3ABN Today

Rebuilding Our Lives with Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220003B

00:01 Thank you so much for staying with us
00:02 on this vitally sensitive but important topic.
00:05 And I want to give Wayne Blakely,
00:06 our guest today a chance to speak to those
00:09 who are listening,
00:10 maybe somebody who's struggling on the same plain
00:11 or somebody who knows someone.
00:13 Speak to our audience today. Sure.
00:15 So, Line By Line wouldn't have been the first book
00:19 that I wanted to write by choice,
00:21 but I found it a necessary book to write,
00:25 to be sure to give the reader
00:28 of Guiding Families an ability to know
00:30 that Christ offers something more to you.
00:33 Don't you want more than what you have in Christ today?
00:37 We have not come to a point where we're stuck.
00:40 As we keep looking in God's Word,
00:43 He will reveal more to us
00:45 about what's possible through Him.
00:47 I want everything that He has planned for me,
00:50 and I hope that you too, you do also.
00:53 You are loved.
00:54 You are valued. You're important.
00:57 You're important to Christ, and you should be important
00:59 to everyone else,
01:00 but not to leave you where you are.
01:03 I want more.
01:04 That's right. Beautiful.
01:05 Wow, honey, thank you for being with me today on this program.
01:08 And thank you, Wayne.
01:10 My pleasure. It's beautiful, and I'm going to...
01:13 We have a Radio program that we're doing together
01:16 so we're going to be...
01:17 Many will be blessed through the Radio Airwaves also.
01:21 I pray so.
01:22 I hope you were blessed also like we were.
01:25 And just as a...
01:27 Not a side note, but let's understand,
01:29 the gospel is redemptive.
01:31 It's not exclusive to any specific category.
01:35 "Come unto Me all you who are labor
01:37 and heavy laden, all..."
01:39 The Lord can bring redemption to all.
01:41 Until we see you again, may you experience
01:44 the redeeming power and strength
01:46 of the Lord Jesus in your life.
01:48 Thank you for joining us. Thank you.


Revised 2022-02-21