New Perceptions

Albert Einstein's (Resurrection) Secret to Happiness—Sign Me Up!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP220416S

00:02 ♪♪
00:12 >> Good morning, happy Sabbath. We're so happy that you're here
00:15 with us this week. As we sing a couple of songs, we
00:17 just encourage you to sing with us and praise the God that we
00:20 get to serve. ♪♪
00:28 Please stand. [ "Lead Me to the Cross"
00:32 begins ] ♪♪
03:48 You may be seated. [ "Touch the Sky" begins ]
03:52 ♪♪
07:37 >> Amen. >> Amen.
07:40 ♪♪
07:48 >> Morning. The Scripture reading this
07:51 morning is found in Matthew 28:5-7, and it says,
07:54 "The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know
07:57 that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
08:00 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
08:03 Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his
08:06 disciples, "He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee.
08:10 There you will see him." Now I have told you.'" ♪♪
08:19 >> As we sing this next song on Easter Sabbath, I invite you
08:23 to assume the posture of prayer as we sing our next song.
08:27 [ "I Hear the Savior Say" begins ]
09:30 >> Please come forward as we sing.
12:41 >> Aren't you glad that Jesus...
12:46 >> Well, good morning and happy Easter Sabbath to all of you boys and girls.
12:50 What a treat to see you, and look at what you did. Bless you for all those
12:55 offerings that you've put in there. Good to see all of you.
13:00 Do you feel as happy as you look?
13:03 I can tell you do. And you're right.
13:06 Papa's very happy that he's got his three favorite
13:09 granddaughters right here.
13:11 Ella and Izzy. And where's Lily? Oh, she's in mother's arms.
13:16 Right beside daddy. Hey, good to have all of you guys.
13:20 Do you know what this is? What do I have in my hand? This is a water bottle.
13:26 Yep. You ever drink from these? Oh, everybody loves water.
13:30 What? You looking for somebody? >> I'm right here.
13:33 >> Oh, there you are. Hey, dad. You have drunk from these water
13:39 bottles, I know you have. 'Cause it's -- Do you love the taste of water?
13:43 Yeah, isn't it great? Oh, it's just a wonderful taste, especially when you're thirsty.
13:48 And in New Camden, New Jersey, just this last week, in school, I'm talking about
13:54 Bobby Stonaker. Bobby was in school. Nine years old.
13:59 Anybody here nine years old? Nine years old, just your age. Give me a high-five.
14:04 He was nine years old, third grade. You get into third grade?
14:07 Oh, man, he's just like you. Bobby is in school last Wednesday, and he says, "Man,
14:12 I'm getting thirsty right now. Right now, I need some water." Well, mother put a little
14:18 water bottle. She did, she put it in his little lunch.
14:21 So he reached down to his little lunch and brought out a little water bottle, and he said,
14:25 "Okay, I'm gonna have a drink right now. Teacher doesn't mind."
14:28 And he can't get the lid off. Have you ever had it where it's just so tight you can't get the
14:32 lid off? He can't get the lid off. Well, this is just crazy.
14:37 Well, I know how I'd get it off. He said, "I'll just put" -- Don't you ever do this.
14:41 He said, "I'll just put this in my mouth like this, and I'm gonna just turn it and turn."
14:46 You know, if you really bite down hard on it, theoretically, it would break loose.
14:52 So he went... [Grunting] And all of a sudden, it broke loose!
14:57 But the problem was he was holding the jar so tight that, when the top came off, the water
15:04 behind it just went -- pssh -- into his mouth and... [ Gasps ]
15:09 [ Gulping ] And I watched the security camera video, and first, he gets
15:18 out, he goes back to the sink in the back. [ Gulping ]
15:22 Nothing's coming out. And then, he walks all the way to the front of class and his
15:27 teacher's Mrs. Jenkins, Janiece Jenkins. She's right there, and he comes
15:31 up to her, and he looks up at her, he goes... [Gulping] And she looked down, and she
15:38 made one correct -- as only teachers can make -- decision just like that.
15:44 He is choking on something. She has no idea what it is. She whirls him around.
15:49 She takes her big teacher arms, and she puts her arms around his front, his chest, and she put
15:55 her fist. You know, you do it like this. You just put your hand over your
15:58 fist and you go right under here if somebody's choking. And what is it called?
16:01 You know what it's called? >> CPR. >> CPR? Well, that's close.
16:05 [ Laughter ] Very close. It's also called
16:09 the Heimlich maneuver. I didn't expect you to know that.
16:13 But she went around and she grabbed and she goes, "Ugh!" And I'm watching on this video.
16:19 She went, "Ugh!" He goes, "Uhh." She says, "Do it again.
16:23 Number two. Ugh!" [ Groans ] Nothing.
16:26 She does it the third time. I counted them. "Ugh!"
16:30 Pop! [ Laughter ] The water -- The cap fell on the
16:36 floor, and he looked up with this look of, "Ahh!" It happened so fast.
16:44 She did have CPR training. She knew what to do. But she said later, she said,
16:48 "I just grabbed him and began to do what I should do." And now he's crying.
16:52 And the teacher's starting to feel like crying, too. And she goes over to her desk as
16:57 he grabs a little bit of Kleenex, and she pulls it out, and she rubs her little third
17:02 grader's cheeks. She said, "You're gonna be all right, Bobby."
17:05 And, oh, my. You have your daddy or mommy, this afternoon, show you that
17:09 little video. Oh, my. You know what?
17:12 When I saw that teacher do that, you know who I thought about? I thought about Jesus.
17:16 I thought about Jesus way up there in Heaven, and he's looking down, and Jesus says,
17:20 "Wait a minute, angels, hold it, hold it. They're choking.
17:24 The mommies and daddies are choking. The little boys and the little
17:27 girls are choking. They're not choking on water bottle caps.
17:30 They're choking on sin and they need help. They're gonna die if I can't
17:35 get that out." And, so, Jesus came down, and they put Him on a cross just
17:39 like that. You see that cross? And they made sure his arms
17:43 were wide open so that he could do a global, universal Heimlich maneuver and reach
17:50 around the whole human race, and on their behalf, He went, "Ugh!" And... [Popping lips]
17:57 Those sins start coming out when people find out there's a Savior who could take care of me.
18:02 [ Popping lips ] Yeah, and I tell you one other thing, and I love this part.
18:08 You know what He did? They put Him in a grave. That's why we're here today.
18:12 They put Him in a grave, but they couldn't keep Him, they couldn't keep Him locked in.
18:16 And Sunday morning, when He raised Himself back up, Sunday morning, He said, "Okay, I got
18:20 one more Heimlich maneuver. I'm gonna take the door of this grave and I'm gonna squeeze
18:26 the door of every grave on this Earth until -- pow! -- the grave is no longer a one-way trip.
18:35 I'm gonna open the door to Heaven." Oh, my.
18:40 Don't you just love Jesus? They asked little Bobby afterwards -- or reported it --
18:44 "What do you want to say to your teacher?" And he looked up at her 'cause
18:47 she was there, too. He looked up at her and he said, "I love you."
18:51 Oh. For God so loved the world that He gave His only son.
18:56 That's why we're here today. And we can say, "I love you." How many want to say, "I love
19:01 you," back to Jesus? You want to just put a hand up and say, "Jesus, I love you
19:05 so much." Yeah, we do. Who would like to thank Jesus?
19:10 Who would like to be the volunteer prayer today who would like to thank Jesus.
19:15 Young lady, I see your hand up. You come on over here. And let's get a microphone.
19:20 Here, we got one. Thank you, Carl. And I know who your
19:24 grandparents are. What's your first name? >> Uh, I forgot.
19:29 >> Judith. >> Judith! >> Well, it's a good thing your
19:32 grandpa hangs around you. >> Yeah. >> Hey, Judith, would you mind
19:36 thanking Jesus for us for being such a wonderful Savior? >> Yeah.
19:40 >> Let's close our eyes and fold our hands. >> Jesus, thank you for this
19:47 life and thank you for... [ Laughs ] I don't --
19:52 >> That's good. >> Thank you for... ev--
19:58 Thank you for loving us. >> Mm-hmm. >> And thank you for coming to
20:05 Heaven. And thank you for life. >> Yes.
20:14 >> And thank you for a people who loves you. >> Mm-hmm.
20:22 And -- And... And thank you for... And thank you for...
20:34 And... >> Amen. >> Amen.
20:36 >> Amen. Hey, hey. Hey, Judith, you come here. Let me give you a hug.
20:40 Because your grandpa's a preacher, and I can tell it's rubbing off on you.
20:43 You're gonna be a great preacher. All right?
20:46 God bless you, Judith. God bless you, boys and girls, as you go quietly and reverently
20:50 back to your seats. Thank you, Jesus, for loving on us.
20:54 Amen.
21:00 ♪♪
23:53 [ Applause ]
24:05 ♪♪
25:05 >> Let's pray. Oh, God, we just sang it to you.
25:10 Our confession of hope and faith, made like Him.
25:14 Like Him, we rise, alleluia. Ours the cross, the grave,
25:18 the skies, alleluia. Lock that hope.
25:23 Lock that faith deep in our hearts as you speak to us now
25:26 through your word, in Jesus' name, amen.
25:30 >> Amen. >> The message that echoes from
25:34 the empty sepulcher today catches us by surprise.
25:41 Ain't no grave... gonna hold my body down.
25:46 Hmm.
25:48 Johnny Cash, the great American country singer who -- by the way, and you didn't know this --
25:53 who got delivered from his deadly addiction to cigarette smoking by attending one of the
25:57 Seventh-day Adventist Church's stop smoking clinics. They used to call it a five-day
26:02 plan to stop smoking. You might remember that. And then it became BreatheFree.
26:07 And for the rest of his life, he carried in his heart a soft spot for Adventists.
26:12 Johnny Cash, just days before he died, collaborated with a producer friend of his named
26:18 Rick Rubin, and they recorded the title song on the album that was released posthumously,
26:25 "Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down." One reviewer wrote wrote it
26:30 this way. "When the recording was released on the posthumous album
26:34 'America VI: Ain't No Grave'" -- came out in 2010 -- "listeners encountered a fragility in his
26:41 legendary voice that made the performance porous and transcendent.
26:46 'The Washington Post's' critic, Bill Friskics-Warren, wrote about it with these words --
26:52 'spiritual, even biblical quality of the music.'" End quote.
26:57 The roots of this song are tied back to Negro spirituals in the late 1800s.
27:03 Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down. Ain't no grave gonna hold my
27:08 body down. When I hear the trumpets sound, I'm gonna get up out of the
27:13 ground 'cause ain't no grave gonna hold my body down. The Easter story.
27:21 Let me remind you. "Once upon a time, after the Sabbath, at dawn on the first
27:26 day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
27:31 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven, and going to
27:36 the tomb, rolled back that stone and sat on it. His clothes were white as snow.
27:41 The guards were so afraid of Him that they shook and became like dead men."
27:46 Oh, I like the the graphic way "Desire of Ages" renders this.
28:05 Ain't no grave gonna hold my body down. Ain't no grave gonna hold my
28:11 body down. When I hear the trumpets sound, I'm gonna get up out of the
28:16 ground 'cause ain't no grave gonna hold my body down. I'm so excited about this song,
28:22 I want to start singing it. Can I get an amen to that song, by the way?
28:27 Come on. "Ain't No Grave." "Ain't No Grave."
28:31 That was the shout, by the way, that ignited the Book of Acts. Mm-hmm.
28:35 When the truth penetrated society there was a risen Savior, that was the shout.
28:42 But what's so amazing to me -- and I just saw this week and I got to share it with you -- is
28:46 the profound cause and effect that the message of the risen Savior produced in the lives of
28:51 those who believed in the beginning. Story number one.
28:54 Peter is preaching his heart out. It's the day of Pentecost.
28:58 50 days after Jesus rises from the tomb, he's preaching away. Let's interrupt him in a sermon.
29:04 Here we go. Acts 2:32. Peter's preaching...
29:13 Yes, sir.
29:23 3,000 people come forward in that altar call and are baptized that day, and look what happens
29:29 to that fledgling movement just birthed. Here we go.
29:52 Now, you don't see it yet, but it's there. Just enough evidence to hint at
29:57 the conclusion. But because you're not convinced, let's go to the
30:01 second story. Story number two. Peter and John have spent the
30:04 night in jail. How come? Because they healed a lame man.
30:07 Born lame, by the way. Healed him in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, who was alive
30:13 and well. Yeah, they've been arrested. They're in front of the
30:18 authorities. We're now in Acts 4:10, and Peter -- we interrupt Peter
30:21 again. Here he goes. "Then know this, you clergy"...
30:37 That room full of clergy is stumped. They've got to just debate next
30:42 steps. They dismiss Peter and John. Verse 18.
30:47 "And then, they called them in, Peter and John, again"...
31:16 Peter and John go back to the fledgling movement. They now bring the healed lame
31:20 man with them, a new member. They have a mighty prayer session, and at the end of the
31:25 prayer session -- true story -- the Holy Spirit is poured out all over again.
31:30 Let's pick it up. Notice the effect.
31:40 Keep reading.
31:51 Whoa!
32:06 End quote. This is a second time now we've observed this pattern.
32:11 You say, "What pattern, Dwight?" Well, see if you see it. Whenever the message of a risen
32:17 Savior is proclaimed, there is a reciprocal response among those who believe.
32:23 Story number one. They embrace the message of the risen Savior and they
32:26 immediately begin to serve one another, especially the needy among them.
32:29 Story number two. They embrace the message of the risen Savior and they
32:33 immediately begin to serve one another to the place there is not one needy person in the
32:37 whole movement. Leading us to tentatively -- okay, I'm willing to put
32:42 the word in -- tentatively conclude...
32:56 Hmm. They believe in the risen Christ and they demonstrate that belief
33:02 by radical service or radical serving one to another. So radical, in fact, that some
33:09 are willing to liquidate their assets for the sake of the needy.
33:13 Have mercy. Why? Well, I'm gonna add a word here.
33:18 "Because the message of a risen Savior always"... Now, this is dependent on
33:25 the premise here -- belief.
33:35 Story number three. You say, "Well, Dwight, I'm not sure.
33:38 Give me one more." Okay, story number three, just a few pages later.
33:42 Let's go to Acts 9. "In Joppa, There was a disciple named Tabitha."
33:47 That's Aramaic. "In Greek, her name is Dorcas." And both the Greek and the
33:52 Aramaic mean "gazelle." "She was always doing good and helping the poor."
33:57 Now, there must have been something about this little baby girl that's born that leads this
34:01 mother to conclude that, "You know what? We got a spry little dancer on
34:05 our hands here, and we're going to name her 'Gazelle.'" Well, I got three granddaughters
34:09 that you just met, and they are spry all over the place. They're like gazelles
34:13 themselves. So Dorcas, Tabitha, whichever name you wish, when she embraces
34:21 the teaching, the announcement of a risen Savior, out of devotion to Him, she immediately
34:30 devotes her life to radical service. Immediately.
34:38 And then tragedy strikes... and she does die very unexpectedly.
34:45 But I want you to keep reading. "About that time, she became sick and died, and her body was
34:50 washed" -- the Jewish custom -- "her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room."
34:55 Keep reading.
35:05 You got to do something.
35:12 And what sight greets his eyes?
35:23 She's made a mark on that little community. "Peter sent them all out of the
35:28 room; then he got down on his knees" -- Oh, I wish I had a YouTube of
35:31 this. "He got down on his knees and he prayed, and turning toward the
35:36 dead woman" -- the corpse -- "he said, 'Tabitha, get up.' She opened her eyes, and seeing
35:44 Peter, she sat up." Now, I learned from my friend, F.F. Bruce, the great
35:49 New Testament commentator, something I never seen before, and I want to pass it on to you.
35:57 What is happening here -- And you'll get it immediately. What is happening here is that
36:03 Peter is repeating what he saw done when Jesus raised Jairus -- Remember the ruler of the
36:11 synagogue, Jairus, and little 12-year-old daughter, she died, and Jesus raised the daughter.
36:18 Peter is step by step. Watch this. First of all, he watched Jesus
36:21 do this. Only Peter, James, and John were there.
36:25 He watched Jesus say, "Everybody out of the room.
36:27 Just everybody out." What does Peter do?
36:29 "Everybody out of the room." Then he hears Jesus, in Aramaic,
36:32 'cause that's what Jesus spoke. And by the way,
36:34 the Gospel of Mark is the only place that gives us Jesus'
36:37 Aramaic words in that room with the dead body of
36:40 the 12-year-old. The Aramaic is talitha cumi.
36:45 He hears Jesus say, "Talitha cumi."
36:48 And what Peter does is repeat those identical two words,
36:52 except he changes one letter. Instead of saying talitha cumi,
36:56 he says, "Tabitha cumi."
36:59 He's following Jesus right down the line. And what happens next?
37:05 Oh, let's go back and set it up.
37:11 Keep reading. "Turning toward the dead woman, he said, 'Tabitha cumi.
37:15 Get up, Gazelle.' She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, she sat up.
37:21 And he took her by the hand." Guess what Peter saw Jesus do with the daughter of Jairus.
37:25 What did he do? Jesus took that little girl by the hand.
37:28 And Peter says, "I guess that that's what we do next, step three," and he takes the hand
37:32 and he brings her right up. "He took her by the hand and he helped her to her feet.
37:36 And then he called for the believers" -- come on in, take a look at this --
37:40 "especially the widows, and presented her to them alive. And this became known all over
37:44 Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord." Can you imagine that headline?
37:49 Wow. Wow, the power of a risen Savior flows back into that dead body,
37:57 and beautiful Dorcas or Tabitha, she wakes up. And what she was doing when she
38:02 was cut down, she immediately resumes when she's raised back up.
38:07 She starts serving the needy. I'm telling you. I'm not making this up.
38:11 Three stories in a row. Story number one, story number two, story number three,
38:16 all with the same truth.
38:26 That's the key. You got to believe. Of course.
38:29 In other words, if you today -- I'm talking to you right now -- if you today believe He's alive,
38:35 and most of you here do, ipso facto -- that's two little words -- on the basis of that
38:41 fact, if you believe he's alive, you serve. That's it.
38:46 If you believe Jesus lives right now, you serve. You serve.
38:52 ♪ I serve a risen Savior ♪ He's in the world today Stop.
39:02 I like that -- I like the way that begins. I serve.
39:06 I serve. If you believe he's alive, you serve.
39:11 Wow. But what I've been brooding over this week is, how does this work
39:15 in real time? How does this work in real life? Come on.
39:20 Here's the conclusion I've come to. Now, you're gonna have to check
39:24 this out because I have no way to do but listen to what you say.
39:27 I'm gonna give you three givens. Okay, three givens. Let's see if they help us.
39:31 Given number one, put it on the screen for you.
39:37 Hands down, hands down our greatest enemy, right? That's just a given.
39:42 I mean, come on, please. I traverse up and down the halls of hospitals in this county.
39:47 I traverse up and down the roads of this county. I sit beside those at the edge
39:52 of life, on the verge of death, and you got to trust me -- there is nobody that considers death
39:57 good news. Oh, yes, the little caveat that you want insert here.
40:02 That's true. For some, death does come as a sweet release from the grueling
40:06 battle to live, but otherwise, death is our mortal foe. Never make peace with death.
40:15 Was that Dylan Thomas? Rage, rage into the night. Don't go softly.
40:21 Fight it. Death is an enemy. But thank God for
40:25 the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 15. "But thanks be to God, who
40:28 giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Oh, death, where is your sting?
40:34 Oh, grave, where is your victory? Ain't no body...
40:43 that you have, ain't no body that I have can be pinned down in that grave.
40:50 Unh-unh, unh-unh. Wow. Given number one. Come on, let's just admit it.
40:57 Jesus conquered death. Amen. Let's go to given number two. Given number two.
41:01 "There is therefore" -- So following this little syllogism perhaps.
41:08 Now, this is really important. Because it's not just death that's our enemy.
41:13 And if Jesus licked death, as He did with His own mighty death and resurrection, there's
41:17 nothing -- now, here's the point -- there is nothing, there is no one else that we need to
41:22 fear. Do you understand that? In Romans 8, what's that great
41:26 line? If God is for us, who can be what?
41:30 Who can be against us? Nobody. It's a rhetorical question.
41:34 Nobody's against us. Not the enemy of fear. Mnh-mnh.
41:40 Nor the enemy of despair. Not the enemy of hopelessness, nor the enemy of helplessness.
41:47 Whatever paralyzes you in the darkest of nights, whatever immobilizes you in the brightest
41:54 of days, I don't care what it is, it cannot overcome you. It can't.
42:03 If you're in Him... you got it. No matter what.
42:11 Three givens, and then I'll sit down. Okay, here comes number three.
42:14 Given number three. Based on given one, given two.
42:25 Oh, I love that line. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
42:29 There it is. The can-do spirit of the risen Christ that permeated,
42:33 infiltrated the early Christian church and turned them into can-do heroes for the king.
42:42 Can do. I can do all things through Christ.
42:45 They believed they could do it with him and through him. They saw the world as their
42:50 parish. They saw their assets as their gifts and the needs all around
42:54 them their glorious opportunities. "Man, this is perfect.
42:57 Let's go to work." Sign me up. Robert Schuller, in his
43:03 wonderful little book, "Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking."
43:06 I believe he's right. I'll put Schuller on the screen here.
43:11 "You can talk yourself into almost any attitude." That is one of the great
43:14 psychological truths of the human race. We had psychologists in first
43:18 service. We've got psychologists sitting here, and they'll tell you,
43:21 this is absolutely true.
43:33 Man, I got a young friend that calls me every now and then. He said, "Oh, brother, you're
43:38 not gonna believe this. This is just -- You got to --
43:41 You should be working where I'm working." "Oh, yeah?"
43:44 "Yeah, I'm worn out. Not getting anywhere. Dead end."
43:51 No, no, no. Don't talk yourself into almost anything.
43:56 No, no, no. Not that. Schuller goes on. "Repeat out loud, 'I'm tired.'
44:01 Repeat out loud, 'I'm finished. I'm through,'" and guess what? "You will soon believe it."
44:07 Your mind will believe what your lips say. Be careful what your lips speak
44:11 to your mind. Be very careful. "The positive application" --
44:16 I like this. So, this is the flip side. It not only works negatively, it
44:19 works beautifully positively. "The positive application is equally powerful.
44:23 'I'm going to be happy today.'" I'm gonna be courageous today. I'm gonna be confident today.
44:28 I'm gonna be energetic today. I'm gonna be kind today. I'm gonna be loving today.
44:33 And you say it. I'm gonna be loving all the way through that day, and you know
44:36 what? You will be loving. Through the power of the risen
44:40 Christ, you will be. Yes, you will. "The positive application is
44:45 equally powerful. 'I'm going to be happy today, though the skies are cloudy and
44:49 gray, no matter what comes my way, I'm gonna be happy today.' As the French author Colette
44:55 viewed her life on the screen," Schuller writing, "someone said to her, 'Yo, girl, it looked
44:59 like you were a very happy child,' and she answered, 'Yes, it's too bad I didn't realize it
45:07 at the time.'" Most of us have no idea that what we're going through right
45:13 now is actually good news. We're so convinced that it's bad news, it's just ruining my
45:17 life. We have no idea that God says, "Come on, girl, boy, hold off.
45:23 You can't see what I see." Wow. So what's that mean?
45:33 You know, as Schuller put it, you can you you can talk yourself into almost any
45:37 attitude you want to. But I love the attitude -- I love the attitude of
45:41 the Bible. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
45:46 It's that can-do spirit that has led men, women, and children through the ages into radical
45:51 service to their risen Savior. It's that can-do spirit. In the name of Christ, my risen
45:56 Lord, that last Sunday over a hundred people -- you saw it on the big screen -- over a hundred
46:01 people. It was fatiguing, you bet. Four hours standing the whole
46:04 blooming time. But when Sunday was over, these over a hundred went home with a
46:13 sense of gratitude, a sense of being energized because 41 little children that were
46:19 sleeping on the floor in this county now are sleeping on beautiful beds with pillows
46:23 and quilts and mattresses. What's wrong with that? All because they volunteered.
46:33 They said, "Yeah, I can help. Sign me up. I'll do it. I'll do that."
46:37 Wow. He said, "Dwight, listen, I just haven't been able to find a real
46:44 need." Oh, I'm glad you brought that up because I want to remind you
46:48 that we have a volunteer engagement committee right now that is working, and they're
46:52 gonna be working till July 1. And they have to fill -- get this -- 600 positions of men,
46:56 women, teenagers, young adults, college students, non-college students, 600 volunteer
47:02 positions by July 1. And I need you to know there are a handful of volunteer
47:10 opportunities -- don't tell anybody -- that have your name written all over them.
47:16 No, I'm serious. Don't tell 'em I said that. They're ready to go.
47:22 "No, no, I can't. I'm not gifted." Oh, boy, there we go again.
47:25 "I'm not gifted." You keep saying, "I'm not gifted," all day long, and guess
47:28 what? You're not gifted. "I'm not smart."
47:31 Oh, boy, that is the biggest lie in the world.
47:35 You're bright. Can do.
47:38 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
47:42 "Yeah, but I can't get up in front and preach.
47:44 I don't want anything that has me getting up front and
47:47 talking." America's number one fear is
47:49 public speaking. "I'm not going to do it.
47:51 No, if that involves that, you just count me out."
47:54 I want to tell you something. You can do it.
47:56 I'm gonna pick on my son sitting in the front row right now.
47:59 When he was in college here. Glenn Russell.
48:01 Everybody knows and loves Pastor Glenn Russell.
48:04 Dr. Glenn Russell. He took a bunch of academy --
48:06 college kids over to Zimbabwe.
48:08 I think that's what it was. Yeah. And Kirk was going to preach
48:11 for the first time in his life. I was not in town. I was at a camp meeting when he
48:19 called and talked to Karen. His first words were -- Karen says, "Hey, how'd it go?"
48:24 He said, "Boy, it went, but it wasn't pretty." [ Laughter ]
48:30 You know what? This boy can get up in front of anybody today, talk to anybody
48:35 he wants to. Why? Because he did it anyway.
48:39 If you let your fears proscribe you, they stop you. You can't live by your fears.
48:45 You have to live by faith. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
48:49 You can get up. That job may say, "Hey, girl, you're gonna stand in front of a
48:53 group of kids." That's okay. I'll stand in front of them.
48:55 You'll eventually stand in front of a group of adults and you'll be fine.
49:00 No, no. You get the point. No, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
49:06 Hmm. So, don't you think the risen Christ has the authority to give
49:10 you the ability to say the very "yes" that the church is needing from you?
49:14 Just say, "Yes, sign me up." Of course he has it. For you to be the very servant
49:21 of Jesus the church needs like Dorcas and Peter and John and the healed lame man, of course.
49:28 ♪ Oh, I serve a risen Savior But I love the way it begins with "serve."
49:35 I serve. ♪ I serve a risen Savior ♪ He's in the world today
49:44 ♪ I know that he is living ♪ Whatever man may say Now, listen, listen, listen.
49:53 I see his hand of mercy. You see that? I see his hand of mercy?
49:56 Jesus hand will never show up. You're the hand. It's your hand of mercy that
50:02 Jesus uses. ♪ I see his hand of mercy I hear his what?
50:06 Voice of cheer. Jesus isn't gonna be speaking into the job that you take on.
50:10 You'll be speaking. He's using your voice. ♪ And just the time I need Him
50:16 He's always what? What's the word? He's always near.
50:20 Sing it with me. ♪ He lives ♪ He lives
50:24 ♪ Christ Jesus lives today ♪ He walks with me ♪ And talks with me
50:31 ♪ Along life's narrow way [ Congregation joins ] ♪ He lives, He lives
50:39 ♪ Salvation to impart ♪ You ask me how I know He lives ♪
50:49 ♪ He lives within my heart Oh, hallelujah. Put it on the screen
50:59 one more time.
51:06 Sign me up, Jesus. Let me find a need and I'll fill it for You, Jesus.
51:10 I don't care when You need me. I don't care where You need me. I don't care what You need
51:15 from me. I can do all things through You. Sign me up.
51:21 And if you're willing to sign up, I need you to contact me right now.
51:24 I'm gonna put a number on the screen. I wish you would text one word
51:28 to this number, and I'll write a letter for you. Let's put it on the screen.
51:34 If you'll go to -- If you'll just type up in the number space
51:38 269-281-2345. This is our standard number
51:41 here. Everybody in Pioneer knows it.
51:43 But you don't have to be from Pioneer to do this.
51:45 And then, text the word. That's all you do.
51:47 Just "Signup4." Two more parts and it'd be
51:51 "Signup6," and the series is over in two Sabbaths.
51:54 Just text in the word "Signup4," and there will be a little
51:57 letter, and I need you to send this letter to the volunteer
52:00 engagement committee. Ah, it's not that complicated.
52:05 Here we go.
52:13 If you'll just hit send on that, we got the rest of the
52:17 information we need. We'll be back in touch with you.
52:20 There will be a volunteer opportunity with your name written all over, and I have no
52:24 idea what's going to be, but you're gonna love it. Why?
52:28 Because in the power of the risen Savior, I can do all things.
52:33 Serve our risen Savior. He's in the world today. Oh, Jesus, thank you, thank you
52:38 for being alive. Thank you for that Heimlich maneuver that took care
52:43 of sin and blew the door off of the tomb. Ain't no grave gonna hold my
52:48 body down. And, Dear Jesus, ain't no fear gonna hold my body down either.
52:53 Nope. Sign me up. I gladly serve where you
52:56 send me. Gladly. With rejoicing.
53:02 We go out into this Easter Sabbath with the hope of our Lord Jesus.
53:08 In your name, amen.
53:11 Come on, let's sing it together. ♪ I serve a risen Savior We'll actually do it really well
53:16 this time because we'll have an organist doing it for us. [ "He Lives" begins ]
53:23 ♪♪
57:00 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you
57:02 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh, new way.
57:05 All across the world, more and more people are hearing the call
57:08 to examine Scriptures for themselves.
57:10 If you've felt drawn to learn more about God's Word, but you
57:12 don't know where to start or you're just looking for a more
57:15 in-depth examination of Bible truths, then I have something
57:18 right here that I believe you're gonna enjoy.
57:21 I want to send a series of guides to get you started.
57:23 This one's entitled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"
57:26 Each guide begins with a story, an introduction of the subject.
57:29 Then, through a series of focus questions, you'll be learning
57:32 portions of the Bible you may never have known before.
57:34 And when you're through, you'll be able to share with others
57:37 some of these inspiring Bible truths.
57:39 Just call our toll-free number. It's on the screen.
57:41 877, the two words, "His will." Friendly operators are standing
57:45 by to send these study guides to you.
57:47 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. Call that number, and then
57:52 again join me next week right here at this same time.
57:56 "New Perceptions."
58:00 ♪♪ ♪♪
58:20 ♪♪


Revised 2022-04-28