For Guys Only

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FGOY

Program Code: FGOY000003S

00:01 Welcome to For Guys Only.
00:02 A program that is designed to address
00:04 the specific needs of the urban man.
00:07 I'm Pastor William Lee,
00:08 I want to welcome you today
00:10 because we have a very interesting topic
00:11 to discuss today.
00:13 Today, my friends, we're going to talk about The Male Ego,
00:16 the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
00:18 I encourage you to join us
00:20 as we go right into our broadcast.
00:38 Welcome, gentlemen, once again.
00:39 It is good to see each one of you all here today.
00:42 And as always,
00:43 we have a very interesting and exciting topic today,
00:46 we're talking about the male ego.
00:48 But as always,
00:50 before we get into our topic today,
00:51 I just want to pause right now
00:52 just to invite God's Spirit to be with us.
00:54 Let's just bow our heads for a word of prayer even now.
00:57 Father, God, we are so thankful that You love us
01:00 and that You constantly care for us
01:02 every step of the way.
01:04 I pray now for your spirit
01:05 just to bless us in our discussion this day
01:08 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:10 Amen.
01:11 The male ego,
01:13 I want to jump right into the Scripture
01:15 because there was a person in the Bible
01:17 that had a serious issue with his own ego.
01:21 And the Bible says this, Isaiah 14:12,
01:25 speaking about Lucifer, the Bible says,
01:27 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
01:30 son of the morning.
01:32 How art thou cut down to the ground,
01:34 which didst weaken the nations.
01:36 For thou has said in thine heart,
01:38 'I will ascend into heaven,
01:41 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
01:44 I will sit also up on the mount of the congregation,
01:47 in the sides of the north.
01:48 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
01:52 I will be like the most High.'"
01:56 Five times in Scripture,
01:58 you know, we see Lucifer, this covering cherub,
02:02 who was made perfect,
02:03 the Bible says,
02:05 constantly saying, I, I, I, I, I,
02:08 it was all about himself.
02:10 He didn't even look at this whole problem of sin,
02:13 the middle letter in sin is the letter I.
02:16 Where it becomes all about us.
02:19 Today, I'll just kind of break it down
02:20 because as men,
02:22 let's just be honest today,
02:23 we kind of struggle with our ego sometimes,
02:26 whether it's good or bad, but a lot of times,
02:29 it is bad.
02:30 But let's kind of talk about the male ego,
02:32 first of all, kind of defining what it is.
02:36 It's always good to see Brandon Dent, and Dr. King,
02:40 and Muta here as well, to discuss this.
02:43 But break it down a little bit, what is the male ego?
02:47 You know, several years ago,
02:51 a psychologist attempted to define the male ego
02:55 and he sort of saw it in three parts.
02:58 The first part is the id.
03:00 That is the sort of like the little child in us.
03:03 That playful, irresponsible little child in us,
03:07 and he called that the id.
03:09 And by the way, some men never grow up,
03:12 and they remain right there.
03:14 They're playful, irresponsible,
03:16 not taking care of responsibility.
03:18 So that's the id part of us.
03:20 And then there's their ego,
03:23 the part of us that is responsible for
03:25 how we think, how we act, how we behave,
03:30 how we treat people.
03:31 So that is sort of the definition for the ego.
03:34 And then there's the super-ego.
03:37 That's like their traffic cop or conscience
03:41 that sort of mediates between right and wrong.
03:44 What I just did, was that right?
03:46 Was that wrong?
03:48 That's our super-ego.
03:49 And that really doesn't come into play
03:51 a whole lot as much as the ego does.
03:53 Now the male ego can be inflated or deflated.
04:00 Okay.
04:01 If I can play basketball like Brandon can
04:06 or if I can sing very well...
04:08 You're very kind.
04:10 Or if I can play the piano, kind of like Lucifer.
04:16 I imagine the dude was good.
04:18 I imagine he was very, very good
04:21 because to be able to make that claim
04:23 that I want to be like God,
04:25 he must have won the admiration of the entire universe,
04:30 just because he was so talented.
04:32 I could imagine him singing all four parts of a song
04:35 without effort, effortlessly.
04:39 But his ego became inflated, and that's a problem.
04:43 Now the ego can become deflated,
04:46 and that can also be a problem.
04:48 When you're told that you're a loser,
04:51 you will never amount to anything good,
04:55 you are hopeless,
04:56 you are not a good man and so on and so forth,
04:58 when you are constantly beaten down,
05:01 your ego can become deflated.
05:04 When that happens, you can become angry,
05:07 you can become aggressive, you can become depressed.
05:12 There's so many implications to that.
05:14 So an inflated ego can cause problems
05:17 and a deflated ego can cause problems.
05:20 So when that ego is bruised or damaged, problems.
05:23 Wow.
05:24 So there you have it, the male ego.
05:26 Okay. Or the ego.
05:27 Wow. It's like blood pressure.
05:29 Yeah, yeah.
05:30 Up and down.
05:31 We gotta find that middle ground.
05:33 Absolutely. Okay.
05:34 And that's good, the middle ground because,
05:35 you know, clearly, Lucifer had an inflated ego.
05:38 I mean, there's no doubt about it that, man,
05:40 he just thought that he was all that and some,
05:42 he was actually...
05:43 The Bible says kind of take the place of God.
05:45 But then it becomes this fine line
05:48 maybe or maybe it's not that...
05:50 Well, the New Testament says, the Bible says,
05:52 that we ought to love our neighbor as ourself.
05:57 So there seems to be, you know, this type of...
06:02 We can love ourself, we should love ourself,
06:05 we should be able to respect ourself.
06:07 So is there a line there, you know, that is very fine?
06:12 Or how do love ourselves
06:13 but not inflate our ego so much that we,
06:17 you know, think too highly of ourselves?
06:20 Well, I think that
06:23 you have to understand
06:25 why it's important to love yourself
06:27 because you are made in the image of God.
06:30 Creation shows forth the greatness of God,
06:33 and we are the crowning act of creation.
06:36 It is a devise of the devil
06:38 to make us not appreciate
06:41 who and what God has made us to be.
06:43 So it must always be placed in divine context.
06:48 When it turns into me being better than you
06:52 or, you know, like, what happened with Lucifer,
06:56 where I don't give God the glory,
07:00 but now I start to aspire for a place
07:04 that is not appropriate to be more than somebody else.
07:07 And you don't have to do it towards God,
07:10 you don't have to be comparing yourself with God
07:13 because God said,
07:14 "Inasmuch as you've done it unto the least of these
07:16 my brethren, you've done it unto Me."
07:17 So when I want to dethrone you or push you down
07:21 so that I can be elevated,
07:23 I'm creating a direct offence against God.
07:26 And it's so important to understand the difference
07:28 between appreciating
07:31 who we are because it glorifies God,
07:35 and trying to do it to glorify ourselves.
07:37 Okay.
07:39 And, you know, and just to show
07:40 how destructive an inflated ego can be,
07:43 if you look around, let's say, for instance,
07:46 at the Arab Spring in the Middle East,
07:49 and, you know,
07:50 you observe the behaviors of a couple of dictators.
07:54 Some of these guys are willing to kill thousands of people,
08:00 just because their word must be law.
08:04 And they will go to any extent
08:06 to reinforce what they're saying.
08:08 That's how destructive and inflated ego can be.
08:12 Okay. Okay.
08:13 So let's be clear, though. Can I love myself?
08:16 Can I love myself as a man? Yes?
08:19 We are prince and princesses.
08:22 As Brandon just said,
08:23 we are wonderfully and fearfully made.
08:27 We're attractive dudes.
08:31 At least I like to think so.
08:36 Good, good.
08:38 Now I want to bring that out
08:39 from the beginning of our conversation today
08:40 because I think it's so important for us
08:42 understand that yes, you know,
08:44 that we are fearfully and wonderfully made,
08:46 that we can love ourselves,
08:47 but then we have to be careful because the flipside of it is,
08:51 is what we saw with Lucifer, that it can be destructive.
08:55 And let's kind of talk about that a little bit.
08:56 We started with the good,
08:58 and now let's talk about the bad side of the male ego.
09:02 You know, men, we're competitive.
09:04 You know, we like to do our best
09:07 at almost any cost sometimes, and sometimes it can be bad.
09:11 So let's kind of talk about a little bit
09:13 about the bad side now of the male ego.
09:15 Well, also it can be very subtle.
09:18 Let me give you just a quick example,
09:19 if my wife says to me that the bathroom faucet is leaky
09:25 and I'm gonna call a plumber in to fix it,
09:28 right away I'm thinking,
09:30 "Well, it costs money.
09:33 Number two,
09:34 so you think I'm not good enough
09:37 to fix this faucet."
09:39 That is the message I am getting.
09:42 So the ego doesn't have to be bad.
09:44 It can be slightly bruised.
09:46 And because you're telling me
09:48 that you're going to call a plumber in,
09:50 I am going to prove to you that I'm going to fix it.
09:54 So I'm going to go to Lowe's or Home Depot
09:56 and I'm going to do my darndest to prove the point
09:58 that I can fix this faucet,
10:00 and when I'm done,
10:01 now I want to hear what you have to say.
10:03 What's the problem?
10:04 "How do you like me now?"
10:06 Guys, let me just stop right now,
10:08 let me crank this stuff fast.
10:10 I mean, as Dr King, when you were at my house,
10:13 I had a leaky faucet,
10:15 but I had a toilet
10:16 that just is not acting right, you know.
10:19 And, you know, I wasn't gonna call a plumber.
10:22 You know, I looked at it, I said,
10:23 "I can fix it. And I could do it."
10:27 So, you know, I went to Home Depot,
10:28 I went to Lowe's, I went to Menards.
10:31 And I got the parts, came home, took the toilet apart,
10:34 and, you know, I put it back together again,
10:36 flushed it, and lo and behold, all of the water came out.
10:39 Mercy. I mean, everything came out.
10:41 And I was like,
10:42 "Oh, my God, I'm grabbing towels
10:44 and just try and do something, I like to know what's going on.
10:47 Let me tell you guys, I'm getting a move on,
10:49 but I spent an entire day.
10:50 I'm not kidding you.
10:52 I spent the entire day with my wife
10:53 going back and forth for the bathroom
10:54 peeking in saying,
10:56 "What's going on now? How's it going?"
10:57 I'm gonna make this thing work.
10:59 Finally, after an entire day, I finally got it fixed.
11:03 And yeah, I was frustrated, but when I got it fixed,
11:05 let me say right here, it was my ego.
11:06 I went and got my wife and my children.
11:09 We marched upstairs and I said,
11:12 "I'm gonna show you."
11:13 You know,
11:15 "I was able to fix the toilet."
11:17 And that was, you know, high-five, you know,
11:19 "William, good job," you know?
11:20 I needed that affirmation,
11:23 you know, and as silly as it looks right now,
11:26 looking back on this,
11:27 you know, I think, Muta, that we need that affirmation.
11:30 Yes.
11:31 You know, as men that, you know,
11:34 there is something with our male ego
11:37 that really does play an important part
11:39 in who we are as men, as men.
11:43 Go ahead. No, go ahead.
11:45 I was just saying I think the affirmation does provide
11:47 a sense of drive inside of us to want to go and do more.
11:54 Unlike most folk,
11:55 I don't have that problem of wanting to fix everything,
11:59 I'll say,
12:00 "Go ahead and call the plumber.
12:01 I'll get the number and we'll call them together."
12:05 But I think it is the male ego,
12:10 the bad part is
12:12 when we use it
12:14 as the driving force to do something,
12:17 when you're trying to prove a point.
12:19 And I think it's real easy because once you do accomplish
12:24 the thing that you wanted to accomplish,
12:26 then I'm boosted up.
12:28 So what more can I do?
12:30 And I finish this, I'm good at this.
12:33 And while it's good for you to want to achieve things,
12:37 we have to also be careful
12:39 that our life does not become all about achievement
12:42 because that's what happened with Lucifer.
12:45 He wanted to achieve a certain spot.
12:48 He was really beautiful,
12:49 he already could sing, and now,
12:52 "What else? What more can I do?
12:53 You see, God right there, I think I can do that
12:56 because I can do all these other things."
12:59 And that's why we have to be very careful
13:01 and start watching ourselves when we start thinking now,
13:04 "I can do it. I can do it."
13:08 Getting on a shaky ground.
13:09 That's good. That's good. That's good.
13:11 Yeah, I was gonna say,
13:13 when we're talking about affirmation,
13:15 that's a big one for me.
13:17 And there are a lot of things that I do
13:21 that they're so subtle
13:24 that my wife would never know they happened.
13:28 And I will every now and then have the tendency to say,
13:32 "Honey, I did that."
13:34 Oh, yeah, yeah. Me too.
13:38 And I just want her to say,
13:39 "Oh, really? Oh, that's wonderful."
13:42 And then I'm good.
13:43 Right. Right.
13:45 You know, there's also some other serious issues
13:47 that can surface as a result of a bruised or a bad male ego.
13:53 More and more women
13:54 and quite rightly so are becoming more educated
13:58 and are making more money than the guy.
14:02 And some guys just can't stand that.
14:05 If your wife is a physician,
14:09 or, you know, she's a professor...
14:11 She's an engineer, or an accountant,
14:13 or a business person
14:15 and happens to be making more money more than you
14:17 and happens to be more educated than you are.
14:20 You need to celebrate that
14:23 rather than feeling threatened and challenged by the fact
14:26 that your ego is bruised.
14:29 That's powerful. That's powerful.
14:30 Absolutely, absolutely celebrate it.
14:32 You know, Brandon,
14:34 you're retired corporate executive,
14:37 you know, a number of years working in corporate America,
14:40 you know, how important from your perspective
14:42 from the business side of things
14:44 and now you own your own company now,
14:45 how important from the business side,
14:47 is it for the male to recognize his ego
14:51 and to be able to lead in a sense?
14:55 Well, it's kind of interesting you say that
14:57 because I was in the auto industry,
15:01 which is infamous for huge egos.
15:04 A lot of that has to do with the fact
15:08 that much to what you were saying,
15:10 Dr. King, that the salaries were much higher
15:14 in that industry.
15:15 Where else could you not even have a high school diploma,
15:21 get a job as a factory worker, and make $60,000, $70,000,
15:25 $80,000 a year?
15:27 I had people coming into my plants for jobs
15:30 who were master degreed in education,
15:35 but they were only going to fractionalize the income
15:37 if they worked in their discipline.
15:38 So they just rather go and get a job on the line.
15:42 So you've got...
15:44 The money thing built a lot of strong egos.
15:48 Don't let one of those guys become a supervisor.
15:51 Or then even if you graduated degree
15:53 and come in with as a management personnel
15:57 because they have the skill, the pay,
16:00 you got to keep the management making
16:01 more than the rank and profile.
16:04 So these guys are coming out of school
16:06 with engineering degrees,
16:07 getting $80,000 jobs right out the box, you know?
16:12 So what you would find often is that
16:16 the egos would get so strong
16:17 that they would just be utter disrespect.
16:21 And I always tried to...
16:23 I always felt that
16:24 and I use a lot of biblical principles
16:26 when I was leading out with my teams,
16:29 what I would always do is tell my team,
16:31 "I work for you.
16:34 What do you need
16:36 so that you can do your job the best that you can do it?"
16:40 I would intentionally try to be the opposite
16:43 of what was sold prevailing in the industry,
16:46 to be humble,
16:48 to rely and recognize
16:50 the individual expertise of the members of my teams.
16:55 In a lot of those elements of expertise,
16:57 I did not possess myself.
16:59 So it wasn't just, you know,
17:00 sometimes it's that interaction management piece
17:02 and you're not always telling the truth.
17:03 No, you've got to be truthful, you got to be sincere with it.
17:06 But I think when you're in a position of leadership,
17:08 not only in industry but in your social circle,
17:11 and particularly in your home,
17:14 you have to do that with humility.
17:18 You know, what you said in the last part with humility,
17:21 I think, is critical.
17:22 There are guys that are watching right now
17:25 and that, I mean, have been beat down, though.
17:28 I mean, some guys, you know, and I know guys,
17:32 whether their girlfriend, whether their wife,
17:35 you know, has damaged them, but they're injured.
17:42 Their ego has been bruised,
17:44 and now they don't want to have...
17:45 They won't do anything, you know,
17:47 'cause everything they have tried to do in the past
17:49 has never been successful with,
17:51 you know, somebody else's viewpoint.
17:53 What do we say, you know, to that guy, you know,
17:56 who's been damaged, who's been broken, his ego,
17:59 you know, has just been...
18:01 Now what do we do?
18:03 What can we say, Dr. King, to help us?
18:04 You know, I think it is critical
18:07 that we understand the importance of rescuing
18:11 or lifting up people
18:13 who are bruised or damaged egos.
18:16 School shootings,
18:17 shootings in a workplace quite often
18:20 or as a result of a damage
18:23 a very fragile person
18:26 who's been told by a teacher or by peers,
18:28 "You are nothing. You are no good."
18:31 So now that person is so angry and so distraught
18:34 that they will explore
18:36 every possibility of getting back
18:38 even with the offenders.
18:41 So such people need a lot of encouragement,
18:45 talking to, mentoring, buttressing,
18:49 and they need to be told,
18:50 "You are valuable."
18:51 You know, if you think about it for one minute,
18:54 there is only one you on this planet,
18:58 5 billion people,
19:00 and there's only one person like you.
19:02 And when you leave the face of this earth,
19:05 you are irreplaceable.
19:06 So celebrate what you have."
19:08 So our emphasis must be on lifting up those people
19:12 rather than putting them down.
19:13 Absolutely.
19:14 I'll tell you what, guys.
19:16 I am that person.
19:18 I was the one from the fifth grade
19:20 who was told
19:21 I was never going to be anything.
19:22 I was moved from an integrated school
19:25 to a predominantly white school.
19:27 And it was hell.
19:29 And it led to not only bruising,
19:34 not damaging,
19:35 I mean, it killed me. It killed me.
19:38 I ended up dropping out of high school
19:40 in the ninth grade.
19:42 And it's still a daily struggle.
19:48 Even though I have graduated college,
19:51 even though I do have a beautiful family,
19:53 even though I do have kids that look up to me,
19:55 and I have young people who are mentoring,
19:58 every day I'm challenged
20:02 with having to look myself in the mirror
20:04 and have to give myself self-affirmation.
20:07 Should a man love himself?
20:09 Yes.
20:10 Because there's nothing that anyone else can do
20:15 to make that person love themselves,
20:16 but point out like the doctor just said,
20:20 point out the fact that we are special,
20:24 look at some of the things that you can do.
20:28 You know what one thing my mommy says,
20:31 "You talk a lot."
20:33 And I thought that was a bad thing.
20:35 And it can be a bad thing.
20:37 But I've realized it's given me the ability not to be shy
20:40 when I'm dealing with somebody else
20:42 who's going through the same issue
20:43 that I've gone through
20:44 and give them encouragement.
20:46 So it's tough, having a bruise,
20:49 broken, killed ego is really tough,
20:51 and it's destroyed a lot of the things
20:54 that I could have done in life.
20:56 But I've learned that what I do have,
21:00 God has given me for specific reasons.
21:03 And so that's what I hang on to when all else fails.
21:06 Yeah. You're 1 in 5 billion.
21:07 "I'm Muta, it's just me."
21:09 No one else has my story.
21:11 They can have something similar,
21:12 but no one has my story.
21:14 And that's what I hang on to.
21:17 That's powerful. That's very powerful.
21:18 You know, the Bible says that
21:20 "Life and death are the power of the tongue."
21:23 And as we have been saying, rightly so,
21:25 that we need to build,
21:27 you know, build, especially the man,
21:28 build him up,
21:30 you know, even with my young son,
21:31 you know, building him up and saying,
21:32 "Hey, you know, you're smart."
21:34 You know, just recently, you know,
21:36 whilst I was taking him to school
21:37 and I just wanted to encourage him that day, so,
21:38 "You know what, you did well on that project, you know.
21:41 You know, you are a smart young man."
21:44 And I looked back at him, he's five years old,
21:46 he just smiled from ear to ear,
21:48 you know, to hear his father say that he is smart.
21:53 And I think a lot of times we don't hear that,
21:56 you know, young men don't hear it,
21:57 older men have not heard it,
21:59 you know, sometimes it is, you know, it has a void,
22:02 we have a void in that because we've not always heard it.
22:05 But let's talk a little bit more about the ego as well.
22:10 The Bible, our guide book, makes a statement in Ephesians,
22:16 where the Bible says, the Apostle Paul says,
22:19 that the man is, you know, to be so to speak,
22:23 you know, over the woman,
22:24 it doesn't say that, it doesn't say.
22:27 I know exactly...
22:28 But it says in Ephesians 5
22:30 that men are to lead their families to be,
22:34 so to speak, the priest of the home,
22:37 the wives are supposed to submit,
22:41 the Bible uses the word submit to their husbands,
22:43 you know, I don't want to,
22:44 you know, open up a can of worms, so to speak.
22:47 But what do you all think about that,
22:49 especially as relates to the male ego?
22:51 What is the word of God saying that, in a sense?
22:53 You know, you're right,
22:55 Colossians 3:8 and Ephesians 5:22, you know,
22:58 "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husband."
23:02 And especially within the church setting,
23:06 some men use that as leverage against their wives,
23:11 and actually beat them into submission
23:15 because the Bible says
23:17 that you need to submit yourself to me,
23:19 and this is what you're supposed to do.
23:22 And we're okay with that.
23:23 And in some cases,
23:25 the church kind of foster that type of notion.
23:29 Look at our structure, our leadership structure,
23:33 we have more male ministers than female ministers,
23:38 more male officers in positions of power
23:42 when compared with females,
23:44 and so we can use the Bible to beat a women
23:48 over the head and beat them into submission,
23:51 forgetting that
23:53 the Bible's simply using an illustration,
23:55 submit yourself to your husband,
23:58 as Christ submitted himself onto the church.
24:02 He was to serve...
24:03 Well, He came and died for us.
24:04 He endured abuse,
24:06 that's how Christ submitted Himself to the church.
24:09 So I think we can learn a lesson from that.
24:11 And us men, we need to realize that
24:14 without the women we're a whole lot of trouble.
24:17 We can hang, we just can't make it.
24:19 All right.
24:21 You know, when I was in college,
24:24 there was a social science course,
24:27 urban redevelopment it was called.
24:30 And you would look at different elements
24:32 of the urban society
24:36 and talk about what it took to redevelop them.
24:39 When it came to relationships between men and women,
24:44 they drew the distinction between being an authority
24:49 and being a power.
24:52 A power is one who takes what is not given to them.
24:59 And an authority is only
25:01 what you are in the mind of someone else,
25:04 you can't make it happen.
25:05 Either they respect you or they don't.
25:08 And I think that that's how men should carry themselves
25:12 in the relationship.
25:14 The Bible tells the woman to submit,
25:17 not the man to make her submit.
25:21 She can do it, may do it, may choose not to do it,
25:25 but the man should continue
25:27 to stand on the basis of principle,
25:30 on divine principle
25:31 because when Christ is lifted up,
25:34 right,
25:35 it draws all men unto Him.
25:37 His Word does not return void, you will have impact,
25:41 maybe not the impact that you want to have.
25:43 But if you do it God's way
25:45 and work to be a spiritual authority
25:47 and not a power, you will have success.
25:50 That's wonderful. That's good, that's good.
25:52 You know, I'm feeling...
25:55 The man, that's watching this right now.
25:57 And I'm always trying to be sensitive
25:59 to what the man is thinking right now.
26:02 And I can sense that there's probably someone
26:04 who has a very damaged ego.
26:07 And while we want to get the right balance,
26:10 you know, between, you know,
26:11 healthy ego and unhealthy ego
26:14 to get that right balance, give us some advice,
26:17 we need to be able to speak to that man who's damaged,
26:21 that man who has been challenged right now,
26:24 can each of us, you know,
26:26 just, you know, men have that...
26:27 We have that kind of just, you know,
26:29 or someone who's kind of...
26:30 Wrap it up for us to help that may understand it,
26:33 you said that we are fearfully and wonderfully made,
26:35 but don't think too highly of themselves.
26:38 Help us on that some more.
26:39 You know, my advice will be well, actually,
26:42 it is to say that respect is earned,
26:46 you can't demand it.
26:48 And if I or you have a damaged ego,
26:52 we need to look at ourselves in the mirror,
26:55 we need to understand
26:56 that I can't demand something from you.
26:59 First of all,
27:00 I've got to live it out in my life.
27:02 So I've got to pick myself up, I've got to encourage myself,
27:06 I've got to behave in a respectful manner.
27:09 And even if I am not shown respect,
27:12 that's okay.
27:13 I can't make you do what I want you to do.
27:16 I am responsible for me,
27:18 and I've got to step up and be responsible.
27:20 Wow, that's good. That's good. That's good.
27:23 You know, I'm gonna read this text
27:24 from Genesis 1:26,
27:30 toward the end of Genesis 1,
27:32 where God makes the statement very specifically
27:35 that we were made in the image of God.
27:40 The Bible says very simply, Bible says that,
27:44 "And God said, 'Behold,
27:45 I've given you every herb bearing fruit to eat,
27:47 and every fowl of the air"'
27:49 and all these things,
27:51 "and God saw that everything was very good,"
27:54 including that we were good, Genesis: 1:27,
27:58 because we were made in God's image,
28:00 male and female.
28:02 Absolutely.
28:03 And I believe, my friends,
28:05 that we recognize that we are in God's image
28:06 that so many things could change in our lives
28:09 once we submit ourselves back to God once again.
28:13 Time has flown, guys.
28:14 But we praise God for this discussion.
28:16 May God continue to bless us.
28:18 Until next time,
28:19 For Guys Only, let's keep the faith.
28:21 Wonderful.


Revised 2023-04-13