New Perceptions

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho: Skeletons in the Closet, Prostitutes on the Tree

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP220625S

00:02 ♪♪ ♪♪
00:13 >> Good morning, church. It is a good day to praise the
00:18 Lord. We're grateful that you're here
00:22 today. Whether you're joining us
00:23 online or in person, thank you for joining us at
00:26 Pioneer Memorial Church.
00:28 Today's the day that we come to reframe our lives and our week in light of our Savior.
00:35 We hope today that you gain a greater picture of who He is and are inspired with awe
00:40 and wonder. It's now time for our call to worship.
00:44 So, I will read the leader portion and please read the congregation
00:48 portion when prompted by the words on the screen.
01:21 Please join me in standing as we have our invocation.
01:31 Dear Lord, thank You for this moment that we are here together.
01:35 Thank You that we as a congregation can come and worship You in praise.
01:39 Lord, today we are asking that You be here through everything, because today is all about You,
01:44 Lord. So, change our hearts, change our lives
01:47 as we remember You, our Savior, and we praise You for that. Amen.
01:52 ♪♪
05:57 ♪♪ ♪♪
06:10 >> ♪ When peace like a river attendeth my way ♪
06:23 ♪ When sorrows like sea billows roll ♪ ♪ Whatever my lot,
06:43 Thou hast taught me to say ♪ ♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
07:03 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
07:12 ♪ Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come ♪ ♪ Let this blest assurance
07:31 control ♪ ♪ That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate
07:50 and has shed His own blood for my soul ♪ ♪♪
08:06 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ It is well
08:19 with my soul ♪ ♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
08:39 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
08:48 ♪ My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought ♪ ♪ My sin, not in part,
09:06 but the whole ♪ ♪ Is nailed to the cross, and I'll bear it no more ♪
09:23 ♪ Praise the Lord, praise the Lord ♪ ♪ O, my soul
09:41 ♪ It is well with my soul ♪ ♪ It is well,
09:59 it is well with my soul ♪ ♪ And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight ♪
10:24 ♪ The clouds be rolled back as a scroll ♪ ♪♪
10:37 ♪♪ ♪ The trump shall sound ♪ The Lord descend
10:50 ♪ Even so, it is well with my soul ♪ ♪♪
11:06 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ It is well
11:32 with my soul ♪ ♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
12:01 ♪♪
12:08 [ Applause ]
12:18 [ "Christ Our Hope in Life and Death" begins ]
12:41 >> Please stand with us again. Let's lift
12:44 another song of praise. Christ is our hope.
12:47 He's our hope in life and in death.
12:49 Sing this from the bottom of your hearts.
17:34 Amen, amen. We serve an awesome God, a
17:38 redeeming Christ. And as we sing this next song,
17:42 we're just gonna sing a couple of stanzas of this well-known
17:45 hymn. Just allow it to melt your
17:46 heart, prepare your heart for the Lord's Supper that we'll
17:49 take soon. Use it as a personal testimony.
17:56 [ "There Is a Fountain" begins ]
20:34 Be seated.
20:52 >> That is such a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
20:54 beautiful song. It moves me every time.
20:57 And I'm asking the pianist to keep playing because I want
21:00 to sing that first stanza again. It's the only one
21:02 I had memorized. But I'll sing that to myself
21:05 again and again. "There is a fountain
21:09 filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins."
21:13 Let's sing it together right now, okay?
21:14 Just keep it going. Give us our opening chord,
21:18 and we'll sing.
22:20 Oh, God, we just sang the words "Lose all their guilty stains."
22:27 We sang that line. "And there may I, though vile as he,
22:31 the thief on the cross. Wash all my sins away." We pray it.
22:40 We believe it, or we want to believe it, that no one go home
22:47 uncleansed today. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
22:55 Prostitute story number one...
22:59 Once upon a time, there was a son of Jacob named Judah.
23:05 Judah himself had three sons.
23:10 When his eldest son became of marrying age, he picked out a beautiful young
23:14 maiden from the region in which they were living in Canaan. Her name was Tamar.
23:21 The moment you hear the name Tamar, you remember that this is
23:26 a story that will never appear in children's
23:29 bedtime storybooks. Tamar married Judah's boy.
23:39 But the boy is so wicked that Genesis declares he was destroyed.
23:47 Now, the prevailing custom, called the levirate, there in the Near East, was that
23:52 if the older brother dies and leaves a widow without children, the next boy up
23:59 marries the widow. Judah so instructs son number two.
24:04 The son obeys, but because of his very kinky sexual behavior, he's destroyed.
24:14 Now that leaves one boy. And father Judah is not interested in losing boy number
24:20 three with this bad-luck Canaanite girl. So, he says mañana.
24:27 There will come a time you'll get it. Tamar waits and waits.
24:33 Finally, she tricks Judah, after his own wife has died, by pretending to be
24:37 a shrine prostitute veiled by the side of the road in disguise.
24:43 And lonely Judah gets her pregnant in that one-night stand.
24:50 Sounds like the old afternoon soap operas, doesn't it? A few months later, when Judah
24:56 learns that Tamar is pregnant, and she is not married to the third boy --
25:00 that means she'd been sleeping around -- he orders her execution.
25:04 She shows up and brings the credentials that belong only to Judah.
25:11 And he cries out, "She is more righteous than me."
25:21 And so, the story ends with the father-in-law having sex with his
25:25 daughter-in-law, who gives birth to twins, which should have been his grandchildren
25:30 but turn out to be his sons. But the story's not over because in utero,
25:37 the twins are struggling, just like their progenitors, Jacob and Esau.
25:42 Before birth, they're struggling. And, finally, one of the twins
25:46 manages to protrude into fresh air his little hand.
25:52 And just to show you I'm not making this up, I'm going to read it
25:57 to you here...
26:10 But apparently the second one says, "Not on my life." There's more struggle.
26:16 And guess who comes out first? The second one without the scarlet wrist.
26:22 Hmm. Prostitute story number two... Once upon a time,
26:29 there is another prostitute who, just like Tamar, grows up in the land of
26:34 Canaan, who, just like Tamar is a purebred pagan, but unlike Tamar
26:41 is not a fake prostitute. She's the real deal. But, also, like Tamar,
26:48 she becomes a monotheist. She believes in the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
26:55 And wouldn't you know it? Both of the stories are woven with a scarlet thread.
27:02 Hmm. You're talking about Rahab, are you?
27:05 Yeah. Rahab, the madam whore of the brothel in Jericho?
27:09 That's the one.
27:14 You can hardly blame Joshua's two spies for choosing to spend their night in that brothel --
27:19 that tawdry, noisy house. Easier, much easier to fade into the riffraff there.
27:29 But the pagan woman surmises that they are who she suspects they are.
27:36 And so she confronts them, secures their confession, hurries under
27:43 the roof of the brothel, hides them under flax stocks that are drying, used for linen,
27:50 but not before extricating from them a promise. "Oh, and I have a confession
27:55 to make," she says. "I, too, believe," because if this God, who has
28:02 been doing the mighty works that brought this liberated horde of slaves out of Egypt
28:06 and barefoot and sandals, marched them through the desert, through supernatural signs
28:13 and wonders, if this is the God, then in a few days she knows Jericho is toast.
28:23 She confesses to them her nascent belief, her budding belief.
28:30 She secures their assurance when she promises she will not disclose who they are.
28:39 And then shh! Over the wall, but not before they hand to her --
28:46 it must have been some red textile there on the roof. And it is a brothel.
28:50 So, red would be the color. They hand to her a red sign. "If this sign is there,
28:59 when we take this city and exterminate it, you and your family
29:03 around this sign will be saved." So, Joshua 2:21...
29:10 "I accept the proposal. 'Let it be, as you say.' So she sent them away,
29:16 and they departed." And she tied the red sign, a scarlet cord of cloth,
29:22 no doubt, in the window. I find it such a such a glorious story, this saving of
29:33 a pagan prostitute. I mean, please! And I know our natural response
29:40 is, "Well, let me just remind you that I am not a prostitute. I am not even a pagan."
29:48 But wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Haven't we been caught as
29:52 red-handed as she? The Apostle Paul was not a prostitute.
29:59 The Apostle Paul was not a pagan. But what's the confession
30:02 he makes? Inescapable -- 1 Timothy 1:15...
30:16 You don't have to be a prostitute. You can just be you
30:21 and be the worst.
30:26 Paul, red-blooded sinner just as red-blooded as Rahab. Gets saved by faith in Christ.
30:34 How did Rahab get saved? Glad you asked. Hall-of-fame chapter
30:38 Hebrews 11:31... "By faith" -- there it is. "By faith, Rahab the
30:41 prostitute." She just can't shake that moniker.
30:44 She's stuck. It's alright. God wants us, every time we see
30:48 that moniker, to be reminded, "If I can save a prostitute, I can save you.
30:54 I can save you."
31:02 And, by the way, it is clear not only is she saved by faith, she stays saved by faith.
31:10 How do you know that, Dwight? Because she keeps showing up in the Scriptures.
31:13 That's why. Go beyond Hebrews. We come to the Book of James
31:15 2:25. "In the same way, was not Rahab the prostitute..."
31:21 There it is again...
31:31 "By faith," Hebrews 11 tells us, she was considered righteous. James 2 tells us.
31:39 She was saved by righteousness, by faith. You've heard of that,
31:44 haven't you? Righteousness by faith -- the same way you get saved,
31:48 the same way I get saved. And not just Rahab, by the way, but Tamar, as well.
31:55 Two prostitutes with a scarlet thread running through them, which is why both stories
32:01 are the spiritual stuff of the ancient community. The stories are told
32:06 and retold and retold. And, in fact, when we get to the New Testament and Matthew
32:11 says he's going to write this bestseller, Gospel biography of Jesus,
32:16 he makes sure to tell their stories. It's the most boring chapter
32:23 in all the New Testament. We skip it every time -- to our loss, by the way.
32:28 It's Matthew chapter one -- the "begets." He begat. He begat. He begat.
32:32 He begat. He begat. Yeah. I want to go back to that now.
32:36 Our eyes have been focused. Let's go and read that. Matthew, chapter one.
32:40 "This is the genealogy of Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of David." If you're a true-blue Jew --
32:47 and Matthew's writing to Jews -- if you're a true-blue Jew, you got to be related somehow
32:52 to David, and you got to be somehow related to Abraham. So, Abraham
32:56 was the father of Isaac. Here comes the boring genealogy. "Turn the page, honey.
33:00 Let's keep reading further." "No." "Isaac was the father of Jacob.
33:04 Jacob is the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah is the father of Perez
33:09 and Zerah." Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
33:12 These are the twins? This Zerah, whose name means "scarlet" --
33:16 this is the one that had the thread? Yeah.
33:18 Perez and Zerah. How did they get in this? "Whose mother was Tamar."
33:26 Matthew sticks into Ruth 4, the very end of Ruth 4. It's just this dry, old
33:32 genealogy. He intentionally inserts the names of mothers
33:39 so that we get it, that there's room for us around the salvation table.
33:47 Hmm. Wow. You're talking about the same --
33:52 this is the same Judah, by the way, who impregnated his daughter-in-law,
33:55 his illegitimate twins? He and their mother are all in Jesus' family tree?
33:59 In fact, yes. You got it. And through these stories,
34:06 Matthew is saying, "Fellow reader and fellow sinner, take hope.
34:12 Take hope. You can be there, too." Oh.
34:18 Ahh. It's interesting that Matthew's inclusions or insertions,
34:24 each one of them is stained with sexual irregularity in either their lifestyle or
34:30 their story. There are five of them. And by that, Matthew makes sure
34:35 we all know we are all covered. Keep reading. Let's go. So, Judah is the father
34:42 of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar. And Perez was the father of
34:45 Hezron. And Hezron is the father of Ram.
34:48 And Ram is the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab is the father of Nahshon, and
34:52 Nahshon is the father of Salmon. That's not "sa-min." Salmon.
34:56 And Salmon is the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab.
35:02 Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Boaz's mother was Rahab?
35:07 You talking about that madam whore of Jericho? She married
35:15 into the Messiah's line? You got to be kidding me! I mean, it's one thing
35:19 to be saved by God, but it's a whole 'nother thing to become a blood relative
35:22 with God, for Pete's sake.
35:29 I tell you what. I don't know that the good news
35:30 gets any more stunning than what's on the screen right now. This is Rahab, the prostitute,
35:36 whose blood flows in Jesus of Nazareth, the Savior. Keep reading.
35:47 "And Salmon, the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, and Boaz, the father of
35:52 Obed, whose mother was Ruth. And Obed, the father of Jesse, and Jesse,
35:56 the father of King David, and David was the father of Solomon, whose mother
36:00 had been Uriah's wife." Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hold it, hold it, hold it.
36:05 Not only women, but immoral men are in this family tree?
36:15 Now, in the misogynistic society of the day, okay, we'll put the women in.
36:25 No. Equal opportunity. Savior of crooks and saints.
36:33 My, my, my, my, my. David. Talking about a very male,
36:39 very immoral meltdown, David and Bathsheba. In fact, Matthew won't even
36:43 call her name Bathsheba. He's just says, "You know, the wife."
36:46 He's wanting us to know that was really wrong. She was someone else's wife.
36:53 My, my, my. David, who melts down, heartbroken confession,
36:59 repentance and reformation. How do we know? Because he prayed the prayer...
37:08 And God heard that prayer and honored that prayer because David said,
37:11 "I'll be different, by Your grace."
37:19 Wow. David. To the place,
37:24 by the way, may I remind you, the Messiah is going to be known publicly as the Son of...
37:31 David. Talking about intentionally embedding Jesus' own family tree
37:36 with immoral sinners and saints like you and me. Have mercy,
37:39 which is precisely the prayer they began to pray 2,000 years ago.
37:42 "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me." It's a prayer I pray when I bury
37:46 my face in the carpet of that little prayer room, where I have prayer every day.
37:51 "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me, too." It's a beautiful,
37:56 it's a powerful prayer. We need to be praying it because He did have mercy on David,
38:02 and He still does have mercy. In fact, when the angel Gabriel shows up after the genealogy
38:08 of Jesus in Matthew 1, I want you to pick up now, how after the scarlet thread
38:17 and the scarlet cord, the angel Gabriel identifies who the Savior is.
38:25 Now, there's one more irregular woman to add to the genealogy, and it's young Mary,
38:31 a very irregular birth, to say the least. And you know what the people
38:37 were saying. Gabriel shows up, and he's talking to Mary now.
38:44 He's talking about Mary, I should say. "She" -- Mary --
38:47 "will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Yehoshua."
38:52 That was it. It wasn't Jesus. It's not Jesus. Yehoshua,
38:57 the name of Joshua. You know what Joshua's name means?
39:00 Yahweh, the Lord, is salvation. "She's going to have a baby, and I want you
39:04 to give that baby the name Yahweh is salvation. The Almighty is salvation
39:10 because He, Jesus, will save His people from their sins." That's the Gospel
39:17 according to Gabriel. And please note how Gabriel's Gospel goes.
39:20 It does not go, "And He will save His people in their sins."
39:26 Some of us think that's the way we'll get saved. Just, you know,
39:29 some of this stuff you can't get rid of, you can't shake it.
39:31 It's just part of you. You just do it, anyway. No! Wrong!
39:37 He will come, Yehoshua, and He will not save you in your sins. He will save you from your sins.
39:43 And there's a huge difference, as you and I well know. How will He do it?
39:51 By dying on His family tree, because, you see, the family tree is not the genealogy.
40:00 Matthew begins with the family tree. He ends with a family tree.
40:03 It's the "begats" over here. It's the blood over here, because the family tree
40:08 is Calvary. That's the tree that matters to you and me.
40:12 That's all that matters to you and me. "Wash all my sins away.
40:18 Wash all my sins away. There is a fountain filled with blood.
40:26 And sinners plunge beneath that flood.
40:30 Wash all their sins away."
40:32 You and me. Wow. Two prostitutes that we now know
40:37 lost all their guilty stains and by faith were embedded in the Messiah's family tree of
40:42 Calvary. And so can you be. How, Dwight? How?
40:45 Just hang the scarlet in your window, the window of your soul. That's how.
40:49 You'll not be destroyed. If that scarlet is hanging
40:52 in the window of your soul, you will live forever and ever.
40:55 Amen. But you have to have the scarlet
40:58 in the window. It's the Savior's color.
41:05 Red is blood. Sins is scarlet. They should be made as white as
41:10 snow, the Bible says. It's the Savior's color. I want to end with this
41:16 beautiful, beautiful promise. "Through the goodness and mercy of Christ,
41:23 the sinner is to be restored to the divine favor. With outstretched arms..."
41:29 That's the cruciform of Calvary. "With outstretched arms, He is ready to receive
41:34 and welcome not only the sinner" -- keep reading -- "but the prodigal."
41:39 Do you know what "prodigal" means? Prodigal means you have been a
41:43 part of the family. You ran away. You have gone to a far-off
41:46 country. But there is somebody standing at the door of your spiritual
41:50 home with His arms and His nail-scarred hands outstretched. You are to come home now.
41:56 Come home now, prodigal. Come home. Jesus is calling,
42:07 softly and tenderly. Come home. That's what "prodigal" means.
42:13 "His dying love, manifested on Calvary, is the sinner's assurance
42:16 of acceptance, peace, and love, that the sin-darkened soul may see the light shining
42:22 from the cross of Calvary." Oh, my. Let every sin-darkened soul
42:27 who has gathered today around this Lord's table know that in the redemption
42:33 of these two prostitutes by the family tree of Calvary, a promise is just as sure,
42:39 that promise for you and for me. You've come to the right place. This is the place to be
42:46 for your sins to be washed, all your sins washed away from a fountain that's been opened up,
42:52 drawn from Immanuel's veins. Scarlet cord, scarlet cross, scarlet truth.
43:03 Scarlet hope. That's it. Let's pray.
43:08 Oh, Jesus. Scarlet lover of our souls, that You would graft us
43:16 into Your family tree through Calvary's family tree. Unbelievable.
43:22 But we receive it by faith, like Rahab did. Like Paul did -- by faith.
43:29 Caught red-handed, we receive the assurance that You will not save us
43:35 in our sins. You will save us from our sins. And so, we gather with hope
43:42 about this table. Oh, God, don't let us forget this moment, one of
43:46 the most beautiful moments that we have lived of late. Stay right here, Father,
43:53 as we gather at Your nail-scarred feet, Lord Jesus.
43:58 Amen.
44:04 >> We're now coming to the communion table
44:07 of our worship service. We've been talking about
44:09 the scarlet thread that runs through the course of the Bible
44:12 and that runs through our stories of salvation.
44:17 It's that scarlet thread that grafts us into the family of God through Calvary.
44:22 And so, today, as we come to the communion table, it's a time where we celebrate
44:27 the life of Jesus and what He has done for us. We remember, and we remember
44:33 the act of Calvary and what it means for us. But it's also a time
44:37 of connection, where we connect to each other and to God as the family of God.
44:44 In just a few minutes, Terry Robertson will read an account of the evening
44:48 when that first Last Supper turned to the Lord's Supper. And then, after that,
44:53 his wife, Yolande, will have a prayer of dedication over the emblems.
45:03 >> Our reading today comes from the Gospel of
45:06 Matthew 26:26-29. "While they were eating,
45:17 Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks,
45:21 He broke it and gave it to His disciples saying,
45:24 'Take and eat. This is my body.'
45:30 Then He took a cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them saying,
45:35 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant,
45:42 which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink
45:50 from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in
45:56 my Father's kingdom.'" I invite you to bow your heads as we pray.
46:06 >> "Our Holy Father, our beloved Jesus,
46:10 we praise You today as our Creator,
46:14 the source of life and all that is good and beautiful.
46:19 May You be blessed for bringing us together today in Your house to worship You and
46:25 acknowledge Your call, Your cleansing, Your salvation. We come before You with
46:33 confidence because of Your great and precious promises, because You have already
46:41 given us everything we need to live for You. The bread and the wine symbols
46:48 that we can see, we can touch, we can taste are powerful representations
46:55 of Your many promises to us. The bread reminds us that Your body was broken
47:02 to redeem us from the slavery of sin and that we can enjoy
47:08 abundant freedom in Your love. The wine reminds us of Your blood was shed
47:17 to cleanse us from all our sins, that one day we will see You in all Your purity.
47:27 And so, in the authoritative name of Jesus, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
47:32 we ask that You bless the bread and the wine. Through them,
47:37 as we turn our hearts to You, we pray that our faith will be refreshed, our hope will
47:43 be renewed, our love will be inspired. May our worship be acceptable
47:50 in Your sight. In Jesus' name." Amen and amen.
47:55 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
48:10 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
48:41 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
49:09 ♪♪
49:18 [ "I Will Sing of My Redeemer" begins ]
52:27 >> We celebrate a risen Savior, and we remember the acts that He did before He died.
52:33 As He stands before, He says, "Take. Eat. This is my body,
52:37 which was broken for you."
53:01 Once again, He says, "This is my blood, which was shed for you.
53:06 Do this in remembrance of me."
53:26 In the time of Jesus, there was a custom where at each of these meals,
53:34 they would take an offering for those who were in need, and those who are blessed
53:38 would give to bless others. And today, we also celebrate that custom here at
53:43 Pioneer Memorial Church. And so, we encourage all those who have been blessed
53:48 to give to bless others. When you give, that money goes to our emergency assistance
53:53 fund, which helps those in the community, that helps those in the church,
53:57 those surrounding this area that are in need. And so, as you give,
54:02 we encourage you to give as you have been blessed. At the end of the service,
54:06 there will be baskets at each exit, and there will be ushers there
54:09 to take any offering as you give. Finally, as Matthew says,
54:14 "They sang a hymn and then went out." Please join us as we sing
54:18 hymn number 407, 407, "Sent Forth by God's Blessings." Feel free to stand.
56:38 Thank you again for worshiping with us today
56:41 here at this church. We hope that you go
56:43 and are blessed by God.
56:46 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that
56:50 by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. Thank you.
56:59 >> One of the hot debates on this planet today is this
57:02 collective conversation about Creation versus evolution.
57:05 While there are a thousand voices offering their
57:08 perspectives, the truth is that in God's word, there are some
57:11 pretty definitive statements. In fact, I examine those
57:14 statements and the evidence for Creation in a little book I
57:17 wrote, "Creation and Evolution: A Thoughtful Look at the
57:20 Evidence That a Master Designer Created Our Planet."
57:23 I'd love for you to join the conversation and check out the
57:26 evidence for yourself. In fact, if you'll call our
57:29 toll-free number, 877-HIS-WILL, the two words "His Will," I'll
57:33 make sure one of these books, at no charge to you, is in the
57:36 mail. The number again --
57:37 877-HIS-WILL. Let the operator know
57:40 you want the book "Creation and Evolution."
57:42 And we'll get it in the mail to you as soon as possible.
57:46 Until we're together again right here on "New Perceptions" next
57:51 week, may the grace, the peace, and the hope of the Creator
57:55 abide with you.
57:59 ♪♪ ♪♪
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Revised 2022-07-05