3ABN Today

What Is Adventist Community Services?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230050A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:17 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:25 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. I'm Jason Bradley. I'm so glad
01:12 that you've decided to join us. We have a wonderful power-packed
01:15 hour in store for you and this is going to be so exciting
01:19 because there's a lot that's taking place in the North
01:24 America Division and you are going to find out all about it.
01:27 So make sure you stick with us through this whole hour. You
01:30 don't want to miss a second of this. My guest is Derrick Lea
01:35 He is the executive director of the North American Division
01:40 Adventist Community Services. Welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:43 Pleasure to be here. Thank you so much.
01:46 Yes you know we have so much to talk about. You know as we were
01:50 conversing prior to sitting down here today I found out a lot
01:55 about your background and all of that stuff and I'm excited
01:58 for our viewers and listeners to find out all about that. And
02:03 we're going to dive into that, we're going to go into all the
02:06 Adventist Community Service stuff and what's taking place.
02:08 But before we do Derrick, we're going to be blessed in song
02:12 and Gene McDonald will be singing The Love of God.
02:16 ♪ ♪
02:31 ♪ The love of God is greater far ♪
02:37 ♪ Than tongue or pen could ever tell ♪
02:41 ♪ It goes beyond the highest star ♪
02:49 ♪ and reaches to the lowest hell ♪
02:55 ♪ The guilty pair bowed down with care ♪
03:01 ♪ God gave his Son to win ♪
03:07 ♪ His erring child he reconciled ♪
03:13 ♪ and pardoned from their sin ♪
03:18 ♪ Oh love of God how rich and pure ♪
03:24 ♪ How measureless and strong ♪
03:30 ♪ It shall forevermore endure The saints and angels song ♪
03:44 ♪ ♪
03:50 ♪ Could we with ink the oceans fill ♪
03:57 ♪ And were the skies of parchment made ♪
04:03 ♪ Were every stalk on earth a quill ♪
04:09 ♪ And every man a scribe by trade ♪
04:15 ♪ To write the love of God above ♪
04:22 ♪ would drain the ocean dry ♪
04:27 ♪ Nor could the scroll contain the whole ♪
04:34 ♪ Though stretched from sky to sky ♪
04:39 ♪ Oh love of God how rich and pure ♪
04:45 ♪ how measureless and strong ♪
04:51 ♪ It shall forevermore endure The saints and angels song ♪
05:05 ♪ Oh love of God how rich and pure ♪
05:13 ♪ How measureless and strong ♪
05:18 ♪ It shall forevermore endure the saints and angels song ♪
05:31 ♪ The saints and angels song ♪
05:46 Amen, amen. Thank you so much for that wonderful song
05:51 Brother Gene. You know it's right on time talking about the
05:57 love of God. We're going to see God's love through his people.
06:00 Derrick tell us a little bit about your background. What were
06:05 you doing before you got to Adventist Community Services?
06:07 Sure. Well I worked in the fire service for many years, about 20
06:14 years as a matter of fact in a place called Prince George's
06:16 County just outside of Washington, D.C., north of
06:19 Washington, D.C. I worked in a very active department. I think
06:24 my last year we ran right over 150,000 calls. So it was a very
06:30 busy active time there in Prince George's County and we enjoyed
06:34 it. Did some good things.
06:35 Yes. I know that you've seen a lot. What was it
06:38 like being a firefighter?
06:41 Hectic, I guess I could say putting it mildly. There were
06:46 some days we would go in and we would run over 40 calls, that's
06:52 a 24-hour time frame. If you can think about that; fires,
06:56 emergency medical calls actually medical was probably 75 percent
07:01 of the calls that we ran. And so it was a very active department
07:05 A lot of things going on there in Prince George's County and we
07:09 got an opportunity to be a part of that for 20 years.
07:12 So that was a good time.
07:14 And you climbed up pretty high in the ranks. What was the
07:17 highest rank that you had?
07:19 Well when I left or retired I was deputy chief over operations
07:24 And if you can imagine a department that busy. It was an
07:29 extremely daunting time for me. I know when I would go to bed at
07:36 night, and my wife will probably speak to this, I would go to bed
07:38 with the walkie-talkie right next to my head because things
07:43 were always going on and I wanted to make sure that we
07:47 could hear what was going on in the county so that if something
07:52 happened we were abreast of that So it was a very involved time
07:58 for me during those 20 years.
08:02 So what were some lessons that you learned in your position
08:10 maybe as it pertains to ACS?
08:11 Sure. Well it's interesting how God prepares you. Prince
08:19 George's County is what we call a combination system,
08:22 combination meaning made up of volunteers, probably 50 percent
08:26 of the department there and also what we call career people.
08:30 People that are paid to do the job. And we have to work
08:35 together in that environment. If you can imagine the
08:39 individuals that are paid to do the job, well then you got
08:41 volunteers who are doing it for the love of doing it. And so
08:46 trying to figure out how those two entities work together was
08:49 part of the responsibility of the leadership which I became a
08:54 part of at a certain period of time and working with volunteers
08:59 was an integral part of that particular job. I did not know
09:05 that all of those years I was being prepared for what
09:10 ultimately I was going to be asked to do that was work with
09:13 Adventist Community Services. We are made up primarily, 90
09:17 percent of our participants are volunteers. And so there's a
09:23 certain skill set that you need to have if you're going to be in
09:27 a position of leadership over those types of situations. And so
09:34 certainly my time at Prince George's County prepared me for
09:37 what was to come and that was working with Adventist Community
09:40 Services, so...
09:42 Now in your time with Princes George's County did you have any
09:46 encounters where your faith and working as a firefighter, did
09:53 they kind of clash for a second or what took place?
09:57 There were some challenges. The fire department is a 24-hour day
10:02 seven-day-a-week operation and so there are some times when
10:08 some of the things that the fire department gets involved in
10:11 could be considered conflicting with, for instance, the keeping
10:15 of the Sabbath. Now I had no problem helping people on the
10:21 Sabbath and so when, for instance, since my shift would
10:24 fall on a Sabbath I did not have a problem going to work tending
10:29 to some of the needs of individuals and the community.
10:32 And I did that for many years. But there were some things that
10:37 I would not do in the fire service and one of those was
10:42 taking a test for promotion. In order to be promoted in the
10:47 fire service you have to take a competitive test and that test
10:51 happened to be given on the Sabbath. I didn't know it during
10:55 my preparation time to take the test but when they came out with
10:59 the notice that they were going to have a test for the rank of
11:08 sergeant there in the fire service they sent it to me and
11:12 it said Saturday at noon. And I thought to myself wow you've
11:15 been preparing for the last couple of years, studying for
11:18 this thing and now here it is and it happens to be on the
11:21 Sabbath. And I did not, I'll be honest with you, I wasn't
11:26 exactly sure how I was going to respond to that. After some
11:32 prayer, some discussion with my wife and my family I came to the
11:37 conclusion that come what may I was not going to take that test
11:41 on the Sabbath.
11:42 And you had been preparing for the test for the last couple
11:45 years.
11:47 Let me tell you. I had been preparing month after month
11:49 after month with the idea that when that test came I wanted to
11:53 be ready. And so, yes, I had been preparing for that test
11:57 When I saw that it was on a Saturday, I wrote up a letter
12:02 and sent it to the chief's office. We used to call it the
12:06 palace. So I sent it to the palace. And I sent them the
12:09 letter and basically explained to them, I was a practicing
12:12 Seventh-day Adventist and as such did not have a comfort
12:16 level taking a test for myself for my own personal benefit. I
12:21 did not have a comfort level with doing that on the Sabbath,
12:25 during the Sabbath hours. So I sent that letter to the chief's
12:28 office not knowing how they would respond to that. As it
12:34 turns out about a week, week- and half later the chief
12:38 actually showed up at my station He wanted to know what was going
12:41 on here in the fire service. We have been charged with always
12:46 trying to get away with certain things and so I'm certain that
12:50 in the chief's mind his thinking was what is this firefighter
12:53 trying to get away with? And so he showed up at my station. And
12:59 I remember we went into the office there, just me and him,
13:03 and he said what's going on here And I said well to put it quite
13:10 bluntly when you all are giving the test creates a problem for
13:14 me. And I explained to him why it created a problem. Because he
13:20 didn't really understand because he said, well I looked at your
13:23 schedule and he actually went back and looked at my schedule
13:25 and when he saw that I had worked on the Sabbath before
13:30 and I explained to him, yes but I view that as direct help to
13:36 individuals and I said if you checked into it a little further
13:40 you would find most of the Sabbath hours that I had been
13:44 assigned I would generally get off and do something called a
13:48 swap and someone would generally work for me. But there were
13:52 times when I did work on the Sabbath. So he was correct on
13:54 that front. And so I explained to him that I view that
13:59 different than the taking of a test which was really just for
14:03 my own personal benefit and therefore I did not feel
14:07 comfortable doing that and would not take the test on Sabbath.
14:12 So that created a wonderful witnessing opportunity to the
14:17 chief. So what ended up happening after that?
14:19 What ended up happening and I'll be honest with you I don't know
14:22 that I did it to witness, to be perfectly honest with you (okay)
14:26 From my standpoint, I was doing it because I did not feel it was
14:31 appropriate for me to take a test on the Sabbath. What ended
14:35 up happening, I got a letter in the mail about a week-and-a-half
14:40 later and it laid out that the department had decided that they
14:46 were going to change the date of the test and the test was
14:48 going to be on a Sunday as it turned out. They didn't explain
14:53 why. And within the department we have this thing called the
14:55 grapevine. People just started to talking. How could they
15:00 change the test. You know this thing had been set, now they
15:02 changing it. They don't do that. Well the word went out that the test
15:06 was being changed because this firefighter Lea from down at
15:10 station 32 had requested that they changed the test which was
15:15 not true. I had not requested that they change the test. I
15:17 simply stated that I was not going to be able to take the
15:20 test on that particular day. And they ended up changing the test
15:26 and that was the first opportunity I had to take a test
15:30 to promote within the Prince George's County Fire Department.
15:34 See that's huge because you know again as we were conversing off
15:37 set before you told me that you were content with staying in
15:43 that same position as long as you remained loyal to God. That
15:48 was your number one thing you wanted to be, remain faithful to
15:51 God and you didn't feel comfortable taking that test
15:53 That's powerful.
15:54 That's right. And I had come to the conclusion that whatever the
15:59 decision was that the chief was going to make, of Prince
16:01 George's County was going to make I would be comfortable with
16:04 that. If they decided well firefighter Lea this is when the
16:09 test is and we'll see you there or you won't take the test, if
16:13 that was the response that they had given me, yes I would have
16:17 been disappointed, I'll be completely honest with you.
16:19 I would have been disappointed but I would have been okay with
16:23 that response. So that's the way I kind of looked at it. The fact
16:27 that they ended up changing the test was not even something that
16:32 I asked, you know. And so I was overjoyed when I heard what they
16:36 had decided to do. And from that point, I'll be honest with you,
16:41 when I showed up to take the test it was incumbent upon me to
16:43 pass that test because they had made some real adjustments here.
16:47 And so I had a little bit of pressure for me to perform after
16:51 making a change like that...
16:55 Yeah. The beautiful thing that I see in that story is that you
16:58 know when you take a stand for God he stands for you. I mean
17:02 you look at Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. When they said you
17:05 know we have no need, they were speaking to King Nebuchadnezzar
17:09 we have no need to answer you on this matter. Whether or not
17:12 out God delivers us from your hand, okay, you know, we're not
17:17 going to bow down and worship your statue. We're going to
17:20 serve our God. And they were in the fiery furnace; Jesus came
17:25 down and stood with them in the midst of their trial.
17:27 No question and what's interesting about that and
17:32 even you situation you bringing they're obviously a different
17:35 level of standing up which they did but I think I do understand
17:38 their confidence. When you make a decision like that and you're
17:44 in connection with God, it gives you a certain amount of
17:48 confidence. I'll be honest with you. When the chief came in and
17:50 the chief had never spoken to me before. He's the chief, I'm the
17:53 firefighter, (stutters) a young firefighter at the time and had
17:58 never spoken to the chief before but I was speaking to him with a
18:03 certain amount of confidence which I think he saw, not
18:06 arrogance but a certain amount of confidence that basically
18:10 said whatever you decide I'm going to be okay. And I have a
18:15 feeling that's the same confidence that the three Hebrew
18:20 boys had. You know the king has a decision to make and they're
18:22 basically telling him you can decide whatever you want to do.
18:27 And having that connection with God gives you that type of
18:32 confidence that allows you to go forward come what may and
18:38 that's the feeling that I think I had (inaudible).
18:42 So Adventist Community Services. What do they do?
18:48 That's an interesting question. It varies. And what I mean by
18:53 that is what Adventist Community Services is doing in New York
18:57 City is going to be a little different than they're doing in
19:02 Bozeman, Montana, and rightly so. There are different needs in
19:06 Bozeman, Montana. And it would be foolhardy for Adventist
19:10 Community Services to be the same in New York City as it is
19:13 in Bozeman, Montana. That would not make sense. And so Adventist
19:17 Community Services is what the community needs wherever it is.
19:22 And so part of the challenge that we have in Adventist
19:25 Community Services is identifying what are the needs
19:30 in the community where we are. And so what that means is we've
19:35 got to be a part of the community. You've got to be out
19:37 in the community. We've got to be talking to the community. We
19:40 can't keep ourselves holed up within the four walls of our
19:45 churches. No, we got to be out there in the community
19:50 connecting with them, engaging with them so that we have an
19:54 understanding for what are the needs, what are the strengths
19:56 in the community. And once we figure those things out
20:00 determining how can we now be a resource for that community
20:04 where we are.
20:07 And so as you're out in the community are people connecting
20:12 with the locals, are they networking, are they...you know
20:15 it's like Christ's method of evangelism and that's what's
20:19 taking place. What are some relief efforts that have taken
20:22 place?
20:23 Oh goodness. All different kinds of relief efforts. They're all
20:29 over the place. We do everything from disaster response which we
20:34 did most recently in Mississippi Mississippi. We were able to
20:41 respond to a tornado that had devastated a couple of small
20:46 cities there in Mississippi. We've got a South Central
20:51 Adventist Community Services conference there that is very
20:57 responsive to the needs of the community there. That particular
21:02 situation, the one that I'm telling you about, that storm
21:05 took place around two o'clock in the morning, two o'clock
21:08 Sabbath morning of all things. Sabbath morning that thing took
21:12 place and within a couple of hours our Adventist Community
21:18 Services Disaster Response Team was able to be on-site with
21:24 product that they were delivering to individuals within
21:28 the community that had just gotten devastated by a tornado
21:32 that came through, including ourselves, let me be clear.
21:35 Our local Seventh-day Adventist Church is actually no longer
21:39 standing Amory, Mississippi. The church itself was actually blown
21:43 away during that tornado activity that took place there
21:48 in Amory. But even as we were struggling and going through
21:52 we were still able to be of support to that community.
21:57 That's beautiful. Well you know we actually have a video that
21:59 shows a little bit of the relief efforts taking place. Let's take
22:02 a look at that right now.
22:03 All right we're here in Amory, Mississippi. I need to see
22:10 people here coming through for help. These are people that live
22:13 in the affected community that was struck by the recent tornado
22:19 And you can see we got various supplies, things from water to
22:25 clean-up kits to hygiene items to Pampers of some of the
22:35 children (inaudible). So that's the type of help that we are
22:39 able to give as individuals try to recover from this most recent
22:45 series of tornadoes that came through a little over a week ago
22:50 (inaudible)
22:55 Wow, praise God. How were you able to mobilize so quickly
23:01 especially with the devastation that just took place to the
23:04 church and all that? How was the team ready to move so fast?
23:08 Well, thank you for that question. The only way you can
23:13 respond in that way is that you be ready before the event. We
23:20 have a saying with Adventist Community Services, You need to
23:23 get ready during the blue skies when nothing's going on because
23:27 if you wait until a tornado or hurricane takes place it's too
23:30 late. You need to get ready. And so in that case you saw some
23:35 of the distribution that was taking place there. At two
23:42 o'clock in the morning the team members got calls, they have a
23:48 call tree set up. They started getting calls, Hey we've got
23:51 something that going on here we think we may have to mobilize.
23:55 So they already started putting in place a disaster response plan
24:00 within an hour of that situation taking place there in Amory.
24:05 And so based on that they were able to go and visit one of
24:09 their local warehouses where they were able to pick up
24:12 product that had already been stockpiled, put that product in
24:16 pickup trucks and vehicles and headed towards Amory. I say to
24:22 folk all the time about that situation, they got that call
24:27 around three o'clock in the morning. By 11 o'clock hour
24:29 11 o'clock hour, think about that Sabbath morning. What
24:32 generally happens at 11 o'clock hour? Most of our people were in
24:35 service. They're at service, but they're in service right there
24:40 in Amory. Three o'clock in the morning. By 11 o'clock they were
24:43 distributing to that same community that was affected by
24:46 that tornado.
24:47 That's beautiful. That is huge. You know they had all kinds of
24:52 tangible items, things that they were going to need. Even took
24:55 care of the kids. So what came about after that, you know? How
25:01 did the community, how receptive was the community to the
25:05 Adventist church as a result of the response in their time of
25:08 crisis?
25:10 Well I'll say this and I was talking with some of the
25:13 citizens from that affected community. I had an opportunity
25:16 to wake up early one morning and I went out and just walked
25:20 around the community there that was still trying to figure out,
25:24 you know, what they were going to do and I talked with them and
25:27 they said an interesting thing. They said, These people care
25:32 about us even though they're going through something. And I
25:35 thought to myself, isn't that something. You know what kind
25:38 of seed is that that we are planting in the minds of
25:44 individuals in this community that are experiencing this
25:47 devastating time. The fact that they know that that local church
25:52 down the street is really concerned about us. You know,
25:58 in my mind, that's a ministry that we are involved in. What
26:04 type of benefit is that going to pay? I don't know. But I know
26:08 that it's in their minds that that church cares for them and
26:12 our hope is that when they come to us, they see the love of Jesus
26:17 in us that compels us to do the type of work that they see us
26:22 involved in.
26:25 Amen. Absolutely. What are some other response efforts that have
26:28 taken place?
26:29 Well we do more than just disaster response and that's
26:34 what I'll share with you. And that's one of the challenges
26:37 that we have within Adventist Community Services is getting
26:41 the word out there as to what is Adventist Community Services
26:44 doing. We do, yes, emergency response, yes, but we also do
26:51 community development. We also do emotional and spiritual care.
26:55 There are so many other things that we get ourselves involved
26:59 in based on what does the community need, what are the
27:04 strengths in the community. One that comes to mind, one of
27:07 the challenges that we have seen and been dealing with out west
27:13 primarily, no solely but they're dealing with it at a level is
27:18 homelessness. We have found that the homeless community has risen
27:24 the numbers have risen especially out west in places
27:27 like California, Oregon and Washington state. They are
27:32 struggling with trying to figure out what can we do about that?
27:36 And so Adventist Community Services have been struggling
27:41 with that as well. One place in particular, a place called
27:45 Tillamook, Oregon. They have been sitting back thinking to
27:50 themselves Wow, we've got an awful lot of homeless in our
27:53 community. What can we do? And one of our directors, a young
27:57 lady by the name of Donna, Donna Parks, she was thinking one day
28:02 and she was looking around their property there at the church and
28:08 she said you know we don't do anything all of the parking lot
28:12 that we have. Maybe we could take a portion of the parking
28:16 lot and do something for the homeless. And so she got to
28:19 talking with people in the community and they ended up
28:25 coming up with something called little homes and they went about
28:32 building little structures, little homes that they actually
28:38 put in a section of their parking lot. And they did that
28:41 about two years ago. And I was able to visit with them and take
28:45 a look at these little homes. They house two people in these
28:49 little homes. They're able to stay there for a period of time
28:53 Now the goal is to transition them out and so we have case
28:57 workers that work with them. They do job training, they're
29:02 able to take advantage of the little thrift store that we have
29:04 on-site there. So if they need to go for a job interview
29:08 they're able to get some clothing there. We got a food
29:12 pantry there that they're able to take advantage of. Again
29:17 looking at the needs within that community they said that's
29:20 something we can do and it's a fabulous opportunity that we
29:27 have to serve the community right there in Tillamook.
29:31 Absolutely. And you know what? We have a video of that and so
29:33 let's take a look at how they stepped up to the plate and the
29:37 difference they're making. Let's look at that now.
29:39 So this is our micro shelter project in the backyard of
29:44 Adventist Community Services here in Tillamook and it has
29:47 been having...it's been occupied for about two-and-a-half years
29:52 now. It is managed by Cares. Case managers take care of the
29:57 individuals that stay in each one of the shelters. The
30:00 shelters can take two people. There's two bunks, a heater and
30:04 a light, refrigerator, microwave They use our bath house 24/7.
30:10 There's not really any room to expand with the number of people
30:15 that we have using our small bath house. So we have dreams
30:19 of expanding with a dedicated bath house for the micro shelter
30:25 project and use this piece of property along the K line to
30:30 to have at least a few family size micro shelters that can
30:37 house more people. There's lots of things, we could innovate. We
30:40 could have RVs in there a huge lead in Tillamook County and a
30:45 lot of other placed I'm sure where the RVs don't quite meet
30:51 the criteria of the parks that people are trying to get into.
30:54 But the micro shelters have been such a positive program. There
31:03 have been approximately 34 people move through this shelter
31:09 project in two-and-a-half years. And it's just amazing, amazing
31:16 to be a part of it.
31:19 Wow, that's incredible. I mean imagine going from off of the
31:23 street and then having a roof over your head and having case
31:30 workers working with them. I mean that is amazing because now
31:33 they're being put into a position where they become
31:36 employable and all of that stuff How do they get their mail?
31:40 Wow, thank you for asking that. Let me be clear, no one person
31:48 can do all of this. Our Adventist Community Services is
31:51 actually working with our local church there. And so in addition
31:57 to the local church, we have other partnerships within the
32:01 self-same community. And so if those individuals need to get
32:07 mail they can actually...they have a system worked out where
32:10 they can receive it right there at the thrift store. And so mail
32:14 can come so they get an address which is a real help to many of
32:18 these people. Because if you're living on the street that can be
32:22 challenge. Where are you ever going to get mail. Well in this
32:25 case they have an address. And so they're able to take
32:28 advantage of the actual physical address right there at the
32:31 church.
32:32 Yes. How did Adventist Community Services get started?
32:36 Well we started way back in the late 1800s. Some members of our
32:42 church, some ladies, got together after a fire had taken
32:48 place. So they said wow, the community had some needs. And so
32:53 based on those needs they started serving there and
32:56 Adventist Community Services has been running ever since. We just
33:01 had an anniversary celebration last year in Texas, in Dallas,
33:11 Texas where all of us got together and came from all over
33:15 the North American Division. You know COVID was still a thing
33:20 and many of our people were thinking about that but were
33:26 able to come together. We were masked up and you know took all
33:28 the precautions that we could but, yeah, we've been involved
33:33 in this work since the 1800s and continue to do that in
33:37 communities all over the North American Division.
33:39 That's wonderful. You know we said the North American Division
33:41 but who's all represented in the North American Division?
33:45 Ah, North American Division. North American Division and this
33:49 is a challenge for us because many of our members don't
33:52 understand what the North American Division is. The North
33:56 American Division geographically includes the United States,
34:00 Canada, Bermuda, Guam, and the Micronesian Islands. That is the
34:07 North American Division.
34:09 So do you ever have to travel to Bermuda?
34:12 Well, we do. They pulled my arm a little bit. Yes we do get over
34:17 to Bermuda and I can tell you our teams over in Bermuda are
34:23 doing fabulous work. Dora Baker who's our ACS director there
34:26 is really leading an effort there. You can't go to Bermuda
34:32 and not hear about Seventh-day Adventist Church because
34:36 Adventist Community Services is so engaged in Bermuda.
34:39 ACS, do they only help Adventists?
34:44 (Chuckles) Some people think that believe it or not. We help
34:50 communities, that's what we do. Now there are times when
34:53 Adventists are part of the community and so we help
34:58 Adventists then. But no, we help everyone that is affected by
35:03 either crisis events or have some challenges. We help the
35:06 community as a whole, yes.
35:08 Now this is...it has to be expensive, going in and
35:13 mobilizing the troops last minute like this and supplying
35:16 all of these needs, meeting all of these needs. Has to be
35:21 expensive so does ACS, do you guys charge for these services?
35:25 Actually, we do not. We do not. We are a ministry of the Seventh
35:31 day Adventist church and as such we are supported by our members.
35:37 We have two offerings that take place every year, in May and in
35:42 December and that enables us to do some of the real positive
35:48 things that we're able to do and so we do take donations. And so
35:54 we would love to get donations some of your viewers as they are
36:01 able to. But it is our membership, our members of the
36:05 Seventh-day Adventist Church that enable us to do all the
36:08 positive things that we're able to do out in the community.
36:11 Absolutely. How has being in your role and being a part of
36:15 Adventist Community Services, how has that strengthened your
36:18 faith?
36:20 Oh my goodness. It has reinforced my thought that if
36:30 you are connected this way everything else will take care
36:37 of itself. And I have always believed that, but in this role
36:44 I'm actually able to see it in action. You know. I've seen some
36:48 really horrific things that have taken place down through the
36:52 years and the fact that ACS is able to come in and be a
37:00 resource to individuals that are struggling, all individuals that
37:05 are struggling really does reinforce my thought that God is
37:10 ultimately in control even when things seem out of control. He
37:16 is able to be that steadying force regardless of what you're
37:20 going through.
37:21 And it's beautiful because I look at ACS and I see a light
37:25 in a dark room, you know. There's a light in a time of
37:28 darkness. So many people are going through this despair and
37:32 you know after a disaster like a tornado, or a hurricane or
37:35 something like that where you don't even know how you're going
37:39 to rebuild, to see a group of people out there that are
37:44 suffering alongside of the other people providing and
37:49 meeting those needs. I mean that's powerful as you mentioned
37:52 earlier.
37:53 It really is powerful, it really is. And you know being involved
37:58 in this work there are times when people will approach me and
38:03 say you know does that ever get you down? You know seeing so
38:07 much devastation, seeing so many people struggle through
38:12 various challenges in the community. And I say to them
38:15 No, it doesn't get me down because I know there's an answer
38:20 to all of that. You know and if we look at him he's going to see
38:25 to it that we get through. And don't get me wrong. I don't want
38:28 it to appear as if I don't ever have questions, you know,
38:34 because there are times when I have questions but ultimately
38:37 I know where to look for the answers. He's always got them
38:39 for me.
38:41 Amen. What would you say are some of the greatest challenges
38:45 that ACS faces?
38:47 Chuckles. This may strike you as strange but one of the
38:53 challenges we have is getting the word out there that we, the
39:02 Seventh-day Adventist churches are involved in the community. And
39:07 the reason I say that may strike you as strange, we've got people
39:11 that are out there doing the work but we have a problem
39:18 telling that story sometimes. I struggle with my folk, my ACS
39:25 folks, sometimes and I tell them Hey make sure that you post that
39:31 you did such and such. And they say, they look at me as if I
39:35 don't have time for that. You know, we're spending time on the
39:39 real work. And I say well I get that but we've got to spend a
39:45 period of time on getting the word out there because it might
39:49 encourage someone else to get involved, the fact that we're
39:53 doing some of these incredible things that we're doing. We've
39:56 got to share that story. And many times I get comments like
40:03 how come the Seventh-day Adventist church isn't out there
40:05 like the Red Cross or some of the other help organizations
40:08 that you generally hear about. Well we don't spend a lot of
40:12 money publicizing what we are doing and I'm not knocking some
40:18 of the others who may spend you know a great deal in getting the
40:24 word out there. We don't do that and that's something we've
40:27 got to do a better job of. I'm not saying we have to pay to get
40:31 it out there but we've got to do a better job of being more
40:35 intentional on letting people know some of the good that we
40:38 are doing out there (inaudible).
40:41 Absolutely. Well I can say that I'm happy you're here on Three
40:44 Angels Broadcasting Network getting the word out. We're
40:47 going to get the word out by God's grace. And it's exciting
40:51 to see the things that are taking place with ACS. What is a
40:57 typical day...now this is a crazy question because I'm sure
41:01 that you don't have a typical day but what does a typical day
41:05 in your life and in your role look like?
41:06 You know you say typical. That's an interesting question. It
41:14 really does adjust based on what's taking place. What I mean
41:19 by that is first of all I laid out for you what the North
41:22 American Division is, the sheer expanse of the North American
41:27 Division which means there is always something going on. Just
41:34 this morning as an example I got a call from our friends with
41:40 FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency and they
41:43 reached out to me because they are interested in us sending
41:48 some teams over to Guam because they know we have forces over in
41:53 Guam, we have some resources over in Guam and we have
41:57 supported them previously over in Micronesia and so they wanted
42:02 to know if we could again send some teams over there to help in
42:09 a rebuild program that's going to be taking place over in Guam.
42:12 And so before that, I had not planned on doing some work on
42:19 that particular thing but based on the call, I reached out to
42:25 some of our team members who have assisted us previously at
42:28 a rebuild and they are now standing up a team that's going
42:32 be ready to go probably within the next month and will be
42:35 headed back over to Guam to support the good people that are
42:40 over there. That may not be typical but that's what took
42:44 place you know within the last 24 hours which kind of adjusted
42:50 what we were doing. And so each day things come up and you try
42:56 to deal with them, you try to prioritize what's going to be
43:01 going to need to be dealt with. And that's what I find myself
43:06 doing each and every day is trying to support the entirety
43:12 of the North American Division which sometimes can be
43:16 challenges. Then you of course got the basic meetings that
43:19 go on each and every day that you try to deal with as well.
43:22 And so we every day try to start the day by starting with the
43:30 most important thing as we view it and you go down that list
43:34 You never come to the end of the list because it keeps getting
43:39 added to, but we do the best we can try to address some of
43:47 the needs that are in various communities all over the
43:50 Division.
43:52 Absolutely. What about, you know as we talk about communities,
43:55 what about the prison community, incarcerated community?
43:59 Hmm. Well I can tell you that is you know the Seventh-day
44:05 Adventist church has a ministry a prison ministry that is a part
44:10 of the church. And we were thinking, amongst ourselves, the
44:16 Adventist Community Services that that had been an area that
44:19 we had not done a lot about. We hadn't done a lot about. And the
44:24 reason it makes sense for us to get involved with a prison
44:27 ministry is because once those people finish doing their time
44:33 in prison, they're going to be coming out to the community.
44:36 Which means there is a role that we should be playing with them
44:42 while they are in there. And so we have over the last month or
44:48 so been meeting with our Prison Ministry Department and we're
44:55 going to try to figure out how can we collaborate together with
45:00 our prison ministry. As a matter of fact just this morning I had
45:04 a meeting with our prison ministry department and we
45:09 talked with them about collaborating together and so
45:14 we're going to be doing that over the next little bit and
45:17 connecting up my Adventist Community Services team with
45:20 our prison ministry leadership and figuring out how can we be
45:26 a better resource, because we have not done a good job as it
45:30 relates to that heretofore. But that is going to change. I had a
45:35 conversation with my vice President, Calvin Watkins, just
45:39 recently and he said we are going to make these changes and
45:44 so it's in place, discussions are in place and my hope is a
45:49 month maybe two from now we will have some real live programs
45:54 that we are working on with prison ministry.
45:57 Absolutely. They either come out and have crime or Christ.
46:00 That's beautiful. (We prefer the latter) Exactly. We want to
46:05 mirror Christ and we want that transition to be as smooth as
46:09 possible. If someone wants to get involved. I know they can
46:14 do it in their local communities but how do they get involved
46:17 locally and then how do they get involved outside of their local
46:21 community?
46:23 Well let me tell you how you do it because the answer is the
46:26 same. The way you get involved is do so locally and once you
46:31 get involved locally, that connects you with the system,
46:36 the Adventist Community Services system. Every local church is in
46:41 some conference every conference is in some union, every union is
46:46 in the North American Division. And so based on that I met with
46:50 my conferences every single month, every single month and
46:55 so if you're a local church there is an ACS director that
47:01 you can work with directly. That gets you engaged in and
47:04 involved with overall Adventist Community Services so it comes
47:09 through the local church. So that's the challenge that I give
47:11 to anyone that says they want to get involved. Do so from your
47:15 local church. This is an official ministry of the Seventh
47:18 day Adventist church and as such you're a part of that. So get
47:23 engaged and involved with your local church that connects you
47:25 with the system and now you're a part of us which means you
47:30 have access to resources. Take a look at our website
47:36 AdventistCommunityServices.org That will connect you with us
47:40 and enable you to be involved in the activity that takes place.
47:43 Give us that website one more time.
47:44 AdventistCommunityServices.org (repeats)
47:50 Okay absolutely. So they can get involved that way. Now explain
47:55 to me the difference between ADRA and ACS.
47:58 All right, yes! I'm glad you went there because I can't tell
48:03 you how many times people come up to me and say oh you're with
48:07 ADRA. And let me be clear. We love our brothers and sisters
48:12 with ADRA. They're a fabulous organization but understand this
48:15 about the Seventh-day Adventist church. The Seventh-day
48:17 Adventist church has two humanitarian organizations. One
48:23 of them is ADRA the other is Adventist Community Services.
48:28 Now within the North American Division is the responsibility
48:33 of Adventist Community Services to serve the community. ADRA
48:40 works outside of the North American Divisions so when there
48:46 are events that take place in a place like Haiti that's going to
48:50 be at the responsibility of our friends at ADRA. If something
48:54 happens within the North American Division that going to
48:59 fall on Adventist Community Services. Now let me be clear.
49:01 If our resources are maxed out like let's say for instance
49:05 something like a hurricane Katrina takes place. That's
49:10 going to take all of the resources that we have and so
49:12 when that happens we reach out to our friends with ADRA and say
49:17 Hey, can you assist us here? Conversely, if something takes
49:21 place that overwhelms their resources they're able to reach
49:25 out to us to assist them. And so we're in constant communication
49:29 I generally meet with them three or four times a year just to
49:34 make sure we're on the same page I sit on their board. I sit on
49:38 the board of ADRA. Their president sits on the Adventist
49:43 Community Services Board and so he's able to listen to what's
49:48 going on within Adventist Community Services. Conversely
49:50 we're able to keep up with what's happening with ADRA at
49:54 their board meetings. And so we're in close communication
49:58 but geographically we serve different areas.
50:02 Yes that's a beautiful thing to be able to work together like
50:05 that and to stay in the know and know what's going on with the
50:11 different organizations like that. What type of training does
50:15 one need to get involved with ACS?
50:17 Well we do have a training program. We don't just send
50:21 people out there. Generally speaking we have people
50:27 get training and we offer training all over the
50:30 North American Division.
50:31 Every conference has a training program
50:35 that they offer to individuals that want to get involved
50:39 in this work. I just got back from Michigan
50:44 Conference where we were able to give a five-day training
50:49 program to volunteers. We had about 40 volunteers that
50:54 came together and were with us every day for five straight days
50:58 getting training on how can they be of support to their
51:01 community so we offer that training all over.
51:05 If you are interested, reach out to your conference director
51:09 let them know you want to get some training and we'll
51:12 let you know where the closest training is that you can
51:14 take advantage of.
51:16 That's wonderful, what's the length of the training?
51:18 It varies, we do it based on what will the community bear?
51:23 Okay...We don't want to offer something that is going to be
51:26 too onerous on people so we base it on, what do they tell us
51:31 works for them. The training that I mentioned to you
51:34 in Michigan, they suggested they wanted the training for
51:38 five straight days and so that's how we did it.
51:41 I know that we got some people that want to get involved
51:43 and we're going to show you how you can get involved
51:45 and how you can reach out to Adventist Community Services
51:48 and then we'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.
51:52 If you would like more information about Adventist
51:56 Community Services you can write to them at:
52:14 you can call them at:
52:19 You'll find them online at:
52:24 or you can email them at:


Revised 2024-06-04