3ABN Today

Strategies for Strongholds

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220031A

00:02 ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:23 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. I'm Yvonne Shelton and I'm so
01:13 excited. We have such an amazing program for you today. You're
01:16 going to be blessed and inspired by the grace of God because we
01:22 are going to talk about a subject that is near and dear to
01:25 so many of our hearts. All of us are either caught up in or have
01:31 a loved one who is caught up into some kind of stronghold.
01:35 And we're going to talk about strongholds today with our
01:40 guests. I have a scripture that I'd like to share. It's
01:43 2 Corinthians 10 verses 3-5. And it says: For though we walk in
01:51 the flesh we do not war according to the flesh. For the
01:55 weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
02:00 pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and
02:06 every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of
02:09 God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of
02:14 Christ. Today we're going to talk about pulling down those
02:19 strongholds and so after our special music I'm going to
02:24 introduce you to our guests and we are going to be blessed.
02:27 Our special music is by none other than my dear friend,
02:32 Reggie Smith who is going to be singing I Have Fixed My Mind.
02:36 ♪ ♪
02:53 ♪I have fixed my mind on another time, on another time ♪
03:03 ♪ And here I mean to stand until God gives me more light ♪
03:21 ♪ And that is today, today today until He comes ♪
03:33 ♪I have fixed my mine on another time, on another time ♪
03:51 ♪ I have set my course on the narrow way ♪
03:56 ♪ On the narrow way ♪
04:03 ♪ For I know the time is close at hand ♪
04:09 ♪ for which I watch and pray ♪
04:16 ♪ And that is today, today today until He comes ♪
04:30 ♪ I have set my course on the narrow way ♪
04:36 ♪ On the narrow way ♪
04:44 ♪ Even so Lord come quickly This is my fervent prayer ♪
04:56 ♪ For I've caught a Glimpse of glory ♪
05:03 ♪ And I'm longing to be there ♪
05:11 ♪ ♪
05:24 When shall the Son of Man appear The trumpet sound its blast ♪
05:34 ♪ And Christ descend in glorious fire With all the saints amassed
05:48 ♪ We'll rise with those Who sleep no more ♪
05:55 ♪ To meet Him in the air ♪
06:02 When shall the Son of Man appear The Son of Man appear ♪
06:21 ♪ Even so Lord come quickly this is my fervent prayer ♪
06:32 ♪ For I've caught a glimpse of glory ♪
06:38 ♪ and I'm longing to be there ♪
06:46 ♪ For I've caught a glimpse of glory ♪
06:55 ♪ and I'm longing to be there ♪
07:12 ♪ I have fixed my mind on another time ♪
07:23 ♪ On another time ♪
07:50 Thank you so much, Reggie. I just love Reggie and Ladye Love. They
07:58 are just such a blessing. Every time I hear them sing I'm so
08:02 blessed. So thank you so much for being with us and now I'm
08:06 going to introduce our wonderful guests. I have to tell you, you
08:10 know sometimes you just have favorite ministries and favorite
08:14 people and these are two of my favorite people right here.
08:17 Michael Carducci who is the cofounder and chairman of
08:22 Coming Out Ministries, and Pastor Ron Woolsey who is a
08:28 cofounder of Coming Out Ministries. And I have known you
08:32 guys for quite some time now and I am so impressed with what God
08:37 is doing through you with this ministry. Because it is so much
08:44 broader than what people might expect. So let's talk a bit
08:48 about Coming Out Ministries. Excuse me, but first, let's talk
08:52 a bit about you because some of our viewers and our audience on
08:58 radio and television might not be familiar with you and so talk
09:02 about who you are, where you come from and Coming Out
09:05 Ministries, how you got to form that.
09:08 Sure. Well it actually started 12 years ago and there were five
09:12 individuals that got together. Ron was speaking in Soquel,
09:16 California and we all decided well you know let's go and check
09:19 out this guy and so I had met Wayne Blakely and then these two
09:23 sisters, Lisa and Vinna Santos. So we went to the camp meeting
09:27 and we all met together and um it was interesting. One of the
09:30 people brought up, they go well if one ministry is good that has
09:34 one story, imagine what a ministry would be like if it had
09:37 five stories. And that's kind of how Coming Out Ministries was
09:41 born.
09:42 And I'd just like to add that we were all speaking individually
09:47 about our perspectives from our testimonies and we did come to
09:53 the consensus that working united we'd have much greater
09:57 impact than all of us individually. And we still
10:00 travel a lot individually but as a team the impact was much
10:05 greater than everyone working individually.
10:08 Yes, yes. So what is Coming Out Ministries?
10:10 Well Coming Out Ministries is really not...I think it's much
10:15 broader now than just our catch verse which was coming out of
10:20 darkness into God's marvelous light. I think of it as more
10:23 like Revelation 18:4 and it says Come out of her my people and be
10:27 not partakers of her sins. So it's much broader and a lot of
10:31 people kind of pigeonhole us into an ex-gay ministry but
10:34 really we do just as much about addressing pornography addiction
10:40 premarital sex, abortion, as well as the LGBT dilemma that's
10:45 going on in our world today. Our motto is, Igniting an
10:48 unquenchable fire restoring all men and women back to the image
10:52 of our Creator God. And I think that that's really what we've
10:55 been looking for what the Lord is going to accomplish you know
10:59 from Genesis to Revelation restoring us back to who we were
11:02 meant to be.
11:04 Yes, so it's more than...you started out being a group of
11:08 people who came out from the LGBTQ community and now it's
11:16 so much broader than that. One of the things I love about your
11:21 ministry is that it is so much broader. It's not just focused...
11:26 It's focused on sin and victory. It's not focused on just one
11:30 particular group and one particular sin. Sexual sin is a
11:36 huge umbrella and you guys focus on getting victory from that
11:41 stronghold.
11:42 Well Yvonne, it kind of revealed itself. You know we had always
11:46 been marginalized and we'd always felt that we were not a
11:50 part of something or felt like we didn't belong. But when
11:53 people started coming up to us and saying, Oh I was never gay
11:57 but everything that you said I really relate to. So it's really
12:00 about victory over sin. Somebody even called us the a, oh what is
12:06 it, the...you know it's like the issue of the day. It's like this
12:10 is really about victory over sin and righteousness by faith.
12:14 So they kind of opened our eyes a little bit and said Oh so it's
12:17 much broader than just coming out of the gay culture. It's
12:20 really about coming out of sin.
12:22 Yes, yes.
12:23 You know in the church today not just in the world but in the
12:26 church today the thinking is that people can just be saved
12:32 in their LGBT issues. This issue is being used to shed a great
12:41 deal of light on the two ideologies of salvation in sin
12:47 or salvation from sin. And for some reason you know Satan
12:52 thinks he's so clever that he's found one issue where he thinks
12:56 he has God over a barrel. Because even in the church
13:01 people will say well God made you that way or God loves you
13:05 just the way you are. And there's this movement to embrace
13:09 homosexuality, not adultery, but homosexuality, not alcoholism
13:16 but homosexuality. In other words they're taking this one
13:22 issue and separating it from the basket of sins and looking at it
13:27 through a cultural perspective. And so there's a movement now
13:32 throughout Christianity called posture shift that is trying to
13:37 get the church to shift its position on this one issue. I
13:43 don't know why not all issues but this one issue to shift away
13:47 from the Biblical approach to accommodate and to embrace, to
13:53 affirm homosexuality or the LGBT community. So that is looking at
14:00 scripture through the lens of culture but we believe now we
14:04 need to view culture through the lens of scripture and rather
14:07 than the church changing its position we're trying to help
14:11 the sinner change his position to come back to being in harmony
14:18 with Biblical principles.
14:19 That is such...you gave us so much to chew on right there
14:23 because that's what's going on. I think combining the LGBTQ
14:33 issue with civil rights was something that made more people
14:41 open to saying well a person is born this way or this is a group
14:47 that needs to be protected so to speak. And yeah, we do need
14:54 to protect every group but the point is that what does that
14:58 protection mean? Does that mean that we endorse it as Christians
15:03 or does that mean that we try to help people who are in that life
15:07 style, in that community, help them to see that there's a
15:11 better way that God has for them and I think it's all about love,
15:16 is it not? Not loving endorsing but loving enough to tell them
15:22 that there's a better way.
15:23 Well you know as long as this issue is separated from the
15:27 category of sin there's no hope. And it was when in my own
15:32 personal life, I know Mike you had the same experience, when we
15:37 came to the position of acknowledging this is a sin
15:40 issue. Put it back in the sin basket. And then apply the
15:45 Biblical remedy for sin. That's when I could walk away. Not
15:50 without a struggle. I mean we all struggle with temptation.
15:54 But struggle just makes you stronger. But I was hopeless
15:59 as long as I was justifying my life as an acceptable
16:04 alternative lifestyle or I was born this way or God made me
16:08 this way. But when I read in Jeremiah 3, Only acknowledge
16:11 thine iniquity and then I will heal you from your backsliding.
16:16 That's when I was able...That's when I got hope and I developed
16:24 a courage to take a step because He promised that if I would just
16:28 acknowledge this as a sin issue, it's not a birth defect, it's a
16:32 sin issue, and then God can help and can work miracles in our
16:37 lives.
16:39 So I kind of want to pull what I've been hearing together
16:41 because the verse that you said Everything that exalts itself
16:44 above God and so you were also talking like where did this come
16:48 from, this posture shift. Well for many years, and the reason
16:52 why we left the church when we were young was because the only
16:55 message that we heard was Christianity was making
16:59 exclusive the homosexual sin out of 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and
17:02 they were exalting that as the sin that God just can't help,
17:05 that God hates that sin so much. So now what we find is that it's
17:10 still being exalted. It was drawn out of all of the other
17:13 sins verses 9 and 10, and it's made exclusive and you really
17:18 hit the nail on the head. It's like if we take it out of this
17:21 group of people because verse 11 says such were some of you that
17:25 gave me hope. That was the verse that we weren't hearing in our
17:29 church culture when we left the church culture into the gay
17:32 culture. But now Coming Out now it's being exalted again and it
17:35 is, it's still denying people access to the power to be
17:39 restored and to be redeemed. (yeah)
17:41 And that was such a pivotal text for me when someone showed me
17:45 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. And these are people or behaviors that
17:49 would not be in heaven and I found myself in there three or
17:53 four times (laughter) three or four times and then the fellow
17:58 said look at verse 11, such were some of you. I go whoa. That was
18:05 so dynamic. I mean it was so impactful for me. But ye are
18:12 washed, ye are you know sanctified, justified and I go
18:18 wow. There again the scriptures give the remedy.
18:22 Can I read that scripture so the audience can hear because they
18:26 might not be familiar with it. It's 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9-11
18:31 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the
18:35 kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, neither fornicators
18:40 nor idolators nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites
18:44 nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor
18:48 extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God and such were
18:52 some of you, but you were washed but you were sanctified but you
18:59 were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit
19:03 of our God. (Amen) And that is so hopeful. It's saying yes you
19:08 were here but now you're here. You're no longer that. You can
19:12 have victory over that. And it doesn't just isolate
19:16 homosexuality. It puts all of these sins together under the...
19:22 And the King James Version is even clearer because it says
19:26 such WERE some of you but ye ARE justified, sanctified, and washed
19:33 So I love that. That's clearer.
19:37 Yeah, this is the New King James
19:38 It's much clearer. (Yeah)
19:39 I think what's also beautiful about that verse is that it
19:42 talks about you're justified, sanctified and it's not
19:44 a power, it's not something that we could do. So you know when
19:47 somebody said I was born this way you know I give that to them
19:50 it's like yeah you're right. I could never change. Yes you're
19:53 right, I couldn't change either. This is work that only Jesus
19:55 Christ can do. So when you make one of those sins exclusive
20:01 you've now cut them off from the sanctifying and the justifying
20:04 process of what Jesus died on the cross to give to all of us.
20:08 So that's not love, that's lost.
20:11 Yes, yes, yes, Some of our viewers and our radio audience
20:15 might not be familiar with your testimony. If you guys could
20:19 just give a synopsis of where God brought you from to where
20:23 you are now.
20:25 Sure Um when I was four years old my first conscious thought
20:27 that I could remember was that I was a girl trapped in a boy's
20:31 body. And I didn't realize that there was a difference, a
20:35 detachment that happened between me and my father and as I grew
20:39 up I was reminded that I was inadequate because of my
20:43 feminine mannerisms after patterning after my mom.
20:45 I only liked playing with dolls, I liked dressing up in her
20:48 clothes. Kids in school that saw my mannerisms would call me
20:52 sissy, queer, little girl and what that did is this lack of
20:55 masculine affirmation just drove me into these feelings of
20:59 inadequacy, so I thought well if I'm inadequate as a boy maybe if
21:02 I was a girl I would be loved. Maybe I would be accepted. That
21:05 followed me until I was 20 years old and at 20 years old I even
21:08 thought as a Christian that the only solution, because at 13 I
21:12 had same-sex attraction. I wasn't born gay. That actually
21:15 developed or revealed itself when I was 13 again because of
21:19 the lack of affirmation and love that I wasn't receiving from
21:23 males that became sexualized at puberty. So then I thought okay
21:29 well if God doesn't approve of homosexuality and I have
21:33 attractions to men then if I change my body then God will be
21:36 okay with that right because then I'll be you know a female
21:39 and my attractions will be okay. So that followed me until I was
21:42 20. But when I walked out of church culture and into the gay
21:46 culture I found that masculinity was more valuable than
21:50 femininity so that if I butched it up and work at it in the gym
21:52 I found that I got all the attention from men. I never
21:55 struggled with that again. So then 20 years of living in the
21:59 gay culture hoping that I would have a relationship with just
22:02 one person and that maybe God would just accept that I was
22:05 just doing the best I could. But after 20 years of that, sexually
22:10 addicted, in five significant relationships, I found myself
22:14 once again being invited to accept Jesus' grace and only
22:18 because I had three sisters that were praying for me. I'm still
22:22 amazed that that invitation came around again and that was 22
22:25 years ago.
22:27 Wow, wow. So 22 years ago you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ
22:31 into your life and you've been walking with Him...
22:34 Yes, with a boyfriend. Yeah. And an addiction. And the Lord was
22:37 so patient in that process and you know nobody should have
22:41 baptized somebody like me but you know God was taking me on
22:44 this journey and I believe that He knew that I needed to be
22:48 baptized to begin that journey out of all of that confusion.
22:51 Yeah, here I am.
22:54 Wow, look at God. Look at God. You know so many people...I
23:00 think one of the things that I've heard over the years about
23:01 people in the LGBTQ communities that when they are in their own
23:06 environment there's total acceptance and love and that
23:09 they can feel you know loved and appreciated. And I think if we
23:15 could just show love to people who are going through this.
23:20 Again not an endorsement of the lifestyle just like you wouldn't
23:23 endorse somebody who's in adultery. You know but you love
23:26 them through it. They can have a safe space to share their
23:31 journey. What about you Pastor Ron?
23:32 Let me just add to that about being loved in the gay community
23:35 It is a counterfeit because if God is not in the mix then that
23:41 love does come up short. (That's a good point) And it is a love
23:47 that is I like to call it a cheap love. It's really more of
23:50 a self-focused love again because without God in the mix
23:57 it is a self-focus rather than an outward focus. But I think
24:03 I was conditioned through a warped perspective on life.
24:07 As I was growing up I was actually molested when I was
24:13 four and I was repeatedly violated when I was grade school
24:16 as a young person. And I did have this perception of
24:19 rejection. I didn't feel like I fit in. Because I think when a
24:23 little boy is molested by an older boy or a man it tends to
24:29 rob him of his masculinity. It robs him of his manhood and so
24:33 I grew up with that warped perspective. My parents had no
24:37 idea. I found out years later that they were very loving and
24:41 very caring parents. But I had that warped perspective. So I
24:46 was always longing for male acceptance. I didn't feel like I
24:50 was getting it through my father and the male members of the
24:55 family in my life. And so I had this void. The gay community
25:01 will fill those voids. You know Satan would love to step in and
25:06 fill the voids in your life if they're not filled by a
25:10 wholesome relationship and by God. In my youth, I thought that
25:19 marriage would take care of all of the confusion because I was a
25:23 spiritual young person. I actually started to be a pastor/
25:27 medical
25:29 missionary, taking premed and theology. But my confusion was
25:33 so great I thought well if I just get married it'll take care
25:37 of everything. Well I think anyone that's ever been married
25:41 is married knows that being married is the beginning of woes
25:45 But you never
25:47 imagine if you're not married for the right reason or the
25:48 right person with the blessing of God and with the right
25:52 chemistry. And you know I chose to have a Christian home and to
25:58 make Christian babies and have a Christian education and all of
26:01 that but I realized very quickly I'd made a terrible mistake.
26:04 And I ended up falling into the gay culture and breaking up my
26:08 marriage and lived that way for many years. But even with a
26:11 degree in theology I did not have an understanding of
26:16 salvation from sin. And I'm not the only one. I've met a number
26:21 of people with that same misconception about the plan
26:24 of salvation. But I too had praying family, praying parents.
26:28 They would not let me go through their intercessory prayers. They
26:32 loved me unconditionally, loved my friends and the Lord worked
26:37 through that to draw. And I didn't have piece I didn't have
26:42 rest with my situation and I finally turned to the word of
26:45 God looking for answers and I know I tell this story all the
26:49 time. I started out with a margarita in one hand a
26:53 cigarette in the other reading Steps to Christ. And that's how
26:56 I started my journey back. But the Lord worked through all of
27:00 that and I found all of my answers through the word of God.
27:04 Previously I went through counseling with my wife before
27:11 I divorced and we were told that that kind could never change.
27:15 And that left me bitter and angry against God and the church
27:19 and pastors because...
27:21 Even that expression, that kind
27:23 That kind yeah that kind. It was very demeaning but I never
27:29 really could fully accept that. So as I studied for myself
27:34 rather than for the professors I was no longer studying for a
27:38 degree. I had that. Now I was studying for my survival. And
27:41 then I found the answers because in studying for myself I
27:44 developed a relationship with the Lord. And when I got to the
27:48 point where I loved the Lord more than I loved my gay life
27:52 then I was able to make the break. And a Godly love is
27:57 really a very key stepping stone and a turning point in the life.
28:02 And then within a year, I was married again. We had more
28:07 children, more Christian babies. We made more Christian babies.
28:10 Now we have more children. I've been in ministry at least 30
28:15 years now. And having been on both sides of the issue, I can
28:20 vouch for the fact that God's way's better. Father does know
28:25 best. And Satan is a deceiver. He's a counterfeiter and his
28:31 love for you is not really love. His love is really a disguised
28:36 hate for Jesus. And he will make you think that his way is a
28:42 loving way when really it's a way of hate and destruction.
28:45 And God's way is a way of life.
28:48 Yes, I love the fact that you've been able to see it from both
28:54 sides and that you can say, This is the better place to be in,
28:57 both of you can say this is the better place to be in. And I
29:02 think you know we've all had one kind of stronghold or another
29:06 and this is the better place to be in because we know that the
29:11 Lord will give us victory and the Lord's not sitting there
29:13 waiting to zap you. I think so many people when they're dealing
29:20 with people who have strongholds a lot of Christians are very
29:22 condemning, very negative. It's not a safe space. Who would want
29:29 to talk about that with them. And that's why I love you guys'
29:33 ministries so much because people of all different groups
29:37 under this one umbrella of sexual sin can come and say hey
29:43 how did you guys get free from the thing that was holding you
29:48 that was binding you so much? So tell us, walk us through,
29:52 what...when people come to you how do you meet their needs?
29:57 What do you do for them?
29:58 Thank you for that. And I think it's real important to address
30:01 the fact that it wasn't like an immediate flipping of a switch
30:05 and Ron and I were redeemed and all of that kind of stuff.
30:10 Mmm, that's a really good point.
30:11 Right, right. It's a process. You know when we share the
30:14 stories of Mary Magdalene had to be healed of demons seven times
30:19 and the general that had to dip into the river seven times
30:22 before he was clean. It's like wow it would have been a whole
30:24 lot more convenient if you just hit me with that magic wand and
30:27 boom it was all over. But I think that in the process of
30:30 that, the falling and getting back up and the falling and
30:32 and getting back up, I think that it helps any person that
30:38 says why do I still have those thoughts and those feelings?
30:40 Why do I still have this draw to that you know? And to address
30:46 that in a realistic way but in a redemptive way saying that Jesus
30:50 would rather us struggle to learn how to depend on Him for
30:54 each and everything rather than if He just took it away for our
30:57 convenience and it didn't improve our relationship with
31:00 Him at all. I find that I have to hang onto Jesus Christ every
31:04 second of every day recognizing that He doesn't take away the
31:08 thoughts and the feelings but He promises to give us victory
31:11 over that. And so I think that the first thing that we do to
31:15 relate to anybody is to let them know that through our experience
31:18 we get you. We understand what you're going through and
31:21 hopefully what they also see is that wow change doesn't
31:26 necessarily come in the way that you think it does, but change
31:29 will come because He promised it
31:31 Oh, that is so beautiful. And I think it is really important for
31:36 people to know that it is a process again just like getting
31:41 through any other kind of sin. It is a process that depends
31:46 upon our relationship with Jesus Christ. He, if we abide in Him,
31:51 you know John 15 If we abide in Him, we can do anything
31:55 but if we let go of that power source, we're lost.
31:59 And that is the key for every sin is abiding in Christ.
32:05 You know Yvonne there's a great misconception among well the gay
32:11 community, LGBT community, in particular and I imagine it
32:15 spreads beyond that as well, but the misconception is that, and
32:22 we've heard it many times, people say Oh I've prayed the
32:24 Lord would take the gay away and He didn't take it away, so it
32:28 must be okay. He made me this way, He loves me this way, He
32:31 didn't take it away. And that's such a terrible misconception
32:35 because God doesn't promise to take away temptation. He
32:40 promises that His grace is sufficient to meet that
32:44 temptation. If He took everything away we'd be weak.
32:48 He says no, My strength is made perfect in your weakness so He
32:54 promises to give us strength so we try to help people see that
32:59 you don't need to identify yourself by the nature of your
33:03 temptations. Don't think that because you accept Christ that
33:07 you'll be free from temptation. I've had people come to me and
33:11 ask when you accepted Jesus did you stop being tempted in that
33:15 area and I say well I was baptized, but Satan wasn't.
33:18 I chose a new direction for my life. Satan didn't change his
33:24 methods and his behavior. So no. And if you want to define me by
33:30 the nature of my temptations what are you going to say about
33:34 Jesus who was tempted in all points like as we are, yet
33:37 without sin. You're not going to define Jesus by the nature of
33:41 temptation. Don't define me by the nature of temptation. And
33:45 don't define yourself by the nature of the things you're
33:49 struggling with. Because struggle makes you strong.
33:53 So Jesus resisted unto blood striving against sin then maybe
34:00 we will too. But just don't define yourself by that. And
34:05 that to me was such a great help to come to that realization that
34:10 temptation is not sin. And temptation does not need to
34:14 identify. Satan has a customized plan for everyone's life and
34:18 temptation reveals his plan for your life, not God's plan and
34:24 not my plan. Because I don't have to yield and I can choose
34:29 a different path. And we really try to help people see that
34:32 because when they see that then they stop getting so discouraged
34:36 over temptation. They realize that they're in this great
34:40 controversy between Christ and Satan and they can choose to
34:45 resist that and not identify with that but identify with
34:48 Christ's plan for their life in spite of the temptation.
34:50 That is such a good point. Temptation itself is not sin.
34:55 It's what you do with it. It's how you respond to it that's
35:00 sinful. So if a man sees a woman walking down the street and
35:06 she's attractive, you can acknowledge that she's
35:09 attractive but if he starts gawking you know sweating and
35:13 stuff like that (laughs) lusting letting the mind just...you know
35:19 and nurturing those thoughts then that's another whole...
35:22 that's yielding to the temptation. But the temptation
35:25 itself comes from the accuser of the brethren, so of course he
35:28 wants to tempt. So I'm glad that you are saying this because what
35:32 you're saying to us is that the temptation doesn't necessarily
35:38 go away.
35:39 Or define you.
35:40 Or define you. Those are two really important points. It
35:44 doesn't go away necessarily. Because I think, I think some
35:47 people will say oh yeah now they say they're saved so they
35:51 don't ever have any of these temptations again. That's not...
35:55 We all have temptations.
35:57 I think it misrepresents the gospel.
35:59 How? Tell us.
36:01 Because if you have this kind of perfectionistic kind of you know
36:05 attitude about that then, then you give me no hope because I'm
36:08 still struggling with those thoughts and those feelings.
36:10 So I think the better thing is to show that that dependency on
36:14 Christ is what's really going to make it. You know the people
36:17 that get to heaven...Remember Jesus said to those that you
36:21 know ran out of the oil, He goes you know I'm sorry I don't know
36:23 you. It's only the people that know Jesus Christ, that know
36:26 what it's like to hold onto you know His grace and to beg and to
36:30 plead for it. I wouldn't beg and plead for it if everything was
36:33 gone for my convenience and I was perfect. I think that what
36:36 Ron said is His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Lord, I'm
36:41 weak again. Lord, again those thoughts. You know Lord help me.
36:43 You know that I think is the intimacy of what Jesus is really
36:47 desperate for each one of us. It's not a gay thing. It's not a
36:50 straight thing. It's a sin thing right?
36:53 But we can...there is a biblical principle that we can starve the
36:58 old and feed the new. And what we feed gets stronger. What we
37:03 starve gets weaker. And you know we're told in Corinthians about
37:07 bringing every thought into captivity under the obedience of
37:11 Christ. And so Satan can throw something our way but we can
37:15 flick it away. We can immediately turn away from that.
37:19 I came up with this little routine about flipping the
37:23 switch and changing the channel and changing the subject and
37:25 turning the page and turning my head you know as a way of
37:29 turning away from all those things because you never know
37:32 when you're going to get hit in the face, not literally, but you
37:36 know like a billboard or something that flashes up on TV
37:40 or on your phone. And it's what you do with it. If you
37:44 immediately bring that thought into captivity and think about
37:47 something else then you're starving the old, feeding the
37:49 new. Submit yourself therefore to God, James says, then resist
37:54 the devil and he will flee from you. So these things can
37:57 eventually, become nonissues because you starved them.
38:01 And these are strategies for strongholds.
38:04 I'm so glad you said that.
38:06 Love that segue.
38:08 I'm so excited because thank you, thank you from the Lord.
38:11 We are going to talk about the upcoming series that you have
38:15 Dare to Dream is producing an upcoming series called
38:20 Strategies for Strongholds featuring Coming Out Ministries.
38:24 Tell us what we're going to look forward to with that. We have to
38:28 look forward to.
38:29 Wow! Well what's really been amazing is we've been scrambling
38:34 trying to put together you know different programs or whatever
38:37 and all of a sudden we found ourselves with more than enough
38:41 people to interview. But we want to be broad enough in our reach
38:45 to really address sexual integrity and not just
38:48 make it about an
38:49 LGBT thing. And the reasons why I think is to make it more
38:53 relevant to everybody that. A lot of times Christians think oh
38:56 it's not my issue, change the channel, when really it's all of
39:00 our issue, we're all humans, we're all prone to you know
39:02 these thoughts and these feelings. So we've lined up...
39:05 we're going to address issues like adultery and abortion and
39:11 yeah, all kinds of stuff, pornography addiction as well as
39:15 the LGBT experience.
39:16 You know when you talk about strategies for strongholds there
39:20 are two kinds of strongholds. And I think it's going to be
39:23 exciting to talk to people about strategies that they came up
39:29 with, Biblical strategies, to break down the strongholds of
39:32 addiction as you mentioned earlier in that scripture but
39:36 also, we want to look at strategies for building new
39:40 strongholds, strongholds for victory. And so I'm excited
39:45 what's coming? And also we have our program is not just about
39:52 LGBT issue as we've been alluding to. Another passage of
39:57 scripture that we refer to is Come out from among them and be
40:01 ye separate, you know from sin and all of that. And we're
40:05 finding that many people relate to our message not because it
40:09 comes from the ex-gay perspective of and experience
40:14 but because it is about overcoming sin period. I shared
40:19 with you earlier about this prisoner that just contacted me
40:24 I don't know whether this would be a good time to mention that
40:27 or not (yes, no it would be perfect) but it's an example of
40:30 how our ministry is reaching people that are not in the LGBT
40:37 community but are struggling with sin. And it was just Friday
40:42 that I got this letter and it was kind of cute because the guy
40:46 he greeted me by every name that I go by. I have multiple
40:51 personalities I guess, multiple identities. He says greeting
40:56 Jesse, Ron, Victor, Pastor Adamson. This very minute I have
41:03 finished reading your book, That Kind Can Never Change, Can They?
41:07 and this is my personal testimony I requested it and
41:11 received it three and a half years ago. It has taken that
41:14 long for me to open and read it. So this is a book that was
41:19 shrink-wrapped and sitting in his cell for three and a half
41:21 years. Our precious father has used you to be an amazing
41:26 testimony. Your life is perfect in that sense for if not for
41:30 your major far from perfect old life portion of your earthly
41:35 life you could not have been and now be the testimony you are to
41:39 me. Hallelujah, how perfect. I hope this letter reaches you
41:43 and that you would read it as you must get tons of mail weekly
41:46 please do read this if you get it. I am a gifted songwriter of
41:51 Christian and worldly music, increasingly worldly. Your
41:56 testimony may change that now. I had ideas to write you
41:59 primarily about music. But I'm so moved by your testimony and
42:04 life story that my interest is expanding more to your testimony
42:07 There is quite a bit of homosexuality in the prisons
42:11 but I'm still naive about much in here even after 40 years.
42:16 So this fellow, he's straight but he's moved by my story.
42:23 I don't know how you could possibly make time but if it can
42:26 be possible somehow I would hope to become friends. You would be
42:30 an excellent pastor for me. We have many interests and
42:34 activities in common, hang gliding, airplane pilot, music,
42:37 biking, motorcycles, running, water skiing and I absolutely
42:43 love to dance. See I used to be a dancer, dance instructor.
42:47 We both fought against court and DA corruption though you won and
42:52 I haven't yet. I've been in prison over 39 years on an
42:57 eight-year sentence for defending my life against a very
43:00 violent home invasion intruder with my legally owned gun and no
43:04 other criminal history every. But most of all I relate well to
43:08 Christian victory principles something I need so much more of
43:12 to hear about and to apply in my daily life and immense struggles
43:16 of prison life wrongly imprisoned. He goes on to talk
43:21 about how his own brother is a pastor but has abandoned him
43:26 many years ago. He says I am a practicing Christian but I have
43:30 fallen much away from much stronger Christian practices
43:34 over previous years. I hope your testimony will continue to pull
43:39 me more fully into living my Christianity better than I am
43:44 now and I hope you will respond. Thanks for hearing me out.
43:49 And this is just...you know I think about that text again
43:52 where you overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the
43:54 word of our testimony. This fellow is not gay He's in prison
43:59 very straight and yet my testimony really resonated with
44:04 him and gave him hope. This is the point of our ministry. We're
44:08 reaching out to of all different struggles and addictions. It's
44:12 about victory over sin salvation from sin rather than in sin.
44:17 That's great. So what would you say your target audience is with
44:24 your ministry?
44:25 Well at first we wanted to provide the resources that we
44:28 were desperate for and then what we realized is that the church
44:32 isn't ready to receive people like us, many churches aren't
44:35 but through the 12 years of our ministry we've been trying to...
44:40 Ron, what's your catchphrase?
44:41 Well we have like a three pronged approach and it's not
44:46 just for the sinner in need but for the church because we want
44:50 to inspire with our testimonies, we want to enlighten through
44:55 dispelling the myths, you know through science and research
44:59 and reason and experience and we want to equip the church and the
45:08 sinner, like this fellow, equip with the resources that we were
45:14 lacking because we grew up in the church when there were no
45:18 resources, no discussion, no one to talk to and it's just
45:21 amazing. I mean we marvel that the Lord is using us and you
45:25 folks at 3ABN to actually create the very resources that would
45:30 have been so helpful to us in our youth. And we really owe
45:35 you folks a great debt of gratitude for allowing us the
45:39 opportunity to actually create these DVD series and so forth.
45:43 Because people are responding and they're being blessed.
45:46 Praise the Lord. And people need it. You know this is such a need
45:51 across the board. The Lord is coming and we have to have
45:55 victory over sin. We can't just say well I'm a sinner and that's
46:00 it or make excuses for sin when the Lord has promised us victory
46:05 in His word. So how do we get that? So this man, I was going
46:11 say young man, but he's been in prison for almost 40 years.
46:13 He's still young.
46:15 Bless his heart. I guess it's all in perspective right? It's
46:18 all relative. But his life has been so torn up
46:24 and he's acknowledging his need for deliverance from sin. And
46:31 that's what everybody needs to know, how do we have victory,
46:35 how do we live the victorious life? And that doesn't mean
46:39 we're not going to make mistakes or have sin, you know, or sin
46:42 occasionally but we know that if we do sin we have an advocate
46:48 with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. So what would you
46:54 say your greatest challenges are as you're promoting this victory
46:59 kind of perspective. What kind of challenges, what roadblocks,
47:04 are you running into?
47:05 Sure. I think contemporary sexuality and identity have
47:10 really influenced our churches and our schools a lot. It's very
47:14 difficult to get on our Adventist campuses now, to give
47:18 our story of deliverance and walking with the Lord. And I
47:22 think that that's largely because we're not educating our
47:27 children, we're not letting our children know at a very early
47:30 age, you know, what the problem is and when they're
47:33 indoctrinated by the world through YouTube and through
47:35 other relationships when the church and the schools are
47:39 silent then they have no other option. They buy into that
47:42 identity. President Wilson said at one of the General Conference
47:46 sessions, they did a study and found that 49 percent of our
47:50 Adventist students think that gay marriage is acceptable.
47:53 That's almost 50 percent.
47:56 Right, right. And so to me that means that we've missed the
48:00 opportunities to really affirm identity and sexuality even from
48:03 cradle roll on up. And that doesn't mean that you're
48:06 educating your children about sex but when you are afraid to
48:11 talk about the flag and the rainbow and the seven colors
48:14 you know that God has in His rainbow or you know then what
48:17 happens is we're left for the only option that we have that's
48:20 being promoted and celebrated.
48:22 Our young people are not being educated through the church and
48:26 through Christian institutions. Then all of their information is
48:30 coming from the wrong source. It's coming from the world.
48:32 And that's really a big challenge for us because of this
48:37 cultural approach to a sin issue rather than a biblical approach.
48:41 And so it's kind of an uphill spiritual battle for us to
48:48 convince people to go back to the word. The word of God never
48:51 changes. Culture changes every generation or five times within
48:55 every generation. It's constantly changing but the word
48:58 of God never does. And so that's a big challenge for us to help
49:07 people in the church to turn away from the cultural solutions
49:12 and turn to the Biblical ones. Because we have a world of
49:19 Christians that are in the Christian culture but is it a
49:23 Biblical Christianity or is it just culture. Christian culture
49:29 or Christian faith. And that's a challenge that we're dealing
49:33 with.
49:35 And I think that's a real dilemma you know. The culture
49:38 has turned so...it has made sexuality just recreational.
49:49 It's okay, do whatever feels good. Do you? I mean all of
49:54 these things that are so anti scripture. You were going to say
49:57 something.
49:58 Yeah, because the culture now is saying that even the word of God
50:00 is cruel and hate speech. (Right) Right. You know there's
50:04 a verse in 2 Timothy 3 verse 5 and the first few verses talk
50:07 about living at the end of time. In verse one it says: Know this
50:11 that at the end of the days perilous times shall come. And
50:14 in verse five it talks about that there's a group of people
50:17 that have a form of godliness. You know they have the love
50:20 message and they talk about you know how much you're loved and
50:25 accepted and all of this, this warm fuzzy feeling but they deny
50:28 the power thereof and then we're told from such stay away. Well
50:31 what's the power that they're denying? They're denying the
50:34 power of a re-creative God that came to rescue us, not to leave
50:39 us in our sins, but to rescue us through the power of what He did
50:43 on the cross and that to me is now infiltrating into our church
50:46 culture and again I believe that's the capstone of what we
50:49 really want to reconnect people back to the power of God to
50:52 restore and to redeem.
50:55 That is so beautiful. I mean that is the key. Denying the
50:58 power thereof. What power is it? A form of godliness but denying
51:04 the power thereof.
51:06 A transforming power.
51:09 The transforming, the saving, the delivering power of God, of
51:13 Jesus Christ. That is so powerful.
51:16 I looked up the word salvation. I was studying with a friend and
51:20 I looked up the word salvation in the concordance and it said
51:22 to rescue. The plan of salvation isn't to judge you or to reject
51:27 you. It's to rescue us. And that was really mind-blowing for me.
51:32 It's like that's right, I need to be rescued and if I don't
51:34 accept the power of what Jesus did on the cross I'm not
51:38 going to experience that rescue.
51:39 It's to restore to his original plan.
51:42 Exactly, exactly. Well I know that you want to know how to get
51:47 in touch with these gentlemen with this ministry so let's take
51:51 a look.
51:53 If you would like to contact or know more about 'Coming Out'
51:56 Ministries you can do so in the following ways: You can write to
51:59 them at P. O. Box 107, Tilly Arkansas 72679
52:06 You can visit their website at ComingOutMinistries.org
52:13 You can also send them an email at Admin@ComingOutMinistries.org
52:24 ♪ ♪


Revised 2022-08-23