3ABN Today

Helping Oppressed People Everywhere

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230044A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:26 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:58 ♪ ♪
01:08 Hello friends. Welcome to 3ABN Today. My name is John Lomacang
01:10 and to my immediate right is my wife Angela. Always good to have
01:14 you on the program with me.
01:15 Always happy to be here and I'm glad that you have tuned in
01:18 today. You're going to be blessed by this program.
01:20 Yes, you're looking nice and chipper. Make me feel happy.
01:23 We're matching a little, huh?
01:26 Yes and you know we always are encouraged when you open your
01:29 home and turn your television on and maybe your radio if you're
01:32 listening by radio to invite 3ABN into your home and your
01:35 family. And we want to thank you for your prayers and all of your
01:38 support whether financial or physical, whether you're
01:42 volunteered or whatever you do even if it's prayer. Thank you
01:43 for all that you do to continue to keep this ministry going and
01:46 growing, getting ready for the coming of the Lord and Savior
01:50 Jesus Christ. And today's program is about missions.
01:54 Significant missions. We're going to talk about that in
01:56 detail today. You know we live in a very hopeless world and
01:59 there are many needs and we're going to be focused on a
02:02 particular region of the world today that our guests are going
02:04 to be talking about which we will introduce in just a moment.
02:07 But you may want to if you can, invite someone to sit down and
02:11 watch the program with you or if you're playing it back share
02:13 this with your church or your family members because I know
02:16 it's going to inspire you to not only support what we're going to
02:19 talk about today but also find a way that the Lord can use you
02:22 where you live to make a difference in your community and
02:26 well also in your church and maybe in your country depending
02:29 on where you are. But before that we have some music.
02:33 Yes we want to live the Lord's name on high and so we're going
02:36 to do that through this song by Tim Parton entitled Lord I Lift
02:41 Your Name on High. (Amen)
02:43 ♪ ♪
05:30 Thank you so much for that wonderful song. That's what this
05:33 program is all about, lifting Jesus's name on high. And this
05:38 ministry continues to do that in bringing hope to other
05:41 individuals. So right now Honey why don't you introduce our
05:44 guests to us today.
05:45 Wow, this is Jesse Guillaume. Am I saying that right? Welcome
05:50 Jesse. (Thank you) Yes.
05:53 Thank you for inviting me to 3ABN and I want to give a
05:59 special thanks to my pastor, Pastor Rose, at Plantation
06:05 SDA Church and also to my members. The members have been
06:09 very supportive of my ministry. Thank you so much.
06:13 And you are the president of Hope Ministries Project.
06:16 Yes, I am. I'm the president also with the real president is Jesus
06:22 Where's the accent from?
06:25 I'm from Haiti so I have a French accent. That's why you
06:29 have that.
06:30 Okay, so we'll talk about some of the details in a moment
06:32 all right? (Okay)
06:34 Next to you is Steve Dalton. Welcome Steve.
06:37 Well, thank you very much.
06:39 Yes and you volunteer with the ministry?
06:42 Ah yes. You're watching Jesse and how she works and everything
06:47 she does it for the glory of God It just motivates me to know
06:52 be part of that.
06:53 And you're also a member at Plantation Seventh-day Adventist
06:56 Church. (I am, I am, yes) Yeah. Okay.
06:59 And you're a recent addition to the ministry. (Yes) Okay.
07:03 We'll talk about that more in detail. And who is this guy
07:06 across from us?
07:07 Aaha, I think I know him. He's been my brother all my life.
07:09 My mother had eight children and five were born on the island
07:16 of Jamaica and three were born in England. My brother Cliff was
07:20 the first one to be born in England, then I have a sister,
07:24 and then myself. So Cliff welcome.
07:28 Thank you. It's so nice to be here with my sister and
07:32 brother-in-law.
07:33 That's right. Good to be back.
07:35 Good to be back.
07:36 Yeah, you were here before.
07:38 And you and Jesse are long-time members of this Hope Ministry
07:41 we're going to talk about.
07:42 Yes, yes. Watching Jesse as she operates has really inspired
07:50 a lot of us here at Plantation SDA Church and I'm one of the
07:56 individuals whose...she has inspired me. She has helped me
08:01 to realize that we need to give back in every way we can.
08:06 That's right
08:08 And I forgot to ask, maybe I'll also ask Steve, because outside
08:10 of the ministry you also do something else for a living.
08:12 Correct? And what do you do? What's your full-time job?
08:16 My full-time job. I work as a teacher assistant for the school
08:23 board. I work in the shelter. And also I work as a private CNA
08:29 (Busy) Okay so that all helps in your ministry. (Yes) And Steve,
08:35 what about you?
08:36 Well one thing that I do is I'm a professional sports official.
08:42 I am a volleyball referee, nationally certified, travel the
08:48 country to referee volleyball. But I also have a T-shirt
08:53 printing business. So with that I've been able to do a lot of
08:59 the shirts for a lot of different ministries in the
09:02 church. And that's something I want to continue doing and get
09:08 Christian shirts out there and design my own Christian shirts.
09:09 Now the reason I'm mentioning that is because we...while you
09:13 are together in this ministry you do have a life that you live
09:17 outside of the ministry that continues to carry on. And I'll
09:21 ask Cliff the same thing. I already know the answer but I
09:22 want you to tell us what you do.
09:25 Okay, I work at Miami Dade Aviation Department. I am
09:30 basically a telecom engineer. So part of that is just putting
09:36 together certain structures for telecommunications when it comes
09:41 to the airport. And that varies in every way, could be a telephone
09:45 could be when it comes to data it's so many different aspects
09:49 of it, but because of time I can't really get too much into
09:54 that.
09:55 That's right because our program is about something else. So
09:57 let's just start with I think the basic question. When did
10:00 Hope begin? I think that's a good thing. (Yes)
10:03 Okay. Hope ministry began in 2004. It was a group of people
10:09 at the church. It was a miracle Tina, Mufa, and Yonny?
10:14 And they were having a potluck
10:17 and there were some leftover food. And I said
10:20 You know what let me go and pass out the food on the street.
10:23 And then we saw so many needs so many homeless and we said we
10:29 should do that every Saturday. So every Saturday we will make
10:34 food and go to Broward.
10:36 The Boulevard, yes. And it was not in Miami Dade yet. So when I
10:43 came aboard I started with the food every Saturday but there
10:46 was a shortage of water. And I took over the water. I say no
10:51 more shortage of water. I'll be providing the water. That's how
10:54 I got into the Hope Ministry. Then that issue in Broward
11:01 to the homeless and there was a need in Miami Dade. Then we
11:07 moved to Miami Dade to serve the homeless. It was much, much
11:10 bigger and Hope Ministry, we used to serve the food there
11:14 After that, there was a need for people for a place to stay.
11:19 And I said...there was a lady a young girl I met on Saturday
11:25 and she was on the street and she said she was being abused
11:30 by her father. And I said, Lord only if I could find a place to
11:36 have a sleep for the night I would be at peace instead of her
11:41 being on the street. So I took Dinner for Profit with Precious
11:47 house is now a permanent home has been helping over 100 people
11:52 who've been under league that they get back on their feet.
11:58 So you prayed for the Lord... This young lady inspired you
12:01 to pray for God to provide a place for homeless people,
12:06 people that are trying to make ends meet. And what did the Lord
12:08 give you?
12:11 Pastor Lomacang there's a miracle right there. And I
12:17 didn't know that my teacher had a house. When I went home I
12:20 prayed and the Lord said to me specifically, go to your school
12:25 Monday and ask that lady whenever she is selling a home
12:28 going to buy it. I didn't know she owned a home. So on Monday
12:34 morning I went to work. I didn't know. I never knew that she
12:37 owned a home in Miami. So I went to work on Monday morning and I
12:42 went to the work room where the mail room is. There goes the
12:46 lady. And can be a testimony too I say, Ma'am do you have a
12:52 house in Miami? She said yes. I said whenever you want to sell
12:56 that home I want to buy it.
12:59 At that time she probably didn't intend to sell the house
13:02 No her aunt was living in the place. Not even three months
13:06 passed by she invited me
13:08 to come and see the home. And she said Jesse, Guess what? I'm
13:12 not even going to sell you the house at the price that you want
13:16 It was appraised for $372,000 She said don't worry, I'll give
13:22 you a better price. You know how much she sold me the house?
13:27 $172,000. (Not even half) $172,000. And that lady when we
13:33 opened the Hope House, she's the one who provided towels.
13:39 Everything for the homeless to be at the house.
13:41 So the impression that you got from the Lord to ask about it
13:44 when she...you didn't even know she had the house and she wasn't
13:48 intending on selling it anyway. (Nope) When she sells it to you
13:52 the price was in half. Providential!
13:54 You can see the footprints of the Lord. That is a miracle.
13:59 And then the house has been helping over 100 people.
14:03 How many bedrooms?
14:04 We have six bedrooms. We have three bathrooms. But it's a
14:10 triplex. We have an in-law's quarter We have two duplexes, two bedroom
14:15 one bath on each side. But before we should do only male
14:19 but now we added the _ quarters for the family. So whoever
14:25 has a family going through hard times, we help them. So that
14:28 became the not-for-profit it gives you a home to have the
14:32 less fortunate. But Pastor not only the homeless. Hope Ministry
14:38 help people even from our church that are going through hard
14:42 times.
14:43 So from Plantation (Plantation) people that, members, that
14:44 are going through hard times.
14:46 And if I have refuge in that home. And that's
14:52 Hope Ministry from here in America. But deep in my heart
14:56 I feel I was missing something. What to do for my country?
15:01 (Which is?) Haiti. I said I give back to here. How about my
15:08 country. But in my heart, tipping my heart God knew, I
15:12 wanted an orphanage in Haiti. I wanted to take care
15:14 of the children. But with what means?
15:16 Just bought a house, I don't have a big income,
15:20 cannot build a home. But God made it happen.
15:24 So what we're saying here is when God gives you a dream He is
15:28 responsible for the dream being fulfilled. (Yes)
15:32 You have to be willing too.
15:33 You have to be willing, right, that's right.
15:35 To take the risk and trust God. Trust God and His word. So there
15:40 was an orphanage in Haiti and the children were in dire need.
15:43 And one of my classmates said Jesse, we need your help.
15:48 I said how can we do that in Haiti? And we took up a team
15:52 God made a group of people, and they could be Cliff, Carlos, Akeem
16:00 Daudi that will never be available again. That was a
16:04 sign for me from the Lord to make sure that was the team
16:08 that God wanted to be there to take care of the orphanage.
16:09 (How many of?) About 18 people called in.
16:13 It was here. Corlee, we had Sara, we had a lot of people
16:18 that team never happened again.
16:21 Wow, I think it's a good place to bring a clip right now. So
16:24 what was it like for you to go (first time to Haiti) to Haiti.
16:28 Well I can tell you this, it was life-changing because when you
16:34 go and you see how the kids were living, the poverty level, and
16:40 it was not good. They had no electricity, they had no running
16:46 water that was working at the time. They had barely any food.
16:51 I mean, it was really, really bad. And you can see that we
16:59 needed to step in and do something. And when we visited
17:05 I remember they were singing songs of welcome. They were just
17:10 so happy to see us because as I mentioned earlier I believe they
17:17 saw hope and what we had to give wasn't much but it...something
17:27 that's indescribable because you go there to bless them but you
17:32 end up being blessed. I mean I was totally...after we finished
17:37 that program, I said we have to do something to help these kids
17:43 in the orphanage in Haiti. We had to.
17:46 What's the age group?
17:47 They were from six months up to 18. (Six months?) Six months.
17:57 Wesley, Wesley was about six months old if I recall.
18:01 So it's interesting. How do you find out about these people that
18:06 have these needs?
18:08 The people who took over the orphanage, there were children
18:10 that it was not registered and they would find out that they're
18:18 quickly affirmed to be accepted to the community orphanage you
18:21 have to have either a father or a mother that was dead.
18:27 So they go through the people and qualify who can be a part
18:30 of the orphanage and who can't.
18:31 The Wesley is a story that needs to be told. Wesley
18:38 who was six months old like Cliff said, his father died, and his
18:41 Mom died on their way to Haiti from the Dominican Republic.
18:47 And there was a car accident and the mother was pregnant and the
18:53 mother lost, they were twins. The sister died after four hours
18:59 that the mother passed. The baby came in Wesley and he was
19:05 alive. So we have had him since he was six months old till now he's
19:11 six years old.
19:13 Now before we go any further in some of the amazing stories
19:16 that are connected to the Hope Ministries and HOPE means
19:20 Helping Oppressed People Everywhere. It's not just a word
19:24 but it's an acronym. And we have a short video, well under five
19:28 minutes that we want to allow you to see right now which kind
19:31 of gives a summary of where the ministry was and what they did
19:35 when they went to Haiti and where it is today. After the
19:38 video we'll be right back.
19:53 We took on the orphanage because it was closed. There were
19:58 children on the compound and they were not being cared for.
20:02 So in 2018, we went to Haiti and we saw the deplorable conditions
20:10 that the children were living in and we knew we had to do
20:14 something.
20:16 I experienced poverty of my own life but what I've experienced
20:20 has nothing...it's not even close, not even close. It was
20:26 below poverty level. You can't I mean use the word poverty.
20:29 It was like they had nothing. And you didn't see anything or
20:34 any way for anything to come. They were like no light at the
20:39 end of the tunnel. But you now you were in a tunnel. At that
20:45 point of time like a tunnel of life that just stood still and
20:51 You have no words because you've never seen anything like it
20:55 before.
20:59 When we first arrived at the orphanage I was blown away by
21:05 the reception. They were singing a song like Welcome, welcome
21:10 They were just happy to see us there because I believe they saw
21:17 hope.
21:20 Since our arrival, we've done a lot. They have running water,
21:24 they have plumbing, they have electricity through a solar
21:28 panel. They are being educated. We have three children who are
21:34 now in the Dominican Republic and we are supporting them
21:39 through the donations. Widlin, she is in medical school. We
21:45 have Georgie who is learning computer science. Jeffrey who is
21:49 learning braille and he is learning to play the piano.
21:53 And so they are certainly being cared for.
21:57 ♪ ♪
22:02 Due to the political turmoil in Haiti schools are closed. The
22:07 country's on lockdown. The cost of food has tripled. The
22:13 security of the workers and the children are being threatened.
22:18 As a result, we have had to ensure that the children stay on
22:24 the compound and that they do not go out for fear of them
22:27 being kidnapped. We have security on the premises both
22:31 day and night. We have hired three teachers, one of whom is a
22:37 music teacher so that you know the children are still being
22:41 educated while Haiti is you know in a state of flux.
22:46 ♪ ♪
22:52 Having an education, which is very important, because if they don't
22:55 have education how can they change their life situation.
23:00 They are learning
23:01 English, learning French, learning Spanish,
23:04 different languages that if they are able to go to another place
23:10 and thrive.
23:12 They can because they have been educated and that's
23:15 all because of the sponsors and because of the donations from
23:22 people like you that donate, and give their time give their
23:30 financial backing for someone to have a different lifestyle. And
23:36 to see that anything is possible I mean it's what they see around
23:41 their country. It doesn't shut off the possibilities of God
23:46 being in your life and impacting in such a way that when you look
23:52 back and see where you came from it's impossible or amazing to
23:57 know that you are where you are.
23:58 Those who want to support this ministry can go to
24:02 HopeHouseMiami.org
24:06 ♪ ♪
24:23 Wow that's an amazing story and I know that when they saw this
24:27 group of 18 you said, 18 of you going to Haiti and turning that
24:33 building that was pretty much in horrible conditions. Let's
24:39 reiterate some of the things that were restored there. I'm
24:41 going to go to Cliff in just a moment. What were some of the
24:43 things you saw when you went there. We saw the video, but
24:46 just kind of takes us behind the scenes...
24:48 When we were in Haiti the children were in dire need. There was no
24:54 food. There was no sanitation. No water, no drinking water.
24:58 And it was a very big challenge to take on. That was a very
25:03 expensive challenge. But we say we have to trust the word of God.
25:08 God said we have to help the orphans, the widows, the less
25:16 fortunate. And that's Him to say we need to do something.
25:18 We need to act on it.
25:20 And we're invited to 3ABN. We say first we have to
25:26 provide for these children the very basics: water, light so
25:33 they can study, they can drink water. So we came here with the
25:37 donors from 3ABN were able to build the solar panels,
25:42 $30,000.00 to have 15 batteries and 16 solar panels...
25:47 Which are in place today so the batteries and solar panels as a
25:52 result of donations from the last time you were here. (Yes)OK
25:55 We also were able to have a garden to grow, agriculture to
26:00 with a good diet for the children. But what had transpired, in
26:06 Haiti with the turmoil right now is when the children are done
26:10 with the high school, what is the future? If we have children we
26:16 don't let them finish in high school. We push them all the way
26:20 in and the country is in lock- down (at the present time) at the
26:23 the present time. Yes you cannot go to University. So there are
26:27 more challenges for us after we did all of this then more
26:31 challenges arrive. Now the school out ages we have to send
26:36 them to the Dominican Republic to go for higher study. So now
26:43 Hope Ministry took on more challenges based upon trust
26:48 and the faith in Jesus.
26:50 So you have people on the ground over there in Haiti that are
26:54 keeping the orphanage going.
26:56 Yes. We have a director. (How many people?) We have 12
26:59 employees because we have security. We have security, two
27:04 securities in the morning, in the afternoon. We have people
27:09 that look after washing the children's clothes, to cook, and
27:13 we have one lady that her job is specifically to teach those
27:17 children how to know God. How to do devotion.
27:21 I want to ask Cliff about that because he was there too. You
27:24 commented on what you saw when you were there in Haiti. Kind of
27:30 give us your experience because you talked about how it was life
27:31 transforming. Just give us some of your background and what you
27:36 saw and what difference it made with your team going there.
27:39 Well Jesse asked me and a few others to join her and as I
27:46 mentioned it was life-changing in the sense that it was life
27:50 changing in a spiritual sense. Not only in just what we see
27:54 but in a spiritual sense. What we were able to do is get these
28:01 solar panels in and the batteries as well as fixing the
28:06 plumbing. Now keep in mind all of this that was done was due
28:12 to the fact that 3ABN stepped in to listeners like what (viewers)
28:16 like you that are out there.
28:18 The viewers came in and donated and we want to thank
28:24 Everyone that did that. That's just the beginning. But we still
28:27 have a lot of work to do. And as the Lord says whatever you do to
28:32 the least of these you do to me. And so we are asking for just a
28:38 little more donation because we need these funds to keep these
28:43 children basically alive.
28:44 And what I want to point out (go ahead) what I want to point
28:48 out to those who are watching the program, these donations are
28:50 not going to them, it's going right to the orphanage. A
28:55 hundred percent of that is going to the orphanage for the
28:57 operation, for the keeping of the staff, the needs that the
29:00 children have because you all are gainfully employed already
29:03 outside of what you do here.
29:05 How are they educated?
29:06 So we have schools but because of the turmoil, the situation in
29:11 Haiti school has been closed. Because it's not safe. What
29:15 they're doing right now if they got you, you'll be kidnapped.
29:19 And they would ask for money. So our children are forced to
29:24 stay in the compound. But we have the school curriculum so we
29:29 hire teachers to work with the children, so they don't lose the
29:33 academic and then since they are let down what they will do all
29:39 day throughout the day is shooting. They don't have any
29:43 funds for children. So we give them a music teacher because
29:46 music helps to build their self esteem. So now they start to
29:52 know how to sing and it's so amazing to see their voices.
29:55 So that brings joy and they love to sing. And then also when we
30:02 come down to this when the children in the? Dominican
30:08 Republic where Widley is. I don't know if you saw the video
30:12 a couple years ago when Widley said I don't even have books
30:15 to study. I can't even eat. I can't even go to school.
30:19 Brother and Sister, Mr. Rumakin, Now Widlin, she's in her third
30:26 year in medical school. (From the donations) From the donation
30:30 and she is a Christian leader in the Dominican? as the
30:35 treasurer at church. At the church. And if can remember...
30:40 How old is she?
30:41 She's 22. And you can remember Shetly, Shetly your blind boy
30:45 that used to play the music you know he sang with Akeem.
30:49 (Multiple voices) But now he's in the Dominican Republic also
30:56 He's learning Braille. Somebody sent him a Braille machine and
31:01 his computer. And he's going to school for the blind but we
31:05 went further. We sent him to a private school for music. So he
31:12 can specialize in his gift. So he can live on it and live
31:16 that way. That's what we do for our children, give them the best
31:19 Wow. Why don't you share the experience of the
31:23 evangelistic series that was... I don't know if it was
31:25 evangelistic but why don't you share that experience, Jesse,
31:30 how it got started.
31:34 Well Jesse I'll let you start it. Got it, okay.
31:36 Remember everything that we do is to give God glory. We are
31:44 wishing the people physically, emotionally, but the main goal
31:48 is to bring them to the kingdom of God. So the ultimate goal for
31:54 us is why we're giving them the help, they know Jesus. Because
31:59 if you know Jesus everything will come to them from out here.
32:03 We have an experience. Somebody got baptized and then the wife
32:11 of that person wanted to get baptized also. But that day for
32:19 the baptism as Cliff is going to tell you and we went to the bus.
32:25 But I'm going to show you the power of God. When God says I got
32:29 this, I got this. Because I went to Cliff, Cliff wasn't on the bus
32:34 so we were ready to leave to get that baptism done. He was not in
32:39 the bus. He stayed behind to have his breakfast. And when I
32:43 got on the bus I said where is Cliff too. And they told me no
32:46 he's staying behind. I said, no, no, no. I said to the driver you
32:51 wait. I'm going to get Cliff too So I went back into the hotel
32:54 and I saw Cliff. I said, Cliff you need to go with us. And
32:58 Cliff said Ah you just came and tell me to go, I must go.
33:02 Was this Sabbath?
33:04 It was a Sunday morning, it was Sunday morning. And we got over
33:09 there. We were supposed to have a baptism and the elder of the
33:13 Church, Elder Deacon, is the elder, first deacon. He came to
33:18 us and said I cannot baptize a person because you know the
33:24 pastor said we cannot do that. She's not ready. And I said let
33:26 me tell you something. You can go, take your bike, and flee. Hope
33:32 Ministry got this. Don't let them even see you there, Hope
33:37 Ministry got this. So, that's the reason Cliff was there, that we
33:46 Jesse wanted to bring it over to your house. I want to just be
33:50 kind of careful. So the elders they're not wanting to baptize
33:53 her. They tried to find reasons not to and you say Hope Ministry
33:58 has this. Just take your bike and flee. Okay.
34:01 Let me chime in a little bit on this. Let me add a little
34:06 clarity. Now the reason why I was a little reluctant to go
34:13 Sunday morning is because the Sabbath afternoon we were there
34:19 baptizing not only the kids but that particular person was
34:25 there who was an adult and I was filming it and so but and I
34:31 didn't that, I was filming it on my phone, I didn't notice this
34:35 until later on that day I opened my phone back up and I
34:41 was looking and I saw the video of him being baptized and he was
34:45 giving praises to the Lord. But in the background, I saw his wife
34:52 running, she ran. And I said wow that's strange because if you're
35:00 giving your life to the Lord this is something this is a
35:04 celebration, you know we celebrate.
35:05 Were you on the beach, was this on the beach?
35:07 Yeah, this was on the beach. And so when Jesse came to me and
35:12 says this person's wife wanted to be baptized I said Jesse I
35:18 don't think she wants to be baptized. Now think about this.
35:20 See Jesse didn't know what I knew because when she witnessed
35:27 her husband being baptized she ran off. And I thought that was
35:34 strange. Now fast forward to the next day Jesse was looking for
35:38 me and I was eating breakfast and she comes to me and says
35:42 Cliff where are you and she said I need you. And I said Okay well
35:48 if you call me I'll come. So I went with her. We went back to
35:54 the orphanage actually to pick her up and I noticed she was
35:58 taking a little time. What I didn't know was...there were two
36:05 vans. Now we were in one van waiting. The people in the
36:10 second van were praying for her. I didn't know all what was going
36:16 on. Yes. Now let's keep in mind Jesse is also understanding
36:22 another thing. Jesse was conver- sing with that elder. I saw them
36:27 talking. I don't understand Creole so I didn't know what was
36:32 being said. But I knew something was going on. Because he did
36:36 take his bike and flee. He took his bike and fled. So whatever
36:44 said he was gone. But the point here is I didn't think she was
36:49 ready. Now for some reason, prayer, prayer works because
36:55 she came down, she came with us. We took her to the beach to
36:59 baptize her. Now before we did that Elder Akeem, by the way,
37:05 we were all put in the middle and we put our hands on her and
37:10 we prayed for her and in the middle of that prayer I heard a
37:17 growling, a growling noise. So I opened my eyes. I looked at her
37:23 and her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed and
37:28 so I grabbed her and Elder Akeem grabbed her before she hit...it
37:34 was cement pavement where we were. So we grabbed and held her
37:38 And so I was wondering what's going on here and this other
37:45 sister, I forgot her name, but she started praying and said
37:49 Satan leave this woman. Get out of her. Leave her now. That's
37:56 when it became very real because I was holding her head and I
38:02 looked and her eyes were rolled back into her head and so I
38:07 started praying and so we all started praying because we knew
38:12 something was happening here.
38:14 Spiritual encounter. (Yes) Deep.
38:16 It was very deep. And so this is something that a lot of us when
38:20 you go on a mission trip in may or may not experience. I know I
38:25 never experienced it. But it was something that brought reality
38:29 home because now we know, we know, that the forces of evil
38:33 are at work. (But also)
38:35 No, we got to find out what happened to her.
38:38 But also there were people that were looking. Security was there
38:44 watching that because it was the way it is. And then now we
38:50 say don't worry. When she gets to the water, to the beach, to
38:51 get baptized, she won't be able to get up. And this is the way
38:56 I'm telling you the power of God He already had Cliff on his mind
39:02 to do the job. Because Cliff and Elder Akeem were the ones
39:06 who went into the water with her to get her baptized. And after
39:11 she went into the water she came back up she was a
39:14 totally changed person. Her face had the glory of God. And
39:19 further down the road, she had a daughter and I am the Godmother
39:26 for her daughter. She presented her daughter to God's temple.
39:29 I went to Haiti on that one day Wesley and the daughter were
39:35 presented to the Lord. It's amazing...
39:40 You mean she was dedicated to the Lord?
39:42 Yeah the child, (the baby) the baby because she either will go
39:46 to the next person to the Voodoo to dedicate but now she was
39:52 dedicated to the Lord.
39:54 Amen. After giving her life to the Lord she now declared her
39:58 allegiance to a different God (to a different God) by giving
39:59 her daughter. Okay, I get it.
40:01 So that case showed me, that the whole experience transformed the
40:08 lives of a group. And you know sometimes Pastor when you're
40:14 going to do some kind of mission God knows when it's to be there.
40:16 You have to share to see fit with you and during that process
40:21 Haiti was in trouble and other people out of the group didn't
40:25 want to go. And I spoke to the Lord. I said, God if it's your
40:27 will I have to dedicate the orphanage, I have to do baptism,
40:31 I said God it cannot be wrong. We're seeking souls for you, we
40:35 need to go. Give me a sign that we can go. And God showed me
40:39 that it was okay for us to go to Haiti. But a lot of peoples
40:41 here. I'm going. I said even if I have to baptize them I will go
40:46 to Haiti. So there was a people the group of people that was
40:50 there that God wanted to be there. Choose to be there.
40:53 Don't ever follow people. Follow God, in his lead.
41:00 That's right. And Cliff wanted to add something in here.
41:02 Just had one caveat we found out later because we still
41:08 didn't know; this young lady the matriarch of her family was a
41:15 Voodoo priestess. So this tells you what was going on. This is
41:20 a little background that we didn't know. Now this is
41:23 probably the reason why the deacon took off, okay. But you
41:29 see you still realize we serve a God that just the mention of his
41:33 name Satan will flee. We have no reason to fear Satan because we
41:39 believe in Jesus Christ.
41:40 Greater is he that is in us.
41:42 And also when you do this kind of spiritual warfare the devil
41:47 expose you if you're not walking with the Lord and
41:51 your team is under
41:52 attack too. So when I saw that I had to protect my team, my
41:57 people and I call on the blood of Jesus and I make a circle
42:02 like the Wall of Jericho because I was the leader and I took them
42:07 to Haiti so when those spirits come out he has to go somewhere
42:10 else but not my people.
42:12 That's a very good point.
42:14 Not my people, so I pray I made a circle. I said the blood of
42:18 Jesus the Devil bow before you. And none of our people were
42:25 affected and there was a man who had_ the baptism but is not
42:30 like we say ma'am you have the victory. Stop calling on the
42:36 name of Jesus. Because you know what the spirit was moving his
42:40 way. So he said you won, good one you didn't win, the glory is for
42:46 God, God won.
42:47 Right and before we go any further, I want to bring in Steve
42:51 because is a recent addition to this ministry, to Hope Ministry,
42:56 Steve shared with us how you came aboard and in what capacity.
43:01 Well for me you know I watch Jesse and Cliff and Akeem and
43:07 just everything that they were all doing and it was just so
43:11 inspiring to see what was going on and to hear what was
43:16 happening. And it started for me in 2016 when there was an
43:23 international volleyball tournament in Ft. Lauderdale.
43:27 And I was officiating at this event and there was a team from
43:32 Haiti was being represented was their women's junior national
43:36 team. And I noticed that the first meal the young ladies on
43:44 the team barely took any food and I thought that was kind
43:49 of strange because here they are and they've got you know this
43:51 big spread of food and they're barely taking any. And I found
43:56 out that's it's because they all felt guilty about taking the
44:01 food when they had everybody at home, all their family members
44:05 at home who didn't have anything And they're eating these big
44:10 meals. They couldn't do it. And so that really brought me
44:14 you know closer to what Jesse was doing because I could see
44:20 first hand now what really was going on in Haiti and the help
44:25 that's needed. So I just got with Jesse and it's like
44:30 whatever you need you know I'll help out with whatever needs to
44:33 be done. You don't have to be on the ground in Haiti to help.
44:38 There's different ways of helping. You can help with your
44:40 donations. You can help by just doing things at home. You know
44:44 for me, it was printed shirts you know that she sold, T-shirts
44:49 that she was selling at the concerts for the Hope Ministry.
44:52 Advice on fundraising for fundraising events. You know
44:59 whatever capacity Jesse needs help she knows that I'm there
45:04 and it's even at the concerts it's seating people at the
45:09 concerts or you know passing the donation plate. Whatever is
45:12 needed. You know I'm here to serve God and give him all the
45:18 glory and that's how it is.
45:23 Now Jesse what are some of the needs that this ministry has?
45:27 As you can see, when we started there was either food (two
45:34 voices) light. Okay but even here now the challenges are
45:39 greater because what those children were afraid of when we
45:45 got there from the get-go, the children they were afraid of
45:49 when we got there, they say everybody they come here and
45:51 they say they want to help us and they turn their back on us I
45:56 made up my mind at any cost by the grace of the Lord these
46:01 children that we have now we never turn our back on them.
46:05 All right. Praise God.
46:07 So now things got worse lately The food we used to buy even
46:13 still hard used to buy it would cost us now three times the
46:18 amount of money. Because before we could ship food to Haiti but
46:23 if it is on lockdown you cannot ship.
46:27 So you cannot bring, you can't send things into the country.
46:28 You have to buy...
46:30 No, we have to buy everything local in Haiti. But when you buy
46:32 in Haiti, it's triple the price. Because it's like a black market
46:36 because the people that are bringing the merchandise they
46:40 have to pay different people that the merchandise can arrive
46:44 where it's supposed to arrive. So you, the customer, have to pay
46:48 you have to pay the tariff of all these expenses. So we cannot go
46:54 Port au Prince to the capitol. We have to buy in the
46:57 countryside more than ever. It's more money. Remember we didn't
47:02 have no children in Giah Dominican Republic. Now we have
47:05 those who study. We have to pay for their room, their
47:09 apartment. We have to pay for their food in Najee
47:12 that's adding more.
47:14 Okay so let's go down this. Now not only their food which is
47:17 tripled in price because you have to buy it there but the
47:21 lodging, the clothing, the education. All these things are
47:26 now, say it again, (medical) medical, all that
47:31 All that. So now I can tell you see God's footprint in all
47:38 of that. Because not even one day our children didn't have no
47:43 food. The way we're running the orphanage you have to add a
47:50 million to our assets. We don't. But every day God showed up he
47:56 took care of his children. So I learn I say to you I thank those
48:02 donors. Remember you can never outgiving God. Malachi 3 verse
48:08 10 said you know when you give to the Lord, your house will not
48:12 be even enough to receive his blessings. (Open the windows)
48:16 Pastor Lomacang, we are called to do what we do. It's a
48:20 privilege and an honor for all of us here to serve. Jesus the
48:27 King of kings, the Lord of lords, has spoken, everything comes into
48:32 existence. I Am Who I Am came down to this earth to meet me
48:38 where I am and to presume my life to his likeness. That's why
48:42 we are called to do. We are called to do the same thing.
48:47 When you see someone that has no future, an orphan, since five
48:52 years old and was in an orphanage. Now she has an A+ grade. She
48:58 have three years of medical school. What more can you ask
49:02 for? A blind boy who is playing every Saturday in the church
49:06 where people rely on his music. What reward is that?
49:10 That's what God does through us.
49:13 He took us from there and put us where he is.
49:20 This is priceless. Our legacy is to touch people's lives. That's
49:26 true success.
49:28 Helping Oppressed People Everywhere. God is blessing this
49:32 ministry amazingly. You know we have some more time but I just
49:36 want to reiterate what we're talking about here. You know
49:38 when Jesse's talking you can see the passion.
49:40 I see it in her eyes. In her voice.
49:43 In her voice and what I like about it is that if you're
49:47 watching this program you know that Jesse doesn't believe in
49:50 obstacles. Okay if you cut off one means of support, we can't
49:55 go to the country. We have 12 people on the ground guarding
49:59 that orphanage, taking care of their daily needs.
50:00 And she's doing that for the homeless in Miami, too.
50:04 That's right.
50:06 So many obstacles. In Miami you know now you have to have a
50:11 permit to feed the homeless. And then I went not even feeding the
50:17 homeless. My call was there for Dade. You go by Dade. And I took
50:22 the youth from the foundation to go claim the street for the
50:24 homeless. And there goes the police. And they say you're not
50:27 allowed to feed and I've been doing for 20 years and 24 years.
50:31 And now I've been blocked. Give me a ticket for $250 for feeding
50:37 the homeless. So on Monday morning I stay in Miami and I
50:44 look at the people who were sleeping on the street. No one
50:48 choose to be there. And I cried because I went earlier to the
50:52 City of Miami and the guy said to me, you are working against
50:56 me because we don't want to see the homeless on the street. I
50:59 could be on the street too. And I stand for homeless people. Now
51:04 you get really into my shoes.
51:06 Okay when you step in front of me you get in my shoes. Yeah.
51:12 Every time I apply for my permit to feed the homeless because I
51:14 they do, they have a parking lot In the parking lot have to apply
51:18 and they have to approve it for you to feed. They deny me. And
51:23 wherever I went there, there was nobody serving. They said
51:26 another organization is serving. That's not true. The parking lot
51:31 is empty. And I say God really I'm going to give this to God.
51:36 (Okay) You can out forgive God. (Wow)
51:38 You know we're going to take a short break here to make sure
51:44 that you get the information that you need to be supportive
51:46 of Hope Ministries. And there's more to come on the other side
51:50 of this but after this news break, after getting the address
51:53 that you need to support we'll be back with a few closing
51:55 thoughts.
51:56 If you would like to contact or know more about Hope Ministries
52:02 Project Inc. you can write to them at 1528 NE 135 St.
52:09 Miami, FL 33161. You can also call them at (954) 667-4503
52:24 You can also visit their website at HopeHouseMiami.org
52:30 or you can email them at HopeHouseMiami@gmail.com


Revised 2024-05-22