3ABN Today

Daniel Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190018B

00:01 This program has been such a blessing today
00:03 really, because to hear about what you're doing
00:05 and to think outside the box.
00:08 This is thinking outside the box.
00:09 This isn't traditional evangelism.
00:12 This is really creative evangelism.
00:14 Do you have any closing thoughts
00:16 for our viewers?
00:17 My closing thought is press together,
00:20 press together.
00:22 We need to press together like never before.
00:24 Yes, we do.
00:25 I would say my son was taking me to the airport
00:27 on Monday night
00:29 and he said something that I thought was profound.
00:31 He said, "Dad, if our intent is to win souls
00:35 for the kingdom of God,
00:37 we've got to find ways to be able to do that."
00:40 The church has got to find ways to do that.
00:41 So when we look at these kinds of ways
00:43 that we're using right now,
00:44 these are, you know, creative ways of doing it.
00:47 But it also, the truth's important,
00:50 every human being that are part of this church.
00:52 Our goal is to win somebody for Jesus.
00:54 It's not just to go to church on Sabbath morning,
00:56 but to win someone for Jesus Christ.
00:58 The world needs to know that Jesus is coming again
01:01 and He loves us.
01:02 That's right. That's right.
01:03 Pastor Peter?
01:05 Well, you know, for me,
01:07 I want to encourage everyone
01:10 to seriously consider
01:14 utilizing any method that we can
01:16 to get this beautiful message out
01:19 in a world that is just unraveling,
01:23 falling apart.
01:25 So little hope, suicide up, drug addictions, astronomical.
01:31 And we've got the message to bring hope and help
01:36 and this image calls attention to that,
01:39 and I hope it rallies all of us.
01:41 Yes, thank you so much for being with us.
01:44 Thank you for the work that you're doing
01:46 for the cause of Christ.
01:48 We really, really appreciate it.
01:50 And thank you for joining us.
01:52 You know, we know you could have been doing something else,
01:54 but you decided to join us.
01:56 Join us next time.
01:57 God bless you.


Revised 2019-09-10