3ABN Today

Understanding The Book of Revelation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190019B

00:01 Friends, you know, our time comes and goes
00:02 so quickly here at 3ABN.
00:04 But we wanted to whet your appetite
00:05 for a couple of things.
00:07 Ronald, just summarize
00:09 Andrews University Press,
00:12 a very reputable place.
00:14 Students are walking
00:15 through those hallways every day,
00:17 minds of pastors and teachers.
00:20 And talk about the materials that we could go ahead,
00:22 and examine,
00:24 and be a part of our library from Andrews.
00:25 We're very honored to be
00:28 the church's primary academic publishing house,
00:31 which means that our purpose is to publish
00:34 what is understood
00:36 to be the best consensus of Adventist scholarship
00:39 for the benefit of the whole church,
00:41 not just for the benefit of scholars,
00:43 scholars talking to scholars,
00:45 but scholars talking to the world church.
00:47 We have a rich catalog,
00:49 and we're greatly honored to be able to do that.
00:52 Okay, and Dr. Stefanovic, I know we're friends,
00:54 we call Ranko, but give me a summary on as we...
00:56 Actually, first I want to say something about Ron.
00:59 I'm doing that without his permission.
01:01 You introduced him as director of Andrews University Press.
01:04 That's his title, that's his position,
01:07 but I consider him as a pastor.
01:09 What he's doing
01:11 in with his team preparing those books,
01:13 they're doing that with a pastoral heart.
01:16 There's no intention
01:17 simply to fill the minds of people with information,
01:20 but also to touch their hearts
01:22 with that final goal
01:23 that one day that we find ourselves
01:25 in God's kingdom.
01:26 So give me 30 seconds.
01:27 Thirty seconds.
01:29 What are the last words of the Book of Revelation?
01:32 Okay, I can have a long story.
01:34 Usually nobody is aware of that.
01:36 It's the grace
01:38 of our Lord Jesus Christ
01:41 be with all of you.
01:43 These are the final words of the Book of Revelation
01:45 telling us as you talk about the future,
01:47 all what we need in our lives
01:49 is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
01:51 the One who died on the cross of Calvary.
01:53 Wow, I'm so thankful that you've come today.
01:55 And thank you so much for also being here.
01:57 And thank you for tuning in.
01:58 One day, the revelation of Jesus Christ
02:01 will give way to the revelation of Jesus Christ.
02:04 Until that day, may God bless you,
02:06 and have a blessed day in Christ.


Revised 2019-05-15