New Perceptions

How to Become An Influencer: Damascus Road

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP210904S

00:11 And now it's time
00:13 for our morning call to worship,
00:14 and we're going to read it responsively.
00:18 We gather as two or three,
00:22 as 100 or 200.
00:25 We gather to forgive as God forgives.
00:29 To love as God loves.
00:32 We covenant together to be the church,
00:36 the body of Christ alive in the world.
00:40 We will live the truth of God's grace.
00:44 Let's pray together.
00:47 Father, we thank You because You are the leader
00:50 of the mission.
00:53 The mission is Yours
00:54 and You take complete responsibility
00:57 for the mission of saving people.
01:01 So to that end, thank You for drawing
01:02 close to every single one of us that are gathered,
01:05 those online, those in-person, our eyes are on you
01:09 as we worship today.
01:10 And we think in the name of Jesus. Amen.
01:45 I heard an old, old story
01:50 How a Savior came from glory
01:54 How He gave His life on Calvary
01:58 To save a wretch like me
02:02 I heard about His groaning
02:06 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:10 Then I repented of my sins
02:14 And won the victory
02:19 O victory in Jesus
02:23 My Savior forever
02:27 He sought me and bought me
02:31 With His redeeming blood
02:35 He loved me ere I knew Him
02:39 And all my love is due Him
02:44 He plunged me to victory
02:48 Beneath the cleansing flood
02:54 I heard about His healing
02:59 Of His cleansing pow'r revealing
03:03 How He made the lame to walk again
03:07 And caused the blind to see
03:11 And then I cried dear Jesus
03:16 Come and heal my broken spirit
03:20 And somehow Jesus came
03:23 And brought To me the victory
03:28 O victory in Jesus
03:33 My Savior forever
03:37 He sought me and bought me
03:41 With His redeeming blood
03:45 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:49 And all my love is due Him
03:53 He plunged me to victory
03:58 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:12 I heard about a mansion
04:16 He has built for me in glory
04:20 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:24 Beyond the crystal sea
04:29 About the angels singing
04:33 And the old redemption story
04:37 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:41 The song of victory
04:46 O victory in Jesus
04:50 My Savior forever
04:54 He sought me and bought me
04:58 With His redeeming blood
05:03 He loved me ere I knew Him
05:07 And all my love is due Him
05:11 He plunged me to victory
05:16 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:31 As I neared Damascus on my journey,
05:34 suddenly a light from heaven flashed around me.
05:38 I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me,
05:40 "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?"
05:45 "Who are You, Lord," I asked?
05:47 "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,"
05:51 He replied to me.
05:52 "Now, get up and go into the city
05:55 and you will be told what you must do."
05:58 I got up from the ground.
06:00 When I opened my eyes, I could see nothing.
06:04 So they led me by the hand into Damascus.
06:24 Early this year,
06:27 a young millennial
06:30 social critic writer
06:34 and influencer herself wrote a piece,
06:38 an op-ed piece in the New York Times.
06:40 By the way, if the New York Times
06:42 ever asked you to write an op-ed piece.
06:44 Trust me, you're already an influencer.
06:49 Her name is Leigh Stein.
06:51 Have the piece right here, title of the piece,
06:53 The Empty Religions of Instagram.
06:55 Let me read a line or two to you.
06:58 On Instagram I follow 700 people,
07:00 mostly women, she writes,
07:02 100 of these women follow Glennon Doyle
07:05 whose memoir Untamed has been
07:08 on the New York Times `bestseller list.
07:10 I checked it this week, 77 weeks in a row.
07:13 Another influencer.
07:15 Fans of Ms. Doyle's gospel
07:17 and accessible combination of self-care activism,
07:21 and tongue in cheek Christianity.
07:23 Ms. Doyle says, Jesus loves me this I know,
07:25 for He gave me Lexapro, which is an antidepressant.
07:30 Fans of Ms. Doyle's gospel can worship at any time
07:33 of day or night at the electric church
07:35 of her Instagram feed by replacing the rigid dogma
07:39 of religion with the confessional lingua franca
07:42 or the language of social media.
07:44 Ms. Doyle has become a charismatic preacher
07:47 for women like me, who aren't even religious.
07:52 Now she's got my attention
07:54 and I want these words to get your attention.
07:56 So I'm going to put them on the screen now.
07:58 Many millennials have found a different kind of clergy,
08:02 personal growth influencers.
08:06 Women like Ms. Doyle who offer 'nones.'
08:09 Those are the people that take surveys
08:10 and they say none of the above, no religion.
08:13 Women like Ms. Doyle who offered 'nones'
08:15 like us permission, validation, and community.
08:18 These women are Instavangelists.
08:21 You've heard of televangelists,
08:23 well, she's coined a new word, Instavangelists.
08:26 These are personal influencers
08:28 behaving like clergy in the world of social media.
08:33 Then Leigh Stein begins to expose some of her soul.
08:38 Follow along here.
08:40 I have hardly prayed to God since I was a teenager,
08:44 but the pandemic has cracked open inside me
08:46 a profound yearning for reverence,
08:49 humility and awe."
08:51 I'd like to say, wait a minute.
08:53 Are we talking about a young godless woman
08:55 who says I have no religion at all,
08:57 but the pandemic has opened up
08:58 inside of me this yearning for reverence,
09:01 humility, and awe.
09:04 I don't know about you, but I find that astonishing.
09:07 Here is a non-religious young woman
09:11 who has a yearning for reverence.
09:16 I'm thinking about
09:18 some of the practitioners in the church
09:19 who believes that the more we can imitate the culture
09:22 and the music of this very world
09:24 that Leigh Stein finds so empty,
09:26 the more we will attract the Leigh Steins
09:28 of this culture turns out it's the exact opposite.
09:31 They don't want what they already have.
09:34 She's looking for reverence, humility, and awe.
09:39 You know what?
09:40 Maybe we ought to quit apologizing for Pioneer
09:43 being a place of worship with reverence, humility,
09:46 and awe, come on.
09:52 Leigh Stein exposes more of her thirsty soul.
09:55 Here we go.
09:56 The influencers we've chosen as our moral leaders
10:00 aren't challenging us to ask the fundamental questions
10:02 that leaders of faith have been wrestling
10:04 with for thousands of years.
10:06 Yo, Leigh, what are those questions?
10:07 Well, let's find out.
10:09 Why are we here?
10:10 Why do we suffer?
10:11 What should we believe in beyond the limits
10:13 of our puny selfhood?
10:16 And then she writes this line.
10:18 The whole economy of Instagram is based on our thinking
10:21 about our selves, posting about our selves,
10:25 working on our selves.
10:29 Instead of answering the big questions of life,
10:34 these influencers,
10:36 all they can talk about is me, me, me.
10:39 She says, forget it.
10:43 And then now she moves to where you
10:46 and I need to be listening very carefully.
10:52 I told my mother, that I find myself
10:56 craving role models my age.
10:58 And I'll start it right there.
11:00 I want role models my age.
11:02 I don't need somebody not my age.
11:03 I need somebody my age. Yeah.
11:06 But what do you want the role model to do?
11:07 Well, let's find out.
11:08 I want, if I find myself craving role models my age
11:12 who are not only righteous.
11:15 I'm saying, wait a minute, time.
11:17 You can't be telling me that this godless millennial
11:20 and she described herself, no religion at all.
11:22 You can't be telling me that she wants
11:23 role models her age, who are not only righteous,
11:28 not only righteous crusaders, but keep reading,
11:31 but also humble and merciful.
11:35 And I told mom that I'm not finding them
11:37 where I live and those that, that's her word online.
11:40 They're just not there.
11:43 And I'm thinking to myself, what she just said,
11:45 she is longing for at her age level a role model,
11:50 turns out to be a beautiful description
11:53 of who you are at Andrews University,
11:57 her age, righteous, crusading for good,
12:02 humble and merciful.
12:05 You are the role model she's looking for.
12:08 You are the influencer she needs.
12:14 She's looking for you, but here's the question.
12:18 Are you looking for her?
12:25 We didn't know this.
12:28 We didn't know that there's a yearning thirst
12:30 embedded in the heart of this generation.
12:34 Sick and tired
12:38 of what it's been living with.
12:41 And you're the role model her age
12:44 she's looking for.
12:46 My, oh my. One last line.
12:53 There is a chasm between the vast scope of our needs
12:58 and what influencers can provide.
13:01 We're looking for guidance in the wrong places,
13:04 people listen up.
13:06 Maybe we actually need to go to something like church?
13:10 You think?
13:13 Amazing.
13:16 A New York Times chosen influencer,
13:20 who says I'm tired
13:22 of the life that I've had.
13:26 If I just had somebody my age that I can model
13:31 my life after.
13:33 And I'm thinking that has to be you,
13:39 reverence, humility,
13:42 awe flowing through a righteous,
13:44 humble and merciful influencer.
13:50 How to become an influencer?
13:55 Now we've got to go back.
13:56 We've got to turn to another story today.
13:59 Once upon a time, there were two young men.
14:04 They were both about the same age.
14:07 They were both extremely well-educated.
14:10 You can call them young Turks if you wish.
14:14 But what is more than clear
14:16 is that both of them were influencers,
14:18 huge influencers and the people around them,
14:24 and then came that fateful public debate.
14:29 The room was packed.
14:31 The spectators eventually forgot to breathe.
14:34 So transfixed are they all by the wit,
14:37 matching wit, the eloquence matching eloquence
14:39 of these two young leaders who debate each other.
14:42 By the end of the debate however,
14:46 it is clear to everybody in the room
14:51 one of them just got whooped.
14:55 It's a story most people skip over,
14:58 but you need to find it right now.
15:00 Open your Bible to Acts Chapter 6,
15:02 the book of beginnings
15:04 for the infant Christian Church.
15:06 Acts Chapter 6, drop down to verse 8.
15:11 You haven't read this in a long, long time.
15:13 Acts Chapter 6, please drop down to verse 8.
15:18 I'll be in the New International Version.
15:21 Acts Chapter Eight, Chapter Six, rather verse 8,
15:26 "Now Stephen, influencer number one.
15:30 Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power.
15:34 Performed great wonders and signs among the people."
15:37 Whatever's going on here, this young man
15:43 through these acts of supernatural signs,
15:47 supernatural wonder
15:50 is simply confirming the veracity,
15:54 people are concluding of his message.
15:56 And that is, you know, this Jesus of Nazareth
15:58 that they crucified at Golgotha.
16:00 Let me tell you something.
16:02 He rose three days later, He was here for a while.
16:06 He ascended and He's now
16:08 sitting on the throne of the Almighty.
16:11 He's the Messiah
16:16 and people are starting to believe.
16:17 I mean, how could you do what you just did
16:20 if you weren't telling the truth.
16:21 Look at verse 9, opposition arose,
16:24 well, you didn't think he'd get by for long.
16:26 "Opposition arose,
16:29 however, from members of the Synagogue
16:31 of the Freedman."
16:32 Now we're called Pioneer Church.
16:34 So this is a synagogue called the Synagogue of the Freedman.
16:37 It's just a name.
16:40 As it was called. Who's in that synagogue?
16:42 Well, you've got Jews of Cyrene,
16:44 that would be North Africa.
16:45 You have Jews from Alexandria, that would be Egypt,
16:48 of course, as well as the provinces
16:50 of Asia Minor, including Cilicia.
16:53 Hey, wait a minute, time out, Cilicia.
16:56 Is it Cilicia the one that has this major
17:00 metropolitan center in it called Tarsus.
17:07 Wait a minute. I know somebody who's from Tarsus.
17:10 Dr. Luke has intentionally embedded in this description
17:14 the hint of influencer number two,
17:18 Saul of Tarsus.
17:22 F. F Bruce and others have suggested it's rather likely
17:26 that this was the synagogue in which Saul worshiped.
17:30 Opposition, are you kidding?
17:32 They began to argue with Stephen right off the bat.
17:36 How did it go?
17:38 But they could not stand up against the wisdom
17:42 the Spirit gave him as he spoke.
17:45 If you ever get called on by Almighty God
17:48 Himself to stand up in front of a classroom of kids,
17:53 your peers.
17:55 You ever get called on by Almighty God
17:57 to step in front of a neighbor because something's on your
18:00 heart that you want to share.
18:04 Anytime you're put on the line,
18:06 I hope you'll remember that the same Holy Spirit
18:09 who came in to this young Turk influencer,
18:13 who came into him at a critical moment
18:15 is the same spirit
18:16 who come into you at that vital moment.
18:20 It doesn't have to be your last day on earth
18:22 as it is for Stephen.
18:24 He doesn't know it's his last day,
18:27 but I suppose he's already beginning to read
18:29 the handwriting on the wall.
18:32 Wow.
18:35 There he is, influencer number one.
18:40 There he is, influencer number two.
18:42 And by the way, the debate was gentlemanly,
18:44 come on, they're not throwing stuff,
18:46 but it was fierce because you have
18:48 two young influencers,
18:49 Stephen and Saul both fluent in Aramaic,
18:51 the language of Jerusalem, both fluent in Greek,
18:54 the language of the synagogue for Hellenist Jews
18:56 devoted both of them, educated believers to the max,
19:01 knowing the Holy Scriptures would be the Old Testament
19:03 backwards and forwards.
19:04 They're quoting back and forth, back and forth.
19:05 But yes, but yes, but yes, but yes.
19:11 What a debate that must have been.
19:14 Stephen crying out, he is the Messiah.
19:17 Paul shouting back, he is an imposter, this
19:20 Jesus of Nazareth.
19:25 But the young Saul of Tarsus, as we just read
19:27 and his cohorts could not outlogic.
19:30 They could not outsmart,
19:32 outquote or outgun young Stephen,
19:34 the champion of Jesus the Messiah.
19:39 Everybody knows
19:40 who had the most convincing case.
19:43 Well, young Saul knows influencer number two.
19:47 You may lose a battle now and then,
19:49 but you still win the war.
19:52 And so Saul says, this is war.
19:55 And then he arranges for a few false witnesses
19:58 who step forward, just like they did to our Lord.
20:00 The witnesses make their case.
20:01 Immediately that day, the Sanhedrin,
20:03 the Supreme Court of Jerusalem and Judaism is convened.
20:08 The chambers are packed.
20:12 The young influencer Stephen will be on trial,
20:16 as he now surmises for his life.
20:19 The last verse of Acts Chapter 6,
20:22 "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin,
20:24 looked intently at Stephen,
20:26 and they saw that his face was like
20:29 the face of an angel.
20:33 Stephen's face must've looked like Moses
20:35 coming down from Mount Sinai.
20:36 Moses comes down from that mountain,
20:38 having been in the presence of God himself
20:40 and his face is a glow.
20:41 And the people look at him and they shield their eyes,
20:44 put something over your face,
20:45 we can't stand to see the light.
20:51 A little classic on the life of Paul.
20:53 If you could ever get it, add it to your library.
20:56 Sketches on the life of Paul often forgotten.
21:01 One line from that classic.
21:02 Many who beheld the lighted countenance of Stephen trembled
21:06 and veiled their faces.
21:10 Now this little factoid
21:11 tucked away at the beginning of this trial.
21:13 Obviously some eyewitness observed his face
21:17 looking like an angel.
21:19 And I'm wondering who that eye witness might have been,
21:24 who would later report to Dr. Luke.
21:28 Here's what I saw.
21:37 Keep going.
21:39 We're going to skip the entire defense.
21:40 And by the way, this afternoon,
21:42 a wonderful Sabbath afternoon activity.
21:43 You read Stephen's defense.
21:45 It is brilliant.
21:47 This is what outwitted Saul of Tarsus, this defense.
21:52 And he brings it before he dies.
21:55 Yeah. Read Chapter 7.
21:56 We'll pick it up at the end of his defense though.
21:57 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard
22:00 Stephen's defense, they were furious
22:02 and gnashed their teeth at him.
22:04 But Stephen full of the Holy Spirit,"
22:06 look at that.
22:07 No wonder his face is glowing.
22:08 "He looked up to heaven and he saw the glory of God
22:11 and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
22:13 Look, he said, 'I see heaven open,
22:17 and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.'"
22:24 The only human being in the New Testament
22:28 who uses the name Son of Man is Jesus Himself.
22:34 This is the last use of that phrase in the Bible.
22:39 And it's on the lips of a protomartyr,
22:43 the first martyr.
22:46 I see him, He, Jesus of Nazareth
22:50 standing, standing.
22:55 Standing?
22:56 Well, you didn't think Jesus would sit through
22:58 what is about to transpire.
22:59 Did you?
23:01 Of course, He's not sitting.
23:02 He's standing for two reasons.
23:05 He's standing number one, because this man
23:08 who will become the first human being,
23:10 who believes in Jesus of Nazareth
23:12 to be executed for that belief
23:15 is about to perish.
23:17 And Jesus stands, not sitting through this,
23:21 but He stands for a second reason,
23:23 because it's clear that nobody else
23:27 is standing for Stephen, but Jesus is standing
23:32 and He's saying, Hey, boy,
23:35 I am standing for you right now.
23:39 And by the way, when you come to your moment
23:42 and it'll feel like nobody in the classroom,
23:45 nobody's agreeing, nobody in the dormitory,
23:48 nobody in your circle of friends,
23:50 nobody with your associates that you work with,
23:53 nobody understands why you believe
23:55 what you believe.
23:56 When it feels like you are standing alone,
23:58 good news, there'll be somebody who stands up in heaven.
24:02 He says, "Girl, I'm standing with you right now.
24:05 I'm standing with you."
24:09 I see the Son of Man and He's standing.
24:16 The record goes on.
24:18 "At this, they covered their ears
24:21 and yelling at the top of their voices,
24:23 they all rushed at Stephen.
24:24 They dragged him out of the city
24:26 and they began to stone him.
24:27 Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats
24:29 at the feet of a young man named Saul."
24:32 Influencer number two,
24:35 who's pulled off this execution behind the scenes,
24:44 who will never for the rest of his life
24:48 be able to face the memory
24:51 of this tragic hour
24:52 in which he was so heinously the instigator.
24:56 He will never forget till he dies.
25:01 That Stephen died at his feet,
25:09 watched it all
25:12 and then relayed the eyewitness account.
25:15 What's the account?
25:16 "While they were stoning him," and Saul is watching.
25:20 "Stephen prayed the prayer of Jesus on the cross,
25:23 'Lord Jesus receive my spirit.'
25:28 And then he fell on his knees and he cried out,
25:33 'Lord do not hold this sin against them.'
25:37 And when he had said this, he fell asleep,
25:41 he died.
25:45 And Saul approved of their killing him.
25:47 And on that day, a great persecution broke out
25:49 against the church in Jerusalem and all except the apostles
25:53 were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.
25:55 Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him.
25:59 But Saul began to destroy the church.
26:01 Going from house to house,
26:02 he dragged off both men and women
26:04 and put them in prison."
26:09 What can you do to steal a guilty conscience?
26:14 Some people today self-medicate,
26:17 they take more and more of that substance to mask
26:20 the guilt that is killing them.
26:24 And so self-medication numbs them for a while.
26:28 The only self-medication
26:31 young Saul has is to kill him.
26:35 Just keep killing him until nobody
26:39 of the sect is left alive.
26:48 Years later, Paul,
26:51 the young Saul is on trial for his own life.
26:55 He standing before
26:56 the great king Agrippa of Judea.
27:00 The king and his wife Berenice have come to hear this prisoner
27:04 tell the story.
27:06 And so Paul tells the story,
27:08 and we'll go over to Acts 26 to pick it up
27:10 right in the middle of his testimony to the king.
27:13 "I too was convinced by the way that I ought to do all that was
27:17 possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
27:19 And that is just what I did in Jerusalem.
27:21 On the authority of the chief priests,
27:23 I put many of the Lord's people in prison,
27:26 and when they were put to death,
27:27 I cast my vote against them, kill him, kill her.
27:32 Many a time I went from
27:33 one synagogue to another to have them punished,
27:36 and I tried to force them to blaspheme.
27:39 I was so obsessed with persecuting them that
27:41 I even hunted them down in foreign cities."
27:45 Oh, I wish I had a YouTube now.
27:47 I wish I had that YouTube screen in front of me
27:50 now that captures the moment
27:52 when Paul and his band of enforcers after days
27:56 and nights of traversing the barren wilderness
27:58 north of Jerusalem.
28:00 Finally that last sandy bluff
28:02 and looking across
28:05 the valley is the skyline
28:10 of the ancient city of Damascus.
28:14 Palm trees waving in the breeze,
28:18 gardens and orchard,
28:20 streams and beauty.
28:25 And if the YouTube camera would zoom in just
28:28 a little closer to the countenance
28:29 of influencer number two.
28:32 I have a feeling there was a smug look
28:34 of satisfaction on his grinning face,
28:37 because in his hip pocket
28:39 he has a handwritten authority of the high priest of Jerusalem
28:45 to go house to house if necessary,
28:47 synagogue to synagogue and destroy any disciples
28:52 of this dead Jesus of Nazareth.
28:56 It can't get any better than this if you're influencer,
29:00 he tells himself.
29:05 When suddenly, because I'm still watching
29:08 the YouTube screen,
29:10 suddenly that road that dips down
29:12 into the oldest
29:13 contagiously inhabited city on earth,
29:15 it's still inhabited by the way.
29:17 It's the oldest city on earth
29:20 with people in it since the beginning.
29:22 As the road drops down to the gates of Damascus,
29:26 suddenly, amazingly, strangely there's,
29:29 there is this white like why did you flash the white?
29:34 Is there something wrong with the iris of the camera?
29:36 Why is this thing turned white?
29:37 It looks like white is just spilling.
29:39 Light is spilling and suddenly
29:41 all the participants in the story are gone,
29:43 they just disappeared.
29:45 And we instigately begin to squint
29:46 because it hurts our eyes.
29:48 It spills off of the YouTube screen
29:50 and we close our senses to this.
29:58 To a man Saul and his companioneth, boom.
30:02 They hit the ground,
30:04 incoming fire,
30:10 thunder, darkness,
30:14 and then Saul hears,
30:17 Saul, Saul.
30:27 Before the king Saul continues his story.
30:30 "About noon, King Agrippa, as I was on the road,
30:35 I saw a light from heaven brighter than the sun,
30:39 blazing around me and my companions.
30:42 We all fell to the ground
30:44 and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic,
30:48 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
30:53 It is hard for you to kick against the goads."
30:57 That's a stick with a metal sharp point to it
31:00 that you use on an ox.
31:01 Come on, come on, come on, you're kicking, why?
31:14 To his dying day,
31:15 Saul of Tarsus will testify that Jesus of Nazareth,
31:20 the hated imposter that he has fanatically
31:23 sought to expunge from human consciousness,
31:26 Jesus of Nazareth, the glorified Christ,
31:29 the one who was crucified, buried, rose again
31:33 and ascended to the throne of eternity.
31:36 That same Jesus appeared to him, personally.
31:40 He saw Jesus of Nazareth
31:45 and he heard the voice of the crucified one,
31:49 Saul, Saul.
31:55 N. T. Wright in his marvelous book,
31:58 Paul: A Biography describes the moment this way.
32:01 "Everything was now focused on the figure from
32:04 whom they streamed a blinding light,
32:07 the figure who now addressed Saul as a master addresses
32:11 a slave, the figure he recognized
32:13 as the crucified Jesus of Nazareth.
32:16 Heaven and earth came together in this figure,
32:19 and He was commanding Saul to acknowledge this fact
32:23 and reorient his entire life accordingly."
32:30 Saul knows who this is.
32:38 As only the eternal can do, in one second
32:42 a lifetime can go by,
32:44 and in that lifetime of the one second,
32:47 Saul reviews all the evidence of the Old Testament
32:51 and evidence he had memorized, but connecting the dots
32:56 he had never done,
33:00 and he realizes.
33:03 Ellen White like N. T. Wright
33:07 believes the same reality.
33:10 Sketches From the Life of Paul.
33:11 "Saul lying prostrate upon the ground,
33:15 understood the words that were spoken,
33:17 and saw clearly before him the Son of God.
33:20 One look upon that glorious Being,
33:23 imprinted His image forever upon the soul
33:26 of the stricken Jew."
33:28 Keep reading.
33:29 "No doubt entered the mind of Saul
33:31 that this was Jesus of Nazareth who spoke to him,
33:35 and that he was indeed the long looked for Messiah,
33:39 the Consolation and Redeemer of Israel."
33:50 And so Saul tells Agrippa the king.
33:54 "Then I asked, 'Who are you, Lord?'
33:58 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,'
34:03 the Lord replied.'"
34:07 What follows now are three days
34:09 and three nights of no light,
34:14 no food, no water,
34:18 nobody but Saul alone
34:23 with his guilty conscience and a hidden divine
34:28 presence in the darkness.
34:32 Hey, come on, think about it for a moment.
34:34 You think about it.
34:35 If you knew that you sent an innocent man
34:38 to his violent death in the stoning of Stephen,
34:40 knowing now that Stephen was telling the gospel
34:44 truth about this, Jesus, you have just met.
34:46 How could you possibly sleep?
34:51 If you knew that you drag men and women
34:55 and children to their deaths for their faith,
34:57 in this same Jesus that you have just met,
35:00 how could you possibly eat or drink?
35:03 You cannot do
35:04 anything, nothing
35:09 but pray.
35:12 Three days and three nights,
35:18 such is the nature of a guilty conscience.
35:22 And there's only one cure for a guilty conscience.
35:25 And we all know the cure.
35:29 You have to be forgiven.
35:32 And until you are, you are tormented to death,
35:41 but Jesus is not going to come to Saul, Nope.
35:44 I already came.
35:47 Jesus will send the church instead.
35:51 The church can handle this, they're My body.
35:54 The head doesn't have to be there.
35:56 So He turns to the church in Damascus
35:59 and He picks a church member.
36:03 He says, "You're going to be my man."
36:06 Watch this.
36:08 This is in the actual historical account
36:09 now that Luke gives in Acts Chapter 9.
36:11 "In Damascus, there was a disciple named Ananias.
36:15 And the Lord called to him in a vision, 'Ananias!'
36:18 'Yes, Lord,' he recognizes the voice of his master.
36:22 'Yes, Lord,' he answered.
36:24 The Lord told him, 'Now, look,
36:25 I need you to go to the house of Judas on Straight Street,"
36:28 which by the way still exists today
36:30 in Damascus, right?
36:33 I need you to go to the house of a man named Judas.
36:35 He lives on Straight Street.
36:36 "And I want you to ask for a man from Tarsus who,
36:39 whose name is Saul, for he is praying.
36:42 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come
36:46 and place his hands on him to restore his sight."
36:50 Talking about an oblique invitation.
36:54 He won't come out and say, you do it.
36:56 No, he just says, this guy has had a vision
37:00 of you coming and putting your hands on him.
37:04 Excuse me. Time out, Lord.
37:08 You talking about Ananias me,
37:09 or how about the Ananias down the street?
37:11 Which Ananias are you really talking about?
37:12 Me? Okay.
37:14 But look at Saul, they're all kinds of Sauls.
37:17 You're not talking about the Saul of Tarsus
37:19 who is dying to put his hands on me.
37:21 Are you? I am, go.
37:27 Jesus doesn't show up again to Saul.
37:29 Doesn't have to, He's got the church.
37:33 That's why we come to church because Jesus
37:36 doesn't show up like the Damascus road,
37:41 but we keep hearing about Jesus
37:43 and He keeps showing up in our minds and in our hearts.
37:47 That's why we just keep coming week after week after week.
37:50 I'm sending the church, you go.
37:53 Ananias says, listen, rather, the Lord says to Ananias now,
37:58 come on, come on, go.
37:59 "This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim
38:02 my name to the Gentiles and their kings
38:05 and to the people of Israel.
38:06 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."
38:10 You go and guess what? Ananias goes.
38:14 His heart is up here. He finds the address.
38:18 He opens the door.
38:19 There is a blind man
38:21 sitting on some stool
38:26 and he walks in with the most beautiful word
38:29 that Saul could ever have heard.
38:32 He walks in.
38:34 He places his hands on Saul.
38:36 And he says,
38:39 Brother Saul, isn't that beautiful?
38:43 Brother Saul, I know who you are,
38:48 but you're my brother.
38:51 Brother Saul, it's okay.
38:55 You're with friends now.
38:58 Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus
39:01 who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here,
39:03 He has set me confront, confirmation whom you saw
39:09 is who spoke to me?
39:13 It wasn't a dream.
39:15 The Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road
39:18 as you were coming here has sent me,
39:19 so that you may see again
39:21 and be filled with a Holy Spirit.
39:23 And immediately something like scales...
39:25 The new American Standard Bibles
39:27 2020 edition that just came out this spring,
39:29 adds a word, something like fish scales.
39:32 I've always wondered, what are these scales?
39:34 When you put fish in front of it, I understand now.
39:36 Everybody has seen a fish that gets skin.
39:38 It's just this crusty stuff.
39:39 Something like fish scales
39:42 trickle down from Saul's eyes across his cheeks.
39:46 And guess what? He could see again.
39:48 He got up and he was baptized.
39:50 And after taking some food, he regained his strength.
39:56 Wow. Forgiven.
39:59 And by the way, with a rap sheet,
40:00 I don't know how long that rap sheet on Saul was.
40:03 It was a long one,
40:05 charged, charged, charged, charged,
40:09 forgiven of all those bloody sins.
40:13 Forgiven. Do you understand?
40:16 Gone.
40:18 Years later, Saul turned Paul
40:21 would write a line that I hope
40:22 I will never forget as long as I live.
40:25 Now, I'm going to share it with you right now.
40:28 It's a beautiful line.
40:29 Don't you ever forget it either please?
40:32 1 Timothy 1:15,
40:38 "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance."
40:43 Here comes a sentence.
40:44 "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
40:48 of whom I am the worst."
40:51 I want you to repeat it out loud with me.
40:53 Come on. You're old enough.
40:55 You can do this out loud.
40:58 Let's read it together.
40:59 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
41:04 of whom I am the worst.
41:08 This isn't play acting.
41:10 This is not putting on some kind of mellow drama,
41:13 so that God is convinced,
41:14 I'm, I really am a bad guy, God.
41:16 No, no, no, because in the secret
41:18 of your conscience, you know, you are about the worst dude
41:22 who has ever sinned, you know that,
41:26 and your conscience reminds you of it.
41:29 Paul isn't just playing around.
41:33 He never forgot the face
41:36 of Stephen that he ordered executed.
41:41 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
41:44 of whom I am the worst
41:47 and so are you.
41:51 That's the gospel.
41:53 Saul will spend the rest of his teaching this sentence
41:59 wherever he goes.
42:01 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
42:04 of whom I am the worst.
42:09 Eternal good news.
42:12 So what's all this have to do with Leigh Stein,
42:16 and Instavangelists and influencers
42:18 and Saul and you and me, what's it have to do?
42:21 It's the second secret to how to become an influencer.
42:24 And here comes secret number two,
42:26 don't ever forget the truth, to become an influencer
42:30 you must follow the capital I Influencer.
42:35 That's the only way you will make
42:36 a lasting impact on human society.
42:40 You can make an impact.
42:42 We see people in the news every night that have made
42:44 huge impacts and we're sick and tired of seeing them.
42:49 You can make an eternal impact.
42:52 You want to be that kind of an influencer.
42:53 Sure, you do, me too.
42:56 The only way to become an influencer,
42:58 you must follow the capital I, Influencer.
43:03 Three days and three nights of soul searching.
43:05 That's a lot of time.
43:06 Sometimes that's how long it takes however.
43:09 When I was a kid here at Andrews University
43:11 and a student on this campus,
43:12 I was wrestling with guilt so bad.
43:14 I thought I was going to lose my mind.
43:16 It took several months for me.
43:19 I don't know how long it will take for you.
43:20 We all have guilt that has to be absolved and forgiven.
43:29 But if you're serious and you submit yourself to the capital,
43:33 I Influencer, Jesus Christ,
43:37 who came into the world to save sinner
43:39 of whom I am the worst.
43:40 That Jesus, He will take care
43:43 of that guilt just like that.
43:48 Try it.
43:50 I want you to find this Jesus.
43:53 I want you to hook your destiny to the capital I
43:59 Influencer star
44:02 and stay with Him until you die.
44:10 There's no other way.
44:12 It was Jesus who saved Saul.
44:13 Let's not get confused here. The church saves Saul.
44:16 No, He just used the church.
44:18 He just used Ananias.
44:20 It's Jesus who saves Saul
44:22 and it's Jesus who will save you.
44:25 It's Jesus, the divine Influencer.
44:28 That is the answer to the deepest longing
44:30 you have in your heart and soul right now, Jesus.
44:35 And because He saves Saul, you think about this now.
44:38 Look at all the other people who got saved.
44:42 You remember Augustine, some are now calling him
44:44 Augustine, Augustine, the church father.
44:47 He's a young man.
44:48 He is overwhelmed with personal guilt.
44:51 One day he's in his back garden.
44:54 He's weeping before God, take this guilt away.
44:58 And he hears a child's voice.
45:00 He doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl,
45:02 but I'll put his words on here from his great confession.
45:05 "I interpreted that voice solely as a divine command."
45:09 Do you know what the voice was saying in Latin?
45:13 Tolle lege, tolle lege, tolle lege.
45:16 It's like, is this a kid's game?
45:18 No, I determined,
45:20 "It is a divine command that came to me to open
45:22 the book that was near him
45:24 and read the first chapter I find."
45:25 He opens that book that is near him.
45:27 And the first chapter is Romans 13.
45:29 And in Romans 13, he gets saved.
45:32 An unlikely place by the way to find salvation.
45:35 But it worked for Augustine,
45:38 all because of the Damascus road and a man
45:41 who met Jesus of Nazareth there.
45:43 Augustine met the same Jesus.
45:46 Oh, I think of the, come on, everybody loves Martin Luther.
45:50 Hundreds of years later
45:52 affected by Augustine but Luther, a monk,
45:55 his tonsure is shaven.
45:58 He's in a monastery library chained to the wall is a Bible.
46:01 And he opens that Bible and he discovers the Book of Romans.
46:05 Martin Luther who would later write,
46:07 "Thereupon I felt myself to be reborn
46:10 and to have gone through open doors into paradise.
46:13 The whole of Scripture took on a new meaning for me,"
46:16 because of a man on the Damascus road
46:18 who met Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther met Him too.
46:23 Every influencer keeps influencing
46:25 and influencing and influencing.
46:27 How about John Wesley, the young man?
46:29 John Wesley tortured with guilt.
46:31 Why is it that guilt is what most effectively
46:33 takes us to the Savior?
46:35 Because it creates some, it creates an experience
46:38 we cannot absolve ourselves.
46:39 You cannot rid yourself of guilt.
46:42 You can, as we said, medicate yourself,
46:44 but that lasts a few hours
46:46 and then it's back to the same guilt.
46:47 You have to find someone who can wash you clean
46:52 and sets you free of that guilt.
46:55 John Wesley stumbles into a little
46:57 prayer group in an upper room in the city of London.
47:01 And as it turns out, they are reading together
47:03 Luther's preface to the Book of Romans.
47:06 And as they read the preface,
47:09 John Wesley would later testify.
47:11 "I felt my heart was strangely warmed,
47:15 I felt I did trust in Christ,
47:18 Christ alone for salvation."
47:21 Because of the man, the man on the Damascus road
47:25 who met Jesus of Nazareth,
47:26 personally, Wesley himself met Jesus personally
47:31 and thousands have been influenced by that man as well.
47:36 It just keeps going, which is why God needs
47:38 you to be an influencer for Him.
47:40 I'm telling you the gospel truth here in closing.
47:42 He needs you to be an influencer.
47:44 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
47:46 of whom I'm the worst.
47:48 So you got a little something you got to deal with Jesus.
47:51 That's no problem. That's what we do.
47:54 You just take this verse to Him.
47:56 You take this verse to Him and you remind Him,
47:58 You came into the world to save sinners,
48:00 and I'm the worst.
48:01 I need You to forgive me.
48:03 I don't have to feel forgiven.
48:04 I need to know I'm forgiven.
48:07 If we confess our sins, He is faithful
48:08 and just to forgive us of our sins
48:09 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
48:11 I need to know that that's true.
48:13 It's true.
48:14 It is true, boy, girl, listen to me.
48:16 It's true.
48:17 Are you asking to be forgiven?
48:20 I just gave you forgiveness.
48:24 You don't feel it, you believe it.
48:28 Augustine, Luther, Wesley and you.
48:33 So I can't think
48:35 of a better way to begin this New Year
48:38 at Andrews University than to invite
48:40 you to give your heart.
48:42 If you've never given your heart to Jesus,
48:45 you've never thrown open the door of your life,
48:47 your mind, you've never thrown
48:49 it open, say, Jesus, I need You to come here.
48:51 Just I'm a mess, but I'm the worst.
48:53 And You came, You said You came for the worst.
48:56 Well, you found me.
48:58 I'm inviting You in, wash me, cleanse me.
49:04 He will.
49:06 You have to ask Him.
49:08 What Paul did, you do.
49:10 Soon as you get that, you get baptized.
49:12 Come on, don't push your foot around now.
49:14 You don't wait, you get baptized.
49:16 You accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,
49:18 then you go under the water and burry that past.
49:21 When Paul came up, the memory was still there,
49:24 but the tortured guilt was forever gone.
49:26 And he became the great champion
49:28 of the gospel that Jesus Christ
49:30 came into the world to save sinners
49:31 of whom I am the worst of the worst.
49:36 That's the gospel.
49:37 And by the way, the blinded Saul,
49:39 I just reminded this before I sit down.
49:41 He cries out on the Damascus road.
49:43 He can't see a blooming thing.
49:45 Its darkness, but he cries out, "Lord,
49:49 what would You have me to do?"
49:52 And instantly comes back the answer from the Lord Jesus.
49:56 "I want you to become an influencer for Me,
50:01 just like Stephen."
50:04 And Saul took the place of Stephen in the galaxy
50:10 of the early church.
50:13 God needs you to take somebody else's place.
50:17 God needs you to be the influencer.
50:19 I want to give you a chance to say, yep,
50:21 I want to be that influencer.
50:24 Put this on the screen for you. Text the word Paul1.
50:26 So you got no space between it,
50:28 just Paul1 to 269-281-2345.
50:32 You do that right now.
50:34 Don't look at me. Look at your smart device.
50:37 Text, text to 281-2345,
50:43 the word Paul1 is Chapter 1 in the series
50:48 and you hit send.
50:51 It'll reply to you. You watch.
50:53 Kind of fun to do, but you do it
50:56 because it's going to take you to the connect card.
50:57 Now you're going to get to a connect card.
50:59 It's a little bit tricky,
51:01 but when it says drop down menu for my next steps,
51:04 you touch that.
51:05 Bingo. They'll be there.
51:07 Here they are. Step number one.
51:09 Like Saul, I want to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
51:12 Listen, if you have never accepted Jesus
51:14 as your Lord and Savior, just put a check, put a...
51:18 You click onto it. It's electronically.
51:19 And it'll just suddenly identify
51:21 that as your choice.
51:22 You can do all four if you want it.
51:25 Electronically, we'll be back in touch with you
51:27 and give you material to begin a life
51:30 where Jesus is your Lord and Savior.
51:31 It's not as complicated as people
51:33 have tried to tell you, don't believe them.
51:35 Do not believe them. Box number two.
51:38 Like Saul, I want to be baptized into Christ my Savior.
51:41 You haven't been baptized yet.
51:42 You accepted Jesus.
51:44 Sure, but you just haven't been baptized.
51:45 Come on. What are you waiting for?
51:46 Don't put it off. What a way to begin a new year.
51:49 Go under the water.
51:51 Go under the water with Jesus.
51:53 Next box.
51:54 Like Saul, I want to learn
51:55 how to be an influencer for Jesus.
51:57 Yeah, me too.
51:58 Just hang in there with this series.
52:01 By the time we're through God willing.
52:05 And finally I look forward to learning from Paul's mental
52:07 health meltdown next week.
52:10 There aren't a lot of scholars that have seen this,
52:12 N.T. Wright has.
52:13 And I'm going to go out on a limb
52:15 and tell you that Paul went through
52:17 a nervous breakdown,
52:19 and we're going to look at the evidence next week.
52:21 This is a generation that's big on mental health
52:23 and rightfully so.
52:24 It's a mess with this pandemic.
52:26 Some of you are struggling with depression right now.
52:28 You don't know how to deal, cope with your life.
52:31 Come next week. We'll talk about that.
52:33 There will be a solution.
52:36 And then you go down to the bottom
52:37 and send it and it'll go.
52:42 I wanna pray with you.
52:43 And then we're going to stand together
52:44 as we do on the first Sabbath of every school year.
52:47 And this is technically
52:48 the first Sabbath that we began last week.
52:51 We're going to stand together and sing the Lord's Prayer.
52:53 There's no experience like it,
52:56 but I want to pray with you first.
52:58 Dear God, Jesus of Nazareth,
53:01 Holy Spirit,
53:04 all three of You were at work in the story that unfolded
53:07 before our eyes.
53:09 All three of You are at work in the story
53:11 of our lives right now.
53:12 Dear God, do whatever it takes.
53:14 You see that check mark.
53:15 You see that selection of the next step, honor that.
53:19 It's just an electronic signal, but honor the decision
53:24 and leave us never the same again.
53:26 There are some young men and women
53:28 here who are eager to begin a new chapter in their life.
53:33 Let this be the day.
53:35 Let the Jesus of Nazareth of the Damascus road
53:38 come to them quietly through His Spirit.
53:42 And may we never be the same again.
53:43 Make us all influencers for You,
53:47 for Your glory.
53:48 We love You, Father.
53:50 We love You back
53:52 with all our hearts, in Jesus' name.
53:55 Amen.
53:57 Please stand now as we sing the beautiful,
54:00 beautiful Lord's Prayer.
54:12 Our Father
54:21 Which art in heaven
54:31 Hallowed be
54:33 Thy name
54:47 Thy kingdom come
54:54 Thy will be done
54:59 On earth
55:04 As it is in heaven
55:30 Give us this day
55:35 Our daily bread
55:40 And forgive us our debts
55:45 As we forgive our debtors
55:58 And lead us not
56:01 Into temptation
56:05 But deliver us
56:08 From evil
56:12 For thine is the kingdom
56:18 And the power
56:21 And the glory,
56:26 For ever
56:37 Amen
57:06 Thank you for taking the time to join us in worship today.
57:08 I'd like to spend another moment
57:10 with you here at the end of our program
57:11 to share a word of hope.
57:12 In fact, that's what this little book
57:14 is all about in these uncertain times.
57:15 And let's face it,
57:17 they're uncertain all over this planet.
57:18 This book entitled,
57:20 The Great Hope will help you understand
57:22 not just what God has planned for your future,
57:24 but for the future of the entire human race.
57:26 Why keep shining on this dark old world
57:28 and new truths long forgotten are being
57:31 constantly rediscovered.
57:32 If you need a fresh dose of hope for your life this day,
57:35 or you know somebody else
57:36 who could sure use that gift of hope.
57:38 Then I'd like to invite you to grab your phone,
57:40 dial our toll free number 877,
57:42 the two words HIS-WILL.
57:44 811-HIS WILL, and at no charge to you,
57:48 we'll get a copy in the mail to you right away.
57:50 Till the next time we meet,
57:52 may the peace and hope of the Lord Jesus
57:55 be with you 24/7.


Revised 2021-11-16