3ABN Today

An Infallible Revelation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), John Dinzey, John Lomacang


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We are so thankful that you have chosen to join us
01:15 for what I believe is going to be an exciting Bible study.
01:19 Our study topic today is "An Infallible Revelation."
01:22 And I'm here with my husband Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:25 And Pastor Kenny, we have a wonderful study group.
01:28 I love this group.
01:30 Every group we have, I love the group
01:32 because they love the Word of God,
01:34 and they love to talk about Jesus
01:36 so they have an experience with Christ,
01:38 they know the word, and it's,
01:40 it really always, it's just, it's a delight.
01:43 If I may say, it's a delight.
01:44 So we're glad to have these gentlemen today with us.
01:46 I think they may be, they may be Bible scholar.
01:48 They are, I believe they are.
01:50 Yes. That's right.
01:51 I love, the first guest I'm going to introduce
01:53 is Brother John Dinzey.
01:55 He's a General Manager of 3ABN Latino,
01:58 and his wife came down the steps a little bit ago,
02:01 and she says, there's too many people on there,
02:02 they are all talkers,
02:04 no one's going to get a word in it.
02:05 I said, good, that's what we want,
02:08 we want to uplift God's word today.
02:10 And right next to him is another John,
02:12 Pastor John Lomacang.
02:14 He's the pastor here
02:15 at the Thompsonville Adventist Church.
02:17 That's right.
02:19 And he also has a new title...
02:20 I like that.
02:22 He is the...
02:23 I may have to let the Director of World Evangelism.
02:26 And we are so excited about that because I know
02:29 we've been had a little bit of part in it already
02:31 and we are looking forward to more.
02:33 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
02:35 Good to be here.
02:36 And he's so good at organizing and using all the technology,
02:39 he's the man for the job.
02:40 Oh, you know, I believe that.
02:42 I believe that from the first moment
02:43 that you have evangelism in your heart, in your soul.
02:47 It burns inside, and I know it does
02:48 and you wanted to come out.
02:50 And also you encourage others.
02:52 I like the way you always, in fact both are out,
02:54 you're always encouraging other people to,
02:56 we call, step up to the plate.
02:58 Praise the Lord. Do their part for Jesus.
03:00 And sometimes that issue just right there,
03:03 it helps somebody to make a decision for Christ
03:06 and to stay imbedded in Christ.
03:08 So we're glad to have you with us today,
03:11 and we're glad, and we like this subject,
03:12 I know it's going to be a good one.
03:14 Yes, an Infallible Revelation.
03:16 But before we get started,
03:17 we are going to listen to a wonderful song
03:20 as sung by Stephanie Dawn.
03:22 And she's going to be accompanied
03:24 on the pianist, the piano by Dann Thornton.
03:42 Oh Lord my heart is quieted
03:49 My thoughts are not too proud
03:56 The shadows flee, my eyes can see You now
04:08 I do not occupy myself
04:14 With things too great for me
04:21 Here in Your stillness, is where I long to be
04:31 And I have calmed my troubled heart
04:39 I have quieted my soul
04:45 Like a child at its mother's breast
04:51 I find my strength and take my rest
04:56 In the shelter of Your arms
05:02 There is life to make me whole
05:09 I have calmed my heart and quieted my soul
05:29 But should I not be comforted
05:36 When darkness falls again
05:42 When I am weak, will I still seek You then?
05:55 Lord, help me hear You call my name
06:01 Above the raging sea
06:08 O Israel, come put your trust in me
06:19 I have calmed my troubled heart
06:26 I have quieted my soul
06:32 Like a child at its mother's breast
06:38 I find my strength and take my rest
06:45 In the shelter of Your arms
06:51 There is life to make me whole
06:57 I have calmed my heart and quieted my soul
07:29 In the shelter of Your arms
07:35 There is life to make me whole
07:41 I have calmed my heart and quieted my soul
07:54 I have calmed my heart and quieted my soul
08:22 In your arms, there is life and my soul.
08:25 Yes. Amen.
08:27 Thank you, Stephanie Dawn and Dann.
08:28 How beautiful. Oh, awesome.
08:30 Praise God. We're going to continue on.
08:31 You know, brothers and pastors that are here,
08:35 our world has been experiencing such a moral degradation
08:41 that I think even maybe five, ten years ago
08:44 we just couldn't imagine would take place.
08:48 We couldn't imagine some of the laws
08:50 that have been passed in our country.
08:54 Sure many of us have read the back of the book,
08:56 we realize that there's a time of trouble coming
08:58 but I can remember just a few years ago, thinking,
09:01 I didn't realize we were going to ask for it
09:03 the way that we've been asking for it.
09:06 And yet, even as we see this decline in morality,
09:10 we see an increase in church attendance.
09:14 The biggest, the most sought out churches
09:17 that are called the mega churches,
09:19 and they're not the same,
09:21 people are going there, they look for the place.
09:23 In fact, I just had someone
09:26 I love very recently, very much,
09:31 we were watching something on this network,
09:35 it had to do with us, and my grandbaby was there,
09:38 and he's only two.
09:41 But the mamma says, you know, "Oh, was that boring?"
09:45 And I just felt so sad, because what they're doing,
09:48 because she's kind of lost her way she's gone out,
09:50 and she's going to one of these mega churches.
09:52 And what they're doing is they're going
09:54 in for the entertainment.
09:56 Who has the best music? Who has the best drama?
09:59 Who can preach the best message as it were?
10:02 And yet, while thousands and thousands
10:05 of people are going into these churches,
10:07 thousands are never opening the Word of God.
10:10 So my question for all of us today
10:13 is just how important is God's word?
10:16 Is it indeed an infallible revelation?
10:19 And to start our topic,
10:21 we're going to read Psalms 12:6.
10:24 Psalms 12:6.
10:27 Pastor Kenny, you want to read that one for us?
10:29 Sure.
10:30 Psalms 12:6 says, "The words of the Lord are pure words
10:36 as silver tried in a furnace of earth,
10:39 purified seven times."
10:42 Pure words. Pure words.
10:44 Pure words and yet so often
10:46 we find that people are turning away
10:49 from those pure words.
10:51 They don't want to read those pure words
10:53 because it doesn't always fit their lifestyle.
10:56 What is your, what are your thoughts?
10:58 Well, I think that what the world
10:59 is experiencing today,
11:01 I mean, it's more of a religion based on preference
11:05 rather than on God's word guiding it.
11:08 And the same time if you asked churches,
11:10 whether or not they've gotten rid of the Word of God,
11:12 they would say, "No, we haven't."
11:14 They'd say we, you know, you have the open Bible church,
11:16 you have the so many different denominations
11:20 that use the word in their title.
11:23 But in fact the world are shaping
11:26 a lot of what the churches do today rather than the...
11:30 That's right.
11:31 The word shaping what the churches should do.
11:33 Our character.
11:35 Well, not only, yeah, our character
11:37 but if you think of,
11:38 if you think of the bigger picture,
11:40 the very thing that Satan did in the very beginning,
11:43 in the Garden of Eden was to get Eve
11:44 to question God's word.
11:46 That's right.
11:47 "Has God said",
11:49 was the three words that brought us to the place
11:52 where we are today, "Hath God said."
11:55 And so in John 1:1,
11:58 in the beginning was the word,
11:59 and the word was with God, and the word was God.
12:02 So the word was in the beginning.
12:04 Then you go to Revelation and you find that
12:06 when Jesus comes back,
12:08 He's going to have the name written on his thigh,
12:10 the Word of God.
12:11 So the word was in the beginning,
12:13 the word was, is going to be in the end.
12:15 Yes. And Jesus is the Word of God.
12:17 Amen.
12:18 And then, so if anything the church needs to be
12:24 or the Christian needs to be more mindful
12:27 that the attack comes one we don't know
12:30 what the Word of God says.
12:32 And then Jesus, you think of Him in the wilderness,
12:34 temptations in Matthew 4, whenever Satan tempted Him,
12:40 Jesus could have easily said, "You know what,
12:43 I'm the creator, I don't have time for this.
12:46 You know who I am."
12:47 But over and over and over again He used three words,
12:50 'It is written.' Amen.
12:53 And so today, if the church is to find any strings
12:55 at all, it is to be, 'It is written.'
12:58 Then the other thing you have to be very careful of
13:00 is today we have this new thing called the rhema word,
13:04 the revealed word.
13:05 People say, I am going to wait till God reveals that to me.
13:10 That's another dangerous thing.
13:12 Somebody would say, I know what the Bible says
13:14 but I'm waiting for God to convict me of it.
13:16 You see, so we have all these ways around
13:18 what God says as though
13:20 God is going to convict you of something other
13:24 than what His word already says.
13:25 You know it's so true.
13:28 When I was working in pastoral ministries,
13:29 I remember talking to one individual,
13:31 he called because he saw a program
13:33 where they were sharing the scriptures.
13:36 And he called to say that he didn't agree with it.
13:39 And I proceeded to talk to him about it, I said,
13:42 "Why don't you agree with it?"
13:44 Well, because of this and this,
13:46 and he gave reasons that were from human...
13:48 Yes.
13:49 From human origin and not from the Word of God.
13:51 And so I said,
13:53 "Well, what about these other scriptures?"
13:54 And I showed him some other scriptures.
13:55 And after we talked for a few minutes,
13:57 he said these words,
13:59 "Well, I know what the Bible says,
14:02 but the Holy Spirit has not,
14:06 has shown me something different.
14:08 The Holy Spirit has shown me something different."
14:10 Which is a complete contradiction
14:13 because it is the Holy Spirit that inspired the scriptures.
14:17 As the Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures,
14:18 the Holy Spirit is not going to contradict the scriptures.
14:20 Yes.
14:22 So we have, like Pastor John said,
14:24 people are finding ways to go around the scriptures.
14:28 And I hope that this program will help
14:31 because there are two spirits in this world.
14:33 That's right.
14:34 And they're working in the churches,
14:35 they're working amongst Christians
14:38 in order to deceive and to misguide.
14:41 The Bible says that we're to worship God in spirit
14:44 and in truth.
14:46 In spirit and in truth.
14:48 Therefore, all of you at home,
14:50 if the spirit that you're hearing
14:52 does not line up with the truth,
14:54 then we need to question the spirit.
14:55 Or to try the spirits the Word of God says
14:58 to see whether it be of God or...
15:01 And the Bible is so clear, it's constantly over and over,
15:04 which is good, admonition is get back into the word,
15:08 study the word, this is where you find Christ.
15:11 So automatically, you know,
15:12 I know in our minds if the Holy Spirit is saying,
15:16 "Stay in the word",
15:17 the enemy is going to say,
15:18 "I'm going to keep them out of the word."
15:21 That's always keep them out of the word
15:23 because in John 5:39 it says the scriptures,
15:27 "They are they which testify of Me."
15:30 Scriptures testify of Jesus Christ.
15:33 It brings to light and life.
15:35 Jesus Christ, the author or the finisher of our faith.
15:38 So the devil says, I don't want people to know about Jesus.
15:41 Just the name of Jesus can change your heart,
15:42 can change your live.
15:44 So I'm going to keep the people busy,
15:46 I'm going to keep them little bit confused,
15:48 I'm going to keep them in a position
15:50 to where when they read something that's so simple,
15:52 this is what gets me sometime.
15:53 I look at the word and people, it just,
15:55 there's no debate what it says.
15:58 But they'll find a way, you mention, going around it,
16:00 jumping over it, or you get these,
16:04 there I say scholars at times...
16:06 So-called Bible scholars that weave such a web
16:10 of deceit and mystery that it's almost impossible
16:15 to come up with the right explanation of what is truth.
16:17 Yes.
16:19 I like to say, there was a wonderful way to begin
16:22 this program with Psalms 12, Psalms 12,
16:27 and I would like to read the next verse
16:28 because it talks about today.
16:31 Verse 7.
16:32 Verse 7, oh, yeah.
16:34 Notice again, the verse 6,
16:35 "The words of the Lord are pure words
16:39 as silver tried in a furnace of earth,
16:41 purified seven times."
16:43 Pure.
16:44 Notice, verse 7, "Thou shalt keep them,
16:47 O Lord, thou shalt preserve them
16:49 from this generation for ever."
16:52 So we can have full confidence that the words of the Lord,
16:55 which are pure words, He has preserved them,
16:58 and we have them, Praise God.
17:00 So what do we need to do with it?
17:02 We need to study them,
17:03 and not only study them but apply them to our lives.
17:06 Amen.
17:07 And the other thing about it is how we receive them.
17:09 You know, what was different about the Thessalonikins
17:12 was not that they just heard the word
17:15 but it's how they received it.
17:17 That's right.
17:18 Because it's not that there's a problem with God's word,
17:23 like, you were just using the example, somebody said,
17:24 well, the Holy Spirit showed me something else.
17:27 Well, if all scripture is given by inspiration of God,
17:30 if the Holy Spirit is the one who breathed on men,
17:33 1 Peter 1:21, breathed on men, and these holy men of God spake
17:38 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
17:41 He's not going to let it contradict himself
17:44 but it's how we receive the word.
17:45 Listen, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul speaking
17:50 about how the word was received.
17:51 He says,
17:53 "For this reason we also thank God without ceasing,
17:57 because when you received the Word of God
18:01 which you heard from us, you welcomed it."
18:04 That's the first thing.
18:06 Some people don't welcome the word.
18:07 They wait to see what you're going to say to fight it,
18:11 they don't welcome it.
18:12 "You welcomed it not as the word of men,
18:16 but as it is in truth the Word of God."
18:20 Now watch this, when you welcome it as the Word of God,
18:22 look at the rest of the text,
18:23 "Which also effectively works in you, who believe."
18:28 The reason why the word cannot do anything in people's lives,
18:30 they don't receive it as God's word.
18:32 No. They say, that's what you say.
18:34 And I said to Johnny,
18:36 I am kind of bit piggybacking almost to say.
18:40 It's all right now. That's okay.
18:43 People think it's our word.
18:45 They say, "Well, that's what your church teaches."
18:46 They say, that's in the word, well, that's what you say.
18:49 A guy called me a few days ago, and bless his heart,
18:53 he had all good intentions.
18:54 But he called with the intent to argue.
18:56 And I had, what I had done is a topic on the Sabbath
18:59 and I said, well, as years ago, we used to say,
19:02 well, there's a $10,000 reward for anybody
19:04 who could prove that Bible does support Sunday.
19:07 Well, he called me, said, well, I don't want to claim
19:09 the $10,000 that you promised.
19:12 However, I do have scriptures to prove that Sunday is not,
19:16 that Sunday is supported by scripture.
19:19 And he came up with this most ridiculous passage in Hebrews
19:23 where it says Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek.
19:28 And I said, "Well, let me explain that."
19:30 He said, "Well, no, we're now under Melchizedek law,
19:33 we're no longer under the commandments,
19:35 we're under Melchizedek law."
19:36 I said, "And so what is Melchizedek law?
19:38 Show me Melchizedek's law."
19:40 "Well, see, there you go, you want to argue with me."
19:42 I said, "No.
19:44 You said we're under Melchizedek law.
19:45 What is Melchizedek law?"
19:47 I said, "Brother, what that is saying is Jesus
19:49 is not a priest after the ironic priesthood,
19:52 which was appointed by men,
19:54 but he's a priest for ever after the order or Melchizedek
19:57 which is the only time Melchizedek's priest
19:59 had came to his end is when he died.
20:01 So since Jesus ever lives,
20:03 He's never not going to be our high priest."
20:04 Amen.
20:06 That's it, he says, "See," he says,
20:07 "That's what I don't like about you pastors,
20:08 You're always arguing with people."
20:10 I said, "Brother, I'm just explaining..."
20:11 He said, "You know, no, no,
20:13 what you want to do is you want to back me in a corner..."
20:15 And I just hung up the phone. Yeah.
20:17 I didn't have time for that. It's sad.
20:19 You know going back to what you guys have kind of bounced off
20:23 of each other as well,
20:24 there was a time in earth's history,
20:26 in the dark ages where the enemy
20:28 was able to actually take the Bible from the people.
20:32 Now he no longer can take the Bible, we have them,
20:35 many times we may have five or six in our home
20:37 and never pick them up,
20:39 never dust them off but they are there.
20:42 Now what we find is that he's able to cast
20:45 doubt upon God's word.
20:47 And I remember years ago...
20:49 That's a very good point.
20:50 Studying, studying with a family,
20:53 and this family was a Catholic family,
20:55 and they were beginning to accept the Word of God,
20:58 to accept the Sabbath,
21:00 but they wanted to go to a priest.
21:02 And there weren't a priest in southern Illinois,
21:05 that he couldn't find a priest
21:06 that would speak to him about it,
21:08 so he went up to close to St. Louis.
21:10 And the priest had told him in the meeting,
21:12 he says, "You know, the Bible is a good book.
21:15 Read it if you what to." Wow.
21:17 "But do you honestly believe that God parted the Red Sea
21:21 and people walked across it?
21:23 Do you honestly think that God would tell Abraham
21:26 to sacrifice his own son?"
21:27 Mercy.
21:29 "It's a good book.
21:31 Read it if you want it."
21:32 So, you see, the enemy casts doubt.
21:35 Therefore, this become stories and it becomes something
21:39 that we can argue about
21:41 or 'I don't accept your interpretation.'
21:44 We have to go back and allow the Bible
21:46 to begin to interpret itself.
21:48 That's right.
21:50 And the other thing that you talked upon
21:52 was something that I see happening in our world
21:55 and we alluded to it in the very beginning
21:56 of our program here today.
21:58 And I want to read this,
22:00 this little paragraph or a sentence here.
22:02 It says, "Many, very many are questioning
22:06 the verity and truth of the Scriptures."
22:08 Yes.
22:10 Now listen, "Human reasoning and the imaginings
22:13 of the human heart are undermining
22:16 the inspiration of the Word of God,
22:19 and that which should be received as granted,
22:23 is surrounded with a cloud of mysticism."
22:28 You see if you go back and I really don't recommend this,
22:31 if you go back and you look at some of the new translations,
22:34 the new Bibles that they have out
22:37 that are going along with the new lifestyles,
22:42 it becomes very confusing.
22:45 Because they philosophically begin to say,
22:47 well, it says this
22:49 but it really doesn't explain this part of it,
22:53 and it becomes confusing to the human mind.
22:55 We need to take the Bible as granted,
22:58 as it is, allow it to interpret itself.
23:01 And when we disagree with the Bible,
23:05 we need to examine our heart.
23:06 You know, I'm wondering
23:07 while we were thinking about this here,
23:09 now the Holy Spirit is working on my heart and mind
23:10 so I'm thinking here,
23:12 unless I missed this because maybe I forgotten
23:15 the first elementary thing in studying the word of God.
23:18 We had prayer before the program.
23:22 I don't think we did now, if I, did I miss it?
23:24 Oh, maybe...
23:26 No.
23:27 I am just, I want to go back right now.
23:28 Sure.
23:30 The elementary thing, and this is for people who don't,
23:32 we had prayer just before we came on the air,
23:34 we know that.
23:35 And so we, we've committed ourselves to Christ,
23:37 but for those who are looking at the Word of God right now
23:40 and they are trying to say, "Is this for real?
23:42 Is this the real thing?"
23:43 And they're pretty fleshly, and the Bible is spiritual,
23:47 and we cannot understand it in the flesh,
23:49 we need the spirit of the living God.
23:51 And so the first thing we do, we can't understand is what?
23:54 You pray.
23:55 Shall we not set an example for them
23:57 and even do it even in the middle of a program
23:59 to say, you know what,
24:00 we want to set the right example.
24:01 That's right.
24:03 And let me put that in context,
24:04 and I think that what we're doing is not that
24:06 we hadn't prayed prior to that.
24:07 Right.
24:08 But when a person opens the Bible to study,
24:10 since it is God's inspired book,
24:13 you pray for God to open.
24:16 You know, David said that, "Open thou mine eyes,
24:18 that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law."
24:21 Yeah.
24:23 So he prayed and asked the Lord to open his eyes.
24:25 And so you find that all through scripture.
24:27 Open his eyes, Lord, that he may see.
24:29 Do you pray, my eyes will be open
24:31 and all of our viewers today, Pastor?
24:32 Let's do it right, it's okay to pray, we need more prayer.
24:34 Amen.
24:36 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for Your word
24:38 which is in fact a lamp.
24:40 Amen. Onto our feet.
24:42 And there are many now that have Bibles in their homes
24:45 but they open it to sometimes
24:47 philosophically try to find ways
24:49 to agree with the way they live,
24:52 the things they believe,
24:54 and sometimes we lack asking for the spirit of God
24:57 to lead us and understand
24:58 what You will have us to understand.
25:00 Help up us to know that the map has already been drawn,
25:03 the directions are already clear,
25:06 help us not to disagree so ardent, ardently against it
25:10 that we find ourselves on a road that You never intended.
25:14 And, so guide our minds as we continue to read Your word
25:17 and may our understanding becomes fruitful
25:20 as these words are not only planted in our mouths
25:24 but also planted in our hearts.
25:26 We pray and thank You, Father,
25:27 that You will reveal Your will through Your word
25:29 in Jesus' name.
25:31 Amen. Amen.
25:33 That just gave my spirit a little bit of rest.
25:35 How about you, Pastor John?
25:37 How about you, thinking about this,
25:38 this is resting our cares
25:40 and our thoughts upon Him because He cares for us.
25:43 You know Pastor Lomacang said something
25:45 that is so true even today,
25:47 in the very beginning the devil questioned
25:51 the Word of God by saying,
25:54 "Has God really said that?"
25:55 Yes.
25:56 And so he continues to do that today and unfortunately,
25:59 people do not understand that the devil can use them.
26:05 I take you back to the time
26:06 when Jesus said to the disciples,
26:09 "Who do men say that I am?" And they began to answer.
26:13 Some say Elijah, some say John, some say this.
26:16 And then he said... well, he first asked,
26:20 what do people say, and then he said, what do you,
26:22 who do you say and Peter said,
26:23 "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God."
26:26 And Jesus said,
26:28 "Blessed are thou, Simon Bar-Jonah,
26:29 for flesh and blood has not revealed
26:31 this unto you, but my Father in heaven."
26:33 Amen. Beautiful.
26:35 And moments later Peter says something
26:39 that is basically shocking.
26:43 Jesus begins to tell them that He's going to be crucified
26:45 and Peter grabs Jesus and says,
26:49 "This is not going to happen to you, Lord,
26:50 this is not going to happen to you."
26:52 And Jesus said something shocking,
26:54 "Get thee behind me."
26:57 And so moments before Peter was being used by God
27:02 but he allowed.
27:04 Satan to come in and now he is saying something
27:07 that the devil wants him to say.
27:09 So even good people, people in church can be used
27:15 by the devil if they open a door,
27:17 if they allow that to take place.
27:19 So that's why the Bible says,
27:22 "Be slow to speak and swift to hear."
27:26 And so by the grace of the Lord,
27:28 we need to be very careful what we say.
27:30 So Pastor Lomacang said something
27:32 and I think you also did that lead me to come up
27:34 with this text here that is found in Isaiah 8:20,
27:37 and you know which one it is.
27:39 It says, "To the law and to the testimony,
27:41 that is the scriptures,
27:43 if they speak not according to this word,
27:46 it is because there is no light in them."
27:50 And so we have there, when it says to the law,
27:52 it's talking about the first five books of the Bible
27:54 to the testimony of the scriptures,
27:56 all of the scriptures, really of course,
27:58 we're reading in the Old Testament
27:59 so people will say,
28:01 well, this is talking about the Old Testament.
28:02 And so, but all of the scriptures
28:03 from Genesis to Revelation are the scriptures of the Lord
28:06 that are able to make us wise unto salvation.
28:09 And it is, it is high time, as the Bible says,
28:13 that we begin to study and live by them.
28:15 I'm glad you brought that up.
28:16 Chris, you want to say something first?
28:18 Oh, that's okay, go ahead, go ahead.
28:19 I'm glad you brought it up because when you said,
28:22 when people read that or hear that they may say,
28:24 well, this is talking about the Old Testament.
28:25 But 2 Timothy 3:16,
28:28 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."
28:33 You have to be careful today
28:34 because you have churches nowadays
28:35 that say they don't teach doctrine,
28:37 that's a deception in and of itself.
28:38 Yes, it is.
28:39 Because the Bible says,
28:41 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,"
28:43 If you're teaching from the Bible
28:44 here's what you're going to get,
28:46 and it's profitable for doctrine.
28:48 Amen.
28:50 So how am I going to teach from God's word
28:51 and not teach doctrine?
28:53 You can't.
28:54 It's impossible.
28:55 It's like saying, I have a map
28:57 but I don't have any directions.
28:58 It's like saying, I have a GPS
29:00 but it's not telling me where to go.
29:01 That's right. It's ridiculous.
29:03 And so what happens is you have the very book
29:05 that's designed to give you direction.
29:07 First of all, it's designed to give you doctrine.
29:10 What is a doctrine?
29:11 A doctrine is a truth about God,
29:13 the truth about Jesus.
29:15 So if somebody says they're not teaching doctrine then what,
29:17 they're not teaching from the Bible
29:19 because everything in the Bible,
29:21 Jesus said that to His disciples.
29:23 Well, you just made the reference a moment ago,
29:25 John 5:39,
29:27 "Search the scriptures for in them
29:31 ye think ye have eternal life
29:32 and but they are they which testify of me."
29:35 So you cannot study the scriptures
29:37 without it saying something about Jesus,
29:39 which is a doctrine. Amen.
29:41 Not only is it for doctrine, for reproof,
29:43 showing us that's not correct. That's right.
29:46 That is not what the Bible teaches.
29:48 And some people have a hard time when we say,
29:50 well, I understand what you read,
29:52 and sometimes as Paul says,
29:54 they will take a difficult verse
29:56 and they would arrest and argue with it to their destruction.
30:00 And that's what people do nowadays,
30:01 they'll take a single verse
30:03 and build an entire building on it rather then Isaiah 42:21,
30:08 here little, here little, there little, there little,
30:11 put everything together what the Bible teaches
30:13 on a particular topic you never get to see.
30:14 That's right.
30:15 And I just want to say this to our audience,
30:18 there are some people that have doctrinal beliefs
30:20 that are not based on all that the Bible says
30:22 about a particular doctrine.
30:23 Let me give you one classic example.
30:25 Here's one that's not in scripture,
30:27 but people quote it all the time, they say,
30:28 "To be absent from the body is to be
30:30 present with the Lord."
30:32 That's not in scripture.
30:34 Paul says, I would rather,
30:36 see, I would rather, he's saying,
30:39 this body of death, and suffering, and heartache,
30:41 I cannot wait to get rid of this body.
30:44 And that's, and then he tells when,
30:46 when the Lord comes he'll change our vile body
30:49 that it will be fashioned like into his glorious body.
30:51 Praise God.
30:52 But when you put it all together,
30:54 you know when that's going to happen.
30:55 And the funny thing about that scripture
30:56 which is we used to talk about death,
30:58 not a single time does it ever say the word death.
31:00 No.
31:02 Not once is it talking about the topic of death.
31:04 So profitable for doctrine, for reproof.
31:08 In other words, I'll say,
31:09 that scripture is not talking about death,
31:11 that's reproof.
31:12 Now let's see what the Bible says,
31:13 "For correction," 2 Timothy 3:16,
31:16 let's put that scripture in the proper light,
31:19 correction, and then for instruction and righteousness.
31:22 This is how you live according to the scripture,
31:25 thou should not kill, thou should not steal,
31:27 thou should not commit adultery,
31:28 for instruction in righteousness
31:30 that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped.
31:33 Meaning, perfect.
31:35 That's right.
31:36 Thoroughly equipped for every good work.
31:38 So let's not be ashamed when we do it the correct way.
31:42 It says, you quoted there, all, all scripture.
31:45 So when someone, and I had a person one time said that,
31:48 "I want to do a Bible study."
31:49 I said, "Okay, wonderful, let's study the Word of God."
31:52 He said, "Well, all I use is the Book of Acts."
31:54 And I said, "Do what?"
31:56 "I want to do a Bible study
31:58 but I can only use the Book of Acts."
32:00 And I said, "Well, what wrong with all scriptures
32:02 given by inspiration of God?"
32:04 "Well, we're New Testament Christians."
32:05 I says, "It's wonderful.
32:07 But it takes the old to prove the new
32:08 and the new to prove the old."
32:09 And the Bible just,
32:11 this is where I think the simplicity for us all
32:12 is when it says all, the Bible means all.
32:15 That just covers the whole thing.
32:17 In 2 Corinthians 4:7, it refers to the Bible,
32:23 it says, "For we have this treasure in earthly vessel."
32:27 The board of God talks about,
32:30 in the word it talks about the word is a treasure,
32:33 it truly is a treasure, a treasure something
32:35 we should be seeking for, we should be digging for,
32:38 we should be studying for.
32:40 And I thought how interesting, but we have this treasure.
32:43 That's right.
32:44 Heaven made it possible that we can have the Word of God.
32:49 The Word of God is God's speaking,
32:52 glory to me.
32:54 Speaking, I'm getting goose bumps,
32:55 speaking to me.
32:57 And because I do that
32:58 because in my mind is who am I that He came,
33:03 would bleed and die for? Think about it,
33:05 who am I that the universe looks down,
33:09 knowing us as well as heaven knows us?
33:11 But said you know,
33:13 what I want you to be in the kingdom
33:14 and you need direction.
33:16 You're talking about road map,
33:17 You're talking about going straight to the kingdom,
33:18 here is that road map.
33:20 I don't want you to be fooled, don't want you to be deceived,
33:22 I want you know what truth is. John 17:17, what?
33:26 "Sanctify them through thy truth,
33:28 thy word is truth.'
33:29 It makes a difference what is truth.
33:30 It does.
33:32 Truth will sanctify.
33:33 We'll talk more about that another time,
33:34 I'm sure, but that's to me,
33:36 we need sanctification of the Word of God.
33:37 Amen.
33:39 I think we all agree here that the Bible is an infallible,
33:42 infallible, it doesn't fail.
33:44 No, it doesn't.
33:45 Revelation. No.
33:46 However, you can turn on the news in the morning,
33:48 even NBC, I hear it time and time,
33:50 they're addressing biblical issues,
33:52 times have changed.
33:54 That's the way people used to think,
33:56 we live differently today.
33:58 Do we? I like you said, well, some people say, well,
34:01 that's from the Old Testament.
34:03 Brother John, Pastor John went into the New Testament.
34:06 I want to share one from the New Testament as well.
34:08 Is it something, does our time
34:12 that we live in really change what the Bible says,
34:15 that it change how it should affect our heart.
34:17 This is what the Word of God says,
34:19 "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever."
34:23 Amen.
34:25 For ever. Amen.
34:26 We're still breathing, we're still living,
34:27 we're still buying, we're still selling,
34:29 we're still on this earth. It hasn't passed away.
34:32 Forever hasn't come yet, right?
34:34 We don't even, we can't even ascertain properly
34:36 what forever is.
34:37 We have a beginning and we have an end,
34:39 we don't understand what eternity is.
34:41 "His word endureth forever,
34:44 and this is the word
34:45 by which the gospel is preached unto you."
34:49 You see those of us,
34:50 those of you who may be thinking,
34:52 well, you know,
34:53 it just seems so old fashioned, go back, pray about it,
34:56 ask God to speak to your heart
34:59 in a way that you've never spoke,
35:01 he's never spoke to you before.
35:03 Because it's this word that we need to hide in our heart
35:07 and allow the Bible, the Word of God to come in
35:10 and change our mind, to change that stony heart
35:14 to a heart of flesh, to give us the character of Christ,
35:18 because it's that character that will be taken to heaven.
35:21 It won't be all these things that we're holding on to.
35:23 Right.
35:25 I've mentioned it before on this program,
35:26 my step dad told me years ago,
35:28 if you don't let go of the dross here,
35:30 someday it will be burned off.
35:33 So we have a choice.
35:34 Do we hold on to what we think is a new way of living
35:39 and we do away with the scripture?
35:41 Or do we accept the word as it says to accept it
35:45 and it endures forever?
35:47 It is the bread of life, it is God speaking to His people.
35:52 Yes.
35:53 It is Him speaking to you. That's right.
35:55 As a matter of fact, I am going to talk to you right now
35:58 because I saw you had a thought.
35:59 Oh, praise the Lord. Yeah.
36:01 Well, yes, you know, the truth is that if you look in history,
36:05 you're going to find that the devil has tried
36:07 to destroy the scriptures.
36:09 He's tried to burn it,
36:10 he's tried to take it away from people.
36:12 There was an era of time that is called the...
36:14 Dark ages. Dark ages.
36:16 Yes.
36:17 And that's because the scriptures
36:18 were kept from the people. Yes.
36:20 But praise be to God,
36:22 He has preserved the scriptures for us to have.
36:24 And there is one place that he cannot take it away from,
36:27 and that's from our mind and our hearts,
36:29 and that's why it is of vital importance
36:32 that we do as the Psalmist says,
36:34 "Thy word have I hid in my heart
36:37 that I might not sin against thee."
36:38 So we can have a vital need, it is like the breath of life
36:44 that we need to read the scriptures, to study them,
36:48 and seek to understand them.
36:49 And God is so wonderful, so good, he says,
36:52 call upon Me and I will show thee great and mighty things
36:56 that thou, no, it's not.
36:57 He is waiting for us to take time to dedicate to study
37:02 the scriptures to understand them.
37:04 And you know, I read things even,
37:07 sometimes I read Ellen G. White's writing,
37:08 she says, you should tax the mind
37:11 to seek to understand the scriptures
37:13 and plead with God, Lord, please show me, teach me.
37:18 You know when the disciples were walking on the road
37:20 to Emmaus a couple of them, Jesus came along with them
37:24 and they did not recognize Him.
37:25 And then there is something very interesting that
37:27 He says there, He says He opened their understanding.
37:30 Yes. That's right.
37:31 So we need to ask the Lord to open our understanding...
37:33 And where did he began, where did he began?
37:36 In the scriptures.
37:37 In the scriptures, in the beginning,
37:38 with the prophets.
37:40 That's right, in the scripture. It's beautiful.
37:42 All of the scriptures are treasure like we've said
37:45 and it's, we're missing, we're missing a lot
37:48 when we spend time on other things
37:51 that are not of value to us.
37:54 I like that. Yes.
37:56 There are so many people
37:57 that spend hours upon hours upon hours reading novels,
38:01 reading books by other authors.
38:03 I'm not saying that all the books are bad,
38:05 movies, television, but we don't dedicate,
38:09 as you just mentioned, that time for the Word of God.
38:12 And you know what the problem is?
38:14 Think of it as a, think of it as a college exam.
38:17 Here we are, we're living in the time of the end
38:20 where everything about God's word is going to be tested.
38:24 Yes, everything.
38:26 It's going to be tested. That's right.
38:27 And so far we're failing already in so many of the test,
38:30 change of, changing marriage to same-sex marriage.
38:33 The Sabbath has been abrogated and changed for the course
38:36 of more than a 1000 years.
38:38 The Sabbath has been replaced with Sunday,
38:40 honoring the first day of the week.
38:42 But when you think about
38:44 what is the test in that particular?
38:46 Well, when those who were instrumental
38:48 in making these changes will say,
38:51 let's go and use the same-sex marriage issue.
38:53 It wasn't changed based on the idea
38:54 that people said the Bible need to be changed
38:57 but they overrode the Bible and said, this is what we want.
39:01 So they didn't change the Bible to implement same-sex marriage,
39:05 they said this is what we want and we're going to do this
39:07 based on legislative principles not based on God's word.
39:10 But for those of us who know that God's word doesn't change,
39:14 we cannot leave the foundation of God's word
39:17 and accept man's word above God's word.
39:19 For example, Psalms 119:89, "For ever, O Lord,
39:24 thy word is settled in heaven."
39:27 So if it's been settled, somebody says,
39:29 it reminds me of the Hebrew standing before Nebuchadnezzar,
39:32 and Nebuchadnezzar says,
39:33 the next time I blow that trumpet,
39:35 the next time you hear the sound of the instruments,
39:37 you need to bow down.
39:39 And they said in essence to him,
39:40 we don't need to settle this matter with you,
39:43 we don't need to talk about this,
39:44 this matter has been settled forever.
39:46 I use David's words, it's been settled in heaven,
39:49 why do I have to discuss it with you?
39:51 Why do we need to even explain this to you, Nebuchadnezzar?
39:54 Here's what we're going to do,
39:55 you can blow that trumpet for the next five weeks,
39:57 we're not bowing down to any image.
39:59 His word is settled in heaven.
40:00 So if God's word is settled in our heart
40:05 and the question comes, has God said,
40:08 like the devil always does.
40:10 Does God's word really say you cannot marry somebody
40:13 from the same sex?
40:15 Well, depends on what you, it depends on how you read it,
40:18 they say. Exactly.
40:19 Well, Paul the apostle had issues with women.
40:22 Well, it was back then when you know,
40:25 things are different now.
40:26 Well, you know, we need to be more contemporary.
40:29 How long are we going to be stuck in that old rut?
40:32 Yes.
40:33 They give God's word all these tags but for ever
40:35 thy word is settled. Amen.
40:37 One more, "The grass where there's," Isaiah 40:8,
40:41 "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth
40:45 but the word of our God shall stand for ever."
40:48 Amen.
40:49 So when you say, man, how often does the grass wither?
40:51 Every season.
40:53 How often does the flower fade?
40:54 Every season.
40:56 When does God's word fade?
40:57 Never, no season. It stands for ever.
41:00 So you know, when you think about it
41:02 and I'm saying this to the listeners
41:03 and viewers of this program,
41:06 that the things that God wants to do in your life
41:07 will only be able to be accomplished
41:09 if you accept the fact that while society is changing,
41:12 God's word is not changing.
41:14 Why it won't change? For He is the same yesterday,
41:19 today, and forever.
41:20 And if He is the author, if He's the author
41:24 and finisher of our faith, He is the,
41:27 He became the author of those who believe Him.
41:32 He is the author.
41:34 If the author, what does the author mean?
41:36 All scriptures give by inspiration of God.
41:39 He's the author.
41:40 John 1:3, it talks about without Him
41:43 was not anything made that was made.
41:45 And sometime we refer that to other thing.
41:48 It applies here. Amen.
41:49 And why is it so important to do a study like this?
41:53 At the times of Christ, Christ walked this earth darkness
41:57 covered the earth, spiritual darkness,
42:00 like never before.
42:02 The son of God had to come to dispel that darkness.
42:05 We're living just before the coming of Jesus again.
42:09 The earth, it's dark outside, grose darkness,
42:11 Isaiah 60 talks about, it's covered the people,
42:14 the people's mind, we're dull.
42:17 If we look at it here how come sometime we reach groups here
42:21 and it seems to be spoken in such language.
42:24 I've heard people say,
42:26 why didn't Paul just said what he meant?
42:28 Cut to the chase, he just gave us all this runaround here.
42:31 We have to realize that as human beings
42:35 we are spiritually dull.
42:37 I think not, we're spiritually dull,
42:38 in fact we're degenerate.
42:40 We think about in so many different areas.
42:43 In the human, in the human realm
42:44 there are no sharp knives in the draw, in other words.
42:46 Exactly, exactly.
42:47 We need God's word to the guide us.
42:49 So what did God do?
42:50 He knew my condition, He knew the people,
42:53 He spoke these beautiful treasures from heaven,
42:56 but man cannot understand heaven's language
43:00 fully like we need to.
43:01 So he inspired men through the Holy Spirit to write
43:04 in their own tongue, in their own language
43:07 so that we could understand it.
43:09 How good God is?
43:10 He could have spoken in perfect language
43:12 but most of us would have read and said, what's that?
43:16 But he put it in for man could write it down
43:18 so that we could understand in simple language
43:21 what it is to love and to serve Jesus.
43:23 I think this is an awesome time to really prove
43:25 what scripture is telling us and what we need to be doing
43:28 as God's last day people.
43:29 Number one, get our nose, get our minds, get our heart,
43:32 get our bodies, spend time right now back to the word.
43:35 I love to get back to the word.
43:37 There's some scriptures in here.
43:38 Let's see how many more we can get in there
43:40 in the time we have remaining.
43:42 John. Okay.
43:43 Well, I was going to say something else.
43:45 Well, this, I think it needs to be said,
43:48 I don't want to dwell on it
43:50 because we don't want to dwell in what you call politics.
43:53 It talks about darkness spreading.
43:55 Yes.
43:58 Pastor Lomacang mentioned the same-sex marriage issue.
44:03 The president of the nation, Obama was one of the leaders
44:07 in leading this nation into this area of same-sex marriage.
44:13 And one thing that caught my attention was one time
44:16 one of the reporters, because he said that,
44:19 he started to tell the story of how they came to their decision
44:22 with his wife and children, they have friends,
44:25 they have the same-sex relationship.
44:28 And one reporter asked him, where is that in the Bible
44:32 that it says that it's okay for same-sex to get married.
44:37 And he said, it's all over the Bible.
44:40 And then he, but it's not, it's not in the Bible.
44:43 It's people twisting the scripture
44:47 so that they can do what they want to do.
44:50 Now we have to separate something,
44:52 that is loving the person and hating the sin.
44:57 Because the Bible makes it clear
44:59 that it's an abomination.
45:01 We can love the people but the sin
45:03 has to be called by what it is, it's sin.
45:06 So therefore, I want to mention Genesis 15:16,
45:12 God is talking to Abraham, and he says,
45:14 I'm going to give this land to your seed,
45:19 your inheritance but not yet because the iniquity
45:22 of the Amorites is not yet full.
45:24 In other words, there's a time
45:26 when God allows things to take place
45:29 and when iniquity reaches a certain portion
45:31 God takes action.
45:33 That's right.
45:34 You see it in Sodom and Gomorrah,
45:35 you see that it was going to happen to Nineveh.
45:37 And God sends warnings, God sends warnings.
45:40 When this nation gave, open door to same-sex marriage,
45:46 it is as a cup of iniquity
45:48 receives some more to get full and this nation
45:54 has placed itself in a dangerous territory
45:57 because it's going contrary to God's word.
45:59 I wanted to say that.
46:01 So 2 Timothy, now we're going to scripture.
46:03 All right. Or something else.
46:04 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
46:11 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
46:13 rightly dividing the word of truth."
46:17 Amen.
46:18 "But shun profane and vain babblings:
46:20 for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
46:23 And their word will eat as doth a canker
46:26 of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus."
46:30 And it was the two that fought against the word.
46:32 Yes.
46:33 So we see that we have to study the word
46:35 and it's a study so thyself approved unto God.
46:39 And we have to rightly divide the word of truth,
46:41 rightly interpret the scriptures by the aid
46:44 of the Holy Spirit because this is clearly said,
46:46 it's the Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truth.
46:50 And I think it needs to be mentioned here too,
46:52 we're not just picking on people that,
46:55 that have chosen that lifestyle,
46:57 it's on our hearts and our minds
46:58 because we just experienced such a law being passed.
47:03 But we love the person.
47:05 Yes.
47:06 But see, the problem is they're not looking
47:08 at that lifestyle as sin
47:10 which the Bible says is an abomination.
47:13 They're giving a human right terminology.
47:17 So it's your human right.
47:19 You see, we can do that,
47:20 we're finding that in so many different areas of sin,
47:25 so many different areas of iniquity,
47:26 and not just that area
47:28 where right is becoming wrong and wrong is becoming right.
47:34 That's why I think this study is so important
47:38 because we need to come back to see
47:40 that God's word is an infallible revelation
47:42 for our lives, to lead, to guide, to reform,
47:45 to teach the doctrines.
47:48 To transform our minds and hearts.
47:50 The decisions we're talking about,
47:52 the decisions this country makes affects me individually.
47:55 It affects you, it affects the whole world
47:58 because God cannot bless the way He wants to.
48:00 And they say, well, don't talk about this issue.
48:02 You don't bring it up.
48:04 Well, it affects me.
48:05 Why? Because the blessings can't flow.
48:08 It affects this country in general
48:10 because God cannot bless that
48:11 when we go contrary to His laws.
48:14 Let me make a point here.
48:17 Chris, you've introduced the word lifestyle,
48:21 or the phrase lifestyle.
48:24 We call sin lifestyle.
48:26 See, that's a...
48:27 You know, lifestyle.
48:29 So your lifestyle is no different from my lifestyle,
48:30 even though our lifestyle differs.
48:34 That's your lifestyle,
48:35 this is my lifestyle instead of sin,
48:39 That's sin, this is sin.
48:41 Somebody might say, well, what's the difference between,
48:43 and I want to broaden the,
48:44 broaden the playing field because you know,
48:46 some sins have been around so long
48:48 we kind of ignore them now.
48:49 Like pornography, and adultery, and alcoholism,
48:55 and drug abuse, all these types,
48:57 they've been around so long, we kind of, well,
49:00 that's kind of old, let's talk about a new sin.
49:02 Sin is sin. That's right.
49:04 So God is not giving any kind of authority
49:06 to any of those things.
49:07 But the point that you made, and I like that,
49:09 till the time of the Amorites are fulfilled,
49:12 David the Psalmist said in Psalms 119:126,
49:16 and we could see that God does not allow sin
49:18 to take on a course that doesn't,
49:19 does never checked.
49:21 It's going to be checked. Yes.
49:23 Psalm 119:126,
49:25 "It is time for thee, Lord, to work:
49:29 for they have made void thy law."
49:31 Yes.
49:32 So the law that God has established in the land,
49:35 Isaiah 24, the earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof
49:39 because they have transgressed the laws,
49:42 changed the ordinance,
49:43 broken the everlasting covenant.
49:45 That's right.
49:47 So that's what, that's why the world
49:48 is the way it is today.
49:50 And so we're trying to find order out of disorder,
49:54 and the only book that's designed
49:56 to keep us in order is being rejected,
49:59 and that's what the purpose of this program is.
50:00 And the Bible is the only book in entire world that to me,
50:05 any issue of your life,
50:07 anything you've ever encountered,
50:08 anybody else has ever, the word,
50:10 the answer is here for an individual, for you,
50:13 the answer is here in the book and it's from God.
50:17 You know, when we look at it,
50:18 God has given us clear information,
50:20 enough information to know about salvation.
50:23 There is no, clear in the word,
50:26 the words can't be any clearer than
50:28 what it takes to spend eternity with Jesus.
50:31 In fact, he just gives, it was in Acts 12:4,
50:34 there's no other name given among men
50:37 for about we must be saved is the name of Jesus.
50:41 Right quick, right there.
50:43 The name of Jesus, you know, just there is power,
50:45 there's strength, there's might.
50:48 I think of names I look,
50:50 and there's something about the name of Jesus.
50:53 When I say the name of Jesus, there is comfort,
50:54 there is hope, there is encouragement,
50:58 there is strength.
50:59 I know somebody cares.
51:01 And it just lifts me to a higher plateau,
51:04 not to say it like the world says the term
51:07 they use God's name.
51:09 But when you say it,
51:10 you know, as you're thinking about everything.
51:12 In reverence.
51:13 In reverence, it lifts us up.
51:15 So I'm gonna encourage people to turn to Jesus today.
51:18 Salvation, that's turn to Jesus
51:20 and get back to the Word of God.
51:22 We will see these things take place.
51:24 Yes.
51:26 So many scriptures I wanted to share
51:27 but I think the time is short.
51:28 Yeah, there are so many, so many are referred to God.
51:30 So we have Isaiah 60:1,
51:32 and I think we'll read the verse 2.
51:34 "Arise, shine, for thy light is come,
51:38 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
51:40 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
51:42 and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon
51:46 thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
51:48 Why do I share this scripture?
51:49 Because we need to study the Word of God,
51:52 we need to seek,
51:55 to understand it by the grace of the Lord,
51:57 so that when grose darkness
51:59 is covering the land and the people,
52:00 we can by God's grace arise and shine for Him.
52:03 Amen.
52:04 So the light, Pastor, I mean,
52:05 how much light does it taken to dark place
52:08 to make a difference?
52:09 It doesn't take a whole lot.
52:11 If you light a candle in an abjectly dark forest,
52:14 that little light will still be seen.
52:16 I meet you one time before on a program here,
52:19 when I first get out of service I worked in a coal mine,
52:22 and you just have a little light up here,
52:23 there's no light down there.
52:25 That's right.
52:26 And it doesn't take a whole lot of light to light
52:28 on the pathway to put your feet on solid ground
52:30 and to be able to walk out of that place,
52:32 it's a 1,000 feet down and so on,
52:34 so if you need to.
52:35 We need to let our light shine. Amen.
52:37 You know, and what we're going to do?
52:38 We're going to have to take
52:40 a little short newsbreak right now.
52:41 And as we take this break,
52:42 stay tune because we'll be right back
52:44 with some more good news.


Revised 2021-10-13