3ABN Today

Dangers of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Med

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190043B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 We've been talking today about the dangers
00:04 of TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
00:06 And thank you, Yvonne, for being here.
00:08 And do you have a closing thought for us?
00:10 I do. I do. I want to share a couple of scriptures.
00:14 When you have a chance, look up Leviticus 19:26, it says,
00:18 "Do not practice divination or sorcery."
00:21 And the actual word in Hebrew for astrology
00:24 is divining the heavens.
00:26 So it's divination.
00:28 Astrology is divination.
00:29 And we're not to deal with that.
00:31 And also Deuteronomy 18: 9-13,
00:36 read that when you have a chance,
00:38 because it's very important.
00:40 There is an article
00:42 that I'm just going to share the last paragraph with you
00:45 of this article that I found on the internet
00:48 that really, really convicted me and it says,
00:51 "In some, there are 361 acupuncture points,
00:56 the same as the number of degrees in sidereal day,
01:00 along 12 meridians, the number of zodiacs
01:04 which are named after the hour angle of the sun,
01:07 Tae Yong, Yong Ming, etc.
01:09 These are terms that describe the hour angle
01:12 in which five points are named, water, wood, etcetera.
01:16 And these are the names of the five planets.
01:18 Now anyone that is not willfully ignorant
01:21 like most advocates of traditional acupuncture
01:24 in the US will immediately see
01:26 that it was modeled after astrology,
01:28 and sun mythology
01:30 and according to an episteme of as above, so below.
01:33 So Chinese acupuncture
01:36 can accurately be described as astrology with needles.
01:40 Beware, beware.
01:42 Thank you so much, Dr. Yvonne, for sharing your journey
01:46 and for sharing the dangers of acupuncture
01:49 in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
01:51 And we thank you for joining us at home as well.
01:54 We want to encourage you to study the Word of God
01:56 and study these materials that have been shared.
01:58 God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2019-10-28