Misinterpreted Texts on the State of the Dead

Programs by Request

Available Episodes


Program Code Duration Description Participants
MTSD000001S Video NA The Right to the Tree of Life NA
MTSD000002S Video NA Rachel's Departing Soul NA
MTSD000003S Video NA A Thief and a Witch NA
MTSD000004S Video NA Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord NA
MTSD000005S Video NA Paul's Dilemma: Stay Or Depart? NA
MTSD000006S Video NA Souls Under The Altar NA
MTSD000007S Video NA The Spirits of Just Men NA
MTSD000008S Video NA Preaching to the Spirits In Prison NA
MTSD000009S Video NA Three Inseparable Distinctive Doctrines NA
MTSD000010S Video NA The Dead Who Stand Before God NA
MTSD000011S Video NA The Resurrection and the Life NA
MTSD000012S Video NA The Keys of Hades NA
MTSD000013S Video NA The Rich Man and Lazarus NA
MTSD000014S Video NA All Live to Him NA
MTSD000015S Video NA Undying Worm & Unquenchable Fire NA
MTSD000016S Video NA Immortality of the Soul Or Resurrection of the Dea NA
MTSD000017S Video NA The First Post Modern NA
MTSD000018S Video NA Spirits of Devils NA


Updated 2024-07-26