3ABN Today


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200021A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We appreciate so much that you've taken time
01:14 out of your busy day to join us.
01:16 We have a very, very special program
01:19 scheduled for you today for all of us
01:21 because we're gonna be talking
01:22 about a very, very important last day events type of topic.
01:27 And we'll get into that in just a few moments.
01:29 I wanna say thank you
01:31 for all of your love, prayers, and support
01:33 because without you we wouldn't be here
01:35 doing what we're doing being able to preach the gospel
01:37 to all the world.
01:40 Again, we have a very special topic today.
01:42 I'm gonna give you the title and you're gonna...
01:44 It's gonna sound funny I've said it several times
01:46 to Pastor Lomacang and he keeps saying, "What?"
01:49 You'll know why it's entitled this
01:50 in just a few moments,
01:52 but I've entitled today's "Serpentology."
01:54 Serpentology root word serpent,
01:57 there is a lie
01:59 that a serpent told in Scripture.
02:02 And we're gonna read about that today.
02:03 And the subject matter is going to be over obviously,
02:06 the topic of the state of the death.
02:08 Now you may be sitting at home saying right now,
02:10 you know what, I've heard this a million times.
02:12 I already know the truth about it,
02:14 but we're going to be taking a fresh look
02:17 at what the Bible has to say about this special topic
02:19 and why it's so important for us to be discussing it
02:22 and to know the truth about it here in the last days.
02:26 Before we dive deep into this topic, though,
02:28 I'm going to introduce these wonderful panel,
02:31 it's a panel of three,
02:33 but I think we can get the job done, right?
02:34 Okay.
02:35 To my right here we have Pastor John Lomacang.
02:37 It's a blessing to have you, Brother.
02:38 Good to be and it trenches with someone
02:40 who knows how to sharpen the word,
02:41 appreciate a lot.
02:42 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:44 I'm gonna be excited to see what you have prepared for us
02:46 because when we take on these type of subjects,
02:48 you're like a machine gun
02:50 and I appreciate all that you have to bring to the table.
02:52 Soldier of the cross. Amen.
02:53 In a good way. In a good way.
02:55 Praise the Lord.
02:56 And, of course, to my left here,
02:58 I have my brother Dakota Day.
02:59 It's a blessing to have you.
03:01 It's a blessing to be here.
03:02 I appreciate the invitation. Amen.
03:03 You're with Amazing Facts Ministry
03:05 for those of may not know.
03:06 Dakota is an evangelist for Amazing Facts Ministry
03:10 and you travel full-time for the gospel
03:12 and it's a blessing to have you here
03:14 to join us on this program today.
03:15 That's right. That's right.
03:17 It's a blessing to be here at 3ABN,
03:18 with Amazing Facts most of the time,
03:20 so it's always a blessing
03:21 to see our brothers and sisters at 3ABN.
03:23 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:24 Before we dive deep into our subject,
03:26 I'm gonna have you to say a prayer for us, okay?
03:27 Sure, yeah. Let's pray.
03:29 Father in heaven, we wanna thank You so much,
03:31 Lord, for waking us up this morning
03:33 and breathing Your breath of life
03:35 into us again,
03:36 that we would be able to, Lord,
03:37 to come together and study Your Word.
03:39 Lord, that we will not be deceived
03:40 by any kind of serpentology,
03:43 but Lord that we would have Your true theology,
03:45 Lord, the study of Your Word in our hearts in our minds.
03:48 So give us a spirit, Your spirit now as we pray
03:51 and as we study Your Word.
03:53 Lord, that we may be led and guided into all truth.
03:56 We ask this in Jesus' holy precious name, amen.
03:59 Amen. Praise the Lord.
04:01 I like what you said in your prayer there.
04:03 You know, that we may not be deceived
04:05 by serpentology,
04:07 but theology or by biblical theology,
04:10 because we want to know what the Bible actually says
04:14 about this topic
04:15 that we're gonna be talking about today.
04:16 And what kind of sparked me to entitle it Serpentology is
04:21 as you're gonna see in just a few moments,
04:22 we're gonna dive deep into this subject.
04:24 And we're gonna talk about the very first lie
04:26 that was ever recorded in Scripture
04:28 and told by a serpent and we know that serpent,
04:30 to be none other, as the Bible says,
04:33 "The devil himself."
04:34 And that lie you would say, you know what?
04:36 That's an old lie.
04:38 It's not that big of a deal anymore.
04:39 It was told nearly 7,000 years ago,
04:41 6,000 years ago, but you know what?
04:44 We still see that the effects of that lie,
04:47 the effects of that deception is still at work today,
04:51 probably stronger than ever before.
04:53 I wanna start reading and kind of open us up
04:55 and launches into this subject with a couple of texts,
04:58 one from the Bible
05:00 and one from a book called The Great Controversy.
05:02 Let's start first in Revelation 16:13-14.
05:06 And, of course, after I read these opening text, gentlemen,
05:08 I'm gonna pitch it to you.
05:09 And we're gonna dive deep into this.
05:11 Revelation 16:13-14, the Bible says,
05:14 and John is in vision,
05:15 and this comes within the context
05:17 of the seven last plagues that will come upon this earth,
05:21 but notice what the Bible says in beginning in verse 13,
05:23 it says, "And I saw
05:25 three unclean spirits like frogs
05:27 coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
05:28 out of the mouth of the beast,
05:30 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
05:32 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,
05:37 which go out to the kings of the earth
05:40 and to the whole world,
05:41 to gather them to the battle
05:43 of the great day of God Almighty."
05:46 So just as the spirit of the devil
05:48 was at work in the beginning,
05:49 we see that John saw in vision
05:51 very vividly for these last days,
05:53 that there are spirits of demons
05:55 still performing miracles, signs, and wonders
05:58 in these last days,
05:59 and trying to deceive
06:00 millions and millions of millions of people.
06:02 Now I'm gonna tie that with a text
06:05 that many of us have probably heard before,
06:07 someone might not.
06:08 This comes from The Great Controversy,
06:09 page 588.
06:11 And it's a very powerful statement.
06:12 Notice what this says.
06:14 It says, "Through the two great errors,
06:17 the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness,
06:22 Satan will bring the people under his deceptions.
06:25 While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism,
06:29 the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome.
06:33 The Protestants of the United States
06:34 will be foremost in stretching their hand
06:38 across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism,
06:41 they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands
06:44 with the Roman power,
06:45 and under the influence of this threefold union,
06:49 this country will follow in the steps of Rome
06:52 and trampling on the rights of conscience."
06:54 Now there's a lot to unfold and unpack
06:56 from just that one text there,
06:58 but it's interesting that she says
07:00 under this threefold union
07:01 and she includes spiritualism, Pastor,
07:04 she includes spiritualism.
07:05 Spiritualism, of course is the belief of an afterlife,
07:08 the immortality of the soul
07:10 and beyond the point of death
07:12 in which persons can communicate
07:15 with spirits of dead people.
07:17 And we want to unpack this topic
07:19 because as we're about to show in just a few moments,
07:21 the devil told the first lie ever recorded in Scripture
07:24 in relation to death,
07:26 "You shall not surely die."
07:27 We'll reference that again,
07:29 but what really sparked my attention
07:30 to bring this topic about for us to discuss
07:33 is recently on the news, you start to see,
07:35 you know, some significant influential people have passed,
07:39 have died.
07:40 I'm thinking of in recent months,
07:43 you know, you're looking at Kobe Bryant,
07:44 the famous basketball star.
07:46 Now, you know,
07:47 Kobe Bryant was one of my favorite basketball players
07:49 growing up, but I remember my Facebook
07:51 and social media flooded, Pastor.
07:54 Me and Dakota both talked about this,
07:55 you know, Kobe Bryant's in heaven,
07:57 he's looking down, him and his daughters up there
07:58 and just concept that there's a life
08:02 beyond the point of death in this life.
08:04 I also think of, you know,
08:06 in recent times, Little Richard,
08:08 Little Richard passed.
08:10 And again, many people stating,
08:12 "Oh, he's in heaven looking down upon us.
08:14 That man is with the Lord today.
08:16 He's went home to be with the Lord."
08:17 And you hear these type of things,
08:19 and then, of course, in very recent time,
08:21 we've seen even the famous apologists,
08:24 Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias passing,
08:26 of course, I saw on my social media lit up,
08:28 this man has now went to be with the Lord.
08:30 And I know that people are making these faith
08:32 based statements,
08:34 but, Pastor, I wanna pitch it to, you guys,
08:35 'cause we're talking about the immortality of the soul.
08:38 What is the soul? What is the spirit?
08:40 Let's start there.
08:41 Is this biblical?
08:43 When we hear people say that someone has passed on
08:46 or they've went on to heaven to be with the Lord
08:48 and they're looking down upon us?
08:50 Is this biblical?
08:52 Does a soul go on to be with God in heaven
08:55 after they die?
08:57 And does their spirit go on to be with the Lord
08:59 after they die?
09:01 What is the soul? What is the spirit?
09:02 I'm gonna pitch it to, you guys.
09:04 Let's dive deep into this.
09:05 Well, part of the quandary comes out of the translation
09:08 that people often find
09:10 their doctrinal information from.
09:13 There's a Bible text in Genesis 2:7,
09:16 which I'll go to that first.
09:17 And the King James Version,
09:19 the New King James
09:20 and the New International Version,
09:22 they vary on the word soul being
09:25 is the next to transition used word being,
09:27 but the word soul has metamorphosized
09:31 into something
09:32 that the Bible never initialized it to be.
09:34 And there's a teaching,
09:36 you might look this up a very interesting study,
09:37 Neoplatonism.
09:40 This Neoplatonistic ideology was inserted into Christianity,
09:44 even before Christianity
09:46 inserted into the Greco-Roman Empire,
09:50 where the Jewish Church existed,
09:52 and even the Jews were affected by this belief.
09:55 One of the examples in Scripture we find
09:57 is in John 11,
09:58 where Jesus stayed away for four days
10:00 where instead of going immediately
10:02 to resurrect Lazarus,
10:04 He heard Lazarus was sicken, then He said to His disciples,
10:07 plainly, Lazarus is dead.
10:09 When He got there, Martha said,
10:10 "You know, if you had been here,
10:12 my brother would not have died."
10:13 Well, the question is, and many people don't ask,
10:15 why did Jesus stay away for four days?
10:18 Because the belief was
10:19 in the Neoplatonistic School of Theology
10:21 that the soul they believe
10:23 tried incessantly to get back into the body
10:26 for three days and if it didn't,
10:27 then the body would begin to decay.
10:29 That's why the Bible talked about Jesus
10:31 spending only three days and three nights in the jail.
10:34 And because He didn't see corruption,
10:36 that's when corruption began to kick in the fourth day.
10:39 And they will convince
10:40 that if the fourth day occurred,
10:42 and He wasn't raised, then, you know,
10:45 He's definitely not gonna get a chance
10:46 to come forward in the resurrection.
10:48 And that's why Jesus came forth and said,
10:50 "I am the resurrection and the life."
10:52 He said that in John 11 to Mary and to Martha,
10:54 almost specifically to Martha,
10:56 but Genesis 2:7 says,
10:58 and we have to look at what a soul is
10:59 to really establish the reality here.
11:02 Genesis 2:7, I'm reading the King James Version.
11:04 The Bible says, "And the Lord God
11:06 formed man of the dust of the ground,
11:08 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
11:11 and man became a living soul."
11:13 So notice the two combinations, we have the dust of the ground,
11:17 and then the dust of the ground
11:18 is the formation of the human body.
11:20 All of its cells and organs,
11:22 everything that's encapsulated as my good friend
11:24 who is a forensic pathologist,
11:28 who does autopsies, he says, "You know,
11:31 when you open up a person who has passed,
11:34 it's a gruesome thought,
11:36 and they begin to exam the reason why they died."
11:38 This is to see so many evidences
11:40 as to what could have caused the death.
11:42 But the body is there, but where is the soul?
11:47 So people ask the question.
11:49 Well, let's go ahead and eliminate the word soul.
11:51 And when you read Genesis 2:7 in the end
11:53 in the New King James version,
11:55 which version do you have, Dakota?
11:57 King James. Okay. King James.
11:59 Ryan? Yes.
12:00 So I have the New King James Version.
12:01 Okay, read that.
12:03 And it says, "And the Lord God formed man
12:04 of the dust of the ground,
12:05 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
12:07 and man became a living," instead of soul its mine says,
12:11 "being," a living being.
12:13 So the combination of the dust of the ground
12:14 plus the breath of life makes it very clear.
12:17 Now, Dakota, go to Job 27:3.
12:21 Job 27:3. Job 27:3.
12:25 Read that for me
12:27 because when the Lord breathed into Adam's nostrils,
12:31 Adam became a living soul.
12:32 He did something for Adam to become a living soul.
12:36 That's right.
12:37 Job 27:3 says,
12:39 "All the while my breath is in me,
12:41 and the spirit of God is in my nostrils."
12:43 Okay, how did he get there?
12:45 Because God breathed into his nostrils
12:49 the breath of life.
12:50 He put it that was the avenue to insert that spark of life.
12:54 Now I can't breathe into anybody's nostrils
12:56 and give them the breath of life.
12:58 You know, they might run if, you know,
13:01 I don't even go down that path
13:02 because it could be so gruesome,
13:03 but only God's breath can give us life.
13:07 So now let's look at the opposite of life.
13:09 Ecclesiastes 12:7.
13:11 Notice all these verses, Ecclesiastes 12:7,
13:15 and read this is...
13:18 It doesn't matter the translation.
13:20 Sure. But...
13:21 So Ecclesiastes 12:7 says, this is a popular one here,
13:26 "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
13:29 and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
13:32 Okay, now here, let's go ahead
13:34 and take this whole ideology together.
13:35 There you go. And say the spirit is the soul.
13:38 Well, that would mean
13:39 that Adam existed in heaven first
13:43 and he came down and got into this body.
13:46 And when the body died, Adam went back to heaven.
13:49 It doesn't say that,
13:50 it says the spirit returned to God's who gave.
13:52 The spirit returns to God who gave it.
13:55 Clearly, what is the spirit that returns?
13:57 Dakota made it clear, the breath of life.
14:00 God is the author,
14:01 the owner of the breath of life.
14:02 That's right.
14:04 So nothing returns to heaven, but lastly, Psalm 146:4,
14:09 Dakota read that for me?
14:10 Psalm 146:4. Psalm 146:4?
14:13 Yeah.
14:15 You know, while he's finding that,
14:16 I just have to say,
14:17 it's interesting that many people will say,
14:19 you know, when a person dies,
14:21 while their spirit went to be with Jesus,
14:23 and they're thinking of a ghost,
14:24 like a ghostly apparition of some sort,
14:26 somehow is liberated or separated from the body
14:29 at the point of death,
14:30 but what we're showing here is obviously,
14:32 biblically speaking, the Spirit of God,
14:35 according to the Bible,
14:36 is the breath of life that God gives,
14:38 not some ghostly person that lives within us, right?
14:41 And that comes from the word nephesh, you know, or pneuma.
14:45 You have those two words, the Greek and the Hebrew,
14:47 but now look at Psalm 146:4,
14:49 this settles the reality
14:51 as to what happens when a person dies.
14:53 Okay, read that.
14:55 It says, "His breath goeth forth,
14:56 he returneth to his earth,
14:58 in that very day his thoughts perish."
15:00 Okay, in that very day.
15:02 Now his version he's reading King James it says
15:04 his breath goes forth...
15:06 There you go.
15:07 New King James version
15:08 which is again a similar translation.
15:10 It says, "His spirit departs." That's right.
15:12 Okay.
15:13 So there's a correlation there, spirit and breath.
15:15 Same thing. That's right.
15:16 Whatever the...
15:17 And in the Hebrew
15:19 those are the same identical words.
15:20 So His spirit departs, but what happens?
15:24 He returns to his earth. Right.
15:27 In that very day his thoughts perish.
15:29 That's why paramedics when a person is near death,
15:32 keep them alive, put that oxygen,
15:34 make sure that his breath doesn't leave his body
15:37 because then everything ceases.
15:39 I have many more, but I'm gonna head and...
15:41 No, I think we've somewhat answered that.
15:43 Dakota, I wanna kick it to you now for this next question.
15:45 And if you have anything to say on what we just said,
15:47 you can sure add this.
15:49 I think we've answered this clearly already
15:51 as far as what the spirit is,
15:53 you know, obviously the breath of life.
15:54 You know what a soul is?
15:56 The soul is the combination of body plus breath.
15:58 There's no such thing really in the Bible
16:00 as a dead soul,
16:01 you know, there could only be one type of soul
16:03 and it's a living soul,
16:05 but I just wanted for the sake of this particular topic
16:09 we have to ask the question, is a soul immortal?
16:13 Because most people believe in this since
16:14 the soul is a person, a ghostly person,
16:17 an identification that lives within you,
16:19 does that soul live on forever we've kind of already answered,
16:23 but I wanna kind of nail that down,
16:24 I'm gonna pitch to Dakota and, Pastor, you can give...
16:26 Yeah, go ahead.
16:27 Just before you do that
16:28 because I wanna make a clarification,
16:30 I know you mean there's no such thing
16:31 as a dead soul
16:32 meaning a soul that separates from the body,
16:34 but the Bible does say in Ecclesiastes 18:4,
16:35 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
16:37 It shall die. Right.
16:38 And there's no such thing as an immortal soul.
16:39 Right.
16:41 So a dead soul, what I mean by that
16:42 was a dead soul in the sense
16:43 that a dead person continues to live on
16:45 as a dead, but yet living soul.
16:47 That's not biblical.
16:48 Okay. I got it. Absolutely. Absolutely.
16:50 So, Dakota, is the soul immortal?
16:53 What does the Bible have to say about this?
16:55 The Bible is very clear on this.
16:56 You read in 1 Timothy 6:15-16
17:01 that God alone has immortality, right?
17:04 And that again, that's 1 Timothy 6:15-16.
17:07 God alone has immortality.
17:08 So we did not receive immortality
17:11 until later which we'll get to that,
17:13 but that's at the Second Coming of Jesus,
17:15 but nevertheless,
17:17 as Pastor quoted Ezekiel 18:4, it says,
17:19 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Right.
17:21 "The wages of sin is death." Right.
17:24 Romans 6:23.
17:25 And oftentimes, when I'm studying with this
17:27 with someone that become confused
17:28 about death,
17:30 you know, they tend to think that when we die,
17:33 we really don't die,
17:35 our spirit or ghostly apparition
17:37 that God put inside of us float somewhere else.
17:39 And we've already dismantled that
17:40 and the understanding that when God made man
17:43 from the very beginning, He did not put inside of him,
17:46 a ghostly apparition,
17:47 and then that made Adam come to life,
17:49 but instead, He breathed into his nostrils,
17:51 and then man became a living soul.
17:53 So understanding that
17:55 we have to understand that life comes from God
17:57 and God alone.
17:59 And so when we die, "The wages of sin is death, "
18:01 according to Romans 6:23.
18:03 So we know that when we die, we actually do die.
18:07 And this is where your idea for the sermon title comes
18:09 Serpentology is because we know that that first lie
18:12 that we looked at
18:14 or that we're gonna look at even more in Genesis Chapter 3,
18:18 really originated with a devil
18:19 when he said that you shall not surely die.
18:21 Why don't we go there and read that, right,
18:22 just to set the foundation.
18:24 So Genesis 3,
18:25 and pastor gave us
18:26 a beautiful kind of historical basis
18:29 on where this idea of the immortal soul
18:32 or the immortality of the soul comes from the Neoplatonism,
18:35 but biblically speaking, who's the father of this lie?
18:41 This idea that we continue on.
18:42 So, Dakota, take us to Genesis 3,
18:44 and read those texts there?
18:45 Yeah. So let's go to Genesis 3 here.
18:47 Let's pick it up.
18:49 Let's just pick it up in verse 1.
18:50 Genesis 3:1, it says,
18:52 "Now the serpent was more subtle
18:53 than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
18:55 And he said unto the woman, 'Yea, hath God said,
18:58 You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'
19:00 And the woman said unto the serpent,
19:01 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
19:03 But of the fruit of the tree
19:05 which is in the midst of the garden,
19:06 God hath said, You shall not eat of it,
19:07 neither shall you touch it, lest ye die.'"
19:09 Okay.
19:10 So the result of eating and disobeying God
19:12 is death, right?
19:13 And then notice
19:14 what the serpent says in verse 4,
19:16 "The serpent said unto the woman,
19:17 'You shall not surely die.'"
19:19 Okay. So...
19:20 Serpentology. Serpentology.
19:21 Not biblical theology, but serpentology.
19:23 God says the wages of disobeying Me.
19:24 The wages of breaking My law is death,
19:27 I mean, it's clear as glass right there.
19:29 And then the serpent,
19:30 of course, being the deceiver that he is.
19:32 He says, "No, he's really lying to you,
19:34 you're not really gonna die.
19:36 You'll be like Him,
19:37 and you'll be able to live forever
19:39 and all of these things."
19:40 And so this serpentology, again,
19:43 originated in the Garden of Eden
19:44 with the devil,
19:46 and so many people today are still drinking
19:47 the wine of Babylon still drinking,
19:49 sipping back on grandma's old cough medicine
19:51 or I guess you could say,
19:54 and so many people were deceived by this
19:55 and I think that
19:57 and we'll get to the details on it in a bit,
19:58 but we're going to see that the ramifications
20:01 if you believe something like this,
20:03 the ramifications in the last days
20:05 that you can so easily be deceived by the devil,
20:08 by believing the first lie the devil ever told humanity.
20:11 Absolutely.
20:12 So the very purpose and reasoning
20:14 behind why it's important
20:16 that we take on such a topic, Pastor,
20:18 is the fact
20:19 that millions and millions and millions of Christians,
20:22 billions perhaps,
20:24 have come to this understanding,
20:26 or at least this traditional belief,
20:29 not from the Bible,
20:30 but the very idea that after death,
20:33 there's something else,
20:35 that there's life beyond
20:36 and the question we're simply addressing
20:38 and nailing down.
20:39 Obviously, we know the Bible teaches
20:40 that the soul is not immortal.
20:42 In fact, you referenced Ezekiel 18:4.
20:45 And what does that say again?
20:46 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
20:48 It shall die.
20:50 So one could say at this point
20:52 death is technically creation in reverse.
20:55 The best way to look at it.
20:56 That's the one interesting way to look at it.
20:58 Do you have any final thoughts
20:59 on this immortality of the soul?
21:00 Because I'm gonna go on to the question of the hour
21:02 in just a moment.
21:03 Okay, well, let's look at Genesis 3:19,
21:06 just so we could settle the issue of Adam
21:08 the very first man
21:09 because the Bible says Adam lived 930 years
21:12 and he died.
21:14 When he died, where did he go? There you go.
21:17 In Genesis 3:19...
21:19 Which is my next question.
21:20 Do we go anywhere when we die, right?
21:22 Like we've clearly communicated that
21:24 that's not possible,
21:25 but still, there's someone gonna watch at home
21:27 that says, "Wait a second, I still believe that,
21:29 you know, Grandma Sally's up there
21:30 looking down upon me.
21:32 She's with Jesus right now walking the streets of gold."
21:35 Let's nail this down. Do we go anywhere when we die?
21:37 Take a step. Let's see.
21:39 The Lord made it clear.
21:40 The Bible is so amazingly clear.
21:42 Look at Genesis 3:19.
21:44 "In the sweat of your face or brow,
21:46 you shall eat bread till you return to the ground."
21:52 To heaven, right?
21:54 So that shows that there was no soul
21:56 that came down, went to a body
21:57 and went back anywhere.
21:59 Nobody is in heaven now
22:00 except for the ones that the Bible mentions,
22:02 Elijah, Noah, and Enoch, see and, you know,
22:05 there's some suggestion
22:07 that the 24 elders were part of the resurrection,
22:10 that when Jesus,
22:11 but outside of those who the Bible clearly chooses
22:16 or speaks about,
22:17 it says clearly notice what the rest of the text says.
22:20 And this is why he returns to the ground.
22:22 "For out of it you were taken, for dust you are,
22:26 and to dust you shall return."
22:29 I mean, how can you be even any clearer than that.
22:32 The only other clarity you can get
22:33 is in the Book of Job.
22:35 Let's look at Job because Job Chapter 14,
22:37 Job Chapter 14, I mean, it's gonna ignite you, Ryan.
22:41 I'm gonna stand back 'cause he's gonna combust.
22:45 But look at Job Chapter 14, it's amazing passage,
22:48 it talks about this process of death
22:50 and I wanna slide into it
22:52 because Job just lays such a beautiful foundation.
22:57 And I'm gonna start with verse 7.
22:59 We don't often start with verse 7,
23:01 but verse 7 is significant.
23:03 "For there is hope for a tree,
23:06 if it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
23:11 and that its tender shoots will not cease.
23:15 Though its roots may grow old in the ground,
23:17 and a stump may die in the ground,
23:20 yet at the scent of water it will bud
23:22 and bring forth branches like a plant."
23:25 Now I always love that passage
23:27 because you know what it says,
23:28 the spiritual application before it gets into death.
23:30 It says, if we look at people and think that, you know,
23:34 they've been a sinner for so long,
23:36 they left the church 25, 30 years ago,
23:38 there's no way that they could come back.
23:40 The Lord says as long as the stump remains
23:42 in the ground
23:44 at the scent of water, who's the water?
23:45 Jesus. That's right, Jesus.
23:46 Have to give them to just Jesus
23:48 because the roots are still there.
23:50 What is the root does? It sniffs for water.
23:53 And the moment it finds it, it will bud again.
23:55 So that's hope for those that have been away from Lord
23:57 for many years, but here's the transition.
24:00 "But a man dies and is laid away,
24:03 indeed he breathes his last."
24:05 And look at the question.
24:07 "Where is he?" Dakota, pick it up.
24:10 Verse 11.
24:12 "As the waters fail from the sea,
24:14 and the flood decayeth and drieth up.
24:16 So man lieth down,
24:17 and riseth not till the heavens be no more,
24:21 they shall not awake,
24:22 nor be raised out of their sleep."
24:24 How long they're gonna be down there?
24:26 Till the heavens are no more.
24:27 That's right. That's heavens a new earth.
24:29 That's powerful. So the heavens are no more.
24:31 And keep going. And verse 13.
24:35 It says, "O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave,
24:38 that thou wouldest keep me secret,
24:40 until thy wrath be past,
24:42 that thou wouldest appoint me a set time,
24:45 and remember me!"
24:47 Okay, so keep me in that grave.
24:48 Job is the oldest book in the Bible,
24:50 older than Genesis.
24:52 Job, who was an upright man
24:54 knew exactly what was gonna happen
24:56 when you die.
24:57 Now, Ryan, pick it up in verse 14
24:59 because he continues adding to the clarity of what happens.
25:03 It said, I'm reading
25:04 from the New King James Version,
25:05 it says, "If a man dies, shall he live again?
25:08 All the days of my hard service I will wait,
25:11 till my change comes."
25:13 Okay. Verse 15.
25:15 "You shall call, and I will answer you.
25:17 You shall desire the work of Your hands."
25:19 Okay.
25:20 'For now You number my steps, but do not watch over my sin."
25:26 Right, Job is saying, "Hey,
25:27 as long as I'm alive
25:29 I'm waiting till my change comes."
25:30 When I die, I have to go to the grave,
25:32 wait till my change comes.
25:33 Just appoint me a set time and remember me.
25:35 And so often the thief on the cross didn't say,
25:39 I want to be with you in paradise today.
25:41 He said, "Remember me when you come in your kingdom."
25:44 The same remember me that the thief asked for
25:47 is the same remember me that Job ask.
25:49 When you come remember me.
25:51 So I could throw you... I could throw it back to you.
25:52 I think, I wanna give you just to clarify here.
25:56 You know, I think we've made this very clear,
25:57 but, you know, there's gonna be people
25:59 that's gonna read that text you just read earlier
26:00 in Genesis 3, and I think it was verse 19,
26:03 where it says, you know, unto the dust you shall return.
26:06 And I've had many Christians say, "Right,
26:08 the body will return, but the soul goes on."
26:11 And that's why we're hitting this up front.
26:14 And identifying biblically, what is a soul?
26:16 What is a spirit?
26:17 Because if you don't have that foundational understanding
26:20 of what the Bible teaches,
26:21 in reference to the soul and the spirit,
26:23 and if you think it's some ghost of some sort,
26:25 then you're gonna have a completely twisted
26:27 distorted understanding
26:28 of what the Bible teaches about death.
26:30 And as we have clearly studied so far,
26:31 we see that the soul
26:33 is the combination of body and breath.
26:34 It's a living being, we do not have a soul,
26:37 we do not possess a soul inside, we are a soul.
26:41 And, of course, a soul, a living being can die,
26:43 which is why it says the soul that sinneth,
26:45 Ezekiel 18:4, it shall die.
26:48 And the spirit, of course,
26:49 is none other than the breath of life,
26:50 which returns to the Lord.
26:52 I'm thinking
26:53 of another great example of this.
26:55 If indeed...
26:56 And I'm sure when you showed another biblical example here
26:58 and I'm gonna throw this to Dakota for him
26:59 to talk a little about this.
27:01 If we go to heaven when we die?
27:03 I'm just speaking hypothetically,
27:05 I would expect it
27:06 if I died right now went to heaven.
27:08 Again, this is an example.
27:10 I would expect to see a lot of people there.
27:13 One of those people
27:14 would probably be King David, right?
27:16 I would expect, the Bible says
27:18 that he's a man after God's own heart, right?
27:19 I mean, this is a man
27:20 that while he had troubles and trials,
27:22 and, you know, he was a sinner,
27:23 he was a man after God's own heart.
27:25 He asked for forgiveness.
27:26 The Lord transformed this man
27:28 before he expired on this earth.
27:31 So I would expect that of all people,
27:32 he would probably be in heaven, right?
27:34 Now it's interesting because if you fast forward
27:37 about 1,000 years or so, after David dies,
27:40 you're gonna come in the scripture
27:42 to the day of Pentecost.
27:43 Dakota, I want to,
27:45 want you to take us to Acts Chapter 2,
27:46 we're gonna read verses 29 and 34.
27:48 Let's unpack this here
27:50 because there's something revealed to us here
27:51 about King David.
27:53 Acts 2:29, 34.
27:55 Peter has been preaching.
27:56 Preaching, yeah,
27:58 he's been preaching his heart out
27:59 telling them about Jesus Christ.
28:00 And he basically gets to a part
28:02 where he's talking about the patriarch David.
28:04 And he says in verse 29, "Men and brethren,
28:05 let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David,
28:07 that he is both dead and buried,
28:09 and his sepulcher is with us unto this day."
28:12 So he very clearly says here, he's dead, he's buried,
28:15 his tomb still remains with us.
28:16 And then notice verse 34.
28:18 When you go down, he says,
28:19 "For David is not ascended into the heavens."
28:22 So it's very clear here that when we die,
28:25 we don't go straight to heaven or straight to hell,
28:27 but we are in the grave, and we remain as Job says here,
28:31 I just wanted to cover this one here in Job 21:32.
28:33 It says, "Yet shall he be brought to the grave,
28:35 and shall remain in the tomb."
28:38 So when we die,
28:39 we're brought to the grave, we remain in the tomb,
28:40 and we await
28:42 the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
28:43 as Christians as believers.
28:45 And I just wanna talk about another verse here.
28:46 We talked about do we go anywhere when we die?
28:49 I think understanding what Jesus had to say
28:51 about this is paramount because in John 5:28-29.
28:55 There we are. Jesus makes it very clear.
28:57 "Marvel not at this for the hour is coming,
28:59 which all that are in the graves
29:01 shall come forth."
29:02 So let's stop for a moment.
29:04 He's saying the hour is coming,
29:06 in which all that are in the graves
29:08 shall hear His voice,
29:09 means those that are in the graves,
29:11 and we're talking about 4,000 years has passed.
29:13 And so when Jesus
29:15 is actually speaking these words,
29:16 4000 years, a lot of people have died,
29:17 been in the graves.
29:19 He says the hour is coming
29:20 in which those that are in the graves,
29:21 He didn't say they were in heaven or hell.
29:23 He said, they shall come forth,
29:25 and they shall hear His voice,
29:26 means they haven't came forth and went anywhere yet,
29:28 and they haven't yet heard His voice.
29:30 And it goes on to say here, He says, "And shall come forth,
29:34 they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life,
29:36 and they that have done evil,
29:38 unto the resurrection of damnation."
29:39 So we see that Jesus made it very clear
29:42 those that are in the graves have not went forth
29:44 and they have not heard His voice,
29:46 but they will in the resurrection
29:48 that will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus,
29:50 those that have done good unto the resurrection of life,
29:52 and then later those that have done evil
29:54 unto the resurrection of damnation.
29:55 So if they're already in hell, and they're already in heaven,
29:58 why is there a resurrection?
30:00 Right. That's a good point.
30:02 And another text, Revelation 22:12.
30:08 Yes. There you go. That's right.
30:09 "Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with Me,
30:13 to give to every man
30:14 according as his work shall be."
30:16 Now, I'm coming
30:19 and I'm bringing my reward with me.
30:21 Well, according to the common belief,
30:23 the reward was given at the time of death.
30:25 That's not the case.
30:27 The resurrection, you just talked
30:28 about the two resurrections
30:29 and what has happened in the Christian world,
30:31 death has become an alternate route.
30:33 Death has become an alternate route
30:36 as that game in Monopoly,
30:37 you know, you're not going to jail,
30:40 go pass and collect $200.
30:42 No, when you die you cannot go past the grave.
30:45 You go to the grave, the grave is my house.
30:48 Job made it clear that grave is my house.
30:50 That also takes care of the home going services.
30:53 The only home you go into the grave,
30:54 the grave is my house.
30:55 The Bible makes it very, very clear,
30:57 but I'm gonna show you another text.
30:59 We often go to Ezekiel 18:4, but go to Joshua 11:11.
31:03 Okay, all right. Joshua 11:11.
31:05 I want this specifically, I wanna have Dakota read this.
31:08 Joshua 11:11.
31:10 Because the King James Version is the version
31:12 that often uses the word soul repeatedly.
31:15 And a lot of times people tend to take them out of context.
31:18 And then, Ryan, I'm gonna have you
31:19 read Matthew 28:10.
31:21 Right, okay.
31:22 Because these are two verses that we have to clarify
31:25 because people read what it says,
31:27 but they make people read,
31:29 and they get settled with what they heard
31:31 rather than what it actually said.
31:33 So we're in Joshua, right?
31:35 Joshua 11:11.
31:36 Joshua 11:11 says,
31:38 "And they smote all the souls
31:40 that were therein with the edge of the sword,
31:43 utterly destroying them,
31:45 there was not any left to breathe,
31:48 and he burnt Hazor with fire."
31:51 Okay, notice what happened.
31:52 What happened to all the souls?
31:54 They were destroyed.
31:56 And not only were they destroyed
31:57 to be redundant,
31:59 nobody was left to breathe, all the souls.
32:02 This was a battle Israel,
32:04 and then the value of Hazor here.
32:06 They're talking about the end result
32:07 of this battle.
32:08 All the souls that went up against God,
32:11 what happened to them all?
32:12 They were all utterly destroyed,
32:15 and none of them are left to breathe.
32:17 Once again, evidence that the soul is not immortal
32:20 because all the souls died.
32:22 And by the way, the word soul there,
32:24 once again simply means all the humanity
32:26 that went against God,
32:27 every person that was in that battle died,
32:30 and none of them were left to breathe.
32:32 That's what happens when we die.
32:33 None of us are left to breathe,
32:35 but now what happens if a person dies
32:37 in a plane crash or somebody,
32:39 a tyrant says,
32:41 which was the case during the Holocaust?
32:43 Many people were,
32:45 it's a sad way to think about it.
32:47 They were killed in these fiery furnaces.
32:51 Look at Matthew 28.
32:52 Matthew 28, verse, what verse is it?
32:54 Matthew 28:10.
32:56 All right, Matthew 28:10 says here,
33:01 "Then Jesus said to them, 'Do not be afraid.
33:03 Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee,
33:05 and there they will see Me.'"
33:07 Did I say Matthew 28:10? Okay, no, that's not the one.
33:10 Matthew 20. Matthew 20.
33:12 Go to Matthew 20. Okay, Matthew 20.
33:15 All right, I'm there.
33:16 Because, yeah, there now, okay.
33:19 And we're talking about the difference
33:21 between the soul and the body, here it is.
33:25 Have it right here in my notes.
33:27 Okay, here it is.
33:28 So when the Lord compares what happens when a person dies
33:32 in comparison to what happens when a person is alive.
33:36 The fear has been...
33:39 "Do not fear him
33:40 who is able to destroy the body,
33:43 but not able to destroy the soul.
33:46 Fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell."
33:50 Okay, all right. Okay.
33:52 And so if body and soul
33:55 can be destroyed in hell,
33:59 then the body and the soul are not immortal.
34:03 That's right. That's right.
34:04 Absolutely.
34:05 And you said, you used the word destroy.
34:07 Right.
34:08 I mean, that means no longer exists.
34:10 So this, you're talking about Matthew 10:28?
34:11 Matthew 10:28.
34:12 You had them backwards, but that's right.
34:14 So the Bible says in Matthew 10:28,
34:15 "And do not fear those who kill the body
34:17 but cannot kill the soul.
34:19 But rather fear Him who is able to destroy
34:21 both soul and body in hell."
34:23 Right. And so you see the difference.
34:24 I had a dyslexic moment there, which happens periodically.
34:28 I got you. But notice what happened.
34:30 And so, a lot of people hear the first part,
34:32 don't fear
34:34 those who are able to destroy the body,
34:36 but not able to destroy the soul.
34:38 Let me tell you what the Bible means.
34:39 If somebody decides to incinerate you,
34:44 will you come forth in the resurrection?
34:47 Well, of course. Of course.
34:49 But now which death is there no return?
34:53 Go to Revelation 20:6.
34:56 Which death is there no return?
34:58 That's right.
34:59 And you know the answer. That's right.
35:00 It is the second death, Revelation 20:10, you said?
35:03 No, Revelation 20:6. Oh, verse 6.
35:07 Okay, Revelation 20:6,
35:09 "Blessed and holy is he who has part
35:11 in the first resurrection.
35:13 Over such the second death has no power,
35:16 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
35:18 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
35:19 Okay, so notice what?
35:20 So when Jesus said to Martha,
35:22 he who liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.
35:25 That's another one of those texts that people say,
35:27 "See, he'll never die."
35:28 That's the second death.
35:29 And I just wanna bring it out.
35:31 So you're talking about the second death,
35:32 which is the ultimate destruction
35:33 of the wicked, the second death.
35:35 What is death by definition?
35:36 It is the absence of life. Thank you.
35:39 The absence of life, there's no life.
35:41 There's no life there.
35:43 So when Jesus said, "The wages of sin is death,
35:46 " through His servant Paul,
35:47 He was making it very clear that,
35:49 you know, and I oftentimes thought about this, that too.
35:52 You know, there's people that have doubted
35:54 Jesus' resurrection and His death, right?
35:57 Think about this. Think about this.
36:01 When we die, we don't really die,
36:03 we go somewhere else, then Jesus didn't really die.
36:06 Right.
36:07 Then we can't say that His sacrifice
36:09 was really that great of a sacrifice,
36:11 but if indeed He actually died,
36:14 that our Creator died for us, and paid the penalty for us.
36:19 Now there's an issue.
36:20 Now we can say, "Okay, wow, that's a sacrifice.
36:23 That's powerful."
36:25 Very legitimate.
36:26 So yeah, I think that's powerful.
36:27 I have to ask the question, though.
36:29 Hey, we don't run past what you just said.
36:30 Because this past, you know, it is powerful
36:31 because if Jesus never really died,
36:34 then the wages for sin were never paid.
36:36 That's right. Sure.
36:37 That's right. He never really died.
36:39 That's right.
36:40 The wages were never paid,
36:42 but if He did die, then the wages were paid.
36:44 We are redeemed.
36:46 But if He never died, we are yet not redeemed.
36:49 That's right. Very important point.
36:50 Amen. Praise God.
36:52 But, Pastor, there's gonna be someone...
36:53 Okay.
36:55 Having seen all this and read all this.
36:57 There's gonna be someone to say, yeah,
36:58 but I just sense it,
37:00 I know I believe that my dead loved one
37:04 is up there in heaven,
37:05 watching over me looking down upon me
37:08 and watching over me each and every day.
37:11 The text that comes to mind as I'm thinking of this as,
37:14 you know, many people have this idea
37:16 that past the point of death,
37:18 that people continue to have conscious thoughts,
37:20 you know, that they're able to compute
37:22 and understand what's around them
37:24 in spirit form.
37:25 We can't see them,
37:26 but they can see us
37:28 and they can watch over us,
37:29 you know, when the wind blows and the breeze,
37:30 it's just right or the light just strikes us just right.
37:32 And I'm not trying to be facetious or sarcastic.
37:34 These are real things that people in my family
37:37 and friends and people that I know all the time,
37:39 you know what?
37:40 I was in my house the other day,
37:42 and, you know, I sit down in Uncle Joe's old rocker,
37:45 you know, and Uncle Joe has been dead for 20 years,
37:46 but, man I just sensed the presence of Uncle Joe
37:49 and lo and behold, I looked down the hallway
37:51 and peeking out from behind the door
37:52 smiling and waving at me was Uncle Joe.
37:55 A couple of texts that come to my mind here,
37:57 Ecclesiastes Chapter 9.
37:58 We need to go there.
38:00 Dakota, why don't you go to Ecclesiastes Chapter 9,
38:02 and we're gonna unpack this.
38:03 And then, Pastor, you can,
38:05 I know you probably have some text of your own,
38:07 but I also wanna look at Job 7:9-10.
38:10 So Job 7:9-10,
38:12 and then we can add our own text here
38:13 to really solidify this.
38:15 So do people continue to have conscious thoughts
38:17 after death?
38:19 In other words, can grandma and grandpa
38:21 and all of my loved ones who have passed on,
38:23 are they really watching over me
38:24 because then that would communicate that,
38:26 you know, in some cases for some people
38:28 who are playing with Ouija boards
38:30 and all other kinds of,
38:31 you know, occult like practices.
38:33 There are people often they believe
38:35 they can communicate with their dead loved ones.
38:37 Dakota, let's show
38:39 that the Bible does not support this,
38:41 Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.
38:44 All right, let's read it.
38:45 It says, "For the living know that they shall die,
38:48 but the dead know not anything,
38:50 neither have they any more reward,
38:52 for the memory of them is forgotten.
38:54 Also their love, and their hatred,
38:55 and their envy is now perished,
38:57 neither have they any more portion
38:59 forever in any thing that is done under the sun."
39:02 And then notice verse 10.
39:03 This is, I think powerful verse
39:05 that very clarifies this,
39:07 "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
39:08 do it with thy might,
39:10 for there is no work, nor device,
39:13 nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave,
39:17 whether thou goest."
39:18 So that's pretty clear right there.
39:20 There's no work. There's no knowledge.
39:22 There's no, any kind of, you know,
39:24 thing computing with the dead
39:26 for them to be able to communicate,
39:27 have some kind of dialogue or conversation with us,
39:30 according to the Scripture.
39:32 Right. Absolutely.
39:33 And there's something else
39:35 I just wanted to bring out on this,
39:36 you know, a lot of people.
39:37 I shared this with a gentleman in Tennessee one day,
39:40 is good friend of mine.
39:41 He was my barber.
39:42 And he was just blown away.
39:44 I mean, I've never seen this before,
39:45 but then he finally came to me, he said, "Dakota,
39:47 I don't know that I can believe this."
39:48 He said, "Because what about all of the people
39:51 that believe in God now
39:53 because they've had these experiences?"
39:56 And he had a very valid question.
39:58 What about all these people that belief in God now
40:01 that had these experiences, but they've talked to,
40:03 you know, someone that's died or whatever.
40:05 And I thought about I said,
40:06 "Let me get back to you on that."
40:07 I thought about it and I prayed about it,
40:09 and then God just gave me this answer.
40:10 He said, "Well,
40:12 that's no different than all of these people
40:13 that believe in, you know,
40:15 that's Hindu that believe in reincarnation
40:17 and all these other things."
40:18 They believe they've talked to their dead loved ones too.
40:21 So that's supposed to reinforce their belief
40:23 just because they had some experience.
40:25 we as Christians would not want some Hindu
40:28 or Buddhist or someone that's maybe in Daoism
40:30 or whatever,
40:32 we wouldn't want them to believe in their experiences
40:34 over the Word of God.
40:36 We as a Christian would point them back
40:37 to the Word of God and say,
40:38 "No, no, no,
40:40 even though you may have experienced
40:41 something real."
40:42 We have to understand what the Bible tells...
40:44 That seems reverse.
40:45 Yeah, yeah, well, it could be real,
40:47 but not exactly what,
40:48 you know, the person that's speaking to
40:49 may not be it's not obviously that person,
40:51 you know, their loved one or whatever,
40:52 but this is why we're commanded in 1 John 4:1,
40:55 wanna try and test the spirits
40:57 to see whether they are of God or not.
41:00 And so yeah... And we test them by what?
41:01 We test them by the Word.
41:03 Word of God. That's right.
41:04 Sanctify them by thy truth. Amen.
41:05 Thy word is truth.
41:07 And then in Isaiah 8:20,
41:09 if they speak not according to this Word
41:11 is because there is no light in them.
41:13 We always need to go back to the Bible.
41:14 Pastor, chime in on this one.
41:16 Job 7:9-10,
41:19 "As the cloud disappears and vanishes away,
41:23 so he who goes down to the grave does not come up."
41:27 That's clear.
41:29 "He shall never return to his house,
41:31 nor shall his place know him anymore."
41:35 Okay, so based of that. That's clear.
41:37 If someone's sitting in Uncle Joe's rocker,
41:40 and they look down the hallway,
41:42 and what appears to be very clearly,
41:44 Uncle Joe smiling and waving
41:46 from the other end of the hallway.
41:48 What is it? How do you explain that, right?
41:50 I mean, so let's chime on that.
41:53 Now, I'll give it to you, but let's do two passages.
41:55 Psalm 115:17. There you go.
41:57 Oh, that's a good one. Psalm 115:17.
41:59 Yeah, I was going to bring that one out too,
42:00 but go head and go there.
42:02 The Bible is so clear,
42:03 that's the beautiful thing about it
42:04 is we have to get to the place
42:06 where we are willing to divorce
42:07 our perception for fact.
42:09 You know, you cannot ever,
42:11 you could never sentence a person
42:14 based on perception, fact.
42:16 Here's the evidence.
42:18 Psalm 115:17,
42:19 "The dead do not praise the Lord,
42:22 nor any who go down into silence."
42:25 Instead of up into praise,
42:27 down into silence,
42:28 instead of continuing to live
42:30 and look down through portals,
42:31 and this is the crazy thing about it.
42:35 When we are alive, if you go to the green room,
42:37 which is round that corner you couldn't even see in here,
42:40 but now that you die,
42:41 you could see through time and space
42:42 and where heaven is,
42:44 you got these divine binoculars
42:45 that you can get in some bodiliness form,
42:47 float around and check out.
42:49 Oh, what's he doing now?
42:50 That is the Neoplatonistic ideology,
42:52 but here's the other one.
42:54 Look at Leviticus 19. Okay.
42:56 Leviticus 19.
42:58 So the question is, who do they see?
43:00 Leviticus 19.
43:03 And then, Ryan, we're gonna go to...
43:07 So Leviticus 19, I may go down to verse...
43:12 Here I am.
43:14 Verse 31...
43:17 I'll probably start with verse 30.
43:20 You wanna read that, Ryan?
43:21 So I'm gonna begin. Let's do 31.
43:25 It says, "Give no regard to mediums
43:28 and familiar spirits,
43:30 do not seek after them, to be defiled by them.
43:34 I am the Lord your God."
43:36 Now watch this.
43:38 With that in mind,
43:39 familiar spirits
43:40 from which we get the word family.
43:42 That's right.
43:43 Some people say, no one could have known that,
43:45 but my uncle,
43:46 how long has the devil and his angels been around?
43:48 Oh, yeah, they know us better than we know us.
43:50 And is he not able to transform himself?
43:54 The Bible says that in 2 Corinthians,
43:56 Satan himself transforms himself.
43:58 He could transform himself into an angel of light.
44:01 His evil angels can transform themselves into uncle,
44:04 whomever or auntie whomever?
44:07 But now Isaiah 8, we always read verse 20,
44:10 but verse 19 is the context.
44:15 Isaiah 8:19. Okay.
44:18 And read that, Ryan.
44:20 Okay, Isaiah 8:19,
44:23 this is the New King James Version
44:24 says,
44:26 "And when they say to you,
44:27 'Seek those who are mediums and wizards,
44:31 who whisper and mutter, '
44:33 should not a people seek their God?
44:35 Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?"
44:39 Absolutely not. Don't do that.
44:42 You can't because the dead can't tell you anything.
44:44 The dead know not anything. That's right.
44:46 That's why the reason why the Lord put this here
44:48 is because that's what Saul's trap was.
44:52 He went to talk to Samuel, and this is an amazing.
44:54 Was Samuel a righteous prophet?
44:56 Of course, he was.
44:58 But when Samuel went to the Witch of Endor
45:00 and disguised himself the first step in apostasy
45:03 is disguising yourself,
45:04 whole another topic altogether. When Saul went there.
45:07 When Saul. Yeah.
45:08 You said Samuel went... When Saul, thank you.
45:10 When Saul went to the Witch of Endor
45:13 to see Samuel to bring them up or to see him Samuel came up.
45:19 Okay, he didn't come down. Right.
45:21 And the point is many people forget that it says
45:23 he perceived that it was Samuel.
45:26 So, Ryan, and so the spirit came up.
45:28 And what's funny about that story,
45:30 he never even saw Samuel.
45:32 No. He only listened.
45:33 He listened, listen.
45:35 He listened to the word of the wizard.
45:37 Of the witch.
45:38 And the witch knew
45:41 that what was happening was evil
45:42 because she said didn't Saul say that,
45:45 if this happens that will be killed.
45:49 Saul now in disguise is offering freedom
45:52 and safety to a witch.
45:54 Yeah. Yeah.
45:55 She just described Samuel to him,
45:58 and then he's like that's got to be him.
45:59 He perceived that it is Samuel based on the witches story
46:02 on what she was seeing.
46:04 That's right.
46:05 So doesn't look like your uncle.
46:07 I perceive that's my uncle. No, it's not your uncle.
46:09 If the same familiar evil spirits,
46:11 many false Christs and false prophets
46:13 shall show great signs and wonders
46:16 that's gonna deceive.
46:17 And that's why he said, try the spirits.
46:19 'Cause God doesn't work that way,
46:20 either you're dead waiting for the resurrection
46:22 or you're not.
46:23 That's right. Okay.
46:24 So that's what we've said,
46:26 you know, why are these things happening?
46:28 Why do people see these,
46:29 you know, familiar spirits, right?
46:32 It goes back to the texts that I read,
46:33 pastor even alluded to it, Revelation 16:13-14.
46:37 I saw three unclean spirits...
46:38 And by the way, this is speaking
46:40 of the last days.
46:41 My friends, if you're watching this
46:42 at home right now,
46:44 this is talking about the last days prior
46:45 to the Second Coming of Jesus.
46:47 So the devil told this lie in the beginning
46:49 and he's still telling it before Jesus returns.
46:52 Revelation 16:13-14, "And I saw
46:54 three unclean spirits like frogs
46:56 coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
46:57 out of the mouth of the beast,
46:59 and out of the mouth of the false prophet,
47:01 for they are spirits of demons."
47:03 Why, is that really Uncle Joe at end of the hallway?
47:06 No. What are they again?
47:07 "They are spirits of demons, performing signs,
47:10 which go out to the kings of the earth
47:12 and to the whole world, to gather them to battle
47:14 the great day of God Almighty."
47:16 I think we have solidified the fact
47:19 that we do not go to heaven when we die.
47:21 We do not receive immortality at the point of death,
47:24 but I have to ask the question, my brothers.
47:26 When are we given immortality?
47:29 Let's jump into the Scripture and show
47:30 when we kind of referenced already at the resurrection,
47:34 but let's read some texts and then let's solidify that.
47:36 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. Go ahead, Dakota.
47:39 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.
47:45 Yes. All right.
47:47 It says, "Behold, I shew you a mystery.
47:49 We shall not all sleep."
47:51 In other words, we're not all gonna be dead
47:53 at the Second Coming of Jesus.
47:54 Right. There's gonna be some alive.
47:56 There's gonna be some alive.
47:57 "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
47:58 I don't know about you guys,
48:00 I'm looking forward to being changed.
48:01 Amen.
48:03 It says, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
48:04 at the last trump."
48:05 So notice, the changing takes place at the last trump.
48:08 It says, "For the trumpet shall sound,
48:10 the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
48:12 and we shall be changed."
48:13 Again this all happens at the last trumpet.
48:16 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
48:18 and this mortal must put on immortality."
48:19 There you go.
48:21 That's when the immortality begins,
48:22 but the question I wanna pose is,
48:23 why do they believe this.
48:25 And this is crazy.
48:26 I wanna show you that the lie that the devil told back then,
48:29 was still alive believed in the days of the apostles.
48:32 This is the reason why this lie still lives.
48:34 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11. Oh, yes.
48:38 "And with all unrighteous deception
48:40 among those who perish,"
48:42 here's the reason why, if you still say,
48:44 I don't believe it,
48:46 you're open to susceptibility to being deceived,
48:49 "because they did not receive the love of the truth,
48:54 that they might be saved."
48:55 You know, the word they're saved means spared.
48:57 That's the word they
48:59 that they might be spared from what?
49:00 From unrighteous deception.
49:02 "And for this reason
49:03 God will send them strong delusion,
49:05 that they should believe," what, Ryan?
49:07 A lie. No, no, look at the last word.
49:09 Well, it says that they might be,
49:10 it says they send them strong delusion...
49:12 That they might believe what?
49:14 That they should believe a lie or the lie.
49:16 The lie. Oh, the lie.
49:18 Okay. Okay.
49:19 That may be tiny, but it's huge.
49:21 Yeah, that's a good point. What lie?
49:23 The very lie that started this whole thing
49:26 is continuing in its trek, serpentology.
49:29 The lie that was told then is still being told.
49:32 The unrighteous deception that caught Eve
49:34 is the unrighteous deception
49:36 that catches everyone who rejects the truth.
49:38 You know what's powerful as we're sitting here
49:40 talking about this,
49:41 you're talking about those who reject
49:42 the love of the truth or have a love for the truth,
49:45 they reject the truth.
49:47 It's interesting, I think of that,
49:48 one of the questions
49:49 that come up often with this subject
49:51 is people always say,
49:52 but what about the rich man and Lazarus?
49:53 I know that
49:55 that's a whole another topic for the day,
49:56 but something in that parable and I wanna emphasize
49:58 that's a parable by the way,
50:00 something in that parable that catches my attention.
50:02 The rich man speaks to father Abraham.
50:05 And he says, "Hey,
50:07 just send them back from the dead, " right?
50:10 So that they can send Lazarus back from the dead
50:12 so he can warn my brothers,
50:13 so they don't have to come to this place.
50:15 And the father tells them, you know, no, you know,
50:19 I can't do that, right?
50:20 Because they're not even still gonna believe you
50:22 even if I send them back from the dead,
50:23 and he says, "Believe in the Word of the Lord."
50:25 And his response is, "No, Lord."
50:28 You go read that parable.
50:30 He says, "No, Lord."
50:31 But if you, see he's persisting it.
50:33 And there's people with that spirit,
50:34 that mentality, my friends, today.
50:36 We have to get back to Scripture.
50:37 We have to say, are we biblical Christians,
50:40 are we self-sins?
50:41 I know that's a Ryan Day word right there.
50:44 A self-sin.
50:45 Are we a Christian? Are we a self-sin?
50:47 Are we a follower of self?
50:49 You know, the Bible says,
50:50 there is a way which seemeth right into a man,
50:52 but then in the end there are the ways of death.
50:55 So are we perceiving and only wanting to believe
50:57 what we wanna believe
50:58 or are we going back on thus saith
51:00 the Lord and saying,
51:01 "Lord, I wanna believe whatever is in Your Word."
51:03 And that was the problem with this rich man.
51:05 He said, "No,
51:06 he didn't wanna believe the truth."
51:08 No, Lord, but only if you just send him
51:09 back from the dead.
51:10 He says, "Look, even if I send this brothers
51:12 back from the dead,
51:13 they're still not gonna believe."
51:14 And so we've got about a minute and 19 seconds here,
51:17 I also wanna touch on 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
51:20 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
51:24 1 Thessalonians, I'm right here, 4:16-17.
51:27 Notice what the Bible says.
51:28 It says, "For the Lord Himself would descend from heaven
51:31 with the shout,
51:32 with the voice of the archangel,
51:34 and with the trump of God.
51:36 And the dead in Christ will rise first."
51:39 And what's powerful about this? Check this.
51:42 After the dead in Christ will rise first, notice,
51:44 "Then we which are alive
51:46 and remain shall be caught up, "
51:47 after them?
51:49 No, together.
51:50 No, it says "Together with them in the clouds
51:51 to meet the Lord in the air.
51:53 And thus shall we always be with the Lord."
51:55 My friends, my dead loved ones, your dead loved ones.
51:58 They don't get to go to heaven before me and you.
52:01 We all get to go to heaven together.
52:03 And that's the beautifulness of this text
52:04 and all the texts
52:06 that we've been talking about here,
52:07 and we have about 25 seconds before we go
52:09 to a two-minute or when we go to a quick break,
52:11 and we're gonna come back for two minutes,
52:13 but I hope that you've learned something today.
52:14 This is a powerful truth.
52:16 We're looking at
52:17 what does the Bible teach us about death.
52:19 And I think we've clearly seen that today.
52:22 We're gonna take a short break, don't go anywhere.
52:24 We're gonna come back for some closing comments
52:26 in just a few moments.
52:28 But hey, grab your friends,
52:29 grab your family if they're not around,
52:31 and catch us with these last two seconds
52:32 'cause we're gonna tie this up together
52:34 in just a few moments.


Revised 2020-07-07