3ABN Today

God Comes Through When We Trust Him!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200056A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:17 I'm Jason Bradley,
01:19 and I'm so glad that you decided
01:20 to take the time to spend with us today
01:23 because we're going to be talking
01:25 about an exciting topic,
01:27 getting a wonderful update, but before we do,
01:30 and before I introduce my guests to you today,
01:33 I wanna share a Bible verse with you.
01:36 This is Matthew 28:19,
01:41 and we'll read verse 20,
01:43 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
01:46 baptizing them in the name of the Father
01:49 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
01:51 teaching them to observe all things
01:54 that I have commanded you,
01:55 and lo, I am with you always,
01:57 even to the end of the age."
01:59 Amen.
02:01 Here with us today, we have Jason Sliger
02:05 and we have his wife Midori Sliger
02:07 and they are missionaries
02:09 with Adventist Frontier Mission.
02:11 That's correct. Yes. Yes.
02:13 I wanna get like all into your background
02:16 and get the update on,
02:18 you know, what's been going on in your life.
02:20 I know that we had a chance
02:21 to sit down and talk a little bit
02:23 before this program,
02:25 and it's just amazing to hear what God is doing.
02:28 And I know we're not gonna keep
02:29 that to ourselves.
02:31 We're gonna share it with the world.
02:32 We'll do our best, yes All right.
02:34 But before we do, we're gonna be blessed in song
02:36 by Pastor John Lomacang, who will be singing,
02:39 "I Will Go."
03:08 Give me ears to hear your spirit
03:14 Give me feet to follow through
03:20 Give me hands to touch the hurting
03:25 And the faith to follow you
03:35 Give me grace to be your servant
03:41 Give me mercy for the lost
03:47 Give me passion for your glory
03:53 Give me passion for the cross
03:59 And I will go where there are no easy roads
04:05 Leave the comfort that I know
04:11 I will go and let this journey be my own
04:17 I will go
04:22 I will go
04:39 I'll let go of my ambition
04:45 Cut the roots that run so deep
04:51 I will learn to give away
04:57 What I cannot really keep
05:02 What I cannot
05:05 Really keep
05:10 Help me see
05:14 With eyes of faith
05:18 Give me strength
05:21 To run this race
05:25 And I will go where there are no easy roads
05:32 Leave the comfort that I know
05:37 I will go and let this journey be my own
05:44 I will go, I will go
05:50 I will go where, Lord Your glory is unknown
05:56 I will live for You alone
06:02 I will go because my life is not my own
06:09 I will go
06:14 I will go
06:22 I will go
06:35 Wow.
06:37 What a beautiful song and so appropriate
06:38 for what we're talking about today.
06:40 And, Jason, you know,
06:42 I want to pitch this question to you,
06:44 but, Midori, this is also for you too.
06:46 Have you always been in church?
06:49 Yeah, so I pretty much grew up in the Adventist Church.
06:53 My mom became an Adventist
06:54 when I was about five years old,
06:56 through a proxy seminar
06:58 that was done in our local town.
06:59 She was a Baptist before that
07:01 and a backslidden Adventist
07:03 invited her to go to the proxy seminars with her.
07:06 And both of them were re-baptized
07:08 at the end of the meetings.
07:09 And, you know, I was raised
07:11 in the Adventist Church from there.
07:12 Nice.
07:13 And I was blessed to have grown up in the church.
07:17 I have the prayers of my grandparents.
07:19 In fact, I think my grandmother's prayers
07:21 are what brought us to missions.
07:23 Wow.
07:25 And that was my next question, like,
07:27 have you always had a desire for missionary work?
07:30 I have.
07:32 I always wanted to be a missionary?
07:34 I wanted to be,
07:36 I was going to be a single missionary.
07:37 That was my plan.
07:38 Just go out and live and die with the people.
07:42 And then God clearly,
07:44 made it really clear that I needed to marry Jason.
07:48 And that was not in his plans. Yeah.
07:50 I'm sure Jason's happy
07:52 that you didn't get your single missionary dream.
07:56 What about you?
07:57 You know, I grew up reading
07:59 all the great Adventist mission stories,
08:00 you know, the Eric B. Hare and all of that,
08:02 and was very blessed by them.
08:05 But the thought of ever becoming a missionary
08:08 never really entered into my mind
08:11 until probably about 12 or 15 years ago
08:15 when I started talking with a good friend of mine
08:17 who went to serve as a missionary in Thailand.
08:19 He's actually still there now.
08:21 And sharing with me his journey
08:23 and just the vast need in the mission field.
08:26 You know, there's like, there's over 3 billion people
08:29 who don't even know that Jesus exists.
08:31 And at that time I was doing evangelism with Amazing Facts.
08:34 And, you know, if you wanna appeal
08:35 to the heart of an evangelist,
08:37 tell them that there's 3 billion people
08:38 who don't even know that Jesus exists.
08:40 And I remember my eyes just kind of welling up with,
08:43 you know, these hot tears.
08:44 And I was like, Lord, you know, what can I do?
08:46 There's this huge amount of people
08:48 that don't know about the goodness of God.
08:51 And I think that was kind of the beginnings
08:53 of God planting those seeds
08:55 for foreign missions in my heart.
08:57 Because at that time he's still,
08:59 Jason still did not make the connection
09:01 that the need could be...
09:04 We could be connected to fulfilling that need.
09:06 Yes.
09:08 Which is huge, you know, when you think about,
09:10 you said 3 billion people still don't?
09:13 And we have all of this technology,
09:15 we have all of these things now
09:16 where we can spread the gospel
09:18 in incredible ways and 3 billion people.
09:21 That's right. Wow!
09:22 It's a large amount of people out there.
09:24 Absolutely. So we need laborers?
09:27 Yeah.
09:28 We need boots on the ground
09:29 where the people that are actually interacting
09:31 and discipling and ministering to,
09:32 and talking to them and taking them
09:34 under their wing and eating with them
09:36 and dressing with like they do
09:38 and talking like they do,
09:39 and just really ministering to them
09:40 on a heart to heart level.
09:42 Because that's what Jesus did.
09:43 You know, He lived in a beautiful world.
09:46 He had everything He needed,
09:48 but we were in such a bad state.
09:51 He came down and He became exactly like us,
09:54 like so much that nobody even noticed
09:57 that God was living there in that town
10:00 because He talked like them,
10:02 He looked like them, everything was the same,
10:05 but He did that so that He could relate to us.
10:07 And so, that's our goal as missionaries
10:10 to be able to relate to the people,
10:11 so they can see
10:12 what God looks like in human flesh.
10:14 I love that,
10:16 so you're implementing Christ method?
10:17 That's correct. Yeah. That's beautiful.
10:19 Well, that's the only means for true success.
10:21 Absolutely.
10:22 So what led you to Adventist Frontier Missions?
10:26 Well, you know, maybe Midori can answer this question
10:29 a little bit better than I can,
10:30 but she's always been an avid reader
10:31 of the Frontier's magazine.
10:34 Every month she would read through those mission stories
10:37 and we would talk about them together
10:39 and just were really impressed by the ministry
10:43 that they do among the unreached people groups.
10:45 Yeah.
10:46 We had certain missionaries that we supported every month
10:51 and we were so blessed to just feel like
10:53 we had a piece of that, the work that they were doing.
10:57 So we faithfully supported them.
10:59 We would invite them to visit us
11:02 when they came back on furlough.
11:04 They would speak at our churches
11:06 'cause Jason's a pastor.
11:07 And, but we still did not, both of us,
11:13 we had not made that transition to actually thinking
11:15 that we could be part of that.
11:17 Wow! And let's talk about that.
11:19 Let's talk about that transition
11:21 because you were in one mission field,
11:23 both of you were in one mission field
11:26 in pastoral ministry.
11:28 So what was that transition like
11:31 and how did you recognize the call?
11:34 Good question.
11:35 So as she mentioned, as Midori mentioned,
11:37 we had the missionary friends
11:39 that were working with Adventist Frontier Missions
11:41 and on their furloughs,
11:43 they would come and speak in our districts
11:45 and, you know, tell our churches
11:46 about what they've been up to.
11:48 And then offline in our house when they're,
11:51 you know, staying with us and talking about mission work
11:53 and, you know, one of them was like,
11:55 you should be a missionary.
11:56 You should be, you got to make good missionaries.
11:58 And we're just like, "Yeah, okay."
11:59 You know, I'm like, I'm not a doctor,
12:01 I'm not a nurse, I'm not a teacher.
12:03 I'm not, you know, that in my mind
12:05 that was kind of like the typical missionary,
12:07 you know, I felt like God had given me
12:09 the gift of communication to be able to preach
12:11 and that kind of thing.
12:12 And so I didn't, I guess I just didn't see
12:15 how the gifts that God had given me
12:16 could mesh with mission work.
12:19 And so a little over a year ago
12:22 some of our missionary friends were on furlough,
12:24 talking with us about this again,
12:26 and they've been chipping away at us over years.
12:29 And I was having my devotions one morning
12:32 after they had visited.
12:34 And I was just kind of reading through the gospels
12:36 where I had left off the day before.
12:39 And asking the Lord,
12:40 you know, what do you want me to take
12:42 out of this passage?
12:43 And the Lord just brought to my mind,
12:44 the ask, seek, knock, you know,
12:46 and then the Lord was like,
12:48 you know, now is a time for you
12:49 to start knocking on the doors of missions.
12:52 It was just, it was a very clear impression,
12:54 you know, that happens to you sometimes.
12:55 It's just very clear the Lord is saying,
12:57 this is what I want you to do.
12:59 And so at that point, I'm like,
13:01 okay, Lord, do you know
13:02 if you want us to start knocking
13:03 on the door of missions
13:05 and not just support financially,
13:06 but actually support with our hands and our lives,
13:09 then, you know, we want to be in the center of Your will.
13:12 And so from there we sent out an email
13:15 to Adventist Frontier Missions,
13:17 and it was just kind of a fast rolling ball from there.
13:19 Wow! Now what had to take place?
13:23 Weren't there a few things that had to take place
13:25 in order for that, I guess, to come into fruition?
13:29 Didn't you have a few things that you needed to be done
13:32 that you prayed for?
13:34 Yeah.
13:36 The first thing that we prayed for,
13:38 I prayed that Jason would be open to missions.
13:42 And God, I didn't tell him that,
13:44 but God answered that prayer with his,
13:48 this thought of knocking on doors.
13:51 But then once we committed to being missionaries,
13:56 they took us into their office
13:57 and there was a week of orientation
14:00 and they were kind of sharing with us
14:01 what's involved in mission work.
14:03 And we had to decide where we were going to go.
14:08 And initially our thought was Scotland
14:11 because Jason had British citizenship.
14:14 So he could get into Scotland
14:16 where most people can't get a visa
14:20 for like religious workers.
14:21 Anyway, so God had to change our minds
14:27 from thinking that
14:28 we were gonna go to the civilized,
14:30 nice place to Papua New Guinea,
14:34 where we're going to go in the jungle.
14:36 And Jason had to kind of open his mind to that.
14:41 Yeah, the Lord, actually,
14:43 while we were there doing orientation
14:44 and the Lord actually gave me a dream
14:46 that we were going to go to Papua New Guinea.
14:49 I remember in the dream I had landed,
14:51 we had landed in the airport in Port Moresby,
14:53 which is the capital of Papua New Guinea.
14:55 And we were walking down to the baggage claim area
14:58 to get our bags
14:59 and the missionaries who were over there,
15:01 Stephen, Laurie, they were there to welcome us.
15:03 And just Laurie gave Midori a huge hug
15:05 to welcome us into the country.
15:07 And, you know, I'm not a prophet
15:09 and I have really crazy dreams at night,
15:12 but this was very clear that the Lord was like,
15:14 this is the direction that, you know, I want you to go.
15:17 And so once we took that step of faith,
15:19 you know, that the Lord wanted us
15:21 to go to Papua New Guinea,
15:22 we started asking for confirmation
15:24 that the Lord would confirm that call
15:25 that we're going in the right direction.
15:28 You know, I didn't want to just put a map on the wall
15:30 and throw a dart on it and say, that's where we're going to go.
15:33 'Cause I knew it was going to be difficult,
15:34 you know, making that transition.
15:36 And so, when we got there
15:37 and we hit those difficult times,
15:39 I wanted to be able to reflect and say,
15:40 the Lord clearly led us here.
15:42 And the Lord just gave us
15:44 confirmation after confirmation.
15:46 I think I was telling you earlier about,
15:48 some of it and what happened,
15:50 you know, pastoring and support raising,
15:52 you know, 'cause we have to raise
15:54 a support team to support us
15:55 while we're over there.
15:56 The pastoring and support raising just,
15:58 they don't go together
15:59 'cause you pastor on the weekend
16:01 and you usually support raise on the weekend,
16:02 visiting different churches.
16:03 So we had decided, you know,
16:05 we wanted to go sooner rather than later.
16:06 We didn't wanna take three years
16:08 to try to raise a support team.
16:10 We wanted to go right away.
16:11 When we told our kids,
16:12 we were gonna go to the mission field.
16:14 They're like, "Can we go now?"
16:15 You know, and they want to go right away kind of thing.
16:17 So we decided that we would,
16:19 that we would quit my job as a pastor
16:22 in the Michigan Conference
16:23 and just throw ourselves into full-time support raising.
16:26 Wow.
16:27 And once we made that decision we prayed specifically.
16:30 We're like, all right, Lord, we still have to survive.
16:32 You know what I mean?
16:34 We still have to, you know, provide for our family
16:36 and what have you.
16:37 And so we had a specific prayer.
16:38 We prayed and said,
16:40 Lord, would you please sell my pastor car?
16:41 'Cause we didn't need two cars at that point.
16:44 Would you sell our trailer?
16:45 We had a little travel trailer that we used for camp meeting
16:47 and sell our house
16:49 because you can't pay your mortgage
16:51 when you don't have a salary.
16:53 Could be difficult. Could be difficult.
16:55 So we specifically prayed for those three things,
16:57 Lord, please, we wanna generate a little bit of income
17:00 to support us until we launched to the mission field.
17:03 And so we started praying this prayer and one Sabbath,
17:05 I told my congregation that we were going to be going
17:07 to the mission field.
17:09 We hadn't quite finished there yet,
17:11 but one Sabbath I was talking with one of my church members
17:13 after the church service,
17:14 we had potluck and she said,
17:17 "You know, pastor, you should have a yard sale.
17:21 And sell all of your stuff
17:22 and have the church members come over
17:23 and they can buy your things and you can raise some money."
17:26 Obviously you can't take all your stuff with you
17:27 to the mission field.
17:29 And I was like, that's a great idea.
17:30 I've got tons of stuff we need to get rid of,
17:32 you know and I mentioned a few things
17:33 and I mentioned our car
17:34 that we needed to get rid of that.
17:36 And there was a church member standing right next to her
17:38 and she said, "I'll buy your car."
17:40 Wow! And I said, "You buy my car?"
17:42 She said, "Yeah, I'll buy your car."
17:44 So I went over and I stood right next to her.
17:46 I said, "Look, let me get this clear.
17:47 You want to buy my car?"
17:48 She said, "Yeah, I've been praying about
17:50 buying your car."
17:51 Wow!
17:53 And I'm like, wait a second.
17:54 You've been praying about buying my car.
17:55 I've been praying about selling my car.
17:57 And she's just like, I felt awkward,
17:59 you know, saying, hey pastor, can I buy your car?
18:02 So she said, I prayed.
18:03 And I said, Lord, if you want me to have
18:05 the pastor's car open up an opportunity.
18:07 And so there it happened right there,
18:09 and she said, you know what?
18:10 Keep the car as long as you need it.
18:12 And when you're done with it, let me know
18:14 and I'll buy it off of you.
18:15 Wow!
18:17 And it was just like, boom,
18:18 there's the first prayer request.
18:19 The car is sold.
18:21 And it's like on our timetable,
18:22 we can get rid of it when we want to.
18:24 And then, and then we put the trailer up for sale
18:27 and it sells for the exact same amount
18:29 that we bought it for five years prior to that.
18:32 That doesn't happen, you know, they always depreciate.
18:35 And so the trailer goes
18:36 and then we get the house ready
18:38 and we put it on the market and it ends up selling
18:40 for more than what we thought it was gonna sell for.
18:43 And so we just, boom, boom, boom,
18:44 God answers those three things.
18:46 And we're like, clearly the Lord is leading
18:48 and we're following in His...
18:50 And that's just so comforting to know
18:52 that you're in the center of God's will
18:54 and that He's taking care of you.
18:56 And when we throw ourselves helplessly on the Lord
18:59 and we don't have any way of providing for ourselves,
19:02 God just comes through in amazing ways.
19:04 I know that's been the experience here at 3ABN.
19:06 Oh, absolutely.
19:07 You know where He leads, He provides.
19:08 Amen.
19:10 He made that so evident to you guys as well.
19:13 Midori, what was going on in your mind
19:16 as you were watching all of this unfold?
19:19 Oh, man.
19:20 Well, this has been a wonderful experience
19:23 because we have learned to seek God,
19:25 not only for guidance,
19:27 you know, we often, like,
19:29 we wanna know what God's will is,
19:31 just show me your will, but He wants to,
19:33 He wants us to seek Him.
19:35 And so we've had like
19:37 a totally new experience with God
19:39 since this has happened because in the US,
19:42 we have everything we need, you have a job,
19:45 you can take care of yourself.
19:46 But at this point we are stepping out in faith,
19:50 like into the abyss it seems like,
19:54 and there's nothing that we can see
19:57 that will catch us.
19:59 But God came through every time and it was like,
20:03 our devotions became more exciting.
20:06 There's always something new
20:08 that God is doing that we could testify about.
20:11 Sometimes I would go to testimony times at church
20:16 and I would feel like I have nothing to say
20:18 because things just kind of tick over,
20:21 nothing new,
20:22 but now we have something to say for the Lord.
20:25 Yes.
20:26 Well, we'll have to see you guys at, at our church.
20:30 You'll be one of the missionaries
20:32 that come back and share what's going on over there.
20:35 Yeah.
20:36 And right around that time I've been preaching
20:38 a lot in my churches during that time
20:40 about missions and encouraging our church
20:42 to support missions.
20:44 And one Sabbath morning,
20:45 I was preaching about George Mueller and just,
20:47 you know, the deep prayer life that he had
20:49 and how God would just come through
20:50 and answer all of these prayers for him.
20:52 You know, I think they have like 50,000 prayer requests
20:54 that he prayed for
20:55 and 30,000 of them were answered
20:57 within the same hour, the same day.
20:59 And I was just like, this is unbelievable.
21:01 And I told my church congregation,
21:03 I said, you know, I'm so sick and tired
21:05 of reading these types of stories.
21:07 You know, it's inspiring to read them,
21:08 but it's like a whole different level
21:09 to experience it.
21:11 Absolutely.
21:12 And that's what we've been experiencing
21:14 over the last year.
21:15 Absolutely. Yeah.
21:16 So let me ask you this question,
21:18 because it sounds like you guys are getting ready
21:20 to be super busy.
21:23 Who does AFM serve?
21:26 Yeah, that's a great question.
21:27 So AFM is a ministry that is,
21:31 the focus is to reach
21:32 the unreached people groups of the world.
21:36 So they're kind of frontier mission ministry,
21:39 going into territories
21:41 where Adventism is not established.
21:44 And even Christianity.
21:45 Or Christianity in some cases, yeah.
21:48 Because sometimes we put out a map and we say,
21:50 oh, we have, there's a church in every like most,
21:53 almost all of the countries of the world,
21:55 so we're done.
21:57 But actually when you kind of zoom in
22:00 within that country,
22:02 there are different tribes
22:03 or different kinds of people groups,
22:06 and you have to,
22:08 we have to reach every people group.
22:09 In the Bible it says, every nation, kindred,
22:12 tongue and people,
22:13 like there are different tribes
22:15 that have to be reached before Jesus can come.
22:18 And unless someone,
22:20 sometimes from outside can do that,
22:23 those people will never be reached.
22:25 So Adventist Frontier Missions,
22:27 AFM is all about going to those places
22:31 that are not already reached.
22:33 And often those are the hardest places
22:36 to be missionaries.
22:38 Yeah.
22:39 What can one expect on like a missionary trip,
22:42 for example?
22:45 So AFM has always done well,
22:49 their focus is on long-term missions
22:51 rather than the short-term mission trip
22:53 that you might think of the two, three week
22:54 kind of thing.
22:56 And as I mentioned before,
22:57 you know, they're missionaries that,
22:58 you know, they're in it for the long haul.
23:00 So they're learning the culture,
23:01 they're learning the language, they're learning how to eat
23:04 and adapt in the same manner
23:06 as the people to really just be able
23:07 to identify with them.
23:09 And, you know, we appreciate,
23:11 you know, when missionaries come over for short-term
23:13 to do evangelism and things like that,
23:15 but long-term discipleship can only happen
23:19 when we can communicate
23:21 the way they commute in their heart language
23:23 and really try to distill those principles of the gospel
23:26 in a manner that they can understand it
23:27 to adapt it
23:29 to their cultural understandings
23:30 like Jesus did in the gospels
23:32 and use the things that are familiar around them
23:36 to explain the gospel and the plan of salvation.
23:39 And so that's really been the focus
23:41 is for long-term missions
23:42 with Adventist Frontier Missions
23:44 and then ultimately to,
23:47 once the church and an Adventist presence
23:49 is established to pass that over to the local conference
23:52 or mission or union as a part of the world church.
23:56 So Adventist Frontiers,
23:59 they have positions for student missionaries,
24:02 they send out a lot of student missionaries
24:04 and that's an amazing program.
24:06 And also they do some short term
24:09 two or three year terms
24:11 in certain places that's the need,
24:13 but most of the calls
24:15 are for a long-term missionary family
24:18 or individual.
24:20 What they call career missionaries.
24:21 Okay.
24:23 'Cause I was, I was about to say,
24:24 so you said short term two to three years.
24:26 So that long term would be... They're career missionaries.
24:28 Six to eight years and many go longer.
24:33 Wow. That's beautiful.
24:37 What happened over the past year?
24:40 Yeah. Good question.
24:42 So I think we were here a little over a year ago
24:44 and had a great time talking about
24:47 what we're going to be doing.
24:49 We had just stepped out on this faith journey
24:52 and we're getting ready to do our support raising.
24:56 And, in the last year,
24:57 the Lord has just showed Himself
24:59 in miraculous ways.
25:00 As people have shown their generosity through 3ABN
25:03 through speaking
25:05 at different churches through AFM,
25:08 it's just become very clear in our mind
25:09 that we are part of a church that believes in missions.
25:13 So we've been doing a lot of traveling
25:15 around from church to church
25:17 and meeting people and talking with them
25:18 about our project and what we're gonna be doing
25:20 with the Gogodala people
25:23 and in developing a support team
25:25 to support us while we're over.
25:26 Yeah, because we desperately need prayers
25:31 of these wonderful people,
25:34 because we're going into the places
25:36 where the devil has been in control for a long time.
25:40 And he doesn't like it when we come in
25:44 and we start shaking things up.
25:46 And so we need prayers
25:48 and support and encouragement from people over here.
25:51 Amen.
25:53 Well, I'll definitely keep you in my prayers as well.
25:56 And I hope that, you know, our viewers at home
25:58 they'll be praying for you.
25:59 So you'll have a whole bunch of prayers
26:01 going up.
26:02 Tell us more about the Gogodala Project?
26:05 Yeah. Very good question.
26:07 Okay. Thank you.
26:08 I've been working on that one.
26:11 That's a great question.
26:12 Let me tell you a little bit about the Gogodala people.
26:14 So that project started back in the 1990s,
26:18 late 1990s but the Gogodala are,
26:20 they are river going people.
26:22 Okay.
26:23 So that's their primary means of transportation
26:26 is the Aramia River,
26:28 and there are approximately 30,000 Gogodala people
26:32 in about 30 different villages along the river there.
26:36 So we won't have any,
26:37 you know, car or roads or anything like that.
26:42 We're gonna trade our car, our truck for outboard motor.
26:46 Okay.
26:48 So we'll be traveling up and down the river
26:50 doing ministry there,
26:51 but they are subsistence livers.
26:54 They live off the land and...
26:57 Yeah.
26:58 Which is super cool
26:59 because they don't need to go to the store.
27:01 They just get everything they need from the land,
27:04 from the water.
27:06 And so they eat fish and they eat sago,
27:09 which is the starch from the inside of a tree,
27:12 it's pretty cool.
27:13 I've heard, we've heard that it doesn't taste very good
27:16 or it doesn't taste much.
27:17 We're looking forward to trying it.
27:19 Will find out.
27:21 You'll have to let us know about that.
27:23 In the next update.
27:24 For sure. Yes.
27:26 But this project has been going for quite a while
27:29 and at this point the church has been established.
27:33 There's a presence there, an Adventist presence.
27:35 And we want to come in
27:38 and help grow the church and disciple people.
27:43 Nice.
27:45 What are some other miracle stories
27:47 that you can share?
27:49 I say other, because there was a miracle
27:50 that sold the car, sold the house.
27:53 Yes. Yeah.
27:55 So I meant all of these things that took place.
27:57 So what are some other miracle stories
27:58 that you can share?
28:00 Yeah.
28:01 You know, I'd like to tell people
28:02 there's nothing like living on the edge with God.
28:04 Yes.
28:05 You know, there's people
28:06 that just thrill seek to thrill seek,
28:08 but when you're actually on the edge with God
28:09 walking by faith,
28:11 it's such an incredible experience,
28:13 but I'll share another story with you.
28:16 Right after about two and a half months
28:18 after we quit our job,
28:21 we were trying to get our house ready
28:22 to put on the market.
28:24 And I was just kind of suffering
28:26 from mental fatigue.
28:27 I had been making a lot of decisions,
28:29 you know, trying to transition a family of five.
28:32 And, so I was kind of feeling a little discouraged, I guess.
28:36 And I came in from outside and I came into our kitchen
28:39 and our kitchen table was gone
28:41 and we had a folding card table and folding chairs,
28:43 and there are boxes everywhere
28:45 and dust bunnies all over the place.
28:46 And it was just kind of one of those moments
28:48 where you're just like, what am I doing?
28:49 Yeah.
28:51 And I sat down in the chair,
28:52 kind of having my little self-pity party
28:54 and my phone rung,
28:55 my phone rings and I pick it up.
28:57 And it was the conference president there
28:59 in the Michigan Conference, Jim Micheff calling.
29:02 And, you know, whenever,
29:03 no matter what's going on in your day,
29:04 you answer that phone call, you know,
29:06 and he's a good friend of ours.
29:08 So, you know, I picked up the phone
29:09 and he's like, "Hey, Jason, how are you doing?
29:11 Oh, we're doing fine. You know whatever.
29:12 And he's like, "Hey,
29:14 I got the conference treasurer here.
29:15 We want to talk to you about something.
29:16 I'm like, "All right.
29:18 That sounds good, you know."
29:19 So he says, "You know, it's come to our attention
29:22 that for the past three and a half years,
29:25 we haven't paid you the correct amount of money."
29:28 Wow.
29:29 And I'm like, "Okay, that's interesting."
29:32 Yeah.
29:33 And he said, well, what happened was
29:35 when you moved from your previous district
29:36 to your new district,
29:38 we didn't adjust the cost of living and he said,
29:41 "We want to make that right."
29:43 And I'm like, "Okay, that sounds good."
29:44 And he's like,
29:46 "So we're gonna be sending you a check for $18,000."
29:49 Wow!
29:51 And I just about dropped my phone
29:52 on the ground and it,
29:53 you know, like, what do you say
29:55 when you're in that kind of situation?
29:57 I didn't, I'm like, thanks.
29:59 You know, do you have any idea
30:00 how much this is going to help us,
30:01 you know, right now.
30:03 And he's like, "We're just so grateful
30:04 to do that."
30:05 And so, I came in from that phone call
30:07 and I told Midori about it.
30:09 And she just started crying and I stood there
30:12 and I thought to myself,
30:13 you know, three and a half years ago,
30:16 the Lord started a savings account for us
30:19 that we didn't know anything about
30:21 because, you know, the people in the conference office,
30:23 they're competent people,
30:24 you know, they know what they're doing.
30:26 There's no reason
30:27 why they should have missed that,
30:29 except that God blinded their eyes.
30:30 And then just at the time
30:31 that we needed some encouragement.
30:33 And to know that we're still in our Father's hand,
30:37 God opened their eyes to see the mistake
30:40 and gave them the heart to make that thing right.
30:42 Yeah.
30:43 And it was just
30:45 such an incredible faith building experience
30:46 just to move forward and say,
30:48 you know, God has us, He's gonna take care of us
30:50 and He's gonna continue to provide for us.
30:53 And we've just had situation after situation,
30:55 some large, some small
30:56 where God has just come through
30:58 and He's just given us that confirmation,
30:59 you are moving in the right direction.
31:01 Keep going.
31:02 Amen. Yeah.
31:04 I mean, it's incredible.
31:05 Praise the Lord for their honesty too.
31:07 Yes. They're good people.
31:08 Yeah.
31:09 I think after this, I'll have to go search
31:11 through every checks that I ever received,
31:14 I'll make it with an accountant.
31:16 Yeah, yeah. Check some stuff.
31:18 But no, that is incredible.
31:20 It's just another example of God
31:23 providing where He's called you.
31:25 Amen. Yes.
31:26 Yes. Yeah. It's been one wonderful.
31:28 So I want to get to the discipleship vision
31:31 for the project,
31:33 but you also mentioned that a family of five,
31:36 like you have teammates in this thing.
31:37 Yes.
31:38 So we have pictures that we want to show.
31:40 Yeah. Absolutely.
31:41 And maybe you can just tell us
31:43 what's going on in each of them.
31:44 Sure.
31:45 So we have, obviously, like you said,
31:47 we have a family of five.
31:48 I think we have a picture of our family there.
31:49 We have our oldest daughter, Evangeline.
31:52 She just turned nine and we have our son Christian.
31:55 He just turned seven,
31:57 and Verity is our little powerhouse.
32:00 She's our youngest, four years old.
32:02 And the five of us are gonna be going to serve
32:05 the Gogodala people in Papua New Guinea.
32:08 The kids are super excited.
32:09 The kids are really excited.
32:11 When we first told them
32:13 that we were planning on going there,
32:14 that the Lord was calling us there,
32:15 like I said, they were like, "Can we go tomorrow, you know?
32:17 Can we go right now?"
32:19 So they're looking forward to it.
32:20 That's another miracle too right there.
32:22 I mean, because the kids can either be on board
32:25 or they could just say, why do we have to do this?
32:28 But everybody is on board with this.
32:29 Yeah.
32:31 They know that they're going to have
32:32 to leave behind some of their toys,
32:34 most of their toys and all of their friends,
32:38 but they're also kind of excited
32:41 that they will be able to talk to the kids,
32:44 you know, who are their age
32:45 and kind of share about Jesus.
32:48 And there'll be part of this big mission trip
32:51 that we're going to go on.
32:53 I think God will really use them
32:56 to open doors
32:57 because there's something about kids that open doors
33:00 and hearts to people's minds.
33:05 For sure. Yeah.
33:07 For sure. Yeah, that childlike innocence.
33:10 Yes. Yes.
33:11 And I think we have a picture of our teammates
33:12 that we're gonna be working with as well, Steve and Laurie,
33:15 and they they've raised their daughters
33:17 in Papua New Guinea.
33:19 And they're just gonna be great auntie and uncle,
33:22 grandma, and grandpa to help, you know, with the kids.
33:24 And they've just been really precious people so far
33:28 that we've been able to work with.
33:29 And we're looking forward to getting over there
33:31 and being able to put shoulder to shoulder together
33:32 with them in ministry.
33:34 Nice.
33:35 Now, where are you going to be living?
33:36 I think we have a picture of that too.
33:38 Yes.
33:39 You can see our house. Yeah.
33:40 Well, we still have yet to build our house.
33:42 We'll do that when we get over there,
33:43 but there is a building and we have a picture of it
33:44 that we're going to be living in initially.
33:46 It's a small place, but it's self-contained,
33:47 it has everything we're gonna need to survive
33:49 for the first several months.
33:51 Once we get over there, bathroom, shower, laundry.
33:54 It's about 300 square feet.
33:57 So my people will be a little tight,
33:59 but we'll get to know each other.
34:01 I think we'll do most of our living outside.
34:03 You'll be a close knit family.
34:05 Yes, we will. That's right.
34:08 We'll sleep in there and everything else out.
34:09 That's right.
34:11 So what's the disciples,
34:13 discipleship vision for the project?
34:15 Yeah. That's a great question.
34:17 We also have a picture for, of the training center
34:19 that we're gonna be going over the purpose,
34:21 why we're going over there
34:23 and it's still not quite finished yet,
34:24 but it's entering into its final stages.
34:27 Steve and Laurie had this vision
34:30 several years ago
34:31 to have an outpost training center
34:34 where people could come.
34:36 Now you have to understand this is like out in the jungle.
34:38 I mean, this is... In the bush.
34:39 In the bush where, you know, we'll fly into Port Moresby,
34:42 which is the capital of Papua Guinea
34:45 on commercial plane.
34:46 And then it's like a bush plane ride from there
34:49 to a little town called Balimo
34:51 in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea.
34:54 And then it's a small dinghy canoe ride
34:57 up the river from there about an hour,
34:58 hour or two to the mission property,
35:01 which is right on the river.
35:02 So when we talked to PNGers about
35:05 where we're gonna be serving in the Western Province,
35:07 they're like, "Wow, that's way out there."
35:10 Just to kind of give the viewers
35:11 a perspective of where we...
35:13 We're not going to be in the city.
35:14 You know, this building's being built out
35:15 in the bush.
35:17 Nowhere, yeah.
35:18 And so they had this vision of wanting to train
35:20 the local Gogodala
35:22 to reproduce themselves
35:24 because ultimately, you know, the missionary,
35:26 our job is to work ourselves out of a job
35:29 where we can get to the point
35:30 where we've given all of that, all that we can.
35:33 And now it's a local people that are gonna grab the vision
35:38 and the mission and keep moving it forward.
35:40 And that's really where the real power comes from
35:43 is when all of those people see
35:45 that vision of discipleship
35:47 and move it forward to build up God's kingdom.
35:50 Yes. Yeah.
35:51 Because sometimes we think,
35:53 why are we paying these Americans
35:56 to go over to the mission field?
35:59 It takes more money
36:01 and why not just pay
36:02 the local people to do the evangelism?
36:05 Well, sometimes there are no local people
36:08 who know about Jesus.
36:10 So in our situation, they have started,
36:15 you know, they know about Jesus,
36:16 but they have not learned how to share it yet.
36:21 So what we want to do is to be able to share it
36:24 with them in a way that they know,
36:27 and they are equipped
36:28 to share it with their neighbors
36:31 and their friends and their families
36:33 and then help make their family members,
36:37 their friends, the next evangelist,
36:40 and then just replicate it and continue to let it spread,
36:45 because there are way too many people
36:47 in the world
36:49 who don't know about Jesus for us to tell them.
36:53 We have to tell someone who will tell someone
36:54 who will tell someone.
36:56 Oh, yeah.
36:57 And we all have different people
36:58 that we can reach to,
37:00 you know, due to different experiences
37:02 and all of that.
37:03 So that's powerful.
37:04 I love that discipleship model.
37:06 So our vision for the Gogodala Project
37:09 is to create a church planting movement
37:12 among the Gogodala,
37:14 that will spread to the surrounding area.
37:17 There's a lot of other tribes
37:20 and Papua New Guinea is a very diverse place.
37:23 And there's more than just the Gogodala
37:25 in the Western Province
37:26 that we wanna to be able to reach ultimately.
37:27 So many souls.
37:29 And so, when we get to the end of our term there
37:32 for however long the Lord keeps us there.
37:33 We wanna be able to see missionaries
37:35 going from the training center,
37:37 local national missionaries
37:39 that are going to different tribes
37:41 and different groups of people
37:43 and instilling that DNA
37:44 that Midori was talking about of multiplication,
37:47 not just adding to the church.
37:49 You know, when you look at the gospel commission,
37:51 when you look at Revelation Chapter 14,
37:53 there's no way that we're gonna fulfill that
37:54 by just adding people to our church,
37:57 one person at a time, you know.
37:59 There has to be multiplication that happens.
38:01 And when you look at in the Bible,
38:02 God has created us as humans, as multipliers,
38:05 you know, God in Genesis Chapter 1,
38:08 He said, "Be fruitful and multiply."
38:09 Right?
38:10 You know, and if the church is going to finish
38:12 the gospel commission which I believe that will.
38:15 We have to begin to think in a multiplication mindset
38:19 where we're reproducing ourselves,
38:20 rather than just adding people to the church,
38:23 we're creating disciples.
38:24 And that's really what the gospel commission is,
38:26 to go make disciples
38:29 that will make disciples that will make disciples
38:31 and continue that multiplication process.
38:33 Right.
38:34 Our goal is not just to, for us to tell,
38:38 but our goal is to make disciples
38:41 that will make more disciples.
38:43 And it's, some people say it's like a sneeze,
38:46 it's kind of relevant right now
38:50 because we need to pay it forward.
38:52 Don't talk to the people who already know about Jesus,
38:56 talk to people who are new people,
38:58 and then they continue to spread it.
39:00 And it'll, that will reach the world multiplication,
39:04 like going viral.
39:06 Yes. Yes.
39:08 And we want to cast this vision of,
39:10 you know, if we just think about it,
39:11 like, if I just make the commitment
39:14 to win two people to God
39:17 and not just bring them bodily into the church,
39:19 but disciple them to do the same thing
39:22 that I've just done to win two people.
39:25 Right, so I win two people
39:26 and then those two people win two people.
39:27 And then those two people win two people.
39:29 Yes.
39:30 If we just all in the church made that commitment,
39:32 that pay it forward mentality
39:34 instead of just kind of sitting there,
39:36 but actually paying it forward the blessing,
39:39 I think we would see the work be done
39:41 in a very rapid manner.
39:42 That's what happened in the New Testament Church,
39:44 I believe.
39:45 Absolutely.
39:47 And I think it's important too,
39:48 that we, you know, as you're multiplying,
39:51 that people are helping with that member retention,
39:53 you know, helping them stay in the church
39:55 and helping them foster that growth.
39:57 Yes.
39:58 And the thing that helps us connect with God
40:02 more than anything else is when we're working.
40:03 That's right.
40:05 So workers, if we're connected with God
40:09 and God is answering our prayers
40:11 and we have faith and we're stepping out
40:13 to reach more people,
40:14 that is the thing
40:16 that will really connect us more
40:17 with our church family and with the Lord.
40:20 Yes.
40:21 What would you say
40:23 is gonna be like the first thing,
40:24 as soon as you get over there, like,
40:26 what are you gonna have to learn?
40:28 That's a great question.
40:29 Oh, man. Yeah.
40:31 I think the first thing we're going to have to learn
40:32 is just how to survive.
40:34 Yes.
40:35 You know, we're used to the American way of living.
40:36 We've lived here our whole lives
40:38 and to live out in the middle of nowhere,
40:41 learning the language,
40:43 learning their culture,
40:45 those, these are gonna be kind of the first things,
40:46 we wanna be curious learners
40:49 when we first come, rather than just saying,
40:51 hey, you know, I'm the paid missionary.
40:53 I can tell you what you need to know,
40:55 but we wanna come with that curious mindset of,
40:57 you know, I wanna learn from you.
40:59 Yes.
41:00 Because we actually don't know what they need to know.
41:03 You know, we understand the gospel,
41:05 but when you look at the ministry of Jesus,
41:07 He packaged the gospel in a culturally relevant way.
41:11 When you look at how he shared the parables
41:14 and things of that nature,
41:15 He packaged it in a way
41:17 with like the seed sower and what have you, you know.
41:18 Shepherd.
41:20 And we wanna be able to do the same thing and to do that,
41:21 we have to have that curiosity of how do you live your life?
41:24 You know what makes you think, why do you think like that?
41:27 Why do you do this? Why do you do that?
41:28 You know, and just really asking these questions
41:30 to try to get an understanding
41:32 so that we can package that gospel
41:34 in a relevant way for them.
41:35 All the time, staying faithful to what the Bible says,
41:39 just like Jesus did it.
41:40 Yeah.
41:41 So going over there with that Christ-like humility.
41:43 Yeah. Yes.
41:44 Yeah. We've really been impressed.
41:46 We've been, we've just come back
41:48 from three months of training.
41:50 AFM, Adventist Frontier Missions
41:52 does a training course for missionaries
41:55 to teach us all the things
41:57 we need to know as missionaries,
41:59 maybe not all 'cause there is a lot there.
42:01 But one of the things
42:02 that we've really started to grasp
42:06 is that we are coming in as humble learners
42:11 and people don't like it
42:15 when someone comes in with this pride of,
42:18 I know everything and you know nothing.
42:20 So I'm gonna tell you,
42:22 they're not going to listen to that.
42:23 That's right.
42:25 So we need to come in and, at their,
42:29 not at their level lower,
42:30 we're like children compared to them
42:32 so with this childlike humility,
42:35 say, teach us these words that you...
42:38 What is this thing that you use?
42:40 How do you cook? How do you...
42:42 Where do you get this food?
42:44 How can I...
42:45 Can you teach me
42:46 how to weave a basket or whatever?
42:49 And that is more winsome to them.
42:52 And we can become,
42:54 we can learn to belong to their community.
42:57 Yes.
42:58 And that's going to be our first goal,
43:02 also learning how to shop,
43:03 because we, you know, we're used to
43:06 just running to the store,
43:08 but there we actually going to go to buy
43:11 supplies once every six months.
43:14 So it's gonna be
43:16 a completely different lifestyle.
43:18 I think we're gonna learn to live with less.
43:20 That's gonna be important.
43:22 Yeah.
43:24 It will be good for us. That'll be a good thing.
43:25 So what do you think the kids will be doing
43:29 when they first get there?
43:30 And then I kind of wanna transition
43:32 a little bit into what training looks like?
43:36 What would the kids be doing?
43:37 I think my son's gonna be enjoying
43:41 not having to wear socks and shoes as it were.
43:45 But I think there,
43:47 we want our kids to be involved
43:49 in our ministry as much as possible.
43:51 And so when we're having that reverent curiosity,
43:53 and we're, you know, going shoulder to shoulder
43:56 with the Gogodala people and just trying to learn,
43:57 we want them to be there with us.
44:00 Kids have, you know, sponge minds,
44:02 you know, they pick up things very quickly.
44:04 And we're hoping that they'll learn the language
44:07 and be able to think like the locals do,
44:10 playing with the kids and learning the culture
44:13 even from there as well.
44:14 And that will give us kind of a view
44:16 into the culture that,
44:18 you know, we won't be able to get ourselves
44:19 as adults, you know.
44:21 So I think the kids are gonna be doing
44:24 a lot of that.
44:25 Winning hearts and minds.
44:27 Also just, yeah, learning how to live as well.
44:29 Our kids are great kids and we just,
44:31 we couldn't think of doing ministry without them.
44:33 Yeah. Yeah. That's beautiful.
44:36 What did you get in the area of training?
44:39 Because you touched on it briefly,
44:41 but what are some other things?
44:42 Yeah.
44:44 It has really rocked our world actually
44:45 because Jason and I have been involved in ministry
44:49 for quite a while.
44:51 And we kind of felt like we knew what was going on,
44:56 but we have learned so much,
44:59 just even going to a new place,
45:02 the upheaval that happens in a family.
45:06 And just even in your own mind, because you are,
45:11 it's like your supports have been knocked out
45:13 from under you.
45:14 You're learning, you don't know how to talk.
45:16 You can't communicate,
45:18 you can't ask for what you need
45:21 and your friends and family are far away.
45:23 So there's not that support.
45:25 So that was the first thing that we started learning about.
45:31 I think probably the best way to describe the training
45:35 that we've gone through
45:37 is if you've ever learned a second language,
45:40 you know, just, you know when you go to another country
45:43 and everybody's speaking another language,
45:44 and you're like, what are they saying?
45:47 What's going on here?
45:48 And then you pick up a few words
45:49 and you're like, okay, that word means this
45:51 and this word means that.
45:52 And you're just kind of,
45:54 you really feel out of your, you know, depth.
45:57 And so training's kind of been like that
45:59 for us a little bit.
46:00 You know, we've always ministered
46:01 within the context of an American culture,
46:03 but to try to take our minds out of the American culture
46:06 and put it into another culture,
46:08 it's been like learning a new language
46:10 and kind of not knowing all the lingo
46:13 and trying to figure it out as you go along.
46:15 It's been quite an eye-opening experience
46:18 for us.
46:19 Yeah. I believe it.
46:21 We've talked about all the different diseases
46:23 that we'll be exposed to there,
46:26 you know, tropical diseases
46:28 and like what we might need to learn to,
46:32 so that we can take care of our own family.
46:34 If our kids get malaria or whatever,
46:37 that's gonna be, or if they cut their finger,
46:40 we're not going to have medical help there.
46:43 I think it's like. That's close by.
46:44 That's close by.
46:46 It's like, you know, it'd be like
46:47 two hours to the clinic.
46:49 Hospital. Okay. Okay.
46:50 So we gotta learn to do a lot of things ourselves
46:52 and take care of ourselves.
46:53 So there's no quick way to get to the hospital.
46:55 Yeah, no.
46:57 Boat ride. Boat ride.
46:59 Yeah, and depending on what's wrong,
47:00 that could be pretty rough.
47:01 It's true. Yeah.
47:03 Yes.
47:04 And there are actually a lot of snakes there,
47:06 but we're trusting the Lord.
47:09 He knows He'll take care of our kids and...
47:13 You know, when God gave
47:15 us the gospel commission,
47:17 He didn't take all the risk out.
47:18 No.
47:20 You know, there's risk involved in taking the gospel
47:22 to the end of the world.
47:24 And if we're just constantly risk aversed
47:26 as God's people,
47:27 we're never gonna finish the gospel commission.
47:29 That's right.
47:30 You know, the gospel is never gonna go to the world
47:31 if we're risk averse.
47:33 But the good news and yeah,
47:34 Jesus took a risk when He came here.
47:35 But the good news is
47:37 we're taking that risk with Christ
47:39 and He's going with us into the mission field.
47:40 And He's been working there even before we get there.
47:44 He's been working on hearts.
47:45 The Holy Spirit is there working with the Gogodala
47:48 and preparing a way for us.
47:49 And we're going with him as a partner.
47:52 Amen.
47:54 He loves our kids more than we do.
47:55 Yes.
47:56 He wants to see their safety
47:58 and their prosperity more than we do.
48:00 And so, we just trust them into our Father's hands
48:03 and we try to make as wiser decisions
48:04 as we possibly can,
48:06 but we're duty bound to follow God's leading in our lives
48:09 and trust that He's gonna take care
48:11 of the rest for us.
48:12 Amen. And He certainly has been.
48:14 Yes.
48:15 He certainly has taken care of you.
48:16 He's given us so many faith building experiences
48:18 to tell us He's gonna, He's got this for us.
48:20 Yes.
48:21 Well, I definitely feel inspired.
48:23 And I know our viewers must feel inspired as well
48:26 because the things that you've shared so far
48:30 have truly been an inspiration.
48:31 The fact that God provided on time,
48:34 we serve an on-time God.
48:35 So, you know, you needed it, He provided it.
48:39 And He continues to confirm the direction
48:41 that you're going in.
48:43 What are some of the needs of the organization?
48:46 Well, AFM is, as I mentioned before
48:49 they're committed to sending people
48:50 to unreached territories.
48:52 And so if you, if viewers want to check out
48:55 afmonline.org,
48:57 and there's a whole list of all of the missionaries
49:00 and what they're doing and what their projects are
49:02 and what they're doing to reach those people.
49:05 And there's lots of inspiring stories
49:07 that are there.
49:09 They can sign up for the Frontier's magazine
49:12 and get a physical copy of it
49:13 in the mail to be able to read month after month.
49:16 And, you know, if God impresses you,
49:20 He impresses the viewers to support a missionary.
49:23 I can tell you personally as one who's done it myself,
49:26 that it's such an incredible experience
49:28 to know that $16,
49:31 that $25, that $50, that $100 a month,
49:35 whatever it is that you're giving to support
49:37 a local missionary,
49:39 that when you pick up that magazine
49:40 and you read the story
49:42 that you have helped them with that situation,
49:45 that story to minister to that person,
49:47 to reach that person's heart with Jesus,
49:49 you know, with Jesus and the good news.
49:52 So there's always needs
49:54 and there's no better organization,
49:56 in my opinion,
49:58 that is supporting foreign missionaries than AFM.
50:00 There's lots of good organizations
50:02 out there, but AFM,
50:03 we just feel like the Lord is really blessing them
50:05 in a tremendous way
50:06 as they support their missionaries
50:07 in the mission field.
50:09 And also, I'd like to put in a plug for,
50:11 people enclosed access countries.
50:14 There are many missionaries with AFM
50:17 who are going into places where it's,
50:19 you're not allowed technically to be a missionary.
50:23 And so they're going kind of undercover
50:26 with different, you know,
50:28 they can't use their real names.
50:29 They can't tell you where they are,
50:31 but there is an incredible going on around the world.
50:35 God is giving dreams to people. God is preparing people.
50:38 And so don't overlook those missionaries
50:42 that can't show their face,
50:44 that don't have a picture in there,
50:46 those are also doing an amazing work.
50:48 And there's student missionaries
50:50 that are fundraising for their nine month stint
50:53 in mission field,
50:55 and sometimes it ends up being a year or two years
50:57 that they stay in the mission field.
50:58 Transforms their lives.
50:59 And some of them end up transforming or transitioning
51:02 over into career mission.
51:04 So, you know, even that's an investment
51:06 that I think is really worthwhile investment to me.
51:07 Yeah.
51:09 And you need prayer too for sure.
51:10 Amen.
51:12 You know, over the last year
51:13 I should have mentioned this first, Jason,
51:15 but over the last year
51:16 we've felt the prayers of people.
51:19 We know that there's
51:20 a great amount of people out there
51:22 that are just lifting up our project
51:24 and our family and praying for us.
51:25 And we just really want to extend
51:27 a heartfelt thanks to the viewers of 3ABN
51:30 and others who have been praying
51:32 for our project and praying for our family.
51:34 The Lord has just done amazing things
51:36 to their prayers.
51:37 Amen. Well, praise the Lord.
51:38 And thankful for what you guys are doing.
51:41 Just right now we want to get ready to go
51:44 the address roll
51:45 and then a brief news break, and then we'll be right back.
51:49 For more information about Adventist Frontier Missions,
51:52 please contact them at afmonline.org.
51:56 That's afmonline.org.
52:00 Their email address is afm@afmonline.org
52:05 That's afm@afmonline.org
52:10 Their mailing address is PO Box 286,
52:13 Berrien Springs, Michigan 49103.
52:18 That's PO Box 286,
52:21 Berrien Springs, Michigan 49103.


Revised 2021-03-22