New Perceptions

Programs by Request

Available Episodes


Program Code Duration Description Participants
NP150829A Video Transcript 0:58:30 How to Turn Mission into Possible Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
NP150905A Video Transcript 0:58:30 How to Turn Mingle into Mission Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
NP150926A Video Transcript 0:58:30 How to Discern the Pope's Agenda for America Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
NP151003A Video Transcript 0:58:30 How to Respond to the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision Pr. Dwight K. Nelson
NP151024A Video Transcript 0:58:30 Called 2 B Uncool Pr. Dwight Nelson
NP151128A Video Transcript 0:58:30 The Flipside of Thanksgiving - Thanks for Nothing Dwight K. Nelson
NP160102A Video 0:58:30 The Only Savior Dwight K Nelson
NP160109A Video Transcript 0:58:30 The Truest Friend Dwight K Nelson
NP180106A Video Transcript NA Bring Your Heart to Life NA
NP180127A Video Transcript NA My Eyewitness Account NA
NP180203A Video Transcript NA Tell Your Heart to Beat Again NA
NP180210A Video Transcript NA Game of Hearts: Can You Feel The Love? NA
NP180224A Video Transcript NA King of Hearts: Can You Feel The Love? NA
NP180303A Video Transcript NA Church of Hearts: Can You Feel The Love? NA
NP180310A Video Transcript NA Teach Your Heart to Sing Again NA
NP180331A Video Transcript NA Yes Can Do! How to Live with An Attitude NA
NP180407A Video Transcript NA Yes Can Do! How to Pray with An Attitude NA
NP180428A Video Transcript NA Yes Can Do–How to Dare with An Attitude NA
NP180602A Video Transcript NA Gone to the Birds: Lessons from the Divine Ornitho NA
NP180609A Video Transcript NA Gone to the Birds: Lessons from the Divine Ornitho NA
NP180616A Video Transcript NA Gone to the Birds: Lessons from the Divine Ornitho NA
NP180623A Video Transcript NA Gone to the Birds: Lessons from the Divine Ornitho NA
NP180630A Video Transcript NA Gone to the Birds: Lessons from the Divine Ornitho NA
NP180818A Video Transcript NA Renovate! (Putting Last Things First) NA
NP180825A Video Transcript NA Etavoner! (Putting First Things First) NA
NP180901S Video Transcript NA Tales from a Vineyard: Why God Loves A Drunk NA
NP180908A Video Transcript NA Tales from a Vineyard: Cry Baby, Cry NA
NP180915A Video Transcript NA Making Love in the Vineyard-An Old Song NA
NP180929A Video Transcript NA When You Can't Get Any Closer! NA
NP181013A Video Transcript NA Vintage Tales: Excursus on the Church NA
NP181020A Video Transcript NA Vintage Tales: Two Last Stories, One Final Truth NA
NP181027A Video Transcript NA Renovate: Under The Roof with a Clever Prophet NA
NP181103A Video Transcript NA Renovate: Under The Roof with An Intrepid Leader NA
NP181117A Video Transcript NA Will There Be Thanksgiving In Paradise NA
NP181201A Video Transcript NA The Treasure Chest: Coinage of Kings NA
NP181222A Video Transcript NA Looking for Christ In Christmas - Part 3 NA
NP190112A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Read It Again for the First Time NA
NP190119A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Vomit (Last Letter for Adventists NA
NP190126A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Wretched (Last Letter for America NA
NP190209A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Reading Between The Lines NA
NP190216A Video Transcript NA ‘Happy Birthday, Pioneer––Did You Get My Letter?’ NA
NP190302A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Home Alone 19 NA
NP190316A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Game of Thrones-Crown of Thorns Part 1 NA
NP190323A Video Transcript NA The Last Letter: Game of Thrones-Crown of Thorns Part 2 NA
NP190330A Video Transcript NA How to Survive the Coming Economic Crisis: How to Survive Your Own Financial Crisis NA
NP190406A Video Transcript
NP190406S Video Transcript
NA How to Survive The Coming Economic Crisis: If I We NA
NP190420A Video Transcript NA How to Survive The Coming Economic Crisis: Breakin NA
NP190427A Video Transcript NA How to Survive The Coming Economic Crisis: The New NA
NP190511A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: Bachelorette for a Day NA
NP190518A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: Really, Really Faithful Under Fire NA
NP190601A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: Here Am I–Send Them NA
NP190608A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: Loving the One You Hate NA
NP190622A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: A Very Long Ways from H NA
NP190629A Video Transcript NA In Exile–Cadences of Home: The Very Last Exile NA
NP190810A Video Transcript NA Song of Exiles: ‘Goin’ Home, Goin’ Home, I’M A GoiIn Exile–Cadences of Home - Song of Exiles: "Goin’ Home, Goin' Home, I NA
NP190817A Video Transcript NA Breakthrough: The World Changers’ Secret NA
NP190824A Video Transcript NA Breakthrough: How to Slay Your Giant NA
NP190831A Video Transcript NA Roommates, Bad Dates, and Soul Mates Part 1 of 3 NA
NP190907A Video Transcript
NP190907S Video Transcript
NA Roommates, Bad Dates, and Soul Mates Part 2 of 3 NA
NP190914A Video Transcript
NP190914S Video Transcript
NA Roommates, Bad Dates, and Soul Mates Part 3 of 3 NA
NP190928A Video Transcript NA A DIY Guide How to Become the Healthiest University in the World (When Well-being Means More Than Being Well) NA
NP191005A Video Transcript NA A Diy Guide How to Be Healthier and Live A Whole L NA
NP191012A Video Transcript NA A Chicken Coop and a Cross: How Much Are You Worth? NA
NP191026A Video Transcript NA A DIY Guide How to Paint Jesus: GenZ Eye Witness Account NA
NP191109A Video NA A DIY Guide to Better Sexual Health: Taming Your Tiger NA
NP191123A Video Transcript NA A Diy Guide How to Thank Your Healer NA
NP191207S Video Transcript NA A Diy Guide for the Perfect Gift NA
NP191221S Video Transcript NA Can You Spare An Angel Tonight? NA
NP200104S Video Transcript NA In The Year of Our Lord 2020: Seeking 20/20 Vision NA
NP200111S Video Transcript NA Love on the Move: Star-Crossed and Love-Starved NA
NP200118S Video Transcript NA You Don't Have to Be A Superhero to Win NA
NP200201S Video Transcript NA Be A Nobody and Become A Somebody NA
NP200208S Video Transcript NA Deliver Me from a Church with None But Saints! NA
NP200222S Video Transcript NA Prepared?—Turning Genzers Into Radical (Ok, Boomer NA
NP200229S Video Transcript NA Prepared?—Turning Young Radicals Into Social Missi NA
NP200307S Video Transcript NA Prepared?—Turning Young Parents In to Vital Mentor NA
NP200321S Video Transcript NA Corona Care Kit: Rehearsing for the Big One NA
NP200620S Video Transcript NA A Brave New World: Making Sense of the New Stuff NA
NP200627S Video Transcript NA A Brave New World: Picking The Lock of the Lockdow NA
NP200711S Video Transcript NA A Brave New World: Living with the Adrenaline Rush NA
NP200815S Video Transcript NA Praeparare–Get Ready! NA
NP200822S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Doomscrolling the Future NA
NP200829S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Born in the USA: Parlez-vous Francaise? NA
NP200905S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Beauty and the Beast: The Bride and the Streetwalker NA
NP200926S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Calamities Most Awful, Most Unexpected NA
NP201003S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": How to Train Your Dragon: By the Blood of the Lamb NA
NP201010S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Blue Laws: The Law and Order Platform NA
NP201024S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Is the Religious Right Wrong? NA
NP201031S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Fighting in the Dark: "With Their Faces Lighted Up" NA
NP201107S Video Transcript NA American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Where Are We Headed? From Here to Eternity NA
NP201121S Video Transcript NA What's There to Be Thankful For? 'Milk and Honey and the Most Beautiful of Lands' NA
NP201205S Video Transcript NA Advent: in the Shadowland of Death A Light NA
NP201219S Video Transcript NA Advent: in the Midnight of Dark A Star NA
NP210102S Video Transcript NA X-Ing Out 2020 @ The Lord's Supper NA
NP210109S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: Good-Bye Good NA
NP210116S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movementz: Love Story for a Dark Winter: 'So I Am Sending You' NA
NP210123S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: House by the Side of the Road': 'So I Am Sending You' NA
NP210206S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: Reviving a Mummy: 'So I Am Sending You' NA
NP210313S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: Two Hands on the Lightsaber: 'So I Am Sending You' NA
NP210320S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: Bringing Down NA
NP210327S Video Transcript NA A 20:21 Mission for a 2021 Movement: Love Story—Return to Sender: 'So I Am Sending You' NA
NP210403S Video Transcript NA Marriage - Fresh Hope for the 'm' Word – He Lives! NA
NP210410S Video Transcript NA Marriage - No Money Down with Zero Percent Interest NA
NP210424S Video Transcript NA Marriage - The Pope and Same Sex Marriage NA
NP210501S Video Transcript NA Marriage - An Answer to My Eleven Year Old Parishioner NA
NP210522S Video Transcript NA Marriage - 'a Promise of Future Love' NA
NP210605S Video Transcript NA For The Love of An Animal: Heehaw NA
NP210612S Video Transcript NA For The Love of An Animal: Roarrr NA
NP210619S Video Transcript NA For The Love of An Animal: Yapyap NA
NP210626S Video Transcript NA For The Love of An Animal: Baaa NA
NP210814S Video Transcript NA Everyone Is Called - Playing to an Empty Stadium NA
NP210821S Video Transcript NA Everyone Is Called - Splitting the Gold NA
NP210828S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: Living in the White Space NA
NP210904S Video Transcript NA How to Become An Influencer: Damascus Road NA
NP210911S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: Mental Health Meltdown NA
NP210918S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: The Last Aching Abyss NA
NP211023S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: An Influencer People Are Hungry For NA
NP211030S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: When They Persecute You NA
NP211106S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: How to Get Along with the Brethren NA
NP211113S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: The Secret to Dying Unafraid NA
NP211120S Video Transcript NA How to Become an Influencer: Thanksgiving Behind Bars NA
NP211204S Video Transcript NA Peace On Earth All Over Again—Redux 1 NA
NP211218S Video Transcript NA Peace On Earth All Over Again—Redux 2 NA
NP211225S Video Transcript NA Peace On Earth All Over Again—Redux 3 NA
NP220108S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: Killing Time NA
NP220115S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: "The Peace of Wild Things" NA
NP220122S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: "All The Light We Cannot See" NA
NP220205S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: Familiarity Breeds Contempt NA
NP220212S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: "My Soul Followeth Hard After Thee" NA
NP220226S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: "The Things on Which the Light Falls" NA
NP220305S Video Transcript NA A Banner Unfurled: By Playing Silly Games NA
NP220326S Video Transcript NA Good-Bye Pandemic, Hello Refugees—Sign Me Up! NA
NP220402S Video Transcript NA Why Some of Your Friends Are Flourishing in a Languishing World—Sign Me Up! NA
NP220416S Video Transcript NA Albert Einstein's (Resurrection) Secret to Happiness—Sign Me Up! NA
NP220423S Video Transcript NA Mr. Bingle's Old Coat—Sign Me Up! NA
NP220430S Video Transcript NA Do Justice—Sign Me Up! NA
NP220514S Video Transcript NA Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho: I Spy NA
NP220604S Video Transcript NA Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho: When the Lesser Meets the Greater NA
NP220611S Video NA Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho: When the Walls Came a’Tumblin' Down NA
NP220625S Video Transcript NA Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho: Skeletons in the Closet, Prostitutes on the Tree NA
NP220813S Video Transcript NA Brooding with Jesus: Where Do We Go from Here? NA
NP220820S Video Transcript NA Brooding with Jesus: It Takes a Village or at Least a Campus NA
NP220827S Video Transcript NA Brooding with Jesus: Stepping On Snakes NA
NP220903S Video Transcript NA Chasing Jesus: Lead Me Into Temptation NA
NP220910S Video Transcript NA Chasing Jesus: to Set The Captives Free NA
NP220917S Video Transcript NA Chasing Jesus: Come Out of Him, You Filthy Spirit NA
NP221008S Video Transcript NA Pleading with Jesus - Solitaire Prayer NA
NP221015S Video Transcript NA Pleading with Jesus - Get Away from Me—I Am a Sinner NA
NP221022S Video Transcript NA Pleading with Jesus - Fighting for Your Life, Pleading for Your Lord NA
NP221112S Video Transcript NA Triumphing In Jesus - Every Knee Will Bow NA
NP221119S Video Transcript NA Worshiping Jesus - The Cornucopia of Worship NA
NP221203S Video NA Worshiping Jesus - A Page from the Angels' Playbook NA


Updated 2024-07-26