New Perceptions

Pleading with Jesus - Solitaire Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP221008S

00:01 ♪♪
00:14 >> Welcome to Pioneer. We are so glad
00:16 you've joined us, whether it's in person or online.
00:19 And I know that none of you came to church this morning
00:24 without noticing those incredible fall colors.
00:28 It is the one time of year between summer and winter that no one regrets
00:32 living in Michigan. So enjoy this beautiful time of year and this beautiful
00:38 worship service together. Invite you to join me now as we read together
00:42 the call to worship.
01:15 Let's pray. Dearest Heavenly Father, you are the alpha and the omega,
01:22 the God of ages past. You have brought us to your holy mountain and made us joyful
01:27 in your house of prayer. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations
01:31 of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
01:38 For your house will be called the house of prayer for all peoples.
01:43 In the name of the Son, we ask for your eternal blessing.
01:47 Amen. >> Amen.
01:54 >> Please stand with us and lift your voices in praise for our creator.
05:56 Amen. Amen. He is our hope
06:00 in life and death. And we have this assurance as we prepare our hearts
06:06 for our congregational prayer. I just invite each of you to sing from
06:10 the depths of your hearts, from the depths of your soul. Sing these promises.
11:09 >> Today, we are going to pause right here
11:11 in our worship celebration to lift up our hearts
11:15 and give glory to God for finally finishing this
11:20 project we began --
11:23 Let's see if I get this right here. We began it the day
11:26 after graduation in May of 2019. Now, a whole lot of you weren't here the day
11:32 after graduation in May 2019. This church was empty. Nobody, of course,
11:37 on a Monday morning is here. We brought in a crew of 20. Was it 20? Was it 40?
11:42 I don't remember how many eventually assembled. And we worked from sun up
11:47 till late into the night. You know what we were doing? Stripping out the old pews,
11:52 stripping out the carpet, stripping out the linoleum under the pews all day long.
11:58 And by the time the last fatigued volunteer went home, this was just an empty cavern.
12:06 Nothing. Then, we -- we moved that very week, we moved over here to the
12:11 Howard Performing Arts Center. Month of May, month of June, month of July, month of August.
12:16 Thank you, Andrews University. Double services every Sabbath over there in the HPAC.
12:22 While crews were scrambling all over this space. And at the end of August,
12:28 we came back, and you are looking at what it is now. God has done
12:35 a wonderful work -- through you, if you were around in 2019, through you, even if you weren't
12:43 around but you became a part of the project after May of 2019 and through
12:50 a host of paid professionals, who, like -- like ants, just crawled all over this place.
12:57 Now, Pastor Jenifer, you actually did some research. You surprised me in first
13:02 church. Tell us about the number of people that were just working
13:06 while we're all over there, week after week, they're in here?
13:09 >> Yes. We had at least 40 companies and suppliers
13:14 supplying goods and services to Pioneer Memorial Church.
13:17 We had an interior designer. We had engineers, architects.
13:21 We had lighting consultants, floor consultants, we had audio consultants,
13:27 all just working to get the job done. >> Yeah.
13:29 >> And -- And as they were working, we had our people inspired by God to give, and
13:35 they were giving, and they gave and they gave and they gave. Some gave just to the carpet.
13:40 Some gave just to the roof. But most people gave just to the project called
13:44 Renovate Heart and House. And we got -- we collected donations
13:50 just over $2.9 million. >> Praise God. >> And that covered the cost.
13:54 >> Yeah. Really. Yeah, put your hands together. It's just a --
13:57 We are rejoicing today. You're applauding for yourselves.
14:01 And, really, we're applauding God, who enabled us to do it. >> Absolutely.
14:05 >> I mean, new everything -- lights and tapestry that comes down from those boxes.
14:11 It's just -- This is our new home. And I don't mind saying to you,
14:15 when people walk into this place for the first time, they come in the middle of the week and
14:18 say, "Hey, show us your church," it's just like, "Wow!" This is not ostentatious.
14:22 We didn't spend -- Carey Carscallen, chairman of our building committee,
14:26 we didn't spend extra money just lavishly. But my, oh, my, what a
14:31 beautiful tribute to God. Thank you. House of prayer for all people.
14:36 Hey, let's burn the mortgage. Come on. Who's got the -- Hey, didn't you do a children's
14:39 story a few weeks ago with fire? Let's do another one with fire. >> Oh, I'm sorry, we can't.
14:44 >> So, Jenifer, how are we going to get rid of this mortgage? We've got to burn something,
14:48 right? >> We will burn the mortgage, and we will burn it together.
14:51 Watch the screen. >> Oh, good. >> So, here we are,
14:56 Pioneer Memorial Church, just outside the church. And we're going to engage
15:01 in this token act of celebration of God's goodness. So let me share with you
15:08 the letter I received from Jermaine Jackson, the associate treasurer
15:11 of the Lake Union Conference. It reads, "Dear Pioneer Memorial Church.
15:17 Congratulations. We have processed your final payment, and
15:21 your account has been marked 'paid in full.' Enclosed is a copy of your
15:26 mortgage note for your records. Additionally, enclosed is a certificate of acknowledgment
15:33 to commemorate the tremendous blessings of God towards the payoff of this
15:39 account through the faithful giving of your church members." And he goes on to say
15:44 a few other things, signed, "Sincerely, Jermaine Jackson, Associate Treasurer."
15:49 So here is the certificate of acknowledgment. And here is the mortgage note
15:57 marked "paid in full." ♪♪ ♪♪
16:20 So there it is. It is finished. Thank God for his faithfulness,
16:25 and thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Pioneer Memorial Church.
16:30 Amen. >> Hallelujah. In fact, you know what we need to do?
16:35 We need to just -- come on. We've been applauding, but let's let's give credit
16:38 to where credit is due. Let's stand and sing the doxology together.
16:41 Shall we do that? Just stand to your feet. Mr. Minister of Music,
16:45 let's go.
17:31 Amen and amen. Please be seated. God is so good, which is why
17:36 we're gonna do something we have never done ever, ever, ever.
17:39 I've never seen it done. But we're going to do it right now, and that is celebrate
17:44 the end of one project and pivot immediately on our heels
17:50 to celebrate the beginning of another project. You up for this one?
17:54 You say, "Dwight, what would we need after this beautiful, beautiful sanctuary?
17:58 What could we possibly need?" I went to three of our Pioneer members.
18:01 I'm talking about Esther Tarangle, I'm talking about Charlene Starlin,
18:05 and I'm talking about Larry Habenicht. And I sat down with them
18:09 with a camera. We're talking about these -- these -- these --
18:15 I don't want to say infamous, but these these stairs that come in right here.
18:21 Now you're going to see Esther Tarangle at the beginning, and let me just tell
18:24 you so that you get it right off the bat. What she's talking about is that
18:29 every time she comes to church and they drop her off -- she's an elderly lady --
18:34 sits in that second row every first service. When they drop her off,
18:38 when she gets to the bottom of the stairs, she darts a prayer to heaven.
18:43 "Jesus, get me to the top." I have tripped on those stairs so many times.
18:49 I'm a blooming adolescent, I guess. It's just --
18:53 They're too short. They're too -- They're too tall. It's just bad.
18:58 Okay, you listen to them. Three of them. Here they go on the big screen right now.
19:03 ♪♪ >> When I go in and sit
19:09 down up near the front so that I can hear,
19:15 I feel so nice inside of myself.
19:25 It's where I want to be on Sabbath morning every Sabbath morning.
19:36 Well, I feel that if we don't have spiritual help, it, uh -- it's a question mark
19:48 whether I will make it okay. I don't feel that I am so agile that I must wait -- depend
20:01 upon my own ability at my age.
20:06 >> Well, I've seen a lot of people have a struggle to get up
20:09 there. In fact, a couple of Sabbaths,
20:12 I've seen one person that had to have at least two people
20:16 helping them up, and one Sabbath, they had to have three
20:18 people.
20:19 You will have more people come if we have a dependable elevator and have it big enough
20:25 to hold the wheelchair, plus maybe a couple -- at least a couple other people.
20:32 I think there's a lot of people that aren't coming because it's so hard to get
20:35 into the sanctuary. >> I'm sitting here talking with my friend Larry Habenicht.
20:40 Everybody here knows your mom and dad. I mean, we're talking about
20:43 Harold and Donna Habenicht.
20:44 >> Yep. >> And the older you get,
20:48 the more challenging those stairs become.
20:50 Did you give your folks any counsel about the stairs or...?
20:53 I mean, what could you do? >> Well, I tried to get them to -- said, "Dad, there's a
20:56 little elevator over there. You could use that." But, uh, he tried a couple
21:02 times -- Two weeks in a row he tried, and the thing didn't work.
21:05 >> Yeah, I'm telling you. >> Dad, he couldn't put up with things that didn't work.
21:08 He says, "No, we're not trying that again." >> So, Mom and Dad are coming to
21:11 church. I'm talking about this June. And I'm up in my office,
21:15 looking down on the sidewalk. And they normally come in under the awning, which means
21:19 you got those stairs. >> Yeah. >> But I could almost see
21:22 your dad's wheels turning. And he stops, and he -- he tells Donna,
21:28 "No, we're turning around." And he turned around, and instead of coming in the awning,
21:33 I realized they're going to go down the stairs into the pit that goes into
21:37 the basement level. But halfway down, I catch up to them.
21:42 "Harold and Donna, listen, now, be very careful." I didn't want to spook them,
21:46 but these are -- these are steep stairs. "We're okay, Dwight.
21:48 We got it." And so they go down, and I'm now needing to get --
21:52 There are two double doors they have to go through. >> Right.
21:55 >> Not one but two. And so I get ahead them to the door.
21:58 I open that door, and then I want to get -- Larry, I want to get the second
22:01 set of doors. So I'm holding onto this while I'm reaching for the other set.
22:05 Phil Gidding sees and comes running over. And right like that, your mom
22:10 went down. She just went boom. >> And I told dad, "You know,
22:13 Dad, there's other churches in the community that don't have steps.
22:16 Let's go to some of them." "Oh, no, this is my church. This is my family.
22:20 I'm coming here." >> What's a good case for putting this elevator in?
22:24 >> Well, I think we've stated it. I mean, our church is for the
22:29 college people, but there's a lot of us retirees, a lot of older people
22:33 who come, particularly to their first service, and with the parking lot out
22:37 here on this side, we need access. >> Mm-hmm.
22:41 >> Yeah. >> We really do. And this will be the only access
22:45 from the parking lot without stairs.
22:50 It occurred to me just before that interview with Larry,
22:55 "Good night. Every entrance into the
22:58 Pioneer Memorial Church is perched atop a series of stairs,
23:02 sometimes two flights of stairs.
23:05 Every single one. Said, "Dwight, we got a ramp back there."
23:08 Oh, great. 85 years old. It's snowing out.
23:11 You get out of your car. "Well, I'll go up the ramp," so you got to walk
23:14 the whole way around the church. "Just keep walking. No, you're not there yet.
23:17 Keep coming around. And by the way, when you get to the ramp, the
23:20 emphasis is on the word steep." I mean, it is steep. And so now you're trying
23:24 to slide up the ramp into the church, and you don't want to sit in the back.
23:28 No. You want to come all the way up to the front where you always sit.
23:31 It's untenable. Unbelievable. And so Carey Carscallen,
23:37 former dean of the School of Architecture and our building chair
23:40 committee -- chair for the building committee, both projects, you assembled
23:45 your group, and you said, "We got to find a solution. Tell us about that.
23:49 >> Yes. Over the years, we've considered many
23:52 different options of how to make this work.
23:56 And we've consulted now with some architects that we feel we've come up with
24:00 the best solution that we'd like to present to you today. The architects have produced
24:05 a nice little video that we'd like to show you and walk you through
24:09 the entrance as it will be. As you see, you come in on the right,
24:14 you'll go to the elevator. This is starting at the awning entrance from the parking lot.
24:18 You'll go into the elevator there. If you don't go into
24:21 the elevator, you continue straight on as before. The old lift is gone
24:26 and new gently sloping steps go up to the sanctuary level. To the left,
24:31 you would go into the sanctuary, and to the right then would be the hallway
24:35 between the youth chapel and the elevator. Here you see people
24:40 getting on the elevator. If you turn around, coming off the elevator, to the left
24:44 would have been the sanctuary, and to the right, straight on through into the youth chapel.
24:50 As you come around into the youth chapel, you can see a new configuration.
24:56 The storage areas that we took away to make the elevator in the entrance
25:01 are now moved to the back. There's angled walls that rise up in the back, giving us
25:06 a new storage and space above. And here, you see in the front, two bump-outs, one on each side,
25:12 one for the elevator and one for the improved entrance into the youth chapel
25:18 above the new storage areas for the chapel are work areas and offices
25:24 for our media ministry. >> So, Carey, you came to the church board June 26th,
25:29 and you met with the board, made this very same presentation, we looked at all
25:33 the numbers, costs, everything. And then we said, "We're not making a decision tonight."
25:38 We will wait two months till the next board meeting, which would be the end of August,
25:41 and we will pray and ask God to reveal to us individually what we should do.
25:47 We come back together on August 27 or 28, and the consensus is
25:53 absolutely clear. God has called us to take this step of faith,
26:00 moving to what we're now calling Renovate 2.0. And I want to -- I want to draw
26:04 attention to somebody sitting right over here, because that man is a member
26:08 of our building committee, began to battle ALS. Tom McCormick is here today.
26:14 He's sitting in that wheelchair and has been a part of this conversation.
26:20 So this isn't just about elderly, elderly people. This is about everybody,
26:25 servicing the entire community. And, Tom, we're really delighted to have you this Sabbath.
26:31 God bless you. So, Pastor Jenifer, come on. This -- This is --
26:36 This is quite a project. >> It is. It is. >> You would agree that I need
26:40 to ask Dave Nowack, the chairman of our stewardship committee, to reflect, David,
26:45 please? Look, because we know the need. I mean, we all sense it.
26:49 This kind of a no -- this is kind of a no-brainer. But how are we going to provide
26:53 for this need? What was the total cost again, for this elevator?
26:56 >> This? >> The elevator, the new one. It's gonna be $1,000,000.
26:59 >> About $1,000,000. >> About $1,000,000. >> About $1,000,000.
27:02 We're hoping less, but we've targeted $1,000,000. >> Okay.
27:06 >> The good news is, Dwight -- the good news is that God has
27:09 already put in motion the means to complete this project.
27:12 >> Hallelujah.
27:14 >> The fundamental means that God put in place is the congregation
27:20 at Pioneer Memorial Church. >> Us. >> Us.
27:23 Pioneer Memorial Church is among the most generous and forward-thinking
27:28 congregations in this area. >> Yeah. In the world. >> In the world.
27:34 And when they see a need, they step up. That's just it.
27:38 God has caused them to be that kind of people. And when they see that need,
27:43 they will respond. I'm looking forward to hearing all the many ways that they'll
27:47 respond in that way. But also, in addition, individuals have already
27:52 seen the need. They've seen the need and anticipated
27:56 through God's influence, supporting that -- the elevator. There was a generous
28:03 matching gift challenge of $100,000 already in place, that once we raise $100,000,
28:11 that will meet that and match it. And that person
28:15 anticipated the need and knew it his coming and placed that gift ready for this
28:21 need. >> Yeah. >> And, finally, we're going
28:24 to try to manage the -- the cost of this -- this project through donations, of course,
28:32 that are coming in. But, you know, sometimes the cost of construction
28:37 exceeds the donations that are there for -- It's a timing issue.
28:40 And so the finance committee has put into place an agreement that if we need --
28:45 and hopefully won't, pray that we don't -- if we need, we have a loan from
28:49 the revolving fund that'll be ready to step in and support the cash-flow needs
28:54 of this particular project. God has put into place those things necessary
29:00 to complete this project in a timely manner. >> We can do what God can do.
29:04 >> We can do. >> Yeah. You know, Jesus -- Jesus spoke a
29:07 line, and everybody knows this line, but it seems to apply to our two projects.
29:12 Jesus said -- you remember this -- "This ought you to have done..." and now what? -- "Leave
29:19 the other undone." And, really, we're simply finishing what we began.
29:24 It wasn't finished. We loved it, but we loved people more than finishing a project.
29:30 And we're doing this for Jesus, for them. God bless all of you
29:35 for your part in it. Pastor Jenifer, a prayer, please.
29:40 >> Will you join me? Will you stand with me as we pray?
29:48 Let's pray. Oh, Lord God, we thank and praise you today
29:54 for your faithfulness. We thank you, God, that there is no God in heaven
30:00 above or in the earth below who is like you, keeping your covenant of mercy
30:05 to your servants. Thank you for the ways in which you inspired
30:10 and blessed your people to give to the Renovate project. Over 15,000-plus donations.
30:19 Thank you so much. May your glory fill this place, as it covered the tabernacle
30:28 in the wilderness, as it filled the temple in Jerusalem.
30:35 And, God, as the reality of your presence transforms your people
30:40 in this house of prayer. May all people who worship here learn to love you, Lord God,
30:48 with all our heart and mind and soul and strength and each other as ourselves.
30:58 As we move forward together in your will into the future, unite us
31:04 in this house of prayer. Help us to give you all that we are
31:12 and all that we have -- our minds, our gifts, our resources, or influence.
31:22 Please accept our Thanksgiving today. May our prayers, our thanks,
31:26 our whole selves, our whole lives ascend to your throne like sweet incense.
31:33 For you are worthy, Lord. To receive blessing and honor and glory
31:39 and power, forever and ever. Amen.
31:47 >> Oh, God, that's our prayer. We need you. There's not a time when we do
31:52 not need you. There's not a place where we will not need you.
31:58 We need you every hour right here, right now, in Jesus' name.
32:03 Amen.
32:05 Question. Does Jesus have a parable
32:08 that ends with the word -- words, "The kingdom of heaven
32:12 is like unto an elevator"? Answer -- not as far as I know.
32:19 Question number two -- Did Jesus ever deal with elder care?
32:23 Are you kidding? It's beautiful.
32:25 You got to look at words you never knew.
32:27 We're talking about elder care. Open your Bible, please,
32:29 to John 21. Let's go. John 21.
32:33 Everybody loves a story, and this one begins with a -- one of those --
32:36 one of our favorite stories, of course. The disciples have spent the
32:39 whole night fishin' and didn't catch one bloomin' fish. Early in the morning, some
32:45 stranger on the shore calls out, "Hey! Throw your net on the other side, and you'll catch all
32:50 the fish you need." And, boom, their net is bursting with shiny silverbacks.
32:59 And, of course, the disciples instantly know, "This is our beloved master Jesus.
33:05 This is our now resurrected Lord Jesus himself." And leave it to Jesus.
33:11 He already has a campfire going. Breakfast is ready to to be devoured.
33:16 And they drag that heavy load in, they jump out of the boat, and they start eating
33:21 with Christ. And somewhere in the middle of that breakfast, Jesus stops,
33:26 and he says, "Yo, Peter. Hey, Simon, son of John. Do you love me more
33:34 then all of these?" And Peter immediately averts his gaze.
33:40 He stares into the flames. Not sure if he's going to cry or not.
33:48 He says, "Lord, you know everything. You know I love you."
33:56 And he resumed the breakfast and it goes on for a few moments, and scene one is repeated
34:00 as scene two -- "Peter, Simon, son of John. Do you love me more than these?"
34:10 "Lord, you know everything. You know I love you." And the breakfast goes on,
34:17 and the conversation continues and, boom -- you got it -- third time.
34:22 I want to pick it up right here. Number three. In the gospel of John 21.
34:27 Here we go -- verse 17. "And the third time, Jesus said to Peter, 'Simon, son of John,
34:33 do you love me?'" Three times you spit on my name and you swore you didn't even --
34:40 had no idea who I was -- in public! So three times in public,
34:48 I'm asking you to testify, do you love me?'" Peter was hurt because
34:56 Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" "And he said, 'Lord,
35:01 you know all things. You know that I love you.'" And for the third time,
35:09 Jesus says, "Good. Feed my sheep." Now here comes this beautiful
35:16 elder-care moment. You've read it so many times. With new eyes, we read it now,
35:21 verse 18. Let's go. Very truly. That's a literary device
35:25 that only John uses. It's a double amen. "Amen, amen."
35:30 Whenever John says it, he says, "Reader, stop, slow down. This is big."
35:33 So we're slowing down. "Amen, amen, I tell you. When you were younger,
35:39 you dressed yourself and you went where you wanted, but when you are old,
35:44 you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not
35:48 want to go." I remember preaching on this passage
35:51 when my dad was in the audience out in California. And the moment I read
35:58 those words, it suddenly hit me as I'm standing there. My dad, who my mother has been
36:07 worried. He's experiencing the onset of -- early onset of dementia.
36:15 Four months after that moment, Dad went into a nursing home from which he never left
36:23 until he died. And I remember coming to those words, "Someone else
36:29 is going to dress you," and I thought about my dad, "and someone else is going to
36:33 lead you where you don't want to go." It's a story of a nursing home.
36:38 Elder care. Wow. Craig Keener in his wonderful
36:45 commentary on the gospel of John, Keener writing, "Diogenes the Cynic reportedly
36:54 told a man whose servant was putting on his shoes that he would ultimately have
36:58 to depend on that servant to wipe his nose, as well." You're going to get older,
37:02 and he's going to be wiping your nose one day. You mark my words.
37:08 Keener goes on, "The description of dependance here in verse 18 could apply simply to old age."
37:15 Elder care. "Oh, but the language of 'stretching out the hands'
37:20 probably suggests more than merely the dependance of old age."
37:23 And John makes sure that we get the double meaning by putting in verse 19,
37:28 "Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.
37:32 And then he says to Peter, 'Follow me!'" "One day, you'll stretch out
37:36 your arms. You'll be crucified. You said you wanted to die for
37:40 me, didn't you, the other night? You will be crucified." And the tradition tells us,
37:46 at his request, upside down.
37:52 But before we dismiss verse 18, "Well, that's not really elder care," come on, come on,
37:56 come on. I want you to think. Think, think, think.
37:58 Who's the man that spoke those words? Who's this God who spoke those
38:01 words just two weeks earlier? Also, red-letter words. The same person
38:07 from the cross gives us the -- the supreme demonstration of elder care.
38:12 Watch this. Two weeks earlier, John 19, Friday afternoon, "When Jesus saw his mother
38:18 there --" he's hanging on Calvary -- "and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby,
38:23 he said to her, 'Woman, here is your son.'" He couldn't point.
38:29 He's nailed. "And then he says to the disciple, 'Here's your mother.'
38:36 And from that time on, this disciple took her into his home."
38:40 Talking about elder care. It doesn't get -- it doesn't get any more poignant than what we
38:45 just witnessed in that split second. "Desire of Ages" agrees.
38:50 "Desire of Ages" comes along, "The perfect example of Christ filial."
38:54 The word "filial" means the love of a child for his or her parent.
38:58 Christ -- "The perfect example of Christ's love for his mother shines forth
39:03 with undimmed luster from the mist of ages. For nearly 30 years,
39:08 Jesus, by his daily toil, had helped bear the burdens of the home.
39:12 And now, even in his last agony, he remembers to provide for his sorrowing, widowed mother.
39:19 The same spirit will be seen in every disciple of our Lord." Wow. Suddenly now
39:24 a little shift of the paradigm, and it's talking about you and me.
39:27 The same spirit will be seen in you and me. "Those who follow Christ
39:31 will feel that it is a part of their religion to respect and provide for their elders."
39:37 Leave the word "parents" out. To some -- To -- "To respect and provide for their elders,"
39:43 the aged in our midst. That's no leap. "From the heart, where his love
39:49 is cherished, father and mother will never fail of receiving thoughtful care and tender
39:55 sympathy," in the Pioneer Memorial Church. We'll never turn down a need
40:03 that will minister to these that God has preserved in their lives as a witness to His faithfulness
40:09 in our midst. Wow. That's pretty clear.
40:14 Which is why, by the way, the preincarnate Christ makes sure that the
40:19 Old Testament is saturated with elder care. Watch this. I'm going to just
40:23 fly these by you so fast, you're going to miss them. But that's okay.
40:26 Just listen. Leviticus 19:32, preincarnate Christ speaking -- "Stand up in
40:33 the presence of the aged, people. Show respect for the elderly
40:36 and revere your God. I am the Lord." Psalm 92:12, 14.
40:43 "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree. They will grow like a cedar
40:47 of Lebanon. They will still bear fruit in old age.
40:51 They will stay fresh and green."
40:53 And I think of one of our Pioneer members
40:55 who, two weeks ago, turned 108. Anne Bower.
41:01 She is precious to her family.
41:04 She is precious to her Lord. And she's precious to this family.
41:08 Wow! 108? Proverbs 16:31 -- "Gray hair is a crown of splendor.
41:17 It is attained in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 20:29 -- "The glory of
41:21 young men is their strength. Gray hair is the splendor of the old."
41:26 Isaiah 46:4, God himself speaking now -- "Even to your old age and gray hairs,
41:33 I am He. I am He who will sustain you. I have made you,
41:38 and I will carry you. I will sustain you, and I will rescue you."
41:42 "You never have to worry about elder care with me
41:46 because I'm your father in heaven,
41:48 and I will care for you until you breathe your last breath."
41:53 And if he's made that commitment,
41:56 why wouldn't we make the same? And does it change
42:00 in the New Testament?
42:01 Hardly. Look at this -- 1 Timothy 5, to his young protégé,
42:06 the Apostle Paul is writing, verses 3 and 5 -- "Give proper recognition to those widows who
42:11 are really in need, for the widow who is really in need and left all alone --"
42:16 and we had many of them sitting in church today, first church, and some are
42:22 sitting right now besides you, and you don't even know it. "For the widow who is really in
42:28 need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day
42:32 to pray and ask God for help." Shall we answer that prayer? Or shall we say, "No.
42:39 We got what we wanted. Nice. Too bad for you folks"?
42:46 Of course not. One more line from Paul, 1 Corinthians 12: 24-26 --
42:52 "But God has put the body together --" speaking of the church -- "so that there should
42:56 be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.
43:02 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored,
43:06 every part rejoices with it." Isn't that the meaning of the church?
43:10 Aren't we a community? Love -- Love on the move? Isn't that what we say around
43:13 here? We say, "Well, that's Pioneer's mission -- love on the move."
43:16 Yeah, it sure is. Love on the move. That's not based on numbers,
43:20 not based on income, not based on age, not based on education,
43:24 not based on profession. Love on the move is Pioneer's mission to every breathing human
43:30 being on this planet. It's our mission. Love on the move.
43:35 'Course we step forward. Elder care. Beautifully models the truth
43:41 about the church as the body of Christ so that its parts that its parts
43:49 have equal concern for each other -- "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.
43:54 If one part is honored, every part says, 'Wow! Celebrate! High five!'"
44:03 I remember watching John Paul II. You remember him.
44:07 Struggle with his Parkinson's disease. And I never could figure out,
44:11 "Why do you do this on camera?" His -- His voice became garbled. Speech modulation
44:23 not quite right. Drooling, the head at an angle that he couldn't correct.
44:31 And then I came to realize how intent -- how intentional he was that his own struggle
44:38 to live and move remind us all that the weak must be able to depend on the strong
44:45 to carry them through. And it's no different here in Pioneer.
44:53 Harold and Donna Habenicht, we just talked about them. They died five weeks apart this
44:56 summer. Buried them both. Esther Tarangle, here.
45:05 The elderly do not attend this church because they're trying to teach us a lesson.
45:09 Mnh-mnh. But because they are trying -- they are trying to demonstrate
45:14 that they are drawn to this sacred house that has been their spiritual
45:18 home for decades and decades. "And as long as I can navigate the journey, I'll be here."
45:26 Oh, I'm so proud of them. Some of us still haven't come back from the pandemic
45:32 because it's just, you know, it's too hard. "We'll just stay home and do
45:37 it." And they're negotiating these torturous stairs
45:42 just to be here. Wow. The onset of physical and mental
45:48 struggles that we face are not reason to stay away but reason to find
45:52 in the community, the church, in the body of Christ, our Lord, the emotional compassion
45:57 and personal sustenance we need, we crave, and we must have. And I go and greet them
46:02 every Sabbath they're here. I'm talking about Bruce and Judy Zimmerman.
46:07 They're in here right now. This is their church. It's not easy to come to church,
46:16 but they're here. God bless you. Every stage of life is precious
46:23 to God and beautiful to us. That means that when a newborn lustily cries out
46:29 for mother's attention in the middle of a quiet moment in worship, we smile.
46:33 We do not grumble. "Why doesn't our mother do something?
46:36 This is bad. Just get that kid out of here." No, we smile!
46:39 I'm so glad that child is here! And if we got a problem with noise in the balcony,
46:43 I'm so glad the teens are here. We don't say, "No, if you can't conform to us, you just stay
46:48 away." No, you -- you -- you keep coming.
46:52 This is your church. It's not my church. It's your church.
46:56 All of us. No matter what it costs when that elder member stumbles
47:02 or trips, we rush to their aid and do all in our power to prevent that from happening
47:06 again. And that's what this Renovate 2.0 is all about.
47:10 That's it, in a nutshell. Let's be clear. This new elevator is not for you
47:15 and is not for me -- not for most of us -- but it is a gift from all of us,
47:20 young and aged alike, for those who need it most. A love gift to these who are a
47:27 testimony to God's goodness. Strength. So today we celebrate
47:33 a very tangible way that we can show them we love on them. And by the way,
47:36 it's not just for the aged. It's not just for the aged. My friend Tom, wheelchair.
47:43 You already know the routine. You can't get up to this floor without going through stairs.
47:49 Impossible. He said, "Dwight, the ramp, don't ever bring that ramp up
47:53 again." [ Laughter ] "That ramp is not sufficient."
47:59 You circle the church like Joshua going around Jericho just to get in it.
48:06 I'm not dissing on our forefathers and our foremothers who built this beautiful
48:10 sanctuary in 1959. But, ladies and gentlemen, the Americans with Disability
48:14 Act requires every community to be on the lookout for ease of access, including churches.
48:20 We don't need the law to tell us what to do. We do it because we -- we have
48:24 elder care, we have elder love. And that's why we do it. Nobody's asked you
48:30 to pledge anything. You're not going to get a pledge card in the mail.
48:34 This will be done by you because you believe it's important for them.
48:40 Out of love for them, you will do this. You got one letter from me this
48:44 week, and that's it.
48:46 It's very right for this -- this campus congregation,
48:50 surrounded by young adults -- I love it --
48:52 surrounded by young adults, but we cannot forget these
48:55 who -- who are the one demographic slice that gives
48:59 the most to this church.
49:01 By age and per capita, they give more than everybody else. When they get old,
49:06 they just say, "Count me in." Percentage-wise, out-giving you and me.
49:13 No, we got to do it. There was nothing for them in the first one.
49:17 We're going to finish the project right for them.
49:21 Oh, and by the way, as -- as Dave just shared with us
49:24 a moment ago, we do have a member of this church.
49:27 She, a member of this church, has written and said,
49:31 "I'll give $100,000 if you guys will match it."
49:34 Well, that's not hard, $100,000.
49:36 Means we'll get $200,000 just like that. And that's what she wants.
49:40 Isn't that wonderful? She's not wealthy. She said, "I just -- I just want
49:45 to do this for the church." I got a letter this week, a card from somebody on
49:50 the other side of the country. Been a Christian for 14 years. Two years ago, was watching
49:56 Hope TV, met Pioneer, and has been watching ever since.
50:01 She just wanted to write and say, "Thanks so much for everything.
50:04 And we have a little something to help with the -- with -- with just --
50:09 It's a love gift. Receive it, please." I looked at the check.
50:12 $100,000. She's not even a member of our community or faith.
50:20 "I just want to help you." Don't you ever tell me that God cannot finish this project.
50:26 He has a thousand ways of which we know not a single one. That woman stepped forward,
50:32 I talked to her on the phone this week. Wow.
50:37 Praise God. We can do because God can do. And he's the greatest can-do God
50:46 I have ever met in my life.
50:54 Time's up. I want to sing a song with you. But first, I want to put
50:58 the Connect Card up. Please. Type the word --
51:01 Put the word, type the word "Renovate" to -- Here's the number you're familiar with --
51:06 269-281-2345. Everybody knows that number now. Visitors don't.
51:10 So visitors do this, please, and there'll be something for you here, as well.
51:13 Just text "Renovate" to that number.
51:15 Here's what you're going to get. my next steps.
51:16 So here they are. "I want to be part of the
51:18 Renovate 2.0 project to bring Jesus' elder care to our most
51:22 needy members and visitors." Yeah, me too.
51:25 If you put a checkmark there, that's not
51:27 committing you to anything but to be a part of the project.
51:30 And just seeing that, "Oh, she put it down?
51:33 Did he check that? Wow! I'm so grateful."
51:36 You're not committing to anything except be a part of the
51:38 project. Put a checkmark there.
51:42 It'll bless my soul. Box number two, "For more
51:44 details regarding the project, go to
51:47 Some of you watching live right now.
51:50 You go there. Three major documents
51:53 with all -- more details than you ever wanted to know
51:57 are on that site. You get a feel for the project.
52:00 Go to it --
52:03 Oh, box number three. "I want to be part of the
52:05 Pure Desire Conference," coming in two weeks.
52:08 "Please send me information on how to sign up."
52:11 I can't believe all the people that are signing up already.
52:14 We're pushing this really hard, as you know, because
52:16 of our series this semester, looking at
52:19 Blessed are the Pure in Heart: Sexual Purity."
52:22 It's an important time because we're not just about the aged.
52:26 We have the young that we've been sent to mission to,
52:28 and sexual purity is a huge deal right now for that generation,
52:33 and for you and for me, all of us.
52:36 You want to be a part of the Pure Desire Conference,
52:38 put a checkmark there. You'll get all the information
52:40 you want. And by the way, we're going
52:43 to -- we're subsidizing the costs -- it's $100 to get
52:45 in, but we're going to subsidize it, Pioneer, so that, for $25,
52:49 you can get in. I'm going to be there.
52:52 You don't go there because you're telling everybody,
52:55 "Please pray for me." Now there will be people
52:58 there saying, "Please pray for me," I suppose.
53:02 But this is so that we can be more effective
53:04 in relating to one another in the area of sexual purity.
53:08 So come on, sign up. It's not going to cost you a
53:10 thing. And we'll send you
53:12 all the information you need.
53:14 Oh, there's a beautiful -- there's a beautiful little course right at the --
53:17 right at the end of the hymnal. And it's "We Give Thee All Thine Own"?
53:24 Is that it? "But Thine Own"? Yeah, Chuck -- Chuck and Julie,
53:28 come here. I want to pray first before you lead us.
53:31 It's such a beautiful little piece. I want you to stand
53:33 because we'll close by singing this very short -- it's so short that we're gonna
53:37 sing it several times, but... it's a beautiful prayer. "O God, we give you what is
53:43 already yours." Dear Jesus, Holy Father, and Blessed Spirit.
53:49 Elder care came from your heart. And elder care is in our hearts. We want to do it right.
53:57 So take our humble, humble commitment. Whatever we give, it's yours
54:02 in the first place. It's all yours. Others have gone before us
54:06 in some significant ways. We thank you for their example, but we cheerfully
54:11 want to do our part. Fill us with the elder care that is in the heart
54:18 of the God of the universe right now. In Jesus' name.
54:23 Let's sing together.
55:11 >> Ladies sing. Men, let's join together.
55:58 One more time together.
56:28 >> Thank you again for joining us here at Pioneer. And remember,
56:32 as you are leaving, there's opportunities to give today.
56:37 Let us pray. Dearest Heavenly Father, sustain
56:41 us and keep us close to your heart.
56:43 Keep us until the day when death, mourning, crying, and pain will be no more.
56:50 The one who has testified of these things says, "Surely I'm coming soon."
56:55 Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus
56:59 be with all the saints. Amen. >> Amen.
57:07 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying for
57:10 you." Didn't it give you a sense of
57:12 peace and reassurance that "somebody cares for me"?
57:15 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers
57:17 saying, "Yo, Dwight, I've been praying for you lately."
57:20 There's nothing like knowing someone is praying for you.
57:22 So I want to offer you an opportunity to partner.
57:25 Let me, let us partner with you in prayer.
57:27 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of
57:29 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you to
57:32 contact one of our friendly chaplains.
57:34 It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free
57:36 number, 877-HIS-WILL. 877-HIS-WILL.
57:42 That friendly voice that answers?
57:43 You tell him, you tell her what your prayer need is.
57:46 We'll join with you in that petition.
57:49 And may the God who answers this prayer journey with you these
57:52 next few days, until we're right back here together again next
57:54 time.
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Revised 2022-10-18