3ABN Today

Dangers of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Med

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190043A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:13 I'm Jill Morikone and we are so glad
01:15 that you have taken time from your day
01:17 to join us here at 3ABN.
01:19 I love the Today program.
01:21 Because we get to feature ministries,
01:23 we get to feature people whose lives have been changed
01:26 by the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:28 And today is no exception.
01:30 Before I introduce our guest, who is no guest,
01:33 she is family, part of the 3ABN family
01:36 but before I introduce her, just want to thank you
01:39 at home for your love, and your prayers,
01:42 and financial support of the ministry of 3ABN
01:45 because of you,
01:47 we can do programs like we're going to do today,
01:49 which is really raising awareness about a topic
01:54 that sometimes is misunderstood,
01:57 even by Christians
01:58 or Seventh-day Adventists Christians
02:00 or people in any denomination.
02:02 So I am so excited about this topic,
02:05 and about the journey that we're going to hear today
02:08 from our special guest, who is none other than
02:11 Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, my sis.
02:14 I'm so glad that you are here.
02:16 Oh, thank you, so good to be here.
02:18 And I know you're always here.
02:20 So it's a little strange for me
02:21 to be sitting here hosting, you sitting there.
02:23 I know.
02:24 I know we do programs together,
02:25 but you are the founder
02:27 and consultant for 3ABN Dare to Dream
02:29 and you did an incredible job
02:31 with and are doing an incredible job
02:33 with Dare to Dream.
02:34 Praise the Lord.
02:36 It's been my privilege to be a part of this ministry,
02:39 3 ABN Dare to Dream.
02:43 What an amazing way to have come here,
02:45 and what an amazing journey,
02:47 and what an amazing privilege to be working here
02:51 in the last days of earth's history,
02:54 getting the gospel out to the world
02:56 and bringing the truth to the world.
03:00 It's such, you know,
03:01 it's counteracting the counterfeit.
03:03 And that's what we're here to do.
03:04 Amen.
03:06 So today, we're going to get
03:07 just a little bit of Yvonne's journey
03:09 but not only that,
03:10 her journey specifically regarding
03:12 traditional Chinese medicine and the dangers of acupuncture.
03:16 So before we really jump in, I know we're going to go
03:18 to a song and all that.
03:20 But before we jump in,
03:21 why did you want to do this program?
03:23 What made you want to even address this topic?
03:26 You know, Jill, there are so many people,
03:28 I get calls all the time about, and emails about
03:32 "Should I go see an acupuncturist?
03:34 Or I've been seeing an acupuncturist,
03:36 is that wrong?"
03:38 And I feel like God allowed me to have the journey that I had,
03:42 so that I could explain why we should stay away
03:46 from acupuncture.
03:47 And that's what
03:49 we're going to be talking about.
03:50 It's my desire to really share
03:54 the dangers of acupuncture
03:57 and traditional Chinese medicine.
03:58 Without, you know, I have some wonderful friends
04:04 that I practiced with, and that were in school with me
04:10 and patients too.
04:11 And I feel like
04:13 I really have to get this word out to them,
04:16 as well as to people who would
04:18 go and see an acupuncturist,
04:20 that they're really experimenting
04:22 with something dangerous.
04:23 Absolutely.
04:25 And you can share where I could just say,
04:26 well, I read about it, and I heard it's dangerous,
04:29 but you share from personal experience,
04:30 and it makes a big difference.
04:32 Well, I'm excited to hear more of your journey,
04:34 because I've heard some of it
04:35 but I haven't even heard all of it,
04:37 so I'm excited to hear more
04:38 and to share that with you at home,
04:40 and the dangers as you said of acupuncture.
04:43 But before we do that, a friend of the ministry,
04:45 Kendol Bacchus, we met him a few years ago,
04:48 at least I did when we went to London,
04:50 and he's an incredible pianist.
04:52 And he will be ministering a song,
04:54 Divine Redeemer.
09:27 Amen.
09:29 Thank you so much, Kendol, we are so grateful
09:31 that the Lord is our Redeemer.
09:34 If you're just joining us,
09:35 our special guest and family member today
09:38 is Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, my sister.
09:41 Yeah.
09:42 And we're going to talk today about your journey,
09:44 and then about the dangers of acupuncture
09:47 and traditional Chinese medicine.
09:49 So take us back.
09:50 Why were you first interested
09:52 in traditional Chinese medicine?
09:54 Wow, well, I'll take you back even further to...
10:00 Okay, so today, I'm going to be really transparent,
10:02 because I think that there are several people
10:06 who deal with the same issues,
10:08 and they can be helped by my testimony.
10:11 Absolutely.
10:12 So I'm going to take you back to my 20s and in my 20s...
10:17 Well, first of all, I've always been a student.
10:19 So, you know, like, I've always liked to
10:21 learn new things and all that.
10:23 And in my 20s, I was very much
10:24 into reading horoscopes and not thinking that
10:29 they would, I wasn't doing it for my future
10:33 so much as just saying
10:35 what's going to happen today or this month or whatever.
10:39 And so I began to read them and then to find out like,
10:45 what sign people were and then was
10:48 that sign compatible with my sign,
10:50 just things like that, that seem harmless.
10:54 But the whole thing about...
10:58 One thing about Satan is that
11:00 he won't bombard you with things all at once,
11:03 he'll just kind of gradually take you
11:07 into phase and then before you know it,
11:09 you're in, yeah,
11:11 or you've gone so far away from shore,
11:15 the safety and security of the Lord,
11:17 you just kind of drifted.
11:18 And so horoscopes were...
11:23 So it was like a curiosity.
11:25 It was a curiosity.
11:27 And, you know, curiosity killed the cat.
11:30 But, you know, you just kind of
11:32 seem interested in that and graphology,
11:34 handwriting analysis, I was interested in that.
11:39 And different things that just,
11:43 you know, just seemed like they were okay,
11:45 but they really weren't.
11:47 One of the things that happened to me,
11:48 when I was singing commercials as I was singing commercials
11:53 for a living, well, before I even started,
11:57 I remember my manager at the time,
11:59 I was in a group and we had a manager,
12:02 and he had a recording studio.
12:04 And one night, some people came to his recording studio,
12:08 and one of the guests was a Wiccan.
12:11 And I had never met anybody that was on the dark side
12:16 like that before.
12:17 And I was talking to him, and he was, you know,
12:19 very friendly and, you know, didn't seem like a weirdo.
12:23 Nothing seemed creepy?
12:24 No, no, which is interesting too.
12:27 But nothing seemed creepy.
12:28 And he said, "So what do you want?"
12:32 He said, "What do you want?"
12:35 And I said, "I want to be rich."
12:38 And he said, "I'll pray for that for you."
12:41 Oh, wow.
12:43 Now, if I had been in my right mind,
12:47 and it makes me just feel so sad
12:49 that I disappointed God like this.
12:51 But if I've been like, in a spiritual frame of mind,
12:55 I would have said, no, no, no,
12:57 I wouldn't have even had a conversation with him,
12:59 but because I was
13:01 in that place of slowly drifting,
13:05 I entertained that.
13:06 So I said, "Okay."
13:08 And I just let it go.
13:09 I didn't even think anything more about that.
13:12 But that was another experience with the dark side.
13:17 And then, there was another time
13:20 when once I had gotten into the music business,
13:22 I did make a lot of money, not because he prayed to Satan,
13:26 but I did.
13:27 But there was also a lot that went with that.
13:32 But I remember singing at a session.
13:37 And I got called to do this session for a psychic.
13:42 And the psychic would do readings for people.
13:46 But I knew there was no way I was going to do that.
13:50 Like palm readings.
13:52 Well, just, she could just look at you
13:54 and talk to you.
13:55 Oh, wow.
13:57 So at the end of the session, the producer,
14:00 who's a female friend of mine, she said, "Oh,
14:03 the psyche wants to say something to you."
14:05 Something, she wants to thank me for,
14:08 you know, singing on her session, everything.
14:10 What she said to me,
14:13 "I'm going to tell you something,"
14:14 and she began to read me,
14:18 give me a reading while standing there.
14:20 And she would look to the side.
14:23 And she would say, okay, okay, okay, thank you.
14:25 And look back at me... Like she's talking to someone.
14:27 Like she's talking,
14:29 she was communicating with a demon,
14:33 or to her, a spirit guide.
14:36 And she's communicating, and then coming back to me
14:38 and telling me things and instead of me saying,
14:43 "Whoa, get away from me"
14:45 or instead of me removing myself,
14:48 I was so beguiled by it.
14:50 I was so, it was like Eve at the tree,
14:52 I guess, you know, standing there
14:55 and hearing things about myself that,
14:59 how could she have known,
15:01 or she didn't know, the demon knew.
15:03 So that was another, you know,
15:05 all of these are these little forays
15:09 into the dark side.
15:13 So I remember leaving that session
15:18 and getting into a cab and feeling so sad
15:23 knowing I'd let God down.
15:25 Because even though
15:26 I wasn't in the church at that point,
15:29 you know that there's certain lines
15:30 you just don't cross.
15:31 I just, I knew that there were certain lines
15:33 that I would never cross.
15:34 And I crossed that line that day to me
15:37 by allowing her to talk to me,
15:41 to have the spirit guide or demon tell me something.
15:45 Did you feel scared or just sad about it
15:48 like you would let God down?
15:50 Oh, sad. Yeah, no, not scared.
15:52 There wasn't any fear about that.
15:56 I was so hurt that I had hurt God.
16:00 And I knew that even though I was away from,
16:02 I always consider myself still, which is so delusional,
16:05 but I consider myself Adventist while I was out there singing
16:09 because that was, you know, even though
16:11 I wasn't really going to church, I still...
16:12 There's certain things I just did not do.
16:15 And so I still consider myself Adventist,
16:17 and the people in the music business
16:19 considered me to be very spiritual.
16:22 But people who were Adventist knew that I had,
16:24 you know, gone to the left, and I had people praying for me
16:27 and all that.
16:28 So then one other thing that happened
16:34 and there's a reason I'm doing this,
16:35 I'm kind of taking you through this to see
16:39 to show how Satan can just kind of pull you,
16:42 slowly but surely, into consenting to do things
16:46 that you would not have ordinarily consented to do.
16:48 That is true.
16:50 And so I remember I had a friend
16:53 who was an engineer and his mom was also a psychic.
16:56 And she did astral projection and pendulum divination.
17:02 So one time I said to him,
17:07 would you ask your mother,
17:09 you know, well, he volunteered at, my bad,
17:11 he volunteered.
17:12 And he said, my mom, because I was going through
17:16 something at the time.
17:17 And he said, "Well, my mom does pendulum reading,
17:19 I could ask her for you."
17:20 And I said, "Yeah, okay. Ask her."
17:24 And, you know, he told me, and he told me what she said.
17:27 So essentially, I had through him,
17:32 contacted someone, again, who was doing divination.
17:37 Satan has had the plan for me all along,
17:41 to move into divination.
17:45 And...
17:47 So fast forward to 1985,
17:52 when the Lord began to work on my heart,
17:57 and everybody, I've told this story before
18:01 about Pastor CA, and coming, going to church,
18:05 because my grandmother told me,
18:06 "You're going to have a new pastor,"
18:08 and I went to the church.
18:10 And from then on,
18:12 I was going to church every Sabbath,
18:14 and studying the Bible and all that.
18:17 So that part of my life,
18:20 I thought was behind me and I was a new creature.
18:24 And it wasn't that I was seeking this regularly.
18:27 But just the fact that I did it at all,
18:30 to me is just, it just hurts my heart,
18:33 even now to talk about it.
18:35 So... You know what's beautiful.
18:36 I was just thinking about your stories
18:38 you were talking that you were raised to know Jesus.
18:41 Yes. You had a praying family?
18:42 Yes.
18:44 And that even though you were walking,
18:46 maybe not in all the paths that you had been taught
18:48 when you were a kid, that God had His hand over you.
18:52 And even if you walked into some of this divination,
18:55 or some of this, you know, having people do that,
18:57 but God's still had His hand and God brought you back.
19:00 What a merciful savior.
19:02 What an amazing God.
19:04 Amen, amen.
19:05 Because even when we, you know, I am grateful
19:10 for my praying family, and I am grateful
19:12 for the seed that was planted by me.
19:16 Because I knew there were times that I knew better,
19:20 and I knew, I know now that God
19:24 had His hand on me the whole time,
19:26 the whole time.
19:28 And I'm so grateful.
19:29 So yeah, thank you for that.
19:30 So it's just, it's so amazing how God,
19:34 He just, one of my friend, a pastor friend of mine said,
19:37 "God's like a giant fisherman.
19:39 He lets you kinda go out,
19:40 you know, but then He reels you back in."
19:42 And so I'm just so thankful that He reel back in.
19:44 Amen, amen.
19:46 So in '85, I came back to the Lord
19:51 and I was singing jingles at the time
19:55 and doing studio music and studio singing.
19:59 And a jingle singer's lifespan, career span is,
20:04 you know, not that wide,
20:05 because they start wanting new faces,
20:07 new sounds and all that.
20:09 So I as...
20:13 There were times when I wasn't really working.
20:15 And, but I had things on the air.
20:17 So I was still making money, but it's still,
20:19 you know, I was not working as much.
20:21 So I began to being the perennial student
20:24 that I am,
20:25 I began to investigate other things.
20:27 And I sang in a camp meeting once.
20:30 And this lady just walked up to me
20:32 and gave me a tape and a booklet.
20:35 And she said,
20:36 I just feel impressed to give you this.
20:38 So I said, "Thank you."
20:39 And, you know, how people give you stuff,
20:40 you know.
20:42 And so I said, "Thank you."
20:43 And I put it in a drawer,
20:45 and I didn't even look at it for months.
20:46 And then one day,
20:48 I took the tape out, and I popped it in.
20:51 And it was a tape about sugar,
20:53 and its harmful effects on the body.
20:55 And I was just like, it was like,
20:58 like I was so intrigued.
21:00 Like drawn in.
21:01 Drawn into it,
21:03 I was so intrigued by the information
21:05 that I began to study alternative medicine.
21:09 And I began to look at herbs and I had friends at church
21:14 that were really into that and they kind of took me
21:18 under their wings.
21:19 And then I began to get these different certifications.
21:22 And so I studied, iridology, I studied reflexology,
21:26 massage therapy, auricular therapy,
21:30 and then one day, and naturopathic medicine.
21:33 And then one day someone said,
21:37 "You should come to my school,
21:39 we're having an open house"
21:40 And it was at Dallas College of Oriental Medicine.
21:43 They said, "You should come to my school
21:44 and just check it out."
21:47 And I said, "Okay."
21:48 Was that traditional Chinese medicine?
21:49 It was traditional Chinese medicine,
21:51 it was the Dallas College of Oriental Medicine.
21:55 And I really wanted an academic experience,
21:58 instead of just taking a seminar here
22:00 and a seminar there
22:02 and getting a certification here
22:03 and a certification there.
22:04 I actually wanted to,
22:06 I would be able to become board certified
22:08 in this to support and get the degree.
22:11 So I figured, okay,
22:12 well let me go and see if it's okay,
22:14 because by now, I was back in the church,
22:17 I felt like I was walking with the Lord
22:19 even though in retrospect, some of the things
22:21 I was doing were considered new age.
22:23 I wasn't thinking that.
22:25 And so I went, and I remember
22:27 asking the facilitator for the open house,
22:31 I remember asking him,
22:34 "Is this connected to eastern religion in anyway,
22:38 is acupuncture connected to eastern religion?"
22:41 And he assured me that it wasn't really,
22:44 that there are aspects of Taoism involved,
22:48 but not really.
22:50 So I thought, okay,
22:52 so I started going to school there
22:56 and I started taking classes.
22:57 If we can back up just a moment,
22:59 what is traditional Chinese medicine?
23:00 Someone might be saying, what is that?
23:02 So what does that mean?
23:06 It is the whole medical model
23:09 that has emerged out of Daoism.
23:14 It is not just a standalone medical model,
23:19 it has its foundation
23:23 in eastern religion,
23:25 eastern philosophy.
23:27 And so it's not just a little bit here
23:31 and a little bit there.
23:32 No, it's really rooted in Taoism.
23:37 And so that's TCM traditional Chinese medicine.
23:40 So I'll be referring to TCM as we talk, so...
23:45 It's a holistic approach, you could say to medicine,
23:47 but it has its roots or its base in Taoism.
23:49 Correct. In the eastern religion.
23:52 In eastern religion and the primary modalities
23:55 in TCM are acupuncture,
23:58 herbs.
24:01 Moxibustion, which is a heat, the application of heat so...
24:06 Like hydrotherapy? Not hydrotherapy.
24:08 No, like you would put, the acupuncturist
24:11 would put the needle in
24:13 and have just a little heat cone on it
24:16 and light it.
24:17 And it honestly, it's very...
24:19 the smell is very, very potent.
24:21 It's like whoa, but it's warming
24:25 and the whole idea is to dispel cold.
24:30 So, yeah, so TCM,
24:32 the primary modalities are acupuncture,
24:35 herbs, moxibustion, cupping,
24:39 those are some of the things
24:41 that you do with TCM.
24:43 So, I went to the classes,
24:47 and I began at first
24:51 everything seemed okay,
24:53 it didn't seem like there was anything that was,
24:56 you know, questionable, really.
24:59 But then in one of my classes
25:01 and the theory of acupuncture class,
25:03 we learned about the five Shen,
25:06 and I'm going to talk about that in a minute.
25:08 But I want to go back to Yin and Yang,
25:11 because the foundation really, and I think we have a graphic
25:14 we can put up of the Yin and Yang symbol.
25:18 So when you look at this graphic,
25:20 you'll see that the black and white
25:22 are first of all in a circle.
25:24 And that circle indicates
25:27 the unity of the opposites.
25:30 They call it a harmony of opposites,
25:33 because the whole idea is to balance the opposites.
25:37 And these opposites you see black and white.
25:43 They're not static, they're dynamic.
25:45 So one is always changing into the other,
25:48 you'll see there that there's the black seed,
25:52 so to speak, in the white
25:53 and the white seed in the black.
25:55 That means that there is Yin in Yang,
25:58 and Yang in Yin.
26:00 The Yang is white.
26:02 And there's the black, so there's the Yin in the Yang
26:07 and the black with the white is the Yin with the Yang.
26:12 And each is transforming into the other
26:15 so day transforms into night,
26:19 it's not a static relationship,
26:22 it's actually an interdependent dynamic relationship.
26:26 So one of the things about...
26:28 And Yin and Yang,
26:30 that's one of the basic tenets of TCM,
26:34 of traditional Chinese medicine.
26:36 Everything, according to TCM, can be looked at
26:42 through the lens of Yin and Yang.
26:44 So Yin and Yang must always be in balance
26:48 to have health.
26:49 So they're kind of polar opposites,
26:51 but yet they balance each other somehow,
26:52 and they're part of an entire whole?
26:54 Correct. Okay.
26:55 That's exactly right.
26:57 They are opposites, just like day and night,
26:59 just like hot and cold.
27:01 But they are to balance each other out.
27:04 So when you have a preponderance of Yang,
27:07 Yang is hot, Yang is heat.
27:10 So you're going to have,
27:12 from a medical standpoint, too much heat.
27:15 Inflammation?
27:16 Inflammation and too much heat in the body.
27:18 So you have to bring up the Yin,
27:20 you have to balance that with cold.
27:22 If you have too much Yin, you're cold.
27:24 So you have to, that's why the moxibustion
27:27 is there to bring up the Yang, right.
27:30 So, it's all about balance.
27:33 But now let's look at that from a spiritual place.
27:36 Yes.
27:37 How do you balance good with evil?
27:39 You don't. You don't.
27:40 The Bible says,
27:42 "What fellowship has good with evil," right?
27:43 Absolutely. Absolutely.
27:45 And 1 John 1:5, let's look at that.
27:49 What does 1 John 1:5 say?
27:52 Would you read it for us?
27:53 1 John 1:5, "This is the message
27:55 which we have heard from Him
27:57 and declare to you that God is light,
28:00 and in Him is no darkness at all?"
28:03 That's right. Yeah.
28:04 God is light. Yes.
28:06 He is perfect, He is sinless,
28:08 there is no darkness in Him at all.
28:11 We're not supposed to balance good and evil.
28:16 We're supposed to eschew or avoid.
28:18 That's right. Flee.
28:19 Flee evil, right?
28:22 So this is why you first run into
28:26 a conflict
28:28 between what's taught in TCM
28:31 and what the foundation of TCM is,
28:34 and also in Christianity, good and evil.
28:39 So as I mentioned, Yin and Yang,
28:43 came from Taoism.
28:46 And Taoism, with Taoism, there's no supreme being,
28:50 there's no creator of the universe with Taoism,
28:55 that Dao is an impersonal force
28:59 that just is present in everything.
29:02 Oh, wow.
29:04 But not an intimate being, not a Creator God.
29:08 Now there are deities
29:10 that people worship Dao is worship,
29:13 but again, there is no creator,
29:17 the Dao is this force
29:19 that created according to Taoism.
29:22 So again, you know, we look at the difference here,
29:26 in the underpinning
29:29 of TCM versus Christianity.
29:33 And there is a total denial of the Creator God.
29:37 Wow.
29:38 So when you were going to school
29:40 in traditional Chinese medicine,
29:41 you're taking these classes.
29:43 Did you know that the underpinning was Taoism?
29:45 Did they teach that
29:46 or was it not even readily apparent?
29:49 For me, it wasn't readily apparent,
29:52 and they were not teaching that and I think,
29:54 because there were other Christians
29:56 in my school as well.
29:59 And even some of the professors
30:02 were Christian as well.
30:05 They were Asian Christians.
30:07 And, no,
30:10 they didn't but there were red flags
30:13 that I really should have picked up on that
30:18 I just kind of brushed aside.
30:21 Again, I guess, because probably
30:24 because I wanted to, you know, what I mean, you just like,
30:28 "Okay, well, this doesn't conform
30:30 to my worldview.
30:31 I'm a Christian.
30:32 So I don't really don't need that to do this."
30:35 So that's kind of where I went with it.
30:39 Like, there was this class that I took called Jin Shen.
30:42 And with Jin Shen,
30:44 you just kind of put your hands
30:48 under the patient, and you just kind of sit there.
30:53 And the patient gets some kind of release.
30:57 There's no acupuncture in this part,
30:59 this is just a modality.
31:02 So I was reading the intro to the book
31:05 to the manual for the class, the textbook.
31:09 And I saw that the person who wrote the book
31:14 was influenced by a spirit guide.
31:17 Oh, wow.
31:18 And so I, was like what? Yeah.
31:21 You know what I mean, I was just horrified.
31:23 So I went to the president of the school,
31:27 and I said,
31:30 "This is written by a spirit guide?"
31:34 And he said, "Let me look into that,"
31:37 because one of the professors there had written the textbook,
31:40 so he said, "No, no,
31:42 that's not really, really true."
31:45 And instead of me really getting into it more,
31:48 again, brush, okay, brushed under the rug.
31:52 Yeah.
31:54 And so that was a red flag.
31:57 And the other red flag
32:01 was when I was learning about the five Shen.
32:06 Okay.
32:07 Yeah, you referenced that before.
32:09 Yes, the five Shen. And the five Shen are...
32:13 Okay, let me back up for a second.
32:14 So, with TCM again, they didn't tell us
32:20 that numerology played a big role
32:23 in traditional Chinese medicine.
32:26 The number five particularly has mystic value.
32:30 So there's five, there are the five Shen,
32:34 and the five elements, and the five Yin organs
32:37 and so five is an important number
32:40 in mysticism,
32:42 in traditional Chinese medicine.
32:44 Well, I was in my theory of acupuncture class,
32:49 and they began to talk about the five Shen.
32:53 These are five spirits that are associated
32:58 with the five Yin organs.
33:01 And so I said, "Five spirits, like this is spiritualism."
33:07 And what in the world is this?
33:09 And then again,
33:12 well, because in treating people
33:16 with acupuncture,
33:18 I didn't think about the Hun and the po,
33:21 and the corporeals, the Zhi and the Yi,
33:24 and I didn't think about those, the five Shens.
33:26 The five Shens. You're not thinking about that.
33:29 No, you're just thinking about, you know, okay,
33:32 so I'm going to put this needle here,
33:33 and it's going to do this.
33:35 You're not really, I didn't really think about it,
33:39 and think it through.
33:41 Oh, Mrs., if you're not thinking
33:43 about the theory behind it,
33:44 you're just saying, I'm doing the practice.
33:46 So I'm involved in helping this patient
33:48 and I want to do something for them.
33:50 And not thinking about all the underpinning
33:52 or the theory behind
33:54 why this is doing what it's doing.
33:55 That's exactly right, Jill.
33:57 I was caught up in being able to help people,
34:01 I loved to see them feel better.
34:05 You have a heart for people.
34:06 Well, praise the Lord. You really do.
34:08 You know, just wanting I can see that,
34:09 you know, wanting to help people.
34:11 So then you think, "Oh, this is something
34:12 that's going to help people"
34:14 Because does acupuncture get results?
34:15 Should I be asking you that question?
34:17 Absolutely, it does.
34:18 Okay. Absolutely.
34:19 And in fact, one of my friends said,
34:22 I said...
34:23 He was trying to tell me that,
34:25 you know, there was a problem with acupuncture,
34:27 and I said, "But it works."
34:29 And he said,
34:30 "Oh, I don't doubt that it works.
34:31 But what's the power behind it?"
34:33 And after he asked me that, my friend Schubert Palmer,
34:36 Yolanda's Husband,
34:38 after he asked me that question,
34:42 I realized, "Wow, like maybe there is,
34:47 maybe I need to be really looking into this
34:51 and seeing, am I being deceived?"
34:54 You know, because I would have people,
34:56 I would have patients that I would treat, Jill,
34:59 they would come in with stress.
35:02 And there's a point here on the wrist,
35:04 and I would needle this point, and some other points
35:08 as part of a protocol, that would relieve stress.
35:13 But I would talk to them after the treatment,
35:15 and they would say things to me like
35:17 "Oh, I felt energy moving.
35:19 Or I saw colors while I was on your table."
35:21 Really?
35:23 And I'm thinking "Oh, that's just energy."
35:24 No, duh.
35:26 Yeah. That's not energy.
35:28 That's some kind of spiritualistic experience.
35:31 And this point, by the way, is the Shen men.
35:35 And Shen men means spirit gate.
35:38 Oh, wow. What's a gate?
35:40 It's literally an opening to allow...
35:42 Exactly. The spirit entrance.
35:44 Exactly, entrance and exit.
35:46 Okay.
35:48 You can go out or come in,
35:50 spirits can go out and come in,
35:54 it's just, yeah. This is deep.
35:56 I want to just pause for one moment,
35:58 because we have a very special offer
36:00 for you at home,
36:01 this little booklet, which is not very long,
36:04 but it's powerful,
36:05 and packed full of wonderful information.
36:07 Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton wrote this,
36:09 "What is Wrong with Acupuncture."
36:12 So we want to make this available to you,
36:14 if you give us a call,
36:16 our call center during non-Sabbath hours,
36:18 or you can contact us give us a call at
36:20 618-627-4651.
36:24 Or you can always email us
36:26 at mail@3abn.org,
36:29 that's mail@3abn.org.
36:34 So give us a call or email us
36:36 and we will send you this little booklet free,
36:39 because we want you to be informed.
36:43 We don't want you to,
36:44 maybe you're listening to the program
36:46 right now and saying,
36:47 "But I still have some further questions."
36:48 So this little booklet will give you
36:50 a lot of those answers.
36:52 So go ahead, I'm sorry. Oh, no, no, no.
36:54 We'll give that information at the end again,
36:56 but we want to make that available to our viewers.
36:58 Thank you.
36:59 Because this is really, vitally important.
37:01 It really is because we don't realize
37:04 what we're dealing with.
37:07 We're thinking that it's on one level.
37:10 And it's really so much deeper than we're really thinking.
37:15 For example, besides the TCM
37:19 being rooted in Taoism,
37:22 it's also got astrology
37:27 as a part of it.
37:29 And I have a chart that I made,
37:33 actually, Ricky Carter,
37:34 shout out to Ricky Carter, thank you.
37:37 We love Ricky.
37:39 A chart that shows the Taoism
37:46 at the top and then Yin and Yang.
37:49 And so let's take a look at this.
37:51 Yeah, so...
37:52 Yeah, I can see Taoism at the top.
37:54 Yes, Taoism.
37:55 And then Yin and Yang really emerged from Taoism.
37:59 Okay.
38:01 One of the Taoists practices is divination.
38:05 And the I Ching, which is again...
38:09 What is I Ching? The I Ching is a...
38:12 It's called the book of changes.
38:14 It's a book. It says 64 Hexagrams?
38:17 And what it is, is with the I Ching,
38:21 this book, it's based on Yin and Yang
38:23 and the potential combinations of Yin and Yang.
38:28 The Yang is symbolized by an unbroken line and Yin,
38:33 broken lines, and then they're all
38:35 these combinations of the broken and the unbroken
38:41 and the practitioner.
38:43 Now this is not all acupuncturists don't do this.
38:46 But this is part of the underpinning of TCM.
38:51 So they have these bamboo sticks,
38:53 they throw them out,
38:54 and they see how they fall like tea leaves they're reading,
38:58 that it's fortune telling.
39:00 It's divination.
39:01 That's part of the, that whole paradigm.
39:06 Can we go back to the chart?
39:09 I want to look at that so then again,
39:12 we have the numerology
39:16 that is a part of the Yin Yang of the five elements,
39:20 the five shen, and then we have again,
39:24 the Spiritism with the five Shen,
39:25 the five different spirits that are associated
39:28 with the five Yin organs.
39:30 And your Yin organs are your heart,
39:32 your liver, your kidneys, the spleen, and the lungs.
39:36 Is Yin the hot or cold?
39:38 Cold. Okay, all right.
39:40 So and you have six Yang organs.
39:41 Okay.
39:42 And so, this chart
39:46 kind of shows the divination,
39:50 the astrology, the numerology, and the Spiritism
39:54 that is connected with the TCM.
39:58 The five Shen, for example, let's look at that.
40:02 The five Shen,
40:03 the first one is the Shen of the mind,
40:05 and that's located in the heart.
40:10 And that's the, that's the kind of,
40:12 there's a kind of hierarchical relationship
40:16 with the five Shen.
40:17 So the heart is the emperor of all the rest of the Shen
40:22 and of the Shen, and they are like ministers.
40:27 So the five, the heart is the emperor.
40:31 So he's over. He's like the boss.
40:33 The boss.
40:34 And that's awareness. Okay.
40:36 That's awareness. And then the second one is...
40:39 If I can stop you a second. Yeah, sure.
40:41 I'm just thinking in the Christian life,
40:42 we would say that the will or the mind
40:45 is to govern the body.
40:46 So there's parallels there.
40:48 And then we would say that.
40:50 That's what's so interesting about this
40:53 is that there are aspects of it that kind of
40:57 go along with our worldview.
40:59 'Cause you can almost say,
41:00 "Oh, well, I would subscribe to that."
41:02 Right, except it's a spirit.
41:03 Yeah. That's the thing that is.
41:05 That's dangerous. It is.
41:07 And that's the thing that makes you go,
41:09 "Okay, it's a spirit."
41:11 Okay.
41:13 So the next one would be the willpower.
41:17 And that spirit is in the kidneys.
41:21 And now, each of these again, on that chart,
41:24 can we show that chart one more time,
41:26 because each of these five Shen,
41:29 you see the five elements there,
41:30 they correspond with the five elements.
41:34 Oh, okay, so the fire goes with the mind.
41:36 Exactly.
41:37 And the water goes with the willpower.
41:39 With the kidneys.
41:40 Right, with the willpower and the kidneys.
41:42 Okay.
41:43 And then the earth goes with Saturn.
41:46 Now look at these elements,
41:48 they all have a planet connected to them.
41:52 So when they use the five element theory,
41:57 they are actually looking at the planets
42:02 and their positions.
42:04 And five element theory is used to diagnose
42:06 and treat with acupuncture in TCM.
42:09 Oh, wow.
42:10 So you can see how it's all mixed up in there.
42:14 Again, the Yi is the thought
42:18 and that's connected to the spleen,
42:20 that's intellect and discernment.
42:23 And then you have the hun and the po.
42:25 And the po is a corporeal so and that's,
42:30 that's what gives you the capacity to sense
42:33 and feel things.
42:34 Okay. But that dissolves at death.
42:37 And the hun is the spirit that enters the body
42:40 shortly after birth.
42:42 And then when you die, it remains conscious.
42:46 But it just kind of goes out into the atmosphere.
42:49 Some sort of belief in life after death,
42:52 but we would not subscribe to it, okay.
42:53 Exactly. So it's spiritualism.
42:55 Absolutely.
42:56 But it's, again with the planets.
42:59 And so the idea with the acupuncture
43:04 is that the body's vital energy,
43:06 or qi, which is the qi that you see, sometimes
43:10 it's pronounced chi.
43:12 It circulates through the body
43:15 through 12 primary meridians or channels.
43:20 But this is based on actually an episteme,
43:23 which is a set of fundamental beliefs,
43:26 that's based in astrology
43:28 that the sun in its celestial sphere
43:32 circulates in a certain pattern.
43:35 So there is a belief that says,
43:40 as above, so below,
43:42 as in the heavens,
43:44 so in the microcosm or the body,
43:48 so the macrocosm is the heavens,
43:51 and our bodies are the microcosms.
43:53 So we've got the 12 meridians,
43:58 12 pathways
43:59 through which the body's energy flows.
44:02 Those correspond
44:04 with the 12 houses of the Chinese zodiac.
44:06 Oh, really?
44:08 And so you...
44:09 Again, you can see...
44:11 It's all interconnected.
44:13 Wow.
44:15 Now, that's something I did not know.
44:17 Okay. The astrological... So they didn't teach you that?
44:19 No, no.
44:20 But I noticed that I had a professor
44:22 who would do people's charts for them,
44:27 like their astrological charts, and I never connected it,
44:31 or when you see on this chart, where you see
44:34 like the five elements of fire, water, wood,
44:39 and metal, and earth,
44:42 when you see those five elements,
44:45 they all have a planet connected to them.
44:49 So again, horoscopes, earth signs, water signs,
44:54 fire signs never made the connection,
44:59 never made the connection.
45:01 So all of that,
45:05 it's all part of Satan's plan to deceive,
45:11 and to get us
45:14 into astrology, and all of that
45:17 without even knowing that we're doing it.
45:20 So what if someone's watching right now,
45:22 Yvonne, and they're saying,
45:23 "Okay, I've been having acupuncture done on me,
45:26 and it's really helping me.
45:28 And when I go, I don't allow my mind to go
45:30 into those eastern mystical things.
45:32 I'm not doing anything to do with that.
45:35 I'm just going to help my physical pain."
45:40 Are they involved in the spiritualism by going?
45:43 By going because you're putting yourself...
45:46 Would you go into enemy territory
45:49 if you're in a battle?
45:51 Would you go into an enemy territory?
45:53 Never.
45:55 You are placing yourself in an environment
46:00 that allows demonic activity.
46:04 And you might, you don't even realize it.
46:06 And I want to ask you something.
46:08 If you're going to an acupuncturist right now,
46:13 and you've been going for a while,
46:15 or if you are an acupuncturist,
46:18 and you think you're a Christian,
46:20 and you're not trying to practice eastern medicine,
46:23 you're just trying to help people.
46:26 How's your appetite for the Bible?
46:28 How's your appetite for spiritual things?
46:30 Do you notice that it's kind of
46:32 diminishing it's kind of waning?
46:35 Are you really just into doing things
46:40 that can make a difference?
46:41 Or, you know, you have to ask yourself
46:45 certain questions about how it's impacting
46:50 your spirituality,
46:51 because it can really impact it without you realizing it.
46:56 So it's important because I know
46:58 when I was practicing acupuncture I wasn't,
47:01 my spiritual appetite wasn't as profound
47:07 as it should have been,
47:08 as intense as it should have been.
47:10 And I loved, frankly,
47:12 I loved being able to touch someone
47:14 and their pain could go away, because I know
47:16 where to touch to take your headache away.
47:19 And that was like, wow, I mean, I get it,
47:21 you know what I'm saying?
47:23 Oh, yeah.
47:24 A power, it's like a thrill that you can do this,
47:27 knowing things that other people don't know.
47:29 But you're putting yourself on enemy territory.
47:34 And that's the danger.
47:36 So what led you to make the decision,
47:39 I'm no longer going to practice acupuncture.
47:41 I'm no longer going to do this.
47:43 'Cause you had these red flags but yet,
47:45 you're still practicing.
47:47 So, but today, you're not practicing?
47:48 No, no, no.
47:49 So what led you to make that decision?
47:52 You know, Jill, it's a good question,
47:54 because the Lord was trying to get me out of it,
48:00 sending me these indicators,
48:02 and I really wasn't listening but here's what happened.
48:05 So 3ABN had invited me to sing
48:10 at a function in New York,
48:11 Ruben Carr who was working with 3ABN at the time.
48:15 And I didn't know you guys here,
48:17 I knew CA and Ruben.
48:19 But anyway, Ruben invited me so I went to New York,
48:22 and I was going to stay with my friend, Yolanda, we were
48:25 sharing a room, Yolanda Palmer, and I'll make this quick
48:29 and so long story short, I had my needles with me
48:33 and a friend of ours came to visit.
48:35 And she said she had a headache and I said,
48:36 "Oh, I'll give you a little treatment,"
48:38 'cause I was an acupuncturist at the time.
48:41 And so Yolanda said, "No.
48:42 No, no, no, no, no, don't do that in here.
48:45 That's from the devil." And I was, "What?"
48:47 And my pride welled up and all that.
48:49 And so long story short,
48:52 I from that experience, Yolanda and I...
48:56 I mean, and I love her, she's like my sister,
48:57 and we fell out for a bit and...
49:01 but she sent me a book.
49:04 And it was called Spiritualistic Deceptions
49:07 in Health and Healing by Dr. Edwin Noyes.
49:11 And I read that, or at first when she sent it,
49:14 I looked through it.
49:16 And I said, "It's written by some western doctor,
49:18 a hater.
49:20 He doesn't know about eastern medicine,"
49:21 and I put away.
49:22 And I just kept practicing.
49:24 But there was something making me think,
49:27 like, "Am I being deceived."
49:29 Right. Am I being deceived?
49:30 I better check this out.
49:32 So then, I don't know,
49:35 just, I came back to 3ABN
49:39 to interview about a book I had written.
49:41 And this lady saw me, and she looked up my website,
49:46 and she saw that I did acupuncture,
49:47 and she sent me a packet.
49:50 And in that packet was a picture of the same book
49:53 that Yolanda has sent me.
49:55 And so I said, "Lord,
49:56 are you trying to tell me something?"
49:58 I looked, I looked back in that drawer.
50:01 I found that book and this time I read the book
50:03 with an open heart.
50:05 And the Lord convicted me and then I went online,
50:08 and I read this book, Astrology with...
50:11 I mean an internet report, Astrology with needles.
50:15 And that did it for me.
50:17 Everything clicked and I was like,
50:20 I went to prayer meeting that night.
50:23 And this couple was at prayer meeting
50:25 and I was so broken because I knew that
50:28 I had been practicing something that was displeasing to God.
50:34 And they prayed for me
50:36 and they were there to comfort me,
50:38 the Campbell's and I'm just so grateful
50:41 because the Lord showed me and from then on,
50:45 I have never used another needle,
50:48 that was 95% of my income, never practiced again.
50:52 I wish we had more time. I know.
50:54 What an amazing journey that Lord has led you on.
50:57 And as a result of that you're using your gifts
51:00 to be able to share the dangers of something
51:03 that you were once involved in.
51:04 I want to give this free offer one more time.
51:08 If you are interested in this book,
51:10 What's wrong with Acupuncture, written by
51:12 Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton.
51:14 We will send you this book for free,
51:16 just give us a call at 3ABN
51:17 618-627-4651
51:21 and we would love to send this out to you
51:23 because I know Yvonne has a heart for people
51:26 and she earnestly wants to raise awareness
51:30 so that you at home will not be caught
51:32 in the same deception.
51:34 What we want to do right now is to put up
51:36 the contact information here at 3ABN.
51:38 If you would like to contact Dr. Yvonne
51:41 or you would like more information.
51:42 Here is how you can do just that.
51:47 If you're interested in getting more information
51:49 about this topic, and want to learn
51:51 how to be better informed regarding the dangers
51:54 and risks to these alternative forms of medicine,
51:57 you can contact Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton
52:00 at 3ABN PO Box 220,
52:03 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
52:07 Again, Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton 3ABN PO Box 220,
52:13 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
52:16 You can call 618-627-4651.
52:21 That's 618-627-4651,
52:25 or go to our website at 3ABN.TV.


Revised 2019-10-28