3ABN Today

From Death to Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220050A

00:05 I want to spend my life
00:10 mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life
00:21 removing pain.
00:26 Lord, let my words
00:31 heal a heart that hurts.
00:37 I want to spend my life
00:42 mending broken people...
00:47 I want to spend my life
00:53 mending broken people.
01:06 Hello and welcome
01:08 to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 I'm Jason Bradley, and I'm so glad that you've decided
01:12 to join us once again.
01:14 We have an exciting power-packed hour
01:18 in store for you. We are going to be talking to someone
01:21 who is a walking miracle.
01:24 He's a walking miracle
01:26 and you're going to find out about his story.
01:28 We're going to dive deep into it.
01:30 But we're going to be blessed in song first.
01:34 But let me introduce him to you
01:36 so you can know who you're going to hear from in just a minute.
01:40 We have Pastor Abner Rodriguez.
01:43 He's a pastor in the WV Mountain View Conference
01:48 of Seventh-day Adventists. Welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:52 Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here with you guys
01:55 and to once again be able
01:57 to talk to so many people
01:58 about the love of Jesus
02:00 and the power of His love.
02:01 Amen! Amen!
02:03 I want to share a scripture because I think this
02:06 really fits within your story here.
02:10 It's taken from Matthew chapter 4
02:13 and verses 23 and 24.
02:16 "And Jesus went about all Galilee
02:19 teaching in their synagogues,
02:21 preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
02:22 and healing all kinds of sickness
02:25 and all kinds of disease among the people.
02:28 Then His fame went throughout all Syria
02:31 and they brought to Him all sick people
02:34 who were afflicted with various diseases and torments
02:37 and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics,
02:40 and paralytics, and He healed them. "
02:44 And we're going to find out a lot more
02:47 about that healing that took place
02:50 and how Pastor Abner is going forth
02:53 preaching the gospel.
02:54 But first, we're going to hear a wonderful song
02:58 being played by Martha Jhoana
03:01 and it's entitled We Shall Behold Him.
07:09 Wow! What a blessing!
07:11 What a blessing! We Shall Behold Him.
07:14 Pastor Abner, I want to dive into
07:17 your background. Kind of bring us up to speed with
07:22 your upbringing and then your Prodigal Son experience.
07:25 Well, I was born in the Message. Um-hmm.
07:32 Sometimes people are not fortunate
07:34 enough to be born and raised in an SDA home.
07:38 Um-hmm. It wasn't just an SDA home, it was
07:41 a Christian home. We tried our very best
07:44 humanly possible, of course,
07:46 to imitate Jesus Christ in everything that we do.
07:50 And, um, I guess
07:54 like every struggling young adult
07:57 who was raised in the church
07:59 sometimes there are questions
08:01 about who Jesus really is.
08:04 And I always tell people
08:06 that I had to discover who He was
08:09 on my terms - um-hmm - and not on my parents' terms.
08:13 Because I knew the God that my parents were faithful to
08:19 and they worshiped and they tried to guide us
08:21 and rear us by but I didn't have that personal
08:24 experience with Him. And that's what sometimes
08:27 I feel that the youth of today are missing in the church.
08:31 And so I kind of went through that myself
08:35 and unfortunately, I found myself
08:38 away from God, away from the church.
08:41 But you know, the love of God is so amazing
08:45 that it has a very particular way of bringing you back
08:49 to the fold. Um-hmm.
08:51 And He never calls everybody the same way.
08:54 He calls you different; He called me differently.
08:57 And even in that difference
09:00 today I can say I have experienced Jesus.
09:04 Amen! That's beautiful.
09:06 "O taste and see that the Lord is good. "
09:08 Absolutely. You had to taste and see for yourself.
09:10 You couldn't live through your mother's experience,
09:13 live through your father's experience. No.
09:15 Any of that. And unfortunately, that's something
09:18 that happens too frequently today. Um-hmm.
09:23 I'm kind of afraid to even use this terminology
09:26 but I have to: "as people play church. "
09:28 Umm. Because we'll come to church - um-hmm -
09:32 but we come for the expectations of being there
09:35 but we don't come because we are searching for God.
09:40 It's a routine. Yes. And I always tell people
09:43 "Get out of your routine. "
09:45 Hmm... yeah, that's important.
09:46 You know, you mentioned to me offset
09:50 that people go to church and they think that that
09:55 automatically gets them to heaven. Um-hmm.
09:57 Unpack that.
09:58 Society teaches us - um-hmm - and this is in no way
10:03 putting down any denomination -
10:05 society teaches us that once you're saved
10:09 you're forever saved.
10:10 That's definitely God's hope for us
10:15 but this morning's devotional was talking about
10:20 how it's important for me as a person
10:23 to come before His presence daily
10:27 so that I can understand:
10:30 "What's my purpose in this world? " Yes.
10:33 You know with what's happening around the world today
10:36 everybody is searching for a purpose.
10:38 Um-hmm. But we're not clear on what that mission is.
10:42 And it won't be clear until you understand
10:47 who it is that you're following.
10:49 Yes. You either follow God - um-hmm -
10:51 or you follow the "other guy. " Um-hmm.
10:55 And so we have to make the de- cision - a conscious decision -
10:59 of who it is that we're going to allow our lives to be influenced
11:03 by. Um-hmm. What areas did you venture into
11:08 when you were not walking with the Lord? "
11:14 I went "full tilt" as they say on the streets.
11:19 I got into alcoholism.
11:22 I got into a lot of partying.
11:24 I got into hanging around with the wrong crowd.
11:27 I got into illegal street racing,
11:30 and it was a complete package
11:35 of what Satan tries to show you: this is fun.
11:40 And as someone who was venturing away from God?
11:45 my heart was trying to follow fun
11:48 instead of following God. Um-hmm.
11:51 And we don't want anybody to think that following God
11:55 isn't fun. On the contrary, IT IS FUN.
11:59 Not only is it fun but it's also very rewarding
12:05 because the rewards that I receive today
12:09 from following the Lord
12:13 I can't even begin to tell you.
12:15 It goes beyond measure.
12:18 Some people chase paper. Um-hmm.
12:22 Other chase status. Um-hmm.
12:24 Other chase respect or recognition.
12:27 It's always about after man's own heart
12:31 and not after God's own heart.
12:33 That's why David was such an amazing person.
12:36 David was a man, the Bible says, "after God's own heart. "
12:39 Um-hmm. And you can see the level of
12:44 demonic threats that David had to face and he went through
12:47 but yet by the grace of God
12:50 he always had somebody to help steer him in the right
12:53 direction. And that's what God does for us.
12:56 Um-hmm. God always allows us to go through
12:58 certain circumstances or situations
13:01 to remind us "I am your God. "
13:03 Amen. "I am your Provider
13:05 and you are where you are because I love you. " Yes!
13:10 You know, and sometimes even in bad times
13:13 um-hmm - guess what? God is telling us the same thing too.
13:17 Yes, yes. I Peter chapter 1 says that the trials are there
13:22 to remind us that God has never left our side
13:25 and for our faith to grow so that we can be converted
13:28 constantly to the likeness of Jesus Christ.
13:31 Amen. So at what point did God grab ahold of your life?
13:38 'Cause I also know that leading up to that
13:40 you went through some dark times. The devil has tried
13:43 to take you out on several occasions.
13:45 And perhaps you want to touch on that a little bit.
13:48 Yeah, I can recall
13:50 accidents that I've been involved in
13:55 or near mishaps that I was involved in
13:58 when I was in the world.
14:02 And I wasn't the most likable person.
14:04 I can say that because my attitude was all about me
14:07 and how I can show off how I'm a powerhouse.
14:11 I was always a very influential person
14:14 in the city where I was growing up.
14:16 And even from a young age
14:19 for whatever reason I was very influential with my friends.
14:23 And as an adult or even a young adult
14:27 I kind of followed that same track
14:30 and that track led me to alcoholism
14:33 which later on led me to additional health problems
14:37 that I suffered with. Um-hmm.
14:40 You know, it still exists today. It hasn't gone away:
14:43 it's a painful reminder of what happens when you walk away
14:46 from God. Um-hmm. But I think that with every medication
14:50 that I have to take now,
14:52 every doctor's appointment
14:54 and the realm of so much possibilities of so many things
14:58 going wrong it tells me: "Lord, I need You more today
15:02 than ever before. " Yes.
15:05 I've gone through... In my adult stage
15:09 I've gone through health problems
15:11 with my kidneys, with diabetes.
15:13 Praise the Lord my heart is good
15:17 but high blood pressure, a leaky valve in my heart.
15:21 And it's like: "When is this ever going to stop? "
15:25 Yes. So I think about the soon return of Jesus
15:29 and I say: "That's when it's going to come to an end. "
15:32 Amen. I mean, God is going to undo everything, every bad thing
15:36 that I did to myself.
15:38 And there are a number of people that today are out there
15:42 struggling asking themselves: "Why am I going through this?
15:46 "When is this ever going to end? "
15:47 We have - not to enter into a political debate -
15:51 the pandemic. Because the pandemic is a real thing
15:56 and it reminds us of how fragile life really is.
16:01 Yes. And it's given us a gift where now
16:04 instead of turning just to one area
16:08 we've got multiple areas that we can go to
16:10 because God wants to save you. Um-hmm.
16:13 And so it's not just medications.
16:15 It's not just vaccines.
16:17 It's not just science that can save.
16:20 Jesus saves.
16:21 Yeah. He's where our salvation comes from.
16:25 Absolutely. Absolutely.
16:27 So there was a major event that took place in your life,
16:31 a medical situation that occurred
16:34 that nearly claimed your life.
16:37 Tell us about that.
16:39 Well in May 9 of 2009
16:43 I had just been married for four years
16:45 and I had a cerebral aneurysm
16:48 that ruptured. Um-hmm.
16:50 And the accounts of the story
16:54 of the testimony, I should say
16:56 the martureó in the Greek
16:58 the accounts of that story
17:01 I don't have all the full details, so I've gathered
17:05 little pieces of information from my mother
17:08 from my wife as well
17:10 because they were the ones that were present
17:12 at the time that all of this happened.
17:15 It started when I was at work.
17:18 I usually suffered from migraine headaches. OK.
17:21 So for me I just thought it was just another migraine headache
17:24 that I was having at that moment.
17:28 But little did I know that it was actually
17:33 an aneurysm that had ruptured in my brain.
17:36 Wow! An aneurysm that ruptured in your brain!
17:40 Yes. And that usually takes people out.
17:43 For 15 yrs. I was a paramedic
17:47 and I actually had cases like this when I running
17:53 medical emergencies.
17:56 And I could tell you that the majority of my patients
18:00 didn't even make it sometimes even on the stretcher.
18:03 So the fact that I survived this is a miracle on its own. Yes.
18:09 And I remember one particular case
18:12 where I was working in a hospital
18:15 as an ER technician
18:17 and we had a gentleman that came in
18:20 with a cerebral aneurysm bleed as well.
18:24 Young man with family.
18:29 And before we could even fly him out to a Level 1 trauma center
18:34 where they could do surgery on him
18:36 he actually died on us.
18:38 And so it was very hard.
18:42 You know, as someone who has lived medical experiences
18:49 I now know the possibilities of how close I was to dying.
18:55 Yes... yes. What was your experience like?
18:59 What were you feeling? What was going through
19:01 your mind at that time?
19:03 Honestly, I didn't know what was happening
19:05 because I was in a state of coma.
19:09 So for me all I thought was I was sleeping.
19:15 Gotcha!
19:17 My wife tells me that the day that it happened
19:23 at around 3 o'clock in the morning
19:25 I was throwing up -
19:29 OK - because it comes with the migraines as well. Uh-huh.
19:33 Sometimes it has nausea and vomiting
19:36 and stomach discomfort. So for me, I didn't think
19:39 and I was literally completely out of it... very incoherent.
19:43 Um-hmm. And from what I understand
19:47 she called my mom and my mom and my dad
19:50 came over to our apartment
19:51 and the three of them took me to the ER.
19:55 They rushed me to the emergency room.
19:58 And I remember my wife telling me that
20:01 the doctor that was on duty that day at the emergency room
20:04 was an Adventist pastor who knew me.
20:08 Wow! And he and I had worked together before.
20:12 And so they started asking questions.
20:16 My wife was telling me, said that my liver was very fatty
20:22 and it was in bad shape.
20:24 And the doctor said: "How much alcohol does he consume? "
20:28 And my mom - God bless her -
20:32 I can just imagine the embarrassment on her face -
20:36 says: "He doesn't drink alcohol.
20:38 We're Adventists. You should know that.
20:40 You know we're in an Adventist hospital and you're asking
20:43 these questions. " And then my wife actually turns
20:46 to my mom and she says: "Well actually
20:49 he used to drink a lot. "
20:52 Hmm... um-hmm. And so these are some of the ramifications
20:56 of breaking away from that health message.
21:00 Not only does the inspired pen gives us
21:03 but also the Word of God - yes - informs us.
21:06 And so long story... 'cause it is a very long story...
21:11 long story short they did a CAT scan of my head
21:15 and they found that I was bleeding.
21:18 Hmm. I had taken some medication
21:21 I thought would help me, but in fact what it was
21:26 was a blood thinner.
21:28 And so it thinned out my blood three times the amount.
21:31 So I was pretty much drowning.
21:36 My brain was drowning in its own blood.
21:38 Wow! That's the way it was.
21:41 And they tried to airlift me.
21:45 They brought in the first helicopter
21:46 because the city where we lived in
21:49 we had a Level 2 trauma center
21:51 so it was pretty much a basic hospital.
21:53 OK. Level 1 trauma centers
21:56 have emergency heart surgery,
21:58 emergency brain surgery,
22:00 whatever needs to be done boom! right there.
22:02 You're good to go.
22:03 You don't have to go anywhere.
22:05 But when you're in a Level 2 trauma center
22:07 they'll treat heart attacks. They'll treat some strokes.
22:10 They'll treat basic stuff
22:13 BUT if it complicates itself then you have to
22:16 be sent out somewhere else. Yes.
22:19 And this was a very complicated case
22:22 from what I understand.
22:24 I was also told that I stopped breathing
22:27 in the hospital in the emergency room two times.
22:31 Wow! So they had to intubate me.
22:34 And I remember the respiratory therapist
22:40 'cause he told me this
22:43 he was a good friend of mine from when I used to work
22:45 in that same hospital - um-hmm - he says:
22:47 "If you would have died on me, I would have killed you. "
22:52 And I said, no pun intended: "I'm sorry...
22:55 I didn't mean to scare anybody that way. "
22:57 But he said that he...
22:59 I was told that he worked super hard
23:02 on making sure that they preserved my life.
23:07 Um-hmm. That meant a lot to me
23:09 because sometimes we don't understand how God works
23:12 super hard - yes - to preserve our life. Yes.
23:16 And this was one of those situations
23:18 were it was... timing was everything. Um-hmm.
23:21 So they ordered the first helicopter
23:24 and I couldn't fit in there. I was 350 pounds
23:29 and I was twice the size of what I am today believe it or not.
23:34 Yes. And they had to order another helicopter
23:38 and they were looking for options to transport me.
23:41 They wanted to send me via ambulance but they were afraid
23:43 that if they sent me with an ambulance
23:46 I may not make it through transport
23:48 because the nearest Level 1 trauma center was about an hour,
23:52 two hours away. Oh wow!
23:54 And so it was kind of like being in the middle of nowhere.
23:57 Um-hmm. And so when the second helicopter came
24:03 they got me in there.
24:05 From what I understand because the wife of one of the doctors
24:11 that I used to work with she was a nurse on that flight.
24:13 OK. And she told me
24:16 "I remember you stopped breathing
24:18 in the middle of transport
24:19 and we had to resuscitate you again. "
24:21 Wow! They had to use paddles to shock my heart back into rhythm.
24:26 Wow! And so when I hear all of these things
24:30 I understand how much trouble I was in. Yes.
24:34 I was literally hanging by a thread. Yes!
24:37 You know, it's amazing when you find yourself in that position
24:40 the mercy of God says: "I'm not done with you yet. "
24:43 Um-hmm. And that's the beauty of how this entire testimony
24:47 really starts. Absolutely!
24:50 So what was your encounter with the Lord?
24:55 So I'm in coma. Um-hmm.
24:59 Part of it was medically induced
25:02 because my brain had a lot of swelling. Um-hmm.
25:04 And later on, I discovered that
25:08 they took out
25:12 about 4-6 liters of blood
25:15 they drained from my head to relieve the pressure.
25:22 And I'm sleeping. Um-hmm. Here I am, I'm just
25:24 I just feel like well I just need to wake up
25:28 because I have to go to work. This is what I'm registering
25:31 in my brain - um-hmm - but I can't wake up. Oh, man!
25:35 And so you know Solomon says
25:40 "Instruct the child in the ways of the Lord
25:43 so that when he grows up he doesn't depart. "
25:46 And the first thing that came to mind was "Pray. "
25:50 Wow! And so I started praying
25:53 and I said: "Lord, I don't know what's going on.
25:56 I know that I'm sleeping a lot
25:59 and I just... I need to wake up. "
26:04 I didn't hear alarms. Um-hmm.
26:06 I didn't hear anything. Um-hmm.
26:08 And I kept saying to myself: "As soon as I see the alarm"
26:12 'cause I had my eyes closed. "As soon as I hear the alarm
26:14 I'm going to wake up and I'm going to get ready
26:16 'cause I've gotta go to work. " Yes... yes.
26:19 And in the meantime in my subconscious I heard my voice
26:24 being called out and I saw this light coming from
26:27 my right-hand side.
26:29 And it kept saying: "Abner... Abner, wake up. "
26:34 Me? I thought it might have been my wife
26:36 you know talking to me
26:38 but I still couldn't wake up.
26:40 And there was one time where I said: "Look, I'm trying
26:43 to get up but I can't. I feel like I'm tied down.
26:47 I don't know what's going on.
26:49 Can somebody please help me? "
26:54 I felt my right hand
26:59 moving an almost going towards heaven
27:02 as you would reach for somebody to help pick you up.
27:06 And as I reached up I saw a hand.
27:11 And before I even touched the hand
27:14 I woke up. Oh wow!
27:18 That was the first time I woke out of coma. Wow!
27:22 And what was it like when you first woke up?
27:25 Like what? Were you looking around?
27:28 I mean, did you have any thoughts at that point?
27:30 What? Honestly I didn't know what to think
27:33 because the first thing going through my mind was
27:36 was this experience real? or was this something that I...
27:39 that my mind, my subconscious, just concocted or made up.
27:44 Um-hmm. I started looking around the room and I found myself
27:47 in a hospital bed with tubes
27:50 coming out of different places
27:52 where they shouldn't be. Yes, yes, yes.
27:57 You know, I looked around and as I looked to my right
28:00 side I saw a gentlemen - um-hmm - tall gentleman-
28:05 wearing scrubs and he was reading my notes -
28:10 um-hmm - my results and I could hear him say:
28:14 "This isn't possible. "
28:16 "This can't be. "
28:20 And he looked over at me and then he closed it.
28:23 And then he said: "How long have you been awake? "
28:27 And I said: "I just woke up. "
28:31 Wow! And he said: "Well...
28:34 my name is Dr. So-and-So. " And for privacy, I won't
28:37 say his name. Um-hmm. "My name is Dr. So-and-So
28:40 and I'm a neurosurgeon
28:43 and I accepted you here at this hospital
28:49 twenty-three days ago. "
28:50 "Do you know where you're at? "
28:54 "No, I don't. I don't know what's going on. "
28:59 And he said: "Somebody told me that you know a lot about
29:02 medicine and I want to see how much you remember
29:08 because you brain has gone through a lot of trauma"
29:12 yes - "to be in a coma for 23 days
29:17 where people sometimes never get out of it. "
29:19 You hear stories about people that have been -
29:23 and this is very few and in between -
29:25 that have been in comas for years and come out of them.
29:29 Um-hmm. But typically they don't bounce back
29:35 as God helped me and allowed me to bounce back
29:39 so resiliently.
29:41 It was all by His grace.
29:42 And he says: "Wait here. I'm going to go get a wheelchair
29:47 and I'm going to get some help. " Um-hmm.
29:50 "I want to take you downstairs
29:52 so that I can test you to see how much you know,
29:56 how much you remember. Where are you cognitively? "
30:00 And he said: "Oh, by the way... "
30:02 he said this so casually...
30:04 It's like well wait a minute. "By the way, you're paralyzed. "
30:08 "I'm what? " Whoa!
30:11 I'm like where are your bedside manners?
30:15 That's not something that you tell somebody...
30:17 especially when you first wake up. Yes.
30:20 I mean, I can understand his surprise as he was...
30:24 he was reading my chart and all of a sudden I come out
30:27 of coma. And he just thinks "I'm just going to review this
30:31 chart and walk out. " Um-hmm. But then as he's looking at me
30:35 and he said: "Oh, by the way, you're paralyzed
30:37 on your left side. " I was like: "What? "
30:41 He says: "We don't know if this is something permanent
30:44 or you know temporary. Time will tell. "
30:48 And so they bring a wheelchair.
30:51 They get me to get into the wheelchair
30:54 and he takes me personally downstairs to a viewing room
30:57 in radiology. And then he shows me CAT scans. Uh-huh.
31:03 And he says: "What can you tell me about what you see? "
31:09 And I don't know why but inside of me
31:13 something said: "That person is dead. " Hmm.
31:19 He says: "What makes you say that? "
31:21 I said: "Well, it's so dark.
31:26 I mean there's nothing. You can't see brain contour.
31:29 You can't see shape. All you see is just the skull
31:32 and all it is is just pure darkness. "
31:34 Wow! That's all it was. So no brain activity whatsoever?
31:39 At that time no brain activity
31:41 because my brain was drowning in its own blood.
31:47 Yeah... yeah.
31:49 And then he tells me
31:50 "That person is you. " Whoa!
31:54 I said: "What do you mean that's me? "
31:58 He goes: "Yeah... that person is you. "
32:01 And when you look at CAT scans in the bottom of the film
32:05 on the left-hand side - um-hmm - you always see the name.
32:08 You see the medical record number,
32:10 date of birth, and all that information.
32:12 And I looked at it and it had my name.
32:16 Um-hmm. And I got so hysterical.
32:20 Wow! I broke down; I started to cry.
32:24 He tried to calm me down and it wasn't working.
32:30 Um-hmm. You know, when you discover
32:37 that you have been living in so much darkness
32:42 it propels you to be hysterical.
32:46 And this is the reason why so many people
32:50 make so many mistakes today
32:53 because they're living in so much darkness
32:55 and they don't even know that they're living
32:57 in so much darkness. Um-hmm. And as I'm looking at it
32:59 I'm saying to myself: "This isn't possible! " Yes.
33:04 And so he calms me down.
33:08 He takes me out of there; he takes me back to my room
33:11 and he says: "I'm going to sedate you. "
33:14 "I don't want to be sedated... I just woke up!
33:17 I don't want to go back to sleep. "
33:21 He says: "Well your brain
33:23 as your blood pressure is raising
33:26 is receiving a lot of pressure
33:28 and we need to keep it down. "
33:30 So they sedated me, and I don't know for how long I was out
33:35 but some time that afternoon - I don't know when -
33:40 I woke up. And at that time the first person that I saw
33:45 was my wife. Wow!
33:48 And she was there with my mom.
33:50 But she approaches me and she says:
33:53 "Do you remember me? "
33:56 I said: "Yeah. " And she said: "What's my name? "
33:59 I had a pet name for her. Uh-huh... uh-huh.
34:02 I told her the pet name... I hope she doesn't kill me
34:06 for this... I said: "You're Kimpsy. "
34:09 OK. And I saw the tears in her eyes
34:13 and she got so happy and she hugged me
34:15 and said: "Yes, you're right. Yes! Yes! "
34:18 And my mom was in the corner - yes -
34:22 looking at all of this and she was crying.
34:24 And she said: "Do you remember that little lady?
34:27 I said: "Yeah. " "Who's that little lady? "
34:30 she said: "That's my mom. "
34:32 Um-hmm. And she came in and she hugged me and kissed me.
34:36 We had a wonderful time.
34:38 And that was the beginning of this godly journey.
34:43 Yes... yes.
34:46 So that's the BEGINNING of this godly journey.
34:50 So take me through that journey.
34:54 So taking into consideration that I had work to do
34:58 for the Lord, I kept that in my mind.
35:02 Something kept bringing that up to my mind.
35:04 And that evening when they went where they were staying -
35:09 they were staying at a place nearby - somebody had...
35:12 had allowed them to stay at a house nearby the hospital
35:15 so they wouldn't have to travel almost 2 hours back and forth
35:18 from where we lived to the hospital -
35:20 I said to myself:
35:24 "Lord, You told me that I have work for you to do.
35:28 I had just gotten done doing an evangelistic series
35:32 where 365 people had... I bore witness...
35:37 365 people getting baptized.
35:40 Never in my life have I ever seen anything like that.
35:42 Wow! And even meeting a person at the airport
35:47 when I was on my way back.
35:50 I don't know if this woman gave her life to the Lord
35:52 but she was going through some problems. Um-hmm.
35:54 You know, I witnessed to her.
35:58 And then there was another gentleman who was very ill
36:01 back home. I witnessed to him,
36:03 and I do believe that the Lord seals those individuals
36:06 for eternity - amen - because of the experience.
36:12 Everything that you go through reminds people
36:15 or reminds you of the need for people to have salvation.
36:18 Um-hmm. And bearing witness to that, I said: "Lord,
36:23 You know I can't do this from a wheelchair. "
36:28 Um-hmm. And as I was praying and once I said "Amen"
36:33 I felt the need to have to go use the bathroom.
36:38 And I struggled but somehow
36:42 I got the guardrails down
36:45 I got my legs over, stood up,
36:50 held onto the wall, and walked over to the restroom.
36:54 Wow! And I said: "Lord if You can help me get to the restroom
36:58 I know You can help me get to the window. "
37:03 I took off IV; I took off telemetry.
37:08 And I don't remember how much time went by
37:11 but I was standing by the window and I was looking outside
37:13 my window and all I could see was just the Bay Area.
37:17 And I thought: "How beautiful to be able to see that! "
37:20 Yes! And all of a sudden this little nurse who was just...
37:23 ran through the door and she said:
37:26 "What are you doing? " I said: "Nothing. I'm just
37:30 looking out the window. "
37:33 She goes: "No! No! No! You don't understand.
37:35 You're supposed to be paralyzed.
37:37 What are you doing standing up? "
37:39 Wow! And I said:
37:41 "Well... evidently I'm not. "
37:46 Um-hmm... um-hmm.
37:48 I mean I know that it was God who did it.
37:50 Yes. You know, because God gave me the strength
37:52 to do all of these things. Amen.
37:54 And today when I started looking for
37:58 an Adventist institution to follow the promise that I had
38:02 made to God - um-hmm - I went everywhere. Yes.
38:08 And doors were being closed left and right or so I thought -
38:12 um-hmm - 'cause I didn't hear from any of the universities.
38:15 And I remember one Sabbath a gentleman came to visit our
38:19 church and he didn't know me.
38:22 He just said: "You look like a pastor. "
38:24 I was like: "Whatever man. I just got out of the hospital.
38:27 No way no how. "
38:30 And I said: "Wait a minute. I can't say that
38:33 for two reasons. #1 I just did evangelism;
38:37 #2 God brought me out of something that He needs me
38:41 to witness for. " And so he told me about
38:45 a program that they had for adults at Oakwood University.
38:48 And I said: "Look. I'm not paying one single cent.
38:52 I've already wasted too much money
38:54 sending applications and application fees
38:58 and you know all the letters of references
39:01 and things like that. I'm not going to spend another cent. "
39:03 Said: "Don't worry about it... we'll take care of it. "
39:05 Um-hmm. He said: "I'm going to connect you with a young man
39:08 who is doing recruiting.
39:11 I'm going to give him all your information.
39:13 You tell him I sent you
39:15 and he's going to take care of you. "
39:16 And I was rude. I was on the phone:
39:18 I said: "Look, I'm not paying a single cent for this, OK? "
39:20 He says: "Don't worry about it. Just send it to me back
39:23 and I'll take care of you. "
39:24 I did everything. Got the references again.
39:28 Um-hmm. And when I sent it in it took literally almost 2 mos.
39:33 for him to respond. I said: "God doesn't want me to do this. "
39:36 And I started doubting God again. Um-hmm... um-hmm.
39:38 And then he called me one day and he said:
39:40 "Where's your application? " I said: "I sent that to you
39:42 months ago. What are you talking about? "
39:44 Says: "Well we got the envelope but it seems that somebody
39:47 opened up the envelope, took out the contents,
39:51 and ran it through. "
39:53 And before I sent it out something inside of me said
39:57 "Make copies of everything. " Um-hmm.
40:00 So I copied everything to a thumb drive. OK.
40:03 And then I said: "Look, I've got everything in my hand.
40:06 I'm going to e-mail this to you
40:08 so that you can have my applica- tion and all that good stuff. "
40:11 But in the back of my mind, I kept saying
40:14 "Satan doesn't want me to go here.
40:15 THIS is where God needs me to be. " Yes!
40:18 He was trying to block it. BIG TIME! Um-hmm.
40:21 And so I was accepted to Oakwood University
40:25 both my wife and I.
40:26 She went into the education portion.
40:28 I went into religion and theology.
40:31 And by the grace of God today we're both professionals.
40:35 Amen. Just finished... When I was told
40:38 that I could not go back to school because my wife
40:42 was told that my level of capacity
40:44 if I survived this would be like that of a 3rd graders.
40:48 Wow... wow!
40:50 A third-grader just finished his Master of Arts
40:56 in pastoral ministry. Wow! Praise God!
41:00 A third-grader finished his degree in church leadership.
41:05 Um-hmm. A capacity of a third-grader
41:10 is leading out a congregation.
41:13 Two congregations. Wow!
41:15 By the grace of God I've been named area coordinator
41:18 in my conference and I'm also associate youth director.
41:22 So you tell me: what is it that God doesn't have
41:27 the power to do? Oh...
41:30 He has brought you through so much.
41:33 He's delivered you from so much.
41:36 You had a survival rate of what?
41:39 5% they gave you? Less than 5%?
41:43 And if I survived my wife was told I would
41:46 be in a vegetative state. Wow!
41:49 And then they said you would be like a third-grader.
41:52 Your mind would be... and God has equipped you
41:56 to accomplish all that you've been able to accomplish.
41:59 There is absolutely nothing that God cannot help you overcome.
42:05 Yes... yes... amen... amen.
42:08 Remember, the Bible says
42:10 in Philippians: "I can do ALL things... "
42:14 Not some... it's all things.
42:17 "through Christ who strengthens me. " Amen.
42:21 How do you feel today?
42:25 I feel great. I mean I'm blessed
42:29 because today I live to tell others about Jesus.
42:35 Yes. We have a slogan
42:37 at the Mt. View Conference
42:39 in WV, and that phrase,
42:42 that theme is: "Tell somebody about Jesus. "
42:46 Um-hmm. And I look forward to every day
42:50 talking to people and sharing my experiences with them.
42:56 We're doing something called Interest Tracker. OK.
43:00 And every time I go to visit someone
43:03 I give them a little book: Steps to Christ. Yes.
43:07 That is an excellent book! That's my free gift
43:10 for them. I mean they're sign- ing up for free Bible studies
43:14 but I give them Steps to Christ. Um-hmm.
43:17 And you should see the look on people's faces when I say
43:21 "That little book saved my life. " Wow!
43:24 Because at a time where I was down... and this is
43:27 part of a different testimony that I have...
43:30 I tried to commit suicide, and when that didn't work
43:33 I threw the weapon on the counter and it landed
43:38 right next to that book Steps to Christ.
43:40 Wow! And tears... uncontrollable tears... were
43:45 coming down my eyes when I read
43:48 that God's great love for me is beyond all measure.
43:53 Um-hmm. That first chapter God's Love for Humanity
43:57 had me in absolute tears because I had lived a life
44:01 that was so reckless. Yes. And to understand that
44:05 even through my recklessness Jesus still loved me
44:09 was hard for me to believe but it brought me to my knees.
44:13 And I remember praying and saying: "Lord,
44:16 if You really love me the way this book and Your Word says
44:22 I need You to get me out of this situation right now. "
44:26 And the Lord absolutely did.
44:29 And even through this trial -
44:32 um-hmm - God rescued me. Amen!
44:36 Amen! He certainly did!
44:39 And you are literally a walking miracle.
44:43 And the beautiful thing... You know, we read that verse
44:46 in the beginning of this program
44:47 in Matthew chapter 4 verses 23 and 24.
44:51 You know, Jesus healed you
44:53 and now you're going to preach and teach
44:56 and lead people to Christ.
44:58 And you were running from the calling at one point.
45:01 I was, but see, now instead of running FROM it -
45:05 yes - I thank God that He's given me the opportunity
45:09 to now run TO it. Amen! Amen!
45:12 So do you go around speaking, preaching, teaching
45:16 at different churches? Different events?
45:18 What if someone wants you to come and share
45:22 your testimony with them? Do you do that?
45:24 I do. I did that for a very long time
45:26 and I still continue to do it.
45:28 And I've been told by many people
45:31 "You should write a book on this testimony. "
45:34 I'm praying and I'm saying: "OK, Lord,
45:37 somebody needs to hear this. " Um-hmm.
45:40 "Somebody who's not in church. " Yes.
45:43 So I'm asking God to give me the strength, give me the wisdom
45:46 and the knowledge to put it on paper. Amen! Amen!
45:50 What was... This whole event: what was it like
45:54 for your family?
45:56 It was traumatic!
45:58 I think that even still today
46:00 as a lot of them see me working for the Master
46:07 I don't think that that's something they ever thought
46:09 that they would see.
46:12 Like Jesus, I thought I was going to be cut down
46:16 and not even have a child.
46:17 The way the Bible says.
46:19 We knew that Jesus had a mission.
46:21 But I'm so grateful to God that His mission in my life
46:26 is not over yet. Yes... yes... praise God.
46:30 This is... you know you said that was the beginning
46:34 but you're journeying through what God has in store
46:37 for your life and that's so beautiful.
46:39 Absolutely. And I've got a... my best friend, Charles Gardner,
46:42 who is in Alabama... he's always telling me, says:
46:46 "Dude, you need to write that book! " Yes!
46:49 And you know I lived a life that was very selfish
46:54 when I was in the world.
46:56 And I'm also very cautious because I don't want
47:01 that selfishness to creep back in. Um-hmm.
47:04 And so I want to do what God wants me to do
47:07 and eventually, prayerfully, I need that book...
47:12 I need God to help me write that testimony
47:15 so that others can share it with many. Yes!
47:19 Yes. And it's going to be a blessing to many as I know.
47:23 Well I hope that people will invite you to speak
47:25 and share your powerful testimony with them.
47:28 We're getting ready to take a short break
47:30 to show you how you can get in touch with Pr. Rodriguez.
47:33 Check out our newsbreak and we'll be right back.


Revised 2023-04-19