3ABN Today

Long Ago Stories That Matter Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200029B

00:01 Well, I hope that you have been as blessed
00:03 as I have been listening
00:04 to all of these wonderful stories.
00:06 Our time is rapidly coming to a close.
00:09 But I just want to ask you, Pastor Booth,
00:12 what's on your heart?
00:14 Look into this camera right over here
00:16 and share with our viewing and listening audience,
00:19 what's on your heart?
00:21 The Bible stories are the greatest record
00:25 of God's missions of mercy to His people.
00:29 He had been trying to save His creation
00:33 since that first temptation at the Garden of Eden.
00:37 He's trying to save as many people today as He can.
00:40 He's given us an amazing chronicle of stories
00:44 in the Bible.
00:45 Some of them exciting, some of them funny,
00:47 some of them scary, some of them very sad.
00:51 And we learn lessons from these stories
00:52 because we don't want to make the mistakes
00:56 that those characters made
00:58 but also because we want to honor
01:00 our Father in heaven.
01:02 If there's one thing Jesus wanted to do
01:03 more than anything else as He witnessed,
01:06 and He gave us testimony for the Father was,
01:09 He wanted to point people to His Father.
01:13 Our life can be a testimony,
01:15 and we take the stories from long ago and far away
01:17 and make them real today
01:20 so that people can look at the Bible and say,
01:23 "Whatever those people had, I want it, ask for me."
01:27 Amen. Amen.
01:29 It becomes contagious,
01:31 because there's nothing like Jesus,
01:33 no one like Jesus.
01:35 And when we reflect His character to others,
01:38 it's contagious, it's that pure love.
01:42 Amen. Yes. Yes.
01:44 Thank you so much for both of you
01:46 for coming on and sharing all these wonderful stories
01:49 and really helping to inspire our viewers and me,
01:54 and taken me back
01:55 to a little piece of my childhood.
01:57 Thank you for joining us. Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2020-08-14