For Guys Only

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FGOY

Program Code: FGOY000005S

00:01 Welcome to For Guys Only,
00:02 a program that deals with topics
00:04 specifically geared for the urban man.
00:07 I'm Pastor William Lee,
00:08 and I'm so thankful that you have joined us
00:09 for another broadcast on today.
00:12 Today we're going to talk about the norm of hypergamy.
00:15 What is it?
00:16 And how do we go against this norm?
00:19 Stay tuned as we go into our broadcast.
00:37 Gentlemen, welcome once again,
00:39 it is a pleasure to see each one of you all again,
00:42 as we have another fantastic discussion
00:45 about the norm of hypergamy.
00:48 We have, you know,
00:49 so much discussion and conversation
00:52 in our society today
00:54 about different norms that you know
00:56 our society thinks are acceptable.
00:59 And today we want to see what does God think
01:01 as we go forward today.
01:02 So, as we go forward,
01:04 let's kind of introduce ourselves.
01:05 And let's get right into our discussion by,
01:08 I'll start with Brandon today.
01:10 Yes, my name is Brandon dent,
01:12 I am a retired auto executive 27 years
01:16 and running my own marketing company.
01:18 I'm also married 27 years.
01:21 Interesting. coincidence.
01:24 And maybe it's not interesting,
01:27 maybe it'll play into our subject today.
01:30 But I have raised two children, teenagers,
01:34 raised two boys
01:35 and have a teenage daughter at home.
01:38 And I'm happy to be here today.
01:39 Very good.
01:40 My name is Colin King.
01:42 I'm the father of two teenagers.
01:44 My daughter is 18 and my son is 17,
01:47 and I've been married to the same person
01:49 for the last 21 years.
01:52 By training, I'm a clinical psychologist.
01:56 But I currently work as a neuropsychologist
01:58 dealing with various clinical syndromes,
02:01 substance abuse, brain injury, personality disorders,
02:05 and so on and so forth.
02:07 And I'm very, very thrilled to be talking
02:09 about the norm of hypergamy.
02:11 All right.
02:12 My name is Mutu Mwenya,
02:14 and I'm Executive Director for Elijah3 Ministries,
02:17 married seven years, seven blissful years,
02:20 with two children, and I'm happy to be here.
02:24 All right.
02:26 As always, I'm Pastor William Lee,
02:27 pastor in a Lake Region Conference
02:29 of Seventh- day Adventist,
02:30 been married for seven years, two children,
02:33 and I'm excited about the move of God
02:35 in the days that we live in today.
02:37 Dr. King, would you offer a word of prayer for us
02:39 as we go forward today?
02:40 Absolutely.
02:42 Our Father and our God,
02:44 we are so grateful for this opportunity
02:46 to sit here today.
02:47 And to discuss issues
02:49 and propose solutions to problems to topics
02:54 that are so helpful to urban families,
02:57 especially black males,
02:59 we ask your blessings upon our discussion today.
03:02 In Jesus' name, amen.
03:04 Amen.
03:05 Let's gonna talk about this,
03:07 this word that we've been saying
03:08 a couple of times, hypergamy.
03:10 What is it? What is hypergamy?
03:13 I'm gonna look to you Brandon to kind of break it down
03:15 as we go forward today.
03:17 Okay, the norm of hypergamy.
03:20 Hypergamy,
03:21 it comes from to two pieces
03:23 hyper meaning up and gammy, meaning marry.
03:26 And it is a social norm
03:28 that says women should marry up
03:33 in all kinds of aspects of the term,
03:37 their men should be taller,
03:39 they should be positioned higher in society,
03:42 you know, the Bible says her husband,
03:44 he's known at the gates, you know,
03:47 he should have higher education and make more money.
03:52 And so, this is an old norm. It's been around a long time.
03:55 And even though there have been changes
03:58 in the level of education and employment
04:01 and income of women,
04:03 this norm is still something
04:05 that is affecting the psyche of society to this very day.
04:09 Okay. All right.
04:11 So, let's try to break it down then,
04:12 I think I got it now.
04:13 So, it's really women marrying up.
04:15 All right, is that right?
04:17 Men and women vary of whether it means
04:19 whether it's socially, economically,
04:22 even in statute or height or whatever, okay.
04:24 It means that, okay, I got it. All right, good.
04:27 So let's kind of talk about, you know,
04:29 this norm, so to speak.
04:32 For all guys program,
04:33 do you think that women are so concerned with this,
04:36 you know, really today that they,
04:38 they feel that they had to find you know,
04:40 someone or a brother who you know,
04:42 has this degree
04:43 and has this social economic stance, you know.
04:46 Do you think women are really thinking about you know,
04:48 that today?
04:50 I think so.
04:51 And I think it's becoming more and more of a challenge.
04:55 And one of the reasons why I said that
04:57 because we've noticed that in the 1980s,
05:02 there was a marked increase in enrollment
05:05 of female college students over male college students.
05:10 As a matter of fact, between 1970 and 2000,
05:17 females enrolled in post-secondary education
05:22 increased by about 136%.
05:25 And in professional type occupation or studies
05:31 increased by 853%.
05:35 Meanwhile, males have lagged behind in terms of enrollment.
05:41 For instance, in 2004,
05:43 was about 9.9 million female college students,
05:48 as opposed to 7.4 million male college students.
05:54 Bottom line,
05:55 more females are becoming educated,
05:58 more females are earning more.
06:00 So how in the world are they able to find a mate
06:04 and even marry up?
06:06 That's a problem. Okay.
06:08 That's a huge problem.
06:09 Yeah, and so it's a bigger problem
06:12 for the urban male,
06:13 for the urban community
06:16 wears a heavy African-American influence
06:21 or Afro centric influence.
06:24 Because to be honest with you,
06:26 even though that is a social norm,
06:28 it's a concept.
06:30 But we have always struggled to,
06:34 to live up to it,
06:35 whether we should be trying to or not,
06:36 we struggle to live up to it,
06:38 because of the unique African-American experience
06:41 here in this country.
06:44 It's interesting, that Dr. King's statistics,
06:50 the timeframe 1970s to about 2000, I think he said,
06:55 I did a little bit different research,
06:57 and found the impact of these improvements in education
07:03 and job opportunities for female.
07:05 And it's interesting,
07:07 they use a very similar time frame
07:09 1970 to 2002.
07:11 And here's what they said.
07:14 "The United States understood that
07:18 it would be good for society,
07:20 good for economy, good for industry,
07:23 if we take this whole half of the population
07:28 and give them education
07:30 and allow their skills and abilities and brainpower
07:34 to enter into American industry."
07:37 And I totally agree with that.
07:40 I think, it's one of the reasons
07:42 why this country has excelled the way it has,
07:45 but it has had an interesting adverse effect
07:49 on the institution of marriage.
07:51 For example, the median age over that same time frame,
07:54 the median age of individuals
07:58 getting married for the first time
08:00 increased by four years,
08:03 the likelihood of an individual aged 40 to 44
08:09 not being married doubled in that same time frame.
08:14 Divorce rates increased,
08:16 and the percentage of married adults
08:20 has fallen substantially
08:23 from 71.7% to only 55.3%
08:28 in that same time frame.
08:30 So while it's been good
08:31 for making money and for industry,
08:34 it seems to have had an adverse effect
08:38 on the institution of marriage.
08:41 Okay, okay.
08:42 So, as we look at this topic then,
08:47 should we then try to reverse this norm?
08:51 I mean, women are definitely,
08:55 you know, they're searching for,
08:56 you know, an educated guy.
08:58 You know, I don't think any woman you know,
08:59 grows up and says, you know,
09:01 just give me someone that doesn't know anything,
09:03 you know, whether and I'm telling is education,
09:05 you know, had a college degree,
09:06 but they want you know, a man that knows something.
09:08 So what do we do?
09:10 Do we just, you know, do we keep the norm or do we,
09:13 how do we adjust it some,
09:16 you know, to be able to go forward?
09:18 Well, you know,
09:20 a good biblical case study
09:23 is the case of Queen Vashti.
09:27 Okay. All right.
09:29 Queen Vashti, if you remember,
09:31 she was summoned to come before the king's banquet.
09:35 And she refused to do so,
09:37 she did not respect
09:39 what was going on with that banquet.
09:40 She refused to do so.
09:43 One of the king's advisors Memucan said to the king,
09:50 "The queen has disgraced the palace
09:55 and you got to do something about this."
09:58 Now he loved Vashti.
10:01 But now he's starting to be concerned
10:03 because it's almost like,
10:04 you know that norm was more prominent then,
10:07 than it is now.
10:09 So it's a greater violation then than today.
10:12 But what really got the king to make a decision to banish
10:15 his queen was when Memucan said,
10:18 she will become an example to women
10:20 in houses of the kingdom,
10:23 and these women will begin to rise up
10:25 against their husbands, because the king allowed it.
10:28 So, you've got to do something about this.
10:31 But interestingly, this whole situation,
10:36 God used this situation, her insolence, if you will,
10:40 to bring about his will the opportunity for Esther.
10:44 Now, when Esther got into that position,
10:47 she worked with the social norm.
10:51 But she still had impact far outside of that norm.
10:55 Right, she was able to affect law,
10:59 which no woman could ever do.
11:02 But she did not just come in and start working all outside
11:06 being offensive to the norms and the customs of the day.
11:09 And it's important that
11:10 when you find yourself in a situation,
11:12 you do need to try and understand
11:13 and respect the norms,
11:15 because oftentimes,
11:16 they will open people up to you
11:18 and give you now an opportunity to be about God's purposes.
11:22 Okay. All right, that's good.
11:23 I praise God for that.
11:25 Do we, you know, keep the norm though,
11:27 do we, you know, the Bible says that,
11:29 you know, we are peculiar people.
11:31 Right.
11:32 And God has definitely standards or whatnot.
11:35 But, Muta, how do you see it?
11:37 You know, do we keep doing things
11:40 at a certain level
11:41 or do we have to break the norm of things,
11:44 to be able to do things God's way?
11:47 Obviously, we have to do things God's way.
11:50 That's first and foremost,
11:53 in the case of what we're speaking about,
11:56 specifically, it's kind of hard
11:58 because you want for those who have a daughter,
12:03 like you two,
12:04 you don't want your daughter bringing home just any guy.
12:09 But at the same time,
12:11 you want her to bring home somebody who's going to love
12:14 and respect her and cherish her and treat her right.
12:17 So I think education on the type of man
12:21 one should look for,
12:25 in regards to his spirituality,
12:29 the way he carries himself, as a man.
12:32 Does he take care of his business?
12:36 Not only does he have a college degree,
12:38 or does he have, you know, a home that he owns himself?
12:40 But is he somebody
12:42 who's able to really take up responsibility
12:44 for what's his and do right by you?
12:47 I think that's what we should be looking,
12:49 looking for more rather than,
12:53 "Hey, you know what?
12:55 You got to get somebody who's got it going on."
12:57 Because otherwise
12:59 you don't want your kids growing up over here,
13:01 you don't want that.
13:02 And, sadly, that's just what happens.
13:04 And it's all about education,
13:06 because my wife actually met me,
13:09 before I had a college degree
13:11 before I had a high school diploma.
13:13 Okay.
13:14 And she had her college degree,
13:17 and she had already started working.
13:18 And when she met me, I was working at Office Depot.
13:20 Okay.
13:22 But at the end of the day,
13:23 she realized very quickly that
13:24 though I may not have been at her education level,
13:28 I still was somebody who had goals.
13:30 And she saw as we've been together
13:34 me achieved these goals
13:35 that I wanted to achieve in life, so.
13:37 Awesome.
13:38 It's a very, yeah, it's a very interesting point,
13:41 because it's a very difficult self
13:44 to a female professional,
13:47 saying to her, just find a guy, find a guy who's responsible,
13:52 find a guy who has a job, find a guy who is on task,
13:57 but you're so advanced,
14:00 he is not
14:01 but still relate to him on your level,
14:04 it is a huge challenge.
14:05 And if you look at the ratio to females,
14:08 you know, females to males in our church,
14:11 that gap is steadily widening,
14:14 not just in terms of pure numbers,
14:16 but in terms of educational status,
14:19 in terms of financial ability.
14:22 So, we have a number of black, educated, financially sound,
14:28 powerful women looking for a boyfriend or a spouse,
14:32 and they can't find them.
14:34 It is a huge problem.
14:35 So if they can't find them, what do they do?
14:38 Because men and women
14:40 listening to us right now and viewing us,
14:42 and I don't want to just be one side of what can we do?
14:45 What kind of solutions can we make to help go forward?
14:49 Well, the first thing
14:51 and I think Muta really plugged into it is
14:54 you want to be in God's will.
14:55 Okay.
14:56 Society has a variety of norms,
14:58 some of them, we can look at
15:00 and then know that they're not healthy,
15:02 we wouldn't subscribe to,
15:03 we wouldn't have them on this show
15:04 because this show is more provocative than that.
15:07 But, I mean, it's a good model.
15:12 You know, there's nothing inherently wrong with it
15:14 as long as it works for you.
15:16 The problem is, if you notice,
15:20 all of the real elements are what I call Mammon,
15:23 just material earthly things.
15:25 Okay?
15:27 And what you do
15:28 and when it starts to turn toxic,
15:31 when those things
15:32 take the foreground in the relationship,
15:36 okay?
15:37 And because it's a societal thing,
15:39 which what you have is
15:41 you have a woman who gets around her girlfriends
15:43 and is not proud to talk about what her husband does,
15:47 because all the other wives are married to guys
15:51 who have all these fancy titles, okay?
15:53 Or you have girlfriends saying house husband,
15:56 are you kidding?
15:58 I wouldn't take that, he have to go out,
16:00 it doesn't matter that she actually is a doctor.
16:03 And if he doesn't stay at home, and he's a handyman,
16:06 then that means
16:07 they have to live off of a handy man's salary
16:10 while she stays at home.
16:12 And that has far reaching financial implications
16:18 for their children, right?
16:19 So now how do you raise them?
16:21 What level of education can they have,
16:22 and so on and so forth?
16:23 I think what you have to find yourself is
16:25 in the will of God,
16:27 I know an evangelist, powerful evangelist,
16:30 who had to make that adjustment come out of corporate America,
16:34 because he received the call from God,
16:36 he and his wife had to work through that.
16:39 Okay.
16:41 At the time,
16:43 a lot of people was talking about,
16:45 you know, man, that's not a responsible thing to do,
16:48 you know, I know she's gonna be upset,
16:50 I don't know how this is going to work.
16:52 Well, it's been many, many years since that decision,
16:54 and this individual has done a powerful work,
16:58 baptized thousands around the world.
17:01 You know, sort of like,
17:03 when a basketball player comes down,
17:05 he's not at home court,
17:06 and he hits the three and silences the crowd.
17:09 Well, all these years later now,
17:11 there have been so many threes hitting,
17:14 so many threes that have been hit
17:15 for the sake of the gospel,
17:17 that the global crowd has been hushed,
17:21 and now has the ultimate respect
17:23 for that decision.
17:25 So the point is,
17:26 is we can't let social norms define us.
17:28 God is not beholden to social norms.
17:30 Okay.
17:32 And He proved that in His Word.
17:33 There's an example in the Bible,
17:34 if I could just take a few more minutes,
17:37 where Moses is giving out land
17:40 to the different tribes based on their leaders.
17:42 Well, women were not to own land.
17:45 And as these two daughters whose patriarch is deceased.
17:49 So, they are the only ones
17:51 who can step up and ask Moses for their land.
17:54 Moses didn't know what to do.
17:56 He's like this, women can't have land.
17:58 Right?
18:00 So he goes,
18:01 and has this long drawn out conversation,
18:03 I could see him enhanced and but now Lord,
18:06 you know, we got a problem here,
18:08 you know, the other tribes
18:09 are gonna have a problem with this.
18:11 And you know, women don't,
18:12 we're not supposed to give them land,
18:14 it goes through this whole dissertation.
18:16 What should I do, Lord? Yeah.
18:18 The Lord says,
18:19 "Give them their land."
18:21 And so even then,
18:23 God was showing that He does not,
18:26 He's not beholding,
18:27 He doesn't have to subscribe to our social norms.
18:30 So our best bet is to figure out
18:32 what is the model
18:34 that God has for our family for us,
18:38 and find ourselves in it.
18:39 Yeah, that's good.
18:41 Right here you're saying is that,
18:42 you know, always focusing on God's will
18:44 for our or individualize
18:46 focusing on what God is saying,
18:47 and don't worry about so much the crowd
18:50 or what society is always saying as well.
18:53 And I think that's significant.
18:54 Because so many times we listen to the other voices,
18:58 you know, especially as men,
18:59 and sometimes as men, you know, even if our,
19:02 if our wife or girlfriend, whoever is,
19:05 is making more money than us,
19:06 you know, sometimes we feel intimidated,
19:08 you know, we feel like,
19:09 you know, I'm supposed to be the man,
19:11 you know, I'm supposed to be the breadwinner or whatnot.
19:13 And it's okay, you know, what it's, you know,
19:16 because that's God's will
19:18 for our life or my life right now.
19:21 If I have to be if I'm at home,
19:23 we shouldn't think you know, what the key is supposed be,
19:25 we shouldn't think that it's a bad thing,
19:27 you know, that you're not working,
19:28 you are working.
19:30 You're doing, you're fulfilling your role for God
19:33 would have you to do right now in this particular situation,
19:35 which is a blessing as well.
19:37 I think that's good. That's good.
19:39 But it tell us a little bit more about this,
19:41 this whole norm.
19:42 I know there's this concept of even you know,
19:45 as mundane as may sound that
19:47 women look to marry a man
19:49 that's even taller and statue than they are.
19:54 They're just affected by the norm.
19:56 And this is kind of interesting
19:58 because a lot of women
20:00 don't even know what it's called.
20:02 They haven't heard it by its term,
20:04 they've only experienced it through their society.
20:07 So they, they will get around and talk.
20:11 And yeah, she married some dude.
20:13 Yeah, he's like two, three inches shorter than her.
20:15 Now you dating some dude,
20:17 you haven't told the girls about it,
20:19 and he's two, three inches shorter than you.
20:21 All right, so now all of a sudden,
20:23 just through that interaction,
20:25 you don't need a social scientist
20:27 to come teach you about the norm of hope of hypergamy,
20:30 you're already living it,
20:32 and you're already starting to shrink,
20:34 possibly from the responsibility
20:36 in the direction that God has for your life
20:38 simply because of this so called social norm.
20:41 And it's a problem.
20:43 And I'll tell you who does most of the shrinking,
20:45 you know, we always look at this
20:47 from the woman's perspective,
20:49 but particularly in the black community,
20:51 where we have statistically
20:53 not been able to fulfill that social norm.
20:57 And we have had women, you know, black women who say,
21:00 you know what?
21:02 See that we talked about this in earlier shows,
21:04 they have certain emotional needs,
21:06 that they will need that are so high and so strong
21:08 that they will say,
21:09 well, here's the minimum set of requirements
21:11 that I have to have,
21:12 this guy has to be above these, these things,
21:14 and if he can't make all the money I need,
21:17 that's not in this box.
21:19 I rather have the companionship and the love and the affection
21:22 and even spiritual guidance,
21:24 I rather have that and they're willing,
21:26 more often than the man
21:27 is to enter into that type of relationship,
21:30 because men have this evil thing going on
21:33 where we want to be a dominant force
21:36 in the relationship.
21:37 And we don't think we can be that
21:38 if we're in this somewhat compromised role
21:41 in the relationship.
21:42 So, we got to talk to some of the men out there
21:45 who are finding themselves in the situation
21:47 or have this opportunity,
21:49 who may not be taking advantage of it,
21:52 because they're simply influenced
21:53 by this social norm.
21:56 And they're not plugging into
21:57 what is God's purpose for my life?
22:00 Well said,
22:02 Doc, talk to us a little bit
22:03 about the clinical side of this?
22:04 Yeah, you know,
22:06 I couldn't agree with Brandon more.
22:07 When we run our lives based on norms or expectations,
22:12 we sort of put on a show, we wear masks,
22:16 and so outwardly,
22:18 you know, we're fulfilling the requirements of society,
22:22 but inwardly
22:23 we're not living fulfilled lives.
22:25 And Brandon is absolutely right,
22:27 what is God's will for my life?
22:30 How does He want me to function?
22:32 And it could be
22:34 that he wants me to play a supportive role
22:37 rather than a dominant role.
22:39 You know, you can use an analogy of basketball.
22:42 You know, I certainly am not a basketball player.
22:45 But I do know that
22:47 most teams have a couple of superstars.
22:49 And then there's there are those supporting guys
22:52 who can pass the ball, who can set the game up.
22:54 That's right.
22:56 And as males,
22:57 we don't always have to be
22:58 in a perceived dominant position
23:01 to live a satisfactory life,
23:02 and we need to remember that.
23:04 That's good. That's good.
23:05 Because lot of times the point guard,
23:07 he runs the team,
23:09 but he may not be the superstar.
23:10 Absolutely.
23:12 But he knows where to ditch it off,
23:13 he knows where to give the ball to at just the right time.
23:16 Absolutely.
23:18 And he, you know,
23:19 the other person becomes the star.
23:20 That's right.
23:22 But they work together. That's right.
23:23 That's why we say working together.
23:24 How does this, you know, play itself out in the church?
23:26 Because I see, I see this being,
23:28 you know, very practical,
23:30 but I'll see it could be challenging,
23:31 especially as relates to the church,
23:35 and this whole this whole norm,
23:38 especially those who have education,
23:40 and then the guy feels is you know what,
23:42 I don't want to come around,
23:43 you know, you know,
23:44 others because I'm not, you know,
23:46 I don't have everything everybody else has.
23:48 And that may be another reason, because we started off,
23:50 you know, previous episodes
23:52 talking about mid run,
23:54 you know, Adam sometimes destined or whatnot.
23:56 I'm seeing, you know,
23:58 the norm of hypergamy being, you know,
24:01 in relationship to why sometimes men may run,
24:05 you know, maybe
24:07 could we discussed that a little bit as well
24:08 as figure out how that relates to church and Adam?
24:12 Sure.
24:13 You know, I believe that God runs a beauty parlor.
24:17 So... Say it.
24:19 I'll run to barber shop, beauty parlor.
24:22 So, if that is the case,
24:24 whereby the guy is married to someone who's smarter,
24:29 better, taller, whatever than him.
24:33 So there could be that feeling that,
24:34 you know, I can't come into the church
24:36 because I'm going to, I'm going to seem less than.
24:40 When you come to the Church of God,
24:42 God makes you a better person.
24:44 You know, He gives you a haircut.
24:46 He motivates you.
24:48 He opens and He widens your horizon.
24:50 So yeah, you know,
24:52 you may have a high school diploma,
24:54 and that's okay.
24:56 When you come to the church and you stay with the church,
24:58 God makes you a better person.
24:59 He runs a beauty parlor.
25:01 Yeah, I like that, I'm gonna use that as well.
25:03 That's all right.
25:04 You can't lose. Absolutely.
25:07 So don't be fazed by the norm.
25:10 Look what the Bible says,
25:11 what Bible says that
25:12 man looks on the outward appearance.
25:14 You know, that's what this whole discussion is about.
25:16 Everybody's like look on the outside
25:17 trying to judge you from the outside.
25:19 But God, Bible says that God looks in the heart,
25:21 and God knows exactly what's going on,
25:24 on the inside whether good or bad.
25:26 And I appreciate that about God as well.
25:30 Help us understand a little bit more about
25:32 some of the other social implications
25:33 of this whole norm.
25:35 And, you know, we'll have about, you know,
25:36 two and a half minutes left in this broadcast,
25:39 help us understand God's will,
25:41 help us understand the steps we need to take
25:43 so that we don't fall, you know,
25:46 pray to what's been happening,
25:48 you know, through our society for so long.
25:51 Well, you know, socially,
25:55 and we talked about it a little bit earlier,
25:58 I think the real problem is that men who God has called
26:03 to do a level of ministry that perhaps,
26:10 you know, I will say only men can do
26:12 but God told called men first to do.
26:15 And we will often find ourselves
26:18 not subscribing to that,
26:21 because we are caught up emotionally in something
26:25 that is really nothing at all.
26:27 I was just listening to a preacher preach a sermon,
26:30 majoring in minors,
26:32 majoring the norm of hypergamy is really a minor.
26:37 And when a man subscribes to God
26:40 in His purpose for his life,
26:43 it's just like,
26:44 "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven,
26:46 and all these other things that I'll add unto you."
26:49 And that's your relationship.
26:50 That's the right woman,
26:52 family dynamics, wealth, you name it.
26:56 And it really comes when you let the social norm
27:01 pull you away from
27:02 what you know to be God's order for your life,
27:04 and that's idolatry.
27:06 And idolatry in the Bible, last time I checked,
27:09 was never rewarded by God.
27:10 As a matter of fact,
27:12 it was punished quite vehemently.
27:14 That's good. Absolutely.
27:16 Let me read this text
27:17 as we come to the close with Bible says
27:19 in 1 Peter 2:9,
27:23 the Bible says,
27:25 "But you are a chosen generation,
27:28 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
27:30 a peculiar people,
27:32 that you should show forth the praises of Him
27:35 who's called you out of darkness,
27:38 into His marvelous light."
27:41 And I think so many times even with,
27:42 you know, this norm of you know,
27:44 women think they had to marry up
27:45 and men thinking they have this certain role or whatnot,
27:48 then we got to be so comfortable
27:49 in who we are,
27:51 as we said before in God, that I am peculiar.
27:54 that my family is peculiar,
27:56 that we don't have to operate in some linear box
27:59 that man has set up with that
28:02 even when man looks at us
28:03 that we still can, you know what,
28:05 regardless of what you may think,
28:07 I know that I'm following the will of God,
28:10 and God's will is always the perfect will.
28:14 So I challenge my brothers today,
28:16 that are battling with this topic,
28:20 say the norm of hypergamy,
28:22 even though women that that may be join us well,
28:24 to seek the will of God
28:26 not to seek the will of man,
28:28 but to know that God before us,
28:30 no one else can be against us.
28:32 Until next time, I'm Pastor William Lee,
28:34 I look forward to you joining us again?


Revised 2023-04-13