New Perceptions

Chasing Jesus: to Set The Captives Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP220910S

00:01 ♪♪
00:14 >> Welcome, everybody, to PMC. How's everybody doing?
00:19 If you're doing well, wave your hand.
00:22 Praise God, praise God, praise God.
00:24 We'll be singing songs of praises together, and the first
00:28 one that we're gonna sing is "The Blood Will Never Lose Its
00:33 Power." Shane.
00:36 [ "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" begins ]
04:51 [ Speaks indistinctly ] And because of God we'll never
04:55 be the same again. I don't know about you, but
04:58 personally, from the time I chose Christ as my personal
05:02 savior, my life has not been the same.
05:05 I thought that challenges would go away.
05:08 No, they did not, but I've been safe.
05:12 So here's to never being the same again.
05:17 [ "I Will Never Be" begins ]
08:59 Amen. Do you believe that?
09:05 One thing I like about the Watchmen, we like to sing from a place of experience.
09:12 And lately, personally, um... experiencing a lot of anxiety, stress, and then you have all
09:23 these plans, and then it don't seem to be working out. And then all you see is fear.
09:29 And you don't see joy, peace, or happiness. But then remember what I stated
09:36 on... When you believe in God, He will protect you.
09:46 That doesn't mean that he will shield you from experiencing anxiety, depression, stress.
09:54 He will protect you through all of that. He will give you peace.
09:58 He will give you joy. He will give you love. And whatever situation you might
10:03 be going through, He's working it out for your good. Keep on believing on, keep on
10:09 keeping on.
10:11 Philip. [ "Fear is Not My Future"
10:15 begins ]
16:00 >> ♪ Steal away ♪ Steal away ♪ Steal away to Jesus
16:15 ♪ Jesus ♪ Steal away ♪ Steal away home
16:28 ♪ I ain't got long to stay here ♪
16:49 ♪ My Lord a-calls me ♪ Calls me by the thunder ♪ The trumpet sounds
17:05 within-a my soul ♪ ♪ I ain't got long to stay here ♪
17:32 ♪ Green trees are bending ♪ Poor sinner stands ♪ A-trembling, trembling,
17:43 trembling, trembling ♪ ♪ Trembling ♪ The trumpet sounds
17:51 within-a my soul ♪ ♪ I ain't got long to stay here ♪
18:20 ♪ Steal away ♪ Steal away
18:37 ♪ Steal away home
18:48 ♪ Ahhhh ♪ Ahhhh ♪ Steal, steal
19:04 ♪ Steal away home ♪ I see the lightning ♪ The thunder
19:26 and the lightning, O Lord ♪ ♪ The trumpet sounds within-a my soul ♪
19:42 ♪ I ain't got long ♪ I ain't got long ♪ I ain't got long
19:55 to stay here ♪
20:18 ♪ My Lord calls me
20:30 ♪ Calls me ♪ Home
20:51 >> Amen.
20:56 >> I hear the trumpet calling.
21:03 We ain't got long to stay here. O God. We've stolen away from
21:15 another eventful week. We've stolen away into the quiet of this sanctuary.
21:25 We have a few minutes left. We need you to speak really clear.
21:31 In Jesus' name, amen.
21:39 I hold in my hands a pair of real live handcuffs
21:45 from a deputy sheriff in Berrien County.
21:49 These belong to him, and he's here right now
21:52 to keep track of them. Everywhere we're going
21:58 this morning in the story we are about to share leads
22:01 to these handcuffs.
22:04 If you don't get the handcuffs at the end, it's just -- we've just blown
22:08 these few minutes together. We're going for the handcuffs. But first, a story.
22:17 Let's cut to the chase. Let's put it on the screen. Luke 4.
22:20 Last week we were with Jesus, the three. massive temptations
22:26 that He overcame for you and me. Dr. Luke, the very next story. After the three temptations.
22:32 Here we go. Here it is on the screen. "And Jesus went to Nazareth,
22:38 where he had been brought up." On the streets, they have a slang
22:42 name for a boy who comes home -- homeboy or a homey. Jesus is a homeboy.
22:48 He's got a lot of homeboys in that town. Everybody knows him.
22:52 He's been gone for two and a half years -- no, one and a half years.
22:56 Excuse me. One and a half years. He has not come home since he went down
23:00 and ended up in that wilderness with those three temptations. The homeboy is back.
23:08 You can be sure church is packed today. I mean, his brothers are there.
23:13 His sisters are there. And his beloved mother, Mary, she's there.
23:18 I'm telling you what, Jesus -- No pressure, but you got to perform, boy.
23:23 This is a big deal. Oh, it's true. People down south, you know,
23:27 Jerusalem, Judea, they got this stupid little proverb about,
23:31 "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Well, you got a good one
23:34 right here, folks. Sit down. Listen up. Here we go.
24:10 Let's hit the pause button right there. This is not the first time
24:16 Jesus has stood in front, as a homeboy, in front of his home church.
24:22 When he was growing up. We need to be reminded. The chazan --
24:27 that's the deacon in the synagogue -- he picked somebody.
24:30 "Okay, you're gonna read today. You're gonna read today, and here's
24:33 where we're going to read." And the expectation is that once you read, you give an
24:38 exposition of what you just read. And of course, everybody's dying
24:42 to hear this homeboy preach. They've heard the rumors out of Jerusalem,
24:47 but they want to hear it for themselves. So the chazan hands
24:53 him the scrolls. Jesus reads these words. "Preach to us, preacher.
25:03 Come on." So he does. "Desire of Ages" does
25:10 remind us this isn't his first time. "Often in the synagogue
25:13 on the Sabbath day Jesus was called upon" -- as a young man -- "to read
25:18 the lesson from the prophets..." Jesus is unschooled, okay? He hasn't been to seminary.
25:32 But he reads Hebrew beautifully. The common people do not read Hebrew, so somebody who can read
25:37 Hebrew has to be invited to stand up and unroll the scroll. Jesus does.
26:00 I want you to look at that line right there, because Dr. Luke, when he's composing
26:04 this account -- and he's the only one to tell us -- the word -- he uses the Greek
26:10 word for "anoint," which is chrio, from whence comes Christos.
26:16 And everybody knows that Christ means the "anointed one." In other words, the Messiah.
26:21 So Jesus opens his mouth, the homeboy opens his mouth and effectively declares,
26:27 "The Spirit of the Lord has made me the Christ, the Messiah.
26:31 I am the Anointed One." Whoa!
26:39 John Howard Yoder, in his book "The Politics of Jesus," comments on this passage that
26:45 Jesus is now reading. "We must conclude that in the ordinary sense
26:53 of his words" -- all right, so they're listening to him. "He's a homeboy.
26:56 He's just one of us." "In the ordinary sense of his words Jesus...was
27:00 announcing the imminent entrée en vigueur" -- the coming into force -- "of a new regime
27:08 whose marks would be that rich would give to the poor, the captives would be freed,
27:13 and men and women would have a new mentality, if they believed this news."
27:19 He stands in front of his home crowd and he announces, "A new regime
27:27 has come, and I am the Messiah." Oh, wow. The implications are huge.
27:38 We'll read the quotation one more time. 'The Spirit of the Lord is on
27:45 me' -- this is a direct quote. 'The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me
27:51 to proclaim good news to the poor.' Now keep reading.
28:04 Now, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. So we drill down
28:06 into what he's just read. Jesus has not emptied the prison cells of Judea and Galilee.
28:13 They're still full. He has not stormed the Bastille, the fortress -- Herod's
28:19 fortress of Antonia. He has not. What is this business about
28:24 the prisoners will be set free? And slowly, slowly it penetrates the listeners.
28:31 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. He's emptying out the prison cells.
28:35 The prison cells of demonic darkness all across the land. This is cryptic,
28:39 spiritual language. Good news for the poor. Freedom for the prisoners.
28:43 Recovery of sight for the blind. To set the oppressed free. And then he speaks the words
28:49 "to proclaim the Lord's favor." That is -- That is huge Jubilee language.
28:56 And everybody knows Jubilee language. That's what happens every 50
28:59 years when a Jubilee comes and the debts are eradicated, the slaves are set free.
29:08 The records are leveled. Everybody is on the same level playing field again.
29:14 He's using Jubilee language. He says, "I am the Messiah, and I have brought Jubilee to
29:20 you." Hometown boy to his hometown crowd.
29:25 What he's telling them, and they're slowly starting to get it --
29:29 "I am your spiritual deliverer from what is holding you captive right now."
29:40 "Whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait.
29:44 Come on, come on. The bondage we want to be set free from
29:48 is from the hated Roman tyranny. We're not here to talk about the bondage of sin."
29:56 Ah, Jesus knows. As he's unrolling the scroll and picking the lines to read.
30:01 He knows that latent thought in every breast. And so he sees a line --
30:08 "Unh-unh. I will not read that line." And he purposely omits
30:11 from Isaiah 61:1-2 the line, "And to proclaim the day of vengeance of our
30:18 God." "No, no, no, no, no, no," Jesus is saying.
30:21 "No day of vengeance. Now, this is a day of repentance.
30:24 You are the sinners and I am the Savior."
30:30 The message they needed, they refused to hear. And I'm afraid we do the same.
30:41 Because all we can talk about around here is that, "Jesus is coming soon.
30:46 He's going to crush the dark rule of the tyrant who has held us captive.
30:51 He's going to crush the devil." And all the while our sinful hearts still do
30:59 not know the victory over sin Jesus longs to bring to us. We can hardly cluck our tongues
31:07 at the Nazarenes, now, can we? There will be no day of vengeance,
31:12 it is clear, until the day of repentance comes, period. A friend of mine told me
31:19 about a book that just came out, brand-new. So I went on Amazon
31:23 and ordered it. Written by Kate Ott. Brand-new book.
31:27 Title of her book -- "Sex, Tech, and Faith: Ethics for a Digital Age."
31:34 And she rightfully acknowledges -- I disagree with a whole bunch
31:38 of her premises, but she rightfully acknowledges this.
31:41 And I'll put it on the screen for you. Kate Ott.
31:55 True story. Keep reading.
32:10 She's right. But while our privacy may be protected,
32:16 our innocence is gone.
32:22 Like Adam and Eve, we see each other naked now. And we are filled with shame.
32:33 "Who, then," Paul cries out, "Who will deliver me from this body of death, for
32:37 that which I do not want to do, I do? And that which I want to do,
32:43 I do not." But thanks be to God for our Lord Jesus Christ.
32:53 And that, my friends, in a nutshell, is Jesus' point in Nazareth.
32:59 "The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to you
33:05 who are poor, and how impoverished our addictions leave us feeling."
33:10 Be honest. "He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners,
33:16 and who is more imprisoned than the addict?" And by the way,
33:20 in this little series, the moment we hear "addict," we think sexual addiction.
33:25 That is only one of a plethora of addictions. Come on.
33:31 Some of us are addicted to food. Some of us are addicted to drink.
33:40 Some of us are addicted to caffeine. Some of us are addicted
33:44 to nicotine. Some of us are addicted to -- and in an institution like this,
33:50 this is a huge addiction -- we're addicted to work. Absolutely. Why?
33:57 "Because if I work hard enough, if I slave long enough, I'm going to rise on this ladder
34:02 and I'm going to be higher than the peers in my academic field. I'll get higher and higher,
34:07 and everybody's going to be reading what I write and the research I publish.
34:11 And at last, I will be where they cannot be." We're addicted to that.
34:16 Dopamine addiction. Oh, don't go clucking your tongues at the ones
34:24 who are sexually addicted. They are here right now, sitting beside you.
34:31 We are all addicted.
34:36 "I've come anointed to proclaim recovery of sight to the blind, and what can be blinder
34:42 than the one who cannot see the face of her deliverer and thus stumbles
34:45 on in darkness?" That's blindness.
34:48 "I have been anointed to set the oppressed free.
34:51 And what greater joyful existential discovery is there
34:55 than to discover the freedom of that which has bound you
34:58 and chained you all these months no longer chained anymore?"
35:04 Well, it doesn't get any better than that.
35:08 "I have come because I've been anointed
35:10 by the Spirit to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
35:13 Actually, the word "favor" is the word "acceptance."
35:16 And who here doesn't long to hear from the Lord, who
35:20 spoke -- "Neither do I condemn you.
35:23 I'm not condemning you for your addiction, girl.
35:25 Neither do I condemn you. Now go
35:27 and leave your past behind. Leave it behind.
35:32 I don't condemn you." Oh, to hear that we've been accepted by the Lord
35:37 who spoke those words. Who doesn't long, after failure and falling and failure and
35:43 falling and failure and falling, this incessant cycle of defeat --
35:48 who doesn't long to hear those words, the year of the Lord's acceptance?
35:56 "For that which I do not want, I do. And that which I want, I do
36:04 not." But thanks be to God, who gives the victory
36:09 through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I sat down this week at my laptop, and oh, my,
36:17 was I amazed how many times you can link the name and the presence of Jesus
36:22 to the word "free" or "freedom." I made a list and I'm going to run it by you right now.
36:26 This is only from the New Testament, by the way. Okay, the first one is where we
36:30 have just -- where we have just been in Luke 4. One commentator
36:37 who listened to Jesus' speech, his homily there in Nazareth, summed up the homily this way.
36:43 I like it. It's the gospel.
36:56 Can Jesus really pull it off? Apparently, the New Testament believes the answer is yes.
37:00 Watch this. Jesus announces...
37:08 We go to John 8:32 in our Scripture a moment ago.
37:13 Drop down four verses.
37:23 Hallelujah.
37:29 There you go.
37:38 Praise God. Keep reading. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord
37:44 is, there is" -- what's that word, there is what? -- "there is freedom."
38:03 And the Bible's last book ends with the last assurance of freedom connected
38:08 to the name of Jesus.
38:22 And all the people said... >> Amen. >> Amen.
38:25 Anybody here want that freedom that comes only from Christ? Come on, you want that freedom
38:30 that comes only from Christ? Why wouldn't I want it? Bottom line, we can be set free.
38:42 by Jesus. That was his message to Nazareth.
38:48 Too bad -- To this offer, Nazareth says no.
38:58 How sad. How tragic the ending of this story we've begun.
39:05 Right now, in his homily, Jesus is at a critical, dramatic crossroads moment.
39:11 The air is thick with drama. Somebody is going to have to respond to what
39:17 the preacher is talking about. Nobody moves. Here's what happens next.
39:27 "Then he rolls up the scroll. Gives it back to the attendant" -- he's quoted the
39:31 Scripture for his little homily now. He gives it back to the chazan,
39:37 and he sits down. They always preach sitting down. The seat of Moses, they call it.
39:42 Now notice this. "The eyes of everyone in that synagogue were fastened on
39:47 him." You could have heard a pin drop. "What's he going to say now?"
39:52 We hear the Word, but how will he apply it?
40:09 They're not sure about this. They kind of buzz. They're speaking well of him.
40:15 They're amazed at the gracious words that come from his lips. "Isn't this Joseph's boy?
40:19 Come on. Isn't this the homeboy Jesus that we grew up with?"
40:23 "Yep." But Jesus realizes...
40:31 ...they still think he's just the homeboy, and he's going to push this
40:36 envelope hard now. He has to. "Jesus said to them,
40:40 'Surely you will quote this proverb to me" -- this is a well-known proverb
40:44 in existence at the time -- "Physician, heal yourself!" And you will tell me,
40:55 Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum."'"
41:01 "Come on, physician. You the big healer that we've heard about down in Judea?
41:07 Strut your stuff. We have to see it to believe it anyway.
41:12 You might as well start right now."
41:19 And Christ, broken heart, realizes... he's lost this crowd.
41:27 But he will not -- he will not go down without fighting.
41:32 And he switches to his homily. And what a homily. Nobody's quite sure.
41:37 "Why is he telling these stories? We already know the stories."
41:41 It will only dawn on them at the very end. Here we go.
41:47 "'Truly, I tell you'" -- ameen in the Greek, "I tell you" -- "'no prophet
41:53 is accepted in his hometown.'" The old King James used to put it this way --
41:57 "A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown." "I know what's going on here."
42:21 She is a pagan, godless, idol-worshiping woman. Nobody, not a widow in Israel
42:30 can be found to send Elijah to. He's sent to her.
42:36 Please. Well, I got another story for you.
42:52 A godless, pagan, idol-worshiping general. Syrian!
43:02 The only leper, God, you could find to heal was that?
43:11 Suddenly the wheels are beginning to click, click, click, click, click.
43:16 "No, no, no, no, no. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
43:20 Are you saying that there was nobody in all of Israel who had faith in God,
43:25 so God has to assign his two prophets to two pagan heathens who turn out to have more faith
43:30 than the Israelites? Is that what you're saying, hometown boy?
43:36 Are you saying that that's why the Israelites" -- and we are living in Israelite former
43:40 countryside -- "are you saying that's why the Israelites were dragged
43:43 into captivity and extermination by the godless Assyrians? Are you suggesting that
43:48 we Nazarenes have no more faith in God than those widows and lepers in Israel
43:52 who never were delivered by God? Are you saying we are no better than the heathen we have looked
43:58 down upon as gods? Is that what you're saying, homeboy?
44:02 Are you saying that?"
44:36 The end. What a sad ending. Sad, isn't it?
44:44 That you can be a Seventh-day Adventist worshiping on the Bible's Seventh-Day
44:51 Sabbath and praying for God to bring vengeance upon this
44:55 wicked world and culture through the second coming of Christ --
44:58 You can be a Seventh-day Adventist and end up rejecting Jesus in the end.
45:04 They did. What makes you any different? No, come on.
45:10 What's so special about you?
45:17 "Desire of Ages" speaks to you and me right now. "Our standing before God depends
45:21 not upon the amount of light we have received" -- and some of you are so proud
45:24 of yourselves for all the light you have -- "but upon the use
45:28 we make of what we have."
45:48 End quote.
45:53 Does your daily life contradict your profession?
46:01 Do you practice great light but harbor great darkness to that addiction of yours?
46:13 Are we any better than the Nazarenes, who claim Jesus belongs
46:17 to them, but who choose not to belong to Him?
46:24 Some of you have been struggling for a long time with great darkness.
46:28 I know. You've told me your stories. You're not that old.
46:34 Though some of you are.
46:40 The addiction seems impossible to give up. The allure
46:44 is too strong to resist. And you know exactly what it feels like
46:51 to be wearing handcuffs. The reason -- my friend Bud Chapman,
47:00 deputy sheriff here in Berrien County -- the reason he slaps
47:07 these handcuffs on a pair of wrists...
47:14 he wants to reduce movement, to incapacitate
47:20 the one who is now in handcuffs. And sometimes he'll have the handcuff on his wrist
47:30 and the handcuff on the wrist of the arrestee. "You can't get away from me
47:36 now." The devil's handcuffs work the same way.
47:46 You don't want this to come down. I tried it on.
47:49 Ooh, you don't want this to come down. Because the moment
47:54 it comes down... you're stuck. The only way this handcuff
48:02 can be released is if you have a key. Which you don't have.
48:12 The whole point of Jesus' homily, that homeboy back in his hometown,
48:21 was to announce, "I have the key to your handcuffs.
48:33 The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to unlock your handcuffs."
48:41 In fact, the Bible ends with the words of Jesus, red letter -- red letters in
48:45 Revelation 1. "I have the keys," he says. He's got them.
48:53 "I have the key to what has handcuffed you to the enemy of all enemies,
49:00 who says, 'Boy, I'm not letting you go.' Oh, I've heard your profession.
49:05 I've heard, oh, you're going to change. Oh, girl, I've heard you say,
49:07 "I'll change. I'll never do this again." Guess what.
49:10 You're still handcuffed to me, girl. And I'm not letting you go.'"
49:14 The only way the handcuffs can be sprung is if the one who holds
49:23 the master key, the master Himself... Chkk!
49:32 And you're free. That's the Gospel. That's how free it is.
49:38 We've made it so difficult. No, no. Ask Jesus.
49:45 Ask Jesus. In fact, I'm going to give you four responses
49:49 to this handcuff analogy. Response number one, please.
49:57 Once the handcuffs are off, don't ever put them
50:02 back on again. Do you understand me?
50:06 What a fool. Only a fool would say,
50:09 "Give me that back! Strap me to your side!
50:14 I want to be your plaything! I love being your victim!
50:19 Handcuff me again, Satan!" Only a fool
50:25 would go and pick the handcuffs up that have just been unlocked
50:28 by Jesus. If there are handcuffs sitting
50:31 in your dorm room, there are handcuffs sitting
50:34 in a cupboard in your home, handcuffs in the refrigerator --
50:38 I don't care where where the handcuffs are.
50:40 Don't get near the handcuffs again.
50:45 Keep as far away as you can. Response number two -- Keep as close as you can to the one
50:52 who holds the master key. Just stay close to Jesus. I don't care what you do.
50:58 You want to slow read to the Gospels? Be my guest.
51:01 You want to go on and get a little paperback book called "Desire of Ages" and just
51:05 a slow read through "Desire of Ages"? Why not?
51:08 But every day -- every day -- stay away from your handcuffs
51:13 and stay close to the one who holds the key. You'll be fine.
51:19 Now, there's this third response because sexual addiction,
51:24 as some have pointed out, is as strong as heroin addiction, perhaps even stronger
51:31 than heroin, one physician told me. Because sexual addiction
51:38 has that nature, there's something come to town that I'm going to tell you about
51:42 right now. I'm not going to put a website on the screen for you.
51:46 I'm going to tell you about it. And then if you text me right now,
51:51 you text me right now, I'll send you the website. You check it out.
51:57 We're bringing in a group, CFE is, Center for Faith Engagement and Pioneer,
52:01 we're bringing in a group in October. I'm not going to give you
52:04 the dates. We're bringing them in for a weekend.
52:09 There'll be professionals in that group. They have dealt with sexual
52:13 addiction all across America. They know what we struggle with, you and me.
52:19 And by the way, we're asking -- we're asking moms and dads to go.
52:22 We're asking our elders to go. We're asking the teachers to go. We're asking everybody to go.
52:28 So there'll be no stigma on the fact that you show up in a room full of people.
52:33 They don't need to know, and neither do you. But we're going to give you
52:37 an opportunity. In fact, let me put the number on the screen for you so that
52:41 you can send me that text. Because if this is true, there's somebody who can pick
52:48 this lock with His master key, then we need help, and we need it right away.
52:54 All right? My next step today -- Let's find out.
53:05 That's the number we use. And you've memorized it by now. Would you please text the word
53:08 Chasing2 to it? You'll get a form that looks like this.
53:11 "My next step today is I want to keep praying. Luther's prayer" --
53:14 that was last Sabbath, but we didn't have a Connect Card, so I wanted to
53:18 make sure you have it so you can print it off. 'O Christ,
53:20 who has overcome the devil, help me!'" It's a prayer for you and me.
53:26 You put a check mark there, I'll send that to you and you can print it off
53:29 and then keep it with you wherever you go. Put it in your wallet.
53:33 Box number two -- "I want to keep claiming Jesus' promise: 'If the Son set you free,
53:37 you'll be free indeed.'" Of course. Me too.
53:39 Put a check mark there. Here's the one I want you to put a check mark to
53:44 if you would like. "I want to be part of the Pure Desire conference --
53:48 please send me information on how to sign up." And if you put a
53:52 check mark there, when you hit "send" on that text, within split seconds
53:56 I will send you a website. Don't look it up now. You need to be able
54:00 to look it up in the quiet of your own space. And in that it would send you
54:05 directly to the page. And there saying Berrien Springs, Michigan,
54:08 we'll be there in October and you'll see it all, and it'll tell you how to
54:11 register and it'll tell you about the cost and how we've got a special scholarship
54:15 fund that's set up so that you don't have to pay the full cost. It'll tell you about that.
54:19 Don't worry about the details. I'm not gonna give you the website here.
54:23 You'll only get it this way.
54:30 "I want to be baptized and follow Jesus." Hey, listen, once Jesus takes
54:34 these off, the most -- if you've not
54:38 been baptized, the most natural response would be to say, "Hey, listen, Jesus,
54:40 I want to follow up my decision with baptism." Just put a check mark there.
54:45 We'll be in touch with you. Electronically. And you'll pick a time.
54:51 And we'll do the next steps together. There's one more
54:55 that's not on there, and that is, "I want to be here next week when you celebrate
55:01 the Cross of Christ." This will be the only place on campus
55:04 next week where you can actually come to the foot of the Cross and be cleansed.
55:09 We're going to celebrate Communion. It's going to be a Communion
55:11 like you've never experienced before because your heart
55:14 hasn't been ready for it before. You come next week and bring all your friends with you.
55:19 Bring every friend you have. You bring them. And let's go.
55:22 The title of the homily -- "Bathing in the Red River." It's all about cleansing.
55:31 You'll go home as pure as a wind-driven snow. You don't have to wait
55:39 till next week. But that will be a graphic support to your mind
55:46 for the decision you've made. That's it. I'll see you next Sabbath.
55:52 But we're going to sing a hymn right now. And I'm going to pray
55:55 before we sing to him. For you and for me. O God, Jesus of Nazareth,
56:02 whom the spirit anointed to be the Messiah, the only Messiah we have,
56:07 the only savior of the world we know, dear God, take these handcuffs,
56:15 Lord Jesus. And with the master key in the hand of the Master,
56:21 click the handcuff to open and set us free. Oh, we have stuff to do.
56:30 We get it, we get it. The handcuffs are gone. We're not hanging around them.
56:35 We get it. We may have a place we need to go to
56:39 for the full deliverance, but that's okay, Jesus. Let it start right now.
56:45 For if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. And we thank You.
56:51 In the name that is above all names, let the people say... >> Amen.
56:55 >> Amen.
56:58 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you
57:01 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh, new way.
57:04 All across the world, more and more people are hearing the call
57:07 to examine Scriptures for themselves.
57:09 If you've felt drawn to learn more about God's Word, but you
57:12 don't know where to start or you're just looking for a more
57:14 in-depth examination of Bible truths, then I have something
57:17 right here that I believe you're going to enjoy.
57:19 I want to send a series of guides to get you started.
57:22 This one's entitled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"
57:25 Each guide begins with a story, an introduction of the subject.
57:28 Then, through a series of focus questions, you'll be learning
57:31 portions of the Bible you may never have known before.
57:33 And when you're through, you'll be able to share with others
57:36 some of these inspiring Bible truths.
57:37 Just call our toll-free number. It's on the screen.
57:40 877, the two words "His will." Friendly operators are standing
57:44 by to send these study guides to you.
57:46 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. Call that number, and then
57:51 again join me next week right here at this same time.
57:55 "New Perceptions."
57:59 ♪♪ ♪♪
58:18 ♪♪


Revised 2022-09-19