3ABN Today

Boy from the Ditch

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Dennis F. Turner


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015007B

00:01 This has been such an inspiring program,
00:03 and I hope that you've enjoyed it as much as I have.
00:06 Dennis, we just want to thank you
00:08 for being here today, but particularly we,
00:11 I just want to ask you to look into the camera
00:14 and speak to someone, some young person out there,
00:17 who feels that there's no hope for them.
00:20 Sure, that's no problem.
00:22 First of all, I want to let you know that God is amazing,
00:25 He can do anything.
00:26 And I know sometimes you may feel lonely,
00:28 sometimes you may feel discouraged,
00:30 sometimes you feel like your life may not be going anywhere,
00:34 but listen, just keep pushing, keep striving,
00:39 whatever God has for you, it will be for you,
00:42 and in the end you should win.
00:44 It's not about the speed, but the mentality
00:46 and the mentality is you will win.
00:50 It's not how you start, but how you finish.
00:53 Amen, amen, brother, that makes me think of Paul,
00:57 and he says "I have run the race,
00:59 you know, I'm finishing this."
01:02 And that is what it's about,
01:03 so we just want to thank you so much.
01:04 Thank you, thank you.
01:06 For being here, for sharing your story
01:07 and just for allowing God to use you--
01:10 Praise God. In a spectacular way.
01:11 Thank you so much.
01:13 Well, for those of you at home,
01:14 our prayer is that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
01:18 the love of the Father, and the fellowship
01:20 of the Holy Spirit will be with you always.
01:23 God bless.


Revised 2021-08-30