3ABN Today

Leading Social Innovation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220029B

00:01 I told you that this was going to be an exciting program. We
00:03 just have a couple of minutes left. Erich what thought is on
00:06 your heart?
00:08 Well right now the thought that is still on my heart is the fact
00:11 that God has always been concerned about His people to be
00:18 involved in the very nitty gritty of the life of the
00:21 community. He says in Jeremiah 29 verse 7: Seek the peace and
00:26 prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
00:32 Pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers you will prosper.
00:36 You know what the city was? That was the city of Babylon and God
00:42 wanted Israel to be a blessing to Babylon. Now wouldn't that be
00:49 a novelty idea?
00:51 During the break you had mentioned Sung Kwon that there
00:54 was a grant that people could apply for their social
00:57 innovation degree.
00:59 Yes ma'am. This MA Leadership in Social Innovation not only
01:03 participants will experience excellence in academia but we
01:07 want them to have experiential and experimental learning. So we
01:12 have designed that participants will raise funds. We have a
01:17 10,000 dollar matching grant opportunity. They would design
01:21 the ministry, implement and evaluate as a part of the
01:25 program so at the end, they can actually demonstrate how they
01:29 made a difference tangibly and recognizably.
01:32 Amen. That's incredible. Bordes did you have a final thought?
01:35 Yes. All of us when we look around us in this world we see
01:41 violence, we see homelessness, we see food insecurity, we see
01:46 issues with refugees with what's happening in the world now.
01:49 So each one of us can do something about it. Each one of
01:54 us can be a leader. Each one of us can inspire others to be
01:59 involved and get together and do something and design a plan
02:03 based on the love of Jesus.
02:07 And Randy you had a quick thought.
02:09 Isaiah 58. If anyone is watching at home and you want to learn
02:14 more about this I would just encourage you to go to Isaiah
02:17 58. It's an incredible chapter that just will bring a lot of
02:24 blessings. So...
02:25 Praise the Lord. Erich thank you for being here. Bordes,
02:29 Sung Kwon and Randy, Thank you so much. Honey, it's always fun
02:33 to be with you. Our prayer for those of you at home is that the
02:37 grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the
02:40 Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be with you
02:43 always.
02:45 God bless you.
02:46 ♪ ♪


Revised 2022-08-16