3ABN Today

Book - The Open Door

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Kamil Metz & David Pano & Michelle Odinma


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016007B

00:01 And that's a good information, I always like to have you aware
00:03 of the things happen here at 3ABN.
00:04 Kamil, in closing, do you have a final thought,
00:07 a final story that you can give us before we go?
00:08 Yeah, I just want to say,
00:10 it's wonderful to work together.
00:11 Like, for example,
00:13 in the book you'll read stories about people watching 3ABN
00:15 and when we mention
00:17 we're with the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:18 they would say,
00:19 "Oh, I'd been watching the programs"
00:21 and come on in,
00:22 and they're interested in books.
00:23 So God is really working, putting ministries together
00:25 like that in reaching souls.
00:27 One of my favorite stories in the book
00:29 is about a man who--
00:31 his health was really bad, Jonathan met him at the door,
00:33 and Jonathan felt bad for him.
00:37 You know, because his health was bad,
00:38 his family left him.
00:39 And finally, at the end of the visit,
00:42 the man prayed with Jonathan.
00:43 He says, "Lord, You have taken my health away,
00:46 You have taken my family away, all I have is hands.
00:49 Lord, use my hands."
00:52 Our young people have good health,
00:53 they have-- they look good.
00:55 My prayer is that they will be willing to use
00:58 that for the Lord.
00:59 Praise God. Praise God.
01:01 And I think that's a fitting end
01:03 to this kind of program, to use what you have.
01:06 God asked Mosses, what's in hand?
01:09 So you got to use what's in your hand,
01:11 what you have?
01:12 Your voice, your mouth, your legs, your skills,
01:15 your time, your talent, you can use for the Lord.
01:17 And when you give to the Lord, the Lord gives back to you
01:19 so much more than you can ever give him.
01:21 Well, our time is fast slipped into eternity.
01:24 Allow me now in closing to wish you
01:25 both grace and peace
01:26 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
01:28 We'll see you again soon. Bye-bye. And God bless.


Revised 2019-07-19