3ABN Today

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190025B

00:01 I know you have been blessed by this program.
00:03 And I'm going to give Dr. Robert Nohr
00:05 30-40 seconds to kind of communicate
00:08 with our listeners and our viewers
00:10 'cause your journey has been so rich.
00:11 But if you had a parting thought
00:13 that you'd like to leave
00:14 with those who listened to the program today,
00:16 what would that be?
00:17 Well, I do.
00:19 I think that,
00:20 you know, in 1 John,
00:21 Jesus says to Andrew,
00:23 who's interested in Him,
00:24 He says, "Come and see,
00:27 come and take a look for yourself."
00:28 And I would just urge anyone
00:30 who wants to understand
00:32 what the Adventist Church is about.
00:34 You won't get it by reading
00:36 about theological debates on the internet.
00:39 You will get it by coming, and seeing,
00:42 and spending time with the Adventist people.
00:46 And I think you'll be blessed
00:47 if you take that invitation.
00:49 Wow.
00:50 Dr. Nohr, it's been rich for me and I have, as a pastor,
00:55 been able to take my sponge and dab
00:57 from this interview things
00:59 that have really enhanced my day also.
01:00 Thank you so much for taking the time to do that.
01:02 Blessings on you and your wife and your community
01:04 and the work you do there in Wisconsin,
01:07 God bless you.
01:08 Thank you very much, Pastor.
01:10 And thank you for taking the time
01:11 to tune in today.
01:13 We know that the blessing comes in waves.
01:14 Today, the Lord has a blessing for you.
01:16 Take that journey with Him
01:17 and you'll find complete richness
01:18 in knowing Christ.
01:20 God bless you until we see you again.


Revised 2019-06-10