New Perceptions

X-Ing Out 2020 @ The Lord's Supper

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP210102S

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00:10 [ "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" begins ]
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03:41 ♪♪ [ "In the Cross of Christ"
03:51 beings ] ♪♪
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05:21 [ "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" plays ]
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07:28 ♪♪ [ "My Jesus I Love Thee" plays ]
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09:31 >> Hey, everyone. My name is Michelle Odinma, and
09:33 I am a last-year student at the Andrews Theological Seminary,
09:37 doing an MDIV, and this is my Faith Story.
09:40 I was raised Seventh-day Adventist by my Nigerian-immigrant mother.
09:46 I am the last of four children, and something that my mom always instilled in us was faith
09:55 and making sure that Church and spiritual things were a part of our lives.
10:01 So, I did grow up having a strong religious influence, in that respect.
10:06 I think my first commitment didn't last for a couple of reasons.
10:10 One was my understanding of perfection and sanctification and what it means to grow
10:14 in Christ. I was thinking I needed to be perfect and already being
10:19 a goody two-shoes, a felt like I had to turn up the fire on that goody-two-shoes-ness,
10:23 and I could make any mistakes. And so that was really -- It was a works-based mentality,
10:30 and it didn't last. So, that was one reason. Another reason was just the lack
10:35 of consistency I saw in other people who called themselves Christians or committed
10:40 in my home, in Church. There was just too much not meeting the mark.
10:48 Talking the talk and not walking the walk, and so that was disheartening.
10:52 And no mentorship -- no mentorship. There was no one to follow,
10:57 no one to show me what it looked like to live as a Christian and not simply know what
11:02 Christianity was. And that was -- that really led me astray.
11:09 Lastly, I didn't see very many happy people. People weren't happy.
11:15 I wasn't happy. And I was like, "Am I just gonna join another sad club?"
11:19 [ Laughs ] Why? There's -- There's, you know, other fun,
11:25 happy clubs I could join. There was no one actually that I could see living an authentic
11:31 Christian life that I wanted myself. And I did my own thing.
11:35 I got to college, and I was free, and I could try what I wanted to try and do what
11:39 I wanted to do how I wanted to live, and I did that, and God miraculously just pulled
11:49 his hand down and yanked me out of the miry clay. I wound up at a conference that
11:57 changed my life, and from that day forward, my trajectory was just...
12:03 Closer to God is the way that I headed. I started praying about what was
12:08 coming next. "Lord, I don't know. I don't know where to go.
12:11 I know this isn't it, though. Where should I go?" And so as I'm praying,
12:16 this thought comes into my head. What about the Andrews Theological Seminary?
12:21 I'm like, "Pfft!" [ Laughs ] Right. Having a Nigerian background
12:28 and being in Michigan, my understanding of women in ministry, it was controversial,
12:32 right? And so I looked it up. I did, but I kind of just put it
12:37 in the back of my head and left it. Before I came down to actually
12:42 check out the programs, this crazy thing would happen, where I would go to Church
12:48 or if there was a devotional talk at work, at school. Every time someone would
12:52 get up and preach, my heart would get heavy, and I would have the thought,
12:57 "You need to be speaking. You need to be preaching." And at first, I thought it was
13:01 just kind of this -- I don't know -- floof. But because it consistently
13:06 happened for almost six months or so, I was like, "Okay. I need to take this seriously.
13:12 This is, like, not a fluke, right?" After evaluating, I'm like,
13:17 the MDIV fits me like a puzzle. [ Laughs ] I'm the missing piece.
13:23 So I start my first semester at Andrews University, and when I get there,
13:30 the first day in class, I have this piece, and I'm like, "I'm supposed to be here."
13:37 My pursuit of knowing God stopped being this list, this thing that I had to do,
13:46 into this thing that I wanted to do. And that was the transformative
13:52 mark -- wanting to pray, wanting to study my bible, 'cause I wanted to know God,
13:58 and then I could hear him talking to me -- not in an audible voice,
14:04 but my heart would tell me, after spending time in prayer or devotion, there's peace here.
14:12 And so I think at the end of the day, understanding what authentic Christianity is and
14:22 how to live that by knowing God, that's my story. [ Chuckles ] That's what I discovered.
14:30 I'm Michelle, and this is my Faith Story.
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14:42 >> Very excited about what we're about to get into. I want to plunge into it,
14:45 but I want to pray with you first. Father, you are the God of all
14:49 the children of the world, Red and Yellow, Black and White. If we get to Heaven and we see
14:54 You exactly like we thought You were, that'll be okay. We'll all grow up in you anyway.
15:01 On this first Sabbath, just hours into 2021. infuse these moments with
15:08 a mighty spirit of Christ. Let our hearts be touched and drawn to him.
15:12 We pray in his name. Amen.
15:16 I hold in my hands... Time magazine cover story.
15:21 Can you see it there? X-ing out 2020.
15:29 Pretty basic graphic. It's actually an essay written
15:33 by Stephanie Zacharek. Titled the essay
15:37 "The Worst Year Ever. Can I get an amen to that?
15:40 [ Chuckles ] Oh, man. The whole world is talking
15:43 about this. X-ing out 2020.
15:46 So, let's just get the line or two of her essay. And by the way, the editors
15:52 wanted to make sure we would not miss the first line, and so look at that giant font.
15:56 I got to kind of peak at it here to read it. "This is the story of a year
16:00 you'll never want to revisit." Okay, I'll buy that. She goes on.
16:05 "There have been worse years in U.S. history and certainly worse years in world history,
16:10 but most us alive today have seen nothing like this one. You would need to be over 100"
16:18 -- We have 4 members who are -- "to remember the devastation of World War I and the 1918
16:24 flu pandemic. You would need to be roughly 90 to have a sense of the economic
16:29 deprivation wrought by the Great Depression, and in your 80s to retain any
16:33 memory of World War II and its horrors. The rest of us have had
16:38 no training wheels for this. I like that. Exactly a year ago right now,
16:43 we were together. There were no training wheels given to us.
16:48 We had no idea what was coming down the pike. You know what we were thinking
16:51 -- we were talking about? 2020 visions for the New Year. Yeah, right. [ Chuckles ]
16:58 But this is what's rather troubling. The truth is nobody's given us
17:03 training wheels for 2021 either. We have no, zero, nada clue about what's coming.
17:12 X-ing out 2020. Ah, she wraps it up here -- "The rest of us have no training
17:17 wheels for this, for the recurrence of natural disasters that confirm just how
17:21 much we have betrayed nature, for a virus that originated possibly with a bat only
17:28 to upend the lives of virtually everyone on the planet and end the lives of roughly
17:34 1.5 million people around the world." Wow!
17:41 We have a phrase in English. Good riddance for bad rubbish. I mean, can you really --
17:51 can you -- Look. Can you really "X" out an entire year, just wipe it out?
17:57 Actually, it turns out you can. And the secret is right here. I don't think the graphic artist
18:02 knew what she or he was doing when the artist crafted this cover.
18:09 Because if you look at this cover and the X-ing out, if you just let this happen
18:15 to the magazine, that "X" becomes a what? It becomes a cross.
18:22 And that's the truth. The only way to "X" out your past, the only way to "X"
18:27 out 2020 is to cross it out. Wipe it out. "X" it out.
18:36 Only the cross -- Only the cross can do that, which is precisely Peter's
18:41 point. I want you to open your bible, please, to that stunning moment.
18:44 We're talking about Jerusalem, A.D. 31. Jerusalem.
18:50 Acts chapter 2. Everybody know the story -- the day of Pentecost.
18:53 Peter has thousands of people. I don't know 'cause I've been to Jerusalem.
18:57 I don't know how they got thousands of people in that space.
19:00 They were up and down every alley. They were out in every flat
19:03 space probably around the temple. And Peter's preaching.
19:08 Acts chapter 2. We're gonna drop down to verse 12 and pick it up,
19:15 because somewhere in these moments ahead, there will be the secret we're looking for.
19:23 Alright. Let's go to Acts chapter 2. I'm in the NIV.
19:26 "Fellow Israelites" -- You're gonna hear the big fisherman thundering.
19:49 Whoa! Way to speak truth to power. Call a spade a spade.
19:55 Wicked men, Peter? You're awfully gutsy. "And you with the help of wicked
19:59 men," who were alive and perhaps listening, "put him to death by nailing him to the cross."
20:14 The thousands are cut to the quick. Notice their response.
20:18 Drop down to verse 37.
20:27 And Peter is ready. Here he goes.
20:40 And do you understand that in response to that alter call, over 3,000 people came forward
20:47 and were baptized that very day. Unbelievable! A few days later,
20:55 Peter has another crowd. It's just a few days later because all you have to do is
20:58 just turn the page. Turn the page to chapter 3. He says, "Listen, that sermon --
21:07 The lord blessed that sermon. He anointed it. I'm gonna preach it all over
21:10 again," and he does. Watch this. This is Acts 3:19.
21:15 There he goes again with that word.
21:42 There it is, that word again -- repent, repent, repent. You suppose that's the key?
21:49 Anybody here know how to repent? I mean, we know it's a big deal. You know why we know it's a big
21:55 deal? Because when John the Baptist comes preaching, the very first
21:58 word out of his ever-preached sermon is the word repent. And subsequently, the Gospels
22:04 say when Jesus comes preaching, the very first word he preaches is repent.
22:08 And subsequently after that, when Peter preaches twice, the first word is repent,
22:12 repent. So, what's happening with this repent?
22:18 I'll tell you what you and I know about repent. What we know about repent is
22:21 what it isn't. We had a wonderful family time. Got to spend some time with
22:27 our two granddaughters. Ella's 7, and Izzy's almost 3, and they fortunately brought
22:32 along their parents, Kirk and Chelsea. And so we're sitting around,
22:37 and as families do, we're reminiscing, talking about life and the kids
22:41 growing up, and have you noticed this -- To me, it's the great wonder
22:45 of children. They can be in the same pod, in the same family,
22:49 but siblings can be so different from each other. I mean, take our two kids.
22:54 We have Kirk, and then we have Krissy. When it comes to Krissy,
23:02 I mean, you could just look sideways at her, and she'd repent in tears.
23:07 But Kirk... I'm telling you what, with Kirk, there has to be some sort
23:12 of incentive for him to repent. I mean, the clearer the consequences of his misdeed,
23:16 the clearer it became, the more passionate and pronounced his sudden repentance on the spot.
23:22 Hey, listen, there isn't a kid that doesn't know the meaning of that.
23:25 You've done that. And you know what? Guess what. We do that as adults, don't we?
23:31 Come on, let's not pick on the kids. How many times has
23:34 our repentance been based more on remorse over the consequences rather than heartfelt sorrow
23:40 over personal sin? Take the two. Take the two exhibits
23:48 we're gonna examine right now. Same night, same town -- Both of them there.
23:55 I want you to watch these two. We're gonna put two word pictures on the screen.
23:58 Just see what you think. Let's start of with the first guy.
24:02 His name is Judas. Now, the moment I say Judas, you have a picture in your mind.
24:06 In my mind, he's tall. He looks like the perfect executive, and I'm telling --
24:11 I'll tell you what, he is white-collar -- White-collar to the max!
24:14 He's always taking charge, Judas. Everybody know the story of his
24:21 treacherous betrayal. Everybody knows the story of Peter's heinous denial.
24:26 Same town, same night, but look at the two differences in repentance.
24:33 I'm gonna go to the classic on the life of Jesus, "The Desire of Ages."
24:36 Beautiful word pictures. We're not going to Google. You're gonna get a picture in
24:40 your mind as you read these words, and I want you to be watching Jesus.
24:43 Watch Jesus in both of these word pictures, 'cause it's really --
24:47 the take-home picture is Jesus. Okay. So let's go to "Desire of Ages."
24:51 Now Judas has just walked into the council chamber, stunned everybody as he interrupts
24:57 the proceedings. The prisoner's bound and gagged. Judas walks up to Caiaphas
25:01 and hurling at his feet, 30 pieces of silver tinkle all over the temple's marble floor.
25:08 That's what's just happened. "'I have sinned,' cried Judas, 'in that I have betrayed
25:14 the innocent blood'" -- quoting Matthew 27. "Judas now cast himself
25:18 at the feet of Jesus, acknowledging Him to be the Son of God and entreating him,
25:23 begging him, pleading him to deliver Himself." This was supposed to work!
25:27 I purposely had you arrested so that, like Samson, when they came for you,
25:32 you'd just go... And then you'd become king. Something has gone terribly
25:36 wrong. You're not supposed to be here. He's begging.
25:40 He's entreating Jesus to deliver Himself. Now watch Jesus.
25:44 "The Saviour did not reproach His betrayer." "I knew you.
25:49 I knew you were a -- I knew who you were from the beginning."
25:53 Not a word. He did not reproach his betrayer.
25:57 Jesus knew that Judas didn't repent. His confession was forced
26:01 from his guilty soul by an awful sense of condemnation and a looking for of judgement.
26:08 But Judas felt no deep, heartbreaking grief that he had betrayed the spotless
26:12 Son of God and the he had denied the Holy One of Israel. Yet, Jesus spoke no word
26:19 of condemnation. He looked pityingly upon Judas and he says -- and just draws
26:26 the veil aside to insert a line of conversation. And he said to Judas,
26:32 "For this hour came I into the world."
26:39 So ridden with despair, Judas goes out... and takes his own life.
26:46 Peter probably should have gone out and taken his own life, as well.
26:51 But we're gonna watch the same Jesus with a man who -- There's no white collar.
26:58 Peter doesn't even wear collars. If he had any collar at all, it would've been a blue collar.
27:02 Just brash, bold Peter. He -- He always is confident of being in control.
27:09 Watch this moment. Keep looking for Jesus but watch this.
27:12 Same book -- "Desire of Ages." "While the degrading oaths were fresh upon Peter's lips" --
27:19 "I never knew that blankity-blank blank man in all my life,"
27:22 turning the air blue with fisherman obscenities. "While the degrading oaths were
27:27 fresh upon Peter's lips and shrill crowing of the cock was still ringing in his ears,
27:31 the Saviour turned from the frowning judges and looked full upon his poor disciple.
27:38 At the same time, Peter's eyes were drawn to his Master."
27:41 You ever have somebody looking at you, and you kind of -- it feels like somebody's looking
27:46 at you? And so Peter turns his eyes and are drawn to his Master.
27:51 "In that gentle countenance, he read deep pity and sorrow, but there was no anger there.
27:58 The sight of that pale, suffering face, those quivering lips,
28:04 that look of compassion and forgiveness, pierced his heart like an arrow.
28:10 Conscience was aroused. Memory was active. The Saviour's tender mercy,
28:16 his kindness and long-suffering, his gentleness and patience towards his erring disciples --
28:22 all was remembered. Peter reflected with horror upon his own ingratitude,
28:28 his falsehood, his perjury. Once more he looked at the Master and saw a sacrilegious
28:34 hand raised to smite Him in the face. Unable longer to endure
28:39 the scene, the rushed, heartbroken, from the hall. And on the very spot where Jesus
28:45 had poured out his soul in agony to His Father in Gethsemane. Peter fell upon his face
28:53 and wished that he might die.
29:00 Exhibit A. Exhibit B.
29:02 Two classic examples of repentance.
29:05 One forced with this sense of remorse and fear of consequences, the other,
29:10 a genuine sorrow. It breaks his heart. Repent -- What does it mean?
29:18 This word, this human word, this personal word, this intellectual experience,
29:24 this existential word we call repentance. What does that mean?
29:29 For you and me? When you and I repent --
29:33 isn't this true? -- we're responding to some sort
29:36 of cognitive awareness that something is out of sorts
29:39 inside of me right now. I know something's wrong.
29:41 It may be a memory that triggers it.
29:43 It may be a word or a rash of words that triggers it,
29:46 some action I take triggers it, and always, I have this sense
29:51 that I should not have done what I did.
29:54 I should not have spoken what I spoke.
29:57 I should not have reacted the way I know I did. Now, remember, we're going
30:05 to this word "repent" because Peter has spoken it. Let me put that line again
30:11 on the screen for us. "Repent, then" -- We got it -- "and turn to God so that
30:16 your sins may be wiped out." There it is. How to "X" out, how to wipe out,
30:26 how to cross out 2020. Repent. Repentance isn't about --
30:35 Look, folks, it's not about wiping out future sins. How can you wipe out sins that
30:38 haven't even been committed? But repentance can be for sins 30 seconds ago,
30:41 three minutes ago, 30 days ago, 30 years ago! That conscious under the
30:46 direction of the Holy Spirit suddenly begins to flash red, and you recall what you had
30:51 hoped you would never remember. Repent. And Peter calls us to repent
31:01 and then turn to God. That one line is a reminder that every sin,
31:11 no matter how venial, how mortal, is a turning away from God, which means sin is
31:19 a hugely relational word, isn't it? To the one who has loved me more
31:25 than anyone in the universe, I have sinned. I have turned away.
31:35 Now, I need to say when I'm talking about that flashing red light, sometimes that
31:41 red light flashes by mistake. It's not the Holy Spirit flashing the red light.
31:50 Sometimes we flash the red light ourselves in order to punish ourselves, in order to somehow
31:58 pay back or pay off the conviction that we've spent our lives wrestling over.
32:07 I don't know why that line is coming to me right now, but some of you perhaps have
32:12 and overactive red light, the conscience just is so trigger sensitive
32:18 that it's always going off. I need to tell you that the conscious is the instrument
32:30 of the Holy Spirit that speaks to our souls, but the conscious must be surrendered to Jesus
32:34 himself. You got to say, "Jesus, just take my conscious.
32:37 I don't know if this is really a blinking light or if this is something I'm doing to myself.
32:43 I need you to take this moment." Otherwise... You know, I was talking to
32:49 a young man not too long ago, who had been burdened and plagued by this flashing
32:55 red light. You don't have to be. You don't have to be a victim
32:58 of that red light. You can find the peace. You just ask Jesus.
33:04 Is this you flashing the light? Or is this me? You'll know quick.
33:08 You'll know quickly. The fact of the matter is, every sin we commit is
33:16 a personal sin that turns us away from the one who loves us most.
33:22 So, when Nathan comes into the throne room -- another throne room --
33:27 with a startling announcement. "Oh, King, the gig is up. God is aware of what you
33:34 and Bathsheba have been doing." When David bursts into tears, as Peter burst into tears,
33:42 when David begins to sob his contrition in repentance, he expresses what Peter felt
33:48 in the Garden of Gethsemane that night. What David, who composes this
33:52 moving prayer of repentance. Read it again. If you haven't read Psalm 51
33:56 in a while, just take it home this afternoon and read it. Let your soul bask in its good
34:01 news, but in that prayer, David has this word. "Against You" --
34:05 talking about sin being a relational proposition. "Against you and You only,
34:10 O God, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight." All sin is an affront,
34:20 is an attack on the one who loves us most. "Against You and You alone."
34:25 And by the way, he didn't say, against Bathsheba and Bathsheba alone, I have sinned.
34:28 Against Uriah and Uriah alone, I have sinned. No, no, no.
34:32 Not even against me and me alone. Against you and you alone.
34:36 That's why I carry in my wallet a picture of Karen. It is a very lovely picture
34:41 of Karen, I will be happy to inform you. I don't carry that picture
34:46 in my wallet so that I don't forget what she looks like. I say, "What was that again?"
34:50 No. Do you know why I carry that picture in my wallet?
34:54 So that I will always be reminded of the girl who's 24/7 love I live for and reciprocate
35:01 most of all. I carry that picture in my wallet because we're like this.
35:06 We're like this. And that picture is a reminder. A reminder.
35:15 David knew that he and God had been like this. And now he did that.
35:23 And his heart is broken. "Against You and You alone, have I sinned."
35:30 Sin is a violation of my covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
35:33 Guess what. Every sin. And if some of us are thinking, "Well, you know what? Whew!
35:36 I'm looking back over 2020. There was not really a big sin in my life.
35:40 The book "Steps to Christ" said, "Wake up, buddy. Yo, girl, wake up!
35:45 Worse than a drunkard, worse than alcoholism is the sin of human pride.
35:51 And if you're looking back over 2020 and you can't see anything, then that's the sin you've got,
35:56 and it's the worst of all. Repent! John the Baptist begins --
36:02 Jesus begins, "Repent!" Peter comes along in their path, "Repent! Repent!"
36:09 What is it -- What is up with this thing? "Repent!"
36:13 You want to "X" out... you want to wipe out... you want to cross out 2020
36:19 and the record of your sins? Repent. Just repent.
36:25 I scribbled this down here in the margin. Repentance describes a radical
36:31 turning from sin to a new way of life oriented towards God. "Against You and You only
36:42 have I sinned." There comes a moment when you realize that this line could be
36:48 true about you, too. Hebrews 6:6 describes people who, "To their loss, they are
36:54 crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.
37:03 I realize that that sin... has done that. Re-crucified my Lord Jesus.
37:15 Which is why it's so critical that the record get expunged. In fact, this Peter.
37:25 David Bentley Hart comes along in his acclaimed translation of the New Testament,
37:32 and he renders it this way.
37:38 Obliterate, wiped away, wiped out -- Just said they may be expunged.
37:45 Which is why David prays. Exactly how he prays in that beautiful Psalm 51 prayer.
37:50 "Hide your face, O God. Hide your face from my sins, blot out all my iniquity."
37:56 There it is -- just blot it out. "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast
38:03 spirit within me." Blot out all my 2020 sins. 2021 has begun, Dear God.
38:10 I take one more look back, blot them all out right now and right here.
38:21 David again. "Cleanse me, and I'll be clean." Speaking of the fresh snow
38:27 we got over night. "Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."
38:31 It's the Gospel. It's the good news of the Gospel.
38:35 "Steps to Christ" -- It has was a beautiful chapter on repentance.
38:39 Read it sometime. Just the whole chapter is a masterpiece.
38:43 It's closing words will be our closing words right now. I want you to read this.
38:48 Again, look for the picture of Jesus tucked away in these sentences.
38:52 "For if we confess our sins -- This is 1 John 1:9, by the way. In fact, you know what.
38:58 We're gonna get to "Steps to Christ," but... I don't want to miss this.
39:01 Let's read this out loud together. It's a beautiful, beautiful
39:04 New Testament promise. "For if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to
39:09 forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
39:15 I mean, that's a promise. We confess. That's what repentance is.
39:18 Turn around! Turn back! I confess that to you. He not only forgives us,
39:22 but the cleansing is embedded. Here's "Steps to Christ" now. "We have been great sinners,
39:32 but Christ died that we might be forgiven." I put the brackets in here.
39:37 What we've gathered to celebrate today at the Lord's Supper. Jesus' death and his promise
39:42 of forgiveness. The merits of His sacrifice are sufficient to present
39:48 to the Father in our behalf. Those to whom He has forgiven most will love Him most."
39:54 I want to leave that line right there.
39:57 Some of you are embarrassed that you've had to keep going
40:01 to Jesus again and again for the same sin.
40:04 Over and over. It's almost as if he knows why
40:08 I'm coming. This little line here has put
40:13 a whole new twist to that human reality that I struggle
40:17 with. Why do I never seem to get
40:22 the point?
40:23 Why do I keep repeating... what I know is cutting to his heart.
40:30 Now watch this. "Those to whom he has forgiven most."
40:34 Forgiven most because you've been going to him the most. You've been going back again
40:37 and again and again and again. "Those to whom he has forgiven most will love him most" --
40:41 Now, keep reading -- "and will stand nearest to Him, nearest to His throne to praise
40:47 Him for His great love and infinite sacrifice." Why don't you let that percolate
40:53 in your mind for a moment? "You know, Dwight... man, I've seen you so many times
41:00 here. Always asking to be forgiven. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
41:07 Don't ever regret that you keep going back. There is never a sin God does
41:14 not forgive -- ever, ever, ever. And the more times you go back, the closer it draws you to
41:22 the one you keep turning to. Is that bad news? No, you just keep going back
41:30 to Jesus. You keep repenting. You keep confessing.
41:33 You keep receiving his forgiveness. Those who have gone to Him again
41:38 and again will stand nearest to His throne to praise Him for His great love and infinite
41:42 sacrifice. Lookit, I may be at the very end of that crowd, but there's some
41:47 of you here right now that are gonna be standing right beside the throne.
41:52 You'll be there. He said, "Listen, you might as well come up here.
41:56 You've been here so many times, girl. Boy, you have been here so many
41:59 times. Stand right here by me." Isn't that beautiful?
42:04 That's little steps to Christ for you. The last paragraph in
42:07 the chapter on repentance -- "It is when we most fully comprehend the love of God
42:11 that we best realize the sinfullness of sin." You want sin to -- to keep --
42:15 to remain sinfullness in y-- to remain sinful in your mind? Then just keep brooding.
42:20 Keep contemplating. The love of God poured out as Ryan just sang on Calvary.
42:27 "Brood on the love of God" -- I add these words in brackets -- "and you will heighten your
42:31 sense of sin's sinfulness." Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Last line -- "And when we see
42:35 the length of the chain that was let down" for us in this pandemic pit where we live
42:41 on this Earth. "When we understand something of the infinite sacrifice that
42:46 Christ has made in our behalf, the heart is melted with tenderness and contrition."
42:53 Oh, my friends, I'm telling you what. I'm telling you, here it is.
42:58 There is a way. There is a way to "X" out 2020, and that is to let the cross
43:07 be what crosses out, what wipes out, what blots out, what expunges the record behind
43:14 us. That's why the cross is here. Isn't that beautiful?
43:23 You know what? If this is true -- and I believe with all of my heart it is --
43:28 then at the foot of the cross, we could not be in a more perfect place this second day,
43:34 in 2021 than right here... at the foot of Jesus, at the table of the Lord's
43:41 supper. Oh, Jesus.
43:49 What can we say? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You went to that tree,
43:57 you went to that cross... so that billions, one day, would find in you the X-ing out
44:11 that we desperately long for deep within our hearts, our minds, our lives.
44:18 We're at the right place. This is the perfect place. And so in these few moments
44:24 we have left, as we take the emblems that you've give us so that we might
44:28 never forget, O Jesus, do that divine work, wash over our souls, our minds,
44:36 our families, wash over our marriages, wash over our lives.
44:43 Right now, please. Right here in your name. Amen.
44:54 >> Jesus is in that upper room. 12 closest friends he has
45:02 are gathered about him.
45:04 It's a large upper room. The torches are lit. The shadows dance on the walls,
45:09 and the ceiling, and the floor. Jesus has on his mind and heart very much the universal pandemic
45:16 of sin. And he knows that tomorrow -- because it's Thursday night --
45:20 he knows that tomorrow, as he sacrifices his life unto death, tomorrow will be
45:33 the unleashing of the answers to a billion prayers for repentance.
45:40 Prayers we prayed before. Prayers you and I pray right now.
45:46 To help us remember that moment, Jasmine Fraser is going to read for us the sacred account there
45:52 in the Gospel of Matthew. And then Nashonie Chang is gonna actually put words to this
46:01 prayer for God to have mercy on us. Listen to both words now.
46:09 >> "As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it.
46:16 Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples,
46:20 saying, 'Take this and eat it, for this is my body.'
46:28 Then he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them and said,
46:36 'Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant
46:43 between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.
46:52 Mark my words -- I will not drink the wine again until the day I drink it new
47:01 with you in my Father's Kingdom.'"
47:07 >> Heavenly Father, with a broken and contrite
47:11 heart, we stand at the foot of the cross today, crying out.
47:18 Against You and against You only we have sinned, O Lord God.
47:24 But we know that Your Word says that You are able and You are willing to forgive us.
47:32 So, Father, we come now asking you to wash us in the bloodshed on Calvary's
47:39 cross. We're coming to you because we are sorry, sorrowful,
47:45 repentant, O Lord God, of the sin, knowing that every sin has nailed Christ to
47:52 the cross one more time afresh. And, Father, we desire to change that.
47:58 We desire to be forgiven. Lord, we know Jesus is by your side and waiting for us,
48:09 never to partake of the wine until that day when he does anew with us.
48:17 And today, Lord God, as we've come to partake of the emblems, the bread representing his body,
48:26 the wine representing his shed blood, we're asking, O God, that even as you've
48:32 forgive us that you will bless the emblems, O Lord God, which has no powers except
48:39 by Jesus Christ, and, Father, as we partake today, we're renewing our covenant,
48:46 with you. "X" out our sins and take us in this new covenant today.
48:57 Lord God, this is our prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen. >> Amen.
49:03 Thank you, elders, for that scripture reading and that prayer.
49:10 Take your little kit. I'm gonna make sure that everybody on the platform
49:13 has a kit, as well. Take that kit and begin working on the cellophane.
49:18 There's a thin cellophane layer on top that separates the wafer from the cup of grape juice.
49:27 And so... just work that piece of plastic. Should come off without too much
49:37 difficulty. Don't do it quickly or you'll lose the wafer under it.
49:41 It's not a huge wafer, as you will find out. But you know what.
49:45 We don't need a big piece. We just need to feel that on our tongue, and when that goes
49:50 down, we know that we are partaking of the life and death and the body of our very best
49:57 friend. Our Saviour. Alright.
50:03 There it is. Jesus turned to the 12 in that torch-lighted upper room,
50:10 and he said to them what he says to us. I've called you friends.
50:15 You are my friends. I want you to take this, eat it, remember the gift
50:26 of my forgiveness on Calvary.
50:34 [ Organ plays ]
50:49 And while the bread was still in their mouths, Jesus takes the cup.
50:54 This was pre-pandemic time, and he just passed the cup around.
50:58 And everybody drank out of it without a worry. We're gonna get to our cup.
51:05 Turn the point away from you, just in case it's pressurized, and you only need to open it
51:11 about halfway. It's just wide enough for you to be able to drink that
51:15 grape juice. And in drinking that, consuming it, you bring not
51:20 just the body but the blood, as it were, of Jesus, answer to a billion, billion
51:26 prayers for forgiveness. The prayers of repentance. And Jesus says to us,
51:33 as he said to them, "Listen, all of you drink from it. This is my blood shed for you.
51:39 Do this, too, in remembrance of me."
51:46 [ Organ plays ]
52:01 Ben, thank you for putting the lid back on that cup. As you leave today, you'll see
52:08 receptacles that will receive these. They had two customs at the time
52:13 of Jesus when the Passover was celebrated. Number one, they took up
52:16 an offering for the poor, for those in need. We're gonna do that today.
52:21 The ushers are actually gonna come by you, and they're gonna receive, if you would like,
52:26 out of the largesse that God has given to your heart and life these last three months.
52:33 You want to give to those who will be in need, and 2021 is going to be as
52:36 demanding as 2020 was for those in need, for sure. Thank you for what you place
52:42 in that offering plate. And then they also sang a hymn. They sang the great Passover
52:47 Hallel. But we're not gonna sing that. But there was a hymn that was
52:50 sung for the first time in history just down here on Pokagon Road.
52:55 It's the beautiful hymn -- first time sung publicly -- "The Old Rugged Cross."
53:00 Karen's gonna sing. And if she sings, hum. If the words are familiar
53:05 to you, go ahead and just mouth those words, as we bring to an end this moment with Jesus
53:13 at his table.
53:15 ♪♪
53:31 >> ♪ On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross ♪ ♪ The emblem of suffering
53:43 and shame ♪ ♪ And I love that old cross where the dearest and best ♪
53:55 ♪ For a world of lost sinners was slain ♪ ♪ So I'll cherish the old
54:08 rugged cross ♪ ♪ Till my trophies at last I lay down ♪
54:21 ♪ I will cling to the old rugged cross ♪ ♪ And exchange it some day
54:33 for a crown ♪ ♪ Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world ♪
54:48 ♪ Has a wondrous attraction for me ♪ ♪ For the dear Lamb of God
55:02 left His glory above ♪ ♪ To bear it to dark Calvary ♪ So I'll cherish the old
55:20 rugged cross ♪ ♪ Till my trophies at last I lay down ♪
55:33 ♪ I will cling to the old rugged cross ♪ ♪ And exchange it some day
55:46 for a crown ♪ To the old rugged cross, I will ever be true ♪
56:01 ♪ Its shame and reproach gladly bear ♪ ♪ Then He'll call me some day
56:14 to my home far away ♪ ♪ Where His glory forever I'll share ♪
56:28 ♪ So I'll cherish the old rugged cross ♪ ♪ Till my trophies at last
56:42 I lay down ♪ ♪ I will cling to the old rugged cross ♪
56:56 ♪ And exchange it some day for a crown ♪
57:11 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying
57:14 for you." Didn't it give you a sense of
57:16 peace and reassurance that somebody cares for me?
57:19 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers saying, "Yo, Dwight.
57:22 I've been praying for you lately." There's nothing like knowing
57:25 someone is praying for you. So I want to offer you an opportunity to partner --
57:29 let me, let us partner with you in prayer.
57:32 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of
57:34 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you
57:36 to contact one of our friendly chaplains.
57:38 It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free
57:41 number -- 877 -- the two words "HIS WILL," 877-HIS-WILL.
57:45 That friendly voice that answers, you tell him, you tell
57:49 her what your prayer need is, we'll join with you in that
57:52 petition.
57:53 May the God who answers prayer journey with you these next few days until we're right back
57:57 here together again next time.
58:01 ♪♪ ♪♪
58:15 ♪♪ ♪♪


Revised 2021-01-14