3ABN Today

CA’s Trip to the Philipines

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA and & Irma Murray (Host), Ray Rosenberg, Raquel Rosenberg


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016087B

00:01 And that's good information.
00:02 Ray, Raquel, give us sort of a closing thought
00:04 and put a little bow on this from your perspective.
00:08 We started saving money a few years ago
00:11 and we dedicated the money for a Philippine project
00:16 and when we asked CA and Irma to come with us
00:21 and that's the time that it came,
00:23 a group came through for filming
00:26 and we were very happy God bless us
00:29 and God bless the people who participated in the project
00:34 and I encourage everybody to save some money
00:38 and dedicate it to some evangelistic
00:40 or medical causing.
00:43 Amen.
00:44 Thank you. Thank you.
00:45 Boo, you got a closing thought?
00:47 Yes, I just want to encourage everybody also to pray
00:50 and to donate for all these projects,
00:54 the results are marvellous, gaining people to the Lord.
00:59 Amen.
01:00 We wanna just remember Ray and Raquel
01:02 at Be Transformed Lifestyle Centre,
01:04 remember the blessing is on the goal
01:06 to support evangelism where ever, whenever you can,
01:09 as we do it for the Lord.
01:10 Well, our time is fast slipped into eternity,
01:12 allow me in closing to wish you both grace and peace
01:14 through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we'll see again.
01:16 Until then, bye bye and God bless.


Revised 2016-12-26