3ABN Today

Book Promotion and Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190047B

00:01 We are very excited
00:02 that the good doctor was here today
00:04 to share his story.
00:05 And as I said, during the news break,
00:08 he's saying, "We didn't even get to the good part."
00:11 There are so many miracles.
00:12 You will want to get the book,
00:14 it is called Preaching from the Grave
00:17 available August of 2019,
00:20 and by Pacific Press so you can get this
00:23 through the ABC bookstores.
00:26 Phodidas, this is just what God did for you,
00:30 and you've shared a little bit more with us is miraculous.
00:34 We want to tell you that
00:37 it's heartbreaking to know
00:39 you lost 33 members of your family
00:42 and so many of your friends.
00:43 But now God has brought him to Weimar,
00:48 I mean, he's got his PhD.
00:50 God's done so many miracles.
00:52 So, brother, just want you to know
00:54 that we love you and thank you for coming here.
00:56 Thank you for writing this book.
00:59 We want those of you at home to know
01:02 that you can trust God.
01:05 You can have that sweet grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
01:11 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
01:13 and the love of God working in your life every day.
01:18 Don't forget to pray boldly before His throne.
01:21 Amen.


Revised 2019-10-16