3ABN Today


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220056B

00:01 Amen. We've had such a powerful time with you Pastor James
00:03 Rafferty. Thank you so much for just giving us a juiced
00:07 breakdown of this powerful prophecy. But we have about a
00:11 minute and a half or so before we close out. I just want to
00:13 give you an opportunity to give us some final thoughts, maybe an
00:16 appeal or whatever's on your heart.
00:17 Well I have, you know I have a heart appeal I'd like to make to
00:20 all of our viewers, especially those perhaps who are familiar
00:23 with this prophecy or have seen this prophecy applied in a
00:26 different way. There are five actual principles that we can
00:30 look at here that really nail down this prophecy. You know
00:33 you've got the prophetic declaration that takes place
00:36 here, the prophetic timeline and then you've got the historical
00:40 data that backs that up. Plus you've got the New Testament,
00:44 you've got the book of Luke really nailing down that history
00:48 that prophetic history. And then you've got events themselves
00:51 that are predicted in this prophecy. You know you've got
00:53 Jesus Christ being the only one who can reconcile us, who can
00:57 make an end of sins, who can bring in everlasting
00:59 righteousness. And then of course you've got this New
01:02 Testament confirmation that's incredible you know where Paul
01:05 and Jesus Himself talks about the due time, the set time, the
01:10 proper time that was fulfilled, that had not yet come, that was
01:14 now come that was going to be pushed into the future by
01:18 antichrist or false teachers and false christs. And then finally
01:22 you know there's another thing that occurred to me about this
01:24 present situation with the Dome of the Rock. You've got this
01:28 Mosque that built right there on the Dome of the Rock so that it
01:31 makes it impossible for this false interpretation of this
01:34 prophecy to actually be fulfilled. And I'm just making
01:36 an appeal that our viewers, that everyone who is struggling with
01:40 this prophecy might want to take a second look, prayerfully take
01:42 a second look. Get this booklet, read through it, look at the
01:45 Bible verses. It's just a compilation of Bible verses
01:47 really and some historical data and ask God to really touch your
01:51 hearts and direct you to Jesus Christ...
01:54 Amen. Thank you my brother. Appreciate you so much.
01:56 Thank you my friends for joining us today. God bless you all.
01:59 Until next time have a blessed wonderful day.
02:03 ♪ ♪


Revised 2023-05-23