3ABN Today

Making Evangelism Even Bigger

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220008A

00:01 As you're well aware
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 mending broken people.
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 removing pain.
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 heal a heart that hurts.
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 mending broken people...
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 mending broken people.
01:14 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:17 We're so glad that you've joined us today.
01:19 You know, we always look forward to spending this
01:21 one hour with you each and every day.
01:23 And thank you so very much
01:24 for allowing us into your living room.
01:26 Or maybe you're driving the car and looking straight ahead,
01:29 right? down the road and listening to 3ABN Radio.
01:32 We're just so glad you are part of the 3ABN family.
01:35 And we just thank you so much for your prayers
01:37 and financial support for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:40 Because it's because of you
01:42 that we are able to get this gospel around the world.
01:44 And you're making a difference in somebody's life for eternity.
01:48 Isn't that an incredible thought?
01:50 You're making a difference in someone's life
01:52 for eternity. Praise the Lord for that.
01:54 But we have an exciting program today, don't we?
01:56 Looking forward to... oh, I don't know... spending time
01:58 with our family. Can I say that? Absolutely!
02:01 I always love the Today program - me too!
02:02 because we get to feature testimonies and ministries
02:05 and see what God is doing in and through the lives
02:08 of individuals and ministries all over the world.
02:11 And we have... I was going to say... one of the oldest
02:14 television ministries. But this does not mean that
02:17 the people here on this set are old. Yeah! No.
02:19 OK, we just want to make that clear right off the bat.
02:21 So we have Pastor Shawn Boonstra
02:23 and his beautiful wife Jean.
02:25 Shawn, of course, is the speaker/director
02:27 for Voice of Prophecy and his wife Jean is Assoc. Speaker.
02:30 And we're just so delighted to have you both here
02:33 at 3ABN. Love your heart for evangelism - that's right -
02:37 and the ministry of Voice of Prophecy. So welcome.
02:39 Hey, thanks for havin' us.
02:40 I notice I didn't get the appel- lation beautiful but you did.
02:43 Ahh... It never seems to come out.
02:48 You know, you've been a long-time friend of course
02:50 of the ministry of 3ABN. Yes! Of course the Voice of Prophecy
02:52 as well. You've been at VOP for what? Ten years?
02:55 Not quite. Nine now. I think it's about nine years.
02:57 Yeah? 2013. Yep... yeah.
03:02 Very good. Before we get into more of what's happening
03:04 'cause there's a lot of exciting things happening at VOP
03:07 tell us something that maybe someone at home...
03:09 They see you on stage and Discovery Mountain
03:12 Jean you are there,
03:13 so tell us something that maybe someone at home
03:16 wouldn't really know about you guys. Maybe your family.
03:17 You have some kids. Yep. We do? We do!
03:21 Have kids? Yeah, two! Two daughters.
03:23 OK. We had a big family event recently.
03:25 Our oldest daughter got married.
03:27 So that was really... You all don't look old enough to have...
03:31 I like the guy, too! Yeah. For decades you wonder...
03:34 It's like somebody's going to come around and ask
03:36 for my daughter's hand. Right. Nope, I already don't like him.
03:39 But I like this guy. I LIKE this guy!
03:41 So... Yeah, he's studying for the ministry, so...
03:44 Yeah, that's great. Well that's a big event.
03:47 It was. It was a fun, wonderful celebration.
03:49 Then you have a younger daughter then?
03:52 So our younger daughter is still in college.
03:54 Yes. She's on the West Coast studying
03:56 and so kind of figuring out. She's changed her major
03:59 I think three times, so I'm not exactly sure
04:01 where she'll land but she can figure it out.
04:03 I'm still workin' on mine, too.
04:06 We all are. You know life is a journey. Yes!
04:08 True. So tell us: what is Voice of Prophecy?
04:11 Maybe someone watching is saying
04:13 "I'm not really familiar with Voice of Prophecy. "
04:15 Tell us a little bit about the origin of Voice of Prophecy
04:17 and what the ministry is about. Voice of Prophecy
04:19 Voice of Prophecy: 1929 a preacher by the name of
04:21 H.M.S. Richards who is from Loveland, Colorado.
04:25 We moved the ministry back there.
04:28 Just 8 years ago we moved it there.
04:30 Yeah. He got a burden. He thought, you know, radio
04:33 was pretty new-fangled technology.
04:35 The Internet of the 1920's.
04:36 And he thought we ought to be preaching on there.
04:40 And there was some resistance back in the day.
04:42 "No, it's too new-fangled. It's probably the devil's tool. "
04:44 And that kind of stuff. Right? Yeah.
04:46 Probably the devil's tool. And so he started.
04:49 He started making sermons in a chicken coop
04:51 and then running the recordings down to
04:54 KNX Radio in Los Angeles.
04:55 It was called Tabernacle of the Air.
04:58 It was very old-timey and eventually more sophisticated.
05:01 So it's been on the air continuously since 1929.
05:04 Wow! Yeah. So it started out radio. Yep!
05:07 When did it switch to TV? We didn't switch.
05:10 I think we added television.
05:13 And that's very recent.
05:15 That's really... I mean off and on there have been
05:18 television programs as part of Voice of Prophecy
05:21 but really it's been what? The last two years?
05:23 As a regular weekly thing it's just the last couple of years -
05:26 yeah - we added that.
05:28 It's tricky, too, because now... We do it at once.
05:30 I don't have the bandwidth to do both
05:32 and live on the road
05:33 to do radio and TV so we...
05:36 we had an older... older? it's not that old... but
05:39 I had a one-hour talk radio show
05:41 that we dispensed with, and now I do one show in two.
05:44 So I've gotta think all the time: "OK,
05:46 don't use visuals because it's pointless...
05:51 most of the audience is on radio.
05:52 Right. Well you do similar, right?
05:55 You know, you tape the program and it's on 3ABN Radio.
05:58 Similar concept, yeah.
05:59 You have to think you know: "They can't actually see
06:01 what I'm holding up. " So tell us about the facility
06:03 then in Loveland, Colorado, because you said
06:04 you recently moved there in the last 10 years or so.
06:06 So tell us what you have there.
06:07 Oh, we're in an old bank building.
06:09 OK. And it's Chase Manhattan Bank
06:12 that'd been sitting empty for a while.
06:14 The VOP had been in Los Angeles for a long time
06:17 and it had fallen on some hard times for a little while.
06:19 And somebody asked us: "Hey, are you guys willing to go
06:23 there? " And I said: "It's on hard times... NO. "
06:25 It's like: "NO, I'm not going to go there. "
06:28 By the next morning you said: "You're going to go,
06:30 aren't you? " I said: "Oh yeah. It's like
06:32 the next morning... I do.
06:34 Yeah. I'm very stubborn but I repent fast.
06:38 And so I said: "You know we're not going to stay
06:41 in the Los Angeles area. Families can't afford to live here
06:43 any more... young families with kids.
06:45 So we moved to Loveland, CO, which turns out that's where
06:48 the founder was born, went to school, started preaching
06:50 in those hills there. Wow!
06:52 And I walk... On my way to work every morning
06:54 I walk past the lake where he was baptized as a kid.
06:56 That's really special... it really is. Yeah!
06:58 So we're in an old bank building. We put the little TV
07:01 studio in what used to be the vault.
07:03 Yep. And the radio studio... we found a guy...
07:07 You know, it was a little bit in tatters
07:08 but we found a guy Ruben. Ruben, I know you'd be watching.
07:11 I love you man. Amen.
07:13 He was like a CBS radio station night manager.
07:15 We called him and he said: "Yeah, I'll come. "
07:17 And I said: "Have you ever built a radio studio? "
07:19 "No... but I will. " Wow! And he did!
07:21 It's like: "How about a TV stu- dio? Ever built one of those? "
07:23 "No... but I will. " We've got a great team. Amen! Wow!
07:25 Great people to have like that.
07:27 So we operate in a bank, and if we run out of funding
07:29 the new bank is right next door
07:31 and the basements share a wall.
07:36 Yeah. Enough said, right?
07:39 I just said that on TV so now I'm... Now we know.
07:44 I love that!
07:45 So tell us: with the COVID pandemic a lot of things have
07:49 been affected, even television ministries and radio ministries.
07:53 So what has happened to VOP during that time?
07:55 We like to say we're not really a media ministry.
07:58 We do it because it reaches hearts. People can hear about
08:00 Christ, but we're an evangelistic ministry.
08:03 It's what we eat, sleep, and breathe.
08:04 And so that's just one of our tools, and if you dare call it
08:07 a media ministry in our office it's like: "Nah, nah, nah, nah,
08:10 that's not what we are. " So we had developed plans
08:15 we were going to host 1,000 simultaneous evangelistic
08:18 meetings across America. A thousand? Yeah.
08:20 Well here's why. I thought: "You know what?
08:23 For years the Lord has blessed us with all the nice toys. "
08:26 We have great resources. You're in a media ministry.
08:29 I've worked at several. And when I was a church pastor
08:32 I didn't have any of that stuff. So basically giving the store
08:34 away: if I have it, you have it.
08:36 You get the same resources and how about I do this.
08:39 You've never held evangelistic meetings?
08:40 Why don't we open all up on the same night?
08:42 I'll hold worker's meeting on Zoom every morning.
08:44 Wow! And do a thousand.
08:46 So we were 10 days into that and churches were excited.
08:48 Man, we had the first 250 or 300 meetings going
08:51 and ten days in it all gets shut down
08:55 and everybody gets sent home.
08:57 Springs of 2020... and the churches are impacted. Yep.
09:00 And some lingered to the bitter end
09:02 till the state said "Go home. " And some had baptized a few
09:06 already 10 days in. Oh wow! BUT
09:09 it's OK. We've been biding our time and we're kicking that ball
09:12 down the field again right now. But it wiped out
09:14 our most ambitious project ever... COVID.
09:16 It just shut us down. Um-hmm.
09:17 Yeah. But it didn't shut VOP down!
09:19 Oh no, no, no. So then what did you do?
09:22 That obviously is like "Whoa! " A big wrench so to speak.
09:25 So what did you do to re-group?
09:26 A couple of things... a couple of things.
09:29 And I almost don't dare say one of them out loud.
09:30 But we thought: "This isn't over. "
09:33 Everybody was excited. We're going to kick
09:35 the ball down the field again.
09:36 And we're doing that this year because it seems to be now.
09:39 But what if we can't have live meetings the way we have?
09:42 Maybe this is a new normal for quite a while.
09:44 Some pandemics last a decade. Um-hmm.
09:46 So we've been working on a virtual platform...
09:49 a virtual evangelistic platform.
09:51 Smart. Yeah. And you know "Why don't you just use Zoom,
09:53 Shawn? " Well Zoom doesn't behave like a church.
09:55 Doesn't have greeters in the lobby.
09:57 So you can present; there's a greeter or somebody who can
09:59 talk to you and pray with you.
10:01 When you have an altar call people can actually go
10:03 into one of the breakout rooms with one person
10:05 and pray together. Yes! And the nice thing
10:07 I think about this is I've been watching.
10:10 If you have an unpopular opinion these days,
10:12 you're gone. So I don't want to rely on Zoom
10:14 or Facebook or any of those so we're just gonna own one.
10:17 We're just building one that we can use.
10:19 Oh, I love that! Wow! That's great.
10:21 So you can't kick us off. Yep, can't kick us off. Really good.
10:23 Yeah. I get threatened to be kicked out all the time...
10:26 That happens all the time.
10:28 I've been kicked out of great places.
10:29 You know, praise the Lord for that, though. For people
10:31 you know, your team. You're able to tap into that skill level
10:34 to do that. Um-hmm. That's really smart.
10:36 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
10:38 So I'm noticing here on your... You're not wearing a tie.
10:42 Mr. Danny you know... he doesn't wear a tie.
10:44 He wore a tie for the wedding.
10:46 That was... I had no choice!
10:48 Documentable. I had no choice.
10:51 So Jean, your husband's wearing a logo on his T-shirt.
10:55 I never do that. You don't? OK.
10:56 It says Authentic. That's our new program at the VOP.
11:02 And people can watch it right here on 3ABN.
11:05 So it's your new baby... you should talk about it.
11:07 This is mine? Yeah!
11:09 I... I don't know... We had that talk radio
11:12 that went for an hour. It was going OK - um-hmm -
11:14 but I've had this burden. I know where I come from.
11:17 I still call myself a recovering heathen.
11:20 That's what I am: a recovering heathen.
11:21 I'm saved; I'm good with Jesus
11:23 but I'm still in recovery - wow - for sure. We all are!
11:27 Yeah... it's a process.
11:29 What do the people that I left from the old life
11:32 think about every day? Where do they dwell?
11:35 And it's all the big, deep existential questions.
11:37 What do all human beings in all generations
11:39 and all cultures hold in common?
11:40 Why am I here? What's the meaning of life?
11:42 Hmm! Is there anything out there?
11:44 Are the philosophers right at the university I'm studying at?
11:47 That when I die that's it? Lights out?
11:49 There was no purpose to this?
11:50 So we're doing the deep existential questions.
11:53 But the branding isn't deep existential. It's not Plato.
11:56 And it's like OK... I said to the team:
11:58 "This has to... We're going to deal with these questions
12:01 that everybody struggles with in the quiet of the night. "
12:03 Why do I hurt? Why do I... Right.
12:06 We're going to talk about that. My background was in political
12:08 science and philosophy and economics.
12:11 Yeah, OK. I thought: "No, I had to read all those books.
12:13 May as well use them. They're all reading them
12:15 and so let's talk about it. "
12:17 Let's talk about what Plato actually said.
12:19 Let's talk about what Immanuel Kant actually said.
12:23 But let's do it in street language. Let's not
12:26 make this a seminar at the college
12:29 because that's boring. Right. And so the branding is for
12:32 what I call "Joe Six-Pack. "
12:33 "I've done work; I'm goin' home. "
12:36 And so I kept... The logo... We kept workin' on that
12:39 for a little bit. But let me give you the flavor of the show.
12:41 Right? Sounds good. Can we run the Authentic opener?
12:45 Yeah. I think that's video #1.
12:47 OK. Let's go to that roll right now.
13:19 Love that program! That'll grab your attention.
13:22 It will. Such a great opener!
13:24 We air it, of course, here on 3ABN. Yes we do!
13:27 5:30 PM Central every Saturday afternoon. Amen.
13:31 I'm so grateful for the partnership with VOP.
13:33 But tell us about the response that you're getting to this
13:35 program. We get response here at 3ABN. Oh yeah, good response.
13:38 Tell us about the response you're getting.
13:40 It's... So far we got a couple of responses.
13:43 One was: All right... the saints:
13:45 "Where's your tie? " OK, I get it... I get it.
13:50 I've always hated ties!
13:52 I finally... It's not new. No. All right.
13:55 But you did wear one for your daughter's wedding.
13:57 For the wedding? Yeah, OK: we wore one.
13:59 But you know what is it Ezekiel says? That God condemns
14:01 anything that makes a man sweat.
14:03 And a tie does?
14:06 But the responses, though, have been good?
14:08 It's doing exactly what we prayed it would do.
14:13 And I'm getting letters... I got a letter the other day
14:15 from... Oh, she's out East.
14:20 I won't say her name... I'll protect her. But it's like:
14:22 "All right. You said the following about Richard Dawkins
14:24 and Douglas Adams. I think you got it wrong. "
14:26 And I checked... I got one of the things wrong.
14:28 She was completely right. So I wrote her and I said:
14:30 "I was wrong. " And then she said: "But
14:33 OK, this is different than most Christian programming
14:36 I listen to. " She is... She thinks she is
14:38 an atheist. She's not. Wow!
14:40 She said: "This is different and I listen every week.
14:43 This is my go-to. " And she is starting to write a letter
14:47 every month. And that's starting to happen.
14:49 It's starting to trickle in from everywhere.
14:51 It's like: "Hey, this is different and you're talking
14:53 about what I worry about. "
14:54 Yeah. "And you speak our language. "
14:56 Yeah, unfortunately I do. That's kind of a double-edged sword.
15:00 I do speak their language. I'm an ex-heathen.
15:02 I'm a recovering heathen.
15:04 And I know what they're learning in college.
15:06 I know what they're reading.
15:07 I thought: "Let's talk about it. " And then I'll dare them
15:10 to read the Bible because I say: "You know there's more
15:12 in here than where you've been drinking. "
15:14 The show always ends: "Come on, man, just read it.
15:16 Quit reading books about it; just read it. "
15:18 Just read it. So again, some of the topics that you cover?
15:21 Oh my goodness! What have we done?
15:23 We do a lot of philosophy, a lot of history.
15:26 So recently we talked about Ayn Rand
15:28 and her influence on America and philosophy in politics
15:31 and why she died as miserable as she did
15:34 and what she had right and what she had wrong.
15:36 You can always tell people somebody did something right.
15:38 They're not wrong about everything.
15:40 Right? They're not wrong about everything!
15:42 That's true absolutely. Her big thing was
15:45 "I own me... you don't own me. "
15:47 OK, there's some truth to that. I believe God owns me.
15:49 But I also at the same time I don't believe I own you guys.
15:52 I don't get to run your life.
15:53 So she's right about that. What's she wrong about?
15:55 Just about everything else... but we unpack that.
15:58 And I was an Ayn Rand disciple as a young man.
16:01 I used to go to the club meetings and all that stuff.
16:04 Really? So I knew this stuff.
16:05 So we did that and people write in and say: "Man,
16:08 I knew something bothered me there. I knew there was
16:09 a dead end there somewhere. " I said: "Yeah, now
16:11 watch: here's where you're going to
16:13 find what I was talking about today. "
16:15 Right. Wow! Yeah. So that one and
16:17 we do Immanuel Kant and the early apologists.
16:20 We do a lot of history and then we do some current events.
16:22 I just did a show that's comin' out soon on 3ABN.
16:25 Thank you. On flat earth theory.
16:27 Why do people get all bonkers on the earth has gotta be flat?
16:30 'Cause I hear all kinds of can I say "wack-a-doodle. "
16:32 I hear all kinds of "wack-a-doodles" running around.
16:34 And so we talk about that.
16:35 Why do we do this as Christians?
16:37 And here's... I'm not really talking to the Christians.
16:39 Right. So why do we do this? The gospel's profound
16:41 enough that you don't have to come up with weird to sell it.
16:45 And then when I'm doing that I tell the story of the
16:49 demon-possessed girl following Paul: "Hey!
16:51 Servant Lord; servant Lord. " This is what you're dealing
16:53 when you do the weird stuff. Stop doing the weird stuff...
16:56 this is profound enough. Not really for the saints.
16:58 The audience goes: "Oh, they know they're a little weird.
17:01 What else is this guy going to admit? " Right!
17:03 Hmm. And they listen.
17:05 Amen. Well thank you for not being afraid.
17:07 Oh, I'm pretty afraid.
17:09 No... I mean you know because sometimes people
17:11 may want to steer clear of that.
17:12 Well you know, it's just kind of comfortable. Let's just kind of
17:14 hit the main topics of Christianity and that's it.
17:17 Yeah, thank you for that. That's great.
17:19 Yeah, we've received a good response here at 3ABN.
17:20 Absolutely. It's a great niche because
17:23 we need to reach the secular minds. We do. We need to reach
17:25 the atheists; we need to reach the intellectuals,
17:27 the philosophers. That's really important.
17:29 So... switching gears I'm going to Jean here.
17:32 Discovery Mountain is an incredible radio series.
17:38 I just want to say my nephews watch it
17:40 and we get to comparing notes.
17:42 They live in North Carolina and they love it.
17:44 They say: "This is just like Adventures in Odyssey. "
17:47 They love the program! So tell us: what was the
17:49 impetus behind the program? And tell us about
17:52 what the series is like. OK.
17:53 Well, Discovery Mountain is an audio adventure for families
17:57 is what we like to call it.
17:58 So it started about five-ish years ago in 2017.
18:02 So... I can't believe it sometimes that this new baby
18:06 is now over 5 years old.
18:08 But we enjoy it. It's a half-hour weekly program,
18:12 audio program, and it's on 3ABN Radio.
18:15 Can get it right here too. Oh yes.
18:16 So what was the impetus for it?
18:19 Well, when we joined the Voice of Prophecy
18:22 you know it started as a radio ministry all those years ago.
18:25 And my kids have grown up lis- tening to Adventures in Odyssey.
18:29 And there wasn't a lot of other material out there
18:33 similar to Odyssey, and I have to admit I even
18:36 had a few problems with a few of the things in Odyssey.
18:38 And I thought: "You know, we as a radio ministry
18:42 need to create an audio program for kids. "
18:44 And I thought: "We should create one
18:46 like the kind that I wished when my daughters were young. "
18:49 What would I have wanted my daughters to listen to.
18:51 So that's where it started, but really the core of it
18:54 was to fit into the whole plan of evangelism
18:57 we have at Voice of Prophecy - yes -
18:59 which Shawn shared already.
19:00 Everything we create is not just to be interesting
19:03 and entertaining... it's to fit into that plan.
19:07 So we very intentionally built Discovery Mountain
19:10 in that way. Yeah. Um-hmm.
19:12 I love that. And you have Blue Birdie,
19:15 Jake, and you know all these characters that you
19:18 need to learn and identify with
19:20 and learn character-building stories.
19:22 And the most important character?
19:24 And the VERY MOST IMPORTANT character? Chaplain Simon!
19:26 Sean voices his character.
19:28 Twenty seasons... I've been there four times.
19:31 He's overseas. He gets sent overseas all the time.
19:34 I know what's happening here.
19:35 I'm going to get written out.
19:36 Twenty season? Yes... seasons.
19:39 Incredible! Yes, five years/20 seasons.
19:41 So we have four six-part story lines every year
19:47 and we call those a season.
19:48 And then in between those full stories we have
19:51 new content every single week.
19:52 So every week there's something fresh.
19:55 And we can actually show your viewers what it looks like...
19:57 what Discovery Mountain looks like.
19:59 You know, it's an audio program. We felt it was important to
20:01 create a beautiful visual aspect of it, too.
20:05 Something we launched recently
20:08 was the Discovery Mountain Club as well.
20:11 And... What's that? Yeah...
20:13 So that is a membership portion of the program.
20:18 And the reason we did that was we wanted the main program
20:21 to be completely free for anyone
20:23 who would ever want to listen to it.
20:25 We wanted it to stay evangelistic
20:27 so there was never someone who couldn't listen because of...
20:29 because they had to pay for it. Yeah.
20:32 Sure. Oh, that's great! Yeah. So in order to continue to
20:35 keep that completely free and accessible to everyone
20:37 we created some member-based content.
20:40 And we're doing some fun stuff in there.
20:43 We have Jake as the main character. Yes.
20:45 And he's also our employee Ruben that Shawn referenced earlier.
20:49 He's the voice of Jake.
20:51 So you use your employees to help let's say design stuff
20:54 but also voice stuff. Oh absolutely!
20:56 Yeah... we work them way past labor laws.
20:59 If you work at VOP, you're going to get asked to do
21:02 a voice on Discovery Mountain.
21:04 And they can be one of the characters. Yeah absolutely!
21:06 Yeah. Can you tell us a little more then? Yes.
21:08 So within the club, there are like five programs right now.
21:11 Hopefully more in the future
21:13 that are unique to the club members.
21:15 So we have Jake has a podcast as Jake.
21:18 Then we have bedtime Bible stories...
21:20 just telling Bible stories that are very calm
21:22 with very soothing music. Ohh...
21:23 For parents, of course, of younger ones
21:26 to help soothe them to sleep and things like that.
21:29 Again it just fits the whole reason
21:33 for Discovery Mountain, keeping the main program evangelistic.
21:36 And then we created a VBS as well to kind of complete that...
21:40 Vacation Bible School! Yeah. Discover Mountain VBS.
21:43 To kind of finish that cycle you know, so then...
21:47 The idea is the person in the local church
21:50 listens to the program, becomes familiar with it.
21:52 They invite their friends and family to listen with them.
21:54 And then the local church would host an event.
21:57 Ideally Discovery Mountain VBS or any family-oriented event
22:00 and then they invite people to come to church with them.
22:03 Oh wow! And so... And it looks beautiful
22:06 if you want to show the photo of what the VBS looks like.
22:09 It's visually very beautiful. Oh yeah!
22:11 RESCUED. Yeah, so it's just... That's how... that's how this
22:16 kids ministry - this kids program - fits into everything
22:19 we're doing at VOP.
22:21 That's great. So we're going to be talking about
22:23 the website multiple times throughout the program.
22:25 We're already like 20 minutes in already. So what's the website
22:28 people can go to get like the VBS or sign up for the club?
22:31 Umm... discoverymountain.com
22:34 And then for anything else VOP related it would be:
22:38 If you go to VOP.com can you find Discovery Mountain
22:41 there? Oh yeah, you can find everything we do there.
22:43 Resources. Yeah, um-hmm. Do you have some video on demand
22:46 there or not at? Oh yeah. No... Authentic is there.
22:48 I don't know if we have the older stuff there,
22:50 but we put that up there every week.
22:52 And yep... there's plenty to watch, there's plenty to study.
22:55 There are free Bible courses there for anybody. Just click
22:57 on the study tab. What's the website again?
23:00 The website? I just kicked the table.
23:02 Did everybody hear that?
23:04 And the crew warned me not to do this.
23:06 You're good.
23:07 What's the website again?
23:09 VOP.com or voiceofprophecy.com
23:12 OK... both work. Both work. Yeah, both work.
23:14 That's great. So I want to ask you about this
23:16 Discovery Mountain. We're talking about our nephews
23:17 and stuff. Yep. So let's say you've got someone that says:
23:20 "You know, I'm 100 yrs. old. "
23:22 We've got someone that's like over 100.
23:24 Can they sign up? Or it's just for kids like...
23:26 Oh no! It's for anyone.
23:27 Are you serious? Even me at 46?
23:29 Absolutely. OK.. I can sign up.
23:31 That's awesome; that's good.
23:33 You know, what I love when I get to get out and meet people
23:36 is people who tell me they listen to Discovery Mountain
23:38 from all age groups because the stories are timeless.
23:41 Jesus told stories and they can be appealing to all of us. Yeah.
23:45 Tell us about some of the response.
23:46 I know we talked about response with Authentic
23:48 but tell us about response from Discovery Mountain
23:51 from kids or adults or how are they impacted
23:54 by the series? I have the BEST mail
23:56 because we get cards and colored pictures
23:59 from kids and families listening but also teachers.
24:02 Teachers really enjoy using the programs in their classrooms.
24:06 My favorite story, which I would love to tell you in detail
24:09 but I'll just mention to you, is a man named Easy.
24:13 Oh! And he's 35. He's visually impaired.
24:15 He was born blind and he connected with us
24:18 when another podcast that high- lights different audio programs
24:21 interviewed us and Easy heard about Discovery Mountain.
24:24 And he fell in love with it
24:27 and started connecting with us online.
24:29 And then he asked if he could audition to be a voice
24:32 in the program. We said: "Of course!
24:34 Of course you can. " Oh! And so he came out.
24:36 He did a voice; he did great.
24:37 And I actually wrote a whole character for him.
24:40 So now we have Chris in Discover Mountain
24:42 who's visually impaired in the program
24:44 and Easy voices him for us.
24:46 Isn't that special!
24:48 That really is. We all just love Easy
24:51 and it's neat to actually connect with someone
24:53 who has been impacted by the ministry.
24:56 Praise the Lord! So who writes the scripts?
24:58 I... I've done 90% of them.
25:02 You know how hard your wife works
25:05 'cause that's a lot of work! A lot of work to put that
25:07 together. And a great job... a great job!
25:09 'Cause we've heard a lot of stories in our household too.
25:12 You know, Discovery Mountain. Yeah... great job!
25:14 Yeah. Great lessons' great evangelism.
25:16 Because of the creativity but yet great evangelism.
25:18 I love what you said. I just want to remind you
25:20 one more time. The website is VOP.com
25:24 We'll put that up for you.
25:26 There you can find all about
25:27 the ministry of Voice of Prophecy.
25:29 You can check out Discovery Mountain.
25:31 You can sign up. You can watch the Authentic video series.
25:35 You can donate and support the work and ministry
25:38 that they are involved in right now.
25:40 We're switching back to Pastor Shawn. And let's
25:42 talk about Discover Seminars. Tell us what that's all about.
25:46 What are you doing with that? Yeah, I started in ministry
25:50 holding six-week evangelistic campaigns.
25:53 It's hard to believe next year I think is my...
25:55 I'll have completed 30 years on the sawdust trail.
25:58 Wow! In ministry!
26:00 That is incredible. You can see bags under my eyes.
26:03 No, you all look good.
26:04 Well it's a lot of preservatives.
26:08 A little varnish every morning. Vegetables... like vegetables.
26:10 Vegetables! They shellac my face in the mornings.
26:16 No. So we've got like the world's oldest and biggest
26:20 Bible school. That's our primary outreach.
26:22 Then over here we've got... I do 6- week evangelistic campaigns.
26:25 But what's in between? What could a church
26:27 invite a community to that isn't a huge commitment?
26:30 Doesn't scare anybody... church members or guests.
26:33 And Discover Seminar is like 4 or 5 meetings maximum.
26:37 We create video that they can be proud to show their friends.
26:41 They're not going to... You know, sometimes we're scared.
26:43 Let's bring friends to church. What are they going to see?
26:44 Right. Yeah. We put a lot of effort into it
26:48 so it can compete with anything on Netflix or History Channel
26:51 or all that kind of stuff. Umm.
26:52 But half an hour of documentary.
26:54 But that's not the point. The point is next
26:56 that the local church leaders lead a Bible study for 45 min.
26:59 to explore what they just heard. Nice!
27:01 Then after 4 or 5 meetings
27:03 Jean and I will come on camera and say: "Hey,
27:04 if you like what you studied now it's the tip of the iceberg.
27:07 Wait till you see what else these people study.
27:09 We're starting Wednesday night. "
27:11 And so it opens a Bible study in the church.
27:13 So we've done about... We're working on #5?
27:15 Um-hmm. Right now: Number 5. Yeah, it comes out
27:19 in April of 2022... Spring of 2022. Wow!
27:22 Yeah. Exciting? So what are some of the
27:24 documentaries? What are some of them about?
27:25 And I think we have a couple trailers for some of them.
27:27 I brought all of them but we can't do that!
27:30 But the first one we did was called Shadow Empire.
27:35 And we did the life of Constantine the Great.
27:38 Where he came from. Born to a virgin incidentally.
27:41 He parallels the life of Jesus right up to a point.
27:44 It's uncanny how that works.
27:46 But then when... What we focus on
27:48 is like the story where Israel asks for a king.
27:51 God says: "This isn't what I want for you
27:53 but I'll let you do it. "
27:54 And then Israel gets into trouble: they asked for a king.
27:57 Well, Christianity did exactly the same thing.
27:59 "We want a king" 'cause they couldn't handle
28:01 the disputes in No. Africa and the Arian dispute.
28:04 And so: "Hey, maybe you know, this emperor's friendly
28:08 so let's invite him in. "
28:09 We invited him in and it never was the same again.
28:11 What we did in this series was just say: "Hey,
28:13 have you ever had a funny feeling something's wrong with
28:15 Western Christianity? "
28:17 And the whole world said: "Yeah! We know there's something
28:19 wrong with it. " So instead of arguing we confirm it.
28:21 "You're absolutely right. Something went off the rails.
28:23 The Bible predicted it would happen
28:24 and want to know what else it says? "
28:28 Wow! And so you agree with people.
28:30 You agree with people wherever you can consistently do it.
28:32 "You're right... something DID go wrong. "
28:34 Yeah. So that was the first one: Shadow Empire.
28:36 We've done a bunch since. Celtic Christianity.
28:38 What would happen? A Pale Horse Rides.
28:40 What would happen if Christianity grew up
28:42 in a bubble outside of what Constantine did
28:44 out on an island somewhere? What would that look like?
28:46 What if all they had was a Bible?
28:48 What would they look like? And we found out the Celts
28:50 were Sabbath keepers and they even had rules for
28:52 identifying the Spirit of Prophecy.
28:55 We went on location. Found their old homes
28:58 and scriptoriums out on the islands.
29:00 Wow! And so we've done
29:03 then one on the second coming, and the most recent one we did
29:05 American in Bible Prophecy.
29:07 We ran that for two years because with the pandemic
29:09 and the election that followed all the churches were packed.
29:12 The response has been...
29:15 Let's... Let's do Final Empire. I think that's #4. Final Empire.
29:19 This is the one on America in prophecy.
29:21 Get the look and feel of what these look like.
29:22 OK... let's go to that right now.
29:34 The United States is the greatest nation that has ever
29:37 existed in the history of the world,
29:39 but the rise of the Republic was no accident.
29:43 It was formed out of hundreds of specific events
29:46 that started over 3,000 years
29:49 before the creation of our Constitution.
29:52 With such calculated history
29:54 could the birth of this nation
29:56 be just coincidence?
29:57 Or did the hand of God
30:00 direct the formation of the new world?
30:04 Explore the annals of history and discover the tapestry
30:08 of events woven together to construct a brand new empire.
30:13 Uncover the true reason Columbus set sail
30:17 into uncharted waters.
30:19 How the fall of Constantinople set the stage
30:22 for the creation of our nation hundreds of years
30:25 before its inception.
30:28 See the Bible's warnings for our nation today.
30:31 As we follow the events that shaped America
30:34 you will see the evidence that we are a country
30:37 founded on the principles of religious liberty
30:39 and hear what we need to do to maintain our freedom today.
30:55 That's incredible! The cinematography
30:58 and the trailer. That's amazing!
31:00 So if churches or individuals or homes want to connect
31:04 and say: "I want a study group;" "I want to do this" - right -
31:07 how do they do that? You have to do it that way.
31:09 These are designed so that people have to meet people.
31:12 There's no other way to do this event.
31:13 You're going to have to invite people to your home
31:15 or your church. VOP.com
31:17 and you can find those or DiscoveryCenters.com
31:20 That's where our resources for churches that we're
31:22 partnering with like the 1,000 find this stuff.
31:26 But it is an option for people to run in their home
31:28 with a small group. So the church event is one option
31:32 and the small group in your home is a great option too.
31:34 And do you pay for that? Do the churches pay
31:36 to connect with this and they reach out?
31:39 Minimally. Perfect. Like mini- mally. We make it affordable.
31:42 We do raise our own funds so I can't give it away
31:45 for free or I would. I would totally give it away.
31:47 No, but it costs money to do this. It does!
31:49 To do it quality. And we want it to look like something
31:53 you'd be proud to bring your friends to.
31:54 You don't have to be scared of how goofy it's gonna be.
31:57 Correct. I mean I'm goofy, but the show
31:59 is not too goofy. Now we're gearing up for
32:02 probably my favorite of all time The Serpentine Prophecy
32:06 which releases in 2022. Umm!
32:08 Tell us about that. So what's that about?
32:09 Well, every time we go through a crisis
32:11 whether it is I, II World War,
32:13 the influenza epidemic,
32:16 the Great Depression, Fukushima in Japan
32:19 interest in spiritualism goes through the roof.
32:21 One in six Americans think the dead talk to them.
32:23 One in six... and they've heard the dead talk to them.
32:25 Seriously? One in six.
32:27 So it's gone through the roof and we know the time is right.
32:30 But we're going to tell a story that few people have ever heard.
32:33 Sometimes we see series on spiritualism and we start
32:35 with the Fox sisters. Great story, but everybody starts
32:37 with the Fox sisters. I've gone digging through primary sources
32:40 all the way back to ancient Egypt and before that
32:43 and figured out where Plato got his ideas.
32:46 And we're going to tell the story from the very beginning
32:49 and show a thread that runs through every world religion
32:52 outside of the Abrahamic religions... every single one.
32:55 And then we're going to end the series
32:57 I spend the night in the most haunted bedroom
33:00 in America, and we have an over-night Bible study
33:04 on "Can the dead speak to me? " in that room.
33:06 Oh wow! And I won't tell you whether or not
33:08 something happened. People will have watch the series.
33:11 I brought the trailer for this.
33:13 I brought the trailer for this. Number 5: The Serpentine
33:16 Prophecy this is called. This one I'm so excited...
33:18 I'm pumped up! All right. Let's go to that roll right now.
33:32 A disturbing thread tying the present to the past.
33:50 Thing that move behind the shadows.
33:59 Are there dark influences
34:08 that have been quietly driving us
34:10 from the dawn of civilization?
34:23 The story you weren't supposed to hear.
34:39 That is incredible. Wow! It is SO needed - oh yes!
34:44 especially in these last days of earth's history. Um-hmm.
34:45 There is so much spiritualism that is rampant.
34:47 There is so much confusion about what's happening
34:50 so praise the Lord that you all are willing to tackle
34:52 these topics and bring that to people so that
34:55 churches and groups can share it with people.
34:59 Praise the Lord! That's in- credible! This one is really...
35:01 I'm really pumped about this one. This one... We're going to
35:04 just tell a story, and churches can be comfortable.
35:06 We are just going to bring people to the point where they
35:08 start to question themselves. And all of these are designed
35:10 that way. Not to tell anybody they're wrong...
35:12 just to raise just enough that people start saying
35:15 "Wait a minute... what if I'm wrong? "
35:17 And that's the best place for people to be.
35:19 You can't badger people into the kingdom of God.
35:21 You can't argue them in.
35:23 But if they start to question their own assumptions
35:25 then you can have a Bible study.
35:26 Umm! And that's what these are designed to start.
35:29 So have you received response then on some of these
35:32 documentaries? It's been going remarkably well.
35:35 Shadow Empire... I just heard from the Bixby's up in...
35:39 I met them this past summer.
35:41 They... He had been in Christian Science for a little bit
35:45 and he was a science major and so on.
35:47 He said: "Shadow Empire, man, that got me.
35:49 It started the Bible study. We started studying
35:51 and six months later... " He actually...
35:53 Hey guys: the shoes you gave me I'm wearing them right now.
35:56 If you're watching, the shoes you gave me
35:59 I've got 'em on right now.
36:00 I love these shoes.
36:02 But yeah, and for Final Empire on American prophecy
36:05 I heard from a West Point graduate recently
36:07 saying: "This is astonishing. " West Point? Yeah.
36:09 Wow! See, we raise stories. In every one of these
36:13 I guarantee there's going to be something
36:15 that you've never heard. Right.
36:16 I can almost guarantee it.
36:17 I spend years writing them to make sure of that.
36:20 And there are components like why did Columbus really
36:23 cross the sea? Had nothing to do with the earth being flat.
36:26 Nobody's ever believed the earth was flat.
36:28 We've known the circumference of the earth since
36:31 Eratosthenes, 400-500 BC. We've known.
36:34 No, no, no... he writes in his journal
36:37 I read Columbus' journals: "The Lord is sending me over
36:40 this way to hasten the second coming. "
36:43 He thought to go get armies in Asia to help kick the Muslims
36:46 out of Jerusalem so Jesus could come.
36:48 But he kept writing in his journal: "I'm being sent;
36:50 I'm being sent; I can't resist this.
36:52 Somehow this is going to hasten the second coming. "
36:55 What does he do? Open up the earth where the woman can flee.
36:59 Wow! That is amazing! Yeah... so that's in there.
37:01 I mean we just find stuff that... This stuff used to be
37:04 taught. In the 19th century - yes - Christians knew this stuff
37:07 and we've forgotten it.
37:09 So I want to go back to something you just said.
37:10 I know you want to talk about the Bible study aspect too
37:12 of Voice of Prophecy, but you said you spend years.
37:15 I caught that... years. Wow! Years researching and writing
37:19 this. Yeah. Some of them are the product
37:21 So this is your passion. I mean you're passionate about this.
37:22 You're passionate about accuracy, too. Um-hmm.
37:25 I can testify to the books on his bookcases
37:29 in his home office and his VOP office.
37:32 I mean there's a lot... a lot of research that goes into
37:35 what is created.
37:37 I hated history right up until I became a Christian.
37:40 Really? What's the point? You know?
37:42 When did you become a Christian? How old were you
37:43 when you became a Christian? Twenty? You were 20... I was 21.
37:46 You were like 22.
37:47 Way back when before the world was in color.
37:51 All right. I think I was back there with you.
37:52 So you said then you hated history?
37:55 Well yeah... what's the point of history class?
37:57 I had to take Canadian history and sorry fellow Canadians
38:00 it's the most boring history on earth.
38:02 You're too polite... nothing ever happens.
38:04 Be nice. We love you our viewers and listeners in Canada.
38:08 Oh, I'm allowed to say that. I'm allowed to say that.
38:11 I... Why are you passionate about this?
38:14 Because suddenly it doesn't mat ter who wrote the history book.
38:16 Once you see God's prophetic plan
38:19 it doesn't matter who the characters are.
38:21 God, without violating their free will is nudging them
38:23 in the right direction. I don't care if it's a Roman
38:25 senator... I don't care who it is.
38:27 And suddenly I found out this three angels' message
38:30 that we teach and believe
38:31 you can't hit the bottom of it.
38:32 Every book I've read, every primary source...
38:35 It doesn't matter if it's a thousand years before Christ
38:38 and he's living in Egypt somehow they're all agreeing
38:40 with this and showing that God has been nudging this
38:42 in the right direction all along.
38:44 Yeah. So I'm addicted now.
38:46 What am I in there? I sleep four hours a night.
38:49 I just can't stop reading this stuff.
38:50 So he's probably lost count of his books!
38:53 Wow! That's incredible. That's a bit of a problem.
38:55 I don't know if there's a book support group
38:57 but I probably could use one.
38:59 But you know what? God's taken that passion
39:00 and that drive and that energy
39:03 and God's using it to reach people that would otherwise
39:06 never be reached with the gospel so thank you.
39:08 That's really powerful.
39:09 I want to skip around here just a moment. OK.
39:11 We're going out of order a little bit. That's OK.
39:13 But Jean, I want to talk... I know Voice of Prophecy is
39:15 an evangelistic ministry clearly
39:16 but talk to us about Rescue Home for Little Girls.
39:20 That's incredible... and your humanitarian outreach. Wow!
39:22 Tell us about that. Yeah, the humanitarian element
39:26 of ministry: I mean that's how Jesus taught us
39:29 to care for others and to preach.
39:31 And we take that very seriously at VOP
39:34 and a project that's very close to my heart
39:37 is called Azadi Home. And Azadi means freedom.
39:40 And it's a rescue home in Bangalore, India,
39:43 where women and girls really
39:46 who have been rescued from sex trafficking -
39:49 oh wow - have a chance to live and rehabilitate.
39:52 So this became a project of Voice of Prophecy
39:55 when in I think it was 2015
39:58 I was in India with our daugh- ters meeting our sponsor child.
40:01 Our sponsor daughter/sister.
40:03 And we met a woman named Anita right there in Bangalore.
40:07 And this is her ministry, this is her passion...
40:09 Anita and her team.
40:11 They go out and they literally break down doors
40:15 and pull these young women out of these situations.
40:18 Sometimes... And they have to be very cunning
40:21 and get there right on time because the people who
40:23 are using these women will hide them.
40:26 So they have to... they have to break into floors
40:29 to look in places where these women might be hid
40:32 and they pull them out. Oh wow!
40:34 And when Anita first had this passion and this ministry
40:37 with a team of big guys who help her...
40:39 She's my age and she's my size
40:40 so she obviously has some big guys helping her.
40:43 What's the age group of the women that are being rescued?
40:46 So primarily they're young.
40:49 Teenagers? Teenagers through mid-20's.
40:52 But there are some that are as young as 8 years old.
40:54 Oh! And there are some who are a little bit older
40:56 which is heartbreaking. Yes. Yeah.
40:59 And when she first started rescuing these women
41:01 the only option was to take them to a government rehabilitation.
41:04 Government center. It wasn't even a rehabilitation home.
41:07 Sometimes it was a jail.
41:09 But at least they were out of immediate harm.
41:12 Sometimes the men and women are involved in trapping them
41:17 into trafficking as well sadly.
41:20 They would show up at these government institutions
41:23 and try and tell a fancy story like: "Oh that's my sister.
41:25 I'm her uncle. " And they would get them back out.
41:29 So the rescue home Azadi Home
41:32 is truly a safe rehabilitation opportunity
41:35 for these women. They are told about Jesus.
41:38 They are taught a trade and a skill.
41:41 They find them jobs in the community where they can begin
41:44 to use those trades and skills.
41:46 And what I love most recently about Azadi...
41:49 It holds about 20 women at a time, and they kind of
41:52 cycle through... It's also now a place
41:56 where women who become pregnant and want to keep
41:59 their babies with them can keep their babies with them.
42:03 There are 5 children at Azadi now.
42:05 Five little ones! And they are trained.
42:07 They bring a preschool teacher right into the home. OK.
42:11 The kids never have to leave; it's very safe. Good.
42:14 And they are able then to have a completely new lease on life.
42:18 And as you would expect the mothers
42:20 are happy to be rescued themselves.
42:23 They are beyond happy - yes - to see the potential
42:26 for their children to have a normal and healthy life.
42:30 How many women can you take in Azadi Home?
42:33 Is there like a limit as far as? Yeah.
42:35 They have a limit. It's about 20 women at one time.
42:38 And so the idea is to help them through.
42:40 How long do they stay before they have job opportunities
42:42 and training and all that? How long would they stay?
42:45 It varies depending on what the needs are.
42:47 But recently a young woman who'd been there about 2 years
42:51 they were able to graduate her and launch her out into the
42:54 world and she was able to go back to her home village.
42:56 Oh wow! And so that was powerful to see.
42:59 I mean our entire ministry was in tears
43:01 hearing that story and reading that story.
43:04 So are there ways then that people can support?
43:06 'Cause all this costs money. We're taking evangelism.
43:08 Absolutely; absolutely. This all costs.
43:09 So is there a way then that people can donate at VOP.com?
43:13 Definitely. We have infor- mation about Azadi Home there.
43:16 So go to VOP.com? Yes. And there's a give button.
43:18 There's a give button and we need your help!
43:20 OK, so you'll see a give button at the top. Yep.
43:23 And then just click on that and there'll be an option.
43:24 You'll find the details there and you can find the home
43:26 and that kind of stuff.
43:28 If that's where you'd like it to go we can make that happen.
43:31 Yeah, and as you would expect there are no photos, no videos.
43:33 We want to keep the girls safe and protect their privacy.
43:37 I love that, yeah, because
43:39 these are the marginalized. These are those in society that
43:41 Jesus loves exceedingly and yet no one else is looking after
43:45 them. So praise the Lord God put that in your heart
43:47 to do that. I love that! Well I can't believe our time
43:50 is going. Let's talk about the Bible School. Yes.
43:53 Let's talk about that as far as the Bible School
43:55 and VOP and what's involved.
43:58 Well that, of course... We've talked about multiple things.
44:00 The Bible School is a vital piece of everything
44:03 that happens. The Bible School started in 1942...
44:07 not long after VOP started.
44:09 Bible School of the Air, Fordyce Detamore.
44:11 Yeah, that's right! 1942!
44:14 Um-hmm. Just the year before I was born.
44:18 We know that's not true.
44:21 I'm doin' the math and I'm thinkin' that's...
44:23 Well, anyway OK... So tell us about the Bible School. Yeah.
44:26 So what is the Bible School?
44:27 So it really operates at the local church level.
44:33 So what the Bible School does is it allows a local church
44:37 to minister to the communities
44:40 to invite people to study the Bible. And then it's actually
44:43 run right out of the local church.
44:46 And so right here in North America
44:48 there are 2,200... maybe a little bit more.
44:51 We're running 2,200 Bible Schools in North America
44:52 right now. 2,200 Bible Schools
44:54 that are kind of you know spread out throughout North America
44:57 centered in a local church.
44:58 And it really becomes a vital part of our evangelistic mtgs.
45:03 too. I won't actually hold an evangelistic meeting unless
45:06 there's been a Bible School running in that town
45:07 for a year or two. So how does it work?
45:09 Well, a number of ways, right? Yeah, go ahead.
45:12 There's correspondence. People can do it old-school
45:14 correspondence. You can give out cards in the community.
45:16 We'll help you set one up.
45:17 You can also go online now and tailor it to your own church
45:20 and have your church members work online with people.
45:23 And your website can be custom- ized to what you do in your town
45:26 and your event and that kind of thing. Yes!
45:27 And it's in 100 languages.
45:30 Forty I think. A hundred and forty languages?
45:32 No 140 countries; 100 languages. We just added 60 more languages.
45:34 I know, we just concurred. I'm sorry. Our director's
45:36 probably watching. I know it's a whole lot of languages
45:39 we just added. But our newest language
45:40 is Inuktitut... the language of the Inuit up at the North Pole.
45:45 I've been working up there for about a decade now.
45:48 I've been making trips up there to see what's up there
45:51 and now we need a Bible School.
45:53 That's really an unreached people group right here
45:55 in North America so we're very... So there are cards
45:58 that people can go in the community and hand out.
46:00 And then what happens? OK, so then the card is sent back
46:02 to VOP or to the local church? It can be both.
46:05 It's however the church wants to set up.
46:07 VOP is our headquarters so you can set it up...
46:11 When you sent out the card it can have our address on it.
46:13 Comes back to us. Our staff will grade those lessons
46:16 and send them back. OR you can put the address
46:19 of your local church and then your local church
46:21 is a Discover Bible School right there.
46:23 It can do the follow-up and have the correspondence -
46:25 yeah - with the local church. Either/or. That's incredible.
46:28 And we'll provide the training and the materials are all there.
46:30 And you get real relationships. People get a lot out of this
46:33 because you're not just looking at their lesson
46:35 you're passing little notes back and forth. "Wow!
46:37 You really have great insight here. "
46:38 "Would you pray for me? My daughter's dying. "
46:41 You get those letters - wow - and so we have a team that
46:43 does do lessons from all over the world in the office
46:46 but it's better if your church runs one.
46:49 So we've got 2,200. We've got room for 2,201.
46:53 So hurry and sign up!
46:55 I had no idea that you all had 2,200 Bible Schools.
46:57 Yeah, right here in North America. That's incredible!
46:58 So if people want their church to be involved in a Bible School
47:01 they just go to VOP.com? VOP.com and ask us about it.
47:04 Perfect. Bible Studies. Look at biblestudies.com
47:07 if you want to see what's available for Bible studies.
47:09 We've got I don't know 11 or 12 courses now in that set. Um-hmm.
47:12 Yeah, you know in fact we can even go more personal than that.
47:17 You or I... Greg, you could start your own Bible school
47:20 if you wanted to. Really? Just out of my own home?
47:22 You could... absolutely.
47:24 So there is a website and we could put that image up
47:27 for our viewers who might want to see that.
47:30 Very easy to remember.
47:32 So when you... If you have a burden to do this
47:35 to minister to people personally
47:36 maybe you don't have a church that can do this
47:39 you go on there and after a couple of steps
47:41 you can set up an online Bible School
47:44 that any one of us can run right from our home.
47:48 All you need is a computer and an Internet connection.
47:50 Incredible! It's really wonderful.
47:51 OK... so I'm sitting at home and I'm saying: "I'd like to
47:53 sign up for this and I'm really interested in that.
47:56 I could maybe do it from my house
47:57 but I'm not sure I know all the answers
47:59 so if someone sends it back how do I? Do I have a cheat
48:02 sheet that tells me what's the right answer?
48:04 Or how does that work? " So the online one
48:07 everything is all on the computer and so you would
48:10 be able to basically automatically grade.
48:12 And essentially yes, we would set you completely up
48:15 for success in every way. Nothing is left to guess work.
48:18 Yes. So we do have viewers and listeners right now
48:21 that are saying: "You know what? I'm trying to find God
48:23 but I don't even know how to study the Bible. "
48:25 "What you guys are saying is pretty neat, but it sounds like
48:27 I've gotta get involved in some type of a group. "
48:29 Is there a way that someone right now at home
48:31 can? Absolutely. Yep... go to VOP.com
48:34 You've heard that website before: VOP.com
48:37 Look at the study tab.
48:38 We've got all kinds of resources there.
48:41 If you're curious about what this Book says,
48:43 what the big deal is,
48:46 we've got all the tools you need to get started in your own home.
48:48 Read this like you would read any other book on the bookshelf.
48:51 You'll understand what you're reading.
48:52 It's at your time in your home, your way.
48:56 Nobody's going to intrude on your life.
48:58 But go ahead: VOP.com Click on the study tab
49:01 and we'll set you up with all the resources you might need
49:04 to just learn what this Book says for yourself.
49:06 Look... you might still say: "I don't know if this is for me. "
49:09 But you don't know that till you read it,
49:10 so we'll help you read it - that's awesome -
49:13 and then you make up your mind after you've read it.
49:15 And it's free... it really is free.
49:18 We just want you to have this.
49:19 I just want to say we believe in the ministry of VOP. Oh yeah!
49:23 100 percent. We believe in what God is doing
49:25 in and through Pastor Shawn and Jean
49:27 and the entire team there.
49:29 We want to put up that website one more time: VOP.com
49:33 If the Lord has put it on your heart to help support
49:35 the evangelism that's going on
49:38 or the Bible Schools
49:39 or you want to become involved in that
49:41 maybe you want to support the school... not school but
49:45 home for girls there in India.
49:48 Whatever God is putting on your heart right now
49:51 we want to encourage you to just go on the website.
49:56 and become involved in evangelism
49:59 and help support the ministry of Voice of Prophecy.
50:02 I know we're almost going to a break here shortly
50:05 but what are some plans for the future?
50:07 Hmm. Well, we're re-launching the 1,000 meetings.
50:11 And we've got a new mini-series after Serpentine
50:15 that I don't know if I dare even leak it
50:18 but... Yes! Go ahead! No... that's OK.
50:22 I just kicked the table again like a pro.
50:24 Yeah... no, no... we've got a few more.
50:26 There are some subjects we may explore.
50:28 Why did Islam really rise and take over 1/3 of the globe?
50:32 OK! I'm workin' on that one.
50:34 That won't come out in the next year 'cause I'm still
50:37 in the... BUT Discovering Revelation
50:40 is our series that you can run at your church.
50:43 We'll have 1,000 of them. Praise the Lord! I'm begging God
50:46 a thousand of those in the near future. Amen.
50:48 And then what else is happening?
50:49 Oh, I'm going back to Canada for my 30th year of evangelism.
50:52 I'm going to hold a campaign downtown Calgary.
50:54 With a live audience? In-house audience? Yeah.
50:56 That's the plan. Wow! Currently.
50:59 So I thought: "Eh, round out 30 years. "
51:01 It's like full circle, and now if I die... perfect.
51:04 I can die right on the final night.
51:06 We're praying God gives you many more healthy years.
51:08 Both of you. You're a great team.
51:10 You know, and God just... You guys are here for a purpose
51:13 and a reason. You know, you think about your testimony
51:15 of what God has done in your lives
51:17 and think about the impact that both of you are making,
51:20 your family is making in this world it's phenomenal, isn't it?
51:22 It's a humbling thought when you think about 30 years
51:25 in ministry. Yeah. Thank you as Jill mentioned
51:28 for all that you do because evangelism is not easy.
51:31 Right? No. It's work.
51:32 It's a lot of work but it's also rewarding, isn't it?
51:36 Yeah... absolutely.
51:37 What we're going to do right now is actually go to
51:39 a quick newsbreak then we'll come back
51:42 for some closing thoughts from Pastor Shawn and Jean.


Revised 2022-05-09