3ABN Today

The Health Benefits of Sprouting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200046A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:08 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 We are so thankful and glad again.
01:13 As always that you take time out of your busy day
01:16 to join us.
01:18 This is the Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:20 So we're all about making sure
01:22 that the undiluted three angels' messages,
01:25 that gospel, the everlasting gospel of Jesus
01:27 is going all around the world.
01:28 And we just want to thank you
01:30 as always for your continual love,
01:32 prayers and support of 3ABN Ministry
01:34 as this message is going all around the world
01:37 right now as we speak.
01:38 So again, thank you for joining us.
01:39 We have such a special program for you today,
01:42 one in which I myself am going to be educated on.
01:45 I'm going to be learning as well.
01:47 I'll write along with you.
01:48 And I'm excited to hear about this
01:50 because we're going to be talking about health.
01:53 We're going to be talking about a specific aspect of health
01:56 and how we can become a healthier body,
01:58 a healthier person for Jesus Christ.
02:00 And so let me go ahead and introduce our guests today.
02:03 Before we have our special music,
02:05 we have with us Pastor Steve Wohlberg,
02:08 from White Horse Media.
02:09 You are the Director and Speaker
02:10 of White Horse Media.
02:12 It's a blessing to have you, Brother.
02:13 Yes, thank you, Ryan.
02:15 I think this is our first program
02:16 we've done together.
02:17 Had been to 3ABN many times
02:19 and so glad to do this with you.
02:20 And thanks for having me as your guest.
02:22 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:24 We're going to get into for some of our new viewers
02:26 who may not know who Pastor Steve is
02:28 or may not know a little bit about
02:31 what White Horse Media is.
02:32 We're going to talk about that in just a few moments
02:34 as well as get into a topic
02:36 that I believe is probably an important one
02:38 as I'm learning more about
02:40 and hearing him speak about it behind the scenes.
02:43 I'm excited to learn about it.
02:44 But before we go any further
02:45 we're going to have a special music
02:47 by Sister Mary Grace,
02:49 and she's going to be sharing us,
02:50 sharing with us a beautiful number entitled,
02:53 "We Shall Behold Him."
07:57 Amen. Praise the Lord.
07:58 That was a blessing indeed.
08:01 Thank you so much, Mary.
08:03 Well, I'm excited about getting into our program
08:06 here with Pastor Steve Wohlberg.
08:08 And it just seems like it was just yesterday to me
08:11 but for those of you who may not know,
08:12 I haven't always been a Seventh-day Adventist
08:14 as I believe you told me,
08:15 you haven't always been a Seventh-day Adventist either.
08:18 But it just seems like it was yesterday,
08:19 I was not a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
08:21 but I was learning these powerful truths.
08:24 And I will never forget back in the day,
08:26 I think this was like 2006, 2007,
08:28 I was doing some research on, you know, the Antichrist,
08:34 end time events, Bible prophecy,
08:36 and I'm on YouTube,
08:37 I'm on the internet searching
08:38 and up comes across my screen
08:40 White Horse Media, Steve Wohlberg.
08:42 And I thought, "Oh, this is interesting."
08:43 So I clicked on it.
08:44 And I didn't even know you were even associated
08:46 with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:48 I didn't know that you were a minister
08:49 of the Adventist Church.
08:50 But I knew that everything you were preaching
08:52 was biblical.
08:53 It sounded just like what I had read
08:54 in some of the previous studies that I'd done.
08:57 And your ministry early on, whether you know it or not,
08:59 blessed me tremendously and has brought me
09:01 into a more refined knowledge
09:03 and understanding of Bible prophecy
09:05 and end time events.
09:06 Pastor Steve Walberg,
09:07 it's a blessing to have you, Brother.
09:10 And you've come to share with us today,
09:11 White Horse Media.
09:13 For those, we'll start with this,
09:14 there may be someone at home that doesn't know who you are,
09:17 and doesn't really know a lot about White Horse Media.
09:20 Why don't you tell us a little bit about that?
09:21 Sure. Thanks.
09:22 And thank you, Ryan. This is great.
09:24 We have our main website is WhiteHorseMedia.com.
09:28 We picked the name of White Horse
09:29 because of Revelation 19
09:31 that describes Jesus coming on a white horse
09:34 to crush all the forces of evil,
09:36 all the world forces of the devil.
09:38 So we have an office in Priest River, Idaho.
09:41 I live there too, next door to the office.
09:44 We have a great staff. We have a team.
09:46 We have big studio,
09:47 we produce programs on a whole host of topics.
09:51 A number of us traveling hold seminars.
09:53 Our goal is to help people to get ready
09:56 for the coming of Jesus,
09:58 to know about His love, His power, His word, His truth.
10:03 And so that's what we're all about.
10:05 And I love 3ABN, I've been here many times.
10:07 Our programs have been on 3ABN in the past
10:09 and will be in the future.
10:11 And so, it's just,
10:13 it's great to fly into St. Louis,
10:14 get my rental car drive here,
10:16 and have this chance to be with you.
10:18 Amen. Praise the Lord.
10:19 I have turned 3ABN on many times
10:22 and seeing you on there and doing programming.
10:24 And you're also an author.
10:26 You've authored and published many different books,
10:29 and maybe tell us about something about
10:30 maybe some new projects
10:32 or something you've done lately?
10:33 Well, yeah, I never planned on being a writer.
10:36 But God has just moved me into this.
10:39 And I think the count is somewhere around
10:41 40 books I've written.
10:43 You have a couple of them there.
10:46 And the Lord has just, He's been so good to me.
10:48 I've written on a variety of topics.
10:51 The newest one is you have is called
10:53 "Approaching Armageddon, "
10:54 which is our brand new book, just came out this week.
10:57 That's right. This is right here.
10:58 And then the subtitle is
11:00 "Discover Hope beyond Earth's Final Battle."
11:02 And it's all about
11:04 basically what's happening in the world,
11:05 this crazy world,
11:07 all the signs and the mayhem and the violence
11:09 and sexual immorality and a whole host of things.
11:12 And that book, first of all,
11:14 builds confidence in the Bible that the Bible is true,
11:17 that there were prophecies in the past
11:19 that were fulfilled in the past exactly.
11:22 And we can have confidence that what it says about
11:24 what's happening today,
11:25 that's real,
11:27 and what it says about the future,
11:28 about Jesus coming
11:30 and how God's going to get rid of sin.
11:31 It's all in one little book Approaching Armageddon.
11:34 So that's our newest, our newest work.
11:36 And then we're going to tell you
11:37 how to get a copy of this
11:38 or how you can get a copy of this later in the program.
11:41 Let's talk about another project you have
11:42 or at least published project here.
11:45 Climate change
11:46 is at the end of the world, right?
11:48 I just did a 3ABN Radio interview
11:50 on that topic earlier today.
11:51 And that book deals
11:53 with the huge movement these days,
11:56 the climate change movement.
11:58 There's hardly a disaster that hits this planet
12:01 that is not connected by many people
12:03 to climate change.
12:04 And so that book
12:06 kind of examines that whole issue.
12:07 And then it talks about
12:08 the ultimate climate change is coming,
12:11 and Jesus comes and it says, in 2 Peter,
12:14 the heavens and the earth will be on fire.
12:17 And that's real global warming,
12:19 and God's going to completely get rid of sin.
12:21 And then He's going to create a new heaven
12:22 and a new earth
12:24 where there's not going to be any sin,
12:25 suffering, sorrow or death.
12:27 And that book kind of looks at the big picture
12:29 and ultimately focuses on the fact
12:31 that man cannot solve its own problems.
12:34 You know, that we need a divine solution,
12:37 we need Jesus.
12:38 So that's one of our many pocketbooks.
12:40 I think I've taught,
12:42 I've mentioned to you
12:43 that I have another book that's not,
12:44 it's in production.
12:46 And it's called
12:47 "The Bloody Woman and the Seven Headed Beast,"
12:50 which is a Bible study
12:51 of the Book of Revelation Chapter 17,
12:53 the woman riding this creature.
12:56 So that's coming,
12:57 and we've got a lot of different projects.
12:59 We have another project that we're working on.
13:01 It's a production called, "The Crowning Act, "
13:04 which is to expose
13:06 Satan's crowning act of personating Jesus
13:10 during the final crisis.
13:13 So we're working on that right now.
13:15 And that should be ready
13:16 as probably a one hour docudrama.
13:19 And it's going to be very powerful,
13:21 it's pointing to the real Jesus
13:22 who's going to come in the clouds.
13:24 He's not going to walk around on the earth and do miracles.
13:26 Praise the Lord. Amen. Absolutely.
13:28 We know it's going to be a blessing
13:29 and I've read several of your books,
13:31 have several of your books in my library at home,
13:33 and I know your ministry is going to be a blessing.
13:36 These projects are going to be a blessing to many of you.
13:38 We'll talk as I said a little bit more
13:39 about how you can get a hold of those projects
13:42 toward the end of this presentation.
13:44 But I have another book here that when I first looked at it,
13:48 I thought, oh, this is interesting.
13:50 But this kind of sets us up
13:51 for what you've come to talk to us about today
13:54 and to educate me and many of you at home about.
13:57 We have a book here entitled, "Sprout Power."
14:00 Tell us a little bit about that?
14:01 And then you can kind of set us up for our discussion
14:04 this evening or today?
14:05 Right.
14:07 And Sprout Power is about
14:08 the incredible health benefits of growing sprouts
14:11 and microgreens.
14:12 And as I thought about our interview normally
14:14 when I come to 3ABN and do programs,
14:16 you know, I'm in my suit, my tie,
14:18 as you are which is, which is great and appropriate.
14:21 But I thought to myself, you know,
14:22 our topic specifically in this segment
14:26 is going to be on health and on how to,
14:28 you know, get your hands into growing sprouts
14:30 and microgreens
14:31 and things like wheatgrass
14:33 and alfalfa and broccoli and clover.
14:35 And so I thought,
14:36 I think I'm going to forego the tie
14:38 and wear my green shirt, so.
14:39 Right.
14:41 Now it looks good, looks good.
14:42 I was telling you, you look like you're about to,
14:43 you're ready to go out into the garden any moment,
14:45 so you're good.
14:46 Yeah. And I have a big garden.
14:48 I live in North Idaho
14:49 and we don't have a big long growing season
14:50 because, you know, it gets winter and spring
14:52 and then summer and, but I've got,
14:54 I still got tomatoes growing
14:56 and some Swiss chard and some kale,
14:58 and I've got a lot of fruit trees, plums
15:00 and there's just nothing like picking,
15:03 you know, an apple or a pear or a plum
15:06 from your own fruit tree.
15:08 It's just, it's a blessing.
15:10 But sprouting is been a big part of my life and...
15:13 Yeah, so can you give us a little bit of background
15:16 on how you came,
15:17 became so interested in sprouting,
15:21 and kind of set this up
15:22 because give us a little bit of access.
15:23 So what brought about the interest
15:25 to the in sprouting for you?
15:26 Yeah.
15:27 And, you know, before I do that,
15:29 let's just put a picture of the book on the screen
15:30 and then we'll put a picture of me
15:32 surrounded by all these sprouts.
15:34 Okay, there's Sprout Power, a little pocketbook.
15:37 And now let's go to the next one
15:38 that shows me
15:39 surrounded by all these sprouts.
15:41 Just to let people know that, yes, I really do, do this.
15:44 That's me and my kids.
15:46 My kids are eating sunflower greens there.
15:49 And, so I've been doing this for over 40 years
15:54 as you mentioned,
15:56 you know, you didn't grew up in the church,
15:57 and I didn't either.
15:58 I grew up in North Hollywood studio city,
16:01 Southern California, and I lived a wild life.
16:03 I grew up in a very secular Jewish home.
16:05 And as a teenager, I just took the plunge
16:08 into a wildlife of the parties and the concerts,
16:12 and the discos and drugs.
16:15 And somewhere during my teenage years,
16:18 I started thinking about health
16:21 and how, you know,
16:23 because I was doing all these crazy things,
16:26 I needed to make sure that I didn't,
16:28 you know, fall over and die.
16:30 And that I needed to be concerned
16:31 about my health as well.
16:32 And it seems strange, you know,
16:34 I'm going to the discos, staying up to four,
16:35 four o'clock in the morning or using drugs
16:38 and thinking about health.
16:39 But again, you know,
16:41 I didn't know anything about God,
16:42 I wasn't thinking about the Bible,
16:43 I was just thinking about doing something for my body.
16:46 And somehow, in that course of time,
16:49 as a teenager, I learned
16:51 about the incredible health benefits
16:54 of growing your own sprouts and microgreens.
16:56 So I began to do this in my bedroom.
17:01 And I learned how to do this,
17:02 and I read books on sprouting
17:04 and so I would grow
17:06 all these sprouts in my room or in my,
17:08 in my bathroom, in the kitchen sometimes.
17:11 And I would create these massive sprout salads
17:15 that were just raw, organic,
17:17 no spray, no pesticides, living,
17:21 and I put avocado and lemon,
17:23 and some seasonings
17:25 and I would just devour these sprout salads.
17:28 And, oh, man, I tell you they were good.
17:31 And I can't say for sure,
17:34 but I think that one of the things
17:36 that got me through my teenage years
17:38 or helped me to maintain my health
17:41 was the fact
17:43 that I was growing a lot of sprouts.
17:44 And I've continued to do this even,
17:47 you know, after I became a Christian at the age of 20,
17:49 which was 41 years ago, I continued to sprout.
17:53 And I learned more about health,
17:55 about what people call the eight laws of health,
17:57 you know, the NEWSTART program,
17:59 nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air,
18:04 rest and trust in God.
18:06 And the N for NEWSTART, which comes to nutrition,
18:10 the word nutrition.
18:12 There's hardly anything
18:15 that you can put into your body
18:17 that has more nutritional punch and power
18:21 than growing your own sprouts and microgreens.
18:23 So I've been doing this for a long time.
18:25 You got me hooked. You got me hooked.
18:26 And I've been through
18:27 in the course of my Christian life,
18:29 I've been through some dark days,
18:31 some real struggles, some real battles,
18:32 which I'm sure you have.
18:34 And I believe that consistently adding sprouts to my diet
18:39 has helped my body to weather many storms.
18:45 And so now I'm 61 and just before I came here,
18:47 I got up at 5:30 in the morning, and I ran,
18:50 I walked and ran about four miles.
18:52 And God is blessing my health.
18:54 And I think that growing sprouts
18:55 is a big part of that.
18:57 Okay. All right.
18:58 So sprouting.
19:01 What is that when you talk about sprouting?
19:02 What's happening
19:04 when the sprouting process is taking place?
19:06 Kind of walk us through that?
19:07 Right, sure. Yeah.
19:09 Basically what sprouting is,
19:11 I mean, everything that's that grows,
19:13 that's a vegetable.
19:14 We all know that vegetables are good for us,
19:16 fruit, good for us.
19:17 Whether it's fruit or vegetable,
19:18 it all starts with a seed.
19:20 And, when you sprout a seed, basically, you take a seed,
19:26 and I'll actually show our viewers
19:28 in a little bit how to grow lentil sprouts
19:31 in their house.
19:32 But when you take a seed and you put it in water,
19:35 or you surround it in water you activate it,
19:38 and it begins to germinate.
19:39 And so the little seed,
19:41 whether, whatever kind of seed it is,
19:43 begins to grow,
19:45 and there's something miraculous
19:46 that most people have never even thought of,
19:49 and that is that when a seed begins to grow,
19:51 and it gets bigger,
19:53 the nutrition that it is getting
19:56 in order for it to get bigger is not coming from the water.
20:00 If you're just putting a seed or some seeds
20:02 in a little jar of water,
20:04 but the nutrients within the seed,
20:07 when it begins to germinate, actually begin to multiply.
20:10 It's just like,
20:11 like what a human is conceived inside a woman,
20:15 you know, you have this, this one new zygote,
20:18 the sperm meets the egg and it becomes a zygote.
20:21 And then what happens is that that zygote divides,
20:25 and you have a perfect copy of the DNA on both sides.
20:28 And then it divides again and divides again
20:30 and divides again.
20:31 And so the divisions are happening on its own.
20:34 And that's what happens with the seed.
20:36 A seed begins to multiply its vitamin A, its vitamin B,
20:41 its vitamin C, its vitamin E,
20:43 you know, different vitamins and minerals, and nutrients
20:45 and phytochemicals,
20:48 and all these different things begin to just multiply.
20:51 It's a miracle. That's right.
20:53 And what people don't realize is that the nutritional profile
20:58 within a growing seed is very, very powerful.
21:02 And the nutrients multiply
21:04 sometimes 100, 200, 300 times what's in the original seed.
21:10 And those who have researched got growing seeds
21:13 and sprouts and microgreens,
21:14 when you grow a little seed about this big, it's a sprout.
21:18 You can grow a little bit bigger,
21:19 but then when you grow it a little bit bigger
21:22 into the next stage
21:24 where the little leaves start coming out.
21:26 And then it becomes what's called a microgreen.
21:29 Those who have studied,
21:30 done nutritional scientific research
21:32 on this that are included,
21:34 that when you take from the seed
21:36 to the full broccoli head in the garden,
21:39 its peak nutritional density is at the microgreen stage.
21:44 And if you take a pound of broccoli microgreens,
21:48 and then put a pound of broccoli
21:51 from your garden, pound for pound,
21:54 there is a lot more nutrition in the broccoli sprouts
21:58 and microgreens
21:59 than there is even in your own garden.
22:01 So what's what the whole thing is sprouting is all about
22:05 is learning how to grow these seeds
22:06 so you can get those nutrients into your body.
22:09 And they will benefit every cell of you.
22:14 It's amazing.
22:15 So as you're describing this,
22:16 I can tell you get it down to a science,
22:18 but it's, but it's also a miracle
22:19 in and of itself,
22:21 because how do you explain how that happens, right?
22:23 How a baby comes about, you know, it's some,
22:24 it's a miracle work of God.
22:25 How a seed grows.
22:27 And you know, these days, people are very, I mean,
22:29 a lot of people are concerned about their health.
22:31 And we all know that
22:33 because of commercial farming, the soil,
22:36 that many of the things that you get in the market,
22:39 the soil is not what it used to be.
22:42 And that affects the nutrients
22:44 that are in what you buy at Walmart.
22:47 And people are also concerned about heavy pesticide use,
22:51 a lot of pesticides.
22:53 And then there's the transit time,
22:55 when you first pick something
22:57 by the time it gets to the market
22:59 and then gets to you,
23:00 there's nutritional degradation
23:02 and then people are concerned
23:03 about genetically modified foods.
23:06 And there's just a whole host of concerns
23:09 about, you know, the nutrients that we're getting,
23:12 even if you go to a market and buy produce.
23:15 And the beauty of growing sprouts,
23:18 is that you're doing it yourself,
23:20 you're not spraying it, it's non-GMO, it's alive.
23:24 There's no chemicals,
23:26 and there's no transit time from picking it,
23:30 you know, two weeks later when it gets in the market.
23:33 But you can actually grow these sprouts,
23:35 you can put them in a salad, in a wrap, in a sandwich.
23:39 And you can just get the full benefit
23:43 of something living,
23:45 which you just, you know,
23:46 there's really hardly any comparison.
23:48 I mean, you can take supplements,
23:50 you can take pills,
23:51 you can do the best you can with your diet.
23:56 But when you eat a lot of sprouts,
23:58 you are getting a dose of nutrition
24:03 that you just can't get anywhere else.
24:06 And it's not hard to do. It's inexpensive.
24:10 You know, people say, "Well, I don't have a garden,
24:12 so I can't grow.
24:13 I don't have land, so I can't grow."
24:15 Yes, you can.
24:16 You can have a garden in your kitchen.
24:18 If people say, "Well, I don't have a lot of money."
24:20 You don't need a lot of money.
24:21 People say, "Well, I don't have much room."
24:23 You don't need much room.
24:24 All you need is a place under your sink,
24:26 and some water and some seeds because people say,
24:28 "Well, I don't have a green thumb.
24:30 I can't do this."
24:31 You don't need a green thumb.
24:33 You can learn the simple ways of growing sprouts.
24:36 And once you, you know, get this
24:39 and figure out how to do it
24:41 and the benefits of doing this on a regular basis.
24:44 I mean, it's, I'm a believer,
24:46 as you saw that picture with me
24:48 surrounded by all these sprouts.
24:49 I'm a believer.
24:50 So let's talk about those benefits
24:52 because you've been doing this for a while.
24:54 There was also time when you didn't do it
24:56 and there's a time you started doing it.
24:58 So what are some extra added health benefits
25:00 that someone would might experience
25:02 if they start doing this sprouting
25:04 and eating them?
25:05 So...
25:06 Yeah, there, there's a whole host
25:08 of benefits.
25:09 You could Google the health benefits
25:10 of sprouting in my little book Sprout Power.
25:13 There's a long list.
25:14 I mean, it gives nutrients to every cell in your body.
25:18 Sprouts are loaded with fiber.
25:20 So they help things
25:22 move through the digestive tract.
25:24 They do things for your, the walls of your arteries.
25:29 They provide nutrients
25:31 to every single organ of the body.
25:34 I mean, the list just goes on and on.
25:36 They help with your eyes.
25:37 They help with you with different kinds of,
25:39 many of them are very highly anti-cancer,
25:43 such as there's a chemical in broccoli sprouts,
25:45 which has been well researched.
25:47 It's called sulforaphane.
25:49 And studies have shown
25:51 that it is a potent anti-cancer nutrient.
25:56 And so whether it's cancer, heart disease, diabetes,
25:59 the list goes on, you know,
26:01 any major condition is going to be,
26:05 your body will be stronger
26:08 when you regularly eat sprouts of microgreens.
26:11 COVID-19, people are concerned about,
26:13 you know, getting the Coronavirus.
26:15 And if you build up your nutrients
26:17 when this virus comes in
26:19 to your nose or into your mouth,
26:21 and then you know the little crown
26:24 attaches itself to different cells
26:26 inside your nasal cavity
26:27 or inside your respiratory tract.
26:30 If those cells
26:31 that the Coronavirus attached to
26:34 are strong,
26:35 your body is much more able to fight this virus
26:40 and so you build up those cells,
26:42 you build up your immune system
26:45 through eating a healthy diet and sprouts and microgreens
26:48 are just top notch.
26:49 That's amazing. Wow.
26:51 So I've had, I've had sprouts before.
26:53 I've never actually done it myself
26:55 with the exception of you know sprouting beans,
26:57 which I think you're going to give us
26:58 a little bit of a demo, or show it, tell us,
27:00 walk us through the process in just a moment.
27:02 But I've had sprouts on sandwiches,
27:04 I've had sprouts on wraps, I've had sprouts on salads.
27:07 And they're just that,
27:08 it seems like an extra added just,
27:11 I don't know I call like a happy additive,
27:13 a happy substance to just kind of give substance
27:14 to your food.
27:16 And they taste great.
27:17 And so I've enjoyed them as well, I just do.
27:19 Now that I'm hearing you talk about it,
27:20 I'm learning on the all the benefits
27:22 and you're going to walk us through in just a moment.
27:24 So you know, you've spoken about reasons to sprout there,
27:29 you know, people don't sprout, right?
27:31 So there's reasons people don't sprout.
27:34 But obviously, you're here to tell us
27:36 why we need to sprout
27:37 and I want to just talk about now,
27:40 kind of walk us through the process
27:42 of the sprouting process.
27:45 Because you've mentioned broccoli sprouts,
27:48 I've heard of alfalfa sprouts, bean sprouts.
27:50 But you have something here,
27:52 I believe the little visual for us
27:54 on how what the process actually looks like
27:57 from start to finish and how long it takes.
27:59 Right.
28:00 Yes, I decided to put together some slides to teach people
28:04 in a really simple way,
28:06 how to grow a seed called a lentil.
28:08 Lentils sprout just fabulously.
28:10 So there's our first picture.
28:13 And let me just walk you through what to do.
28:15 These are...
28:16 Now just for the record, these are lentils.
28:18 And then people can buy lentils, anywhere, right?
28:20 Lentils are pretty much available.
28:22 It's a very easily accessible seed.
28:25 Most markets have lentils, health food stores,
28:29 you can buy them in bulk, they're very easy to get.
28:31 And they're also very easy to sprout.
28:33 So if you look at this picture, you'll see that is a quart jar,
28:37 where it says Monday morning
28:39 and what I did was I took a bag of lentils
28:41 and I poured half of that bag into that jar.
28:44 And you can see that the seeds go up about halfway.
28:47 And then I filled it up with water.
28:49 And I did this on a Monday morning.
28:51 So right across from it, you'll see the next picture,
28:54 it's the same jar, same lentil seeds,
28:57 but five hours later that same day on Monday,
29:01 you can see how those seeds have expanded dramatically
29:04 and they're now,
29:06 they're almost up at the top of the water.
29:08 And so those seeds are active, they're germinating,
29:10 they're growing.
29:12 And if you do this with a seed,
29:13 and you can see it growing up like that
29:15 after a few hours in the water,
29:17 that tells you that it's a good seed,
29:20 it's not a bad seed.
29:21 Some seeds don't sprout
29:22 because they're bad, they're too old,
29:24 but most seeds do.
29:25 So five hours later, that's what you have.
29:26 Now then let's go to the next slide.
29:29 And this was just the same day,
29:30 I took that jar that was full of water
29:33 and I poured,
29:34 I had a little sprout lid
29:36 which are easy to get with little holes.
29:38 So I poured the water into a sink
29:40 and then right across that you can see
29:42 I took that jar and I tilted it
29:44 and I put it in a little plastic lid,
29:47 just a little plastic tray
29:49 and so that the water would just continue to go out.
29:54 You don't want water.
29:55 You don't want your seeds sitting in water
29:58 once you've begun sprouting them.
30:00 And so that's what I do.
30:02 I take it,
30:03 I just let it sit there on an angle.
30:05 And the idea basically is that you give them a bath
30:10 one time to get them growing.
30:12 And then you rinse them twice a day,
30:15 you give them a shower, that's a simple way to say.
30:17 Give them a bath once to get them going.
30:19 And then you rinse them twice a day,
30:22 and give them a shower.
30:23 And then you just keep pouring out the water,
30:25 put more water in,
30:26 pour it out, you do that twice a day.
30:27 So I got a question.
30:29 So you said, now one picture showed about five hours.
30:31 So do you leave the water in there for five hours
30:33 and then pour it out or how long?
30:34 Okay. Yes.
30:36 You just, you soak the seeds for five hours.
30:38 And then you pour the water out.
30:39 And then you let it sit on an angle
30:41 so the water will continue to drain.
30:43 And then what I did that on Monday,
30:46 I started on Monday morning, Monday afternoon,
30:48 I drain out the water.
30:49 Monday evening, I took that same jar,
30:52 and I probably took the lid off and put water in from the sink,
30:55 just put it under a faucet and fill it up
30:59 and then drained it out.
31:01 And I let it sit there overnight.
31:03 And so again, the idea is you give them a bath
31:07 under the water one time,
31:10 and then you rinse them, which is your shower,
31:13 you give, you rinse them twice a day.
31:15 So let's go back to the screen.
31:17 And so now you've got,
31:18 you can see I started them Monday morning
31:21 and by Tuesday morning,
31:22 not only were the seeds had the seeds grown up
31:26 in that little quart jar,
31:28 but if you look really carefully,
31:30 you can see that they are sprouting,
31:32 they're growing.
31:33 And that's only one day.
31:35 And then, and then what happened
31:37 was by Tuesday evening,
31:40 they were growing up,
31:43 and I had too many so that eighth,
31:45 that little quart jar was too small.
31:48 And so then I poured the little quart jar
31:52 into a two quart jar.
31:53 And what you see on the opposite side there,
31:56 that is now a two quart jar,
31:58 and I rinse them Tuesday morning,
32:01 I rinse them Tuesday evening,
32:03 I rinse them at Wednesday morning.
32:05 And sometime
32:07 during the rest of the day Wednesday,
32:08 I took that picture.
32:10 And you can see now
32:11 that the sprouts have grown all the way up to the top
32:14 of the two quart jar.
32:16 So this is just two days.
32:19 So again, you just soak them over,
32:20 you soak them for a few hours,
32:22 pour out the water,
32:23 and you rinse them twice a day, morning and evening.
32:26 And within 24 hours,
32:28 they're rapidly growing up and they're starting to sprout.
32:31 And by two days,
32:33 you have a full two quart jar full of sprouts
32:39 that are ready to eat.
32:40 Okay, so about just two days?
32:42 Yeah, two days.
32:43 So do you let them go any further than that?
32:45 Do they keep growing?
32:46 And do you or do you just,
32:47 is that the prime time to eat them therefore?
32:49 Well, yeah. It's really a preference thing.
32:52 Sometimes, you know, I grow them three days,
32:55 maybe four days.
32:56 Lentils grow very fast.
32:58 But I typically with my lentils,
33:01 I like two days,
33:03 and so I grow them about this big
33:04 and that's called,
33:05 they're not in the microgreens stage yet,
33:07 they're in the sprouting stage,
33:09 because they're just starting to grow
33:11 and after two days, those lentils are ready.
33:13 So you could take that jar,
33:15 you could pour the lentils into a bag,
33:18 and you can put it in your refrigerator,
33:20 or you can just stick the jar in your refrigerator,
33:23 and then you don't do any more rinsing.
33:25 And when it's time for lunch, you just take that jar,
33:27 take off the lid,
33:29 pour them into your salad
33:30 and whatever other things you add
33:32 into your salad
33:33 and you've got living food in your salad.
33:35 So you wouldn't,
33:36 you say you can eat these raw just like that
33:38 without even cooking them.
33:39 That's right. I never cook my sprouts.
33:41 Some people do, they cook the sprouts,
33:43 but I don't.
33:44 And with lentils, you know, lentils have a very mild taste.
33:51 It's kind of an earthy taste, but there's not a lot of,
33:54 a lot of flavor to lentils,
33:56 it's a little bit like some sprouts,
33:57 a lot of sprouts are a little bit like tofu
33:59 that depending upon how you season them,
34:02 that's the flavor that they take.
34:04 So now there's other sprouts like arugula.
34:07 I like to grow arugula into the microgreens stage
34:10 and I put those on my salad and they are spicy,
34:14 they've got kick, and I love them.
34:16 And then sunflower sprouts,
34:18 I grow those into the microgreens stage.
34:20 And those are just,
34:22 they're the king of microgreens.
34:24 They are delicious.
34:26 Yeah, lot of markets will or at least a lot,
34:29 there's some growers that grow sunflowers
34:31 and they send these to restaurants.
34:34 And, you know, it's just a delicacy
34:36 and they can charge a lot and my kids,
34:39 they will just pick, you know,
34:41 when I bring in a big tray of sunflower greens, greens,
34:44 my kids will just start picking
34:46 and sometimes you know I'll cut them up,
34:48 I'll put them in a little bowl for them.
34:50 Add a little bit of salt,
34:52 a little bit of nutritional yeast
34:54 mix it up and my kids just devour that.
34:57 And so sunflower greens that microgreen sprouts,
35:02 they taste really, they taste really good.
35:03 Arugulas got more of a kick, there's a wide variety,
35:07 clover is more mild, alfalfa, it has an alfalfa taste,
35:11 but a lot of them,
35:13 you know, it really depends upon how you season them.
35:15 And so with lentils,
35:18 you can grow lentils on a regular basis.
35:21 And what I do many times
35:23 is once I've got my jar of lentils
35:24 or my bag in my refrigerator,
35:28 I will when I have my granola in the morning,
35:30 or my oatmeal or a waffle, on go the lentils.
35:35 And then on top of the waffle, you know, with the lentils,
35:37 I've got some blueberries or some strawberries,
35:40 and lentils just make a really nice addition
35:43 to a pancake, to a waffle, to oatmeal, to granola.
35:49 And then when I have lunch, it goes in my salad,
35:52 you can put it on a sandwich, you can put it on a wrap.
35:55 And once you learn how to do it, it's really,
35:58 a child can grow lentils.
36:00 It's very easy, very accessible.
36:02 And if you do it on a regular basis,
36:04 and if you Google health benefits
36:06 of lentil sprouts.
36:08 I mean, you can do health benefits
36:09 about alfalfa sprout,
36:10 health benefits of broccoli sprouts
36:12 or clover sprouts.
36:13 You will find that the nutrients
36:16 that are in these sprouts are practically off the charts,
36:21 and they're very easy to grow,
36:24 very easy to consume on a regular basis.
36:27 And people just, you know, they don't know what to do.
36:29 I've heard people say, I'd like to sprout,
36:32 but I don't know where to start.
36:33 You know, it's kind of, it's daunting to them to think,
36:37 how do I do that?
36:38 And I have, as you know, I not only have a book on this,
36:43 but I actually have an entire course
36:45 where I teach people through video instruction,
36:48 exactly how to grow these seeds,
36:51 how to grow many different kinds of seeds,
36:53 and I demonstrate that right in front of them.
36:54 I'm going to tell, we're gonna come right back
36:56 to that in just a moment.
36:57 I have to ask this question,
36:58 because there's got to be someone right now watching this
37:00 that probably is thinking,
37:02 this just sounds real new agey, right?
37:04 It kind of sounds like something Mr. Gorks,
37:07 people of that type of culture or mentality might do is,
37:11 have you ever had somebody challenge you on that?
37:14 Talk a little bit about that?
37:15 Well, I know that a lot of people
37:17 that are into the New Age movement
37:18 and into the mystical movement
37:20 and into all kinds of things, many of them do sprout.
37:23 And there are a lot of raw restaurants
37:28 that are out there in certain cities.
37:30 I don't know if there's one in St. Louis,
37:31 it just depends on,
37:32 you know, I've gone,
37:34 I travel in and I'm in a lot of airports,
37:35 and some airports have good vegetarian options.
37:37 Some airports don't like Phoenix,
37:39 they hardly have any vegetarian food.
37:41 So depending upon the...
37:42 If you go to California,
37:44 you'll have lots of restaurants that serve sprouts.
37:46 So it depends on the area.
37:47 But there are many restaurants around the country
37:51 that have delicious raw food,
37:55 cuisine, and they have lots of sprouts.
37:58 And sometimes they also have books about meditation,
38:01 and mysticism and things that
38:03 that we would stay away from because it's not in the Bible.
38:07 But as far as sprouting itself,
38:10 meaning when you go back to Genesis,
38:13 the Bible says, God says to Adam and Eve,
38:16 I've given you every seed bearing,
38:20 you know, bearing fruit, and the vegetables.
38:24 So God originally gave us a diet from the soil,
38:29 and it was grown from seeds.
38:32 And so the idea of growing a sprout
38:35 is not a New Age concept.
38:38 It's any seed that anybody grows
38:41 in their garden,
38:42 they're sprouting, they either,
38:44 you know, get them started
38:45 before they put them in their garden,
38:47 or they plant the seeds in the garden.
38:49 So we all have been eating sprouted things
38:53 all of our lives.
38:55 But like I said, the benefit of doing it yourself,
38:58 is that it's inexpensive, it's easy.
39:01 And you're bypassing all of the chemicals
39:06 and the deficient soil etc.
39:10 So you're getting,
39:11 you're getting the most potent food
39:13 that you can eat.
39:14 And it's easy to do and like I said,
39:17 once you learn how to do it, I mean, it's kind of like a,
39:20 you know, when I was a teenager,
39:23 I got it, I was addicted to some things
39:25 that are not going to give those things up.
39:26 Sure.
39:28 But I've continued sprouting,
39:29 because I know
39:30 that sprouting is really good for my body.
39:32 And I've learned that and the evidence is there.
39:35 There's a website,
39:36 the International Sprout Growers Association,
39:40 and that website is loaded with scientific studies
39:46 on the health benefits of growing sprouts
39:48 and microgreens.
39:49 So this is not a New Age thing, it's like exercising,
39:51 you know, people get into yoga, and you know,
39:54 they discover many times that,
39:58 that while the exercises may be good,
40:00 the philosophy that's underneath there
40:02 isn't good.
40:03 And, of course, you can attach a philosophy
40:05 to just about anything.
40:07 But the very, just the simple process
40:09 of growing seeds and growing sprouts
40:11 and microgreens,
40:13 you know, there's nothing New Age about that.
40:15 It's biblical and it's healthy.
40:17 Absolutely. I have to admit something.
40:19 When I looked at the sheet
40:21 where they told us the topic
40:22 we were going to be talking about today,
40:24 I stopped in my mind,
40:26 and I thought to myself sprouts, really?
40:29 But after hearing you talk about this,
40:31 you've got me interested.
40:32 And I'm assuming there's someone
40:34 watching right now that wants to know
40:35 a little bit more about this.
40:37 And this kind of sets us up for you to be able to give us
40:39 a little bit more detail about your website
40:41 because if you want to learn more how to actually do this,
40:44 you teach us how to do that through your website.
40:47 So tell us a bit about that?
40:48 Yes, we have a course
40:49 and as I mentioned, that's why, you know,
40:51 that's why I walk people through the lentils,
40:53 those pictures,
40:55 so I could show people
40:56 that they can do this in their home,
40:58 and it's very easy to do.
41:00 Now, I have a friend of mine, partner,
41:03 who I work with at White Horse Media.
41:05 And because he knows all about
41:07 how much I've been sprouting,
41:10 we decided to put together,
41:12 to team up and put together an entire course.
41:16 So I'm the speaker and the demonstrator,
41:19 and he was the recorder.
41:21 Sometimes my kids recorded when he couldn't do it.
41:23 So my daughter or my son had the cell phone,
41:26 but we actually recorded an entire series,
41:31 where I show, I'm in my kitchen,
41:34 I've got all my different little...
41:36 I've got the jars, I've got the small trays,
41:38 the bigger trays,
41:39 the larger trays for the microgreens
41:41 and I demonstrate how to grow alfalfa.
41:46 We have first sections called the ABCs,
41:47 alfalfa, broccoli, clover.
41:49 And then we have lentils, mung and peas, the LMP's.
41:53 And we also have barley and rye.
41:55 And then we have sunflowers, and we have buckwheat groats,
41:59 and they watch me in my kitchen with my jars and my trays.
42:05 Morning, evening, morning, evening, morning, evening,
42:07 they see exactly what I do.
42:09 They see me pouring out the water,
42:11 pouring in the water,
42:12 and they see the seeds growing
42:15 and then they see us with our scissors,
42:18 snipping them off, putting them in the salad,
42:21 we mix in the avocado,
42:23 and squeeze in the lemon
42:24 and put some nutritional yeast on there.
42:27 And they see the whole, the whole thing.
42:29 So they learn how to do this.
42:32 And in this course, which we've called,
42:35 it's called sprouting with Steve,
42:37 it's basically divided into three major sections,
42:40 where I teach people how to grow simple sprouts,
42:43 lots of different sprouts in different ways.
42:47 So people can choose.
42:48 I like the jar, I like the little tray.
42:50 I like this one, I like that seed.
42:52 And we also tell people where to get all their seeds
42:55 and all their supplies in one place.
42:57 And so we go through the sprouting section.
43:00 And then the next section
43:01 is simple microgreens where I show them how,
43:05 people how to grow them bigger.
43:08 And that's in soil
43:10 with just regular potting soils.
43:11 We have simple microgreens and I teach about buckwheat,
43:15 great big buckwheat trays,
43:17 and sunflower greens and wheatgrass and peas.
43:21 Oh, peas are great sprouts to grow
43:23 into a microgreen stage.
43:24 And then we have one,
43:26 a third section which is on how to grow
43:29 simple microgreens without any dirt.
43:32 So there's no potting soil or dirt from your garden.
43:36 You're just using just your seeds and water.
43:40 And so I demonstrate that and they watch them grow,
43:44 they watch the kohlrabi grow.
43:46 And these different seeds,
43:47 mustard greens and they just grow right there.
43:50 And they see all that.
43:52 So the course walks people through,
43:54 it's like a,
43:55 it's a master course on teaching people
43:58 exactly what to do.
43:59 We have a motto.
44:01 And the motto is you can do it.
44:03 So as I'm demonstrating this,
44:04 I'm looking at the camera
44:05 and I'm saying now you can do what I'm doing.
44:08 You know where to get these seeds now
44:10 because we tell them
44:11 where to get them all from one place.
44:13 And we show them the different options,
44:15 the different kinds of jars and trays,
44:17 we show them how to soak them, how to drain them,
44:19 how to rinse them, they watch them grow.
44:21 So it's very, it's very practical.
44:24 I mean, as you know, from reading my books,
44:25 one of the gifts that God has given me
44:27 is an ability to teach.
44:29 I'm a teacher.
44:31 I make things simple. Absolutely.
44:32 And I do the same thing in the sprouting course.
44:35 Now, of course, people can,
44:36 you know, they can do their own research,
44:38 they can read books, they can go on YouTube,
44:39 they can watch
44:41 a whole bunch of different videos,
44:42 which often go in many different directions.
44:44 And that everybody is of course free to do that.
44:46 But if they want to be spoon-fed
44:48 and learn exactly how to do it and go to one place,
44:51 one place in a simple way.
44:54 That's what Sprouting with Steve
44:55 is all about.
44:57 I pulled it up right here.
44:58 You could probably see it on my iPad,
45:00 SproutingWithSteve.com.
45:02 I've already went there on my iPad.
45:04 You can go there as well, SproutingWithSteve.com.
45:07 I think we even had a little picture
45:09 with the website
45:10 and it kind of shows again for those who might have
45:11 just tuned in.
45:13 There we go.
45:14 There's Pastor Steve Wohlberg with all of his sprouts.
45:16 Yes.
45:17 And those are actually from the course.
45:19 Those pictures were taken.
45:20 You can see
45:21 on the upper right hand corner there,
45:23 you can see me with the big tray
45:25 and that's buckwheat lettuce.
45:27 Buckwheat lettuce is fabulous.
45:28 And below that is purple Rambo radish.
45:31 And then on the left side are, those are sunflower greens.
45:35 And right in the middle there, there's that there's mung,
45:38 and on top, with me pointing my finger over there.
45:42 Those are pea sprouts.
45:43 And those are all those pictures
45:45 are from are actually pea microgreens.
45:47 It almost looks like wheatgrass.
45:49 No, those are peas.
45:51 The wheatgrass are somewhere else.
45:53 That wheatgrass are over where I've got my thumbs up
45:55 over there in the right hand corner,
45:57 the wheatgrass are there over on the side.
45:59 That's wheatgrass.
46:01 And so, and down below that
46:02 is a big tray of sunflower greens,
46:05 where Abby's hands that are taking bite.
46:09 That's Abby, my 12-year-old, Seth our 16-year-old,
46:12 and they're right there ready to start eating.
46:14 And so, and all those pictures are taken from the course.
46:19 So I'm showing people how to grow those things
46:22 and then we just took a collage of those pictures
46:26 and put them into that.
46:27 That's amazing.
46:28 So obviously, the course goes into great detail
46:31 on a variety of different seeds that you can sprout.
46:36 But I just have to ask you some,
46:38 maybe somebody else is wondering this.
46:40 If you just had two or three go to sprouts that if you just,
46:43 your go to,
46:44 if that's something that you could just use
46:46 on a daily basis,
46:47 two or three, what are your favorites?
46:48 Well, the simplest ones to grow,
46:50 very simple are those lentils.
46:52 And also mung,
46:54 it's hard to go wrong with mung.
46:56 Now mung normally need to get
46:57 probably not at a market but at a health food store.
47:00 Some like not far from where I live,
47:03 there's a pilgrims market and they've got bulk bins,
47:06 and you can buy plenty of mung seeds
47:09 and they're not, they're not expensive.
47:12 And they're super simple to grow in a jar.
47:16 There's other ways to grow them.
47:17 But so I would say,
47:19 you know, the simplest are lentils, mung.
47:22 Another very simple one is sunflower seeds raw,
47:25 and that's raw sunflower seeds.
47:27 You can soak your raw sunflower seeds in a jar,
47:30 like they saw with the lentils, you soak them,
47:32 I typically soak them overnight.
47:34 And then I drain out the water, and I tilt the jar,
47:37 and then in the evening, I give them another rinse,
47:40 drain out the water, tilt the jar.
47:42 And within two days, you'll have nice size,
47:47 raw sunflower seeds that are sprouting this
47:50 and these are not with the shells.
47:51 When you grow them
47:53 into the bigger microgreen stage,
47:55 you want to have them with the shell.
47:56 And I teach people how to do that.
47:58 But for just with the jar, raw,
48:02 organic sunflower seeds without a shell,
48:06 you can grow those very easily.
48:08 And those are great in your oatmeal,
48:10 your granola, on top of your waffles
48:12 in your salads, and they taste,
48:14 they taste like sunflower seeds.
48:16 They're nutty,
48:17 and yet when they're growing into the sprouting stage,
48:20 like I said, the vitamin E content
48:22 has just multiplying in sunflower.
48:25 Lot of vitamin E.
48:27 And you do research, you know,
48:28 on what does vitamin E do to the body?
48:30 What does vitamin B complex do for the body?
48:32 What does vitamin C do for the body?
48:34 What does vitamin A
48:36 and all these different vitamins
48:37 and then you look at how many of these vitamins
48:40 are in sprouted seeds and microgreens,
48:43 then you realize, you know, wow,
48:45 this is really beneficial to the body.
48:48 I mean, I've had lots of people say to me, and I thank God,
48:51 I know that, you know, anything can happen to anybody.
48:53 I'm thankful that I'm still alive at 61.
48:56 But at 61, I feel like
48:57 you know, I'm doing pretty good.
48:59 You know, I feel like I can still go jogging
49:01 and walking for four miles
49:03 and I, you know, I'm happy.
49:05 I'm blessed. I've been through a lot.
49:07 God has brought me through many dark days.
49:10 He's given me the strength to go through these things.
49:12 And I think that sprouting has been a big part
49:14 of my health that I have.
49:17 So your favorite out of all of them.
49:19 What is that? Which one?
49:20 My favorite? Your favorite.
49:21 I think my favorite would be probably sunflowers
49:24 grown into the microgreen stage
49:26 and buckwheat and also I really like arugula.
49:31 Yeah, when I did my course,
49:33 this company that we work with is called True Leaf
49:36 Market where we get all our seeds.
49:37 They sent me a bunch of seeds and different supplies
49:40 to demonstrate because they know that,
49:42 you know, we're doing this
49:44 and we're directing people to their company,
49:46 so they were happy to send me a whole bunch of free supplies.
49:49 Now when I started sprouting arugula.
49:52 Oh, I just, I mean, I like arugula in my garden.
49:55 And then the benefit of growing sprouts
49:57 is you don't have to,
49:58 you don't have to deal with the weeds in your garden,
50:02 we have to get out there and weed.
50:03 I mean, there's no weeds
50:05 growing in a little tray of arugula,
50:08 and you can grow them without any dirt.
50:11 And within just, you know, a very short time,
50:16 you're putting them in your salad.
50:17 That is awesome.
50:18 So just take about a minute or so
50:20 because we're getting down to almost the end of our time.
50:22 But somebody might be asking,
50:24 what's the best time of year to grow sprouts?
50:27 Is there a particular time of year or...
50:29 Sure, you can grow any time of year
50:31 as long as you're not growing them in.
50:33 With microgreens,
50:34 you don't want your temperature in your room to be too hot.
50:38 You want to keep it on the cooler side 70 degrees,
50:40 because they could, you know,
50:42 they're more susceptible to mold.
50:44 For me personally, I am in my garden
50:46 during the spring in the summer.
50:48 But once it gets colder
50:49 and the snow starts coming down,
50:51 and I can't grow anything in my garden,
50:53 I shift gears to sprouts and I grow all winter,
50:58 all kinds of different sprouts,
50:59 so I can have fresh veggies in the middle of the winter.
51:02 But you can do at any time of year.
51:04 And in my course I explain all this
51:07 and say to people what to do.
51:08 Absolutely.
51:09 And that's actually what we're going to do.
51:11 Now we're not quite finished yet,
51:12 we just have a little
51:13 over a couple of minutes yet left.
51:15 But again, Sprout Power,
51:16 the little booklet you can get from White Horse Media.
51:19 And we're going to put up in just a moment,
51:22 we're going to bring up here exactly
51:24 how you can contact White Horse Media,
51:26 how you can get a copy of Pastor Wohlberg's books,
51:30 his new book called climate change
51:32 again on Armageddon,
51:33 and also everything you've been hearing
51:34 about sprouting, Sprout Power,
51:36 the new little booklet
51:38 as well as how to get in contact
51:40 with this new course on his website.
51:42 We're going to go to that right now.
51:44 So again, get out your notepad, get out your pens, here it is.
51:50 For more information about White Horse Media,
51:52 please contact them at WhiteHorseMedia.com.
51:56 That's WhiteHorseMedia.com or SproutingWithSteve.com.
52:01 Their number is 1800-782-4253.
52:06 That's 1800-782-4253.
52:10 Their mailing address is PO Box 130,
52:13 Priest River, Idaho 83856.
52:18 That's PO Box 130, Priest River, Idaho, 83856.


Revised 2020-11-30