New Perceptions

American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Doomscrolling the Future

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP200822S

00:02 ♪♪
00:11 >> Good morning, saints. We're gonna start our praise
00:15 with singing a traditional African greeting song.
00:19 I'm gonna sing it through once, and then I'm gonna invite you to
00:22 join in with me. This is a time where we want to
00:26 give you the opportunity to wave and say hello to your neighbor.
00:30 Amen? I know we're social distancing,
00:32 but we can still say hello. [ "Good Morning, Jesus" begins ]
02:50 [ "The Lion and the Lamb" begins ] ♪♪
03:02 ♪♪ ♪♪
07:02 God is King. Amen? >> Amen. >> And not only is He King, He's
07:08 our Savior. And He wants to be not just the Savior for the world but the
07:14 Savior for each individual's personal story -- so much so that He will cover
07:21 your past, He will cover all of your brokenness and even invite you into His Father's house.
07:29 He has prepared a place for you and for me. And so I want to invite you to
07:36 sing with us "Who You Say I Am." "Who You Say I Am." [ "Who You Say I Am" begins ]
07:42 I'm gonna invite you to stand as we sing this one.
12:03 ♪♪ >> Hey, Sis, Dad, Mom! Come on!
12:09 "Children's Story" is on! >> Hello, boys and girls.
12:13 Happy Sabbath, and welcome to church.
12:16 Today I'm gonna tell you a story, but it's a different kind
12:19 of story, and I need you to listen very careful.
12:21 This is a parable, and I'm going to try to use a number of
12:24 different references to different things that you're
12:27 gonna find in the Bible.
12:29 And, hopefully, those of you who are older will be able to see how many of those connections
12:34 you can find. And then I'm trying to connect it to Pastor Dwight's sermon, so
12:39 we'll see how all the pieces fit together. If you're younger, I want to
12:44 invite you just to follow along and enjoy the story. Today's story is about a little
12:49 girl, and her name was Elizabeth, and she had a brother by the name of Thomas, and
12:53 Thomas had a twin. And their mom -- Thomas and Elizabeth and his twin -- her
13:01 twin, his twin -- lived in a big stone house that their great-great-grandparents had
13:08 built on a big rock on the side of a mountain. Their mother's name was Shalom.
13:14 And the three of them were waiting for something very, very special.
13:19 Their older brother, Joshua, had gone on a long trip to go and do some very important work with
13:24 their dad, and he had promised them that he would come back to get them all and that there
13:32 could be a big storm that would come before he came back. So they were waiting in the big
13:40 brick house that was built on the rock on the side of the mountain.
13:43 They lived in a town that had people from all over the world there, with a big factory that
13:50 made cars that ran on electricity. And the people were saying that
13:55 these cars were going to help to change the world for the better. They didn't know that the storm
14:00 was coming. So they worked every day, and they came from all over the
14:04 world, and they had funny names from different countries, and they worked in different parts
14:09 of this factory. And so Elizabeth and Thomas and his brother, they went to school
14:16 and they made friends with all kinds of people -- people that spoke different languages -- and
14:23 they loved their friends. They also loved to go walking around in the neighborhood
14:28 because it was a rural area and there were all different kinds of animals like dogs, and cows
14:37 that went [Moos] And sheep that went [Bleating] And even a pig or two that went
14:46 [Grunting and squealing] And when they heard the pigs squealing, they would giggle and
14:56 think, "What a silly sound that pigs make." Every morning they would wake
15:01 up, and they would hear the rooster crow. [ Crowing ]
15:06 And they knew it was time to go and do their chores and help their mom and clean the house
15:10 before they went to school. Well, one day their mom said, "You're not going to school
15:16 today because there's reports of a big storm." So they decided that they would
15:22 stay at home, and they watched the dark clouds rolling in, and they heard the [Whooshing]
15:32 wind blowing around the mountaintops, and they saw the clouds billowing in the sky.
15:37 And it got more and more ominous and dark. And then suddenly they heard a
15:44 deep rumbling sound [Rumbling] in the distance, and they saw a flash of lightning, and they
15:50 knew that the storm that their brother Joshua had told them about was coming.
15:54 But it wasn't there yet. It was still a long way off. They lived in a little town
15:58 along a river, and they thought to themselves, "We should invite our friends to come into our
16:03 house because our house is built on a rock on the side of the mountain."
16:06 And so they started calling. And so Elizabeth called her friend Shakira, and she said,
16:11 "Shakira, I want to invite you to come into our house because a big storm is coming, and I want
16:17 you to come and be safe with us." And Shakira said, "Oh, sure.
16:21 I'll come. Let me just see if my mom can come too."
16:25 And so her and her mom ran up the street and around the corner, and they took the steps
16:29 up to the house, and they knocked on the door. [ Knocking ]
16:32 And they opened the door, and they said, "Come on in, come on in."
16:35 Thomas said, "I've got a friend whose name is Christian, and I'm gonna call him."
16:41 And so he called Christian, and Christian said, "I'm just a little sleepy.
16:46 I spent the whole night sleeping and a whole night watching Facebook and Instagram.
16:55 I'm too sleepy to come." And so he didn't come. And then they called their
17:00 friend Hideki, and Hideki said, "Of course I'll come." He came over to the house with
17:06 his parents, and they stayed inside. And then they called another
17:09 friend and another friend and another friend. And then one of their friends
17:12 said, "I've got a friend too," and they invited that friend to come.
17:15 And they waited, and the storm got worse and it started raining buckets.
17:18 [ Whooshing and rumbling ] They looked out the window, and they called one more friend, and
17:24 they got their flashlights, and they were holding it by the window so that their friend
17:28 could see the house, and they heard the knock on the door. And then they waited for their
17:32 brother Joshua to come back. And they waited, and the storm got worse and worse, and the
17:37 river started rising. And soon the homes in the valley started to disappear.
17:43 Then, as they were waiting and wondering when -- like, it seemed it was the worst time --
17:49 all of a sudden the sky opened up just long enough, and they looked up, and there was a
17:55 massive helicopter with two propellers. [ Whirring ]
18:00 And it came down to the side of the mountain where the house was, and they heard a voice from
18:04 their big brother Joshua. He said, "Come on over to the helicopter!
18:07 Come quickly!" And they all ran over to the house, and they got on the
18:10 helicopter, and they were taken away with their friends from all around the world that they had
18:14 called. Some of them didn't want to come, but the ones who came were
18:17 safe, and they went in the helicopter with Joshua to the place where their dad was
18:23 working, safe, far away from the storm. So that's the end of the story.
18:30 I'm gonna invite you to think about, what are the parallels that we learned from in the
18:35 Bible and that you see in Pastor Dwight's sermon that may be speaking to the good news
18:40 that Jesus has promised to come and take us back? Even though there's a terrible
18:45 storm, He's given us a safe house to stay in, and I pray that you will put your trust in
18:51 Jesus and stay safe in His house until Jesus comes to take us home.
18:56 >> Dear Jesus, thank you for this Holy Sabbath.
19:00 I'd like to ask You to bless all of those praying with us.
19:05 Help the orphans and help the poor and help those who have never had a home before.
19:12 And please help us all to pass those trials and tests that we ourselves, we face -- with
19:22 spiritual tests and real tests, trials that we all have in our life.
19:28 Help us to pass them, and while we are, to earn faith and patience.
19:33 And please, Lord, when we go to heaven and we take off our masks of suffering, it will be a very
19:40 great day, and it's good to remember You here on Earth this Sabbath while we escape this
19:47 world of suffering and see our new world with you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
19:55 ♪♪
20:04 ♪♪
20:35 >> ♪ One day You'll make everything new, Jesus ♪ ♪ One day You will bind every
20:45 wound ♪ ♪ The former things shall all pass away ♪
20:54 ♪ No more tears >> ♪ One day You'll make sense of it all, Jesus ♪
21:05 ♪ One day every question resolved ♪ ♪ Every anxious thought
21:14 left behind ♪ ♪ No more fear >> ♪ When we all get to heaven
21:31 ♪ What a day of rejoicing that will be ♪ ♪ When we all see Jesus
21:45 ♪ We'll sing and shout the victory ♪ >> ♪ One day we will see
21:55 face to face, Jesus ♪ ♪ Is there a greater vision of grace ♪
22:06 ♪ And in a moment, we shall be changed ♪ ♪ On that day
22:16 >> ♪ And one day we'll be free, free indeed ♪ ♪ Jesus
22:23 ♪ One day all this struggle will cease ♪ ♪ And we will see Your glory
22:32 revealed ♪ ♪ On that day ♪ When we all get to heaven
22:48 ♪ What a day of rejoicing that will be ♪ ♪ When we all see Jesus
23:01 ♪ We'll sing and shout the victory ♪ ♪ When we all get to heaven
23:13 ♪ What a day of rejoicing that will be ♪ ♪ When we all see Jesus
23:26 ♪ We'll sing and shout the victory ♪
23:55 ♪ When we all get to heaven ♪ What a day of rejoicing that will be ♪
24:09 ♪ When we all see Jesus ♪ We'll sing and shout the victory ♪
24:22 ♪ We'll sing and shout the victory ♪ ♪ We'll sing and shout the
24:35 victory ♪
24:51 >> When we all get to heaven. Did you hear little Ezra?
24:54 I scribbled it down just a moment ago.
24:56 "When we go to heaven and take off our masks of suffering."
24:59 Did you hear that? I don't know how old he is.
25:02 9, 10, 11. That's a line to take home.
25:06 We'll take off these masks of suffering one day.
25:10 "How long is this pandemic gonna last, Dwight?"
25:12 "I have no idea."
25:14 Nobody knows. But here we are on the cusp of a brand-new year at
25:21 Andrews University. I want to ask you a simple question.
25:26 If your house were burning down, would you want me to warn you? So you're inside, I'm walking
25:34 outside, I see the flames. Would you want me to warn you? >> Yes.
25:38 >> Oh, but of course. If the world were burning down, should we warn it?
25:51 If America is beginning to burn down, should somebody say something?
25:57 Somebody like you? "American Apocalypse." A brand-new series that begins
26:06 right now. Boy, I wrestled long and hard this summer.
26:14 With God. In prayer. Do we go there?
26:22 Do we really go there? The moment you speak of this country...
26:29 you're gonna move into controversial realities. And somebody's gonna stand up
26:38 and say, "You can't say that." But if the house is burning down and you don't say anything,
26:47 aren't we morally culpable if we know? American Apocalypse in this
26:58 season of the pandemic. Here we are with our masks. American Apocalypse in this
27:07 season of racial fracture and class warfare. American Apocalypse in this
27:20 season of a broken economy. All the Band-Aids in the world won't save it.
27:28 American Apocalypse in this season of a conflicted election. And let me tell you something.
27:36 It's not the election we're worried about. It's the day after the election
27:39 that we're worried about. Isn't that right? American Apocalypse and the
27:47 remnant church that is sound asleep, if not comatose, in the West.
27:58 American Apocalypse. Come to think of it, that's why God gave prophecies in the first
28:07 place -- to be a warning. A halogen light shining down the pathway.
28:13 We talked about halogen lights last night with the new students.
28:19 Shining down the pathway, saying, "Look out. Look out.
28:24 It's coming." Are you gonna say something about it?
28:29 Am I gonna say something about it, or do we just let it crash and burn?
28:36 American Apocalypse. Because the time is right. Let's pray.
28:42 Oh, God. My, oh, my. If not now, when?
28:54 And if not prophecy, what? Here we are with our masks, physically distanced, but the
29:04 Holy Spirit is within us. And we're all connected through Him.
29:09 We're not alone. Pastor Jenifer's beautiful "Season of Prayer" a moment
29:12 ago -- We're not alone. We're bound together. Michelle having us wave to each
29:16 other. "At least somebody greeted me today."
29:21 We're here. Gilbert reminded us, "You got to pray."
29:26 You got to pray. This is the season of the prophecies.
29:32 And so we are praying. Have at it right now. We pray in Jesus' name.
29:36 Amen. Open your Bible with me, please, to the Apocalypse, the Bible's
29:40 last book, the Book of Revelation. Revelation chapter 1.
29:42 The opening line. We're together. There are two lines that you
29:47 must get right off the bat. Before we take another step into these prophecies, two lines.
29:53 You get these two lines, and the mysterious doors to the Apocalypse will open wide for
30:00 you. This is your journey. Your exploration.
30:07 Your discovery. Two lines. Here's line number one.
30:12 Revelation 1:1. I'm in the New International Version.
30:15 "The revelation from Jesus Christ..." Now, the Greek can be translated
30:20 "The revelation of Jesus Christ," revealing Jesus. Or is it from Jesus?
30:24 Is it about Jesus? It can go all three ways. "The revelation of
30:32 Jesus Christ -- from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants..."
30:39 Well, who are His servants? Anybody that follows Him. This church is filled right now
30:43 with servants. Livestreaming -- servants watching.
30:46 The servants of Jesus. So it goes from God the Father to God the Son.
30:52 Now, what does God the Son do with it? "The revelation from
30:57 Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.
31:02 He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John..."
31:06 Do you know that Jesus has a guardian angel? In fact when he came here as a
31:10 little human baby, that angel was assigned to him the entire time he was here.
31:15 I happen to know the name of that angel because that angel shows up in the Book of Daniel,
31:20 which is a twin book with Revelation, and that angel is unabashed to say, "My name is
31:24 Gabriel." Some of you are named Gabriel. "My name is Gabriel, man of
31:28 God." This is the same Gabriel. He's the prime minister of the
31:35 universe. Christ Jesus our Lord is the King.
31:38 He has a prime minister. "I have an errand for you, Gabriel.
31:42 Go!" So he sent it through Gabriel, and who does it go to?
31:45 It says he sent it to his servant John. Which John is this?
31:48 This John Boy who's now the elderly John. You look at verse 9, he's on the
31:52 isle of Patmos. Why is he on Patmos? Because that's a penal
31:56 penitentiary Roman institution of incarceration. He's in jail.
32:03 For his faith. Read verse 9. It's for his faith.
32:06 And, by the way, Domitian is the emperor in Rome, in the Roman Empire at this moment.
32:11 Domitian has already tried to snuff out the witness of this John Boy turned elderly John.
32:17 He threw him in a boiling cauldron of oil, tradition tells us -- threw him in there.
32:22 "Let's watch him burn." And he just stood there. [ Chuckles ] Nothing happened.
32:26 He finally crawled back out, and they said, "Dry the oil off of him."
32:32 God did that in the Book of Daniel -- put three boys in a fiery furnace seven times
32:37 hotter, and those boys just stood there like nothing's going on.
32:41 Both books remind us that, if you are a follower, if you are a servant of the Most High God,
32:46 you have nothing to fear for what's coming ahead. Now, there's gonna be some stuff
32:50 that's gonna make us tremble a bit. It ought to.
32:53 That's why it's a warning. But you don't have to be afraid. So, let's see -- it goes from
32:58 God the Father to God the Son, God the Son to Gabriel, Gabriel to John -- oh, and John at the
33:05 end of verse 1, to his servant John -- verse 2 now -- "who testifies to everything he
33:10 saw -- that is, the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ."
33:14 Now here it comes. Verse 3. "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this
33:18 prophecy." Oh, I'll take that blessing right now because that's what
33:22 I'm doing -- I'm reading aloud the words of this prophecy. You're gonna find out in one
33:26 split second that that's you reading aloud to yourself.
33:29 "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this
33:32 prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart
33:36 what is written in it, because the time is --" what?
33:39 "The time is... "The time is near."
33:43 Come on, keep that on the screen.
33:45 " near."
33:49 Now, there's some scholars, God bless them, that push this point
33:54 too far. "What point are you talking
33:55 about, Dwight?" I'm talking about the point that
33:57 says, "Listen, we know that Revelation was written for the
33:59 first-century Christians because they're the original readers.
34:02 Therefore, the Book of Revelation has to make sense to them."
34:04 It does not have to make sense to them. I read another scholar this
34:08 summer that says, "Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast.
34:11 The Book of Revelation was written for the last generation of the human race."
34:16 Of course the first century read it, but what do you think the 21st century is gonna do?
34:22 We're gonna read it, as well. Why would it be especially for the endgame generation?
34:28 Because they're the ones that are gonna live through these hairy, scary stories.
34:35 This was intended, in its completeness, for one generation, and it's the
34:40 generation that is the final generation, and you can't tell me and I can't tell you that
34:46 you're it or I'm it. But I'm watching a house beginning to burn --
34:53 "American Apocalypse." Don't miss next week, whatever you do.
35:02 Yeah. The time is near. Now, there's a generation that was intended to get the whole
35:08 story, and you and I are part of that generation right now. Hey, let me tell you about
35:13 William Shakespeare, because if you take honors class here at Andrews University, you'll read
35:17 some of Shakespeare's plays. "The Tempest." Honors students particularly,
35:23 you might remember this line if you've already taken the class. What did Shakespeare write?
35:28 That "what is past is prologue." So, here's the deal. That's true about prophecy.
35:34 What happens back here is a huge clue as to what's gonna happen up here.
35:39 What's happened behind us is a clue to what's gonna happen ahead of us.
35:42 You're gonna, in this -- You're gonna run into all kinds of strange stuff, but you're gonna
35:47 run into a woman who's drunk. She's called a prostitute. She's called a whore in some of
35:51 your translations. And you know what she's drunk with?
35:54 She's drunk with the blood of God's friends. Can you believe that?
35:58 She's drunk with the blood [Gasps] of God's friends. And if what is past is prologue,
36:06 what has happened behind us -- ohh -- is gonna happen in front of us.
36:13 Yeah. Warning -- the house is burning down.
36:21 Whoa. Yeah, make no mistake about it, this book is for you.
36:25 This book is really for you. [ Tapping book ] Alright, read verse 1 again
36:33 because we got to get this. Verse 1. "The Revelation from --" of,
36:36 about -- "Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take
36:41 place." How does it read in the Greek? It reads, "The Revelation --"
36:45 the apokalupsis, the apokalupsis. That means "the unveiling," pull
36:48 the -- you know, they're unveiling a new car model, they take that cloth off and --
36:54 [ Exhales deeply ] That's what's happening here, an unveiling.
36:58 Of what? The end-time events? What does it say?
37:01 The unveiling of what? It's the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:05 That's the unveiling taking place. I want to tell you something,
37:09 newbie reader of Revelation. What you're gonna be looking for is a portrait of Jesus.
37:15 This book is all about Jesus -- hands down, from stem to stern, cover to cover.
37:21 It's about Him. And if, in my teaching, I neglect to point Him out, I am
37:29 praying to God already, "Send the Holy Spirit immediately to cover for me and show her, show
37:35 him the picture of Jesus that, at this moment, is extremely personal to you."
37:41 Do you need power? On the eve of this new year, do you need power?
37:45 You are going to be introduced to a Jesus with all the power in the universe.
37:49 There is nothing that can stand in His way.
37:53 Do you need hope in this season of the pandemic?
37:56 [ Chuckles ] You're gonna meet a Jesus in the Apocalypse who will
38:00 have all the hope, the hope of what's even ahead when we all
38:05 get to heaven. What a day of rejoicing that
38:09 will be, when we all see Jesus. We'll sing and shout the
38:17 victory. Everything you need, you're
38:19 gonna find in Jesus, the Jesus of the Apocalypse.
38:22 So don't run from this, whatever you do.
38:24 Grab it.
38:29 "The revelation of..." Put that on the screen there.
38:32 "Revelation of..." "Revelation from..."
38:35 I'm gonna skip one. Go to the next line.
38:38 "The revelation of, the revelation from, the revelation about Jesus Christ."
38:44 That's line one. You got to get this. There are two lines.
38:47 If you get the two lines, the mysterious doors of Revelation will open for you in your
38:51 private reading, alright? There's line one. Let's go to line two.
38:55 So now we go to the literary middle of the book. The heart of the book is
38:58 Revelation chapter 12, alright? So now we're jumping down the pike here.
39:04 Revelation chapter 12. Let's begin in verse 7. "Then war --" Whew!
39:10 War broke out. Guess where. Guess where war broke out. Long before it broke out in your
39:16 mom and dad's marriage, long before it broke out in the office where you work, long
39:20 before it broke out in the dormitory where you live, long before war broke out in that
39:25 relationship that has crushed your heart, long before it broke out on earth, it broke out in
39:30 God's home. I have parents who sit in my office and they are weeping.
39:34 "Dwight, what have we done? We made a mistake. Our child has run away from
39:40 God." You know what I have to say to those parents every single time?
39:43 "I know your heart is broken. I want to remind you, however, there is a perfect parent in
39:47 this universe who lost one third of his family in a perfect home."
39:51 Go figure. God knows what war's all about. It has wounded Him to the core.
39:57 He will carry secret wounds for the rest of eternity. He knows what you're going
40:02 through. "War broke out in heaven. Michael --" oh, that's the
40:07 apocalyptic name for Christ before he was a baby Jesus. "Michael and his angels fought
40:12 against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
40:15 And he --" the dragon -- "was not strong enough --" hallelujah, amen -- "and they
40:19 lost their place in heaven. That great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent
40:23 called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth..."
40:29 Hit the pause button right there. Because if line number 1 is the
40:34 truth that Jesus is the subject of the Apocalypse, line number 2 is His defeat of Satan is the
40:42 focus of the Apocalypse. You got to get both of those. He's the subject of everything.
40:48 His defeat of Satan is the focus of everything in the Book of Revelation.
40:54 You don't believe me? "Oh, Dwight, you're just making that up."
40:57 Nope. Keep reading. Pick it up in verse 9 again. "That great dragon was hurled
41:02 down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world
41:06 astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."
41:09 Now, come on, hold on, hold on. Verse 10. "Then I heard a loud voice --"
41:13 megales phone. This is a shout. This is a megaphone.
41:16 That's how it reads in the Greek.
41:19 "I heard a megaphone in heaven say: 'Now have come the
41:22 salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the
41:26 authority of His Messiah --'" Christ.
41:29 "'For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who
41:32 accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.
41:36 And they --'" these are the followers of Jesus.
41:39 "'They triumphed over him --'" that's that wicked dragon.
41:42 "'They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb --'" code
41:45 language for Calvary -- "'and by the word of their testimony; for
41:49 they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.'"
41:53 You remember that drunk woman? She was drunk back there, she'll
41:55 be drunk again. That line is gonna be important
41:57 to remember. When the moment comes, you will
42:00 not shrink. You will not shrink...
42:09 from what stands before you. "'They did not shrink from
42:13 death. Therefore --'" verse 12 --
42:15 "'rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!'"
42:19 Whew! He's gone. Lucifer is gone forever.
42:22 "'But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone
42:27 down to you! He is filled with fury, because
42:30 he knows that his time is short."
42:33 Both passages we've read have ended with the same point -- the time is near, the time is short.
42:38 Either way, for an endgame generation, this book is absolutely your chart for your
42:46 spiritual journey with Jesus through the endgame and the house burning down.
42:56 Wow. We're in a war, and this battle's intensifying.
43:01 [ Chuckles ] Don't you let anybody kid you. It's worse today than it was a
43:05 year ago today. It's worse today than it was last month.
43:08 The battle is intensifying. The war is intensifying. This is not the little
43:15 mythological Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader with that lightsaber fight to the death.
43:20 This is not that! This is the real deal! There are only two sides --
43:27 Christ and Satan. Only two sides in this war. Only two sides.
43:37 These prophecies that we are plunging into now describe the stunning detail of the desperate
43:42 war raging between the forces of light and the forces of darkness on a battlefield called earth.
43:47 But guess what. Where the battleground really is, it's between your two ears,
43:51 between my two ears. This is where the battle is being waged.
43:55 And I'm telling you, both sides are playing for keeps. One side will use intimidation
44:02 and brute force, if he can get by with it. The other side will only use
44:05 persuasion and woo and love and just draw -- "No, no, no, no. Don't -- Come back, come back."
44:12 It will feel like you're going crazy. You are not going crazy.
44:16 That battle going inside of your mind is as real as the nose on your face.
44:22 They're all battling for your allegiance, for your loyalty. They need you to say yes to
44:28 them, and there are only two sides. There are not three.
44:30 "No, Dwight, I have a third side." "Oh, really, Miss?
44:32 What's your third side?" "My third side is me." [ Chuckles ]
44:38 You? If you're making you the third side, guess what.
44:41 You're automatically on the side of the one who said, "Me first," and started this
44:47 whole...bloomin' mess. There are only two sides, and every morning when you awaken,
44:53 you have to answer the question, "Yo, boy, girl, whose side are you on today?"
44:58 Every night when you go to sleep, in that dormitory room, no matter what has happened
45:02 before, you're going to sleep, the question will be put to you again...
45:07 "Whose side are you on?" Only two sides. Which side am I on?
45:18 Was talking with a young man last summer who got sucked into the drug culture, okay?
45:25 Started off with a little bit of weed. Then it was prescription
45:30 drugs -- not his own. And then it was meth. And then the dragon said,
45:34 "Gotcha. I gotcha, boy." He told me -- speaking of this
45:42 war that we're all in -- he told me there were moments of sobriety when he could think
45:46 clearly and, in those moments of sobriety, the voice of God would speak to him and say, "Come on,
45:51 come on, come on, come on. Come back. Come back to me. You want peace?
45:54 I'll give it to you. You want fulfillment? I'll give it you. Come to me."
45:58 And he said, invariably, in those moments of sobriety, when he would hear the voice of
46:03 God -- [Exhales dramatically] there would be that dark dragon, this accusing voice.
46:11 You know what the dragon would say to him? "You can't go back now.
46:18 [ Snickering ] Look at you. Look at you. You are hopelessly addicted.
46:21 I mean, how many times have you asked God to deliver you? And, apparently, God can't do it
46:26 or you don't want it. You cannot go back. I'll tell you what, boy.
46:30 You know what you are? You are a loser. That's what you are.
46:34 You are a loser. You have lost this thing. You know what you want to do.
46:39 You want to belong to me. You come back. We'll just put that little
46:43 conscience to sleep, and then I'll give you everything you want."
46:48 As he's telling me this, my eyes are just welling up with tears because I'm realizing how brutal
46:56 the fury of the dragon who's about to lose his victim.
47:08 You've heard the accuser. I've heard the accuser. I've heard that "loser" line.
47:14 It's so old. He ought to give it up. "Loser."
47:19 You've heard that voice. But I'm telling you what, on the authority of what we just read,
47:28 that boy who told me his story... I'll show you. Read it again.
47:35 Lookit. Verse 10. "Then I heard a megaphone
47:37 in heaven saying: 'Now have come the --'" this is at Calvary --
47:40 "'Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of
47:43 our God, and the authority of His Messiah.
47:45 For the accuser --'" the accuser, the accuser -- "'of our
47:48 brothers and sisters --'" and you and me, who accuses us day
47:51 and night before God -- he has been hurled down.
47:54 And they -- you and me -- triumph over him by the blood of
47:57 the Lamb, and we triumph over him by the word of our
48:00 testimony -- and we're gonna be sharing those testimonies here.
48:03 For, "'They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from
48:06 death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens
48:08 and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the
48:11 sea, because the devil has gone down to you!
48:13 He is filled with fury, he knows that his time is short.'"
48:17 The generation that reads this, when the time is short, needs the fullness of what has just
48:22 been promised. And I'm telling you, I'm happy to tell you today that he was in
48:27 church today -- that boy. He had a face mask on, so you won't recognize him.
48:34 He's a volunteer in this church today because he found out, "Now has come salvation and power" to
48:43 the one who yields his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's no longer a loser.
48:50 Guess what. He's a winner. He's a winner!
48:54 The devil was lying to him because that's the only language the devil knows.
48:58 He's a liar from birth. He's a liar. Don't you ever believe him.
49:05 Wow. [ Chuckles ] Hallelujah. That young man is living proof
49:11 of these words. Gonna end with these words.
49:16 Put them on the screen for you -- "Steps to Christ."
49:20 There it is. "When Satan --" the accuser.
49:23 "When Satan comes to tell you that you are a great sinner --"
49:27 guess what, no surprise -- "look up to your Redeemer --" the
49:32 Jesus of the Apocalypse -- "and talk of Jesus' merits.
49:35 That which will help you is to look to His light."
49:39 We talked about the light last night.
49:41 Keep your eyes on the light. Next line.
49:43 "Acknowledge your sin, but tell the enemy that 'Christ Jesus
49:46 came into the world to save sinners' and that you --" that
49:50 I, that we -- "may be saved by His matchless love."
49:53 Hallelujah. Is there more? "We have been great sinners --"
49:57 yep, yep, yep, yep -- "but Christ died that we might be
50:01 forgiven. It is when we most fully
50:03 comprehend the love of God that we best realize the sinfulness
50:07 of sin." Keep going.
50:09 "When we see the length of the chain that was let down for
50:13 us --" at Calvary. Man, somebody climbed all the
50:16 way down that chain to save me from my pit.
50:20 "When we understand something of the infinite sacrifice that
50:24 Christ has made in our behalf --" here we go now --
50:26 "the heart --" talking about your heart and mine -- "is
50:29 melted with tenderness and contrition."
50:34 Good news that Jesus Christ revealed in the Bible's last
50:39 book is everything you need for the new journey in front of us
50:43 all -- everything you need. When you're standing in line,
50:48 read the Apocalypse. Say, "Dwight, I'm not gonna
50:50 carry my Bible around." You have it on your phone.
50:53 The lines are longer now with the pandemic anyway.
50:55 Pull your phone out. Read it in your room.
51:02 Read it in your home.
51:04 Something -- there's some mysterious power in the reading of the Revelation.
51:10 I end this line from the same author as "Steps to Christ."
51:14 I couldn't skip this. "When we as a people --" this
51:16 little faith community -- "understand what this book --"
51:18 we're talking about Revelation here.
51:20 "When we as a people understand what this book means to us --"
51:24 as a faith community -- "there will be seen among us a --"
51:27 what's this word right here? What's this word?
51:29 Call it out to me. >> Together: "Great."
51:30 >> "Great." And what's this word right here?
51:32 >> Together: "Revival." >> "There will be a great
51:34 revival." We have been praying for a
51:36 revival for years on this campus and in this congregation.
51:39 Guess what. I just found out this summer --
51:42 you want a revival, you want a revival at Andrews University,
51:44 you want a revival in the Pioneer Memorial Church, you
51:47 want a revival in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
51:49 then go back to the Book of Revelation.
51:52 Go back to the Apocalypse. It's all about Jesus, and it's the Jesus we need to know now
51:58 for what's just ahead. Would you join me in praying for that revival?
52:05 Would you join me? Every day when you pick the book up, say, "Jesus, I don't know.
52:08 Dwight said to read the book, so I'm just slowly working my way through it, but, Jesus, I see
52:13 here -- would You please do for us what we have never in a time of peace and prosperity been
52:19 able to do for ourselves? Do it now as the house burns down.
52:28 Give us the time we need to tell Your story while there's still time."
52:35 Let's pray. Oh, God... Oh, God.
52:42 We're not asking You to burn down Your house. Boy, the devil doesn't like that
52:46 Book. Whew! He doesn't like that Book.
52:49 He'll throw it to the ground. You know what he'll do, God. We just saw that.
52:52 We just saw that. He walked by. We just saw that, Lord.
52:59 That's what we're up against. But you know what? It doesn't matter to You.
53:06 They can destroy the Book. They can get rid of every printed word that speaks of
53:12 Jesus. But we have Jesus in our hearts. And we're facing this brave new
53:18 pandemic new year. We're facing it with confidence and courage.
53:24 Because Jesus already won the war. There are a few battles that got
53:31 to be taking place, but He's already, at Calvary, won the war.
53:34 And we praise You. Now, Father, don't burn our hearts down.
53:39 Ignite our hearts, please. Ignite our hearts with this great revival so that we are
53:45 compelled to move away, move out, move out. We are propelled into a world
53:50 that desperately needs to know its house is burning down. Set us ablaze with Your reviving
53:57 love. We humbly pray in Jesus' name. Let all the people say amen.
54:04 And amen. The world is coming to an end. We have nothing to fear.
54:09 We have everything to look forward to, and we have a friend, our very best friend,
54:15 who goes with us. And to that I say amen. >> Amen.
54:22 [ "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" begins ] ♪♪
54:33 ♪♪ ♪♪
56:43 >> Now may the Lord bless you and keep you.
56:46 The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto
56:48 you. The Lord lift up His countenance
56:51 upon you and give you peace.
56:53 Now and forever more, let all the church say... >> Amen.
56:56 >> Amen. ♪♪
57:08 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying for
57:11 you." Didn't it give you a sense of
57:13 peace and reassurance that, "Somebody cares for me"?
57:16 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers
57:19 saying, "Yo, Dwight, I've been praying for you lately."
57:21 There's nothing like knowing someone is praying for you.
57:23 So I want to offer you an opportunity to partner -- let
57:26 me, let us partner with you in prayer.
57:28 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of
57:31 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you to
57:34 contact one of our friendly chaplains.
57:36 It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free
57:38 number 877-HIS-WILL. 877-HIS-WILL.
57:43 That friendly voice that answers, you tell him, you tell
57:46 her, what your prayer need is. We'll join with you in that
57:49 petition. And may the God who answers
57:52 prayer journey with you these next few days until we're right
57:54 back here together again next time.
58:00 ♪♪ ♪♪
58:17 ♪♪


Revised 2020-09-02