New Perceptions

Peace On Earth All Over Again—Redux 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP211218S

00:02 ♪♪
00:12 [ "Joy To the World" begins ]
03:11 [ "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" begins ]
05:56 [ "What Child Is This?" begins ]
13:39 >> This is not a news flash, alright?
13:43 But we are all selfish.
13:49 I'm selfish.
13:51 And I'm looking at your beautiful faces behind those
13:54 masks, and I can't tell you're not -- you're not as selfish as
13:58 I am, but there might be a little bit of selfishness in
14:01 you.
14:03 You know why I know? Because we all look out for numero uno.
14:08 We're always looking out for number one.
14:11 Take the now former coach of Notre Dame University's Fighting Irish football team.
14:17 Mnh-mnh. Had an incredible winning season this fall with his boys, who
14:24 played their hearts out for coach. In fact, they were just hours
14:28 away from finding out whether they're going to be playing for the national championship.
14:32 What are those playoff games gonna be like? When the word leaked out after
14:38 the fact that their coach had boarded a private jet. Shh.
14:44 And flew to a clandestine meeting with the officials of LSU, one of their great football
14:51 rivals, Louisiana State University.
14:56 Yep. And there he signed a deal, before the season is over,
15:01 before they've even been placed in playoff contention, he signed a deal to become the new head
15:08 coach for the LSU football team. Ostensibly because he didn't want to risk losing this job
15:13 offer. Well, what was the job off for, Dwight?
15:16 Well, it was for $100 million. Over 10 years. If I do my arithmetic correctly,
15:24 that's $10 million a year. The highest, the largest college football contract for a coach in
15:30 the history of the game.
15:32 And some of his boys found out about it on the news. Like I say, we're all selfish.
15:38 I'm not talking just about the coach. I'm talking about me.
15:42 I'm talking about you.
15:46 We are faced with a pandemic of selfishness, and everybody here has been bitten by the deadly
15:52 virus of self worship. Numero uno. Which is why we're going to have
15:59 a hard time with what we're about to plunge into, I just know, because of our bent, huh?
16:03 We're going to try to grasp what we are about to read. It is stunning in both its
16:07 clarity and depth, but we're going to need to open up our minds to the Holy Spirit right
16:12 now, and so I'm going to pray with you now. Father, send the spirit, open
16:17 our very selves to what we're about to see in this unusual Christmas story.
16:26 We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. I say it's unusual because for
16:31 this advent season, we're tracking three of Paul's retelling the Christmas story.
16:36 Galatians 4 last time. Today, Philippians 2, if you want to find it.
16:40 Philippians 2. And next Sabbath, on Christmas day, the best comes last, and
16:43 I'll let you find out next Sabbath. Alright, Philippians 2.
16:46 So open you Bible, please, right now, Philippians 2. A little prison epistle.
16:51 And these are not new words. You've read them before, but maybe they'll have a different
16:57 hue and a glow about them by sharing them together in this season.
17:04 Alright, Philippians 2. Paul sets the table for the Christmas story by beginning in
17:11 verse 3, alright? So I'm gonna be in the New International version.
17:16 Philippians 2, we're gonna begin in verse 3.
17:20 "Do nothing," Paul writes. Keep in mind what we've just been talking about.
17:25 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others
17:32 above yourselves. Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the
17:37 interests of the others." Wow. "In your relationships with one
17:42 another, have the same mind-set as Christ Jesus." And what mind-set is that?
17:48 Here is comes. "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with
17:56 God something to be used to his own advantage. Rather, he made himself..."
18:00 What's that word? "He made himself nothing." Not numero uno.
18:04 He made himself zero. He made himself nothing. The New King James actually
18:11 renders that line, "He made himself of no reputation." Oh, that's hard for you and me,
18:17 isn't it? Come on. Whenever we do something, and
18:20 again, I'm talking about myself and I risk talking about you. But whenever we do something,
18:25 whether we give something or say something or think something or decide something or grab
18:31 something or gossip something, we do it always to our own advantage.
18:35 Don't we? Which, by the way, would be a classic definition of
18:39 selfishness. Doing things for my own advantage.
18:42 I'm numero uno. We can all speak Spanish, and we know the meaning.
18:49 We do it academically. We do it professionally. Come on.
18:54 Yeah, we got a colleague we work with, we teach with, whatever. He, she puts out a bit of
19:00 research, and we, "Mm-hmm, yeah, not bad." We take it apart a little bit
19:06 just to show that it's not that perfect. We just give a little hint now
19:12 and then. Why do I do it? By making you smaller, I'm gonna
19:17 make myself bigger. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And we do it with social media.
19:23 Mm-hmm. We get on social media, and we find this malicious, this
19:27 delicious piece of gossip about somebody else. Shoo -- we hit "forward."
19:36 And there it goes. Hopefully it makes me feel better than I do.
19:42 Come on, we do it financially. Sure, we do. All of us doing out best to
19:46 accumulate, in this season of pandemic, too, we accumulate as much as we can with seemingly
19:51 total disregard of those who need our money. Get this.
19:54 Who need our money more than we do. Do you understand that?
19:59 They need our money more than we need it. Oh! That's mine.
20:04 I'm protecting this. Numero uno. So where do we get this
20:08 sickness, huh? Where do we get this sickness called selfishness?
20:12 Selfishness is just a code word for self worship. Where did it come from?
20:17 Oh, that's not rocket science. You can figure that one out real quickly.
20:19 There's been somebody that's spent his entire life training you and me, teaching you and me,
20:24 infecting you and me to look out for number one. Somebody has been at it the
20:29 whole time we've been alive on this planet. Yep.
20:32 So when Paul describes Christ, who did not consider equality with God something to used --
20:39 the old King James puts it this way -- "Christ, who did not consider equality with God
20:45 something to be grasped." Jesus didn't grasp this business of being numero uno.
20:50 But there was somebody in the courts above that grasped for that.
20:55 Said, "I want that for me." I will be like the most high. I will set my throne above the
21:02 stars of God. Who's that somebody? Lucifer.
21:05 Of course it is. He spent a lifetime, a very long lifetime, honing the virus of
21:14 the pandemic of selfishness. Lucifer. Of course, we should have known
21:19 it by his name. Isn't that right? Look at his name.
21:21 What's the middle letter in Lucifer's name? I mean, is this a coincidence or
21:25 what? Of course you can you can only do this in English.
21:31 What's the middle -- I hear some children. Boys and girls, what's the
21:36 middle letter in Lucifer's name? >> I! >> Alright, good.
21:39 Let me put another word up. What's the middle letter in "pride"?
21:44 What is it, boys and girls? >> I! >> I.
21:46 What's the middle letter in "sin"? >> I!
21:51 >> I. We have "I" trouble. All of us.
21:57 We knew that.
21:59 Yeah, that's how we got infected from the get-go.
22:03 By the way, here in the United States, we are on our way to a million cases of COVID-19,
22:10 in America alone. But I got another stat for you, even more stunning.
22:15 Here's the other stat. We are on our way on this planet to 8 billion cases of the deadly
22:23 virus of selfishness infected.
22:27 The numero uno. Wow. For that very reason, Paul
22:34 introduced us, what scholars say is probably the first -- well, if not the first, one of the
22:42 first Christian hymns sung during the time of the Book of Acts in those little house
22:46 churches. What we just read is the beginning of that hymn.
22:50 Why does he introduce the hymn? Because it contains the antidote to the deadly virus that is
22:56 killing all of us. That's why. And by the way, this little
23:00 Christmas story is actually a Christmas carol. That makes it a Christmas carol.
23:05 It's the first Christmas carol. It's singing about the birth of Jesus.
23:08 Let's read it again. So this is the preamble. "In all your relationships with
23:15 one another, have the same mind-set as Christ Jesus." Now starts the hymn.
23:20 Here it goes. "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with
23:25 God something to be used to his own advantage." Rather, he made himself nothing
23:31 by taking the very nature of a slave." That's the word there.
23:35 "Nature of a slave being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as
23:41 a man --" as a human -- "He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death."
23:47 And it goes even lower now. "Even death on a cross!"
23:56 Somewhere there in verse 7, somewhere in the heart of verse 7 is this capital "I" word that
24:03 we speak. "Incarnation." It's a Latin word.
24:07 "Carnal" in Latin means flesh. So enfleshment, incarnation. The enfleshment of God.
24:14 The word became flesh. The American writer Madeleine L'Engle, in her piece
24:21 "A Sky Full of Children", describes the mystery of the mystery of the incarnation this
24:25 way. It's a single sentence all the way through.
24:28 It ends with a question mark. It's a long sentence. But this very skillful writer,
24:33 here's how she asks the question. "Was there a moment, known only
24:39 to God, when all the stars held their breath, when the galaxies paused in their dance for a
24:45 fraction of a second, and the Word, who had called it all into being, went with all his love
24:52 into the womb of a young girl, and the universe started to breathe again, and the ancient
24:59 harmonies resumed their song, and the angels clapped for joy?" Was there a moment like that?
25:07 Wow, what did we just read? "He made himself nothing. There's that moment.
25:13 "He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a slave, being made in human
25:20 likeness." Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining.
25:26 Shining where? On a hill. Not on a hill far away, but on a hill outside a little town of
25:33 Bethlehem.
25:38 And not only were the angels clapping for joy that night. They were singing for joy.
25:42 Are you kidding? And guess what. They did that whole pantomime
25:50 for a rag tag bunch of lowly, humble shepherds. There's got to be lesson in
25:59 there somewhere. I mean, we're talking about lowly shepherds.
26:03 Do you know that in the society of that day, the only rung in the social ladder lower than
26:10 shepherd is leper.
26:13 They're that low.
26:16 And they're squatting around this spark strewn fire. Starry, starry night.
26:29 And they're wondering, "When will messiah come and deliver us from the bottom rung of life?"
26:38 And, boom, the heavens explode in light and song, and we know the song -- "Glory to God in the
26:46 Highest." And on earth, peace, good will to all.
26:50 "Desire of Ages" actually describes this moment as the brightest picture ever beheld by
26:58 human eyes. Woke up this morning at 4:15. Our power went out last night.
27:03 You're lucky yours didn't. 10 to 10:00, it went out. 'Cause the clock was stopped.
27:09 10 to 10:00. Woke up at 4:15. As dark as dark can be.
27:14 I went down to have worship. Darker than dark. No light from stereo, no light
27:18 from the computer, no light from the printer. No light at all.
27:24 Can you imagine going from a starry, starry night. Dark that would be.
27:29 To the brightest picture ever beheld by human eyes. There will only be one picture
27:34 yet to come that will be brighter. And what do you suppose that
27:37 will be? When the same angels return with the same Christ child.
27:43 It will be the brightest. It'll be brighter than that one. Every angel in the universe will
27:48 be on hand. Oh, my.
27:50 All of that for a rag tag band of earthy humble shepherds.
27:54 Persons of a low station being granted such a high calling.
27:57 There must be a lesson in this somewhere.
28:00 Because maybe in its own sort of way that is the truth of
28:05 Christmas that Paul is capturing here.
28:08 The high calling of a low station.
28:11 The high calling of a low station, when men of a low
28:15 station receive the highest calling.
28:18 Or flip it around. When the God of the highest
28:21 station moves to the lowest station.
28:25 Either way, unbelievable.
28:30 Wesley Hill, in a wonderful piece, short piece titled "What It Means To Be God", writes that
28:35 there are two ways to read the Christmas carol, alright? There are two ways to read it.
28:40 Now, the first way is the way we all read it, and there's nothing wrong with the way we all read
28:45 it. And how is the way we all read it?
28:47 So let me put Wesley Hill on the screen. Here's the way we read it.
28:50 We just did. "The mighty Son of God, who, together with his Father,
28:54 brought creation into being, subsequently deigned --" he stooped -- "to become a lowly
28:59 human being." Yes, sir, that's the way we read it.
29:02 "The equivalent of a powerful monarch being reduced to a scuttling beetle."
29:07 Wow! That's the right way to read it. In other words, he says,
29:13 "Despite sharing --" This is how we read it. Despite sharing equality with
29:17 God the Father, nevertheless Jesus the Son chose to give up that status for us."
29:23 Is that a correct way to read Philippians 2? It absolutely is.
29:26 We do it all the time. But Wesley Hill says there's another way to read this, and
29:31 I'd never seen this before. Let me share it with you. "But the original language is
29:36 ambiguous, and it's possible Paul might easily have meant something subtly different."
29:43 And you got to catch this. "Because Christ was in the form of God, therefore, he emptied
29:52 himself because God's character is self giving love all the way down, so to speak."
30:01 Now, what's he telling us? Here's what he's telling us. Christ shows the self emptying
30:06 because self emptying humility is the natural response of self sacrificing love, and God has
30:13 been self sacrificing love from stem to stern. He has always been self
30:18 sacrificing love, has he not? >> Yes. >> That is why God today is the
30:26 most humble being in this universe. He is the most humble being
30:31 alive. Phillip Yancey calls him "the shy God."
30:35 Oh, I like that. The humblest of all Gods is our God.
30:43 Jesus wanted to be close to us, and this was the only way his self emptying love could find.
30:53 So he comes this way. Highest calling of all, lowliest station of all.
31:02 And by the way, that's not only true at the cradle. That's true at the cross.
31:09 Because it gets even lowlier at Calvary. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
31:17 Could it be we have been called to the same self giving humility and love?
31:22 Could that be? Maybe that's Paul's point. Maybe this is what Paul is
31:29 hoping we'll catch. Our high calling is to his low station.
31:37 Meaning our highest calling is to seek his lowliest station, just like Jesus.
31:43 That's it. Learn from me, come on. Boy, in this season of the
31:48 pandemic, this semester has ended and we're all -- we're just -- yeah, really.
31:55 Out tongues are hanging out. How do we even make it? We don't know.
32:00 We're worn, we're worn out. We need to hear the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28.
32:04 And everybody knows Matthew 11:28. Come unto me, all you who labor
32:07 and are heavy laden, and I'll give you what? I'll give you rest.
32:11 But notice the next line. It's the next line. We need that rest.
32:14 Wonder if this is how to get that rest. Read this.
32:18 "Lean of Me," Jesus says, "For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your
32:25 souls." My, my, my, my, my. Our high calling is to seek his
32:32 low station, meaning our highest calling is his lowliest station, just like Jesus.
32:39 That's it. That's how you get rest, by the way.
32:43 You take the lowliest station. That's how you get rest. You want rest?
32:48 Worn as we are after this pandemic, two semesters. Oh, please.
32:53 That's how you get it. That's the secret to inner quiet, to inner peace, to this
33:02 inside rest in the midst of this turbulent storm.
33:09 "Learn of Me, for I am gentle --" What is it? "I am gentle and humble in
33:13 heart." I want you to listen now to a psychologically inspiring
33:21 observation. The classic on the life of Jesus, "Desire of Ages."
33:26 This is something else. "In the heart of Christ, where reigned perfect harmony with
33:32 God, there was perfect peace." How do we know that? Well, just watch.
33:38 "He was never elated by applause, not dejected by censure or disappointment."
33:46 Guess what. We are the exact opposite of Jesus.
33:51 We are pumped when we have applause. We are elated with applause.
33:57 Of course we feign humility. "No, no, no, no, please, please, please, don't clap.
34:02 Just throw money instead."
34:05 We are pumped by applause. And we are dejected by criticism.
34:09 Somebody comes along and challenges you, somebody comes along and speaks a word.
34:13 "That's not good what you did." "I disagree with you." That cuts us to the core. Why?
34:18 Because you touched numero uno! And my life is spent defending numero uno.
34:23 And I'll not receive that from you. No, I will not.
34:25 Many marriages break up right there. Right there.
34:29 Neither one will back down, neither one.
34:34 Yep, numero uno wins.
34:38 And both numero unos are broken. You can't win. You cannot win with numero uno.
34:46 You see, self is our bottom line. That's what keeps us going.
34:51 And if self gets ruffled, oh, man, we get knots in our stomach, we get fear in our
34:57 hearts, we get pain in our thinking processes. Self is our bottom line.
35:04 Jesus wasn't. Hey, he was never elated by applause.
35:07 I don't know what you're applauding about. This isn't me.
35:10 I do everything for my father. You want to thank somebody, thank him.
35:16 Oh, a demoniac is racing -- you remember this? The demoniac is racing at him.
35:21 This demoniac is gonna tear him to pieces, and Jesus has perfect peace.
35:26 Why? Because if it's my time to go, go ahead.
35:30 God will stop. God will stop this. Stop.
35:36 Pfft. That was it. Never elated by applause, dejected by disappointment,
35:41 danger. We don't have to live a life of fear.
35:46 We don't live a life of apprehension. We don't have to live a life
35:50 with a knot in the stomach. We can be just like Jesus. "Learn from Me," he says, boys
35:56 and girls. "Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart."
36:01 Yep. Oh, and boy, here comes the psychological stinger now.
36:08 This is where the wisdom follows us, the next line. I'll put it on the screen for
36:12 you. "It is the love of self that brings unrest."
36:17 Now, you can get your PhD in psychology, and eventually discover that.
36:21 But it'll still be true if you believe it right now.
36:26 The reason we have unrest is because we're defending something.
36:32 My reputation. "I am somebody! Don't you ever treat me like I'm
36:36 a nobody." We have to have that. But it is a love of self that
36:45 brings that unrest. Get off your high horse, get off.
36:52 Just walk. Like everybody else. Just walk with me.
36:57 "Learn from Me." I'm gentle and humble in heart. You'll be fine.
37:03 It isn't about you anyway. "Everything's about me." That's why I called you.
37:08 That's why I gave you the gifts you have, because it's all about me.
37:12 And I knew your gifts would tell me the story of me the best. That's why I need you.
37:20 Once I step out of that "it's about numero uno" and into nothing, then I'm suddenly
37:28 something. When I get to nothing, I become something.
37:32 But when I try to protect my something, I end up with nothing.
37:38 It's upside down. That's what we're being told. Oh, but if ended right there,
37:44 I'd be sad. But no, no, no. Except I do need to say this.
37:48 That love of self stuff, that's why this self-driven culture of politics and entertainment and
37:54 competition is so ferociously deadly to our souls, because we watch it, we imbibe it, we feast
38:00 on it, and then the devil says, "Good, I want you to be just like that, you understand that,
38:05 boy? You just be like that, and you'll be fine.
38:08 Stick up for yourself, don't let them walk on you. Come on, get 'em back."
38:14 The love of self is why we have such unrest. If we feed on the narcissism of
38:22 politics and the self-adulation and self-worship of the entertainment and sports worlds,
38:27 we will become as dysfunctional as they. It is the love of self that
38:32 brings unrest. Is there any hope? Yes, there is.
38:36 Next line. "When we are born from above, the same mind will be in us..."
38:42 Oh, I love this. "The same mind will be in us that was in Jesus, the mind that
38:48 led him to humble himself that we might be saved." Keep reading.
38:51 "Then we shall not be seeking the highest place. We shall desire to sit at the
38:57 feet of Jesus and learn of Him." Begin you day at the feet of Jesus, and that's about the best
39:03 posture there is. Every day just begin at the feet of Jesus.
39:08 You have nothing to prove.
39:12 We already believe you are of great worth. Doing one more thing will not
39:18 change our minds. Doing one less thing will not make us think less of you.
39:23 And it's the same with heaven. You just live for me, girl, boy. You just live for me.
39:31 You'll be fine. Yeah. "Learn from Me, for I am gentle
39:36 and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." How did Paul put it in the old
39:40 King James? "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ."
39:46 That's what we want. If the highest calling of life is to take the lowliest station
39:51 of life, then what do we have to fret, what do we have to fear, for we have chosen Jesus?
39:58 Mind to be our own. >> Let's read it one more time, this hymn -- this great hymn,
40:05 that's -- it's introduced with one line -- "In your relationships with one another,
40:09 have the same mind-set as Christ Jesus." Now, here comes that Christmas
40:13 carol -- "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to
40:18 be used to his own advantage." No, he did not. "Rather, he made himself nothing
40:24 by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
40:28 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even
40:35 all the way down to death on a cross." You see, ladies and gentlemen,
40:41 brothers and sisters, it's not only necessary to kneel at his cradle.
40:45 We must kneel at his cross. The cradle's not enough. The cradle only exists for the
40:53 cross. And the cross exists because of the cradle.
40:56 That's why the both of them go together. And by the way, He was not
41:01 only -- He was not only... in the lowliest station of life at his birth and at his death,
41:08 but everything in between, he was at that same lowliest station.
41:12 He never changed. Perfect peace. Rest in His soul.
41:18 No love of self. What's the solution for us? A few pages later, same book --
41:25 I love this -- "Pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the heart that keeps fresh in
41:32 memory the scenes of Calvary." Isn't that good? That's worth taking home.
41:40 Yeah. It cannot flourish -- not pride, not self-worship --
41:43 in a heart that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary. Guess what?
41:46 You have come to the perfect place and time today... to let this antidote pour over
41:54 your soul, and bring you that peace that only Jesus can give. Why?
41:59 Why today? Be today we go to the cross.
42:02 Never done this before. The cross at Christmastime? Yep.
42:04 The cross at Christmas. Why not? Cradle and cross.
42:08 Same truth.
42:10 He who is the highest station of all came down to the lowliest
42:15 station for the likes of you and me.
42:19 Wow.
42:20 It doesn't get any better than that, really.
42:22 This Christmas, what I want most is that peace of Jesus.
42:25 I want that rest. This has been a ragged semester
42:28 for all of us. I want that rest.
42:31 I want that perfect peace. The deliverance of Jesus from
42:34 the unrest of the love of self.
42:39 And if that's what you want, may I be the first to welcome you to the Lord' table.
42:45 There it is, ready to go.
42:50 By the way, the Lord's table was made out of the wooden cradle. It is constructed out of the
42:54 wooden cradle.
42:57 It is also fashioned out of the wooden cross. So, in the wooden Lord's table,
43:02 you have the cradle and the cross together in Christ. Yeah.
43:09 Oh, come, let us adore him. Oh, come. Let us adore him.
43:15 Oh, come, let us adore him -- Christ. I just love that carol.
43:19 Christ our Lord. Sing for us, now, please.
43:24 [ "O Come, All Ye Faithful" plays]
43:26 ♪♪ ♪♪
43:38 ♪♪ >> Both: ♪ O come,
43:46 all ye faithful ♪ ♪ Joyful and triumphant
43:54 ♪ O come ye, o come ye ♪ To Bethlehem
44:05 ♪ Come and behold Him ♪ Born the King of A-a-angels
44:17 >> ♪ O come, let us adore Him >> ♪ O come, let us adore Him
44:27 >> Both: ♪ O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Loooord ♪
44:37 ♪♪ ♪ Sing, choirs of angels
44:48 ♪ Sing in exultation ♪ Sing, all ye citizens
44:57 ♪ of heaven above ♪ Glory to God
45:07 ♪ Glory in the hi-i-ighest
45:14 ♪ O come, let us adoooore Him ♪ O come, let us adore Him
45:26 ♪ Chri-ist the Loooord ♪♪
45:36 ♪ Yea, Lord, we greet thee ♪ Born this happy morning
45:46 ♪ Jesus, to thee ♪ be glo-ory given
45:59 ♪ Woooord of the Faaaather ♪ Now in flesh appearing
46:18 >> ♪ O come, let us adore Him >> ♪ O come, let us adore Him
46:29 >> Both: ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪
46:35 ♪ Chrii-ist the Looord ♪♪
46:46 ♪ Amen ♪ Ameeeeeen
47:03 ♪♪ ♪♪
47:16 ♪♪ >> Jesus had looked forward
47:25 eagerly to share the Passover meal with his disciples.
47:29 So, here they are, in the upper room.
47:33 But the disciples didn't understand what we now
47:37 understand.
47:37 You see, Jesus had not yet given his flesh for the life of the
47:42 world. And they didn't quite understand
47:45 everything he said. But they knew there was
47:48 something special about the moment.
47:51 It felt intimate and close.
47:56 And so, today, let's listen to Jesus himself speak to us
48:01 his words at the table to his disciples,
48:05 as Elder Lynell de Wind. will read for us some of the
48:08 Gospel of Mark -- after which, Elder Mordekai Ongo
48:12 will pray for us, giving God thanks for the emblems which we
48:16 will partake of today.
48:20 >> The reading today is from Mark 14, verse 22-26.
48:25 "While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks,
48:29 and broke it, and gave it to his disciples,
48:32 saying, 'Take it. This is my body.'
48:37 Then, he took cup, gave thanks, and offered it to them,
48:41 and they all drank from it. 'This is my blood of
48:45 the Covenant, which is poured out for many', he said to them.
48:49 'I tell you the truth -- I will not drink again of the
48:53 fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it anew
48:56 in the Kingdom of God.' When they had sung a hymn,
49:00 they went out to the Mount of Olives."
49:04 >> Let us -- Let us pray.
49:07 Oh, Father, here we come to the table at your invitation.
49:14 We confess our sins. Oh, God, we have been engulfed
49:20 in the sinful scene of self-worship and pride.
49:25 We cannot overcome this on our own, but because of your love,
49:31 you were born, and you were willing -- took humility,
49:37 stooped so low to die for us sinners.
49:42 And so, here we come. We want to thank you, oh God,
49:46 for that majestic love. And as we come to the table this
49:50 morning, there is room for everyone.
49:54 And we pray and thank you that you will forgive us for our
49:59 sins, that you create in us clean hearts, oh, God, that,
50:04 when we leave here, we may be renewed...
50:07 go forth in faith, and trust in you, always,
50:11 forever praising your name. So, as we partake of these
50:14 emblems that symbolize your body and blood...
50:20 may you, alone, be lifted up. For we ask all this in the
50:25 loving name of Jesus Christ, our savior.
50:28 Amen.
50:29 ♪♪ ♪♪
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51:14 >> And so, Jesus took the bread, and he invited them to partake
51:19 of its life-giving power. Life-giving power because it
51:23 represented his broken body. And He said, "Take. Eat.
51:28 This is my body."
51:30 ♪♪ ♪♪
51:42 And in the same manner... He took the cup.
51:47 And He said, "This is my blood of the Covenant, which is
51:52 poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sin.
51:57 Drink, all of you."
52:00 ♪♪ ♪♪
52:14 As we have united around the table today...
52:19 we are reminded that we are brothers and sisters in Christ,
52:25 that we are members of one body. And so, I invite you to stand as
52:30 we sing stanzas one, four, and five of hymn number 140,
52:35 which will be on the screen.
52:38 ♪♪ ♪♪
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53:07 ♪♪
55:11 >> And now for the Benediction. May the God of Peace, who called
55:16 up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the Sheep,
55:22 through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant,
55:25 equip you with ever good thing to do His will, working in you
55:30 that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus, to whom be
55:34 glory forever and ever. Amen.
55:45 >> What is it about the holiday season that has given you the
55:47 greatest joy? Is it the time spent cutting
55:50 down the family Christmas tree at the local farm,
55:53 or maybe a special ornament placed on that lighted bough?
55:57 Or do you find joy in contemplating the profound
55:59 meaning of the carols we sing? Maybe Christmas joy is found in
56:03 the memories you make together with friends and family,
56:06 or the spirit of giving that surrounds this season.
56:09 As we reflect on these joys, let's always remember the great
56:13 light who guides us -- the one who brings joy and meaning to
56:16 life -- a loving father who is at the heart of all treasured
56:19 relationships, and the wonderful God who gave the ultimate gift
56:23 in newborn child.
56:25 Some of my joy this season comes in part from your letters,
56:29 your prayers, and your faithful giving of support to this
56:31 ministry, which reaches literally around the world.
56:34 If you've been blessed this year, I'd like to ask you to
56:37 join the many people who financially support this global
56:40 New Perceptions Ministry.
56:42 It's simple to do. Just call our free-number --
56:45 877 -- two words - His Will. One of our friendly operators
56:50 will be happy to help you. You can also click the "donate"
56:52 link at the top of our website. Trust me, no gift is too small
56:56 for God to use to spread the good news of His love,
57:00 His sacrifice, and His future plans for our happiness.
57:03 Every gift, by the way, is entirely invested in our
57:07 mission to communicate God's good news to a generation who
57:10 needs the hope found in Jesus, which will bring them to joy
57:14 in life. So, once again, the number to
57:16 call is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:19 This season, my wish for you is that the Mighty God,
57:23 the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace,
57:25 will be at the heart of the very best memories made together
57:29 with your family and friends.
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Revised 2021-12-29