3ABN Today

The Origin of Beehive Ministry & Chating Haiti

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018104B

00:01 - So, be sure to reach out to the Beehive and
00:03 find out just how you can get involved. Do
00:05 you have a closing thought about the
00:08 Beehive before we go? I can't believe our
00:11 time is up. This has been so good. - I know.
00:13 It went fast, didn't it? - I know! Pastor Tom and
00:15 sister Sandra, thank you so much for being
00:17 with us. - You know what, because they
00:20 didn't get as much time, I'm gonna...yield to-
00:22 the pastor, because it's so exciting for us to
00:25 be working with a pastor who believes in the
00:27 message and believes in finishing the work.
00:30 So, if you could just look to the camera and
00:31 make an appeal. - Sure. We need your help. There
00:35 are several areas. If you go through the
00:36 gospel of Matthew, you find at the close of
00:38 chapter nine, there's an appeal that Jesus
00:41 makes to His disciples, because He was teaching
00:43 the people, He was preaching the gospel
00:45 of the kingdom, and He was healing. He saw that
00:48 there was- the people were like sheep without
00:51 a shepherd, and He had compassion on them.
00:54 He prayed this prayer; He said, "The harvest
00:56 is plentiful, but the workers are few."
00:59 What we are all about is trying to blow the
01:03 trumpets, raise an awareness that it is
01:06 time. It is time to get out of the pews into
01:09 the community to be the salt and the light
01:12 that God has called us to be. - Amen. - Thank
01:15 you so much. Thank you so much for being with
01:18 us, and thank you for being with us. Join us
01:20 next time. God bless.


Revised 2021-08-23