New Perceptions

Yes Can Do! How to Live with An Attitude

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP180331A

00:00 ♪♪
00:09 >> Father God, it's in Your presence that we come, today on
00:12 this special Easter Sabbath, celebrating the resurrection of
00:17 Jesus Christ, who paid the debt for us.
00:21 Father God, we come with thanksgiving, we come with
00:24 rejoicing because of what You have done in our lives.
00:27 So today, Lord, let this be an outpouring, a manifestation of
00:31 Your love in us as we worship You today.
00:34 Thank You for being here, Father.
00:36 In Your name, I pray. Amen.
00:38 ♪♪ ♪♪
00:54 ♪♪ [ Congregation sings ]
02:48 ♪♪ ♪♪
03:02 [ Congregation sings ]
03:30 >> Savior...
04:03 >> Fill my life.
06:31 >> Amen. Amen.
06:36 ♪♪ ♪♪
06:52 ♪♪ ♪♪
07:07 [ Congregation sings ]
11:05 ♪♪ ♪♪
11:12 ♪♪ ♪♪
11:20 >> Christ is risen. Amen. >> Amen.
11:23 >> He's the God that we serve, and it's in Christ alone that we
11:25 put our faith. And today, as we sing our prayer
11:28 song, I invite you to come forward because in Christ we
11:31 have the victory. It's in Christ alone that we
11:33 have the forgiveness of sins. So now, come forward as we sing
11:37 "Christ Alone," and lay your burdens at the foot of the
11:40 cross. Bring them before Him because
11:42 it's in Christ alone that we worship today.
11:47 ♪♪ ♪♪
12:03 [ Congregation sings ]
15:52 ♪♪ ♪♪
16:08 ♪♪
16:19 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this
16:23 Easter Sabbath. A little cold out, little wet out.
16:29 But a lot of warmth in our hearts. Nice to have all of you here.
16:32 We have some visitors here. Always glad to have you. We've got the regulars.
16:37 Yep, I see that. Thank you, Deacon Jones, for that, and thank you, boys and
16:43 girls, for bringing that offering forward. This story is from my story
16:49 scout, Sharon Dudgeon.
16:53 She runs the WAUS radio station. She found this for me.
16:56 It's from Titusville, Florida. Anybody here been to
16:59 Titusville, Florida? I'd like to be in
17:01 Titusville, Florida, right now. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
17:04 Titusville, Florida, a little boy named Mason -- anybody here
17:07 named Mason? -- he's going to eat with Mom and Dad in
17:09 'O' Brady's Restaurant in Titusville, Florida, a few weeks
17:12 ago. As he goes in, he is so excited
17:14 because there is a little place in the restaurant, a little play
17:18 area for children.
17:20 So he says, "After I've eaten my food, Mommy and Daddy, can I go over there and play while you're
17:24 still eating?" "Yes, you may, Mason, but you eat all your food first."
17:27 Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. He's gone. He's over in that play area.
17:31 There's nobody else there. No children there. Just himself. He looks at this, he looks at
17:35 that. [ Gasps ] Ooh! Have you seen one of these?
17:38 Have you seen these? It's a big machine like this, glass windows all the way
17:41 around, big machine. Inside, there are toys! But you have to put some money
17:45 in the machine, and it has this big claw that comes down. Have you seen those?
17:48 Big claw comes down, and it grabs a toy, and you get a toy. Oh! Oh!
17:54 "Oh, no," he says. "I don't have any money. I do not have any money at all.
17:58 What am I gonna do?" Oh! Wow. I didn't see that." As he got down low, he
18:04 realized -- don't ask me how -- but that if he would just kind of let all this air out...
18:10 [ Breathing heavily ] [ Groaning ] He could crawl through that hole.
18:14 He could get through that hole. He would come up the other side, inside, upside-down, and he --
18:19 Boom! He's inside the glass box with all these toys!
18:23 "Which one shall I play with now? I don't know!" He starts playing with them all.
18:29 Finally, he looks -- He says, "Oh, I need to leave. Well -- Oops.
18:34 There's no way out!" You can get out the way you came in!
18:40 Impossible! Let me see a picture of Mason. Oh, I think he looks very, very
18:47 worried. He looks very -- Look at him crying.
18:52 He's like, "Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!" Nobody can hear him!
18:57 Finally -- oh, finally -- Jeremy House, a volunteer firefighter, he hears a child,
19:03 he looks -- [ Gasps ] He said, "Hey! Call 911! We got to go!"
19:07 Phoom! He runs over there, and soon the firemen are there. Let's see the next picture.
19:12 They're working around that. They're saying, "There's got to be a way to get this boy."
19:14 "No, you know what, let's just leave him there. He's gonna be happy the rest of
19:17 his life. He has toys. Just leave him there!
19:20 He doesn't need to go home!" [ Laughs ] They found a way! They found a way and got little
19:27 Mason out. Hallelujah! You know, when I saw that story
19:32 about Mason, I said, "Hey, wait a minute, some people say that when you go into the grave,
19:37 there's no way out. You are stuck forever in that grave!"
19:40 That's what they said about Jesus. "If you go in that grave, you'll
19:43 never come out again." But guess what? He came out! He came out of what they said
19:50 could never become out of. And because He did, He's coming soon so that you and
19:58 me -- we all can come out. What do you say to that? Let's clap.
20:02 Let's just clap if we're happy for Jesus at opening up the door.
20:07 We're not trapped! We're not trapped! Jesus is alive and He's coming
20:15 back to get us out. Hallelujah. Who would like to thank Jesus?
20:21 Young man, your hand was up. Who would like to thank Jesus? Come on. Come on up.
20:27 What's your name? I like those glasses. What's your name?
20:31 >> Jaciel. >> Jaciel. Jaciel. Jaciel's gonna pray, sissy.
20:34 Watch this. So, Jaciel, I'm gonna give you the microphone.
20:36 Let's close our eyes. Thank Jesus with Jaciel for getting us out.
20:42 >> Thank you, Jesus, for this day, and help us to be nice. And thank you, Jesus, for
20:51 getting us out and dying on the cross for us so the sins can go away and the happiness can come
20:58 to us and help us, that we can have a good day in Sabbath today.
21:03 Amen. >> Amen. Jaciel, you're gonna be a
21:05 preacher. God bless you. That was a beautiful prayer.
21:08 Can you say what Jaciel said in your heart as you go back to your seat now?
21:11 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jaciel. Thank you very much.
21:14 Very well done.
21:17 ♪♪ ♪♪
21:36 ♪♪ ♪♪
21:54 [ Congregation sings ]
23:20 >> Amen. >> Amen. >> Oh, God, we have opened our
23:25 hearts to You. That is our single hope. And we go on.
23:32 Ours, the cross, the grave, the skies. One day. Together at last.
23:41 Forever and ever. Speak to us. Yet, in this moment, alone with
23:51 You and Your word, we pray in Christ's name, the living one. And all the people said,
23:58 "Amen." Amen. Have a seat, please.
24:09 You have to suppose that it's a bit instructive, this business
24:12 of the story of Easter that we just heard a moment ago as we
24:16 began this glorious worship service.
24:18 It's a bit instructive for us, how that story in the particular version we read addresses, it
24:27 seems, one of the great fears that is no longer a great fear.
24:36 You come to any American, and you say, "Listen, what are you
24:40 afraid of?" And Americans over the years
24:42 have said, "Well, death and public speaking."
24:47 It's just always in the surveys.
24:51 But a survey was released this last fall from Chapman University.
24:56 It's the fourth annual survey, a survey of American fears. 1,200 Americans across this land
25:03 were asked the question "What makes you afraid or very afraid?"
25:10 Incredible. I want to read to you the top 10.
25:16 I have all 48 here, but let me just read to you the top 10. Would these have been one of
25:21 yours? We'll start with number 10, air pollution.
25:27 Number 9, North Korea using weapons. Number 8, global warming and
25:34 climate change. Number 7, the U.S. will be involved in another World War.
25:39 Number 6, high medical bills. Number 5, not having enough money for the future.
25:44 Number 4, pollution of drinking water. Number 3, pollution of oceans,
25:48 rivers, and lakes. Number 2, American Healthcare Act, or "Trumpcare."
25:53 Either one. Number one -- corrupt government officials.
25:58 The top fears of America this Easter. And where is "fear of death?"
26:04 It's number 48. And where is "fear of public speaking?"
26:06 Number 52. Something's changed. This list is so significant,
26:14 that next Sabbath, you and I are gonna spend a few moments just looking carefully at really what
26:18 is being told to us. Because listen, folks, if we're gonna engage America's heart, we
26:24 have to address America's fears. And they aren't the old fears that we thought they were.
26:32 We'll talk more about that next week. I'll explain this.
26:39 Christopher Bader, a Professor of Sociology at
26:41 Chapman University led the team effort.
26:43 He makes this -- He concludes this.
26:45 Put it on the screen. Fascinating.
26:50 Quoting him... Hmm.
27:04 What was the question the girls asked on the way to the tomb?
27:07 "Who will roll this stone away for us?"
27:13 Truth of the matter is, you and I, we may not be our fears in
27:18 that top 10, but there is not a soul here that doesn't have a
27:20 fear, that does not have an uncertainty, that does not have
27:23 an anxiety that is intimidated by this huge stone, whatever it
27:28 may be in your life. This huge stone that is blocking
27:31 your way, and you're asking the question -- "Who's gonna move
27:35 this stone for me?" Can anybody roll it away,
27:42 or am I destined to be pinned to this cold earth with that fear?
27:47 Let's go back to that Easter story.
27:52 Gospel of Mark. Open your Bible, please, to the
27:54 Gospel of Mark. Chapter 16.
27:56 He has a little slant to it, and you'll see the way it ends,
28:00 that no other Gospel writer demonstrates.
28:03 Mark 16. I'm in the New King James
28:08 version today. You didn't bring your own Bible,
28:12 grab the pew Bible in front of you.
28:13 We've got some of our friendly ushers also coming your way.
28:16 They have study guides. It's no fill-in-the-blank study
28:19 guide today. It's a "keep the study guide for
28:21 the quotations" day. And you're gonna want these
28:24 quotations. All right, so this is Mark 16:1.
28:30 They read it to us just a moment ago.
29:01 Needless to say.
29:21 Now, watch this -- Verse 8.
29:31 Fear.
29:34 We all have them. Attitude. Fear.
29:41 In the shadows of Jesus' now-empty tomb, there's a question we need to confront.
29:48 How important, how vital is this thing, this spirit, this attitude that's within us?
30:03 How important is attitude? Just a few weeks ago, my friend Sherry Davis sent me an e-mail.
30:09 It was Friday afternoon. I'm trying to get through my e-mails.
30:12 I'm here at the office all alone, and she says, "Hey, Dwight, I've read something
30:15 you're gonna be interested in. You're gonna like it." So she sends me a link.
30:21 And I shoot her an e-mail back. "Thanks so much, Sherry. Blessings on you. Bye-bye.
30:25 Oh, I will read it, don't worry about it. See ya."
30:28 But then -- and this happens to you -- you say, "I should have read it."
30:33 I'll forget. I just know I'll forget to go to the link.
30:35 So I quickly go to the link. It's an article written by a young Australian woman.
30:40 Her name -- Maritza Brunt. And in the article, she quotes Charles Swindoll, and when I
30:48 read those words from Swindoll, I tell you what, something just came over me.
30:52 Those words are still reverberating in my soul, and I just have to share those words
30:57 with you. Do you know who Charles Swindoll is?
31:00 He's the popular American writer. He's been a pastor.
31:03 He's a university chancellor.
31:06 These words are in that study guide that you'll take home.
31:08 You'll never forget them. I'll put them on the screen for
31:10 you. Chuck Swindoll writing...
31:22 There's that word.
31:44 And then here's the keeper, here's that last line.
32:00 End quote. You like that? Attitude!
32:06 We all have one. In fact, attitude pretty much
32:10 comes down to this. "No can do" or "Yes, can do."
32:17 Now, if like me, you've grown up in a country where English is
32:20 not the language and very few knew it when I was there in
32:22 Japan. You know, you often run into
32:24 "No can do." "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!"
32:26 That's the only English they know.
32:28 "No can do. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No can do."
32:31 You never hear anybody say, "Yes, can do," do you?
32:35 No. It makes you wonder, are we just
32:39 automatically wired when we're born for "No can do?"
32:43 I mean, why is it -- why is it that we can say "No," just like
32:47 that, and "Yes" is just like dragging it out of you?
32:49 The nominating committee calls you up and they're at work right
32:51 now. The nominating committee calls
32:53 you up and you say, "No can do." "I can't do that."
32:56 Oh, yes, you can. Why are we wired that way?
33:02 "No can do." "Yes, can do."
33:05 Which is it? And you want to guess which way
33:08 the resurrected Christ tilts the needle?
33:11 I'm gonna tell you in case you're struggling to figure
33:13 out the answer. There is no question.
33:14 The magnetic north of Holy Scripture always points its
33:18 needle to "Yes, can do." Come on.
33:25 12 spies reconnoitering this raw Pagan land called Canaan.
33:30 They come back. 10 of them say, "No can do."
33:34 But two of them insist -- "Yes, can do."
33:38 I'm telling you the truth. The magnetic north of the
33:43 Holy Scripture always points the needle to "Yes, can do."
33:50 Here's another one. Lone prophet.
33:52 By the way, one of the greatest prophets.
33:54 Lone prophet. Against the hordes of Israel.
33:57 Atop a mountain that is about to be nuked.
34:02 A mountain called Carmel. And what does Israel say?
34:05 "No can do! No can do! No can do!"
34:06 The lone prophet thunders "Yes, can do," and fire comes
34:10 down and incinerates that summit.
34:14 Because the magnetic needle of Holy Scripture always tilts to
34:19 "Yes, can do." And, oh, by the way, the
34:22 Scripture doesn't play heroes and hide all the defects.
34:25 12 hours later, the same prophet, because he's insulted
34:31 Jezebel, who screams into this torrential downpour -- "I will
34:37 kill you if it's the last thing I do!"
34:40 That same "Yes, can do" prophet, in now utter fear, flees with
34:46 the cry, "I quit! No can do!" Apparently, the needle can go
34:52 like this pretty fast in all of us.
34:55 But the magnetic north of Holy Scripture always tilts the
34:58 needle to "Yes, can do." Take the God of the universe,
35:01 made flesh as he's sobbing alone in a dark and treacherous
35:04 garden. "No can do. Abba, Father.
35:06 No can do. No can do." But through the dark, through
35:10 the mysterious shadows, a voice comes, "Oh, no, my son.
35:14 Yes, can do. Yes, can do." 12 hours later,
35:20 when that same Jesus is hanging on the center cross of Calvary,
35:24 the gaping, stunned universe is concluding "No can do" has won.
35:31 "No can do" has won. Not knowing that 36 more hours
35:37 and there will be such a seismic shock that it goes off the
35:42 Richter scale inside that sepulchre, and with blazing
35:46 light, "Yes, can do" comes marching out, forever the
35:50 victor. "Yes, can do."
35:56 The needle of Scripture. The needle of attitude always
36:05 always points to "Yes, can do." You don't believe me?
36:11 Let me share with you the greatest "Yes, can do" line
36:13 you've ever read in your life. Here it is.
36:15 Move from Mark where you were. Go to Philippians.
36:18 Find the little book of Philippians.
36:20 Okay, that'll take you a few seconds.
36:21 Philippians, moving towards the end of the New Testament.
36:24 Keep going. Philippians. Philippians 4.
36:26 Find that chapter. Short little book.
36:29 Paul's in prison. Mr. Big "Yes, Can Do," by the
36:31 way, one of the biggest "Yes, can do" in the history
36:34 of Christianity. Attitude.
36:37 And he writes this. He's in prison and he writes
36:39 this, Verse 13. Put it on the screen, please.
36:42 Verse 13. Let's read it outloud together.
36:49 Let's do that one more time.
36:54 There they are, those two little words -- "can do."
36:57 "Can do." Yeah, but, Dwight, you said --
37:02 You said that the magnetic north of Holy Scripture always points
37:05 the needle to "Yes, can do." There's no "Yes" in that.
37:10 You are really picky on an Easter weekend.
37:13 I can't believe that. You want a "yes,"
37:16 I'll give you a "yes." Just turn a few pages back to
37:19 2 Corinthians 1. Come on, just a handful of pages
37:22 back. 2 Corinthians 1.
37:24 You want the "yes," here you go. 2 Corinthians 1.19.
37:42 Now, keep reading. Verse 20.
37:53 There's the "yes" you wanted. "Yes, can do."
37:56 All the promises of God.
38:00 All of them are "yes" in Christ. Wow. Why is that?
38:10 It's because Jesus is God's all-caps -- Jesus is God's all-caps "YES, CAN DO" creator,
38:20 and "YES, CAN DO" savior. All caps! He created the entire universe.
38:26 This "YES, CAN DO" mind and being creates the entire universe.
38:32 "Yes, can do." Creator of the universe. Beloved savior of the world.
38:38 "Yes, can do." He saves the entire human race. In the death that he poured out
38:47 at Calvary. "Yes, can do." That's why the magnetic north of
38:54 Holy Scripture always tilts the needle to "Yes, can do." Because that's the way God is.
38:58 God so loved the world. And, by the way, when he loved you and me, we were at our
39:03 un-loveliest. Write that down. "Un-loveliest." That's what you were.
39:08 Un-loveliest. And he looked at you and he looked at me, and he said,
39:12 "Hey, Gabriel, yes, can do."
39:16 We can get her. We can get him! We can get them. Let's try.
39:24 "Yes, can do." That's why. By the way, just last week --
39:28 not this week, but the week before --Christianity Today
39:31 came out with this spectacular very moving commemorative
39:34 edition in honor of Billy Graham -- the great
39:37 Evangelist Billy Graham, who, by the way, was the founder of
39:40 Christianity Today. The Evangelical magazine exists
39:43 today because he said, "We need a magazine for Evangelicals."
39:46 So this is just chock-full of stories and articles from front
39:49 to back, and one of the stories told me about how when
39:51 Billy Graham ever sat down in front of a microphone --
39:54 So he's gonna give an interview, so he's gonna check the mic.
39:57 They'd say, "Reverend Graham, can we just test your
39:59 microphone?" Oh, he's standing up in the
40:01 stadium. Tonight it'll be filled, but
40:03 he's standing in that empty stadium.
40:04 They said, "Mr. Graham, would you speak into the mic?"
40:06 Every time he's given an opportunity in his lifetime, do
40:10 you know what he said? "For God so loved the world,
40:13 that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in
40:17 Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
40:21 And you know why he did that? Because there may be some
40:24 technician somewhere, this will be the only Gospel he will hear
40:28 as he adjusts the gauges. "For God so loved the world..."
40:32 "Yes, can do!" When he looked at you and he
40:35 looked at me. Wow.
40:36 But the question is, let's be honest --
40:39 I mean, how do we experience this attitude adjustment that
40:43 will turn us from the usual "No can do" default?
40:46 Because that's the way we were born, and by the way, the older
40:50 you get, the more "No can do" becomes your language.
40:54 Sorry. How can we can go through an
40:57 attitude adjustment so that we can move from this default
41:00 "No can do" to the mighty appealing "Yes, can do" attitude
41:03 of God? How can it happen?
41:05 I'm gonna show you how, and it is so simple, you're not gonna
41:07 believe it. Let's go back to
41:09 Philippians 4:13. You don't even have to go back.
41:11 It goes like this...
41:17 Now, it turns out that the oldest manuscripts in Greek do
41:21 not have the name of Christ. Mnh-mnh.
41:25 And, generally, the old manuscripts are the most
41:27 accurate. So newer translations -- some of
41:29 you were following along in your newer translations.
41:31 Newer translations render it this way.
41:33 In fact, let me just show you. David Bentley Hart.
41:36 He is down here at Notre Dame, but he came out withYale Press,
41:39 a new translation of the New Testament.
41:41 Terribly wooden but extremely engaging.
41:45 It's just called "The New Testament."
41:47 This is how he renders. We'll put it on the screen.
41:52 He's American Orthodox. He is an expert at Greek, okay?
42:01 So, who's this "him" that Paul is referring to?
42:05 Well, it's really not a huge discovery.
42:09 If you just look behind Verse 13 and then look twice after
42:13 Verse 13, it's Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus -- three times.
42:16 Christ Jesus. So it's a no-brainer case.
42:19 He's talking about Christ Jesus. However, if the antecedent still
42:25 remains uncertain, you could just as well say that the
42:31 antecedent to him is the Holy Spirit.
42:35 "Oh, you cannot, Dwight." Yes, you can. Let me show you.
42:38 You still here in 2 Corinthians 1?
42:40 Look at Verse 20. We just read that, but we'll go
42:42 beyond. Verse 20.
42:48 Now, keep reading.
42:54 Keep reading.
43:04 The gift of the Holy Spirit -- Did you catch that? -- is the
43:08 divine guarantee that all God's promises are a mighty "yes,"
43:13 an almighty "yes" in Christ Jesus.
43:16 That's it, right there. So Philippians 4:13 could
43:18 actually read this way. Let's read this one out loud
43:21 together. It could actually read this way.
43:29 Yep. Speaking of which, the other
43:34 day, our twice-retired dear Pastor Don -- Don Dronen -- was
43:38 having an early-morning worship and he sent me a quotation he
43:41 came across. This is so dynamite, I have to
43:44 share it with you right now. It's in your study guide.
43:46 You'll take it home. But put in on the screen,
43:48 please.
44:05 In and out. "Daily" -- there's that word we
44:08 came to know.
44:19 So she's saying, "Lookit, in front of you -- you're on a
44:21 journey, and in front of you are these vast fields..."
44:28 Now, keep going!
44:36 When that Holy Spirit comes into you, when he takes up residence,
44:41 every day, vast sources of power.
44:44 Now, she says..."
44:47 She's quoting David now. "Dear Lord, you may take from me
44:50 whatever you wish. No kidding.
44:52 You may take from me whatever you wish, but what I'm asking
44:54 you is, please, do not take the Holy Spirit from me."
44:57 And then her last line...
45:02 Hey, come on. Time out, time out.
45:04 Let me just ask you this. Wouldn't you love to be daily
45:07 inspired with the omnipotence of God, this "Yes, can do" attitude
45:11 every day through the Holy Spirit?
45:13 Wouldn't you love to have that? Wouldn't you like to be daily
45:15 ignited by the Holy Spirit so that you face your day no matter
45:19 what is going on in your life right now -- what is happening
45:22 on this campus, what is happening in your career, it
45:24 doesn't matter. But you face the day now with
45:27 this "Yes, can do" attitude that only the Spirit of Christ can
45:31 bring to you. Wouldn't that be something?
45:34 Every single day. "I can do all things through the
45:38 Holy Spirit who strengthens me." What a powerful case for the
45:42 daily baptism of the Spirit. I mean, just ask him every day.
45:44 Just ask him. You know what you can say?
45:46 "Dear God, would you give me the mind of Christ?"
45:51 Wait a minute, Philippians 2:5. "Let this mind be in you which
45:54 was also in..." How does it go?
45:55 "...also in Christ Jesus." But look at this.
45:57 In the New American Standard Bible -- put it on the screen,
46:00 please. New American Standard.
46:02 How does it read?
46:05 There it is.
46:09 What attitude? The "Yes, can do" attitude.
46:13 Have that attitude in yourselves.
46:16 Who better to bring the "Yes, can do" attitude to us,
46:19 that attitude of Jesus, than the Holy Spirit himself?
46:24 You say, "Yeah, but, Dwight, come on, come on, come on."
46:26 I mean, what are all these things?
46:27 "I can do all things." What are all these things?
46:31 Well, that's not rocket science, either.
46:33 All these things would be simply whatever God wants us to
46:36 experience, whatever God wants us to achieve.
46:38 Higher than the highest human thought?
46:40 That's what I want for you. I want the very best for you.
46:42 Whatever he asks, whatever he wants, whatever he wishes.
46:46 "Yes, can do." You know why you can say
46:49 "Yes, can do" to whatever God asks of you?
46:51 You can say "Yes, can do" simply because when God asks me to do
46:58 something, He empowers me to do that something.
47:02 Whatever He asks you to do, He'll empower you to do.
47:06 There's a line somewhere. Where is it found?
47:08 I have no idea. All his biddings are enablings.
47:11 If He says, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm gonna ask you to do this."
47:14 If you say, "Yes, can do," He says, "I got the power for
47:16 you." It's omnipotent, by the way.
47:18 You can have it all. Wow.
47:22 That's why Romans 8:28, by the way...
47:26 Some of you are going through a really rough time right now.
47:29 I know. Tough. It hasn't been any worse than
47:33 this. It hasn't been any worse than
47:35 this. But that's why Romans 8:28
47:40 whispers to you... "We know that all things -- all
47:45 things work together for those who love God and are called
47:51 according to His purpose." Everything.
47:54 Hey, hey, hey, hey. Shh, shh, shh, shh. Stop, stop.
47:57 It does not read -- some people think it does --
48:00 It does not read "all things are good."
48:02 It does not declare all things good.
48:04 All things are not good. Some things are evil.
48:07 And what has happened to you is from the hand of an enemy who
48:10 seeks only your death. Who seeks only your death.
48:14 But as the translation reads... "But we know that God causes all
48:21 things to work for good to those who trust Him, who Love
48:26 him." You can take anything.
48:29 Look, He can take anything and turn it into the greatest win
48:33 you will ever experience. That's how he did it.
48:38 He took the worst of the worst and turned it into the best of
48:42 the best. Trust me," He says. "Trust me."
48:44 "Yes, can do." I want to hear "Yes, can do"
48:47 from you. Don't tell me "No can do."
48:48 That's why Jesus in the garden kept saying, "No can do.
48:51 Father, no can do. Abba, abba, no can do."
48:53 But finally, third prayer, God sweeps over him, "Oh, yes, you
48:57 can," and then he says, "Okay. Yes, can do. Your will.
49:03 Not what I want, what you want." And God will win through you
49:07 just like he won through the Lord Jesus Christ.
49:10 "Yes, can do." Ahh! I'm gonna share a secret
49:14 with you and tell you a story, and then sit down.
49:18 I'm gonna share a secret that you may not have known before.
49:21 And then tell you a story. There's one quotation, by the
49:28 way, that sets this up, that has "can do" written all over it.
49:31 I couldn't come to the end without sending this quotation
49:33 home with you, so I'm putting it on the screen.
49:35 It's from that classic, "Christ's Object Lessons."
49:37 You're gonna love it. This is your keeper.
49:51 No, no, no, no. It's not what you have.
49:57 I put them in all caps for you.
50:03 That would be me, "what I can do..."
50:11 Every soul that trusts Him. Now here come three
50:13 "He longs..."
50:17 He's standing by you right now, whatever it is you're going
50:19 through and it seems like there is a massive stone in front of
50:21 you, and you're not gonna get past this stone to eternity.
50:28 Here comes number two.
50:33 Don't sell him short! Ask for the biggest gift you
50:36 have ever asked for in your life!
50:39 Whatever the stone is that is in front of you right now --
50:42 Is it divorce? Is it your health?
50:45 Is it your finances? It doesn't matter!
50:47 Ask him to move the stone! Just ask him.
50:52 Just ask him.
51:00 And then here's a line for our university community like ours.
51:07 You got four weeks left, but I'd be claiming that all through the
51:09 next four weeks. [ Laughter ]
51:11 It's just my counsel, humble as it is.
51:22 "Yes can do!" He can do it. I can do all things through
51:25 Christ. "I can do all things through the
51:27 Holy Spirit, who strengthens me."
51:30 Yep. That's the truth today. Go home with it.
51:32 You'll never have an Easter like this.
51:34 Go home with it. Your life will be changed.
51:37 Ask for an attitude adjustment. Move from your "No can do" to
51:40 your "Yes, can do." You'll be fine because let me
51:42 tell you a secret. You didn't know this, but I'm
51:44 gonna pass this onto you. People really love hanging with,
51:50 living with, working with, schooling with positive
51:59 attitude of others. They are the most popular people
52:04 on this campus. In that ad building, they're the
52:07 most popular people. Because when you're a
52:09 "Yes, can do" leader, when you have confidence, people
52:13 just line up right behind you. When you're a "Yes, can do"
52:16 follower, you line right up behind a "Yes, can do" leader
52:19 'cause it always takes one to draw up the other.
52:21 When you hang with someone who has a "Yes, can do" attitude --
52:26 I mean, aren't they a joy to be around?
52:29 Come on, let's be honest. Aren't they a joy to be around?
52:31 I just being around them. Why? Because they lift my
52:34 confidence. They lift my hope.
52:35 They give me faith. They give me courage.
52:37 I feel like we can make this thing.
52:39 This isn't the end! Time of trouble going on?
52:43 This isn't the end. "Yes, can do."
52:47 When a leader demonstrates "Yes, can do" and a follower
52:50 demonstrates "Yes, can do," you got a winning combination.
52:53 And there is nothing you can't go through without the almighty
52:58 omnipotent, God of the universe, steps in for you.
53:01 Don't tell him how to do it. Ask him to do it.
53:06 Just ask him to do it. That's a little secret.
53:10 If you'll be the "Yes, can do" person in your little circle
53:12 where you live, in your dormitory, in your office,
53:15 you're the "Yes, can do" person, everybody will love being around
53:18 the water cooler with you. Why? Because you are positive.
53:22 "Yes, can do." "I can do all things through
53:27 Christ, or the Holy Spirit, who strengthens me."
53:30 All right. Here's that story. Karen and I, through the
53:34 kindness of a friend have been reading Max Lucado's book
53:37 "God Will Carry You Through." In this book is the story of
53:41 little Cooper and his mother and father.
53:44 Let me read the story to you. "Melanie Jasper says her son
53:47 Cooper -- I like that name -- was born with a smile on his
53:50 face. The dimple never left his cheek.
53:53 He won the hearts of every person he knew -- his three
53:56 older sisters, his parents, grandparents, teachers, and
53:58 friends. He loved to laugh and love.
54:01 His father J.J., confessing partiality, calls him
54:05 practically the perfect child. And Cooper was born to the
54:08 perfect family. Farm-dwelling, fun-loving,
54:12 God-seeking, and Christ-hungry, J.J. and Melanie poured out
54:16 their hearts into their four children.
54:18 J.J. cherished every moment he had with his only son.
54:21 That's why they were riding in the dune buggy on July 17th.
54:25 They intended to cut the grass together, but the lawn mower
54:28 needed a spark plug, and so while Melanie drove to town to
54:31 buy one, J.J. and 5-year-old Cooper seized the opportunity
54:34 for a quick ride. "You want to go with Daddy?
54:36 Let's go!" They had done this 1,000 times,
54:40 zipping down a dirt road in a roll-caged cart.
54:44 The ride was nothing new, but the flip was.
54:47 On a completely level road with Cooper safely buckled in, J.J.
54:52 made a circle, and the buggy rolled over.
54:56 Cooper was unresponsive. J.J. called 911, then Melanie.
55:00 "There's been an accident," he told her.
55:01 I don't think Cooper's gonna make it."
55:03 The next hours were every parent's worst nightmare --
55:05 ambulance, E.R., sobs, and shock, and finally the news --
55:09 Cooper had died. J.J. and Melanie found
55:16 themselves doing the unthinkable -- selecting a
55:19 casket, planning a funeral, and envisioning life without their
55:22 only son. In the coming days, they fell
55:24 into a mind-numbing rhythm. Every morning upon awakening,
55:27 they held each other and sobbed uncontrollably and, gathering
55:30 enough courage to climb out of bed, they would go downstairs to
55:32 the family and friends who awaited them.
55:34 They would soldier through the day until bedtime.
55:36 Then they would go to bed, hold each other, and cry themselves
55:39 to sleep." Some of you have been there.
55:44 J.J. told me, "There is no class or book on this planet that can
55:49 prepare you to have your 5-year-old son die in your
55:53 arms. We know what the bottom looks
55:55 like." The bottom.
55:58 We pass much of life, if not most of life, at mid-altitude.
56:02 Occasionally, we summit a peak -- our graduation, our
56:05 wedding, a promotion, the birth of a child -- but most of life
56:08 is lived at mid-level, Mondayish obligations of term papers and
56:13 carpools and expense reports and recipes.
56:16 But, on occasion, the world bottoms out.
56:21 The dune buggy flips, the housing market crashes, the test
56:25 results come back positive, and before we know it, we discover
56:30 what the bottom looks like. Today, J.J.'s hurts are still
56:34 deep, but his faith is deeper still."
56:37 Attitude. Attitude. "Whenever he tells the story of
56:43 losing Cooper, he says this -- 'We know what the bottom looks
56:48 like and we know who is waiting there -- it's Jesus Christ.'"
56:53 "Yes, can do." Amen.
57:03 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you
57:05 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh new way.
57:08 All across the world, more and more people are hearing the call
57:11 to examine Scriptures for themselves.
57:12 If you felt drawn to learn more about God's word but you don't
57:16 know where to start or you're just looking for a more in-depth
57:19 examination of bible truths, then I have something right here
57:22 that I believe you're gonna enjoy.
57:24 I want to send a series of guides to get you started.
57:26 This one's entitled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"
57:29 Each guide begins with a story and an introduction of the
57:32 subject. Then, through a series of focus
57:34 questions, you'll be learning portions of the bible you may
57:36 never have known before. And when you're through, you'll
57:39 be able to share with others some of these inspiring Bible
57:41 truths. So just call our toll-free
57:43 number. It's on the screen.
57:44 877-HIS-WILL. Our friendly operators are
57:48 standing by to send these study guides to you.
57:50 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. Call that number, and then
57:55 again, join me next week, right here at the same time.
57:59 "New Perceptions."
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Revised 2018-04-20