3ABN Today

What Is Adventist Community Services?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230050B

00:01 Wow, I can't believe our time is just about up. You know I
00:04 want to open up the floor for any final thought that you may
00:07 have.
00:08 Well I guess what I'd want to stress more than anything else
00:12 is that there are opportunities for individuals to serve in
00:17 their local communities. The best way to do that is through
00:22 your local church that connects you with Adventist Community
00:25 Services and gives you an opportunity to be a real
00:28 resource for the community where you are. And so please take
00:33 advantage of that. We have churches all over the North
00:37 American Division that is an official ministry of the Seventh
00:41 day Adventist church. Please get engaged and involved through
00:44 your local church.
00:46 Amen. How important is a life of service?
00:50 Well I think it's key. Christ asks us to serve our community
00:56 and Adventist Community Services gives you an opportunity to be
01:01 in alignment with what Christ asks of us.
01:03 Amen, amen. And it makes such a difference in the community. Any
01:08 time that you know somebody is dealing with something for them
01:13 to know that you care, that you're there and that you're
01:18 bearing their burdens with them is a powerful thing.
01:22 No question and Adventist Community Services is doing that
01:24 all over the North American Division every single day.
01:28 Yes, that's beautiful. Now I want to thank you so much for
01:30 coming on and sharing, giving us an update on what's going on
01:35 with Adventist Community Services. Thank you for
01:37 dedicating your life to a life of service. And we want to thank
01:41 you for tuning in. Make sure that you get involved in
01:45 ministry. Lead a life of service and build God's kingdom.
02:49 ♪ ♪


Revised 2024-06-04