3ABN Today

Adopt A Minister International

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190096B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 Time is dwindling away here on the set of 3ABN Today,
00:06 and here talking about
00:07 the incredible miracle story
00:10 of Adopt a Minister International
00:12 here with president and founder Reva Moore.
00:17 And, Reva, in the closing moments,
00:19 I just wanna pass it to you at this moment.
00:20 If you have something special that you would like to say
00:24 to our audience here
00:26 about your ministry and helping them understand
00:28 why they need to support this,
00:30 what would you have to say to them?
00:34 God had placed it in my heart to help many, many more.
00:38 In about a month ago,
00:40 we have a theology graduate
00:45 actually had an incredible story,
00:48 conversion story,
00:49 and he's wanting to go back to reach his people,
00:53 wonderful people in the Muslim part of Mindanao,
00:57 and I would like to help them too
01:01 because Jesus loves them.
01:02 That's right.
01:04 And we still have also hundreds of applications wanting
01:09 to be under Adopt a Minister.
01:11 And at this time we don't have any funds.
01:13 I understand.
01:16 But the Lord does. But the Lord does.
01:17 I told Him, I'll do this if You send them.
01:20 That's right.
01:21 You send the funds, and we will continue doing this
01:22 and we hope to continue this.
01:24 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:25 Well, in the closing seconds we have,
01:27 I just wanna make an appeal myself
01:29 as I'm hearing this story.
01:31 You know, God has the funds.
01:33 He has the means to provide for this ministry,
01:35 and it's through you at home.
01:37 And I just wanna make a final appeal that
01:39 if the Lord is placing this upon your heart,
01:41 I pray that the Lord will place this
01:43 upon your heart and convict God's people
01:45 who are watching this program to provide and give funds
01:48 for this particular ministry,
01:50 so the gospel can go throughout all the world.
01:53 We praise the Lord for you joining us today
01:55 and until next time,
01:57 may God continue to bless you abundantly forevermore.
02:00 Amen.


Revised 2020-02-26