3ABN Today

The Courtyard Experience

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190066B

00:01 This is such a powerful topic, the sanctuary,
00:05 we just barely juiced it
00:07 and kind of distilled into some little things.
00:10 Ryan, thank you for being with me today to do this
00:15 and I hope that those
00:18 who are listening to this program
00:19 or watching on television or on the internet,
00:22 I hope you've been really truly blessed.
00:24 I think you've got a quote
00:25 that you want to finish off with.
00:26 Yeah, you know, a couple of thoughts
00:28 that come to my mind really quickly in closing,
00:30 I think it was a quote in the book of...
00:33 or in the book, Acts of the Apostle,
00:34 she says, "To blot out
00:37 to take away the cross from the Christian
00:39 is like blotting out the sun from the sky."
00:41 Ooh, repeat that. Take that slower.
00:43 So basically, she says
00:44 taking away the cross from the Christian
00:47 is like blotting out the sun from the sky.
00:49 Wow!
00:51 And we have to keep in mind
00:52 that we're having this experience
00:54 with the Lord, our walk with God.
00:56 We must keep in mind that everything,
00:58 all of our teachings, all of our experiences
01:01 should always be in light of the cross.
01:03 And this, I love this quote here
01:04 from Testimonies, volume 6, page 67.
01:07 I think she puts it together better than anything here.
01:10 She says, "Christ crucified, talk it, pray it, sing it,
01:15 and it will break and win hearts.
01:18 This is the power and wisdom of God
01:20 to gather souls for Christ."
01:22 So yes, we wanna have that
01:24 Most Holy Place experience today
01:26 as present truth as Adventist,
01:28 as believers in Christ waiting for His Second Coming.
01:30 But always never forget the sacrifice
01:33 that Christ has given for us.
01:34 Always revisit that courtyard
01:36 because there's something the Lord wants us
01:38 to experience there on a daily basis.
01:40 And we see that it is salvation by grace through faith,
01:46 with the substitutionary sacrifice,
01:48 just everything about the sanctuary pointed to Jesus,
01:52 and it points us to Jesus.
01:55 We pray every day
01:56 that you will have that courtyard experience
02:00 before you go into your Bible study,
02:02 before you go into your prayer and you're,
02:05 and asking God to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
02:08 Thank you so much for joining us.
02:09 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2019-11-07