Gandhi would might say
07:06 to you well I was reading in the Gospel
07:08 accounts of a man named Jesus, who had the
07:11 courage to let people beat him and not beat
07:14 them back. Well friends, I have a question to
07:17 you, a question you should answer, who did
07:21 Jesus draw his example from? How unique
07:26 was Jesus. Tonight pastor Asscherick will
07:30 help to answer that question.
07:32 Pastor Asscherick.
07:33 Alright, thank you Jason. Good evening
07:35 everyone, good evening, wasn't that a
07:37 powerful introduction. We are going
07:39 through the streets of Alabama through
07:41 Calcutta and we are asking these individuals
07:43 questions, where do you find your
07:45 inspiration and each of them says I find my
07:49 inspiration in Jesus Christ. Yet this raises
07:52 an important question, where did Jesus get
07:54 his inspiration from. Friends what we are
07:57 going to discover tonight is that all of these
07:59 individual figures drew their inspiration and
08:03 their example from Jesus, but Jesus was the
08:06 one who was the prototypical example that
08:10 is to say he was the first, he was the
08:13 original. Our question tonight is how unique
08:16 is Jesus in human history? Our message is
08:20 entitled has God spoken the uniqueness, the
08:24 absolute uniqueness of Jesus Christ in
08:27 human history. Let us begin first by doing
08:30 what everyone praying, praying that's right.
08:38 Father in heaven this evening we rejoice to
08:41 call you father and father we call you that
08:44 we, we say Father because in Luke 11 when
08:48 the disciples came to Jesus and they said
08:50 teach us to pray is John taught his disciples.
08:53 He said pray this way our father and we are
08:57 immediately aware that there is an intimate
08:59 connection, a powerful connection and
09:02 which we have you not only as a master, as
09:04 a lord, as a creator and redeemer, but we
09:07 know you as Abba Father and so we ask
09:11 now that you will come into this room, that
09:14 you will stoop and condescend to come and
09:17 speak to our hearts as well as to our minds.
09:20 Father tonight we need to make a decision,
09:22 a decision for you and for your son, so we
09:27 pray for each of us here in the studio and
09:29 also for those that are watching all over this
09:32 globe, we pray father that your spirit will be
09:35 with us in a potent way tonight for we ask it
09:38 in Jesus name everyone can say,
09:40 Amen. Amen.
09:43 Why don't we begin by going in our Bibles
09:45 to Luke Chapter 22, Luke Chapter 22. Our
09:50 message tonight is entitled has God spoken
09:53 the absolute uniqueness of Jesus Christ. We
09:57 are going to Mathew and what Chapter everyone?
09:58 Mathew Chapter 22. Mathew Chapter 22
10:01 and if we had time we could take a look at
10:03 the larger context of Mathew Chapter 22 and
10:06 Jesus is being asked three sets of questions,
10:10 three sets of questions. This is occurring the
10:13 Tuesday before his crucifiction, so just
10:16 hours before the crucifiction just a few
10:19 days before. Now Jesus is asked about three
10:22 questions. First, he is asked by the Pharisees.
10:24 What is our responsibility to Caesar,
10:27 you remember that would it lawful for us to
10:30 pay tribute or taxes to Caesar. The second
10:33 question that Jesus was asked on this faithful
10:35 Tuesday was what is our relationship to the
10:38 dead and how do we understand the
10:40 resurrection remember the Pharisees had
10:41 come and it said there was a man and he had
10:44 a woman, who had this husband, this
10:46 husband, this husband, this husband in the
10:47 resurrection whose shall she be. The third
10:51 question that Jesus was asked, is what is the
10:53 great commandment in the law and Jesus
10:56 answer that very potently and powerfully
10:58 when he said there are two Great
10:59 Commandments you should love the Lord
11:00 your God with all your heart, mind and soul,
11:02 and the second is like onto it, you should
11:03 love your neighbor as yourself. So Jesus has
11:05 been asked how many questions everyone,
11:07 three questions. What's our relationship to
11:09 Caesar. What is our understanding of the
11:11 resurrection and what is our reverence and
11:15 responsibility to the law of God. After Jesus
11:18 has met this cross examination, he has met
11:21 powerfully this, this inquiry that has been
11:23 trusted him in these three different question.
11:25 The tables are turned at the end of Mathew
11:28 Chapter 22 and Jesus instead of being on the
11:31 receiving end of these questions, Jesus starts
11:34 asking a question of his own. I'm in Mathew
11:37 Chapter 22 and I'm beginning in Verse 41,
11:40 Mathew Chapter 22 and Verse 41, it says
11:42 while the Pharisees where gathered together
11:44 Jesus asked them, notice who is doing
11:47 asking now friends. Jesus ask them saying,
11:50 what do you think about the Christ whose
11:54 son is he. In the more familiar king James,
11:58 he says what thinking of Christ whose son is
12:03 he. It goes on in Verse 42, the remainder of
12:06 it, they said to him the son of David. That
12:08 was an easy question; they could have easily
12:10 said we learned that in Sabbath School
12:12 Jesus. When you ask us who son is he, he is
12:15 the son of David. Now Jesus had a second
12:18 question, he had a rejoinder and I want you
12:20 to notice in Verse 43. He said to them how
12:23 then does David in the spirit call him Lord
12:25 saying, the Lord said unto my lord, sit thou
12:28 on my right hand, till I make your enemies
12:29 thy footstool. Verse 45 is the rub, he said if
12:32 David then calls him Lord. How is he his
12:35 son? Do you understand the dilemma?
12:39 Do you understand the question that Jesus is
12:41 asking yes or no. If he is the son of David
12:44 then how can it be under the inspiration of
12:46 the spirit in the Psalms that David would say
12:48 of this individual my Lord Jesus asks a very
12:52 powerful important question there in Verse
12:54 45. If David then calls him Lord how is he
12:58 his son? Jesus here has put his finger on the
13:02 pause of Pharisees misunderstanding about
13:05 the messianic identity of Jesus that he was
13:08 both God and man at the same time. He was
13:12 the son of David and the lord of David
13:14 simultaneously. Now notice this in Verse 46
13:19 and no one was able to answer him a word
13:22 nor from that day on did anyone dare
13:25 question him anymore. Amen. Don't you
13:27 like that? Jesus just ask them simple
13:29 question. How can he be both Lord and son
13:32 at the same time and when he puts that
13:33 question to him, he shows that they have not
13:36 thought outside of the box in their
13:37 theological understanding and the Bible says
13:39 that from the day on, from that day forward
13:42 nobody dare to ask Jesus anymore questions
13:45 because they end up looking just as foolish
13:46 as they actually were.
13:49 Now I want to put that question to you this
13:51 evening what, what was the thrust of that
13:53 question that Jesus asks there. What was the
13:55 thrust of that? He said what think ye of
13:59 Christ? What think ye of Christ? Whose son
14:06 is he. Our question tonight is, who is Jesus
14:10 Christ and is he unique in human history.
14:13 We're going to look at five testimonies
14:17 tonight, how many testimonies? Five.
14:19 Five testimonies and we are going to
14:20 discover that Jesus Christ is in fact
14:22 absolutely unique in human history,
14:26 absolutely unique. So, let us go to our first
14:29 testimony, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in
14:32 history. Our first one is Jesus' own
14:35 testimony. If we could've ask Jesus in those
14:39 days or even today if he could come and we
14:40 could say Jesus who are you? Who do you
14:43 believe you are? What would he say? Let's
14:46 go to John in the fifth Chapter, John what
14:48 Chapter we're going to everyone.
14:49 Five. John Chapter 5 and
14:51 I want you to notice with me several Verses
14:53 in this Chapter. John Chapter 5 and we're
14:55 going to begin in Verse 22. John 5 and
14:58 Verse 22, Jesus speaking he says in Verse 22,
15:01 for the father judges no one but has
15:03 committed all judgment to the who everyone?
15:05 To the son, to the son, that all should honor
15:08 the son just as they honor the father. He who
15:10 does not honor the son does not honor the
15:13 father and notice the next three words here;
15:15 who sent him? What are those three words
15:18 everyone? Who sent him? Jesus here says in
15:21 unequivocal language. It is the father who
15:25 sent me. Now notice with me Verse 30 in
15:27 the sane Chapter. John Chapter 5 and Verse
15:29 30, I can of mine own self do nothing: as I
15:31 hear, I judge: and my judgment is right just;
15:33 because I do not seek my own will, but the
15:36 will of the Father, you say it with me, who
15:39 sent me. Now notice again in the same
15:41 Chapter beginning in Verse 36, John
15:43 Chapter 5 and Verse 36, Jesus says, But I
15:45 have greater witness than John's: for the
15:48 works which the Father has given me to
15:49 finish, the very works that I do, bear witness
15:51 of me, that the Father, what everyone?
15:55 Has sent me, has sent me. In Verse 37, And
15:56 the Father himself who sent me, there it is
15:58 again, has testified of me, you have neither
16:00 heard his voice at any time, nor seen his
16:02 form. Notice this five times in, four times in
16:05 John Chapter 5 Jesus says the father sent
16:07 me, the father sent me, the father sent me,
16:09 the father sent me, so it's very elementary
16:12 for us to ask if we could put Jesus just here
16:14 tonight and we could say Jesus, where did
16:16 you come from? Who sent you? What would
16:18 he say everyone? He will say the father sent
16:21 me. I'm sent from my heavenly father from
16:24 God himself. What was Jesus own testimony
16:27 about who he was? Did Jesus believe that he
16:31 was just a good moral teacher? Did Jesus
16:34 believe that he was just a guru or a mentor
16:37 or some kind of moralist, no, no, no. If we could
16:40 Jesus who do you think you are Jesus?
16:42 Who do you think you are Jesus of Nazareth?
16:44 He would say my father has sent me.
16:49 Now notice also in John Chapter 8 in Verse
16:50 58 since we right there in John just go with
16:52 me quickly to John Chapter 8, just three
16:56 Chapters forward, we are in John Chapter 8
16:57 and notice with me in Verse 56.
17:01 John Chapter 8 and Verse 56, Jesus has an
17:03 another dialogue here with the Pharisees and
17:05 the scribes and he says in Verse 56,
17:07 your father Abraham rejoice to see my day
17:10 and he saw it and was glad then the Jews
17:13 said to him what you are not yet 50 years old
17:15 and you have seen Abraham. Notice Jesus
17:17 response in Verse 58, Jesus said to them
17:20 most assuredly in other words you can have
17:22 confidence in this before I say to you before
17:26 Abraham was and what are those next two words?
17:28 I am. Now when Jesus here
17:31 says before Abraham was I am what is he
17:33 referencing? What is he talking about I am?
17:37 That's exactly right remember back there in
17:38 Exodus Chapter 3, a midnight shepherd by
17:41 the name of what was his name?
17:43 Moses. Moses saw a burning
17:45 bush, but the bush was not consume and as
17:47 he stepped up to that burning bush the, the,
17:49 the angel of the Lord spoke out of that bush
17:51 and said I want you to go down and talk to
17:53 that rascal pharaoh and say let my people
17:55 go. Moses protested who shall I say to them
17:58 has sent me and he said you tell them I am
18:01 that I am had sent the. Now friends think
18:05 about that for just a moment Jesus here has
18:07 just said I mean he has had the audacity,
18:09 the temerity to say before Abraham was
18:12 because they were protesting about his age.
18:13 They said you are not even 50 years old how
18:16 can you say that Abraham rejoice to see you
18:17 today and Jesus response was listen before
18:20 Abraham was I am. Jesus here makes the
18:25 unequivocal claim to be listen carefully now
18:28 the very God of the Old Testament the very
18:32 your way, the very Jehovah of the old
18:35 testament he said that is me and in another
18:39 occasion in John Chapter 10 and Verse 30
18:41 Jesus said again in unequivocal language he
18:43 said my father and I are one,
18:48 I and my father are what everybody?
18:50 One. One and the Jews
18:51 protested they said, they said you are
18:53 making yourself to be equal with God.
18:57 Now let's look at one more here and then we
18:58 will sort of wrap this up. Go with me in our
19:00 Bibles to John Chapter 14. John in the 14
19:03 Chapter, we will just stay in the Gospel of
19:05 John for convenience sake. John Chapter 14
19:08 and notice with me Verse 6, John 14 and
19:10 Verse 6, we'll actually pick up the context in
19:12 Verse 5. Thomas said to him Lord we do not
19:14 know where you are going and how can we
19:16 know the way. Now you know these Verses
19:18 by heart don't you notice in Verse 6.
19:19 Jesus said to him I am, there are those two
19:23 words again, I am the what? Way the truth
19:27 and the life and notice this no one comes to
19:31 the father except through me. Now notice that
19:34 that Jesus uses the singular definite article
19:37 am the way and the truth and the life,
19:41 he does not use the indefinite article A.
19:43 I am A way and I am A truth one among
19:47 many and I am A life. Jesus uses the
19:50 singular definite article the way, the truth,
19:53 and the life. Jesus here makes the exclusive
19:57 claim to be in the soul contact point with
20:00 God in heaven. Are these remarkable
20:02 claims yes or no? No.
20:04 So if we could bring Jesus here this evening
20:06 and we could interview him in journalistic
20:08 fashion and we could say Jesus who do you
20:10 think you are. He would say my father has
20:11 sent me before Abraham was I am, I and my
20:14 father are one and he would conclude by
20:16 saying no one can come to the father except
20:19 through me because I am the way, I am the
20:21 truth, and I am the life. These are
20:22 incredible claims friends.
20:26 It was these kinds of far reaching claims that
20:28 led Christian author C.S. Lewis to make this
20:31 very salient observation and conclusion.
20:35 C.S. Lewis said because of the claims that
20:38 Jesus made about himself, we cannot
20:41 confine him harmlessly or innocuously into
20:44 some category as a good moral teacher,
20:46 as a nice philosopher, as a guru of sorts.
20:49 Mr. Lewis said this man must be one of
20:52 three things necessarily because of the
20:55 claims he made about himself, he is either a
20:58 liar that is to say he was not telling the
21:00 truth, he was a lunatic that is to say he was
21:02 mad and out of his mind or he was in fact
21:04 the Lord of glory, a liar, a lunatic, or the
21:09 Lord. Do you understand that yes or no?
21:11 Amen. The reason that Mr. Lewis
21:13 said that friends is precisely this because of
21:16 the claims that Jesus made about of himself
21:18 we cannot just consign him innocuously to
21:20 some good moral teacher. He has not left that
21:25 option open to us. If we would ask Jesus,
21:28 Jesus who do you think you are?
21:30 Who do you think you are?
21:32 What should testimony about yourself?
21:33 He would have said I am in fact the
21:36 eliminable God of the Old Testament,
21:38 but what about number 2 his followers
21:41 testimony? What about those who are closes
21:43 to him? Now I've been married now for just
21:45 about five years and I've no shame in telling
21:48 you that before I was married I thought I
21:50 was almost perfect. I don't if you had the
21:53 same experience you know you think you're
21:55 doing just fine thank you and ready for
21:58 translation just waiting for the fiery chariot
22:00 to come pick me up right and then you get
22:02 married and you realize that you're stubborn.
22:04 Amen. Amen.
22:07 And you are mean spirited and your,
22:09 you are unkind and you are selfish and all of
22:12 that sort of came upon me after I was
22:15 married before I was married I was ready
22:16 for translation, now I wonder if I even ever
22:19 going to be ready for translation.
22:22 Now friends why do I bring that all precisely
22:23 because of this. Those listen carefully those
22:27 who are closest to you know you best isn't
22:32 that true? Those who are closest with you
22:35 know you best. Now let's think about those
22:37 followers of Jesus. Let's think about those
22:38 disciples. They slept were Jesus slept,
22:40 they ate what Jesus ate, they walked with
22:43 him, they talked to him for three and a half
22:44 years they were with him virtually every
22:47 single step of the way. If anybody would
22:50 have been able to see an inconsistency in
22:52 Jesus life it would have been those who are
22:54 closest to him. For example, if I stand up to
22:58 you and preach tonight you might say,
23:00 Oh! That pastor Asscherick he is a
23:01 Christian, but friends look if you think I'm a
23:04 Christian this is not particularly impressive
23:06 because I can stand up here with my suit on
23:08 and I can preach the best I can preach that
23:10 doesn't make me a Christian were the rubber
23:12 meets the road the real test is if my wife
23:14 think I'm a Christian, Amen.
23:17 Amen. Because my wife is
23:19 with me all the time, she can see my, my
23:22 idiosyncrasy, she can see my inconsistencies
23:25 and even at times my hypocrisies.
23:26 Friends I'm not perfect and my wife knows
23:29 that very well, she would stand up and
23:30 testify if she was here and I'm glad she is
23:32 several thousands miles in California right
23:33 now, but she would tell you I believe by the
23:36 grace of God he is not perfect, but he is
23:38 trying, he is doing his best and he is a
23:39 Christian man. Amen.
23:42 You understand so what about those who are
23:44 closest to Jesus? What about the ones who
23:47 would have seen him be in that time,
23:49 where it would have been so easy for him to
23:51 be frustrate, it would have been so easy for
23:54 him to become annoyed as the mob was
23:56 always pressing up on him and pushing up
23:58 on him what about those who were closest to
24:00 him? What was their testimony about Jesus
24:02 of Nazareth? What was their testimony
24:04 about the historical Jesus? Well if we went
24:07 and ask John the Baptist, we could say John
24:09 the Baptist who, who did you think Jesus
24:12 was and he would have testified that this is
24:14 the one whom I came to prepare away for.
24:18 This is the one who, who send those,
24:20 I'm not even worthy to latch friends.
24:24 Since we are in the Gospel of John let's stay
24:25 right there and go to John Chapter 20 notice
24:28 with me in John Chapter 20, if we were
24:31 given the opportunity to ask John why he
24:33 wrote his gospel? What would he say?
24:35 John why did you write your even Galleon
24:38 your gospel let's ask him John Chapter 20
24:41 and I'm reading in Verse 30. John Chapter
24:44 20 and Verse what everyone?
24:45 30. 30, John says And
24:48 truly Jesus did many other signs in the
24:51 presence of his disciples, which are not
24:52 written in this book, but these are written
24:55 that you may believe that
24:57 Jesus is the what everyone?
25:00 The Christ the son of God and that believing
25:03 you may have life in his name. Amen.
25:05 Did John believe that Jesus was the Christ,
25:08 the son of God, and then if we would to ask
25:11 him John why did you write your gospel?
25:12 Why did you take the time to sit down and
25:14 write out this even Galleon, this account of
25:17 the life of Jesus, he would say because I
25:19 want you to believe what I believe namely
25:22 that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God.
25:25 Those who are closest to Jesus, those who
25:28 are in the most intimate connection with
25:29 Jesus affirmed his messianic and divine
25:32 identity and yet these were the ones who
25:35 would have been able to see if there had
25:36 been an inconsistency, if there had been a
25:38 hypocrisy, these are the ones who could
25:40 have seen it day in and day out, night after
25:43 night, day after day, moment after moment
25:45 with Jesus. One day Jesus was conducting a
25:49 public survey, a pole and he said who do
25:53 men say that I the son of man in Mathew
25:55 Chapter 16 and oh some say you are John
25:58 the Baptist and some say you are Jeremiah,
26:00 one of the prophets and other say your this
26:01 person and that person and Jesus says okay I
26:03 think you give me a fair example,
26:05 a fair representation of what others are
26:06 saying and then he puts the question right to
26:08 them, but who do you say that I am.
26:10 And remember who wants to spoke up on
26:12 behalf of the rest of the disciples.
26:13 Peter spoke up and said thou are the Christ,
26:16 the son of the living God. If we could ask
26:19 Peter, Peter who did you believe this Jesus
26:21 of Nazareth was, thou was the Christ the son
26:24 of the living God. If we could ask Andrew,
26:26 Andrew, son of Peter's brother, who do you
26:28 believe this Jesus is, he is the Christ the son
26:30 of the living God. If we could survey his
26:32 followers and ask them who did you think
26:35 he was each would say in succession,
26:37 he was in fact who he claimed to be.
26:43 Are you understanding yes or no?
26:44 Yes. Amen. Its coming together
26:46 isn't it. Now notice number 1 Jesus own
26:48 testimony, who did Jesus think he was?
26:50 What would he say to us?
26:51 Number 2, His followers'testimony.
26:53 Who did those, what did those who are
26:55 closest to him think about his claims to
26:57 identity and now. Number 3 and this
27:00 is very remarkable, His enemies testimony.
27:05 Friend its one thing if your, if your friend
27:07 speak well of you it is quite a different
27:10 matter, if those who don't like you speak
27:14 well of you. Amen. Amen.
27:17 Now go with me in your Bible, we will stay
27:19 in John to John Chapter 7. What did the
27:21 enemies of Jesus have to say about Jesus.
27:24 John Chapter 7 and this is, this is a classic
27:29 story in fact this is one of my favorite stories
27:31 in the Bible. The only problem is this we
27:33 only get kind of a sketch, an outline of
27:36 what actually happened and so I use my
27:37 fertile imagination to sort of fill in the rest
27:40 of the details. The sketch is there in
27:42 front of us let me try and paint the picture
27:44 for you. John Chapter 7 and we are
27:45 beginning in Verse 45 it says then the officers,
27:49 that is the roman officers, came to the
27:50 chief priest and Pharisees who said to
27:53 them why have you not brought him?
27:59 Now we don't know the background,
28:00 but let's try to put it together. Here's Jesus of
28:03 Nazareth, he is a provocative young Rabi in
28:07 ancient Palestine. He is turning the religious
28:10 world and the religious hierarchy of those
28:12 days up side down. He is saying things that
28:15 are totally different, totally contrary to what
28:17 the religious leaders of his day were saying
28:19 and he is beginning to attract a rather large
28:21 following on at least one occasion there
28:23 were 5000 men plus woman and children
28:25 and so people are flocking to this
28:27 provocative young Rabi and the people of
28:29 his day the religious hierarchy saw that
28:32 Jesus was a threat to the establishment,
28:34 Jesus was what everyone? Threat.
28:36 A threat to the establishment and so they
28:40 decided hey they are gonna the point yeah
28:41 where they wanted to kill him, so they said
28:43 you know let's just arrest him, get him off
28:44 the scene, so we can go on with you know
28:47 the status co business as usual and so the
28:49 scribes in the Pharisees approach some
28:51 Roman centurions and they say look this
28:53 guy is giving us trouble, he has all kinds of
28:56 thrown in our flesh and we just want to get
28:57 rid of him. And so they hire the soldiers and
29:00 said would you please go and arrest him.
29:02 So the picture, I have in my mind here is we
29:04 will say one, we will four, four of these big
29:07 barely ogre like Roman soldiers going to
29:10 arrest Jesus and this is the picture of my
29:12 mind, Oh! We are going to arrest Jesus.
29:14 They got their spears and are going to arrest
29:15 Jesus and sure enough when they arrive
29:17 there is a large crowd around Jesus and so
29:20 they've got to push through the crowd.
29:21 Oh! Excuse me, we are gonna arrest Jesus
29:24 and they are pushing their way to the crowd
29:26 and as they are pushing their way through
29:28 Jesus continues to preach. Jesus is teaching
29:31 the people as he was frequently and so as he
29:34 is teaching, as he is preaching and there is
29:36 sort of pardon me, pardon, Umm! Umm!
29:41 And they are standing there totally
29:42 dumbstruck, their slack jaw and they just
29:46 heard something that caught their attention.
29:47 Now they've gone to arrest Jesus, but here
29:51 they are one two, three, four Roman soldiers
29:53 standing there, looking dumb founded and
29:56 intensely interested in what this Rabi is
29:58 saying and Jesus is preaching away and
30:00 there is a, Ah! Ah! Good boy, Ah! Ah!,
30:04 and when the whole thing is done he
30:06 dismisses them, everybody goes home,
30:08 here go the roman soldiers that was a good
30:10 sermon, good sermon, and they make their
30:12 way back. They make their way back
30:15 way back to the very place, where they have
30:16 been commissioned and hired and when they
30:18 walk in the scribes in the Pharisees are
30:20 incredulous they say where is Jesus?
30:22 Why haven't you brought him?
30:26 And notice the response of the self-styled
30:29 enemies of Jesus. What did they have to say
30:33 notice with me in Verse 46 of John 7,
30:35 the officers answered no man ever spoke
30:39 like this man. Amen. Amen.
30:43 Friends they heard something. We don't
30:45 know what they heard, but that must have
30:46 been some scene, here they go to arrest him
30:49 and something causes them to stop in their
30:51 tracks, why because Jesus spoken away that
30:54 never heard anybody speak before.
30:55 He was unique, he was what word did I say?
30:59 Unique. Now what does the word
31:00 unique mean? What is that mean?
31:03 One of a kind or unlike any other. Notice
31:06 Verse 46 again what did they say, no man
31:08 ever spoke like this man. What are they
31:10 saying in essence, if you could do still with
31:12 their saying down to a single word what did they
31:13 say? Unique.
31:14 He is unique. They couldn't these are harden
31:18 Roman centurions, they couldn't bring
31:20 themselves to arrest Jesus why because he
31:22 was unique. No man ever spoke like this
31:28 man spoke. Now go with me from the fourth
31:32 gospel to the first gospel. Mathew Chapter
31:35 27, here we find another incredible story,
31:39 an incredible testimony in which one of the
31:42 self styled enemies of Jesus actually affirms
31:46 the divinity of Jesus. Let's look at this in
31:50 Mathew Chapter 27, Mathew Chapter 27
31:54 and were in Verse let's start in Verse 51,
31:58 then behold the vale of the temple was torn
32:01 into from top to bottom this is the
32:02 crucifiction accounts and the earth quaked
32:05 and the rocks were split and the graves were
32:07 opened in many bodies of the saints would
32:09 fallen asleep are raised and coming out of
32:11 the graves after his resurrection they went
32:13 into the holy city and appeared to many.
32:14 Now notice Verse 54, so when the centurion
32:17 and those with him, so how many are here,
32:20 how many centurions are here?
32:23 We don't know it says the centurions and
32:26 those who are with him they may have been
32:27 other centurions or may have just been the
32:28 public, but there was more than one person
32:31 there. Are we clear on that, yes or no?
32:32 Amen. It says in Verse 54,
32:34 so when the centurions and those with him
32:36 who were guarding Jesus. Friends they were
32:39 bodyguards trying to protect him, these are
32:41 the very ones that who just lifted him on the
32:43 cross. Are you understanding now,
32:45 yes or no? Amen.
32:47 So when the centurions and those are with
32:48 him who were guarding Jesus saw the
32:50 earthquake and the things that happened,
32:51 they feared greatly, saying, what did they
32:53 say? Notice what they said, truly this was
32:58 the Son of God. Friends look at that as the
33:01 Roman soldiers stood there at the feet of
33:03 Jesus and he saw the way that his man met
33:06 is punishment, the way that he met that
33:08 ignominious humiliating death not with
33:10 scathing rebukes on the soldiers, but humbly
33:13 the Bible says in Isaiah Chapter 53, like a
33:15 lamb to the slotter they protested and said
33:17 surely this was in fact the son of God.
33:20 Can you imagine being aware that you
33:22 would just kill the son of God?
33:25 This is not, this is not an intellectual
33:27 statement, Oh! Surely this was the son of
33:29 God, this is the crime from anguish lips,
33:31 surely this was the son of God what
33:33 have we done.
33:37 Friends even the enemies of Jesus said he
33:39 was unique, he was divine. The enemies of
33:43 Jesus testimony was perfectly consistent
33:46 with Jesus own testimony and with the
33:48 testimony of his followers.
33:51 Consider with me as I read to you from Acts
33:53 Chapter 6 in Verse 7. I'm going to read it for
33:55 you Axe 6:7 in the interest of time it says
33:58 and the word of God increased and the
34:00 number of the disciples multiplied in
34:02 Jerusalem greatly and a great company of
34:05 the priests were obedient to the faith.
34:10 Now let me ask you this question for the
34:11 most part when Jesus was in the mist of his
34:13 earthly ministry were the priests his friends
34:15 or his enemies. His detractors or his
34:17 supporters. They were enemies won't they
34:20 and yet when you come down into the Book
34:23 of Acts, we find that many of those who
34:25 have been responsible for actually putting
34:26 Jesus upon to that cross, who has had that
34:29 unjust mockery of a trial before. These were
34:32 the very ones who began do affirm that
34:34 Jesus was in fact he messiah.
34:39 He is unique in human history.
34:42 Consider with me as we go to the screen
34:44 number 1 Jesus own testimony, who did he
34:47 think he was? If we could ask him what
34:48 would he say? Number 2, how about his
34:51 followers testimony did they corroborate
34:53 Jesus testimony or did they contradicted.
34:55 They corroborated it. His enemies testimony
34:57 even his enemies affirmed the uniqueness of
35:01 Jesus Christ and number 4, let us move now
35:04 to our fourth of five what about the
35:07 testimony of history? Let me ask you a
35:09 simple question. Has the passage of time
35:13 roughly 2000 years since Jesus walk this
35:15 earth has the passage of time increased or
35:19 decreased the significance, importance,
35:21 and preeminence of the man Jesus Christ.
35:23 You tell me increased or decreased?
35:27 Friends increased exponentially increased.
35:29 There are approximately 2 billion people out
35:33 of six billion people on the planet today that
35:35 believe that Jesus Christ was in fact the
35:37 divine son of God. How many were there
35:39 when Jesus was walk in the earth roughly 12
35:41 plus a few. Now friends I would say that's
35:43 remarkable increase wouldn't you, 12 to 2
35:46 billion. What about the testimony of history?
35:50 Notice this incredible statement this is taken
35:52 from Dr. Norman Geisler and he said one of
35:54 the great Christian apologist of our day.
35:56 He said Christ is absolutely unique among
36:00 all who ever lived. That's why our message
36:01 is entitled the absolute uniqueness of Jesus
36:04 Christ. Christ is absolutely unique among
36:07 all who ever lived. He is unique in his
36:09 supernatural nature, his superlative
36:12 character, and in his life and teaching.
36:16 No other world teacher claimed to be God.
36:18 Even when the followers of some prophet
36:20 deified their teacher, there is not proof given
36:23 for that claim that can be compared to the
36:25 fulfillment of prophecy, the sinless and
36:28 miraculous life, and the resurrection. Jesus is
36:31 absolutely unique among all human beings
36:34 who ever lived. Amen. Now I want you to
36:38 notice that he says to the resurrection,
36:40 the resurrection. Let's talk about that
36:42 resurrection for just a moment in fact our
36:44 entire message tomorrow evening is entitled.
36:46 The resurrection of Jesus Christ fact or
36:49 fiction. We are actually going to look at the
36:51 historical evidence, so what kind of
36:53 evidence did I say? Historical.
36:55 The historical evidence. We're going to do
36:56 something unique tomorrow night,
36:57 tomorrow night we're going to come to the
36:59 Bible not as a Christian who believes in its
37:02 inspiration. Tomorrow night, we're going to
37:04 take our commitment to the Bible as the
37:05 inspired word of God and we are going to
37:07 set that commitment on a shelf momentarily
37:09 and we're going to try and approach the
37:11 Bible like a historian would. And we're
37:13 going to ask is there any historical record,
37:16 any historical validity to the fact that Jesus
37:19 was resurrected. Tomorrow night you are
37:20 going to see that one of the most firmly
37:22 established facts of antiquity is the
37:25 resurrection of Jesus Christ. It anchors
37:29 human history, we will talk more about that.
37:31 His resurrection friends demonstrate that he
37:35 was who he claim to be think about this the
37:37 man was resurrected, he went into the tomb
37:40 and yet he came out of the tomb can you say
37:43 Amen. Amen.
37:44 I quote for you very quickly from G. B.
37:46 Hardy's book countdown he said this,
37:49 there are only two essential questions.
37:52 Number 1, has anyone ever cheated death
37:54 and number 2 is it available to me.
37:58 Let us survey the record Mr. Hardy says
38:00 Buddhist tomb occupied, Mohammad's tomb
38:04 occupied, Confucius tomb occupied, Jesus
38:08 tomb empty and then he adds argue as you
38:11 may, but for me and my purposes there is no
38:14 point in following a loser. Now he is not
38:18 being, he is not being unkind or anything of
38:21 that nature when he says a loser what he is
38:23 saying is that death got the victory over a
38:26 Budha and Confucius and Mohammed,
38:27 but death could not hold Jesus he is unique.
38:31 Amen. I'm already preaching tomorrow
38:33 night sermon. Friends his resurrection firmly
38:37 anchored in history. Notice this incredible
38:39 quotation, this quotation is taken from
38:41 W.E.H. Lecky a famed skeptic,
38:45 not a follower, not a disciple,
38:47 he said the character of Jesus has not only
38:50 been the highest pattern of virtue,
38:52 but the strongest incentive in its
38:54 practice, and has exerted so deep an
38:57 influence that it may be truly said that the
39:00 simple record of three short years of active
39:02 life has done more to regenerate and to
39:05 soften mankind than all the disquisitions of
39:09 philosophers and all the exhortations of
39:11 moralists. You see what this man is saying
39:15 now keep in mind this is no friend of Jesus,
39:18 not a disciple, not a believer in the inspired
39:22 in the word of God, a skeptic who says the
39:24 highest pattern of virtue that we have is
39:27 Jesus Christ has his influence increased or
39:31 decreased since the passage of time over the
39:33 last 2000 years. It has exponentially
39:36 increased. What is the testimony of history
39:38 about the person of Jesus Christ?
39:42 Friends, I want you to consider with me
39:43 something absolutely remarkable there are
39:47 people today on all seven continents from
39:50 every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue,
39:53 who affirm exactly what Jesus claimed
39:56 about himself that he was the divine son of
39:58 God. The same thing that the disciples
40:00 affirm that he was fact the Christ the son of
40:03 the living God. The same thing that even the
40:05 enemies said truly this was the son of God
40:07 and they are people on the top side of the
40:08 earth in every single continent, every
40:11 village, every country, every place in fact as
40:14 3ABN is broadcasting all over the globe
40:16 friends there are people in every nuking
40:18 cranny of this globe that believe that Jesus
40:20 Christ was who he claim to be.
40:22 Amen. Amen.
40:24 Now that is an increase, an increase in
40:27 preeminence, an increase in importance,
40:29 an increase in influence.
40:33 Now consider with me go with me to second
40:35 Corinthians Chapter 4, second Corinthians,
40:37 we leave the Gospels momentarily and we
40:40 go to second Corinthians Chapter 4 now you
40:42 tell me second Corinthians is that
40:44 in the Old Testament or the New Testament,
40:47 New Testament second Corinthians Chapter 4,
40:49 second question now Jason loves to ask
40:51 questions let me ask you a question,
40:52 who wrote the book of second Corinthians?
40:56 Oh! Silence, Paul wrote the book of second
41:00 Corinthians. Now let's talk about the apostle
41:02 Paul. Who was the apostle Paul?
41:04 He was formerly Saul of where?
41:07 Tarsus, Saul of Tarsus. Now who was Paul?
41:12 Paul was a Hebrew. Is that true yes or no?
41:16 Was Paul a Jew. Yes. Absolutely Paul was a
41:18 Jew, he was Hebrew. Now Paul was also a
41:21 Roman citizen is that, true yes or no?
41:25 Sure, read the Book of Acts and on several
41:27 occasions Paul protested hey you can't do
41:29 this, I'm a Roman citizen. So Paul was a
41:31 Hebrew, who was also a roman citizen and
41:35 if you look at Tarsus, Tarsus was a city in
41:38 the ancient world that was strongly influence
41:40 by the Hellenistic world, by the Greek
41:43 world, so notice this very carefully he was a
41:45 Hebrew, who was also a roman citizen,
41:48 who had strong Greek Hellenistic
41:51 influences. Paul lived at the convergence of
41:55 three cultures, the Hebrew culture,
41:57 the Greek culture, and the Roman culture.
42:01 Now notice with me in second Corinthians
42:03 Chapter 4, the apostle Paul writing says
42:06 something absolutely remarkable.
42:08 Second Corinthians Chapter 4, I'm reading
42:10 in Verse 6 he says for it is the God,
42:13 who commanded light to shine out of
42:15 darkness. What is that reference to the God
42:18 who commanded light to shine out of
42:19 darkness? That's reference to creation
42:21 isn't it, let there be light and there was
42:24 like for God who commanded the light to
42:26 shine out of darkness have shown in our
42:28 hearts to give us the light of the knowledge
42:32 of the glory of God, where everyone?
42:36 In the face of Jesus Christ. Now let's, let's
42:37 look at all of those words, let's look at
42:39 those syllables, let's unpack them.
42:41 For God who commanded the light of shine
42:43 out of darkness that same God who spoken
42:45 to the actual darkness and said let there be
42:47 light that same God have shown in our
42:49 hearts to give us what the light what kind of
42:52 light a luminous light and incandescent light
42:54 like we have here, no, no, no, the light of the
42:57 knowledge, the light of what everyone?
42:59 Knowledge. The light of the
43:00 knowledge of the glory, of the glory, what's
43:03 the glory, the glory is the character. It's the
43:06 personality of God, so we are sure in our
43:08 hearts to give us the light of the knowledge
43:10 of the glory of God, where does he give us
43:15 the light of the knowledge of the glory of
43:17 God, where is it given in the face of Jesus
43:21 Christ. The light of the knowledge of the
43:24 glory of God, where Paul, where do we find
43:26 this light of the knowledge of the glory of
43:27 God. Who God actually is? He says we find
43:30 it in the face of Jesus Christ. One of my
43:33 very, very favorite authors, a woman by the
43:35 name of Ellen White, she said this when
43:37 Jesus came to this earth, the earth was dark
43:40 through a misapprehension of the character
43:43 of God. The earth was dark in a
43:46 misunderstanding of who God was. In John
43:49 Chapter 9 in one occasion the disciples
43:50 found a blind man and they ran back to
43:52 Jesus and they said Jesus we found this man
43:54 who is blind why is he blind? I mean you
43:56 got him good God why because he sinned
43:59 because his parents sinned and Jesus
44:02 protested utterly Jesus took no responsibility
44:05 for this man's blindness he in fact said this
44:07 man's blindness is for the glory of God and
44:09 he healed him. Amen. The earth was dark
44:11 through misapprehension of the character of
44:13 God people didn't know what God was like.
44:17 Yet friends Paul says the God who
44:19 committed light to shine out of darkness had
44:20 shown in our hearts why to give us the light
44:22 of the knowledge of what of the glory of
44:25 God. What God is like how do we know
44:26 what God is like in the face of Jesus.
44:28 Jesus put it this way if you've seen me,
44:31 you've seen my father. That same author that
44:34 I eluted to earlier Ellen White, she makes a
44:36 remarkable statement, where she says if the
44:38 father had come and given his life.
44:40 If the father had come and walk the streets
44:43 of dusty ancient Palestine, the gospels would not
44:45 have been one iota different than they are
44:49 now. If Jesus had remained in heaven and
44:51 the father himself had come you would have
44:53 the identical Bible in front of you that you
44:55 have now. There is synonymous in their
44:57 character, their goals and their nature.
44:58 Amen. Now let's unpack that, remember the
45:04 apostle Paul was a Hebrew, who was also a
45:08 Greek or a Roman citizen, who lived in a
45:10 very strongly Greek influence city or
45:12 Hellenistic city. If we could distill, if we
45:17 could distill the pursuit of the Hebrews
45:18 down, the Hebrew culture to a single word
45:21 what did they pursue? The answer is light.
45:25 Read the Old Testament and how frequent
45:27 are the illusions to light? Do they come up
45:29 frequently, yes or no? Absolutely. You have,
45:31 you have God at the beginning saying let
45:33 there be light. I think of Psalm 109, Psalm
45:35 119 Verse 105, it says that word is a light
45:39 under my feet and what lamb under my path
45:42 think about Isaiah Chapter 60 in Verse 1
45:43 literally 100s of scriptures could be
45:45 sided, Isaiah 60 Verse 1 says arise, shine for
45:48 that light has come and the glory of the Lord
45:50 is risen upon, the behold darkness covers the
45:52 earth and grows darkness the people, but the
45:54 Lord shall arise upon the and his glory shall
45:56 be seen upon thee. What was at the dwelt in
45:59 the most holy place of the ancient mosaic
46:02 sanctuary what was that there was in the
46:04 most holy place between the two chairs of
46:05 him on top of the mercy seat of the ark of
46:07 the covenant. What was there. The shine and
46:09 kind of glory the light, so if you could distill
46:12 the pursuit of the Hebrews down, they were
46:15 the light that was to lighten the darkness of
46:17 the gentile world. If you could take their
46:19 whole culture distill it down to a single
46:21 pursuit you would say the pursuit of the
46:23 Hebrews was light.
46:26 Now what about the Greeks?
46:27 What about the Greeks if we could take and
46:30 distill the pursuit of the Greek culture down
46:32 to a single, a single word what might that be
46:36 let's think about the Greeks, who were they.
46:39 Did these names mean anything to you
46:40 Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, those names
46:44 mean anything to you?
46:45 They are philosophers what kind of
46:47 philosophers, Greek philosophers.
46:50 Now friends the whole, you know what a
46:51 university is don't you. A university,
46:54 a university is, the concept of the university
46:58 is paternally Greek. It's an Hellenistic
47:00 concept, the academy is it's a Greek,
47:03 the pursuit of the Greek's friends was the
47:05 pursuit of knowledge.
47:09 If you go to Acts Chapter 17 it says that
47:10 there in Athens they all stood around and
47:13 they didn't do anything else except want to
47:14 hear something new. They were interested in
47:17 knowledge, the pursuit of knowledge,
47:19 the relentless pursuit of knowledge,
47:20 so the pursuit of the Hebrews was light,
47:22 the pursuit of the Greeks was knowledge,
47:24 what about the pursuit of the Roman world?
47:25 Let's distill it down to a single word it's very
47:27 easy. All roads lead to Rome. Rome wasn't
47:32 built in a day, when in Rome do is the
47:36 Romans friends what was the whole pursuit?
47:39 What was the, the epitome of the Roman
47:42 Empire it was glory, glory that glorious iron
47:48 monarchy of Rome. Now look at those three
47:52 words put them here on the screen, put them
47:55 on the screen here, just go with me one
47:57 more, pass that one, Oh! We missed it,
48:01 you're gonna have to bring the back.
48:03 Well, there is a powerful, let's just distill this
48:05 down maybe if we can get the slide up for us
48:07 here. Here it is the Hebrews three cultures
48:11 conversion the apostle Paul, the Hebrews
48:13 pursuit what everyone? Light.
48:15 Light. The Greeks pursued knowledge and
48:18 the Romans pursued glory. Now look at
48:20 your Verse of scripture again second
48:22 Corinthians Chapter in Verse 6, it says for
48:24 God who commanded the light to shine out
48:25 of darkness had shown in our hearts to give
48:28 us the light of the knowledge of the glory of
48:34 God where? In the face of Jesus what is Paul
48:37 saying, Paul is saying he takes all of the
48:39 three cultures that he existed in he
48:42 synthesizes them, he combines them all and
48:44 he says Jesus is the consummate fulfillment
48:47 of all history and all cultures, Amen.
48:51 Amen. Friends that's why a
48:52 black men can be saved just like a white
48:53 man, that's why a man can be saved just like
48:56 a woman and a woman like a man, and an
48:58 individual from India can be saved just like
49:00 an individual from Pakistan. And God will
49:02 save Africans in the same way he saves
49:04 Europeans can you say, Amen. Amen.
49:06 All cultures, all histories find their
49:08 consummation in the person of Jesus Christ
49:11 of Nazareth. The testimony of history,
49:14 the testimony of history friends.
49:17 Now how about number 5, we've looked at
49:19 the testimony of Jesus, the testimony of his
49:21 followers, the testimony of his enemies,
49:23 the testimony of history and number 5 my
49:25 own testimony, let me let you tonight.
49:28 That eight years ago, I was an aimless young
49:31 person, I was looking for happiness in sin
49:35 activities, relationships, academics, and I can
49:42 tell you that my testimony is this.
49:44 I have found that Jesus was right when he
49:49 said. My father had sent me, I am the way
49:53 the truth in the life, no one comes to the
49:56 father, but by me. My testimony
49:58 corroborates the testimony of his
50:00 followers. I believe with Peter that he is the
50:03 Christ the son of the living God.
50:05 I have found that to be true in my experience
50:08 friends. I have also agreed with those
50:12 soldiers who said no man ever spoke like
50:15 this man. Now I can speak with just a little
50:17 bit of authority on this just a tiny bit because
50:20 before becoming a Christian I read some
50:22 of the Hindu holy books and I got into
50:23 into Buddhism a little bit and I was exposed
50:26 to other religions, but I can tell you there is
50:28 something in the way that Jesus says what
50:30 he says it has the ring of truth. Amen.
50:35 He is unique and so I, I agree even with the
50:37 enemies and friends I agree with the
50:39 testimony of history. My testimony tonight
50:43 is that I have found true happiness,
50:46 true satisfaction, true contentment,
50:50 true meaning, I have found that the purpose
50:53 of life the true purpose of life is to be found
50:56 not in the pursued of excellence or activities
50:58 or relationships or any of these kinds of
51:01 things, but in the pursuit and in the
51:03 apprehension of a person.
51:07 And that person is Jesus Christ.
51:08 Go with me in your Bibles to Philippians,
51:10 Philippians Chapter 3, Philippians Chapter 3
51:16 this is one of the very first passages of
51:18 scripture, I ever memorized, Philippians
51:20 Chapter 3 beginning in Verse 7.
51:23 In Philippians Chapter 3 in Verse 7,
51:25 we find here the words of a man, who is
51:28 almost consume to listen to the way he talks
51:32 it seems like he is almost off her rocker,
51:34 he uses such far reaching language.
51:38 Philippians Chapter 3 beginning in Verse 7,
51:39 notice what the apostle Paul says he says,
51:41 but what things were gained to me, those I
51:44 count but loss for Christ. Yet doubt listen
51:47 I count all things, but loss for the excellency
51:50 of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord.
51:53 For whom I have suffered the loss of all
51:55 things and do count them, but don't that I
51:57 may win Christ and be found in him not
52:00 having my own righteousness, which is
52:01 of the law, but that which is through the
52:03 faith of Christ. The righteousness,
52:05 which is of God by faith, but I may know
52:08 him and the power of his resurrection and
52:11 the fellowship of his sufferings being made
52:12 conformable onto his death, if by any means
52:15 that I might attain into the resurrection of the
52:17 death nor as though I had already attained
52:18 either we are already perfect. But I follow
52:21 after if that I may apprehend that for which
52:25 also I'm apprehend of Christ Jesus. Brother I
52:28 count not myself to have apprehended,
52:29 but this one thing I do for getting those
52:31 things that are behind and reaching forward
52:33 nto those things that are before I press on,
52:35 tore them all for the price of the high calling
52:38 of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.
52:43 This is a man, who is consumed with Christ.
52:46 A man who says that he lost everything
52:49 reputation, fame, family, fortune, everything
52:53 has gone and yet he says he count it as gain.
52:57 Madness says the world that's why when
52:59 Paul preached the cross he said when I
53:01 preach the cross the Jews stumble over it
53:03 and the Greeks thinks its foolishness.
53:08 The consuming Christ, tonight we've looked
53:12 at five testimonies, tonight we've looked at
53:16 five testimonies and there is one remaining.
53:21 We have looked at the testimony of Jesus
53:23 about himself, we've looked at the testimony
53:25 of his followers those closest to him,
53:29 we've even looked at the testimony of his
53:30 self-styled enemies and they have affirmed
53:33 that Jesus was who he claimed to be,
53:34 we've looked at the testimony of history and
53:37 have found that the significance,
53:39 importance, influence, and preeminence of
53:40 Jesus has not decreased, but significantly
53:43 increased and then I have given you tonight
53:45 as best as I could my own testimony.
53:48 A man who is searching everywhere under
53:50 every rock looking for something that brings
53:53 meaning, happiness, and cohesiveness to life
53:56 and I can tell you I found it not in a thing
53:59 not in an activity, not in an education,
54:02 I found it in a man and that man is Jesus.
54:05 Amen. Like the apostle Paul
54:09 what things were gained to me those I count
54:12 but lost for Christ. A doubtless and I count
54:15 all things, but loss for the excellency of the
54:18 knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.
54:21 There is one testimony that remains to be
54:24 given though and that is number 6 your
54:26 testimony. Friends will you add your
54:29 testimony to what we have seen tonight to
54:31 these other five, would you add your
54:33 testimony, would you agree with the
54:34 testimony of Jesus about himself,
54:36 his disciples, his enemies, history and even
54:38 my testimony. You would have to cast your vote
54:41 tonight friends and you say well who is this
54:43 Jesus and then you look to the cross and you
54:46 see there a man on a cross like you see more
54:49 than a man, you see a savior, you see a
54:51 friend, you see a brother and you see God.
54:54 Amen. On the cross, why friends for you
54:58 and I. He is unique in human history.
55:02 So many things set him apart. So, many
55:06 things make him as a man unique,
55:08 unparalleled, peerless in the corridors,
55:12 and beyond time and so I put to you the
55:15 question today that Jesus put to those scribes
55:17 and Pharisees. I put to you that question friend,
55:21 what think ye of Christ?
55:26 What think ye of Christ?
55:32 Ponchus pilots standing outside of the
55:33 judgment hall had two decisions,
55:36 two options, two choices, he could crown
55:38 Christ as the true king or he could crucify
55:42 him and humiliate him. Friends today what
55:45 think ye of Christ? For our television
55:47 audience who is looking in what think ye of
55:49 Christ friends, what think ye of Christ.
55:55 I put this question to you tonight and I
55:56 affirm utterly that the testimony of Christ,
56:00 his disciples, his enemies and history and
56:02 my own testimony is that Jesus is the son of
56:04 God the Christ and the savior, Amen.
56:08 For you tonight who want to say with me he
56:11 is my savior, he is my Christ. Won't you
56:14 stand on your feet, won't you stand and
56:16 contribute, won't you stand with me as we
56:19 close. You see they were standing here and
56:21 for those of you in the television audience,
56:22 why don't you stand with us, why don't you
56:24 stand right now and say with me he is not
56:27 only the Christ tonight he is my Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17