Good News for Muslims

Obeying God’S Requirements

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GNFM

Program Code: GNFM000011S

00:01 The Holy Bible says that the Lord spoke to you
00:03 out of the midst of the fire.
00:05 And you heard the voice of words,
00:06 but you saw no form, you only heard a voice.
00:10 And He declared to you His covenant,
00:12 which He commanded you to perform,
00:15 even Ten Commandments,
00:17 and He wrote them on two tables of stone.
00:20 What exactly are the Ten Commandments?
00:23 When we're done with the next program,
00:24 you will know exactly what they are.
00:27 So join us.
01:20 Welcome back to part 11 of a 13-part series
01:24 dealing with Islamic Christian issues.
01:27 Today we're going to talk about God's requirements,
01:29 what those requirements are, how they relate to us today,
01:33 and what do we do
01:35 when we realize that
01:36 we haven't kept those requirements?
01:39 Shahbaz, thank you again for being here.
01:41 Why don't you start out by just clarifying for us,
01:44 what the average Muslim thinks about obeying God?
01:48 And surely they do believe in the importance of that?
01:51 What does that mean to them?
01:53 What does it mean to obey God today?
01:56 Muslims strongly believe in obeying
01:58 the requirements of Allah,
02:00 and to follow
02:02 whatever He has told them to do.
02:04 And within the Islamic context,
02:06 we have the five pillars of Islam,
02:08 which are really designed to guide the individual's life.
02:13 And those pillars deal with faith,
02:16 for instance, the Shahada
02:18 that deals with the faith of a Muslim.
02:21 And the pillars go like the Shahada,
02:23 we have Salat, which is prayer.
02:25 And then they have Zakat, which is charity,
02:27 that's supporting the poor or giving money to the mosque.
02:30 And then there's Sawm which deals with fasting
02:33 the month of Ramadan,
02:35 which every year, once a year, they do that for one month.
02:37 And that's October.
02:39 Yes, it's not, it's actually closer to the summer months,
02:43 and then and then they have the Hajj,
02:45 which is the pilgrimage, going to Makkah.
02:49 And they do that once during their lifetime.
02:51 At least once during their lifetime.
02:53 Every Muslim is required to do it,
02:54 if they can afford it.
02:56 If they cannot afford it,
02:58 they are poor, they are excused.
03:00 But if they can, if they have money,
03:02 there is no excuse if they don't go on the Hajj.
03:05 And the other aspect of law is the Sharia law,
03:09 which controls, and has jurisdiction
03:11 over every aspect of the Muslim's life.
03:14 It deals with the mosque, it deals with the government,
03:17 it deals with social life, it deals with everything.
03:20 And when a thief steals, and they cut their hand,
03:23 that's part of the Sharia law,
03:24 or when someone's caught in adultery,
03:27 and they're beheaded in Saudi Arabia,
03:30 or stoned in Iran,
03:31 it has to do with the Sharia law.
03:34 And
03:35 so Sharia law is based on the Quran and the Hadith,
03:38 is that correct?
03:40 Yes, absolutely, the Quran and the Hadith.
03:42 And the Hadith basically are the sayings.
03:46 Basically, it's written
03:51 by religious clerics.
03:54 Could be very old, as old as Islam itself.
03:58 But these writings are supposed to guide
04:01 the people into understanding
04:02 how the Prophet lived his life,
04:04 so that they can copy him
04:06 and live like the Prophet lived.
04:07 And when it comes to the Ten Commandments,
04:09 I'm curious, do most Muslims think about
04:12 the Ten Commandments?
04:13 Obviously, they've heard about them,
04:16 do they know what they are?
04:17 They do not know what they are.
04:19 They do think about it, they have heard about them,
04:21 but they do not know what they are.
04:25 And that's something that
04:28 is not even required of them really, necessarily,
04:31 to know exactly what they are.
04:34 Now, you've said
04:35 before that in Islam,
04:40 they don't see the Bible,
04:43 as you know, as all of it
04:44 as being relevant for us today
04:48 are being correct,
04:49 but they do believe in the first five books.
04:53 The first five books of Moses, of all the books in the Bible,
04:55 they would see that as being the highest,
04:57 is that right?
04:58 A large number of Muslims respect
05:00 the writings of Moses,
05:02 and they consider them as still to be pure
05:06 and not have been corrupted.
05:07 Okay.
05:08 Well, let's look at the book of...
05:10 The books of Moses, or at least the second book.
05:13 We have the first book, which is Genesis,
05:16 then there's Exodus, and then Numbers or Leviticus,
05:21 and then Numbers and then Deuteronomy,
05:23 first five books of the Bible.
05:24 And it's in Exodus Chapter 20,
05:28 that we have the Ten Commandments,
05:30 which, you know, really,
05:34 is the primary biblical law
05:38 all throughout the whole book.
05:39 You know, the Ten Commandments were unique,
05:44 they stand apart from any other law,
05:47 because they were spoken,
05:50 and then written with the finger of God Himself
05:53 on two tablets of stone.
05:56 And, you know, I've been impressed
05:57 with Chapter 19,
05:59 describing the circumstances of the giving of the law,
06:03 when Israel came out of Egypt,
06:04 they gathered together at the foot of the mountain.
06:07 And in verse 16, Exodus 19:16,
06:11 "It came to pass on the third day
06:12 in the morning,
06:13 that there were thunders and lightnings.
06:15 And there was a thick cloud on the mount
06:17 and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud,
06:19 so that all the people that were in the camp trembled.
06:22 And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp
06:25 to meet with God,
06:26 and they stood at the southern part
06:29 of the mountain."
06:30 Verse 18, "And Mount Sinai was all together on a smoke,
06:35 because the Lord descended upon it in fire,
06:39 and the smoke thereof was as the smoke of a furnace,
06:44 and the whole mountain quaked greatly."
06:47 So what a scene. Amen.
06:49 You know, there's all these people there
06:50 at the foot of the mountain,
06:51 the lower part of the mountain,
06:53 and then they look up and they see,
06:54 you know, this cloud, this fire,
06:58 they hear this trumpet sound, and people are just terrified.
07:01 Yeah.
07:02 I don't think, you know, there's never been a time
07:03 in history
07:05 when God, the God of creation has revealed Himself
07:11 with such fireworks...
07:12 Amen.
07:14 As He did on this mountain, on Mount Sinai.
07:19 And the reason why He did this was
07:20 because He was about to give
07:23 the people the Ten Commandments.
07:25 That's right.
07:26 So why don't we just briefly go through these,
07:29 as you mentioned, most Muslims,
07:31 you know, don't really think about them.
07:33 And it's not just Muslims.
07:34 It's, you know, the average person.
07:35 People haven't heard about the Ten Commandments,
07:37 they probably, you know, maybe watch the movie,
07:39 The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston
07:41 coming down off the mountain,
07:43 and his hair was white, and his beard was white
07:46 because he'd encountered God,
07:49 but actually knowing
07:50 what those Ten Commandments are,
07:52 most people have no clue.
07:54 So why don't we just go through them?
07:55 Why don't you just lead out
07:57 and just starting
08:01 and just kind of quickly,
08:02 you know, let's just go through them.
08:04 Okay.
08:06 Verse 1 and 2 is the first commandment.
08:08 It says, "And God spake all these words,
08:10 saying, I am the Lord thy God,
08:12 which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
08:15 out of the house of bondage."
08:17 And verse 3 as well,
08:18 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
08:20 That's the first commandment. Okay.
08:21 So what's the essence of this commandment?
08:24 The essence is that
08:26 I'm the only God in the universe,
08:28 you will have no other gods before me.
08:30 You're not to make anything to be a god before Me.
08:34 He's number one. He's number one.
08:35 And He's a powerful God,
08:37 because He's the one that plagued the Egyptians,
08:41 parted the Red Sea, brought the Israelites out,
08:44 revealed Himself in a fiery way,
08:48 and in a loving way, because He delivered them.
08:51 You know, and it's also significant that
08:53 the final straw to get them out of Egypt
08:55 was the Passover,
08:57 where they were told to take the blood of a lamb
09:00 and put it around their doors,
09:03 so that when the angel of death
09:04 in the 10th plague passed through,
09:07 he would pass over their homes,
09:09 because of the blood.
09:11 Amen.
09:12 And we can talk more about that before we're done.
09:13 That's right.
09:15 And God established His divinity
09:17 before He gave them the Ten Commandments
09:19 through the miracles
09:20 and through the wonders He performed in Egypt.
09:23 He showed them that He is God.
09:24 He showed them His power and He delivered them
09:27 and then He gave them His law.
09:31 So keeping the law springs from an appreciation
09:35 of being delivered and of being delivered.
09:38 Amen.
09:39 Okay, so first commandment, God is first.
09:41 Now second commandment?
09:42 Second commandment deals with more detailed.
09:46 It's similar to the first commandment
09:47 where He says,
09:49 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images,
09:51 or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven
09:54 above or that is in the earth beneath
09:56 or that is in the water under the earth.
09:59 Thou shall not bow down thyself to them,
10:01 nor serve them:
10:03 for I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God,
10:05 visiting the iniquity of the fathers
10:07 upon the children unto the third
10:08 and the fourth generation of them that hate Me,
10:11 and showing mercy unto thousands of them
10:13 that love Me and keep My commandments."
10:16 You know, Islam is very strong on this one, right?
10:18 Yes.
10:19 Mohammed got rid of the idols in Mecca.
10:23 That's right.
10:24 And idolatry
10:25 is strongly frowned upon in Islam.
10:29 That's right.
10:30 Okay, no idols. No idols.
10:33 And the third commandment deals
10:34 with holding God's name in respect.
10:39 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,
10:42 for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
10:44 that taketh His name in vain."
10:46 So when we speak of God,
10:47 we should speak of Him reverently
10:49 and respectfully,
10:50 and not just use His name as a swear word
10:54 or just in a trivial way.
10:56 That's right.
10:57 But when the words about God come out of your mouth,
11:02 they should be with reverence.
11:03 That's right.
11:05 And so far, all these verses that we read,
11:06 these three commandments deal with our relationship to God.
11:09 Okay.
11:10 And the fourth one is, likewise, and it says,
11:14 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
11:16 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work.
11:18 But the seventh day is a Sabbath
11:20 of the Lord thy God:
11:21 in it thou shalt do not do any work,
11:24 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
11:26 thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
11:29 nor thy cattle,
11:30 nor the stranger that is within thy gates.
11:33 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
11:36 the sea, and all that is in them,
11:38 and rested the seventh day:
11:40 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
11:42 and hallowed it."
11:43 Okay, so the seventh day is God's Sabbath.
11:46 And that goes back to creation, right?
11:49 That's right.
11:50 Goes back to the original creation week
11:52 in Genesis Chapter 1 and 2,
11:54 where the Lord God made the world in six days,
11:57 and rested on the seventh day.
11:59 And so He says, "Remember that, don't forget that."
12:01 That's right.
12:02 That day, and we'll talk more about that later.
12:04 Now let's go on to the fifth commandment.
12:06 And fifth commandment,
12:07 from here deals with our relationship
12:08 with each other, human to human.
12:11 And it says, "Honor thy father and thy mother:
12:16 that thy days may be long upon the land
12:18 which the Lord thy God giveth thee."
12:21 And with Islam I understand,
12:23 you know, there's a strong family unit.
12:25 That's correct.
12:27 And in a definite, you know, respect for one's parents.
12:31 Parents must be respected.
12:33 And it's interesting that this commandment
12:35 is very gender specific,
12:36 you know, these days there's a lot of gender confusion.
12:38 Yes.
12:39 But the fifth commandment is your father and your mother.
12:42 That's correct.
12:44 It's not talking about having two fathers or two mothers,
12:47 but it's the traditional family.
12:50 And God made man.
12:52 He knows best.
12:54 That's the way He laid it down.
12:55 That's right. Okay, number six.
12:57 Number six, simple, "Thou shalt not kill."
12:59 Okay, let's talk about this.
13:01 This is a big one.
13:02 Now, here God is dealing with,
13:04 you know, first it's our relationship with Him,
13:05 and then it's this way,
13:07 our relationship with others.
13:08 And you shall not kill.
13:10 You know, the obvious meaning of this has to do with,
13:13 you know, taking somebody's life, right?
13:15 Murder.
13:16 I think some translations say murder.
13:18 That's right.
13:19 But there's a deeper meaning to this, isn't there?
13:21 Yes.
13:23 You know, God doesn't want us not just to kill
13:27 because we are not supposed to kill someone
13:29 or we shouldn't be killing ourselves.
13:32 Suicide is not permitted in the Word of God.
13:37 It's murder.
13:39 And killing ourselves through practices,
13:42 unhealthy practices, you know, smoking,
13:45 drinking, eating unhealthy foods,
13:48 and that shortens our life,
13:50 God will hold us accountable for all these things.
13:53 So it's not just me murdering someone else,
13:55 but it's me murdering me by the way I live?
13:58 That's right. Yeah. Okay.
14:00 Now, in the New Testament,
14:03 Jesus also shined a light on this
14:06 and talked about murder and applied it to the heart,
14:10 to hating people.
14:12 And in 1 John, it also talks about
14:14 "He who hates his brother in his heart is a murderer."
14:17 Is a murderer.
14:19 So murder is not just, you know, killing somebody,
14:22 but it's also killing ourselves and hating other people.
14:26 That's correct.
14:27 This is a deep commandment, actually.
14:30 Absolutely.
14:32 Now, you know, in the last program,
14:34 we talked about jihad,
14:36 and about suicide bombers and terrorists,
14:40 and those that got into hijacked planes
14:42 and flew them into the Twin Towers.
14:46 And from what I've learned,
14:49 and correct me if I'm wrong,
14:51 in Islam, at least for some, or for a percentage of them,
14:57 they feel like if they can kill themselves
15:01 as martyrs in the war of God,
15:06 that then they're guaranteed heaven.
15:08 Yes. Is that right?
15:09 That's correct.
15:10 Automatic ticket to heaven.
15:12 And what is the reward?
15:13 That they will get 70 houris or 70 virgins
15:17 that they will for all eternity.
15:22 But the Bible says you're not to kill yourself.
15:25 Murder, even for God,
15:27 killing yourself is not permissible.
15:30 God has never asked anyone to kill themselves for Him
15:34 in the entire Old and New Testament.
15:36 Now if somebody is martyred
15:40 because they were following Christ
15:42 and they were killed for Him,
15:44 they didn't kill themselves...
15:47 They're persecuted...
15:48 They were persecuted and then they were killed.
15:49 For being followers of God. Yes.
15:51 That's different.
15:52 And even then, they're not going to get 70 virgins.
15:54 Yeah.
15:55 That to me just,
15:57 you know, it's rather outrageous to think
16:00 that if I kill other people,
16:04 and then kill myself in the act of doing this,
16:08 then I'm, you know, earning my way to heaven,
16:10 I get a ticket to heaven, and I'll be rewarded
16:13 with all these women on the other side.
16:16 You know, I think, you know, that whole mindset
16:19 needs to run right into this commandment,
16:22 where God says, "You shall not kill."
16:25 So you know, killing other people
16:27 in that way
16:29 is not a ticket to heaven,
16:30 but it's a big mistake.
16:32 And it's a violation of the law of God
16:36 that He gave on Mount Sinai,
16:38 in thunder, and cloud and fire,
16:42 and wrote with His own finger.
16:44 Now, let's look at the next one.
16:46 Number seven.
16:48 Number seven, "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
16:52 Okay, explain.
16:53 Well, you know, adultery here is speaking about
16:57 a man being unfaithful to his wife
16:59 or a woman being unfaithful to her husband,
17:02 or having
17:06 physical sexual contact
17:08 with someone outside of the marriage
17:10 is also covered here.
17:12 But Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 5
17:15 made it even more meaningful when He said,
17:19 "I tell you, you had heard in the past that they said,
17:21 "Thou shalt not commit adultery.
17:23 But I tell you, if you look upon a woman
17:24 to lust after her,
17:26 you have already committed adultery
17:27 with her in your heart."
17:29 And this is something that
17:30 this principle doesn't exist in Islam.
17:32 Adultery is just a physical action.
17:35 But Christ said that
17:36 you can commit adultery in your mind.
17:39 And so Christ has put this commandment,
17:43 His jurisdiction goes far beyond
17:46 just the physical act.
17:49 And it has jurisdiction over our mind as well.
17:52 And isn't it true that in the history of Islam,
17:55 there's been a lot of, you know, conquests
17:59 where women have been taken,
18:01 and sexual activities have gone on,
18:06 which really would be a violation
18:08 of this commandment.
18:10 That's correct.
18:11 Do not commit adultery,
18:13 don't take somebody's wife that's not your wife,
18:15 be faithful to your spouse.
18:17 And then even deeper than that, don't even look as Jesus said,
18:21 "Don't even look lustfully upon a woman
18:24 or you've committed adultery in your heart."
18:26 The wives are of the enemies of Islam,
18:29 or the unbelievers or the idolaters.
18:32 Their wives are the properties
18:34 of whenever they take over an area like that,
18:37 the women of that area are the properties of the men,
18:40 they're part of their gift,
18:45 and they're legal to them.
18:47 The booty? Yes, they can...
18:49 So even this notion that in heaven
18:51 they will have 70 virgins,
18:55 that's breaking that commandment as well.
18:58 It's impure. That's correct.
19:00 You know, so the suicide bombers
19:04 are violating the sixth commandment
19:07 about murder, and conquest
19:11 and taking other men's wives.
19:14 And that kind of, you know, sexual immorality is violating
19:17 the seventh commandment.
19:19 That's correct.
19:20 That's right.
19:22 Okay, now, number eight.
19:23 Number eight, "Thou shalt not steal."
19:25 And very simple, very easy.
19:27 Pretty obvious. Obvious.
19:29 Yeah, don't take what's not yours.
19:30 That's correct.
19:32 Somebody once stole my car.
19:33 Long time ago, I walked out of my house
19:35 and my car wasn't there.
19:36 And I just was shocked.
19:38 Felt violated. Yeah.
19:40 So, you know, protect,
19:42 you know, stick with your own property.
19:45 Don't take somebody else's property.
19:47 Amen. Okay, number nine.
19:48 Number nine, "Thou shalt not bear false witness
19:51 against thy neighbor."
19:52 Basically don't bear false witness, don't lie.
19:56 And there is no excuse for white lies either.
19:59 I mean, there's no...
20:01 If my life is in danger, that doesn't give me an excuse,
20:05 I can lie and in order to protect myself.
20:09 Isn't lying justified?
20:10 I mean, in some circles,
20:13 you know, 'The end justifies the means, ' principle
20:15 that it's okay to lie
20:16 if you're doing it for God?
20:21 In fact, in the Muslim tradition,
20:24 there is grounds
20:26 for lying in order to save your life
20:29 and or promote the cause of Islam.
20:32 And this happens quite regularly,
20:36 but the Bible is very clear,
20:37 "Thou shalt not lie."
20:38 "Thou shalt not bear false witness
20:40 against somebody."
20:42 When you look at Jesus' life, He never lied.
20:44 No.
20:46 It says, you know, one of His regular phrases was,
20:50 "I tell you the truth, I tell you the truth,
20:51 I tell you the truth,"
20:53 and Jesus did something that no other religious teacher
20:56 has ever done.
20:57 He said, "Which one of you convinces me of sin?"
21:01 You know, there was no sin in Him.
21:02 There was nothing that He did that was wrong.
21:05 And even Pontius Pilate when he finally questioned Him
21:09 before he turned Him over to the mob,
21:10 he walked out and he said,
21:12 "I find no fault with this man at all."
21:15 Amen.
21:16 You know, he washed his hands off
21:17 the whole thing
21:19 'cause he knew Jesus was an innocent,
21:20 faultless man.
21:22 Amen.
21:23 And Jesus kept all these commandments.
21:24 He said, "I've kept My Father's commandments."
21:27 Amen. Okay, number 10.
21:28 Number 10, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,
21:32 thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,
21:35 nor his manservant, nor his maidservant,
21:38 nor his ox, nor his ass,
21:41 nor anything that is thy neighbor's."
21:44 So covetousness is more than just,
21:48 you know, we're not just talking about
21:49 physical actions.
21:51 Now we're talking about the heart.
21:52 That's correct. You covet in your heart.
21:54 You want something that somebody else
21:57 has in your heart.
21:59 So the Ten Commandments really go deeper
22:02 than just physical actions.
22:04 They go to the mind, they go to the heart,
22:05 they go to the soul, and like Jesus said,
22:07 "Looking lustfully is adultery."
22:09 And 1 John, it says that
22:12 "Hitting your brother is murder."
22:14 And so this shows us,
22:15 you know, that the Ten Commandments
22:18 go deep into the human heart,
22:20 and they appeal to the human conscience,
22:23 you know, the conscience that God gave us, tells us
22:26 that we should put Him first,
22:28 we shouldn't have any idols,
22:29 we should respect His name,
22:31 we should honor our parents,
22:33 don't murder, don't commit adultery,
22:34 don't steal, don't lie, don't covet.
22:37 You know, these are basic principles
22:38 that appeal to the human conscience.
22:41 That's right.
22:43 Now, then, when you look at the rest of it,
22:44 or right after that, verses 18 to 20, says
22:48 "All the people saw the thunderings,
22:50 and the lightnings,
22:51 and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain smoking
22:53 and when the people saw it,
22:55 they removed and stood afar off.
22:56 And they said to Moses, speak,
22:58 you speak with us, and we will hear,
23:00 but let not God speak with us lest we die."
23:03 They were so overwhelmed by the voice of God
23:04 and all the fireworks.
23:07 And then verse 20, said, "Moses said to the people,
23:09 fear not for God has come to prove you,
23:12 or test you."
23:14 I think some Bible say
23:16 that "His fear may be before your faces
23:19 or His reverence and respect,
23:21 that you sin not."
23:23 Amen.
23:29 He says that you sin not.
23:32 Is there a concept of sin in Islam?
23:34 I would imagine that word sin, do they talk about sin?
23:37 There is.
23:38 But it's not based on the Ten Commandments.
23:40 You know, in the Bible, we say,
23:41 a sin is a transgression of the law.
23:44 But in Islam, they don't have that view.
23:47 A clear view. No.
23:50 But Moses, whom Muslims respect,
23:54 is saying that God gave us the Ten Commandments
23:57 so that we won't sin.
23:59 That's right.
24:00 And that tells us that sin, by definition,
24:04 is going against these commandments.
24:06 It's a sin to have other gods before God,
24:08 it's a sin to have idols,
24:09 it's a sin to take His name in vain,
24:11 it's a sin not to keep the Sabbath,
24:13 it's a sin not to honor and respect our parents,
24:16 to murder or hate, or commit adultery,
24:21 or have sexual immorality, or steal, or lie, or covet.
24:26 These are all sins in the Bible.
24:29 And then we know that both the Old Testament
24:33 and the teachings of Jesus
24:36 show that the summary of the law is love
24:41 that the first four commandments
24:42 have to do with love to God with all your heart,
24:45 soul, mind and strength.
24:47 And the last six have to do
24:49 with loving your neighbor as yourself.
24:51 That's right.
24:52 So God's law is a law of love.
24:54 And if everybody kept this law,
24:56 you know, there'd be no prisons,
24:58 there'd be no jails, there'd be no suicide bombers,
25:01 it would be a wonderful place this world.
25:04 That's right.
25:05 In fact, just backtracking just a few seconds
25:08 about the sixth commandment,
25:10 "Thou shalt not kill."
25:12 I just want to emphasize that
25:14 in the Bible also gives us the health message.
25:18 Tells us that what animals we can eat,
25:20 what animals we cannot eat in...
25:22 Leviticus 11. Yeah.
25:24 And in Islam, yeah, in Leviticus 11 and in Islam,
25:27 clearly, the only animal that you're forbidden
25:30 from eating is the swine or the pig.
25:33 And almost everything that comes out of the sea,
25:37 most Muslim eat.
25:39 Shia Muslims will not eat fish that doesn't have scale on it,
25:44 but they will eat shrimps or they will eat clams.
25:50 And then in the Sunni Muslims
25:52 and amongst the other groups,
25:54 many other things they eat.
25:55 So when we eat these kind of things,
25:57 we're actually breaking that commandment
25:59 because we are hurting our body by eating things
26:02 that are not clean.
26:04 And that's all in Leviticus 11.
26:07 So, Leviticus 11, Exodus 20,
26:10 these reveal God's requirements,
26:13 His Ten Commandment law.
26:15 That's right.
26:16 And you know, when Moses said,
26:19 "God is giving this to you...
26:21 So that you don't sin."
26:28 When we realize that we've sinned,
26:30 that then brings up the need that we need to be forgiven.
26:34 And we need a Savior because we've all sinned.
26:36 And that's where the whole sacrificial system comes in.
26:39 That's right.
26:40 And that's where Isaiah 53 comes in,
26:42 that says, "He was," verse 5,
26:44 "He was wounded for our transgressions,
26:47 He was bruised for our iniquities,
26:50 the chastisement of our peace was upon Him
26:52 and with His stripes we are healed.
26:55 And all we like sheep have gone astray,
26:57 we have turned everyone to his own way.
27:00 And the Lord has laid on Him
27:03 the iniquity or the sin of us all."
27:06 Amen.
27:08 And that's where the sacrifice of Jesus comes in,
27:14 is that we've all broken these commandments,
27:16 if you're really honest, if you look at your heart.
27:19 You know, we've all failed in so many, many ways.
27:23 And that's why we need a Savior.
27:26 We all need a Savior.
27:27 And the word gospel means the good news.
27:30 It's the good news for all of us.
27:32 It's good news for Muslims.
27:33 It's good news for non Muslims.
27:35 It's good news for everybody, that somebody paid the price.
27:39 Somebody took those sins upon His mind and in His heart,
27:41 and He suffered and He died.
27:44 And we can be forgiven,
27:45 we can be set free through His forgiveness,
27:47 and His grace, and His transforming love.
27:53 We hope you enjoyed watching Good News for Muslims
27:56 with Steve Wohlberg and Shahbaz.
27:58 This entire 13-part series is now available on DVD.
28:03 To order from within the US,
28:04 call White Horse Media at 1-800-782-4253.
28:10 To watch the series online or for more information,
28:13 visit the website


Revised 2022-02-24