3ABN Today

Wildwood Lifestyle Center

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190005A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We are so glad that you've decided
01:14 to take some time to join us,
01:17 to give us a little part of your day.
01:19 And we are blessed today to have our guests with us.
01:23 Our guests today are Vaughan Sparrow,
01:27 he's the President of Wildwood Lifestyle Center.
01:30 And Raven White is the Director of Integration at Wildwood.
01:35 Yay!
01:37 We're so glad that you're here with us today.
01:39 Yeah.
01:40 We're gonna talk to you,
01:41 find out about Wildwood in just a second,
01:44 but we have some wonderful music for you.
01:47 Kendol Bacchus is going to be playing
01:49 "Give Thanks."
05:24 Give thanks,
05:25 we have so much to be thankful for.
05:28 Thank you, Kendol Bacchus,
05:29 for that beautiful, beautiful song.
05:32 It's really important for us to think about
05:34 what we have to be thankful for.
05:37 And one of the things is good health,
05:40 and that's what we're gonna talk about today.
05:42 When our health is not so good,
05:44 what can we do,
05:46 and how can we give thanks
05:48 and praise through our bodies to our Creator.
05:51 So we're going to talk today about being in good health.
05:55 And we're going to talk to our guests,
05:57 Vaughan and Raven.
05:58 So, Vaughan, let's start with you.
06:00 Tell us a bit about you first, before we talk about Wildwood?
06:04 Tell us a bit about you and how you got into
06:08 the whole natural health realm?
06:11 Well, I grew up as a farmer son in South Africa.
06:15 And as time went by,
06:19 as we graduated out of college,
06:22 opportunity presented itself for us to become farmers.
06:29 We purchased a farm and went farming,
06:32 raised all different kinds of animals,
06:35 and boys.
06:37 And the Lord really blessed.
06:41 But through the whole process of study
06:44 and seeking the Lord,
06:47 there started to become a burden on my heart
06:52 to get involved in something else.
06:55 In my college days, I was involved in health.
06:59 I was a gym instructor
07:00 and dealing with people's health issues,
07:05 you know, fairly frequently.
07:07 And so, we started praying, my wife and I, as to,
07:11 "Lord, you know, what would You have us do?"
07:14 And through a whole series of miracles,
07:18 the Lord opened the way for us to go to Wildwood.
07:23 I didn't really
07:27 specifically want to come to the US,
07:30 but that's how the Lord opened the door.
07:33 So we arrived at Wildwood actually 14 years ago now,
07:37 and...
07:39 Did you go as potential clients or did you go to work there?
07:43 Went to work. Okay.
07:45 Actually in the maintenance department
07:47 and that lasted three weeks.
07:51 We were asked to serve at a facility
07:54 about three hours away,
07:56 another campus of Wildwood
07:57 where they were doing drug and alcohol rehab.
08:01 And we had training in South Africa in those lines.
08:05 And the Lord really blessed our efforts
08:07 and we really enjoyed it.
08:09 About a year and half later, things changed,
08:12 and we were back at Wildwood at which point,
08:15 I was asked to be the hospital administrator there,
08:18 and that was a challenge in and of itself.
08:22 But the Lord led us and guided us,
08:25 and through the years have come through the ranks of leadership
08:29 to being president today.
08:32 Amen. That is really, really good.
08:34 The Lord has led you
08:35 every step of the way, hasn't He?
08:37 It's been a fantastic experience.
08:40 I often tell my classes and students,
08:45 "I wouldn't change this experience for anything."
08:47 It's been such a blessing of 14 years.
08:52 Yeah, struggles,
08:53 but a real blessing how the Lord has led
08:56 and provided for our needs, and the blessing of service,
09:01 you know, the whole universe operates on the law of service.
09:05 And being involved in a ministry
09:07 where you can do this fulltime is a real benefit.
09:11 Yes, yes, for sure.
09:13 What about you, Raven?
09:14 Well, I came as a student.
09:17 I was blessed when I became an Adventist,
09:19 to have friends who were really about this faith.
09:22 And so, I learned about the health message.
09:25 In the process, I was sick myself,
09:27 many of my family members were sick.
09:29 And so when my brother, he's type 1 diabetic,
09:33 and he went into a coma.
09:35 And when he came out,
09:36 the doctors were in awe that he wasn't brain-dead.
09:38 And I had some friends
09:40 who actually went to Wildwood at one point.
09:41 So I was like, "Well, this is the only place
09:43 I knew about natural remedies."
09:44 I said, "Well, why don't you go there?"
09:46 And he was like, "Well, if it worked for them,
09:49 why can't it work for you,
09:51 because you're sickly and you're 220 pounds?"
09:54 So I was like, "Oh, okay."
09:59 So for myself, I came as a student.
10:04 And I lost, at the time, I lost 60 pounds.
10:08 I found I had diverticulitis, I have fibroids,
10:11 and I think it was in 2007.
10:14 By 2012, they found
10:16 that my diverticulitis went away,
10:19 some of the diverticulums went away,
10:21 and even the fibroids went away.
10:23 And it was all from the treatments
10:24 that I was able to get
10:25 while I was there as the student,
10:27 and then became a worker, so.
10:29 That's tremendous.
10:30 Again, look at God,
10:31 look at how He orchestrates everything
10:34 and guides our steps.
10:35 We often don't know where we're going to end up.
10:39 I would never have thought that I was gonna end up
10:41 at 3ABN.
10:42 You just don't know, but God has a plan,
10:46 He has a plan for every one of us.
10:48 And so, you guys ended up at Wildwood
10:52 and doing what you're doing.
10:53 Tell us about Wildwood, its history?
10:58 I think I need to just put us
11:00 in a context of why we do what we do.
11:03 Good.
11:04 And that is,
11:06 as the Lord started to reveal to Ellen White,
11:11 the mission of the church
11:13 and opportunities to reach out to people,
11:18 the sanitarium work was born.
11:21 And you know, in the late 1800s,
11:24 that word didn't exist,
11:27 it wasn't even in the dictionary.
11:29 And the word sanatorium was in the dictionary
11:32 and it had other connotations,
11:34 you know, tuberculosis,
11:35 and all of those kinds of things.
11:37 Right, right.
11:38 But it was actually Dr Kellogg
11:39 that coined the term sanitarium.
11:43 And it became known, to deal with health,
11:47 you know, and health work.
11:49 And today, it's most synonymous with lifestyle centers.
11:53 And the reason behind this work was a specific purpose
11:57 that God had for His people,
11:59 and He shared this with His messenger
12:03 to start sharing with people.
12:06 And so the first sanitarium that was really born
12:09 was the Western Health Retreat Sanitarium,
12:14 and that was really the first one
12:17 from which Battle Creek grew, that was in 1866, right?
12:22 And so...
12:24 But in late in 1910,
12:25 Ellen White had further visions where...
12:29 She coins the term,
12:31 the right arm of the gospel and the entering wedge,
12:34 and she was shown that this work
12:37 needed to combine
12:39 with all our evangelistic outreaches.
12:43 And so that came into being.
12:46 And John Tindall was the first man
12:50 that was chosen to demonstrate this model.
12:53 And as he started going through conferences
12:55 in California area,
12:58 he brought onboard a young protege,
13:01 and that was in 1923, and it was W.D. Frazee,
13:06 and he worked with him for five years.
13:09 And while he was going through this experience,
13:12 he started praying for the opportunity
13:14 to open a place where he could
13:18 teach this combined message,
13:21 health, health education and evangelism.
13:25 And the Lord led him to a place
13:27 just outside of Chattanooga, right.
13:29 And in 1942,
13:31 Wildwood was incorporated and came into being.
13:36 A few years later, in 1949,
13:38 the first Wildwood Sanitarium and Hospital was built.
13:42 And they started seeing patients there,
13:44 but soon realized they needed a larger building,
13:48 and that became today's lifestyle center.
13:52 In 1971, that was completed with a surgery suite,
13:58 outpatient clinic.
13:59 We even had a little ER room at that time.
14:01 And the insurance industry wasn't so regulated those days.
14:07 And the two philosophies were able to work together.
14:10 But as the insurance industry became more and more regulated,
14:13 those philosophies became more and more divergent
14:15 at being natural remedies
14:17 as opposed to conventional medicine.
14:19 Right.
14:20 And so,
14:22 we started losing insurance coverage for people
14:25 and it became more of a self-pace system.
14:27 And unfortunately, of course, that cut down the census,
14:30 it was a 39-bed facility
14:32 at which point, we had to cut it back
14:35 and the decision was made to cut those license beds
14:38 back to 13.
14:40 And the hospital portion hobbled along like that
14:44 for some 25 years.
14:47 The lifestyle center was then born,
14:49 and lifestyle work started to become more known.
14:53 And eventually in September 2015,
14:57 the board made the final decision
14:59 to close the hospital
15:01 and return a certificate of need.
15:03 And it was sad,
15:05 but yet, you know, with today's climate
15:08 in hospital work,
15:09 it's only the big centers
15:12 that really can continue to operate.
15:14 Many of the small hospitals closed down.
15:17 And today, we operate as a full lifestyle center,
15:20 and we believe we fulfill the calling
15:24 to relieve the sick and suffering,
15:26 to disseminate light, to create a spirit of inquiry,
15:31 and to advancer form.
15:32 And this is, we see as a basic job description
15:35 that we have for this end-time work.
15:38 And you know, God created this end-time work,
15:41 this sanitarium work for a specific reason,
15:44 and we are told it's to make up
15:45 the number of God's people in the kingdom.
15:47 And she says, "Through this work,
15:50 we can reach people
15:51 that wouldn't be reached in any other way."
15:53 And so, it's really a spiritual calling,
15:55 a special work, and we believe we fit into that category,
15:59 and it's a real privilege to be part of it
16:04 and to see the miracles that happened, you know,
16:07 as people come into that protective network
16:11 which protect against these spurious healings
16:15 of the enemy.
16:16 Yes. And we wanna talk...
16:17 We have a video roll
16:19 that we're gonna go to in just a sec,
16:20 but we wanna talk about some of those miracles
16:24 that God has performed there
16:25 because it's so important that people know...
16:30 A lot of times,
16:31 people don't understand the relationship between,
16:33 let's say, diet and just everyday functioning.
16:38 You know, the choices that we make,
16:40 lifestyle choices,
16:42 it's not just diet, it's diet, it's exercise,
16:44 it's the way we think, it's getting rest,
16:48 and all these things that a lot of times,
16:50 people don't connect the dots,
16:52 and so it sounds like Wildwood is helping people
16:56 to connect the dots.
16:58 So let's take a look at this video,
17:00 because I think it can shed some more light on
17:03 what you're talking about.
17:05 Okay.
17:38 This is your stop, Frazee.
17:49 We can never understand how to run a sanitarium for God
17:54 unless we know about time period.
18:05 Seventy six years ago,
18:06 Elder W.D. Frazee started the work
18:08 of Wildwood Sanitarium.
18:12 Now, it's my turn.
18:18 As a new student,
18:19 I want to know everything about Frazee's legacy
18:21 in what Wildwood has become.
18:23 Hello.
18:24 Hi, how are you? I'm Earl.
18:26 Nice meeting you. Glad to meet you.
18:28 First, I heard about Wildwood
18:31 when I was a student in the physical therapy class
18:34 in Loma Linda in 1951.
18:37 And I thought, "Well, I want to visit
18:39 that place sometime."
18:40 I did after I worked a year and got first vacation,
18:45 I came down and visited.
18:47 Robert Olson was our Bible teacher
18:49 at that time.
18:50 He told about Wildwood.
18:54 He got Elder Tindall who trained Elder Frazee
18:59 to have a class, a Bible class.
19:03 Now I came back, I worked in hydrotherapy
19:07 and taught Daniel and Revelation
19:09 for a number of years.
19:11 Hi, excuse me, Brother Coles.
19:13 Can I take him for a moment?
19:15 Okay. Thank you.
19:16 Can you help me with something? Thanks.
19:22 Can you help me put this bed together?
19:23 I have a new guest coming in.
19:25 So you were talking to Brother Coles,
19:27 he's had a lot going on.
19:28 Do you know he headed our hydrotherapy department
19:31 for the longest time?
19:32 Back then, when he was here,
19:34 a lot of stuff was not the way it is right now,
19:37 like we've renovated our rooms
19:39 and we've got new offices because we have new people here
19:42 with so many great ideas to bring this place to life.
19:46 So one of the main things I'm so proud about is that,
19:50 we've always done the medical program,
19:52 but now, we're reaching out to those
19:54 with emotional issues even more with our depression program,
19:58 our Life Alignment program.
20:00 So you, as a new student,
20:01 you're coming to something brand new,
20:03 and I hope you really enjoy it.
20:09 With the lifestyle center reaching
20:10 so many people already,
20:12 I can't imagine what massive impact
20:14 the community center must have.
20:16 Hey, Daniel.
20:17 So we're building a community center here,
20:20 it's called the Better Living Center.
20:22 And the reason for that is,
20:24 at our entrance, we have a church
20:26 and it kind of prevents people
20:27 from coming in that kind of think
20:28 the whole facility is just church.
20:31 And so we decided,
20:32 let's reach out to the community,
20:35 and by doing that,
20:36 we're able to prevent this proverbial gateway
20:41 at our entrance.
20:43 And so this center here
20:45 is going to offer cooking schools,
20:48 dinner with a doctor,
20:50 seminars,
20:52 as much as we can fit into this,
20:54 this is what it's going to be for to reach the community.
20:59 And we're hoping that by the end of summer,
21:02 we'd be able to have it dried in
21:05 and we'll see how our finances go
21:08 until we can finish it.
21:10 And so in the meantime here,
21:12 we have to use our stores
21:15 to meet the public where they are.
21:21 Building relationships is really
21:23 what Wildwood is all about,
21:25 and that's what I want to be part of.
21:27 I love shopping here.
21:29 It's such a great way to help people live
21:31 the healthier life that they learn of
21:32 at the lifestyle center.
21:34 And soon, Cathy is able to get all her herbs here too
21:37 because the store is getting a complete facelift,
21:40 and that includes merging the herbs store
21:42 with a natural food store.
21:49 The health message isn't dead,
21:51 it's more alive than it's ever been
21:53 because it's more needed than ever.
21:55 Wildwood is still spreading that message in full force,
21:58 and it's only getting bigger.
22:01 This is the story of one hope, one vision, and one passion.
22:06 This is his dream come true.
22:22 There's one thing that Christ is waiting for,
22:27 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
22:39 What a nice video.
22:42 What a profound mission.
22:44 And look at how God is leading you
22:47 to accomplish that.
22:49 Tell us about dinner with a doctor, what is that?
22:51 I love that.
22:52 So, it's an opportunity for community people
22:56 to come and experience good healthy food
23:00 with a medical provider that is there amongst them
23:06 that will give a lecture that they can ask questions to.
23:10 And so it's a cooking school combined with,
23:14 you know, interaction with a doctor
23:17 or a midlevel provider
23:19 that gives people opportunities they wouldn't normally have,
23:24 you know, without paying out a lot of money.
23:27 And so, it's educational.
23:30 And we see a lot of success with these type of programs,
23:34 and different churches are putting them on.
23:37 And so we want to put one
23:39 on right at our campus, you know,
23:41 where people can come for
23:44 maybe other reasons than just...
23:46 or pay a lot of money for, you know, a lifestyle program.
23:49 No, we want to be of service to the community.
23:51 Nice. Nice.
23:53 That whole idea of outreach to the community
23:57 is so important.
23:58 You know, if there are so many churches
24:01 in different neighborhoods that, you know,
24:03 you have to ask yourself,
24:04 "Would this church be missed if it were closed,"
24:08 because what's it doing within the community
24:11 and this organization, Wildwood,
24:14 what is it doing within the community,
24:17 you guys are really meeting
24:19 the needs of the community
24:21 as well as your students, as well as your students.
24:24 We had an interesting opportunity lately.
24:27 We've been praying and been burdened too,
24:30 we have outreach
24:32 that our students do every week.
24:33 Twice a week, they go down in afternoon
24:36 to Chattanooga
24:37 into one of the communities there.
24:40 And they will play with the kids,
24:43 they will tutor kids,
24:44 they will give Bibles studies, treatments.
24:45 Treatments in the home.
24:47 Raven can maybe share a little bit more about that.
24:50 But two weeks ago,
24:52 we had one of the Protestant churches
24:55 in a community down in Chattanooga
24:57 asked for an appointment with us.
25:00 Really, for the church?
25:01 Yeah. Love it.
25:03 They came to our campus, we had a meal together,
25:05 and they shared the burden of their heart.
25:08 They are situated in what is termed a food desert.
25:13 Yes, explain that to our viewers
25:16 because they might not know what that is.
25:17 A food desert is a community
25:20 that doesn't have access to food.
25:23 Can you believe,
25:24 there are zip codes in our country, in our cities
25:28 where there are no grocery stores?
25:30 No fresh food.
25:31 No produce, no produce.
25:33 No produce.
25:34 They don't have ability to commute to get it elsewhere.
25:39 And so, these people are living by purchasing their food
25:42 from gas stations.
25:45 And we know that
25:46 that's not healthy nor is that economical, right.
25:49 Right, right.
25:50 And so, this church has recognized the need,
25:53 this community has a high level of infant mortality rate,
25:58 high level of diabetes, you name any disease factor
26:02 and they are off the chart.
26:04 This church decided
26:06 that church needs to be more than these four walls.
26:09 Great.
26:11 We need to impact this community.
26:12 So they want to create gardens, grow boxes in this community,
26:18 in this zip code area
26:20 where they can teach people to grow their food.
26:23 Then, one of their...
26:25 Actually, their board chair was a guest
26:29 at our lifestyle center before.
26:32 He said to them, "If you want success
26:35 in this particular thing, in teaching health,
26:38 let's go to Wildwood
26:39 and let's partner with Wildwood."
26:41 Now, this is a non-Adventist church?
26:43 It's a non-Adventist church, right?
26:46 And so, they came to visit us,
26:49 and they want to partner with us.
26:51 We, in the discussion, you know,
26:54 "How can it be that, in modern day society,
26:56 there's no grocery store in the zip code?"
26:59 And so we said, "Well, maybe
27:01 we can look at an opportunity of extending our store
27:05 to a venue within that zip code
27:09 where we can share simple foods,
27:13 show them how to use it," right?
27:15 Find out what these people like eating,
27:17 then show them the healthy alternative.
27:19 Yes, wow.
27:20 And so we can help educate them,
27:23 we can educate them in simple remedies.
27:26 And so it's really an exciting opportunity.
27:29 The pastor of our church was sitting there.
27:31 He says, "Wow.
27:32 This is an answer to prayer."
27:34 And so, we've been wanting to get involved directly,
27:37 actually with our neighbors but this opportunity,
27:41 you know, supersedes that.
27:42 And so, I said to
27:43 our department heads the other day,
27:45 "We gonna put the neighbors on hold
27:47 for just a little longer
27:48 and we're gonna get involved,
27:50 you know, in this zip code down in Chattanooga
27:53 to see how we can work together with other churches,
27:58 bringing a difference in this neighborhood.
27:59 That's tremendous.
28:01 We had our first meeting yesterday
28:02 to just see what extra we can do
28:04 because we know people are trying to get jobs,
28:06 so job development,
28:08 be able to help them do parenting classes
28:10 if needed and meet with the children.
28:12 So it's on the process, it's in the process.
28:15 That's tremendous.
28:16 So look at what you're doing,
28:17 you're really meeting people at their point of need.
28:20 What do they need?
28:22 They need food, they need food.
28:24 It's unconscionable
28:26 that there is not a grocery store
28:28 in this whole zip code.
28:30 Right.
28:31 I mean, that's unbelievable in America, we just don't...
28:36 We don't think that's possible
28:39 but people are starving, they might be obese,
28:43 but they're starving nutritionally.
28:46 So you're offering them food but not just food, education.
28:50 So how do you maximize the use of that food
28:54 or optimize the use of that food?
28:56 Then you're offering them parenting lessons.
29:01 That's tremendous.
29:02 Is this an intercity environment?
29:04 Yeah.
29:05 So you're looking at the family,
29:07 you're looking at the economics,
29:09 job development, this is tremendous.
29:13 What a blessing.
29:14 You know, people are dependent, you know,
29:15 has to be whole in Christ.
29:17 That's right.
29:18 So that's what God says, "Meet them where they are,
29:19 mingle with them, meet their needs."
29:21 And then you can truly bait them to follow Christ.
29:22 That's right.
29:24 How can they follow
29:25 if you can't even think straight
29:27 because you haven't eaten proper food?
29:30 If you're buying your food from the gas station,
29:32 that means chips, and cookies, and donuts, and junk food,
29:37 that's not nourishing the body.
29:39 That's unreal.
29:40 So you guys are...
29:42 And you're doing cooking classes and all that.
29:44 That's tremendous.
29:46 What a blessing that is.
29:47 So that's for the community.
29:49 Now what about people
29:51 that come to the lifestyle center themselves?
29:56 What's a typical day for the patient
29:59 at the lifestyle center?
30:01 Okay, so we have medical providers
30:03 who have worked in the world, the unconventional medicine.
30:07 The blessing thing with that is that,
30:09 they now know
30:10 how to wean a person off their medication.
30:13 That's very big 'cause we have a lot of guests
30:16 who'll come and just get off their medication,
30:18 and they'll have a heart issue
30:19 or they'll have something going over with their bodies,
30:21 and we tell them, "Whoa, whoa, wait.
30:22 Let us teach you how to move from where you are
30:25 to where God would like you to be utilizing natural ways."
30:29 So our whole medical providers come together
30:33 and they would actually meet with the person
30:36 at least for an hour or so, pray with them.
30:39 They've already gone over their medical reports,
30:41 and they're able to give them a lifestyle regimen, okay?
30:46 Let me just interrupt you right here for a second.
30:48 So what's important about this is,
30:52 you don't want people just getting off
30:54 of their medicine arbitrarily.
30:55 No.
30:57 You have supervised weaning so to speak.
31:00 Yes. Which is really...
31:03 That's the better way.
31:04 You can't...
31:05 There are some people watching who might say,
31:07 "Oh, I'm just gonna not take my meds."
31:09 No, no.
31:11 We're not saying that.
31:13 What people do is they come to Wildwood
31:15 and they are able to, by using natural means,
31:21 under supervision of a medical doctor,
31:24 they're able to get off of many of their meds.
31:28 If possible, within the 11 to 25 days that's given to us,
31:31 yeah.
31:32 And so what we're looking at more is,
31:34 you know, conventional medicine is,
31:37 a lot of time, treating symptoms.
31:40 We're looking for the course.
31:41 That's right. Exactly.
31:43 Let's get to the root. And let's get to the root.
31:44 Our providers will start digging
31:45 and doing research.
31:47 And for many of the guests that come to us,
31:50 it'll be the first time
31:51 that they have a diagnosis of the course,
31:55 and then we can start working on the course,
31:57 and the symptoms start to alleviate themselves.
32:00 So as we come into compliance with natural law,
32:04 then the body can help heal itself.
32:06 That's right.
32:07 And that's the amazing thing about the body is that,
32:10 it can heal itself if you give it what it needs to do so.
32:14 You know, you give it the materials that it needs,
32:17 it can heal.
32:18 So that's how we were created.
32:20 So what you guys are doing is tremendous,
32:23 helping people to get well through natural remedies,
32:28 which doesn't mean that they're never on meds,
32:31 I would assume, but it just means that
32:34 as many meds as they can get off of,
32:37 you know, because the meds themselves
32:39 often have side effects, compounding issues.
32:43 Exactly.
32:44 So I mean,
32:45 if you can use natural means to get well,
32:50 that's ideal.
32:52 Okay.
32:53 So they come in, they sit with a medical professional
32:57 who prays with them, that's amazing too,
33:00 prays with them to consult
33:03 with the divine physician, right?
33:06 And then,
33:07 they look at their meds, which is another issue,
33:10 because sometimes, doctors are unaware of,
33:14 you know, all of the different meds
33:18 that a patient is on or whatever, any interactions.
33:20 So that can be an issue.
33:23 So they look at the meds,
33:25 they're able to pray with the patient,
33:27 then what do they do?
33:29 So even before the guest comes,
33:32 the team has looked over all the medical records
33:35 and their history.
33:36 And there's a team?
33:38 There's a team.
33:39 So you may meet one medical provider
33:41 but the whole team comes together,
33:43 and they will include the chiropractor,
33:44 they will include the mental health specialist,
33:46 they will include the nutritionist.
33:48 And they will come together, look over everything and say,
33:51 "Well, this is already been done.
33:52 What more can we do?"
33:53 These are the questions we want to ask.
33:55 But before they get here, this is what
33:56 we're first gonna start prescribing for them
33:58 for hydrotherapy.
34:00 We want them to stop maybe taking this herbal,
34:01 this supplement,
34:03 maybe requesting, maybe some extra blood work,
34:05 because it is time to get to the core,
34:07 seeing how far, you know,
34:10 some people really are coming in a far extent
34:13 with their disease.
34:14 So for 11 to 25 days, we're very honest with people
34:17 and letting them know...
34:18 A lot of times, we're really just the catalyst,
34:20 but we'll do the best we can, we will do the best we can.
34:23 And we're in this together.
34:25 So when they come,
34:27 there's already something laid out for them.
34:29 But we also saw a need for,
34:31 you know, not only disease reversal
34:35 which is one of our main programs
34:39 but we see so many mental health challenges today.
34:44 You know, maybe we can share a little bit
34:46 about that Life Alignment program.
34:48 So we first have a foundational program
34:51 called the Life Alignment program.
34:53 It encompass our eight laws of health
34:55 which we have the nutrition for the basic plant-based diet.
35:00 And we actually teach them how to make plant-based food,
35:03 bread making as well as we exercise with them.
35:06 We walk them every single day.
35:08 People know that about our campus, over 600 acres,
35:12 okay, we have trails as well.
35:14 So we teach them about sunlight,
35:15 getting out deep breathing, getting out in the air,
35:18 resting their body and their mind.
35:20 So as they are doing that
35:22 and having the group therapy sessions, okay,
35:24 that's another deep one, because as they're sitting
35:26 there discussing things that they're going on,
35:28 they'd be able to see life from God's point of view.
35:30 A lot of issues is said
35:32 that 9% of all diseases start in the mind,
35:35 but we have to tackle those thoughts,
35:37 so that's a Life Alignment program.
35:39 Then you have our depression recovery program
35:41 where we encompass that with a licensed therapist,
35:44 mental health specialist, okay?
35:46 So there, you really get even deeper.
35:49 And it's tackling again, those depression thoughts.
35:52 We even had for your testimony here,
35:54 we had a gentleman who just continued
35:57 to try to commit suicide before he came to Wildwood.
36:00 He had an eight-year-old daughter.
36:01 We kept saying, "Well, look at who you have."
36:03 He said, "But I can't live for here.
36:05 I don't want to live anymore."
36:06 And so he came to us,
36:07 he said, "This is the last straw.
36:09 If I can't get help here, I'm done.
36:11 And I won't say anything else."
36:13 And so, it was a blessing
36:15 because he worked
36:16 with our mental health specialist.
36:18 He said, "You know what?
36:19 I'll tell you this, 11 days is not enough."
36:21 He said, "You're just getting up
36:23 the fog in 11 days."
36:24 By 25 days,
36:25 he said, "I can see, I can understand."
36:28 You're talking about now almost a year,
36:29 two years later.
36:31 This man has now sent his friends and his family
36:33 to come to our program, he's living, he's working.
36:38 He has a closer relationship with his daughter.
36:40 I mean, this is what we're trying to help people see
36:43 that there's a bigger picture than our tunnel vision.
36:46 Yes. Okay.
36:47 That's the danger with, sometimes,
36:49 mental disease or even just depression alone.
36:52 We get so stuck on right now, and we don't see the future,
36:55 we don't see what God is doing.
36:56 And we want people to see that.
36:58 Yeah.
36:59 Well, it's hopelessness,
37:01 and it's like you're giving them hope in Christ,
37:04 and also its chemical imbalances,
37:08 you know, that need to be addressed.
37:10 I mean, there are all these different things
37:11 that need to be addressed.
37:13 But what you're doing, which is so great,
37:15 is you're looking at the entire person.
37:18 You know, many times,
37:19 we do leave the mental peace aside
37:23 and, well, we're just dealing with the physical.
37:26 No.
37:27 The whole being, we're mental, physical, spiritual,
37:31 you know, emotional beings.
37:32 So that has to be dealt with.
37:34 And so you're looking and dealing
37:36 with the whole person,
37:38 and you have things in place to deal with the whole person,
37:42 and that's tremendous.
37:43 And we even give them a one-on-one coach.
37:46 So they are able to create goals
37:48 why they're there,
37:49 and actually prepare them to go home.
37:51 So they're not just trying to figure it all out
37:53 because when they get home, it's back to habit.
37:56 So we start tackling things now.
37:58 Why did you get here now?
37:59 How do we prepare you to go back home and fight?
38:02 And so they have, at least,
38:03 each one a one-on-one counselor.
38:04 Coach, right.
38:06 One of the problems that we saw,
38:08 you know, and we've recognized this over the years.
38:12 You know, we have a person, let's say, for 11 or 25 days,
38:16 and like Raven just said, now they go home.
38:19 And now what?
38:20 And many people get back into that old habit grove,
38:24 and they can't seem to break out of it,
38:26 and soon they're back to their old habits.
38:28 And the program doesn't work anymore.
38:32 So we've partnered with a ministry
38:35 and we have a 90-day follow up program
38:39 that's web based where groups can go on.
38:45 They can watch a webinar, they can ask questions
38:48 and get specific answers for some of the challenges
38:51 that they're dealing with.
38:53 There's recipes that are shared,
38:56 there's cooking demonstrations that are given.
38:58 And the person is encouraged to keep with the program
39:03 that they've started,
39:04 keep with the habits that they formed,
39:07 and so that habit can become entrenched.
39:09 And so we have almost 100 days of,
39:13 you know, helping a person adapt to a lifestyle
39:19 adhering to the eight laws of health.
39:21 Oh, that's tremendous,
39:23 because what happens, you know,
39:25 when people come to a program,
39:27 they come there, they learn things
39:31 that they can apply when they go home.
39:33 But when they go home,
39:34 they go back into the same situation
39:36 that led them there in the first place,
39:37 so how do you keep the momentum going?
39:42 This is a great idea, a 90-day follow up.
39:46 Follow up program, yeah.
39:48 And we have another one too.
39:49 You know, some of our guests come there.
39:51 We've seen this over the years.
39:53 I've seen it, you know, being involved in this over,
39:56 especially, the last 10 years.
39:58 People are coming there, they are sicker than
40:01 what our lifestyle center can usually handle.
40:03 And so sometimes,
40:05 our guests will leave and they're not quite ready,
40:09 they still need help.
40:10 And so we've also have another ministry
40:12 that's partnering with us
40:14 that they'll provide help in the home.
40:16 Oh, this is great.
40:17 And so that we can actually,
40:19 you know, carry forward the treatment,
40:23 and that person can be able to regain their health.
40:27 Oh, that's tremendous.
40:29 Because now, you've got help at the site,
40:32 help post site,
40:34 and then help within the home as well.
40:37 So this helps to really solidify the program.
40:42 I think we have another video that we can show that,
40:45 kind of, will bring some more light on this.
40:47 Okay.
40:51 The Christ manifests Himself here,
40:53 I believe, because this place is attracting people
40:57 from all over the world.
40:58 Secret of Wildwood success is the presence of Jesus.
41:03 They come with the lifestyle related diseases
41:06 such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, drug abuse,
41:11 sometimes mental problems.
41:12 Patients come here
41:14 and they see doctor or nurse practitioner,
41:17 and we create individualized program
41:20 for them.
41:21 We strongly believe in lifestyle change.
41:24 Eight laws of health
41:25 is the foundation of everything.
41:27 I believe that there's a place for conventional medicines.
41:31 And we also use a lot of natural remedies.
41:35 We have the whole team that work together,
41:37 which includes a medical provider,
41:40 lifestyle coaches, counselor, and chaplain.
41:44 People expect a chaplain to be spiritual.
41:48 What they don't expect
41:49 is a phlebotomist to be spiritual.
41:53 And many of the guests, they always testify
41:56 that they came for the physical healing
41:59 but they praise God that their soul is healed.
42:03 I came here
42:04 because I suffered from a nervous breakdown.
42:07 I suffered from heart disease, chronic kidney failure,
42:10 congestive heart failure,
42:13 high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
42:15 sleep apnea, and morbidly obesity.
42:19 I heard the fearful words.
42:21 You have extremely aggressive, stage-four endometrial cancer.
42:26 We strongly recommend chemotherapy
42:29 and radiation following surgery.
42:32 However,
42:33 your life expectancy
42:35 for making it two years is zero,
42:37 and even six months is doubtful.
42:40 This will take your life.
42:43 Due to my illnesses,
42:45 I stay very, very depressed a lot of the time.
42:49 And the thing is, I had unresolved trauma.
42:52 You know, growing up, it was a happy home,
42:55 but it was a home where there was a lot of abuse.
42:57 And in the end,
42:59 I drop my daughter off with a friend and honestly,
43:02 I was gonna just drive my car off the bridge to be honest.
43:06 And somehow by the grace of God,
43:08 I landed at Behavioral Health Hospital.
43:11 After surgery, I returned to my Wildwood family,
43:14 began claiming God's healing promises
43:17 and cooperated with Him in this simple health program
43:20 that my Wildwood physician worked out for me.
43:23 So I kind of wanted to come
43:24 just so I can kind of check out the program
43:26 and see if they could help me
43:28 with the few of my health concerns.
43:30 I had been calling Wildwood in the midst of all that,
43:33 like maybe for six months or so,
43:36 and I would just call and you know,
43:38 asking about the Life Alignment program.
43:40 I don't know how,
43:42 but my husband found me in the hospital
43:44 and the Life Alignment program, they called him,
43:47 they set it up for me to come.
43:49 The experience here has been great,
43:53 and the program, it actually works.
43:55 One year after surgery, my surgeon exclaimed,
43:59 "I saw with my own eyes, the cancer was everywhere.
44:03 There is no way we got it all.
44:05 What is happening with you
44:06 is nothing shorter than miracle."
44:09 I started to have peace.
44:11 I was able to forgive those who had abused me in my family.
44:15 I was an insulin dependent diabetic,
44:17 but since I've been here,
44:19 I haven't had to take one shot of insulin.
44:21 When I walked in, I weighed 308.
44:24 When I'm walking now, I weigh 264 pounds.
44:28 Three and a half years
44:29 after being given a death sentence,
44:31 I rejoice in the gift of life and second chances.
44:35 Our God is a mighty healer.
44:50 Was that powerful or what?
44:53 That was powerful.
44:54 You know, it's one thing to hear you talk about it,
44:58 it's another to actually see people
45:00 who have lived through it
45:01 and who have gone through the program
45:03 or going through the program, and they're really healing.
45:07 What a blessing that is.
45:08 How gratifying it must be to see God's principles
45:12 that work and to see that they really do work.
45:15 That is He still in the business of healing.
45:17 Yes, yes.
45:19 They're even doing better.
45:20 Kendrick actually...
45:22 We actually talked to him right before we came here.
45:24 He lost 20 extra pounds, he's off the CPAP machine,
45:28 he's able to sleep better.
45:30 Oh, that's incredible.
45:32 Praise the Lord.
45:33 Mia, Mia is actually now doing
45:35 and heading our Life Alignment program.
45:37 Wonderful.
45:39 Four years later, Alison is now...
45:42 She's in hydrotherapy,
45:44 and she's actually one of our therapists
45:46 who was just touching so many people with her life.
45:49 I mean, with her testimony of her life.
45:51 And so it's a blessing.
45:53 It is. It's a blessing.
45:55 Look at how God has used the people there
45:58 to even start working there,
46:01 to share what He's done with people that come in,
46:04 who need to hear from someone who've been through it already
46:07 that God can bring you through.
46:09 The doctors had told...
46:11 The woman in the middle, what was her name again,
46:13 the one with the cancer?
46:15 That was Alison.
46:16 Alison, they had told her, she didn't have any extra time.
46:19 She said to me, her daughter was pregnant.
46:23 And she said, "I don't think I'm gonna see
46:25 my grandson be born."
46:28 And now she has two grandchildren.
46:29 Oh, look at God, right.
46:31 Look at God.
46:33 So in terms of outreach,
46:36 you are doing work with the community
46:39 and letting them know that you're there, right?
46:43 What would you say to someone
46:45 who is struggling right now with their health,
46:49 like if you would,
46:50 Vaughan, look into the camera there
46:52 and talk to someone who needs Wildwood services?
46:57 You know, if you're having challenges with your health,
47:00 we invite you to give us a call,
47:03 go online to our webpage,
47:05 have a look at our programs, give us a call.
47:08 And you know,
47:09 you might look at this whole situation and say,
47:12 "You know, it might be somewhat expensive."
47:15 But our team,
47:17 they will actually work with you
47:19 to work through the processes
47:22 of how you can generate funds,
47:25 raise the funds to be able to come to our facility.
47:29 I believe it will be an investment in your health
47:31 that you will never regret.
47:33 Oh, it's good.
47:34 Because as we come into alignment
47:38 with God's natural law,
47:42 He can help us even more, and God wants to heal us.
47:45 You know, God heals in three ways.
47:47 Come on, tell us.
47:49 He heals physically, He heals spiritually,
47:52 He heals emotionally.
47:54 Yes.
47:55 You know, many times, we may ask for a miracle
47:56 for our physical healing,
48:00 but when we ask for a miracle,
48:01 God knows what's best for us,
48:04 and God will always heal spiritually.
48:07 We have so many people that have come to our facility
48:11 and found the peace that they are longing for.
48:14 Yes. All right.
48:15 And so, spiritually healing
48:17 if we come to God in the right way,
48:20 He will always do it
48:21 because eternal life is the thing
48:24 that He's worried about.
48:25 He's not worried about so much that here and now, right?
48:28 He wants us with Him in eternity.
48:32 And so this is why we are there,
48:35 this is to help us,
48:37 you know, get our lives on track
48:42 so that God can help us.
48:45 He sees both here and there, right.
48:48 So many times,
48:50 what we need to do is to have that extra help,
48:52 because we get stuck in everyday routines, you know.
48:57 We're running all the time.
48:59 But invest the time in your life.
49:03 I share with many people,
49:05 "You need to be selfish while you come to us.
49:08 Just take time out for you and your connection with God.
49:13 And as you do that,
49:14 and as you start to obey natural laws,
49:17 God is going to be able to help you even more
49:20 than He's able to now."
49:21 So come to us, visit us,
49:24 and we can guarantee that you'll have
49:28 all your physical elements healed.
49:30 But if you come to God in the right way,
49:32 He will give you peace.
49:35 Well, you gave us a lot to chew on there.
49:37 But one thing is that I want to reiterate is,
49:40 invest in yourself.
49:42 We tend to put ourselves on the back burner, right.
49:44 You know, "I have this to do,
49:46 I have that to do, I have this to do.
49:47 So I'll get to that in a minute."
49:49 In the meantime,
49:51 things are getting worse and worse.
49:52 So take the time to invest in yourself.
49:56 And the other thing that I loved that you said was that
49:58 God always will heal us spiritually, always.
50:03 Jesus said, "Anyone who comes to Me,
50:05 he will in no wise cast out."
50:07 If we just come to Him,
50:08 so we can come to Him for healing physically,
50:13 but spiritually, and emotionally,
50:14 and in every way, God wants to heal us.
50:19 And sometimes, physically, we don't get healed.
50:22 Sometimes, there are things that happen where we don't,
50:25 but we always get healed spiritually,
50:28 and there is always that connection.
50:31 There's that physical, spiritual,
50:32 emotional connection.
50:34 We're not isolated beings, we're just physical beings.
50:37 So if we come to Him,
50:39 we can get that spiritual healing,
50:41 and we can get physical healing,
50:43 and emotional healing.
50:44 So do you have any closing thoughts?
50:47 Well, I want to tell you
50:48 that we're in this together, okay?
50:51 When you come to us, you're not alone.
50:54 Even though we're telling invest in yourself,
50:56 we're also investing in you.
50:58 So we're in this together, and may God be with you.
51:01 Oh, that's great. That's great.
51:03 You guys are doing an amazing work,
51:05 and I know that our viewers really wanna know
51:08 how to get in touch with you.
51:10 So we're going to put up an address roll
51:13 so that they can see how to contact you.
51:16 Before we do that though, quickly,
51:18 what's the price range for this basically?
51:21 It's less than $4000 for 11 days,
51:24 and it might seem prohibitive,
51:27 but again, calling,
51:28 our staff are there
51:30 to help you work through this process.
51:33 And let's see how the Lord will open the way
51:36 for you to be able to come.
51:38 There you go.
51:39 As we ask the Lord, He's gonna assist and help us.
51:43 And provide. And provide, impress people.
51:47 There's ways that you can work with your local church.
51:51 We are even working with conferences with pastors,
51:55 that they can come and regain health,
51:58 have a time of rest
52:00 and be regenerated to nurture their flocks.
52:03 Wonderful.
52:04 Well, let's see how our viewers can get in touch with you.
52:08 Amen.
52:11 Wildwood Lifestyle Center
52:13 provides the tools for a healthy lifestyle change
52:16 that helps patients
52:17 find a way to heal more naturally,
52:19 in many cases,
52:20 avoiding the side effects of traditional medicine.
52:23 They also reach out
52:25 to communities by providing food,
52:27 nutrition counseling, parenting lessons,
52:29 and group therapy sessions to those in need.
52:32 For more information, visit WildwoodHealth.com.
52:36 That's WildwoodHealth.com.
52:39 You may also call them at (706) 820-1493,
52:45 or write to Wildwood Lifestyle Center,
52:48 435 Lifestyle Lane,
52:50 Wildwood, Georgia 30757.


Revised 2019-08-01