New Perceptions

The Truest Friend

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP160109A

00:08 Let's praise Jesus this morning.
00:37 Sing with all of your heart and all of your mind.
00:57 He is exalted the King is exalted on high
01:03 I will praise Him
01:06 He is exalted forever exalted
01:10 And I will praise His name
01:18 He is the Lord,
01:22 Forever His truth shall reign
01:27 Heaven and Earth
01:30 Rejoice in His holy name
01:35 He is exalted
01:37 The King is exalted on high
01:43 He is exalted the King is exalted on high
01:49 I will praise Him
01:52 He is exalted forever exalted
01:56 And I will praise His name
02:04 He is the Lord,
02:09 Forever His truth shall reign
02:13 Heaven and Earth rejoice in His holy name
02:21 He is exalted
02:24 The King is exalted on high
02:30 He is the Lord,
02:34 Forever His truth shall reign
02:39 Heaven and Earth rejoice in His holy name
02:47 He is exalted
02:49 The King is exalted on high
02:56 He is exalted the King is exalted on high
03:18 My Jesus, my Savior
03:24 Lord there is none like you
03:29 All of my days I want to praise
03:35 The wonders of Your mighty love
03:44 My comfort, my shelter
03:50 Tower of refuge and strength
03:55 Let every breath, all that I am
04:01 Never cease to worship You
04:09 Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing
04:16 Power and majesty, praise to the King
04:22 Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
04:27 At the sound of Your name
04:35 I sing for joy at the work of your hands
04:41 Forever I'll love you, Forever I'll stand
04:47 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
05:01 My Jesus, my Savior
05:07 Lord there is none like You
05:11 All of my days, I want to praise
05:18 The wonders of Your mighty love
05:26 My comfort, my shelter
05:32 Tower of refuge and strength
05:37 Let every breath, all that I am
05:44 Never cease to worship You
05:52 Shout to the Lord, all the earth,
05:55 Let us sing
05:58 Power and majesty, praise to the King
06:05 Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
06:10 At the sound of Your name
06:17 I sing for joy at the work of Your hands
06:23 Forever I'll love You, Forever I'll stand
06:29 Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
06:42 Shout to the Lord, All the earth,
06:46 Let us sing Power and majesty,
06:51 Praise to the King
06:55 Mountains bow down And the seas will roar
07:00 At the sound of Your name
07:08 I sing for joy at the work of your hands
07:14 Forever I'll love You, Forever I'll stand
07:21 Nothing compares to the promise I have
07:27 Oh, nothing compares to the promise I have
07:33 Oh, nothing compares to the promise
07:38 I have in You
07:47 Amen, you may be seated.
07:50 I want to invite you during this song,
07:51 at any point of time to come forward for our prayer,
07:55 as we stand in awe
07:57 and in amazement of our God.
08:01 So come forward.
08:19 You dance over me
08:25 While I am unaware
08:31 You sing all around
08:37 But I never hear the sound
08:43 Lord, I'm amazed by you
08:50 Lord, I'm amazed by you
08:56 Lord, I'm amazed by you
09:03 How You love me
09:10 You paint the morning sky
09:16 With miracles in mind
09:22 My hope will always stand
09:29 For You hold me in Your hand
09:34 Lord, I'm amazed by You
09:41 Lord, I'm amazed by You
09:47 Lord, I'm amazed by You
09:53 How You love me
10:00 How wide
10:06 How deep
10:12 How great
10:17 Is Your love for me
10:25 How wide
10:31 How deep
10:37 How great
10:41 Is Your love for me
10:49 Lord, I'm amazed by You
10:55 Lord, I'm amazed by You
11:01 Lord, I'm amazed by You
11:09 How You love me
11:14 Lord, I'm amazed by You
11:22 How You love me
11:29 Oh, Lord, You're beautiful
11:40 Your face is all I seek
11:51 And when your eyes
11:56 Are on this child
12:01 Your grace abounds to me
12:29 Jesus, lover of my soul
12:35 Let me to Thy bosom fly
12:40 While the nearer waters roll
12:45 While the tempest still is high
12:51 Hide me, O my Savior, hide
12:57 Till the storm of life is past
13:03 Safe into the heaven guide
13:09 Oh, receive my soul at last
13:15 Other refuge have I none
13:21 Hangs my helpless soul on Thee
13:26 Leave, oh, leave me not alone
13:32 Still support and comfort me
13:45 All my trust on Thee is stayed
13:51 All my help from Thee I bring
13:57 Cover my defenseless head
14:01 With the shadow of Thy wing
14:08 With the shadow of Thy wing
14:27 Plenteous grace with Thee is found
14:32 Grace to cover all my sin
14:38 Let the healing streams abound
14:44 Make and keep me pure within
14:50 Thou the life of fountain art
14:56 Freely let me take of Thee
15:03 Spring Thou up within my heart
15:08 And rise, rise
15:14 Rise to all eternity
15:40 Jesus, lover of my soul
15:47 Let me to Thy bosom fly
15:53 Jesus, lover of my soul
16:00 Jesus, lover of my soul
16:25 Amen.
16:34 Thank you, Julie.
16:36 We really needed that today.
16:40 Jesus, lover of my soul.
16:47 Begin, beginning in this New Year,
16:49 our series entitled Charmed into Righteousness,
16:51 the second half you never see,
16:54 it's the matchless attractions of Christ.
17:01 That's a little seven prater,
17:02 our creative design engineer
17:06 Jonathan LaPointe has worked those seven parts
17:09 into a very short video.
17:11 I want to roll it, have prayer, and then we're on, Let's go.
18:17 Oh, God, are you really all of that and more?
18:22 All of that, what Julie was just saying,
18:25 lover of our souls.
18:29 What does that mean?
18:32 In the cusp of this New Year,
18:34 what does that mean for us?
18:36 Make it clear, today, right now
18:38 in Your word, we pray in Christ name.
18:41 Amen.
18:42 So I was reading last week the Los Angels Times,
18:45 we were out in L.A for a family reunion
18:47 with my mother, siblings,
18:49 and nephews and nieces.
18:54 And I get to the op-ed page L.A Times.
18:56 Okay, so this is last week.
18:59 And a headline catches my eye.
19:00 Not a Happy New Year.
19:03 I'm saying, I say, what's up with that?
19:06 So who wrote this?
19:07 Michael Mitchler is a father, husband, teacher
19:11 and an author, living in upstate New York.
19:13 So as a guy living in New York writing for the L.A Times,
19:16 then I found out, I want to read it to you.
19:20 My daughter Hanna died last year.
19:25 A tumor slowly ate away at her 17 year old brain,
19:28 'causing it to lose motor functions,
19:30 speech, life, it was March 2014,
19:34 all the treatments and clinical trails,
19:36 and prayers couldn't stop it,
19:37 and I still don't have the words to talk about it.
19:40 I'm supposed to be somewhat dexterous with language,
19:42 I teach high school English
19:44 and I even wrote a book recently.
19:46 I don't have,
19:48 often have a hard time coming up with something
19:51 to say or a way to say it.
19:53 When it comes to talking about Hanna's death,
19:54 however, things have been different.
19:58 This conversations with new acquaintances
20:00 tilt towards family
20:01 and there's no avoiding the matter.
20:02 I give her death a quick and cursory mention,
20:05 I've adopted this technique
20:06 partly out of empathy for the poor person
20:08 who couldn't possibly have seen this turn
20:09 in the conversation coming
20:11 and partly out of self preservation,
20:13 so I can navigate it quickly,
20:14 compartmentalize my emotions
20:16 and then get back to getting through the day.
20:21 But embedded deep within this terse treatment
20:23 of my profound pain is a subtle language mechanism,
20:27 a secret code I've clung to as a means of coping.
20:31 When I say, as I did earlier
20:32 my daughter Hanna died last year.
20:36 I know that those two essential words
20:39 last year keep me in the immediate wake of it all
20:43 and somehow keep my daughter here,
20:45 and close, and present.
20:48 In 2014, it was raw and there was no doubt
20:51 we were in the mist of our tragedy.
20:52 She had just died through our 2015,
20:55 saying last year has certainly
20:57 put the event in the past linguistically,
20:59 but anyone truly listening can sense
21:02 that it is ever present.
21:04 It seems like yesterday,
21:06 and I and my family continue to wear
21:08 our grief like a threadbare garment.
21:10 With 2016 approaching though,
21:12 just what exactly am I supposed to say?
21:14 What language am I supposed to use?
21:16 Come Friday, 'cause this came out
21:18 the day before New Year's Eve, all right?
21:19 So come Friday, that would be New Year's Day.
21:22 Come Friday, I will no longer be able to refer to last year,
21:25 when discussing Hanna's death.
21:27 I'll need to put a date on it, a year on it,
21:29 making it somehow historical and creating distance.
21:33 My daughter's death will become some static event in time,
21:37 and because time passes and the years turn,
21:40 we will be expected to move on.
21:44 Never before has New Year's Eve with its countdown to midnight,
21:47 it's simple turn of a calendar page,
21:49 it's song of old acquaintance being forgot,
21:52 brought on such dread and utter confusion
21:54 about moving forward.
21:56 There is no chance that I'll forget my daughter, of course,
22:00 but the calendar can't possibly jibe with my emotions.
22:03 The years are moving too fast for me now.
22:07 While memories of Hanna remain
22:09 like the comfort of lingering smoke from a favorite candle.
22:13 The year's end will be coaxing us to throw
22:15 open the windows and clear the air
22:17 for rebirth and renewal,
22:18 but I don't want to clear the air.
22:23 I want to remember, I want to slow it all down
22:26 and just sit for a while,
22:28 not moving until I'm ready, not talking about it
22:31 until I can get the words right.
22:34 Instead of a New Year with new numbers,
22:37 I need a new language that allows me to linger
22:40 and wait
22:42 and hold on.
22:45 Wow.
22:51 Only a parent who has lost a child,
22:56 and there are a number of you here.
23:00 Only a parent who has lost a child
23:04 can know the crystal pain that clings like icicles
23:09 to this father's perpetual grief.
23:14 Tomorrow afternoon, 4 o'clock,
23:19 Howard Performing Art Centre,
23:22 this campus says good bye
23:25 to a young co-head, Whitney Watson.
23:29 Her folks are in our midst these hours
23:33 before tomorrow.
23:37 You know, I read this and I must tell you,
23:40 I just bow before the magnitude of this father's grief.
23:44 The pain,
23:49 the love, the loss,
23:54 you can say to me, hey, hey, Dwight,
23:56 God is love and, you know, I think I get it.
24:00 You can say to me, you know the Bible says,
24:02 for God so loved the world, and I think I can grasp it.
24:07 But when a father sobs out His love
24:09 from such brokenness like this.
24:13 Yo, somehow,
24:15 we're faintly able to grasp the stark truth
24:22 about God's love,
24:27 and we dare to wonder,
24:28 is it possible that God loves us
24:32 even more than this?
24:37 Open your Bible with me to Romans 5.
24:41 It's not a strange passage,
24:42 you may have read it before Romans 5,
24:46 our passage for this harmony.
24:51 Romans 5,
24:52 I'll be in the New International Version.
24:54 You didn't bring your Bible, you got to see this.
24:55 Don't read it on the screen.
24:57 Pull the pew Bible out in front of you,
24:58 you'll be page 760 in the pew Bible.
25:02 Romans 5, I want to read verse 8.
25:07 "But God..."
25:09 You see that?
25:10 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
25:15 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
25:20 Won't you go back to verse 6?
25:22 "You see, at just the right time,
25:24 when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
25:27 Now comes verse 7,
25:29 "Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person,
25:31 though for a good person
25:32 someone might possibly dare to die."
25:34 But here comes verse 8 again,
25:36 " God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
25:40 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
25:44 Verse 10 "For if, while we were God's enemies,
25:47 we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son,
25:50 how much more, having been reconciled,
25:53 shall we be saved through his life!"
25:56 What you and I have just read
25:58 iterated three times is the profound time
26:01 line of the gospel.
26:02 Did you catch it?
26:04 We just read it.
26:05 Want you to go grab your study guide,
26:06 I want you go get this. This is a huge point.
26:08 Absolutely essential to catch.
26:11 The time line of the gospel.
26:12 Your study guide, by the way, is stuck into your
26:13 New Year Bulletin.
26:15 You don't have one? We got some ushers here.
26:16 Thank you ushers, if you would bring
26:17 some study guides up and down these rows,
26:19 just hold your hand up and then usher will come your way.
26:24 I suppose we have to throw the tile slide up
26:25 one more time, put it on the screen.
26:29 There it is,
26:31 those of you watching on a television,
26:33 or a laptop or wherever.
26:36 If it's not live streaming,
26:37 our website is
26:40 you're looking for little series,
26:42 it takes us into the first Sabbaths of this new season,
26:44 Charmed into Righteousness.
26:47 Last Sabbath, The Only Savior, today,
26:49 The Truest Friend, and you look,
26:50 those of you live streaming
26:52 you've have written and they're saying,
26:53 "Hey, where we find the study guide?"
26:54 Just go down, go down below,
26:56 beneath the image, it's on your screen right now,
26:57 and you'll see the study guide is right there.
26:59 All right, let's go.
27:01 Three iterations of this profound time liners,
27:03 jot it down, verse 6,
27:04 "While we were still powerless."
27:06 write in the word powerless, we read that in verse 6.
27:08 Two verses later, verse 8 "While we were still sinners."
27:12 Paul writes, and then two verses later, verse 10
27:14 "While we were still enemies."
27:18 Three times, three iterations of the single timeline
27:21 with one truth, jot it down,
27:22 "God loved us before," that's a huge point.
27:27 "Before we were loveable," while we were still a rotten,
27:33 unlovely mess, He loved us.
27:37 I'm telling you what.
27:40 This is a big deal when you consider
27:41 our social media postings these days.
27:43 Come on, everybody's on social media now.
27:45 They just released January 1 by the way,
27:46 the top ten social media sites and guess who is number one?
27:50 Of course 1.1 billion human beings,
27:52 Facebook and underneath it Twitter,
27:55 about 250 million and then on down.
27:57 So everybody's into social media now.
28:00 But they're doing research now on our postings
28:02 and guess what they're finding out?
28:03 As I wrote in today's blog, don't read it now,
28:05 they're finding out that in fact,
28:07 we act like we're curators in the museum.
28:09 You know what a curator does?
28:11 What he does is he says...
28:13 she says, "I'm gonna put the pizzazz out front,
28:16 I'll hide the ugly stuff in the back."
28:18 Curators arrange, they put the best up front.
28:21 We are curating our own self images,
28:24 that's what they're finding out.
28:26 This is fascinating, it's in your study guide,
28:28 the quote, put it on the screen for you.
28:29 Walt Mueller describes those of us
28:32 who are third Millennials this identity formation
28:35 that we all practice.
28:37 These are His words on the screen,
28:39 "For digital natives
28:41 living out their lives in an online world,
28:43 the identity options
28:45 from which to choose are virtually limitless.
28:47 Kids, and I add the words and adults are able to perform
28:51 through a growing multitude of social media sites
28:54 by choosing the words they post,"
28:56 might be true, might false,
28:57 "by posing and photo-shopping themselves into images
29:00 that don't come close to who they really are."
29:04 As media critic Quentin Schultze observed,
29:06 'The digital world suffocates virtue by allowing us
29:10 unbridled freedom to be all things to all people.
29:15 To give ourselves over to the highest bidder
29:17 or to the most persuasive master."
29:21 ' Hey, guys, why do we do it?
29:22 Young or aged, why do we do it?
29:24 You know why?
29:25 Because we're convinced that little low me, you kidding,
29:27 weird as I am,
29:29 these are the stuff I don't do, the cool I am not,
29:32 nobody would be attracted to me,
29:34 but if I rephotoshop myself,
29:37 now you want to be a friend, now you will follow.
29:41 Yeah, that's the point.
29:42 A friend of me,
29:43 a friend of mine gave me Michael Horton's newest book,
29:48 fascinating title by the way, I'm working my way through it,
29:50 Ordinary, Sustainable Faith in a Radical Restless World.
29:54 You have the quote as well.
29:55 He's quoting a psychiatrist now, okay?
29:58 So some bright minds are looking at these postings,
30:00 a psychiatrist.
30:01 Put the words on the screen.
30:02 The name of the psychiatrist, Keith Ablow,
30:04 he warns based on recent studies.
30:07 He warns of quote, now I'm quoting the psychiatrist,
30:10 "The toxic psychological impact of media and technology
30:14 on children, adolescents, and young adults,
30:17 and not so young adults, I add,
30:18 particularly as it regards
30:20 turning them into faux, or fake celebrities,
30:24 the equivalent of lead actors
30:25 in their own fictionalized life stories.
30:28 On Facebook, young, and not so young people,
30:31 can fool themselves into thinking
30:32 they have hundreds or thousands of friends.
30:34 They can delete unflattering comments.
30:36 They can block anyone who disagrees with them
30:38 or pokes holes in their inflated self-esteem.
30:40 Using Twitter, young, and not so young people,
30:43 can pretend they are worth ''following,"
30:45 as though they have real-life fans,
30:47 when all that is really happening is the mutual fanning
30:51 of false love and false fame."
30:53 Ouch!
30:59 Why you all nodding your heads?
31:01 'Cause it's true.
31:04 Which makes Romans 5 timeline
31:07 even more stunning because before we could,
31:10 before we had the time to photoshop ourselves,
31:12 to make ourselves attracted to God,
31:14 while we were still a rotten unlovely mess.
31:17 God saw us and he said, "You, I love."
31:22 While we were still sinners, while we were still enemies,
31:24 while we were still powerless, I loved you.
31:29 And I said I want that girl,
31:31 I want that boy for my friend.
31:36 Romans 5:8,
31:38 "But God demonstrates his own love toward us in this:
31:43 While we were still sinners,
31:45 Christ came down, and died for us."
31:48 And by the way, did you catch that,
31:49 it's not just Jesus who loves us.
31:52 It's almost like Jesus who loves us and the father
31:53 ticked off at us, it's not true.
31:57 "God Himself has demonstrated His love
32:01 for the likes of you and me,
32:03 while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
32:05 By the way, in contradistinction to
32:07 when we became good, then Christ died for us.
32:11 Wrong.
32:14 The before, the before is absolutely critical,
32:18 in fact jot it down.
32:19 "The Father loved us and Christ died for us before,
32:22 before we could spiritually photoshop ourselves
32:24 into some sort of attractive state.
32:27 Are you kidding?
32:28 God, God exclaims to Israel, are you kidding?
32:30 You think, I chose you because you're attracted?
32:36 Ezekiel Chapter 16, I'm not gonna read it here.
32:39 I give you the references, the verses there,
32:41 it's just very stunning.
32:43 You keep your finger here in Romans 5.
32:45 I'll just pick up a line,
32:46 'cause I haven't marked it, so I'll get to it quick.
32:48 God says, hey, hey, hey, I want to tell you something,
32:50 Israel, yo, you people think you're the chosen ones?
32:53 Listen up.
32:54 On the day you were born, your cord was not cut, okay.
32:57 So there's a little baby with umbilical cord dragging around.
32:59 That was you.
33:01 Your cord was not cut,
33:03 nor were you washed with water to make you clean,
33:04 nor were you rub with salt or wrapped in cloths.
33:07 So when the boy Jesus is born, like all good Hebrew mothers,
33:11 washed with salt, clean
33:13 and then wrap with swaddling cloths,
33:14 not clothes, it's cloths.
33:16 That was the way Jesus gave.
33:18 "No one looked at you guys said
33:20 he's talking to his chosen ones,
33:21 no one looked on you with pity, or had compassion enough
33:23 to do any of these things for you.
33:26 You were thrown out in the open field,
33:28 from the day you were born, you were despised.
33:30 Nobody wanted you,"
33:31 do you understand that?
33:32 Nobody and, "then I pass by," oh, this is yuck.
33:36 "Then I pass by and I saw you kicking about in your blood
33:41 and as you little girl, as you little boy,
33:43 lay there in your blood.
33:45 I said you live,
33:47 in the next verse,
33:49 he says and I took a corner of my garment
33:50 and I put that corner of my garment over you
33:52 and that's a covenant, you and I
33:54 are gonna be married one day."
33:55 Grow up girl, grow up boy,
33:57 we're gonna be married, you and me.
34:00 And you began to grow, puberty set in,
34:02 and that's the actual language in the NIV,
34:03 "puberty set in."
34:06 You became rather attractive
34:09 and then what did you do?
34:12 "But you trusted in your beauty,"
34:13 verse 15, "And you used your fame
34:15 to become a prostitute
34:17 and all your detestable practices."
34:19 Verse 22, "You and your prostitution,
34:21 you did not remember the days you were youth.
34:23 You didn't remember what you were
34:24 before you were photoshopped.
34:26 When you were naked and bare,
34:27 and kicking about in your blood."
34:30 Not a very pretty picture of the God who says,
34:32 when you were that, I loved you.
34:36 Boy, that word before is absolutely a big deal.
34:40 The timeline of the gospel before,
34:42 before, you became who you are.
34:46 When you were still rotten, unlovely and a mess,
34:50 I loved you.
34:51 In fact, Paul makes the same point in Romans,
34:54 your fingers are already there in Romans 5.
34:56 But just turn a few pages back to Romans 3.
35:01 I'll just read a few lines here.
35:02 Paul says, I'm gonna get away the,
35:04 get all the blood and mucous out of the story
35:05 and the umbilical cord is not cut,
35:07 I'll just leave all that out.
35:08 I'll just tell you the truth, morally, here's your picture.
35:10 Verse 10, Romans 3:10,
35:11 "As it is written:"
35:12 These are all quotations from the Old Testament.
35:14 "There is no one righteous, not even one,
35:17 there is no one who understands,
35:18 there is no one who seeks God."
35:19 Nobody on this planet.
35:21 "All, verse 12, have turned away,
35:23 they have together become worthless,
35:24 there is no one who does good, not even one.
35:28 Your throats are open graves, your tongues practice deceit.
35:31 The poison of vipers is on your lips.
35:32 Your mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.'
35:34 ' And yadda yadda yadda, that's you.
35:38 So the timeline is crucial for us to get.
35:44 Three iterations to drive home the profound truth
35:49 that God loved us and die for us,
35:50 while we were still a rotten, unlovely mess.
35:55 God demonstrates His own love toward us and this,
35:59 while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
36:04 You know, when it comes to advertising.
36:05 Don't you just love all these little pop-up ads
36:07 in the internet and billboards?
36:10 When it comes to advertising, marketing, Madison Avenue,
36:13 there's a little adage
36:15 we've all learned as human beings
36:16 and you know it as well.
36:17 If it seems too good to be true it,
36:22 how does it ago?
36:23 Usually is too good to be true.
36:27 But Desmond Ford comes along in his
36:29 short little commentary on Romans entitled,
36:31 Right With God, Right Now.
36:33 Says that's not the way it is with the gospel.
36:35 That may be Madison Avenue in marketing,
36:37 but the gospel,
36:38 here are Ford's words on the screen for you.
36:40 With the gospel it's the opposite,
36:42 as Madison Avenue.
36:43 It must be true, the gospel because it's so good,
36:47 in fact and I'd never seen this before
36:48 the word God is just a contraction of the word good.
36:52 So take the word good,
36:53 drop an o out of it boom, you got God.
36:55 But guess what it works the same way with the devil.
36:57 The word, devil is just an expansion of the word evil.
37:01 So you got evil,
37:02 then you put a d in front of it and you got devil.
37:06 Those are your choices, no man can serve two,
37:09 you can't, there's no third, its just these, this New Year.
37:12 Those are your choices.
37:15 Ford goes on, God is good,
37:18 gooder, I like that,
37:19 gooder than we could ever think,
37:21 just as we are worser than we ever thought.
37:24 You have to keep the two at equipoise.
37:27 God, he writes is better than we ever considered,
37:29 we are worse than we ever suspected.
37:33 That God demonstrated His own love for us
37:36 in this while we were still sinners,
37:38 Christ died for us, while we were still sinners.
37:42 Wow!
37:45 At last we conclude that
37:46 this divine love is some sort of, you know,
37:47 sterile love, it isn't guys, okay,
37:49 look, look, look, look.
37:51 God says look at...
37:52 I am love, that's true.
37:54 I am love, but I'm telling you
37:55 this is not an easy thing for me to love you.
37:56 Take a look at yourself please, I will go ahead,
37:59 no, no, don't worry, I will go ahead,
38:01 because I have to, because I'm love.
38:02 I'm not really into this, I don't have my heart in it.
38:04 Are you kidding?
38:06 Do you think it's that way?
38:07 Exact opposite, according to scripture,
38:10 John Peckham teaches philosophy and theology
38:13 over theological seminary.
38:14 His brand new book, just came out,
38:17 The Love of God: A Canonical Model.
38:19 Quoted from it last week.
38:21 Number one reader's choice, for the IVP Academic Press,
38:25 number one choice of readers.
38:28 John Peckham says, hey guys,
38:31 you got to see what the scripture
38:32 says of God's love,
38:33 I will put it on the screen, this is beautiful,
38:35 scripture presents God as affectionate.
38:39 Ever think that God is affectionate?
38:40 As affectionate and loving,
38:42 devotedly interested
38:44 and intimately concerned about humans,
38:46 affected by the world in feeling joy
38:49 and delight in goodness, yet feeling sorrow,
38:52 passion and intense anger,
38:53 alongside feeling profound compassion
38:56 and the desire to redeem humans.
38:58 Now it's true, while none can overpower God,
39:01 he is affected by worldly events.
39:04 Crisis, tragedies, He's affected by it
39:07 because He's willingly opened Himself up
39:10 to reciprocal love relationship with creatures.
39:13 You know what reciprocal means, don't you?
39:17 One on one, we give.
39:18 We each give, all right.
39:19 One more line, God enjoys
39:21 and is deeply affected by reciprocal
39:25 though asymmetrical, that means there is huge love
39:28 over here on God's part,
39:29 tiny little love on my part and this is not even-steven.
39:31 It's really asymmetrical,
39:33 but God is affected by reciprocal
39:36 relationship with humans, end point.
39:40 Wow, case in point by the way, what we just read, verse 10
39:43 here on Romans Chapter 5, let me read it to you
39:45 in the Today's English Version or the Good News translation,
39:47 put it on the screen for you.
39:49 I love the way they translate, verse 10, here it goes.
39:52 "We were God's enemies,
39:55 but he made us his friends through the death of his Son.
39:58 Now that we are God's friends,
40:01 how much more will we be saved by Christ's life!"
40:05 And then I like verse 11 but that's not all,
40:07 we rejoice because of what has God done
40:08 through our Lord Jesus Christ
40:10 who has now made us God's friends.
40:14 I love that language, jot it down,
40:15 will you in your study guides,
40:17 so that you have this translation with you.
40:18 "We were God's enemies, but he made us his friends,
40:22 through the death of his son.
40:24 Now that we're God's friends,
40:27 how much more we will be saved by Christ's life!"
40:30 Peckham is absolutely right.
40:31 God enjoys,
40:33 He's deeply affected by this reciprocal.
40:36 One on one, relationship, friendship with you,
40:40 I mean come on, wasn't that Jesus'
40:41 point in the upper room less than 24 hours
40:43 before He was executed,
40:44 what did Jesus say? Put it on the screen for you.
40:46 Fill it in your study guide.
40:47 John 15, upper room, verse 13,
40:49 "Greater love has no one than this:
40:51 to lay down one's life for one's,"
40:53 what's the next word?
40:55 "Friends," keep writing.
40:57 "You are my,"
40:58 what's the next word?
41:00 "Friends, if you do what I command."
41:03 And oh, by the way,
41:04 everybody in the upper room has already pledged to do
41:05 whatever their master commands, you count on me,
41:07 Peter says, "Yes, sir, I'm with you till death."
41:10 And what does Peter do in a few hours?
41:11 Cursing the name of his friend, he denies Him.
41:16 By the way, the gospel says, all the disciples fled.
41:19 All of them fled.
41:23 And just hours after resurrection,
41:24 what does Thomas say?
41:26 I don't believe it, I don't believe it, doubtsome.
41:29 You are my friends.
41:31 Yo, Lord did you say that to those guys,
41:34 you got to be kidding me?
41:35 You're not saying that about us, are you?
41:36 We're the same.
41:38 I mean please, friends,
41:40 you call us friends?
41:45 God, You have this exclusive
41:47 one on one reciprocal, reciprocal.
41:52 Romans 5:10,
41:53 I'm gonna read it again one more time,
41:54 "We were God's enemies,
41:56 but he made us his friends through the death of his Son.
41:58 Now we are God's friends,
42:00 now that we are how much more
42:01 will we be saved by Christ's life!"
42:04 Clark Rowland was absolutely right,
42:06 "God is a Being questing for friends."
42:09 Used to say that to me,
42:10 God is a Being questing for friends.
42:13 It's over the holiday break.
42:16 I took my little, my dad to Argentina for a week
42:18 and then LA for a week.
42:19 I took along my little Steps to Christ.
42:23 And I say, you know,
42:24 I'm gonna read a chapter at a time,
42:26 I'm looking for all the words,
42:27 Love or derivatives of love
42:29 and just putting a little mark on the margin.
42:31 You know what, it occurs to me, guys,
42:33 that if you wanted to,
42:35 you could do a lot worse at the beginning of the new year
42:38 than reading a chapter whenever you have the time,
42:40 just a chapter at a time for this little classic.
42:44 And on page 100,
42:46 how that's an easy reference to remember, page 100.
42:49 Let me read this for you.
42:51 It's in your study guide, I put it on the screen as well.
42:53 Isn't this something,
42:55 "The relations between God and each soul are as distinct
43:00 and full as though there were not another soul
43:02 upon the earth to share his watchcare,
43:04 not another soul for whom he gave his beloved Son."
43:11 The truth about Jesus' love for you,
43:12 the truth about the Father's love for you, is either,
43:14 I don't know how God does this,
43:15 but He is able to zone out, zone out everybody else
43:18 in the universe and he says if you're the only human being.
43:21 You're the only one, you and I, that's it.
43:24 Reciprocal, you ever call these 800 numbers and need help, huh?
43:27 800 numbers, toll-free, you call the number,
43:30 operator gets on and you can hear a hundred other voices.
43:32 Everybody, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak.
43:34 You get some young man in India
43:35 or some woman in the United States
43:37 and you're trying to explain
43:38 and you know this is what I need.
43:40 God says I'm not that way,
43:42 I'm not an 800 number
43:43 where I got a bunch of operators taking these calls.
43:45 I take every call myself and I can take them simultaneously,
43:48 and it feels to you as if there's
43:50 nobody else in the world.
43:52 I'm only talking to you.
43:54 Wow, wow.
43:57 As if there were no other soul on earth,
44:00 that's the truth.
44:02 No wonder, you can call him your friend,
44:06 F.R.I.E.N.D - friend.
44:10 In fact, jot these down.
44:12 Jot them down as fast I can read them.
44:13 These are just from Steps to Christ, Boom!
44:15 Boom! Boom!
44:16 Talking about the friendship with God, here we go,
44:17 I'm not even gonna read the page number.
44:19 Steps to Christ, here's the line.
44:20 "Jesus is our Friend,"
44:21 capital F, "friend and Savior still."
44:24 Here's another one.
44:26 "What a precious friend, we have found in Jesus."
44:30 Here's another one.
44:31 "Prayer is the opening of the heart to God
44:32 as to a what?
44:34 As to a friend."
44:36 Here's another one.
44:37 "He, God the Father is our best friend."
44:40 Write in the word best.
44:42 And one more from Steps to Christ.
44:43 "Jesus is our friend."
44:48 Same author by the way.
44:49 In a letter she wrote on May 24, 1905, Ellen White,
44:52 personal letter to a woman.
44:53 "My dearest child Mabel,"
44:55 you need to fill this in.
44:57 "O that we all realized that
44:59 true happiness is found in taking Christ
45:01 as our nearest and dearest friend."
45:05 Boy I love that, nearest and dearest friend.
45:11 "He loves you and will be your sympathizing,"
45:14 write it in,
45:15 "your sympathizing friend."
45:18 And then here comes Adventist home,
45:20 this is great, are there any mothers here today?
45:22 Any mothers?
45:24 Look at this,
45:26 "Jesus knows the burdens of every mother's heart
45:28 and is her best friend."
45:33 Let's expand this circle.
45:35 Are there any women here today?
45:37 Any women here?
45:39 Because the next line same page is for you.
45:41 Here it goes,
45:44 "He, Jesus, is woman's best friend today
45:48 and is ready to aid her in all the relations of life.'
45:50 ' And even in the sophisticated west,
45:52 where we proud ourselves, oh man,
45:53 we're all gender, gender equal around here,
45:55 even here, when women are maligned
45:59 and shoved to the side, we just don't talk about it.
46:03 There's somebody who will always be your friend.
46:08 One more I got to share this with you,
46:10 same author, in a letter to an aged.
46:11 Anybody aged here?
46:13 I guess they were all in the first service.
46:16 Let me share this with you.
46:18 So in a letter to an aged Christian, same author.
46:21 "Just rest in Jesus' arms," and this is the best,
46:24 "just rest in Jesus' arms and know that
46:26 He is your Savior and your,"
46:27 write it down,
46:29 "very best Friend,"
46:31 he is your BFF forever and ever.
46:37 Your very best friend, in the whole wide world,
46:43 in the entire universe, He is your very best friend.
46:49 I'm telling you what, guys,
46:50 it doesn't get any better than this.
46:52 Talking about Charmed into Righteousness,
46:53 who wouldn't want to be friends with the God
46:55 that thinks this of me?
46:56 I mean, can you imagine that?
46:59 Before I photoshopped myself up,
47:02 He wanted to be friends?
47:04 What's up with that?
47:07 I don't know this LA Times Father
47:10 who lost his daughter.
47:14 I don't know father Watson either,
47:21 but I tell you what?
47:22 Having heard their stories and I read this testimony,
47:28 my heart aches with him.
47:31 My heart aches for that dad.
47:35 And I imagined in my simple way of thinking that,
47:38 if there were anybody on this planet
47:41 now that I could turn to in my own,
47:43 in my own herd, in my own dysfunction,
47:48 I could turn to this father,
47:51 and He have a heart and He somehow know.
47:59 There is a father in this universe who also lost
48:02 an only child,
48:05 a son,
48:08 he's the Father that says,
48:10 hey, I want to be your BFF.
48:14 I want to be your best friend forever.
48:17 Could we walk together this New Year?"
48:23 And I don't know about you, but I tell you what,
48:25 if you give me his phone number,
48:26 I promise you,
48:27 I'll be glad to call him
48:29 every single day of this New Year,
48:31 you give me his phone number, I'll call him.
48:34 Now look, I understand, He's busy,
48:35 He's got a whole universe to run,
48:37 but you can't tell me,
48:38 that somebody who has made that infinite a sacrifice
48:41 and investment in my life wouldn't love for the moments,
48:45 when he and I were alone and we just talk reciprocally,
48:49 you understand, one on one and heart to heart.
48:52 Give me His phone number.
48:53 You don't want to call Him, you give me His phone number.
48:55 I'll call him everyday.
48:57 And by the way, I understand
48:58 that I can't stay on the phone for forever,
48:59 you know, I have a life to live.
49:01 So you know what,
49:04 I'll get up earlier,
49:05 I'll get up when it's quiet and there's nobody in...
49:08 My roommate is still asleep and the family is still in bed.
49:12 I'll get up early, so that I can be alone,
49:14 be alone with my BFF
49:18 and just the two of us will talk,
49:19 He'll talk to me through the book and I'll talk back,
49:22 and reciprocally we'll grow closer and closer,
49:28 until I'm charmed into His righteousness.
49:31 That's what I would do.
49:33 Give me His number, come on.
49:35 You don't want to call Him?
49:36 Give me His number, I'll call Him everyday.
49:40 By the way you give me your email address,
49:42 give me your email address right now
49:44 and I will send to you a way to meet with God
49:47 everyday that you choose.
49:48 I'm not saying you have to do it everyday,
49:50 you want to do it one in seven, that's your choice.
49:52 Kind of a weird friendship, one in seven, but hey.
49:57 I'll send you a message.
49:58 You give me your email address.
50:00 I will send you a message so that you can be with God
50:02 every single day that you want to be alone with Him,
50:06 with your best friend forever and ever.
50:09 In fact, take your connect card right now
50:10 and scribble that email address down.
50:12 If you scribble your email address
50:13 down on the front of this card,
50:15 not gonna go through the whole card right now,
50:16 I want to end with the story,
50:17 then we'll go to the card,
50:19 but you put your email address on the front of this card,
50:23 put your email address,
50:25 and then go to box number two,
50:26 turn it over, my next step today,
50:28 I'll talk about the others later.
50:29 I would like to grow my friendship with Jesus
50:30 through prayer this New Year,
50:32 please send me a new way to pray.
50:34 You just check box number two.
50:36 I'll send you something in the mail.
50:38 Nobody's coming to knock on your door.
50:39 I'll send you something, email.
50:42 Ushers are moving to the doors
50:43 now, they're gonna pick this card up in just a second.
50:44 So please do it right now,
50:46 just scribble your email address
50:47 and then check box number two.
50:48 Now let me tell you that story, I promised a story,
50:51 I want to end with a story.
50:54 A Brazilian, little Brazilian couple,
50:57 we got a lot a Brazilians here, in this congregation.
51:01 A little Brazilian couple named Italvino and Diva Posa.
51:08 Did I say that right in Portuguese?
51:10 Portuguese,
51:12 yeah, little Brazilian couple fell in love,
51:14 got married in 1949. Tada!
51:17 Take a look at their wedding photo.
51:18 There they are, handsome couple.
51:20 Got married 1949.
51:22 Began to raise a family, eventually 10 children.
51:26 Whoo, Mamma Mia, 10 children.
51:29 Husband worked hard,
51:30 you can take the picture down now.
51:32 Husband worked hard,
51:35 so did mother,
51:36 and somewhere along the way, mother Diva,
51:40 met a friend who introduced her to Jesus
51:43 at The Seventh-day Adventist Church,
51:45 and mother Diva is baptized, as we saw just a moment ago,
51:49 baptized into Christ.
51:51 She asks Italvino, and he says, "No."
51:56 He's a businessman,
51:57 so every time he goes on a business,
51:58 she sticks into his suitcase,
52:00 literature, little book, something to read,
52:02 and so when he gets there to his destination,
52:04 pulls a book out and guess what?
52:06 Eventually, he too was baptized
52:10 and the two of them became active
52:11 in their witnessing and serving Jesus,
52:13 in their home church in Porto Alegre
52:15 in Southern Brazil.
52:17 I want you to see the picture of the couple now?
52:19 Handsome, aha, handsome, beautiful.
52:25 Ten children by the way,
52:26 14 grandchildren,
52:28 six great grandchildren
52:31 but then it happened.
52:33 Italvino contracted leukemia
52:37 and then Diva developed bladder cancer,
52:41 and so it was that the two of them
52:42 ended up in the same hospital room
52:44 this past autumn in the Adventist Review
52:46 is the one that where I found the story,
52:49 it's just this last fall,
52:50 they ended up in the same hospital room
52:51 and they would push their beds together
52:55 and so on October 3,
52:58 40 minutes apart,
53:01 these two lifelong friends died.
53:07 65 years of marriage,
53:09 slowly coming to an end, they died.
53:13 Get this, they died holding hands,
53:17 best friends forever.
53:23 There's a God in this universe who says,
53:25 if you let me take your hand, I'll walk with you.
53:28 I'll stay with you girl, I'll stay with you boy,
53:31 I'll stay with you till life is over,
53:33 just give me your hand
53:35 and I'll be your BFF forever and ever,
53:40 amen.
53:42 Let's pray.
53:43 Oh, God, is it really,
53:45 is the good news really this good?
53:49 Are you gooder than we thought?
53:51 Is Your love more infinite than we have realized?
53:57 Please, know our hearts.
54:00 We want to be best friends forever and ever.
54:03 Who better than you,
54:05 does it get any better than this?
54:08 It does not.
54:09 So hear our hearts, know our minds.
54:12 Take our hands we will walk with you this year
54:18 through Jesus,
54:19 our Savior and Friend,
54:22 we pray, amen.
54:24 I want to sing that,
54:26 I want to sing this great gospel song,
54:30 Jesus what a friend for sinners,
54:31 but I need to get the ushers go on.
54:33 Let's go ushers.
54:34 God bless you, as we receive our morning tithes
54:35 and offerings and the connect card.
54:37 Turn your connect card over, put it in and let's do it.
54:39 This is a short introduction, we're ready to sing.
54:58 Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!
55:03 Jesus! Lover of my soul
55:08 Friends may fail me, foes assail me
55:10 He, my Savior, makes me whole
55:16 Hallelujah! What a Savior!
55:21 Hallelujah! What a friend!
55:25 Saving, helping, keeping, loving
55:30 He is with me to the end
55:36 Jesus! What a Strength for weakness!
55:41 Let me hide myself in Him
55:45 Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing,
55:50 He, my Strength, my vict'ry wins.
55:55 Hallelujah! What a Savior!
55:59 Hallelujah! What a friend!
56:03 Saving, helping, keeping, loving
56:08 He is with me to the end
56:15 Jesus!
56:17 I do now receive Him
56:20 More than all in Him I find
56:25 He hath granted me forgiveness
56:29 I am His, and He is mine
56:34 Hallelujah! What a Savior!
56:39 Hallelujah! What a Friend!
56:44 Saving, helping, keeping, loving
56:49 He is with me to the end.
56:58 And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
57:02 and the love of God,
57:04 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:05 be with you all.
57:08 Amen.
57:18 I wanted to take an extra moment
57:19 to let you know how grateful I am you joined us today.
57:22 I hear from viewers and listeners like
57:24 you all across this nation and literally around the world
57:27 and I'm thankful,
57:28 because it's through the generosity of the members
57:30 of this congregation and people like you
57:32 that we're able to bring you this program.
57:34 So what we shared today has touched your heart,
57:36 I'd like you to invite you
57:37 to become a financial partner with us.
57:39 Just give us a call, toll free number 877
57:42 the two words, HIS-WILL, 877-HIS-WILL,
57:45 or if you'd rather go to our website
57:50 Either way,
57:52 your generosity will bless a new generation
57:53 in cyberspace all over this planet,
57:56 so thank you.
57:57 Thank you very much for your partnership.


Revised 2024-04-25