
Programs by Request

Available Episodes


Program Code Duration Description Participants
JN000001S Video NA Hungry for More: Jonas’ Journey NA
JN000002S Video NA Finding Hope for the Environment: Jan’S Journey NA
JN000003S Video NA Searching for the Meaning of Life: Dan’S Journey NA
JN000004S Video NA Escape from New Age and the Paranormal: Samuel’S Journey NA
JN000005S Video NA Searching for True Love: Cacyne’S Journey NA
JN000006S Video NA Beyond Rituals and Crucifixes: Conrad’S Journey NA
JN000007S Video NA I Would Never Become a Christian': Miikael’S Journey NA
JN000008S Video NA Should Christians Have Ecstatic Experiences?: Christopher’S Journey NA
JN000009S Video NA Can Faith Be Rational?: Maj’S Journey NA
JN000010S Video NA Finding Peace at Last: A Miraculous Journey NA
JN000011S Video NA Can There Be a Way Out of Drugs and Criminality?: Samir’s Journey NA
JN000012S Video NA Learning to Trust The Bible: Albert’S Journey NA
JN000013S Video NA Existential U-Turn: Chris’S Journey NA


Updated 2024-07-26