New Perceptions

A Banner Unfurled: "The Peace of Wild Things"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP220115S

00:13 Would you stand with me and sing a children's song
00:17 about the river of life that can flow through us?
00:21 Please stand up.
00:23 We'll start slow as the children do
00:25 and then we'll go a little faster, okay?
00:34 I've got a river of life flowing out of me
00:39 Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see
00:44 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free
00:50 I've got a river of life flowing out of me
00:54 Spring up, O well, within my soul
00:59 Spring up, O well, and make me whole
01:05 Spring up, O well, and give to me
01:11 That life abundantly
01:14 Let's speed it up a little bit.
01:16 I've got a river of life flowing out of me
01:21 Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see
01:25 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free
01:30 I've got a river of life flowing out of me
01:34 Spring up, O well, within my soul
01:38 Spring up, O well, and make me whole
01:43 Spring up, O well, and give to me
01:48 That life abundantly
01:56 And now, we're going to slow it down
01:58 and we're going to talk about
01:59 how we come to God in His worship.
02:02 You can come to Him in humble spirit,
02:05 in prayer, and in singing.
02:07 And remember that our God is an awesome God,
02:10 so join us as we sing the songs.
02:15 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
02:18 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
02:20 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
02:23 Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord
02:26 And He shall lift you up
02:32 Higher and higher
02:33 And He shall lift you up
02:41 Our God is an awesome God
02:44 He reigns from heaven above
02:48 With wisdom, power and love
02:52 Our God is an awesome God
02:55 Kneel and pray...
02:57 Kneel and pray in the sight of the Lord
03:00 Kneel and pray in the sight of the Lord
03:03 Kneel and pray in the sight of the Lord
03:06 Kneel and pray in the sight of the Lord
03:09 And He shall lift you up
03:15 Higher and higher
03:16 And He shall lift you up
03:23 Our God is an awesome God
03:27 He reigns from heaven above
03:31 With wisdom, power and love
03:34 Our God is an awesome God
03:38 Sing a new song...
03:40 Sing a new song in the sight of the Lord
03:43 Sing a new song in the sight of the Lord
03:45 Sing a new song in the sight of the Lord
03:48 Sing a new song in the sight of the Lord
03:51 And He shall lift you up
03:57 Higher and higher
03:59 And He shall lift you up
04:06 Our God is an awesome God
04:10 He reigns from heaven above
04:13 With wisdom, power and love
04:17 Our God is an awesome God
04:20 Our God is an awesome God
04:24 He reigns from heaven above
04:28 With wisdom, power and love
04:32 Our God is an awesome God
04:44 Our Scripture today
04:46 is Colossians 1:15-17.
04:52 "The Son is the image of the invisible God,
04:55 the firstborn over all creation.
04:58 For in Him all things were created,
05:01 things in heaven and on earth,
05:04 visible and invisible,
05:08 whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities,
05:11 all things have been created through Him
05:14 and for Him.
05:16 He's before all things
05:18 and in Him all things hold together."
05:31 Redeemed how I love to proclaim it
05:36 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:40 Redeemed through His infinite mercy
05:45 His child and forever I am
05:49 Redeemed, redeemed
05:54 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:58 Redeemed how I love to proclaim it
06:03 His child, and forever, I am
06:08 Redeemed and so happy in Jesus
06:13 No language my rapture can tell
06:17 I know that the light of His presence
06:22 With me doth continually dwell
06:26 Redeemed, redeemed
06:31 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
06:35 Redeemed how I love to proclaim it
06:40 His child, and forever, I am
06:48 You may be seated.
15:07 Let's pray.
15:11 Oh God, just watching life transpire like that
15:13 on the screen,
15:15 leaves us out of breath.
15:18 It's the lives we are living in the fast lane
15:23 of this culture as a nation,
15:25 this planet.
15:29 Any way you can help us,
15:32 speak to us through ancient scripture.
15:36 Engage our minds, address our lives,
15:41 we humbly pray in Jesus' name.
15:44 Amen.
15:46 I want you to listen to a quieting poem
15:50 written by the American poet, Wendell Berry.
15:54 The title, The Peace of Wild Things.
15:59 Let me put it on the screen because poems,
16:01 if you can see it while you're listening,
16:03 it sure helps.
16:04 So here's Wendell Berry,
16:07 The Peace of Wild Things.
16:11 "When despair for the world grows in me
16:14 and I wake in the night
16:15 at the least sound in fear
16:17 of what my life and my children's lives may be.
16:22 I go and lie down where the wood drake
16:26 rests in his beauty on the water,
16:30 and the great heron feeds.
16:34 I come into the peace of wild things,
16:37 who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.
16:42 I come into the presence of still water.
16:46 And I feel above me the day-blind stars
16:49 waiting with their light.
16:52 For a time,
16:54 I rest in the grace of the world,
16:59 and am free."
17:01 Isn't that beautiful?
17:04 He gets that last line, "For a time,
17:08 I rest in the grace of the world,
17:12 and am free."
17:15 I wish that were true about us Americans,
17:18 don't you?
17:20 Let me run the numbers by you.
17:23 It loaded this, "70% of American adults report
17:27 they obtained insufficient sleep
17:30 at least one night a month."
17:33 Only one night?
17:36 Here's another one, "11% report
17:38 insufficient sleep every night."
17:41 Now we're all there together.
17:45 "The National Institutes of Health predicts
17:47 that America's sleep debt is on the rise,
17:51 and that by the middle of the 21st century,
17:53 more than 100 million Americans
17:56 will have difficulty falling asleep."
18:00 Oh boy.
18:03 "Presently the cost to industry and medicine
18:05 for sleep deprived Americans
18:06 stands at $63.2 billion per year
18:11 of lost productivity."
18:14 And I know what you're thinking up in the balcony
18:18 that's just about you,
18:20 poor adults in America.
18:23 And since you brought it up and you're in the balcony,
18:25 let's talk about teens, okay?
18:27 Here we go.
18:29 "73% of teens are getting less than the recommended
18:33 8-10 hours of sleep per night."
18:36 You say, "8-10 hours of sleep,
18:38 but I don't have to get 8-10 hours of sleep anymore.
18:40 I'm a teen now."
18:42 That's what you get when you're a kid.
18:43 Oh yeah, watch this.
18:44 "Teens need more sleep than they did as children
18:47 because of their development spurt
18:49 their bodies and minds are experiencing."
18:53 Hey, keep watching, teens.
18:55 Teens with short sleep...
18:56 Okay, so that's a technical term.
18:58 What's short sleep?
18:59 6.5 hours or less in bed a night.
19:03 That's not lying on the floor with your ear pods.
19:06 No, it's in bed, 6.5 hours or less a night.
19:10 "Teens with short sleep consumed 12 extra grams
19:15 of sugar each day."
19:17 Now, why would they do that?
19:19 Because when you're sleep deprived,
19:20 your blood sugar's down and your body knows,
19:23 "Get some sugar in me."
19:25 And so where do teens turn?
19:28 They turn to junk food, drinks, whatever to wake themselves up.
19:32 And watch,
19:34 when you calculate it over a year, hold on,
19:36 that's an extra 4.5 pounds of sugar every year
19:39 for sleep deprived teens,
19:41 confirming the pediatric obesity crisis
19:44 in America.
19:46 I guess, we're all sleep deprived.
19:51 Poor America, my, oh my massive,
19:55 sleep deprivation.
19:56 What's that line from Wendell Berry's poem?
19:59 "I rest in the grace of the world,
20:03 and am free."
20:05 I'm thinking that's the perfect line
20:08 for God's antidote to America's sleeplessness.
20:13 Let's check it out. Come on.
20:14 Let's go.
20:15 Grab your Bible, Genesis Chapter 1.
20:17 Let's go back to the creation story again.
20:19 You got a Bible there.
20:20 If you got it on your device, that's fine.
20:23 Genesis Chapter 1 in the beginning,
20:26 "So six days of creation have now been completed."
20:29 Yeah, we know the story.
20:30 Genesis Chapter 1 and we drop all the way down
20:32 to the very end of Chapter 1
20:34 in this book of beginnings,
20:35 and here it is, verse 6.
20:38 "And God saw all that He had made
20:43 and it was very good.
20:45 And there was evening and there was morning,
20:47 the sixth day.
20:50 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed
20:52 in all their vast array."
20:54 Now, I want you to watch first something happened in.
20:56 Moses who wrote this,
20:59 he's going to use the two-word phrase seventh day,
21:04 he's going to use it three times.
21:06 You count and we're going to read it
21:08 on the screen together.
21:09 And every time that word seventh day appears,
21:12 it appears in a sentence seven words
21:15 in the Hebrew long,
21:17 seven words long, seventh day.
21:20 This isn't just some little fly by night.
21:22 Oh, by the way, there's a seventh day.
21:24 This is calculated to show the character
21:30 of the seventh day.
21:31 "So thus the heavens and the earth were completed
21:32 in all their vast array..."
21:34 Now you can count them.
21:36 By the seventh day God had finished the work
21:39 He had been doing.
21:40 "So on the seventh day He rested from all His work.
21:44 Then God blessed the seventh day
21:47 and made it holy
21:49 because on it He rested from all the work of creating
21:51 that He had done."
21:53 What's going on here?
21:55 Something intentional has taken place.
21:59 God will eventually call it
22:01 to borrow the Hebrew word for rest Shabbat.
22:05 It is the divine creation of Shabbat.
22:11 What's up with Shabbat?
22:12 I'll show you what's up with Shabbat.
22:14 I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
22:19 When you think about Shabbat,
22:23 I want to tell you in the heart of it,
22:25 is not just rest, rest, sleep deprived as we are.
22:30 It's about the rest of our relationship.
22:33 Watch this.
22:37 If our Creator wanted to simply create a day
22:41 at the end of every week
22:42 so that you can catch up on all the sleep
22:44 you missed in the previous six days
22:45 that would have been one thing.
22:47 That's the way we celebrate Shabbat by the way.
22:48 It's the day to catch up.
22:50 But no, no, no, He has something in mind.
22:56 I'm going to run three lines by you.
22:58 First line, I learned from a friend of mine,
23:02 a very bright physicist.
23:03 He died just last year.
23:04 His name is Clark Rowland.
23:07 He taught me this years ago,
23:08 and I've never forgotten the line.
23:11 I'll put it on the screen for you
23:12 and you'll see why I haven't forgotten it.
23:15 "God is a Being questing for friends."
23:18 Do you want to know the truth about the Creator?
23:21 He's a Being questing for friends.
23:24 He lives for that.
23:26 He is that.
23:28 This is the quintessence of who He is,
23:31 I'm a Being questing for friends.
23:33 Now, along comes the American novelist,
23:35 Reynolds Price.
23:36 And he says, "I'll put it this way for you."
23:39 He's probably right.
23:41 "The Maker of all things loves and wants me."
23:44 That's the line we've run by a few times,
23:46 you and me.
23:47 Both lines are teaching an eternal truth.
23:50 Never forget this because this is the core.
23:53 This is the hard core,
23:54 the soft core of the seventh day.
23:57 Here's the truth,
23:58 relationship is what matters most to God.
24:03 That's the deal.
24:05 You want to know what matters most to God?
24:07 It's relationship.
24:10 So when He creates the planet in six days,
24:12 and He says, "You know what?
24:14 We need one more day."
24:15 What do you suppose that one more day would be for?
24:18 You guessed it, for relationship.
24:20 God is a Being questing for friends.
24:21 I want to have a day, just the same length 24 hours.
24:25 It's not going to come at the beginning of the week.
24:26 It's not going to come in the middle of the week.
24:28 It's not going to come on the fifth day of the week.
24:30 It's going to come on the seventh day of the week.
24:33 I will have a day
24:35 where they will learn the truth of Me.
24:38 I am a Being questing for friends.
24:42 The Maker of all things loves and wants me, why?
24:46 Because relationship is a huge deal
24:50 to the Being who created you
24:52 and the Being who created me, that's why.
24:57 Norman Gulley, a friend of mine, he...
25:00 Actually, I was a kid growing up in Japan.
25:02 He was teaching at the college in Japan.
25:03 He's written this systematic theology,
25:05 three volumes so far.
25:07 And this is volume number two and it's titled,
25:09 Creation Christ and Salvation.
25:11 So my friend Norman Gulley,
25:13 picking up on this relational reality of the Sabbath,
25:16 his words now on the screen,
25:17 "God created humans to enjoy a reciprocal love relationship
25:21 with the Trinity as experienced in the inner history
25:25 or communion among the persons of the Trinity."
25:29 Oh, I like that. Keep reading.
25:30 "What an awesome privilege," Norman writes.
25:33 "Their first full day of life..."
25:36 Think about it.
25:38 Their first full 24-hour period
25:40 they ever had on this planet home of theirs.
25:42 Their first full day of life
25:44 was lived in sacred communion with their Creator,
25:47 the pre-incarnate Christ.
25:50 If the Sabbath was necessary before the fall,
25:53 how much more it is needed
25:56 throughout human history after the fall?
25:59 Come on.
26:00 That's little throwaway.
26:03 We don't need it anymore.
26:05 Rubbish.
26:08 God is a Being questing for friends.
26:10 Why would He ever get rid of a day
26:12 in which He can go
26:14 deep, deep, deep, deeper, deep?
26:16 Come on, girl, come here.
26:17 Come on, boy, come here.
26:18 We're going deeper today, deeper, deeper.
26:20 Why would He get rid of the day for the human race
26:25 when this day shows us that the Maker of all things
26:27 loves and wants me?
26:30 Oh my, my, my.
26:32 And here's why this point is such a big deal
26:35 and why I'm standing up here today.
26:38 I believe that if you and I can grasp this,
26:40 I mean, if we really get it...
26:42 Not just, "Okay. Okay.
26:43 Yeah, I got that. Next."
26:45 No, if we go deep with this thought,
26:47 if we grasp this,
26:48 I believe that the experiential
26:52 significance of the Sabbath,
26:54 the existential significance of the Sabbath,
26:57 which is relationship is what matters most to God.
27:00 I believe that truth,
27:02 that significance
27:04 suddenly makes simple
27:09 this idea of you and me
27:12 on the seventh day of every week
27:15 of our life forever.
27:18 It makes all the sense in the world for you and me
27:22 to discover how on this day to go deeper.
27:25 And by the way, what is obviously saying to us
27:28 is that this is not going to be trouble.
27:29 This is not going to be a burden.
27:31 Are you kidding?
27:33 This is a gift.
27:34 Oh, come on.
27:35 I know the Ten Commandments like you do.
27:37 Sure I do.
27:38 I know how the Fourth Commandment
27:39 begins.
27:41 Everybody knows how the Fourth Commandment
27:42 begins.
27:44 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
27:45 Yeah, I know that.
27:46 And I know I have a lot of friends
27:48 in the evangelical community that say,
27:49 "You know what?
27:50 This idea of the seventh day Sabbath
27:54 that's a vestige of ancient legalism
27:57 and we don't do it anymore."
27:59 Oh, really?
28:00 Yeah, you know, vestige no longer necessary.
28:04 I didn't know that.
28:07 "I suppose you shall not kill
28:08 is also a vestige of ancient legalism
28:10 and we don't do it anymore.
28:12 No, we don't kill."
28:14 "Well, how about steal?" "No, no, no, we don't steal."
28:16 "Well, how about bearing false witness?"
28:18 "No, we don't bear false witness."
28:19 "How about dishonoring my mommy and my daddy?"
28:21 "No, you can't do that.
28:23 It's against the Ten Commandments."
28:25 Well listen, my friend,
28:26 you're telling me that nine out of the Ten Commandments
28:27 are not legalistic if you do them
28:29 but if you do one of them, it's legalistic?
28:31 Give me a break.
28:32 What kind of silly game is this?
28:34 Who came up with it?
28:36 Are you making the rules,
28:38 or is this book making the rules?
28:40 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
28:43 Especially when I remember that the finger
28:46 of the being who brought me into existence
28:49 once upon a long ago time
28:51 that finger reached out of a fiery light.
28:54 And that finger began to carve on tablets of granite,
28:59 the Decalogue and He carved the words,
29:02 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
29:08 That's not legalism at all.
29:10 It's coming to know this Being
29:13 who is questing for friends.
29:17 The Maker of all things who loves and wants me.
29:20 All 10 are gift because He loves and wants me,
29:23 the fourth one included.
29:26 That's not rocket science.
29:27 That's Holy Scripture.
29:30 What's the big deal?
29:32 The big deal is relationship is what matters most to God.
29:35 That's the core.
29:36 That's the quintessence of God's character,
29:39 which is why He made a day
29:41 accentuating our relationship with our Creator
29:43 and He made sure would come
29:45 at the end of every single week,
29:46 perpetually, for the rest of time
29:47 from the beginning of time to the end of time.
29:49 Has time ended yet? No.
29:51 So then it's still in force.
29:54 It never ends.
29:56 As long as there's a seven day week,
29:57 it will end with Shabbat.
30:00 And that's the greatest command,
30:02 you and me, we'll go deeper today.
30:03 You and me, just you and me.
30:06 Whoa.
30:08 And as if to prove it.
30:10 You get out the old King James Version,
30:11 and you read the apocalypse, the Bible's last book.
30:14 This line is in Revelation,
30:16 and I love it in the old King James.
30:18 So here it is.
30:19 Without apology, we're going to read
30:20 some old Shakespearean English.
30:22 Here we go.
30:23 "Thou art worthy, O Lord..."
30:25 By the way, God is sitting on a throne at this moment.
30:27 He's surrounded by these living creatures
30:29 and 24 elders.
30:31 I mean, and the whole, all of heaven.
30:33 "Thou art worthy, O Lord,
30:35 to receive glory and honor and power:
30:37 for thou hast created all things."
30:39 So they're singing now.
30:41 They're singing to the Creator.
30:42 "Thou hast created all things and for thy"
30:44 and I put the line there,
30:46 "for thy pleasure
30:48 they are and were created."
30:53 For your pleasure, can you believe it?
30:57 Did it ever occur to you that God enjoys you
31:00 for the sheer pleasure of knowing you?
31:06 You see, we've all thought it's the other way around.
31:08 No, I'm created, you were created
31:10 so that we can have the sheer pleasure
31:12 of knowing Him.
31:14 God says, "No, it's the other way around.
31:17 For My pleasure, I wanted you.
31:21 You got born because I chose you.
31:23 You got born into this life because I call for you.
31:28 It's My pleasure to have you."
31:30 Listen, this day is created for God to connect with us
31:33 so that His pleasure might be realized
31:36 and our pleasure might be fulfilled.
31:37 What's wrong with that?
31:39 You got a problem with that?
31:41 No.
31:43 Oh God, You are worthy
31:44 to receive glory and honor and power,
31:46 for you have created all things and for Your pleasure
31:48 they are and were created.
31:50 My, my.
31:52 A.W Tozer who wrote that 70 years ago,
31:55 runaway bestseller for evangelical America,
31:59 The pursuit of God.
32:00 You come to house of prayer on Wednesday nights.
32:02 We just started a journey through it.
32:04 You can only come through zoom.
32:05 But if you're serious about coming,
32:07 you just call us
32:08 and you give us an email address and your name,
32:10 and we'll send you the link.
32:13 I'm going through the book right now.
32:14 This is dynamite. Look at this.
32:16 A.W Tozer, "God formed us for His pleasure
32:20 and so formed us that we as well as He
32:23 can in divine communion,"
32:25 oh, I live this, "enjoy the sweet
32:27 and mysterious mingling of kindred personalities."
32:31 Isn't that good?
32:33 Keep reading.
32:34 "He meant us to see Him and live with Him
32:37 and draw our life from His smile."
32:42 Beautiful!
32:44 To me, this is the heart of the "raison d'etre"
32:47 for this seventh day Sabbath.
32:50 "He means us to see Him and to live with Him
32:53 and to draw our life from His smile."
32:59 We aren't talking about bad news here, folks.
33:00 We're talking about the best news a human race
33:02 can possibly have
33:03 and that is God wanted you,
33:05 and that's why you're alive right now.
33:06 And He has a way to meet you perpetually,
33:08 the seventh day of every week for the rest of your life.
33:12 What's bad news about that?
33:15 Not a thing.
33:18 In fact, I want you to hear God say this to you.
33:21 I never knew this till this week.
33:23 This is something else.
33:25 The Christ, the pre-incarnate Christ,
33:30 who is the Creator,
33:31 is talking to one of His closest friends
33:35 He's ever had.
33:36 The man named Moses.
33:38 They're in deep conversation and Christ says to Him.
33:42 I want to remind you about creation.
33:45 So this is not Genesis now.
33:46 There's a whole another picture.
33:48 Watch this.
33:49 He says, "Moses, I want to remind you
33:50 about creation, how it affected Me."
33:52 Okay, let's take a look.
33:54 Exodus 31:17, He's speaking to Moses,
33:57 "The Sabbath will be a sign.
34:01 Every perpetual seventh day,
34:03 the Sabbath will be a sign
34:05 between me and the Israelites forever."
34:08 "See, I've told you Sabbath is made for the Jews."
34:11 Well, you're contradicting the Lord Himself.
34:13 He said the Sabbath was made for man.
34:16 If that means the Sabbath was made for the Jews,
34:19 then when He says, "The woman is made for man,"
34:22 she was made only for Jews and nobody here believes that.
34:26 I don't think, right?
34:30 But that's how we can be.
34:31 Israelites, do you have a problem with that?
34:33 Paul comes along in Galatians Chapter 6
34:35 and he calls every Christian an Israelite.
34:37 This is the children of His...
34:38 We are the children of Israel.
34:40 Well, who are you talking about, Paul?
34:41 I'm talking about the Christian Church.
34:42 That's who I'm talking about.
34:44 There's no question in the New Testament
34:45 is real now,
34:46 it's through the church instead of literal Israel,
34:51 real life Jews.
34:53 But the church is to be the Israelites of God.
34:57 I don't have a problem with Him saying,
34:58 "I made this for everybody."
35:01 That's what He's saying, for everybody.
35:03 "The Sabbath will be a sign
35:04 between Me and the Israelites forever.
35:06 For in six days, the Lord made the heavens in the earth,
35:09 and on the seventh day He rested."
35:11 And now, he's adding something
35:12 that's not in the creation story.
35:14 "And on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
35:18 I got to tell you about that word refreshed.
35:22 We cannot conclude.
35:23 That's somehow it was so taxing
35:26 for the Creator to do six days...
35:28 I can't...
35:30 Six days I made at this.
35:31 I am worn.
35:34 I never thought making humans would be so tiring.
35:36 That can't be it.
35:39 He's rested and refreshed.
35:43 Robert Alter, I looked at him last week.
35:46 This one man interpreter of the Hebrew Bible.
35:50 Robert Alter calls this word a flagrant anthropomorphism.
35:54 In other words, he says
35:55 this is unusual to use this word on God
35:57 because this is a very humanesque kind of word.
36:00 And Alter renders it, God caught his breath.
36:04 And Alter says, "The reason I'm doing that here
36:06 is because in Chapter 23,
36:08 when the Israelites came to the Sabbath,
36:09 it says they caught their breath,
36:11 and it's the same word there.
36:13 So I want it to be the same word here,
36:15 and God caught his breath."
36:17 It's almost like God...
36:19 when it comes to the Sabbath, God says,
36:20 "Hey guys, let's catch our breath together."
36:23 But it cannot be that God's worn out.
36:25 It cannot be God said, "I need some rest, please.
36:27 How about you?"
36:28 No, something else was going on here.
36:32 And by the way,
36:33 also it cannot be that God is so proud
36:38 of what He's done in creating the world
36:40 that He just wants to glow over it
36:43 because He's already done that in the sixth day.
36:45 And by the way,
36:46 don't be hard on God you do that.
36:48 You make a little something that you watched on YouTube
36:51 and you saw the little pattern and you saw it.
36:52 You are so proud, you're showing everybody.
36:55 A little recipe that you got in some Internet site,
36:58 you make you hand it out to everybody,
36:59 "Hey, I made this."
37:02 When you make something, you're naturally proud.
37:05 That's not an evil pride.
37:06 God was proud.
37:07 He says, "This is really good.
37:10 Did I do it?" "Yeah, You did."
37:13 So it can't be that that's what it means
37:16 when He's refreshing Himself.
37:20 By the way, Karen and I over the holiday,
37:24 we have a week of a little holiday break.
37:27 And so my Christmas gift from Karen was a backup camera
37:31 for my old Camry.
37:32 I've just been wishing and wishing.
37:35 Why didn't the car come with one?
37:37 So she bought it for me.
37:39 The problem is we had to install it
37:41 so we took seven hours.
37:44 She's sitting on the front row, I cannot lie.
37:47 We took seven hours over two days.
37:50 And she's Miss DIY. She's the teen in our family.
37:53 So now she's, "Dwight, Dwight, look at the screen drive.
37:55 No, you don't know.
37:57 Do this."
37:58 Seven hours to put it in.
38:01 And by the way, we're still married.
38:07 Yeah, thank you.
38:08 You thought that was a big treat.
38:12 We had fun doing it.
38:13 I'm telling you the truth. We have fun.
38:15 It was something we had just uniquely us
38:17 and we're both brainless
38:19 when it comes to technology
38:20 so that's why it was so fun.
38:22 So it's okay for God to say, "Hey, yo, this is really good."
38:27 Nothing is wrong with that.
38:28 But it can't be that,
38:30 He already did that on the sixth day.
38:31 So what's going on here?
38:32 I'll tell you what's going on.
38:34 Why is He being refreshed?
38:35 He's being refreshed because on the seventh day,
38:39 this brand new human race
38:41 He becomes one-to-one with them in a relationship
38:46 He's never had before with them.
38:48 Remember we just found out from Norman Gulley,
38:51 their first 24-hour,
38:52 full 24-hour day was with the Creator.
38:56 It's because of a relationship.
38:59 So this is what they were made for.
39:03 This is what I am and now we're together.
39:07 Oh no, God was refreshed. You know why?
39:10 Because the Maker of all things loves and wants me.
39:13 You know why?
39:14 Because God is a Being questing for friends.
39:16 Do you know why?
39:18 Because relationship
39:19 was what matters most to our Creator.
39:21 The Shabbat is to celebrate,
39:25 perpetually, forever,
39:28 the day the Creator and us
39:31 became one human race with God.
39:35 That's a big deal.
39:37 It's a big deal. Amen and amen.
39:39 Oh, wow.
39:40 Yeah, amen indeed.
39:42 These aging words from creation do remind us of Augustine
39:45 and everybody gets excited about
39:46 the last half of Augustine's...
39:48 Augustine is we should say, sentence.
39:51 But you know that you've read these words many times,
39:53 "Thou has formed us for Thyself
39:56 and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee."
40:00 Now for a sleep deprived,
40:02 restless America, this is great
40:03 because this says our restlessness
40:05 can be met by a fresh rest in God.
40:09 But we forget that
40:11 there's the first part of the sentence,
40:12 "You have formed us for yourself,
40:15 by the way for your pleasure you have formed us."
40:20 We were made for the pleasure of Almighty God.
40:26 And that's why your heart skips a beat
40:28 when you realize Jesus is in the room with you.
40:31 The Holy Spirit does a little something to you,
40:33 and you're not the same.
40:35 And you realize, "Whoa, what's happening here?"
40:37 Because you were made for that.
40:39 You were made to connect
40:40 with your Creator every seventh day, perpetually,
40:45 forever and ever into the future.
40:48 That will be you in the Creator's day.
40:52 Why would anybody say, "Oh, we don't like it"?
40:55 And by the way, you say, "Oh no,
40:57 there's something about it being changed."
41:00 The Creator, when He was here,
41:01 never breathed the word.
41:03 It's amazing to me that if He was going to undo
41:05 everything He had done in finger, in granite,
41:08 over and over and over again
41:11 He would at least set something while He was here.
41:14 "Oops, I forgot.
41:15 I was supposed to tell them.
41:17 There's nothing there."
41:19 It takes three texts and work them and work them
41:21 and work them and work them
41:22 until they fit what you want.
41:25 He can't do it.
41:26 He cannot do it, not America, not evangelicals in America.
41:31 Nobody can do it.
41:33 It's His finger.
41:37 Maybe this ancient decreed is correct.
41:41 This is the shorter Catechism of the Westminster,
41:44 creed question.
41:46 "What is the chief end or goal of man?"
41:49 Answer, "Man's chief end is to glorify God
41:53 and enjoy Him forever."
41:54 I love that.
41:56 Glorify God and enjoy Him forever
41:57 that's why you were made.
41:59 That's why I was made,
42:03 enjoy Him forever.
42:06 What a God?
42:07 And we thought this was bad news.
42:09 This is not bad news.
42:11 This is the greatest news you've ever heard.
42:14 We'll always have a day together, boy.
42:16 Girl, we'll always have a day together.
42:19 Yeah.
42:20 No wonder the Psalmists,
42:22 when they want to express their adoration of God,
42:25 they have...
42:26 When they want to glorify God, look how the Psalmists do it.
42:29 Psalm 73, oh boy, take a look at this.
42:33 Asaph is the Psalmist in this text.
42:37 Psalm 73, and I want you to get these verses
42:39 because you're going to look this up,
42:41 verses 25 and 26.
42:43 This is beautiful.
42:44 "Whom have I in heaven but You?
42:49 And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
42:54 My flesh and my heart may fail,
42:58 but God is the strength of my heart
43:00 and my portion forever."
43:02 God, I'm talking to You.
43:03 I'm talking about You.
43:09 This is the way people live.
43:12 It's okay to be excited about a passion for God.
43:18 You were made for this.
43:23 I'm going to tell you a story.
43:27 When our little daughter...
43:29 little, I always call her little.
43:31 When our daughter Christine got married
43:33 to the young man she fell in love with,
43:35 they were way too young.
43:37 She was 18 and he was 19...
43:43 But they were intent.
43:44 They were just very intent.
43:46 We're getting married.
43:49 They didn't have to get married,
43:50 by the way.
43:51 And by the other way,
43:53 they've been happily married for 17 years now.
43:57 But when it came time...
43:59 Yeah, I had a hard time with it.
44:00 I'll just be honest with you. It was a hard time for me.
44:03 I said, "Man, I'm losing my little girl
44:04 but not at 18 is too young to lose her.
44:07 I can lose her at 25 or what..."
44:11 It was a beautiful wedding. I stood right here.
44:13 Karen stood beside me.
44:14 I preached the homily to my daughter and her
44:16 new husband to be.
44:20 And it was a long day.
44:21 I mean, we had the reception over Chanshung
44:22 and family out of town had to come
44:25 so we had it late into the night
44:26 early Monday morning.
44:27 Okay, so it was a Sunday, early Monday morning.
44:31 My heart is churning inside of me.
44:35 I was just trying to come to grips
44:38 with what has happened.
44:41 And I made my way down
44:43 to where I have worship every morning
44:47 and held my Bible up
44:48 because I read a Psalm a day like I have told you.
44:52 And wouldn't you know it,
44:54 Psalm 73 is the reading for the day after
45:00 my little girl's marriage, wedding.
45:06 And I started reading those words
45:08 that are on the screen.
45:12 It's like an epiphany.
45:14 It was like God
45:16 showed up in that little space.
45:20 And He said to me,
45:23 "Hey, I know how you're feeling.
45:28 I've been there and done that.
45:30 Come on, Dad.
45:31 You knew she was going to leave some time
45:35 but it hurts.
45:37 But I want to tell you something boy,
45:38 listen to me carefully.
45:40 I will never
45:43 ever leave you.
45:47 I am with you forever."
45:51 Just reading those two lines
45:55 and it was as if the Creator Himself said,
45:57 "Hey, you'll make it.
46:01 I'm with you."
46:03 Oh whom have I in heaven but You?
46:06 And the earth there's nothing I desire
46:08 besides You.
46:09 My flesh and my heart may fail
46:12 but God is a strength of my heart
46:14 and my portion forever.
46:16 Yeah, I believe
46:21 the timeless message of our Creator,
46:23 when we come to every seventh day,
46:25 is that message.
46:27 When you went to the Sabbath hours,
46:28 He may say to you, "Girl, boy,
46:31 you may have lost everything you loved this week.
46:35 You may have lost what you wanted this week.
46:38 You may have lost the dearest person on earth
46:40 to you this week."
46:42 And several of you in this parish
46:43 have heard Him say that on this Sabbath
46:47 because you lost your life.
46:54 But then He says to you, "But I'm here to tell you,
46:59 you have me
47:01 and I will never leave you, never.
47:07 We were made for each other.
47:08 Do you understand that?"
47:14 You see, the deal is,
47:17 I'm convinced
47:19 that if you and I will grasp the rich significance
47:22 of the seventh day Sabbath
47:24 and see His passionate relational heart,
47:28 which is a heart cry of the Creator,
47:32 I have to have time with you now.
47:34 If we will grasp that
47:37 it'd be a joy to find fresh ways
47:40 that we can spend these 24 hours together.
47:42 It's not like, "I got to do this."
47:44 No. I'm with you.
47:47 If we will shift the paradigm,
47:51 the Sabbath takes on a whole new meaning.
47:54 And that's what I want for you,
47:57 and that's what I want for me and for this campus.
48:01 That's what we need, a paradigm shift.
48:05 You know why?
48:06 Because the Sabbath is all about Jesus, that's why.
48:10 Listen to me now,
48:11 I want to tell you something about Jesus.
48:13 John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1,
48:18 those three great first chapters
48:20 of these three giant books of the New Testament
48:23 declare that the Jesus of Nazareth
48:26 that the gospels kept telling stories,
48:28 have kept telling stories about
48:30 is none other than the Almighty Creator,
48:33 God of this universe,
48:34 who came down and became flesh,
48:36 five fingers on each hand,
48:39 five toes on each foot
48:43 and He came down here.
48:46 And on Good Friday, which by the way,
48:48 was an awful Friday 2000 years ago,
48:53 the Creator of the human race
48:57 watched as the creatures
49:00 He created killed Him.
49:10 I want to tell you something.
49:13 There are three startling parallels
49:17 and I hope you never forget these.
49:19 We end right here.
49:20 Three starling parallels between creation and Calvary.
49:26 Watch this, same being, watch this, all right.
49:31 Write this down in your heart and never forget.
49:35 Startling parallel number one between creation and Calvary,
49:39 the same Being in both makes the same declaration
49:44 on the same day,
49:46 the sixth day at creation, He cried out,
49:50 "This is very good."
49:52 And on Calvary His cry was, "It is finished,"
49:57 for His work was done in both creation and Calvary
50:02 on the sixth day, finished.
50:06 Startling parallel number two,
50:09 the same being in creation and Calvary
50:14 rested on the same seventh day Sabbath.
50:17 In the Garden of Eden,
50:19 Christ was the Lord of the Sabbath.
50:21 And in the Garden Tomb Christ was the Lord of Salvation.
50:26 He is one and the same.
50:29 And startling parallel number three,
50:32 the same Being did it all for the same reason
50:36 because He loves you and wants you
50:42 and that's the gospel truth.
50:44 My God whom have I in heaven but You?
50:48 And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
50:52 My flesh and my heart may fail
50:53 but God is the strength of my heart
50:56 and my portion forever.
50:58 To which every Sabbath,
51:00 let us all say,
51:01 amen and amen.
51:04 Amen.
51:21 Oh God, what can we say?
51:25 Did You really love us that much...
51:31 To create us
51:35 and then to recreate us at Calvary?
51:40 This is Your pleasure.
51:44 This is why You exist.
51:46 This is what You live for.
51:48 My God forgive us
51:53 for what we've thought
51:57 about Your seventh day Shabbat
52:01 and know our hearts please, know our hearts.
52:08 We want to meet You
52:11 and go deeper with You
52:12 every seventh day perpetually
52:15 to the end of time.
52:18 That's what we want because that's what You want.
52:24 In the name of our Creator who made us
52:27 and gave up His life for us and rose for us,
52:31 in the name of our Creator, amen.
52:38 We're going to sing a beautiful hymn now.
52:41 It's a beautiful hymn,
52:43 Come Thou Fount of every Blessing.
52:45 I will tell you that if you go to our...
52:48 If you want to get our electronic connect card
52:50 because it's always available to you
52:52 whether I talk about it up front or not.
52:54 You just dial Banner 2 because it'll fit today,
52:57 269-281-2345.
53:00 And when you get there,
53:01 you will see there are three steps.
53:03 I want to find the rest of relationship
53:06 in Jesus on His seventh day Sabbath.
53:08 Yes, me too.
53:09 Number two, I would like some specifics
53:11 on how to most effectively celebrate
53:13 the Sabbath with Jesus.
53:15 Me too.
53:16 You got to put your email address
53:17 if you want those.
53:19 And number three, I would like to follow the Lord
53:20 of the Sabbath and be baptized.
53:22 You've never been baptized?
53:23 You've been waiting? Perfect, let's do it.
53:25 We have a beautiful service right here.
53:27 Come on.
53:28 Not tomorrow, not next week but when you're ready,
53:31 just put a checkmark in that third box
53:34 and leave me an email address.
53:36 I'll be back in touch with you
53:38 because if the Creator loves us this much,
53:41 it makes all the sense in the world to me
53:44 to spend the rest of my life with Him.
53:52 Please stand as we sing.
53:58 Come Thou fount of every blessing
54:03 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
54:08 Streams of mercy never ceasing
54:13 Call for songs of loudest praise
54:17 Teach me ever to adore Thee
54:22 May I still Thy goodness prove
54:27 While the hope of endless glory
54:32 Fills my heart with joy and love
54:38 Here I raise my Ebenezer
54:43 Hither by Thy help I've come
54:48 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
54:53 Safely to arrive at home
54:58 Jesus sought me when a stranger
55:03 Wandering from the fold of God
55:08 He to rescue me from danger
55:13 Interposed His precious blood
55:19 O, to grace how great a debtor
55:24 Daily I'm constrained to be
55:29 Let Thy goodness like a fetter
55:35 Bind me closer still to Thee
55:39 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
55:45 Prone to leave the God I love
55:50 Here's my heart, O, take and seal it
55:55 Seal it for Thy courts above
56:07 Shabbat is just like Shekinah.
56:12 That word means God is in it.
56:16 Today, this Sabbath God is in it
56:21 and it is His date with us.
56:26 Shall we make it our date with Him?
56:32 Amen.
56:36 The Lord bless you and keep you.
56:42 The Lord make His face
56:44 shine upon you
56:46 and be gracious to you.
56:49 The Lord turn His face toward you
56:53 and give you peace.
56:59 One of the hot debates on this planet today
57:01 is this collective conversation
57:03 about Creation versus Evolution.
57:06 Are there 1000 voices offering their perspectives?
57:08 The truth is that in God's Word
57:10 there are some pretty definitive statements
57:13 that I examined those statements
57:15 and the evidence for creation.
57:16 In a little book I wrote,
57:18 Creation and Evolution subtitle.
57:19 I thought we'll look at the evidence that our master,
57:21 designer created our planet.
57:24 I'd love for you to join the conversation
57:25 and check out the evidence for yourself.
57:28 In fact, if you call
57:29 our toll free number 877-HIS-WILL,
57:31 the two words HIS-WILL,
57:33 I'll make sure one of these books,
57:34 at no charge to you is in the mail.
57:36 The number again, 877-HIS-WILL.
57:39 Let the operator know
57:41 you want the book Creation and Evolution,
57:43 and we'll get it in the mail to you as soon as possible.
57:47 Until we're together again right here
57:48 on New Perceptions next week,
57:51 may the grace and peace
57:53 and the hope of the Creator abide with you.


Revised 2022-02-10