3ABN Today

Go Make A Difference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200044B

00:01 Welcome back, as we are now
00:02 at the very end of this program,
00:04 we have just about two minutes here.
00:05 Guys, I just want to thank you so much for joining us today.
00:07 And want to thank you so much for the efforts
00:09 that you put in for and making a difference
00:11 for the kingdom of God
00:13 and in the lives of these individuals.
00:14 Just want to take a final minute
00:16 or so just to allow you guys to give whatever final appeal
00:18 that the Lord has laid on your heart.
00:20 Okay.
00:22 I know that you don't even realize
00:24 how much of a difference
00:25 you can make in the life of a child.
00:27 You saw some of the videos and all,
00:28 but from the background that they come from,
00:31 literally not knowing English, running around barefoot,
00:35 you know, minimum wage jobs that the parents have,
00:38 and they're going to make a big difference in their lives
00:41 just with your help of $35 a month.
00:44 And that is for a boarding school.
00:46 We work with 35 different boarding schools
00:48 in the Adventist system in India.
00:50 And so these children are educated
00:53 and fed for that low amount.
00:55 And it's kind of, it's a bare-bones operation,
00:58 we don't have a lot of advertising money,
01:01 and we're so thankful to 3ABN
01:03 for allowing us to do this then.
01:05 But your money goes to where it's supposed to go,
01:07 to the children.
01:09 Again 94% goes to children
01:11 and only 6% are on the operation.
01:13 So it is just making such a difference
01:16 and your money goes to the right place there.
01:19 So we appreciate that.
01:20 You can actually write
01:22 to ChildCare @AdventistChildIndia.org
01:25 And we can send you brochures and information
01:27 of how to pay by credit card
01:28 or by check to the General Conference.
01:30 And you will get your tax credit that way.
01:33 And my request from all of you out there,
01:36 the best thing that you could do
01:37 for the Adventist Child India program is pray.
01:40 We want to reach as many children as we can.
01:43 And with your help that will happen.
01:45 Praise the Lord.
01:46 And making a difference
01:47 for the kingdom of God, Go M.A.D, right?
01:50 Make a difference.
01:51 That's what we're here
01:53 on this earth to do in the lives of others.
01:54 Thank you so much for joining us today.
01:56 God bless you all.
01:57 Until next time,
01:59 may the Lord bless you abundantly forevermore.
02:01 Good night.


Revised 2020-11-09