3ABN Today

Anchor Point Films & Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210011B

00:01 Amen.
00:02 I know that I've have been blessed
00:04 during this hour, and I wanna just thank you,
00:05 Chad and Fadia for being here.
00:06 It's been such a blessing
00:08 and there's just so much information
00:09 I know that you guys wanted to share
00:10 and all of our viewers wanted to hear,
00:12 but I just wanna encourage our viewers really quickly,
00:14 go to YouTube and find Health and Homestead.
00:18 I've looked at the videos.
00:20 They're powerful, wonderful information.
00:21 Also find Anchor Point Films on Facebook.
00:24 And, Chad and Fadia,
00:25 I just want to give you some closing moments
00:27 to share whatever the Lord lays on your heart.
00:29 One of the things that you stated earlier
00:31 which is such a good point.
00:33 Many times when we see people struggling with depression,
00:35 anxiety, OCD, mental health issues.
00:38 One of the things we often think is,
00:40 well, it's just simply in their head
00:42 and part of it is in their head,
00:43 but the other part can be that our head
00:46 isn't the only part of our body, that it can be
00:47 physiological issues taking place
00:50 within our body that can cause these things.
00:52 And as we see this taking place,
00:54 if we've learned in general to help
00:58 live a lifestyle that makes our bodies
01:01 function the way it was designed to function,
01:04 our mind will be more liable to functioning the way
01:08 it was designed to function.
01:09 They've even done this in prison.
01:11 I could go on and on about it, but they did this in a prison
01:13 where they changed the diet of the prisoners
01:16 and it took them, the recidivism rate
01:18 which was going back to prison rate
01:21 from 95% down to 2% in an Adventist prison,
01:25 by changing their diet and lifestyle.
01:27 There's something very powerful that can impact our minds.
01:31 It can impact our levels of anger, lust, anxiety.
01:34 And if we would learn to walk in the ways of health,
01:39 we end up simply being healthier people.
01:42 Praise the Lord.
01:43 Thank you guys so much for joining us.
01:45 I don't know about you guys, I've been blessed.
01:47 Anchor Point Films Ministry,
01:49 YouTube, go on YouTube Health and Homestead.
01:52 Look it up. Be blessed, share it.
01:55 Until next time, God bless you and we'll see you again.


Revised 2021-04-02