3ABN Today

Salt Update 2021

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210071B

00:01 Wow, I can't believe our time is just about up.
00:05 Eric, I want to take this time to just open the floor
00:08 and see if you have any final thoughts
00:10 that you want to share with the audience?
00:12 Yeah, yeah, I would say if you're out there,
00:16 and there's something
00:18 that you believe God has called you to do,
00:23 my final words with you today is to go and do it.
00:28 It might, it's going to be hard, you know,
00:31 if you have people around you, your pastor,
00:34 your friends, mentors,
00:37 you know, I would say, don't wait anymore.
00:42 Take that first step.
00:43 Even if it's once every two months,
00:45 or once every three months,
00:46 something, then do it
00:48 if God has put it on your heart.
00:50 I believe if I never acted on that inclination
00:53 that God had given me to start something like this,
00:57 then we would not be,
00:58 you know, then SALT wouldn't exist.
01:00 Right?
01:02 And so I do think that's something
01:05 I just want to leave is to take that step and just do it.
01:10 Yeah, with God, with God's help.
01:12 Yeah.
01:14 So something is better than nothing...
01:15 Something is better than nothing.
01:17 That's the point. Yeah, yeah. Get started.
01:18 You know, I think sometimes a lot of people fail
01:20 because they never start, they never try.
01:22 They're so scared to jump into something,
01:26 and they don't do it.
01:29 Yeah. And, yeah, that's unfortunate.
01:31 But you started, you answered the calling
01:34 that God has placed on your life.
01:35 Yeah, our whole team has,
01:37 you know, it's a beautiful thing to see.
01:39 Absolutely.
01:40 Well, I love what you guys are doing in Orlando.
01:43 And I'm looking forward to hearing more
01:46 about the growth that takes place.
01:49 And I just want to thank you for coming on and sharing
01:51 and inspiring me and our viewers and
01:53 listeners as well.
01:55 And I want to thank you for taking the time
01:56 out to join us as you always do.
01:58 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2022-02-03